Antioxidant Activity of Pink-Flesh Guava (Psidium Guajava L.) : Effect of Extraction Techniques and Solvents
Antioxidant Activity of Pink-Flesh Guava (Psidium Guajava L.) : Effect of Extraction Techniques and Solvents
Antioxidant Activity of Pink-Flesh Guava (Psidium Guajava L.) : Effect of Extraction Techniques and Solvents
Received: 24 November 2009 / Accepted: 23 March 2010 / Published online: 20 April 2010
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010
Abstract The effect of commonly used techniques and from pink-flesh guava fruit. High correlations between
solvents in the antioxidant activities of pink-flesh guava phenolic compositions and antioxidant activities of pink-
fruit were studied. The extraction techniques compared flesh guava extracts were observed. High levels of
were homogenization, shaking, sonication, magnetic stir- antioxidant activities were detected in pink-flesh guava,
ring, and maceration for 1, 2, and 3 days. The solvent indicating that the fruit may serve as an excellent dietary
systems used were methanol, ethanol, and acetone at three source of natural antioxidants.
different concentrations (50%, 70%, and 100%) and with
100% distilled water. The antioxidant activity of the fruit Keywords Pink-Flesh Guava . Antioxidant . Extraction
was evaluated using Folin–Ciocalteu index, ferric-reducing Technique . Extraction Solvent
antioxidant power assay, and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl
free radical-scavenging capacity. Ultrasonic and homogeni-
zation were the best techniques to extract the antioxidant Introduction
from guava fruit. Homogenization technique was found to
be the most convenient exhaustive and time-saving extrac- Consumption of foods containing phytochemicals with
tion technique. Results showed that the extracting solvent potential antioxidant properties can reduce the risk of
significantly (P<0.05) altered the antioxidant property human diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis, arthritis,
estimations of pink-flesh guava fruit. Pure solvents were diabetes, and other aging diseases (Temple 2000). Efforts
inefficient extraction media for antioxidant. Enhanced have been undertaken to isolate, characterize, and extract
extraction yields were obtained from solvent containing antioxidant from natural plant sources. Extraction is the
higher water concentrations and 50% acetone is a recom- initial step in the isolation of bioactive components from
mended solvent for extracting antioxidants compounds plant materials. The aim of an extraction process is to
obtain the maximum concentration of target compounds
K. H. Musa (*) : A. Abdullah and of the highest antioxidant activity of the extracts
Food Science Program, School of Chemical Sciences (Spigno et al. 2007). Extraction is influenced by the
and Food Technology, Faculty of Science and Technology,
chemical nature of the compounds, the extraction technique
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia employed, and the presence of interfering substances
e-mail: (Chirinos et al. 2007).
The solvent extraction has been widely used to extract
K. Jusoh
bioactive components from plants. Solvent extraction is a
School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty
of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, process designed to separate soluble antioxidant com-
43600 Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia pounds by diffusion from a solid matrix (plant tissue)
using a liquid matrix (solvent). It is noted that a solvent
V. Subramaniam
system for extraction is selected according to the purpose
Medicinal Plant Program, Biotechnology Division,
Forest Research Institute Malaysia, of extraction such as preparation or analysis, the nature
52109 Kepong, Selangor, Malaysia of interested components, the physicochemical properties
Food Anal. Methods (2011) 4:100–107 101
of the matrix, the availability of reagents and equipments, Samples Collection and Preparation
cost, and safety concerns (Yu et al. 2002). The commonly
used solvents for extracting antioxidant were methanol, Pink-fleshed guava fruits were collected from Setiawan in
ethanol, and acetone either singly or in combination with the state of Perak, North Malaysia. Samples were transfer in
aqueous (Lim et al. 2007; Thaipong et al. 2006; ice on the same date to the Food Analysis Laboratory,
Tachakittirungrod et al. 2007; Kahkonen et al. 1999; University Kebangsaan Malaysia. The estimated time of
Velioglu et al. 1998; Zielinski and Kozlowska 2000). The transportation was about 4 h. For the purposes of this study
polarities of the different organic solvent greatly influence approximately 20 fruits pooled sample portion (taken from
the selection of a specific solvent for the extraction of a 60 sample lot) were stored in freezer below −25°C until
a specific group of bioactive compounds. analysis.
Extraction of antioxidant is influence by the extraction
technique employed (Chirinos et al. 2007). Various Extraction of Antioxidants
techniques have been applied to extract antioxidants from
plant materials and other foodstuffs. The techniques Guava fruits were crushed (while still frozen) in a food
commonly used were shaking (Jimenez-Escrig et al. processor to produce uniform slurry. The extraction
2001; Lapornik et al. 2005; Xu and Chang 2007), procedure was conducted with (0.5 g) samples and
homogenization at high speed (Arnao et al. 2001; Naczk 10 mL extracting solvent using one of the following
et al. 1992), ultrasonic (Palma and Taylor 1999), macer- techniques:
ation (Ahn et al. 2002; Contini et al. 2008), stirring
1. Homogenization for 1 min under high speed (24,000 rpm)
(Alothman et al. 2009), and microwave-assisted extraction
using high-performance disperser (T 25 digital ULTRA-
(Hemwimon et al. 2007). The selections of particular
TURRAX®, IKA, Germany)
extraction technique depend on the simplicity of the extraction
2. Shaking for 1 h (300 rpm) using shaker (Intertech,
technique and its convenience.
Guava (Psidium guajava L.) belongs to the Myrtaceae
3. Ultrasonic extraction for 1 h at ultrasonic bath (Soniclean,
family and is widespread throughout the tropical and
Thebarton, Australia)
subtropical areas. Guava is rich in antioxidants com-
4. Mixing with magnetic stirrer for 1 h (1,000 rpm) using
pounds and contains a high level of ascorbic acid ranging
magnetic stirrer (Heidolph, MR3001, K, Germany)
from 174.2 to 396.7 mg/100 g fresh fruit (Thaipong et al.
5. Maceration of the sample in the extraction solvent for
2006). Myricetin and apigenin were reported to be 549.5
1, 2, or 3 days
and 579.0 mg/kg dry weight, respectively (Koo and
Mohamed 2001). The objectives of this research were to All extracted samples were centrifuged using tabletop
investigate the effect of different extraction solvents and centrifuge (Kubota, Japan) for 10 min at 2,580×g. The
techniques on the antioxidant activity of pink-flesh guava supernatants were collected for further analysis.
fruit using the following assays Folin–Ciocalteu index In the second part of this work, the effect of different
(FCI), 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical- types of solvent was studied using the best technique
scavenging assay, and ferric-reducing antioxidant power selected in the first part. Solvents systems used were
(FRAP). Each of the above assays measures different absolute methanol, ethanol, acetone, and their aqueous
aspects of the antioxidant activity of the fruit extracts. solutions at 50%, 70%, and 100% concentrations. All tests
were performed at room temperature.
gallic acid equivalents per 100 g of fresh sample (mg GAE/ Statistical Analysis
100 g of FW).
Data collected were analyzed statistically using MINITAB®
Determination of Ferric Reducing/Antioxidant Power (14.20) software. Correlation analyses was performed using
Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r).
The antioxidant capacity of each sample was estimated
according to adapted procedure of Benzie and Strain (1996)
with some modifications. FRAP reagent was prepared as Results and Discussion
using 300 mM acetate buffer, pH 3.6 [3.1 g sodium acetate
trihydrate, plus 16-mL glacial acetic acid made up to 1 l Effect of Extraction Techniques on the Antioxidant Activity
with distilled water]; 10 mM TPTZ (2,4,6-tri(2-pyridyl)-s- of Pink-Flesh Guava
triazine), in 40 mM HCl; and 20 mM FeCl3 6H2O in the
ratio of 10:1:1 to give the working reagent. FRAP reagent, Results of antioxidant activity using different extraction
3,900 µL, prepared freshly and warmed at 37°C, was mixed techniques are shown in Table 1. The results showed that
with 100 µL test sample, standards, or extraction solvent as FCI, DPPH, and FRAP varies with the extraction techni-
reagent blank. After 30 min the absorbance was measured ques. The average efficiency of the extraction techniques
at 595 nm wavelength. The result was expressed as for FCI and DPPH values in pink-flesh guava fruit showed
milligrams of Trolox equivalents per 100 g of fresh sample that both ultrasonic and homogenization were significantly
(mg TE/g of FW). higher (P<0.05) than other techniques. For FRAP values,
ultrasonic was significantly higher (P<0.05) than other
Determination of Radical-Scavenging Activity techniques including homogenization. Maceration for 24 h
showed significantly (P<0.05) lower values for FCI,
The decrease of the absorption at 516 nm wavelength DPPH, and FRAP assay.
of the DPPH solution after addition of the blank or When comparing the time needed to achieved the
sample extract was measured in a cuvette. An aliquot extraction, ultrasonic takes longer time (1 h) while
(3,900 μL) of methanolic DPPH solution (24 mg/L) homogenization needs about 1 min to get the same activity
was mixed with 100 μL of a sample solution (50 mg/mL). for the extract. Extraction with magnetic stirrer technique
The absorption was monitored at the start and at 30 min. (1,000 rpm for 1 h), in which extraction was enhanced
The percentage of DPPH scavenging activity was by stirring effect, or shaking (300 rpm for 1 h) resulted
calculated using the following equation: Radical in significantly (P<0.05) high antioxidant activity com-
scavenging activity ¼ ½Abs 516 nm ðt ¼ 0Þ Abs516 nm pared to maceration for 24 or 48 h but lower than
ðt ¼ t 0 Þ 100=Abs 516 nm ðt ¼ 0Þ. maceration for 72 h. Even though, stirrer and shaker were
Table 1 Effect of extraction methods on the antioxidants activities from pink-flesh guava fruits determined by Folin–Ciocalteu index (FCI)a,
DPPH radical-scavenging activityb, and ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP)c
Results showed mean ± SD. Values in each row marked by the same letter are not significantly different at P<0.05
Milligrams of gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per 100 g of fresh weight (FW)
% compare to DPPH without added samples
Milligrams of Trolox equivalent (TE) per gram fresh weight (FW)
Relative standard deviation
Food Anal. Methods (2011) 4:100–107 103
Table 3 Effect of different extraction solvents on the antioxidants activities from pink-flesh guava fruits determined by Folin–Ciocalteu index
(FCI)a, DPPH radical-scavenging activityb, and ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP)c
Values in each column marked by the same letter are not significantly different at P<0.05. Results showed mean ± SD
Milligrams of gallic acid equivalent (GAE) per 100 g of fresh weight (FW)
% compare to DPPH without added samples
Milligrams of Trolox equivalent (TE) per gram of fresh weight (FW)
Relative standards deviation
FCI (2.32%) and DPPH (0.07%) assays compared to were high. Generally, the correlation between FCI and
homogenization at 18,000 rpm. FRAP were higher when compared to the correlation
between FRAP and DPPH or FCI and DPPH. In
Correlations and Repeatability for Antioxidant Assays maceration (48 h), the correlation between FCI and FRAP
of Extraction Techniques or DPPH were the highest (1.000). Using magnetic stirrer
or maceration (24 h) showed the lowest correlation (0.864)
The repeatability of the each extraction techniques was between FCI and FRAP while homogenization showed the
performed by calculating the relative standards deviations lowest correlation (0.692) between FCI and DPPH.
(RSD %). All extraction techniques showed good repeatabil- Homogenization also showed the highest correlation
ity since all RSD % were lower than 10% for all assays. The (1.000) between DPPH and FRAP. Shaking extract
relative standard deviations for FCI were between 1.31% for showed the lowest correlation (0.744) between FRAP
maceration (24 h) and 5.65% for magnetic stirring. As for and DPPH. Data in the literature about the relation
DPPH the relative standard deviations were between 0.22% between concentration of phenolic compounds and anti-
for maceration (72 h) and 2.92% for maceration (48 h), while oxidant activity are contradictory. Some authors observed
for FRAP, the relative standard deviations were between high correlations (Kahkonen et al. 1999; Luximon-Ramma
0.89%for maceration (48 h) and 7.89% for magnetic stirring. et al. 2003; Thaipong et al. 2006; Tachakittirungrod et al.
The correlations (Table 2) between polyphenols (FCI) 2007) while others showed no or weak direct correlation
and values for antioxidant activity (DPPH and FRAP) (Akowuah et al. 2005).
Polarity index 5.1 6.27 7.05 5.2 6.34 7.1 5.1 6.27 7.05 10
Table 5 Pearson’s correlation coefficients of antioxidant activities of pink-flesh guava. However, with 50% ethanol the FCI
various extraction solvents
and FRAP values were significantly (P<0.05) lower
Correlation coefficient (r) FRAPb DPPHc than both 50% and 70% acetone, unlike DPPH value
where the three solvents showed no significant differences
Acetone 50% (P<0.05).
FCIa 0.976 0.959 Comparing antioxidant activities from this study and
FRAP 0.888 other published data is difficult due to the fact that the
Acetone 70% content of antioxidant compounds can be influenced by
FCI 0.895 0.725 extracting solvent, variety, source of the materials (geo-
FRAP 0.942 graphical location). Lim et al. (2007) used 50% ethanol
Acetone 100% for the extraction of Malaysian seeded and seedless white
FCI 0.995 0.898 guava fruits. Thaipong et al (2006) extracted antioxidant
FRAP 0.905 from Thai pink guava fruits with methanol. Luximon-
Ethanol 50% Ramma et al (2003), Jimenez-Escrig et al. (2001), and
FCI 0.959 0.976 Vasco et al. (2008) extracted antioxidant from Spanish and
FRAP 0.876 Mauritius guava fruits using two solvents system consist
Ethanol 70% of acetone and methanol. Tachakittirungrod et al. (2007)
FCI 0.856 0.906 extracted antioxidants with 95% ethanol from Thai guava
FRAP 0.589 fruit, stem, and leaf. Alothman et al. (2009) compared
Ethanol 100% different solvents for the extraction of antioxidant from
FCI 0.828 0.961 Thai seedless guava fruit. They reported that 90%
FRAP 0.856 acetone extracts showed higher antioxidant activity than
Methanol 50% other solvents and water showed the lowest activity. As
FCI 0.929 0.981 can be seen from these results, the efficiency of solvents
FRAP 0.950 to extract the antioxidant compounds differ among
Methanol 70% different fruits and among different varieties of the same
FCI 0.977 0.946 fruit. It is very hard to develop a standards extraction
FRAP 0.878 solvent suitable for the extraction of all plant antioxidant
Methanol 100% compounds.
FCI 0.844 0.939
FRAP 0.760 Effect of Solvent Polarity on the Antioxidant Activity
WATER of Pink-Flesh Guava
FCI 0.995 0.787
FRAP 0.729
Variations in the value of antioxidant activities of
different extracts might attribute to the change in relative
Folin–Ciocalteu index
DPPH radical-scavenging activity
Ferric-reducing antioxidant power
polarity of different solvents used. As found in this chosen solvent for antioxidant extraction (50% acetone)
investigation, in a mixture with no aqueous content, the showed high correlation between the antioxidant assays
extraction efficiency was low and unfavorable. It is clear compared to the second choice (70% acetone).
that the addition of some amount of water enhances the
extraction efficiency. The values for polarity index of a Effect of Repeated Extraction on the Antioxidant Activity
mixture of two solvents, Pm, were calculated from Eq. 1 of Pink
(Hemwimon et al. 2007).
Fresh pink guava samples were extracted two times to
Pm ¼ ;1 P1 þ ;2 P2 ð1Þ determine the effect of repeated extraction of 50% and 70%
acetone on the antioxidant activity. The results showed that
where Ø1 and Ø2 are the volume fractions of solvents 1, first extraction results in significantly higher (P<0.05)
and solvent 2, respectively, and P1 and P2 are polarity recovery than the second extraction (Fig. 2). Repeated
indices of solvent 1 and solvent 2, respectively. extraction allowed for additional recovery but the time,
Table 4 showed the polarities of the solvent used in this cost, and potential error introduced while performing a
study. As can be seen from the table, the increased in the second extraction would not be justified. Second extraction
ratio of water increases the polarity index of the mixture. required more chemicals that may contribute negatively
Each solvent seemed to have distinct specificities in the towards the environment. Furthermore, the potential error
extraction of antioxidants. This fact is in accordance with introduced while performing a second extraction would not
polarity of the solvent used for the extraction and its be justified. Therefore, it was unnecessary to use a second
solubility and content of antioxidants in the fruit (Turkmen extraction to improve recovery.
et al. 2006). Thus, there appears to be an optimal solvent
composition for extraction using homogenization. From the
results showed in Table 3 along with Table 4, it may be Conclusion
suggested that a certain degree of increase in the solvent
polarity (up to 50% water) could enhance the solubility of This study indicated that the extracts obtained from pink-flesh
antioxidant compounds in the mixture. guava fruits have remarkable antioxidant activities, the extent
of which depends on the extraction technique and solvent.
Correlations and Repeatability for Antioxidant Assays Homogenization technique is a simple procedure (one-step
of Extraction Solvents extraction) which gives high antioxidant activities while
requiring the shortest extraction time (less than 3 min) when
All solvents for all antioxidant assays used in this study compared with the other extraction techniques. Antioxidant
showed good repeatability as relative standards deviation extraction depends on the solubility of antioxidant com-
(RSD %) whereby the lower RSD% the better the repeat- pounds of plant material in the extraction solvent. Acetone
ability. However, the organic aqueous solvents mixture was the best solvent compared to methanol, ethanol, or water.
showed the better repeatability compared to pure organic The addition of water to organic solvent increased the
solvents or water. The relative standard deviations for FCI effectiveness of the extraction. The 50% aqueous acetone
were between 2.29% for 100% ethanol and 8.78% for 100% was used in this study for best recovery of antioxidant
acetone. As for DPPH the relative standard deviations were compounds. This aqueous organic mixing allows more scope
between 0.22% for 70% acetone and 2.92% for water. The in the choice of solvent to be used in an extraction process
relative standards deviation for FRAP were between possibly leading to an economic process and improved
1.01% for 50% acetone and 6.89% for 100% acetone. environmental, health, and safety considerations.
The results of FCI, DPPH, and FRAP assays used in the
present investigation were compared and correlated with each Acknowledgment This research was supported by National University
of Malaysia under project nos. STGL 004-2006 and FRGS-ST-01-2006.
other (Table 5). The higher the DPPH and FRAP values the
The authors thank Ms. Zaidah Abu Bakar and Mr. Johar Puteh for
higher the FCI. It is logical that antioxidant activities were technical advice during sample collection.
related to the active component in the extract. For FCI and
FRAP the highest correlation (0.995) was observed in 100%
acetone and water, while 100% methanol showed the lowest References
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