Riga, 2008
No Section Page
Introduction 4
1. The aims and tasks of the syllabus 4
1.1. The aim of the syllabus 4
1.2. The tasks of the syllabus 5
2. Organisation and development of the syllabus 5
2.1. Alterations in the syllabus during the accounting period with a 5
2.2. Alterations in the practical implementation of the syllabus 6
3. The syllabus of higher education, its parts: compulsory, of compulsory 8
choice, of free choice
4. The evaluation system 10
5. Practical implementation of the syllabus – methods and forms 10
5.1 Methods and forms of studies 10
5.2. Organisation of practices 11
6. Perspective assessment of the syllabus considering the common strategy of 12
Latvia and the EU
6.1. Conformity of the syllabus with the standard of national academic 12
and professional education
6.2. Employers’ inquiries about the employment of the graduates 13
7. The students 13
7.1. The number of students in the syllabus 13
7.2. The number of students matriculated in the first year of studies 13
7.3. The number of graduates 13
7.4. The students’ inquiries and their analysis 15
7.5. The graduates’ inquiries and their analysis 15
7.6. The students’ participation in the improvement of the process of 16
8. Evaluation of the syllabus by the academic staff 16
8.1. Evaluation of the syllabus by the academic staff and their number 16
8.1.1 Evaluation by the academic staff of the Department of Heat and 17
Power Engineering Systems and the number of the staff
8.2. Adequacy of the qualifications of the staff to the aims of the syllabus 18
8.3. The policy of selection, renewal, training and development of the 23
8.4. Qualifications and competence of the academic staff 23
9. The sources of financing and provision of the infrastructure 23
10. External contacts 24
10.1. Cooperation with the employers 24
10.2. Cooperation with Latvian and foreign higher schools 24
10.3. Comparison of the syllabus with the syllabi of the higher schools in 24
other countries
11. Action in case the syllabus is abolished 26
12. The development plan of the higher education programme 26
13. Self-evaluation – SWOT analysis 26
14. Appendixes 28
14. Appendixes
1. Bachelor’s Professional study programme 29
2. Calendar plan of study programme implementing 31
3. Annotation of programme subjects 33
4. Diploma supplement, Diploma 40
5. Professional standard 44
6. List of students in programme 52
7. Academic staff, degree, position, presented subjects 54
8. Lecturers’ CV 57
9. RTU Liepaja Branch Report and Accreditation Document (bind
10. RTU Daugavpils Branch Report and Accreditation Documents (bind
The syllabus of bachelor’s professional studies “Heat Power and Thermal Engineering”
was adopted at the meeting of the RTU Senate on January 25, 1999 and with the decision No.
1041 (Professional Syllabus) of the Accreditation Commission of the Ministry of Education and
Science, Republic of Latvia, on June 21, 2006, and it was accredited for 2 years (till December
31, 2008).
The training is organised in compliance with the Standard of the profession
(Appendix 5). The graduates of the syllabus obtain the qualification of an engineer and a
bachelor’s professional degree in heat power and thermal engineering.
The structural unit implementing the syllabus is the Department of Heat and Power
Engineering Systems (formed on the basis of the professor’s team of Thermal Engineering
Systems in February, 2008; Decision of the RTU Senate on December 19, 2007, Protocol of the
meeting of the Senate No 517).
The Department of Heat and Power Engineering Systems (RES) of the Faculty of
Transport and Mechanical Engineering (FTM) is practically the only structural unit within the
RTU which implements a syllabus of such specialisation. The Department is situated at 6
Ezermalas Street, Riga.
Other RTU structural units also participate in the implementation of the syllabus:
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (FCSIT), Faculty of Engineering
Economics (FEE), Faculty of Building (FB), Faculty of Material Science and Applied
Chemistry (FMSAC), Faculty of Power and Electrical Engineering (FPEE), Humanitarian
Institute (HI), Institute of Languages (IL), as well as the structural units of the Faculty of
Transport and Mechanical Engineering (FTM): Institute of Mechanics (IM), Institute of
Machine Building Technology (IMBT), Institute of Production Quality (IPQ), Research
Laboratory of Heat and Burning Processes (RLHBP).
The principal aim of the bachelor’s professional studies “Heat Power and Thermal
Engineering” is to ensure acquisition of the fundamental and theoretical basis of the branch, as
well as special professional knowledge and skills by the specialists who have obtained second-
level higher education. The graduates of the syllabus must be competitive in the today’s labour
market which is developing in Latvia and orienting its national economy towards the highest
level of the development of the present economics – the international or global system of
economy. Its characteristic features are dictated by the market, primary processing at the sites
of energy production and the sources of raw materials or the places where they are supplied,
creation and connection of joint regional and global transmission lines, economic management
in special economic zones, formation of the regional and global markets, implementation of
joint economic management, safety and environment-friendly systems in every sphere of
economy, orientation towards the formation of a highly educated, knowledgeable and
proficient, constantly developing society.
As a result of bachelor’s professional studies the students obtain a bachelor’s
professional degree and the qualification of an engineer in heat power and thermal engineering.
1.2. The tasks of the syllabus
In order to carry out the advanced aim, the principal tasks of the syllabus for training
high-class specialists in the spheres of heat power and thermal engineering are:
- To consider the wish of the population of Latvia to acquire such an education in the
field of engineering sciences which would meet the European and global
- To embrace the main fields of activity in the process of studies, including: the
traditional and other types of training, the research work, high-quality field practice.
- To apply in the process of studies the common methods of teaching (lectures,
practical and laboratory works, seminars, etc.), as well as modernised methods (the
modern information equipment and technologies, the situation analysis, the work in
a group in the computing room, e-studies and distant learning, etc.).
- To apply the modern quality management methods of studies paying great attention
to the exposition of innovative ideas (training, studying, knowledge, experience,
science, technical equipment, technology, production).
- To offer the students a possibility to choose their studies to be financed from the
state budget or (in the case of great competition) from one’s own finances.
- To prepare specialists in the fields of engineering sciences which are very necessary
for society, starting from the habits of practical work to the scientific and theoretical
- In order to satisfy the main interest groups (society, students, teaching staff, the
customers, etc.), to pay great attention to the quality management of studies, the
work of the RTU information and propaganda (at secondary educational
establishments, as well as in the spheres of designing, production, processing,
service, etc.).
- To satisfy the growing demand for specialists in the fields of power engineering,
production, energy transmission, distribution and use, to ensure the alternation of
generations of the respective specialists.
2.1. Alterations in the syllabus during the accounting period 2007/08 with a
Several alterations have been prepared during the accounting period and made in 2008
in the accredited bachelor’s professional syllabus “Heat Power and Thermal Engineering” with
an aim to optimise the learning process. Five subjects have been excluded from the syllabus,
three projects of studies and one new subject introduced. The number of CP has been increased
for two subjects and two sections. Alterations were introduced on the basis of the decision made
at the meeting of the RTU Senate on October 29, 2007, Protocol No 517.
The more essential alterations in the syllabus since the previous accreditation are:
a/ Subject Fluid mechanics – 2 CP was crossed out from Section A.2 of the compulsory
subjects of studies, subjects Computer science (special course) – 2 CP; Foundations of
computer graphics – 2 CP; Electro-pneumo- and hydroautomation – 3 CP; Designing
methodology and equipment – 3 CP from Section A.3.
b/ Subject Resistance of materials was transferred from Section A.3. to Section A.2;
c/ Section A.3.was supplemented with the subjects of studies: Maintenance of dangerous
equipment – 2 CP;
Hydro and gas dynamics (a project of studies) – 2 CP; Fuel technology and boiler equipment (a
project of studies) – 3 CP; Thermotechnical measurements and foundations of automation (a
project of studies) – 2 CP;
d/ The volumes of CP were changed for the subjects in Section A.3: Hydro and gas dynamics –
from 3 CP to 4 CP; Thermotechnical measurements and foundations of automation – from 2 CP
to 4 CP; Software for thermotechnical calculations – from 3 CP to 2 CP;
e/ The volumes were changed for the sections of compulsory subjects of studies: Section A.2. –
from 36 CP to 37 CP;
Section A.3. – from 46 CP to 45 CP.
Alterations were prepared and introduced by the suggestions and recommendations of
employers, students, teachers taking into account the binding documents of the Ministry of
Education and Science, the RTU Senate and Council of the Faculty of Transport and
Mechanical Engineering.
The structural unit implementing the syllabus is the Department of Heat and Power
Engineering Systems which is situated at 6 Ezermalas Street, Riga with an area of 633 m2
designed for training of the students. Besides the common lecture rooms, the area comprise
specialised lecture rooms, training and research laboratories. Nowadays the department is in
search of financing to refurbish and to rebuilt premises on the 5th floor with common area of
150 m2 which were not in use since the faculty has moved into the building in Ezermalas street
6.The Department of Heat and Power Engineering Systems has in its possession laboratory
equipment, computer technology, codoscopes, copiers, videoprojectors and other equipment for
the organisation of a qualitative process of studies. A description of some equipment and
technical teaching aids is given in Appendix 6.
The principal alterations in the implementation of the material and technical basis of the
1. A new lecture room has been opened and equipped (6 Ezermalas Street, Room 202, 52
m2) having Internet connection sites at least for 16 computers. During the accounting
period repairs were made by one’s own efforts at 6 Ezermalas Street, in Room 206 with
an area of 94 m2.
2. The basis of the hardware and software was updated and improved, finances were sought
and ordered, as a result of it at least 24 computerised work places with an Internet
connection were provided at the end of the academic year (including the computers of the
staff and free access for the students’ independent work).
3. An interactive board SAHARA 72 was purchased and installed with the MIMIO and
LYNX 3 software, which operates in the mode with an Internet connection and a
possibility to save the materials of lectures and practical work on the information carriers
of computers.
4. Technical literature was acquired in the English language for the main subjects of studies
of the syllabus (numerical calculus methods of heat exchange, energy efficiency,
thermotechnical measurements, foundations of automation, planning of experiments,
theory of burning, industrial furnaces, thermal insulating equipment, etc.) A list of the
educational and technical literature which is available in the Latvian, English and Russian
languages existing at the department and the leading libraries of Latvia is given in
paragraph 8.2.
5. 15 educational methodological aids and conspectuses of lectures were prepared within
the framework of the project financed by the ESF, which are accessible to the students
both in an electronic and printed form.
6. Two new pieces of equipment were acquired from the finances of the ESF and installed
for the educational and research work in the Laboratory of Thermodynamics and Heat
Exchange during the accounting period: 1) Stand H655 „Boiling Heat Transfer Unit” of
the company P.A.HILTON Ltd (GBR) to research the boiling and condensation processes
of liquids; 2) Stand H111 “Heat Transfer Service Unit” of the company P.A.HILTON
Ltd (GBR) to study the heat conduction processes in thermal insulation materials.
Instructions were prepared for the use of the stands in the Latvian and English languages.
Computer hardware to ensure the training process and
research work:
Computers, stationary, operating system Windows XP, Internet 20
Computers, mobile, operating system Windows XP 5
A printer / scanner / copier TOSHIBA E-STUDIO 1
Scanners 3
Printers 5
Copying equipment 3
A large size graphic printout equipment for automated designing 1
An interactive board SAHARA 72 (“Clever Products Ltd”, Great 1
Britain) with the software MIMIO, LYNX 3
Codoscopes 2
Videoprojectors 2
The syllabus (see Appendix 1) provides for the study of the fundamental sections of
mathematics, physics and chemistry, acquisition of the foundations of engineering graphics,
material science, branch-related theoretical and technical subjects – technical thermodynamics,
heat exchange, electrical engineering, electronics, theoretical mechanics, resistance of
materials, elements of machines, engineering technical measurements and experiments,
foundations of automation of thermoenergetic processes, flow mechanics, hydro and gas
dynamics, computer studies.
During their studies the students of the professional specialisation syllabus “Heat Power
and Thermal Engineering” master several groups of subjects:
- fuel technologies and boiler equipment,
- foundations of thermotechnical measurements and automatics,
- thermal insulating equipment,
- heat supply systems,
- thermal engines,
- refrigeration equipment,
- industrial furnaces,
- hazardous equipment maintenance
- humanitarian, social and economic subjects.
The contents and amount of the courses of lectures, practices, seminars according to the
syllabus, as well as the compulsory subjects and the subjects of compulsory and free choice are
shown in the syllabus. The syllabus, calendar plan (Appendix 1; 2) and annotations of the
subjects are given Appendix 3. It is envisaged to carry out the studies in lectures, practical
classes, laboratory works and training practices.
B. Subjects of compulsory choice 20 12.5
B1. Specialising subjects 14
B2. Humanitarian and social subjects 2
B3. Languages 4
C. Subjects of free choice 6 3.75
D. Practice 26 16.25
E. State examinations 12 7.5
Total: 160 CP 100%
The rated length of studies for the newly enrolled students with the first-level
professional higher education in heat power and thermal engineering acquired at Riga Technical
College according to this syllabus is 2.0 years, the amount of studies - 80 credit points and the
following subjects should be acquired during the studies:
1. Diploma project 12 KP
The amount of the contents to be included into testing corresponds to the contents of the
programmes of the courses and meets the demands for the skills and knowledge set by the
standard of professions (Appendix 5).
The basic forms of evaluation how the syllabus is acquired are an examination and a
credit test. The minimal amount of the course of studies in order to organise an examination is 3
credit points.
The level to which the syllabus is acquired by the student is determined using a 10-
grade scale generally adopted in the education system of Latvia, the minimal positive grade
being 4: a very high level of the acquired knowledge (10 - "with distinction", 9 - "excellent"); a
high level of the acquired knowledge (8 - "very good ", 7 - "good"); a medium level (6 -
"almost good ", 5 - "satisfactory", 4 - "almost satisfactory "); a low level of the acquired
knowledge (3 - "bad", 2 - "very bad ", 1 - "very very bad ").
In the credit test the acquisition of the syllabus is evaluated by a 2-part scale ("passed"
or "failed").
A practice is evaluated by the 10-grade scale, like an examination.
The student receives credit points for each acquired course of studies and practice if the
evaluation is “passed” or, in the 10-grade scale, it is not lower than 4 - "almost satisfactory".
When the syllabus is acquired completely, the student defends a bachelor’s diploma
project and obtains a bachelor’s professional degree and the qualification of an engineer (a
specimen of the diploma awarded and an excerpt of grades are given in Appendix 4).
practical application of the theoretical knowledge in order to consolidate and comprehend
deeper the subject of studies.
Practically all the higher school teachers attract students to the scientific work. For
example, in the accounting period 5 students (D. Gorlovičs, E. Šaicāns, D.Tišinovs, J.
Šahanjans, J.GudeĦs) were engaged only in project R7237 “Metodikas izstrāde gāzes plūsmas
pētīšanai ar eksperimentālām un skaitliskām metodēm / An Elaboration of Methodology for Gas
Flow Investigation by Experimental and Numerical Methods“ for the IZM-RTU.
In the spring of 2008, after a competition, financing was received for the IZM-RTU
project No R7334 “Gāzes degšanas procesu un temperatūras lauku pētīšana darba režīmos ar
lielām gaisa pārpilnības koeficienta vērtībām / Investigation of gas fuel combustion processes
and temperature distribution in the regimes with high values of ambient air consumption”, 6
students of the bachelor’s syllabus were enlisted for the execution of the project.
The bachelor’s work (with an engineering project). In agreement with the syllabi of
professional studies confirmed at the RTU and the state standard of the 2nd level higher
professional education, the students who have completed the syllabus should work out and
defend s bachelor’s work which, according to the syllabus, is evaluated with 12 credit points.
The work should be completed and drawn up in agreement with the RTU regulations
“Instruction for the design of the final work of studies.” The bachelor’s works are reviewed;
they are accepted and evaluated by the State Examination Commission established at the order
of the Rector of the RTU.
In compliance with the syllabi confirmed at the RTU the students of the bachelor’s
professional syllabus “Heat Power and Thermal Engineering” have practices in the amount of 26
CP. The full practice, according to the syllabus, is divided into: 18 credit points in the 7th
semester (half-year of studies) and 8 CP in the 8th semester.
The principles of the organisation of practices in the professional syllabi of the RTU are
fixed by Order No 61 of the RTU pro-rector for studies of May 24, 2002, according to which:
1) the organisation and control of the practice is effected by the practice leader from a
RTU structural unit. The practice leader is confirmed by the order of the leader of the
structural unit;
2) a bilateral contract is concluded at the place of the practice which reflects the
obligations and responsibility of the parties.
3) the practice is implemented according to practice syllabus, which is worked out by the
department following the recommendations of the syllabus commission of the branch;
4) the students are given a practice appointment and individual tasks.
5) At the end of the practice the future baccalaureates present and defend an account of the
practice. The account is accepted and assessed with a differentiated grade by the
commission appointed by the head of the department, about which a protocol is drawn
The students’ practices proceed in cooperation with the State Joint-Stock Company
“Latvenergo”, Joint-Stock Company “Rīgas Siltums”, Joint-Stock Company “Latvijas Gāze”,
the branches of Riga DHP: DHP – 1 and DHP - 2, SIA “Viessmann”, the Latvian National
Centre of Metrology, SIA”GREIN”. Contracts have been prepared with the Joint-Stock
Company “Liepājas Metalurgs”, SIA “Bek-konsult”, several heat supply enterprises of Latvian
towns and other organisations.
The Department of Heat and Power Engineering Systems (RES) keeps in touch with the
graduates of the previous years who, in the case of necessity, help find the sites of practice at
larger enterprises of Latvia. The students from the day department may undergo their practice
in the summer period, substituting the staff of the enterprise during their vacations, agreeing
with the management of the RES and including it into their individual plan of studies. If the
economic situation changes, the distribution of the practice may vary. The materials and
knowledge obtained during the practice are used in the bachelor’s works.
In 2008, during the accounting period, the RTU rector’s office organised an audit about
the students’ practices whose recommendations and remarks mentioned in the conclusion were
partly eliminated already in the spring session (the term – October 30, 2008).
The documentation about the cooperation with the site of the practice and the employers, as
well as the materials of the practice is situated in the office of the Department of Heat and
Power Engineering Systems at 6 Ezermalas Street, Riga.
The recommendations of the European Council mark the principal strategy of higher
education - transition to the new system of quality assurance and assessment, characterised by
the introduction of an efficient management system in higher schools, harmonisation and
diversification of syllabi, creation of independent competent certification/accreditation, and
deregulation of the higher school management.
The new approach means transition to an efficient, constantly improving management
system of higher education in which there is carefully elaborated and coordinated the
responsibilities and rights of the state institutions, professional and legal organisations, higher
school management, the academic staff and the students.
The bachelor’s professional syllabus “Heat Power and Thermal Engineering” is constantly
improved and perfected in correspondence with the recommendations and standards of Latvia and the
EU. It has been worked out in agreement with the state standard of professional higher education
(Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No 481 “Regulations on the standard of the 2nd level
professional higher education”, which came into force since November 28, 2001).
The syllabus “Heat Power and Thermal Engineering” can be regarded as a very
perspective one, because of the increasing prices and demand for energy sources. The inquiries
of various-level enterprises (big, medium and small) witness, that the demand for the specialists
of such a profile is growing from year to year, for example, after the inquiries of the department
Latvia needs up to 100 specialists in computer design.
The syllabus completely compiled regarding the standard of professional higher
education and the standard of the profession.
The Department of Heat and Power Engineering Systems has contracts on cooperation
or protocols of intent in relation to the syllabus “Heat Power and Thermal Engineering” with
several leading enterprises of the branch: the State Joint-Stock Company “Latvenergo”, Joint-
Stock Company “Rīgas Siltums”, SIA “Viessmann” and many other.
There is lasting and stable cooperation with some other production enterprises, scientific
research and educational establishments. Although the prognoses about the graduates’
employment for a longer period of time (6 years and more) are approximate, it is more than
clear that, due to the rapid rise in the prices of fuel and the need to raise the energy efficiency of
all the thermoenergetic systems, several hundred specialists in heat engineering will be
necessary in the nearest period of time.
As a positive trend, from the viewpoint of the students and graduates, should be
mentioned the fact that the specialists of the syllabus “Heat Power and Thermal Engineering” are
in increasing demand at the small and medium-size enterprises with a very limited number of
workers, not to mention the “big” energetic, industrial and construction enterprises. This is
connected, to a great extent, with the introduction of alternative and energy efficient
technologies in every sort of branches – production, service and domestic life. Most of the
surveyed employers support the aspirations of their workers to acquire higher education, they
are obliging and ensure a convenient schedule for training.
7. The students
7.1. The number of students in the syllabus
The total number of students on September 1, 2007 (the 1st to the 4th years of studies) –
53 students.
During the spring semester of the academic tear 2007/2008 the number of students with
the branches (the 1st to the 4th years of studies) – 57. A list of the students in the spring
semester of the academic year 2007/ 2008 is given in Appendix 6.
23 students were matriculated in the first year of studies in 2007 (23 places were paid
from the state budget). 25 places, paid from the state budget, are allocated for the enrolment
programme in 2008.
8 students were the graduates of the syllabus in the academic year 2006/2007.
Information about the themes of the diploma works, supervisors, reviewers and grades is
given in the table:
The graduates who obtained the bachelor’s degree and an engineer’s qualification in the
academic year 2006/2007 were:
Table 3
No Name, surname Title of the bachelor’s work Supervisor and Grade
1. “The heat supply solution of a Supervisor: 6
Raivis Busulis dwelling house by means of a heat V.Grivcovs
pump” Reviewer: D.Turlajs
2. “A calculation and a project of Supervisor: J.Nagla 8
the source of heat supply for a Reviewer: Reviewer:
living house”.
3. “The working conditions of the Supervisor: D.Rusovs 8
new energetic block at Riga DHP- Reviewer: D.Turlajs
4. “The efficiency evaluation of the Supervisor: 8
Nauris Poljans cogeneration heat power plant V.Grivcovs
SIA``Parventas siltums”.” Reviewer: D.Rusovs
5. “The heat supply of a living house Supervisor: J.Nagla 9
Ilgvars Reipolts
using a wood pellet boiler.” Reviewer: N.ZeltiĦš
6. “The heat supply of a living house Supervisor: J.Nagla 8
by means of a heat pump.” Reviewer:
7. “Calculation of the combined gas- Supervisor: D.Rusovs 9
Igors Šukalo steam cycle in the new block of Reviewer: D.Turlajs
Riga DHP-2.”
8. “Optimisation of the heat supply Supervisor: 8
Dmitrijs systems of the Jelgava district on V.Grivcovs
Vdovičenko the right bank of theLielupe Reviewer: N.ZeltiĦš
The graduates who obtained the bachelor’s degree and an engineer’s qualification in the
academic year 2007/2008 were:
Table 4
No Name, Title of the bachelor’s work Supervisor and Grade
surname reviewer
1. “Increasing energy efficiency for the heat Supervisor: N.ZeltiĦš 9
engineering block of the Institute of Reviewer: D.Turlajs.
Physical Energetics”.
2. Jānis “Enhancement of the efficiency of a Supervisor: D.Turlajs. 9
Pāvuls combined cycle energetic block.” Reviewer: J.Nagla.
3. “The impact of the variations in the Supervisor: Ā.Žīgurs 10
Aleksandrs temperature schedule of the heat supply Reviewer:
Soročins system upon the technical and S.Jaundālders.
economical indices.”
4. Josifs “Increasing energy efficiency for Block 4 Supervisor: N.ZeltiĦš 8
Šahanjancs of the Institute of Physical Energetics”. Reviewer:S.Jaundālders
5. “Reconstruction of a boiler house for Supervisor: 9
cogeneration using wood chips.” V.Nastasins
6. “An analysis of the possibilities to use a Supervisors: D.Turlajs 9
cogeneration power unit for the V.Grivcovs
production of technological steam.” Reviewer: J.Nagla.
The students’ inquiries are carried out periodically; they embrace practically all the
students of the syllabus. A example of the questionnaire (26 questions) and the summary of the
inquiry of the students acquiring the syllabus “Heat Power and Thermal Engineering”, made by
the RTU Department of Studies, was made. Together with the structural units the RTU
Students’ Parliament (SP), as well as the Information Technology Service, carry out the
inquiries of the students, too, suggesting corrections in the process of studies and the
improvement of the students’ living conditions.
The analysis of the inquiries allows finding and averting the weak points in the training
The main replies obtained during the students’ inquiry by the Department of Heat and
Power Engineering Systems in the spring semester of the academic year 2008 (12
questionnaires, 26 questions) are summed up in Table 5:
Table 5
No Question Yes Partly No
1. The process of studies is closely connected with the solution of 3 8 1
practical problems.
2. The students are oriented at the work under the conditions of market 3 7 2
3. It is allowed to express one’s point of view and make suggestions how 7 3 2
to improve the process of studies.
4. Are satisfied with the syllabus? 7 4 1
5. If there were a chance to change the educational establishments or 0 3 9
programmes, would you take the opportunity?
Individual discourses often take place with the students. The analysis of the results of
questionnaires shows that the quality of studies, on the whole, is evaluated as positive. There
are various suggestions and hints to shortcomings (information about the foreign contacts,
accessibility of the conspectus of lectures and text books, various items of social and everyday
character, etc.). Most of the respondents are satisfied with the choice of their speciality and
syllabus and give a negative reply to the question about changing specialities.
The questionnaire includes also a question about the relations between the students and
the lecturers. The students characterize them as businesslike.
The graduates’ inquiries are conducted in the form of individual discourse. All the
inquired graduates of the syllabus of the year 2008 confirmed their intention to submit
documents into the department of master’s studies in order to study the syllabus “Heat Power
and Thermal Engineering”, which testifies about a high evaluation of the bachelor’s
professional studies. In 2007 five (62.5%) of the eight graduates of the bachelor’s syllabus
started their master’s studies. In 2008 - all 6 students who completed bachelor/engineer studies
and one bachelor of environmental science went on to their master’s studies.
Constant contacts are maintained with the graduates of the previous years both in the
sphere of professional activities and in relation to further studies in the master’s department and
their potential attachment to the pedagogical and research work (the graduates of the year 2008
A.Soročins, A.Rubis, J.Šahanjancs, E.Vilcāns).
The students are actively attracted to take part in the improvement of the process of
studies (arrangement of the training laboratories and lecture-rooms, are received
recommendations for the acquisition of the latest technical means, scientific apparatus,
technical literature, software), as well as in the scientific research work (see Section 5.1).
Besides the participation in the projects financed by various funds and organisations (the
Latvian Council of Science, the Ministry of Education - Riga Technical University, etc.) the
students of the syllabus carry out the scientific research work also free of charge.
The results of the independent research are summarised and analysed at the RTU
students’ annual scientific conferences. At the RTU Students’ Scientific Society (SSS) 49.
16 reports were registered for the students’ scientific conference, section “Heat Power and
Thermal Engineering”.
The problem here arises that most senior students have comparatively well-paid jobs
outside the RTU, and in every case the students’ motivation for an active scientific research
work could be even bigger.
The students of the syllabus often express suggestions connected with the methods of
teaching the subjects and the timetable, as well as the priority themes within the framework of
the syllabus. These suggestions are analysed and often used. For instance, in February, 2008, at
the initiative of the first-year students of the syllabus, an extraordinary training excursion was
organized to the new cogeneration plant of Riga DHP-1. About 30 students took part in it; the
guide of the excursion was Mg. ing. A. BērziĦš, a graduate of the master’s studies according to
the syllabus “Heat Power and Thermal Engineering” in 2007, who works at the DHP-1.
The students of the programme take an active part also in the social and entertainment
events organized by the students’ self-government of the Faculty of Transport and Mechanical
Engineering and the RTU (the Mechs’ wars, the Mechs’ wheels, the Robotics competitions,
The structural unit which implements the syllabus is the RTU FTME Department of
Heat and Power Engineering Systems. A more detailed characteristic of the Department is
given in Section 8.1.1.
The other RTU structural units take part in the implementation of the syllabus by
teaching fundamental, general technical, humanitarian social and economic subjects: the
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (FCSIT), the Faculty of Engineering
Economics (FIE), the Faculty of Building (FB), Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry
(FMSAC), the Faculty of Power and Electrical Engineering (FPEE), the Humanitarian Institute
(HI), the Institute of Languages (IL), as well as the structural units of the Faculty of Transport
and Mechanical Engineering: the Institute of Mechanics (IM), the Institute of Machine Building
Technology (IMBT), the Institute of Production Quality (IPQ), Research Laboratory of Heat and
Burning Processes (RLHBP). On special issues visiting lecturers are invited from other higher schools
as well.
Altogether approximately 40 people of the RTU academic personnel participate in the
implementation of the syllabus, 7 of them are habilitated doctors of sciences, 27 are doctors in
various branches, and 5 persons are with a master’s degree. The division by the office they
occupy: professors – 13, associated professors – 6, assistant professors – 16.
The list of the academic staff of the Department, as well as all the other RTU teachers
involved in the implementation of the syllabus is given in Appendix 8, their biographies (CV)
are given in Appendix 9.
During the accounting period 11 higher school teachers constituted the academic staff
engaged at the Department of Heat and Power Engineering Systems (before February, 2008 –
the professor’s group of the Thermal Engineering Systems): 1 professor, 1 associated professor,
7 assistant professors, 1 practicing assistant professor, 1 lecturer.
The number of the academic offices – 10; the number of the people having the degrees
of a doctor or master of sciences – 8.
The list of the academic and technical staff of Department of Heat and Power
Engineering Systems in the academic year 2007/2008
Table 6
Name, surname Office, load Scientific degree, educ. Year of birth
Professor Dr. 28.04.39
Daniels Turlajs
Assoc. prof. Dr. 12.08.35
Namejs ZeltiĦš
Assistant prof. Dr.Phys. 16.09.49
Viktors Grivcovs
Assistant prof. 20.01.29
Jānis Nagla
Assistant prof. Dr. 08.05.33
Maija Rubīna
Assistant prof. Dr. 03.05.59
Dmitrijs Rusovs
ŠaraĦina Inna Lecturer 26.06.65
Pract.assistanr prof. 12.11.61
Ainārs Cars
Assistant prof. 22.10.40
Marijans Valpēteris
Assistant prof. 01.02.55
Sigurds Jaundālders
Assistant prof. 25.09.74
Sergejs Vostrikovs
Aleksandrs Soročins Assistant, 16.06.85
Andrejs Rubis Assistant, 19.06.84
Aleksandra Cimbale Assistant 01.11.86
Juris Ceihners Head of the Laboratory 09.05.35
The list of the researchers engaged at the Research Laboratory of Heat and Burning Processes
(RLHBP) 2008
Table 7
Name, surname Office, load Scientific Year of birth
degree, educ.
Sigurds Jaundālders Researcher 1.0 01.02.55
Ieva Grosberga Researcher 1.0 20.03.68
Assist. 11.07.44
Valentīna Turlaja
Qualifications of the academic staff comply with the implementation of the aims and
tasks of the structural unit. The degrees of a doctor or master of sciences are obtained by all the
persons in specialisations which correspond to the subjects of the syllabus.
Several workers of the Department of Heat and Power Engineering Systems (M.
Rubīna, N. ZeltiĦš, D. Turlajs) have considerable experience in leading various level projects.
For example, in the accounting period D. Turlajs, Head of the Department, is leading the
themes: the project of the Ministry of Education and the RTU “Development of a methodology
for the research of the gas flow by experimental and numerical methods”, the identification
number of the project No R7237; The development of the scientific activity in higher schools
(the year 2007); in the spring of 2008, after the competition, finances were obtained for the
project of the Ministry of Education and the RTU No R7334 “Investigation of the burning
processes and temperature fields of gases under working conditions with high values of the air
superfluity coefficient”; the ESF project “Improvement of the bachelor’s and master’s
professional syllabi in heat power and thermal engineering” with the identification number VPD/
ESF/ PIAA/ 04/ APK/; the grant of the Latvian Council of Science No
05.1684 “Development of more efficient and ecologically purer methods for the production of
thermal energy”.
Together with the partners of cooperation some other projects of exploratory and
applicative character the results of which are put into practice.
Participation in scientific conferences. Several reports about the research results have
been reviewed anonymously and accepted for participation at prestigious international scientific
conferences. On the average, every year the lecturers of the Department participate with reports
and messages at least in 8 -10 high-level symposia and conferences the themes of which
comply with the pedagogical and research directions of the Department. 13 reports were
submitted to the RTU 48th International Scientific Conference in Section “Power engineering
and thermal physics”, the authors were also from Germany, the Russian Federation, Belarus.
Later the reports were published in Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, edition
of the year 2008, under the title” Heat & Power and thermal Physics” (volume 12).
Publications. The main directions of scientific activities are connected with the problems
how to raise the efficiency of the energetic equipment, investigation of the burning and heat
exchange processes, as well as heat exchange untensification between liquid and a solid
body/heating area::
• Development of more economic and ecologically purer energy technologies
• Burning of fuel in the direct and alternating current magnetic fields
• Investigation of the mechanism of the boiling and condensation processes
• Raising the efficiency of the cogeneration equipment
• Analysis of the energy efficiency of buildings and raising their economic efficiency
In December, 2006, after a longer interval, the 21st volume of the Scientific Proceedings
“Power Engineering and Thermal Physics” was issued within the framework of Series 6
“Machine Science and Transport” (Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, Series
6, Transport and Engineering, vol. 21, ``Heat @ Power and Thermal Physics``, Riga, RTU,
2006, 134 p. The volume contains articles published in the Latvian and English languages).
In 2008 the first independent Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University,
recognized by the Latvian Council of Science, was published on the problems of power
engineering and thermal physics: Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, Series
12, vol. 1, ``Heat @ Power and Thermal Physics``, Riga, RTU, 2008, 132 p. All the articles in
the volume are published in English with annotations in the Latvian, English and Russian
languages. It is intended to publish the next edition of the volume in 2009.
By the current time scientific proceedings of the department is being compilated to be
published. Among the authors are scientific manuscripts on the problems of fuel cells, hydrogen
technologies and other questions being received from USA, Canada and Mexico.
galvenie uzdevumi / The Riga Energy Agency: Background, Structure and
Functions // Rakstu krājums 2007 „Rīgas vides un ilgtspējības profils” / Rīgas
dome, 2007: 5.-12.lpp.
10. Davis A., K. Mikelsons, V. Zebergs, N. Zeltins (2007) Comparative Studies of the 2007
Results of Reforms in the New EU Member State Latvia // “From Restructuring to
Sustainability: Energy Policies for the 21st Century” the 30th International
Conference of the International Association for Energy Economics in Wellington,
New Zealand, 2007, Proceedings, CD: 14 pp.
11. V. VrubĜevskis, V. Zēbergs, N. ZeltiĦš, I. Puikevica-Puikevska (2007) Additional 2007
Energy Saving in a Building with Improved Insulation //Latvian Journal of
Physics and Technical Sciences, 2007, Nr. 2, pp. 32-40.
12. V. Zēbergs, N. ZeltiĦš, Ž. Krams, I. Silantjeva, L. Gračkova (2007) Dependence 2007
of Energy and Gasses Emissions on the Energy Structure and Fluctuations in
Consumption // Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2007, Nr.3,
pp. 3-14.
13. Davis A., Mikelsons K., Puikevica-Puikevska I, Silantjeva I., Zebergs V., Zeltins 2007
N. (2007) The Methods of Analysis for Raising the Energy Efficiency and the
Reduction of Greenhouse Gases // 27th USAEE/IAEE North American
Conference: Developing & Delivering Affordable Energy in the 21-st Century,
USA, Houston, Book of extended abstracts: 24-25. Full text: /submissions/
14. A. Davis, K. Mikelsons, V. Zebergs and N. Zeltins (2007) Increasing 2007
Interdependence of the Latvian Energy Sector in the Regional and Global Energy
Systems //20-th World Energy Congress, Rome, Italy: October 2007, 13 p. documents/roma_2007_final1.pdf
15. G. Actina, L. Grackova, V. Zebergs, N. Zeltins (2007) Management Methods of 2007
Energy Efficiency and Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions // 16-th Forum of
the Croatian Energy Association, Proceedings, Zagreb, Croatia, 2007, pp. 74-86.
16. J. Ekmanis, V. Zebergs, N. Zeltins, I. Silantjeva, L. Grackova (2007) 2007
Management of the energy efficiency process // 4-th European Congress
Economics and Management of Energy in Industry, CD, Porto, Portugal,
November 2007, 10 pp.
17. D. Turlajs, D. Rusovs, A. Birulis, A. Ramata. Present Situations and Trends in 2006
Small Scale Combined Heat and Power (SSCHP) Generation in Latvia// 18th
National and 7th ISHMT-ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, 4 – 6
January 2006. Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, INDIA.
18. Vostrikovs S., Kundzina A., Turlajs D., Sarma U. Simulation of fuel and energy 2006
supply in Latvia by using MESAP programming model // 8-th WSEAS
International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling and Simulation,
12.03.-14.03.2006, Czech Republic, Prague, pp. 226 – 231.
19. Vostrikovs S., Kundzina A., Turlajs D., Sarma U. Modelling fuel and energy 2006
supply for central and regional levels of Latvia // WSEAS Transactions on
Information Science and Applications, Issue 5, Volume 3, May 2006, pp. 927 - 933.
20. Vostrikovs S., Kundzina A., Turlajs D., Sarma U. Biomass usage potential in 2006
power industry of Latvia// Proc. 11-th International Symposium on Heat Transfer
and Renewable Sources of Energy, Poland, Międzyzdroje, 13.09. – 16.09.2006,
pp. 141 - 146. - on CD-ROM.
21. Turlajs D., Nagla J., Grivcovs V. Absorbcijas aukstumiekārtas koăenerācijas 2006
siltuma izmantošanai gaisa kondicionēšanai. Absorption freezing plants used for
air conditioning. // Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Zinātniskie raksti, 6. sērija, 21.
sējums, Siltumenerăētika un siltumfizika, 2006, lpp. 47-51.
22. Турлайс Д.П., Гривцов В.П., Русов Д.Е., Пурмалис М.Я. Исследование 2006
влияния электрического поля на сжигание мазута в промышленних
установках. Turlajs D., Grivcovs V., Rusovs D., Purmalis M. Research in the
impact of the electric field upon the burning of fuel oil in industrial plants.// 4-я
Росийская национальная конференция по теплообмену, Москва, октябрь
2006, том 3, стр. 327-328.
23. Vostrikovs S., Turlajs D., KundziĦa A., GeriĦš Ē. Latvijas enerăijas un 2006
energoresursu ražošanas un patēriĦa scenāriju izstrāde ar Mesap programmēšanas
metodi. Development of scenarios for the production and consumption of Latvian
energy and energy resourses by means of a Mesap programming method . // Rīgas
Tehniskās universitātes Zinātniskie raksti, 6. sērija, 21. sējums, Siltumenerăētika
un siltumfizika, 2006, lpp. 119-126.
24. Turlajs D. Šėidruma un sildvirsmas savstarpējās mijiedarbības mehānisms 2006
ilgstošas vārīšanās procesā. The interaction mechanism between the liquid and the
heating surface in the process of continuous boiling. // Rīgas Tehniskās
universitātes Zinātniskie raksti, 6. sērija, 21. sējums, Siltumenerăētika un
siltumfizika, 2006, lpp. 34-39.
25. Turlajs D., Grivcovs V. Tvaika burbuĜu augšanas mehānismu analīze ar procesa 2006
raksturīgo laiku metodi. Analysis of the mechanism of vapor bubble growth with
the characteristic temporal method of the process. // Rīgas Tehniskās
universitātes Zinātniskie raksti, 6. sērija, 21. sējums, Siltumenerăētika un
siltumfizika, 2006, lpp. 40-46.
26. Turlajs D., Rusovs D., Grivcovs V. SiltumsūkĦa ar iekšdedzes dzinēja piedziĦu 2006
efektivitātes novērtēšana. Evaluation of the efficiency of a heat pump driven by
the internal combustion engine. // Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Zinātniskie
raksti, 6. sērija, 21. sējums, Siltumenerăētika un siltumfizika, 2006, lpp. 31-33.
projekts, 2007, 24 lpp.
11. Bekmanis I. Siltumizmantojošās iekārtas. Heat consuming equipment. 2006
RTU TMF, SES katedra, ESF projekts, 2006, 53 lpp.
12. Nagla J. Kurināmais, degvielas un degšanas teorija. Fuel, theory of fuel 2006
and burning. RTU TMF, SES katedra, ESF projekts, 2006, 30 lpp.
13. Rubīna M. Siltumapgādes sistēmas un to optimizācija. Heat supply 2006
systems and their optimization. RTU TMF SES katedra, ESF projekts,
2006, 39 lpp.
14. ZeltiĦš N. Enerăijas efektivitātes paaugstināšana un kaitīgo izmešu 2006
samazināšana. Raising energy efficiency and minimisation of harmful
emissions. RTU TMF SES katedra, ESF projekts, 2006, 45 lpp.
15. ŠeĜegovskis R. Apsildes sistēmu elemetu aprēėina metodika un piemēri. 2006
Methodology of calculation and examples of the elements of heating
systems. RTU TMF SES katedra, LLA, ESF projekts, 2006, 45 lpp.
16. Grivcovs V. RobežslāĦa teorija. The border layer theory. RTU TMF 2006
SES katedra, ESF projekts, 2006, 25 lpp.
17. Ramata A. Metodiskie norādījumi nobeiguma darbu izstrādei. 2006
Methodical guidelines to develop a final work.RTU TMF SES katedra,
ESF projekts, 2006, 30 lpp.
18. Rubīna M. Siltumapgāde. Heat supply. “Pērse”, Rīga, 2003., 172 lpp. 2003
19. Rubīna M. Siltumapgāde. Problēmas un risinājumi pašvaldību 2002
administratīvajās teritorijās. Heat supply. Problems and solutions in the
municipal administrative territories. Rīga, LZA FEI, 2002.- 171 lpp
8.3 The policy of selection, renewal, training and development of the staff
During last years time the training of new and perspective personnel with adequate
education and their attachment to the implementation of the syllabus, continual raising the
qualifications of the existing personnel has being actualized and activated.
During the accounting period the following persons have raised their qualifications in
various courses and training programmes (see Section 8.2), and received corresponding
certificates: D.Turlajs, V.Grivcovs, D.Rusovs, A.Cars, S.Jaundālders, I.ŠaraĦina.
At the present time purposeful work is being carried out with Aleksandrs Soročins,
Andrejs Rubis, Edgars Vilcāns, Aleksandra Cimbale the graduates of 2008, who are concerned
about the continuation of education in master’s studies and their active attraction to the
pedagogical and research work is made. A.Cars, a graduate of the master’s syllabus
“Heat Power and Thermal Engineering” in 2007, is already actively participating in scientific and
pedagogical work.
Renewal of the personnel: In the next 2 years elderly lecturers will be replaced by
young persons who have defended their promotion work or have obtained also a master’s
academic degree of engineering sciences. So in the next few years all the staff of the
Department (older than 65 years) will be replaced by young perspective specialists.
The academic personnel has a very high qualification and competence – the tutors are
either with a huge experience (D.Turlajs, N.ZeltiĦš, M.Rubīna, A.Cars, M.Valpēteris),, or
actively participate in research work (assistants A.Soročins, A.Cimbale, A.Rubis).
Infrastructure. There are training laboratories and lecture rooms at the disposal of the
Department of Heat and Power Engineering Systems with corresponding stands and apparatus
for the work (the total area of the rooms is 633 m2), they have descriptions and methodologies
for the laboratory works:
- Hydraulics Laboratory
- Research Laboratory of Heat Exchange Processes
- Laboratory of Technical Thermal Dynamics
- Research Laboratory of Heat and Burning Processes
- Holography scientific research laboratory, where student tution is completed.
New laboratories are being equipped.
The main sources of financing in the accounting period:
1. Finances from the state budget for the process of studies, the students’ tuition fees
2. ESF funds – the project “Improvement of the bachelor’s and master’s professional
syllabi in heat power and thermal engineering” with the identification number VPD/ ESF/
PIAA/ 04/ APK/
3. Grant No 05.1684 of the Latvian Council of Science; a project of the Latvian Council of
4. The project of the Ministry of Education and the RTU No. 7237 - “Development of a
methodology for the research of the gas flow by experimental and numerical methods”
5. The project of the Ministry of Education and the RTU No R7334 “Investigation of the
burning processes and temperature fields of gases under working conditions with high
values of the air superfluity coefficient”
6. Participation in other investigative and applicative projects
7. Sponsors’ support
10 External contacts
10.1 Cooperation with the employers
In order to implement the syllabus, the professor’s group of the heat power systems has
established close contacts with many leading enterprises of the branch. Contracts on
cooperation have been concluded with the State Joint-Stock Company “Latvenergo”, Joint-
Stock Company “Rīgas Siltums”, and others. A protocol of intent has been signed and
negotiations are continued with SIA “Viessmann” about the arrangement (sponsoring) of a
training laboratory of the heating systems.
Besides the firms already mentioned, there is long-term and close cooperation with the
traditional places of the students’ practice and work of the graduates: Joint-Stock Company
“Latvijas Gāze”, the branches of Riga DHP: DHP – 1 and DHP - 2, SIA”GREIN”, SIA
“Inspecta”, the Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of
Physics, University of Latvia, etc.
More than 20 enterprises and organizations have been surveyed in reality with which
signing a contract on cooperation is not just a mere formality, but a real possibility.
From the Latvian higher schools the closest cooperation is with the Latvia University of
Agriculture (there is a contract on cooperation), Daugavpils University, Rēzekne Higher
School, University of Latvia (the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics – mainly in the field of
scientific research.
A contract is concluded on cooperation and exchange of the students’ practices with
Moscow Technical University (the Moscow Energetic Institute) – the leading higher school of
the branch in the Russian Federation. Several people of the Department have raised their
qualifications at St. Petersburg State University of Low Temperatures and Food Technology.
Negotiations are going on with Stralsund University of Applied Science, Germany on
the exchange of students in specialisations connected with the methods of obtaining alternative
energy and hydrogen fuel cells.
The Department has regular cooperation in science and exchange of experience in the
pedagogical work with Tallinn Technical University, Kaunas Technological University, Vilnius
Technical University, Szczecin University of Technology.
10.3 Comparison of the syllabus with the syllabi of the higher schools in
other countries
Higher schools and syllabi were selected for the comparison of the RTU syllabus “Heat
Power and Thermal Engineering” with the syllabi in the other EU countries taking into account
the considerations of economic and historical development: Kaunas Technological University
(KTU), Tallinn Technical University (TTU).
Previous education: comprehensive secondary education or equated to it.
Duration of the studies: 3 or 4 years.
Syllabi: Thermal engineering, (VTU); Thermal engineering (KTU); Thermal
engineering (TTU).
The obtained degree: The bachelor’s degree in thermal engineering (VTU); the
bachelor’s degree in engineering sciences (TTU); a bachelor’s degree in energy science (KTU).
By the block distribution the closest is the bachelor’s syllabus of Kaunas Technological
University (KTU) (Thermal Engineering, 160 CP, the duration of studies 4 years). The similar
syllabus of Tallinn Technical University has been changed in 2006 to a 120 CP syllabus with a
3 years’ duration of studies. In fact, a comparison is possible only in percentage of individual
blocks of subjects (see Table 10).
Table 10
Higher schools
Blocks of subjects
Subjects of fundamental sciences 45 CP
(Mathematics, physics, chemistry, material science, heat (28 %) 33% 36%
exchange, computer studies, etc.)
Basic subjects of the branch 42 CP
(Heat supply systems, thermal power plants, hydro and (26 %) 18% 34%
gaseous dynamics, the heat consuming equipment, etc.)
Specialising subjects 12 CP
(Fuel, theory of fuel and burning, refrigeration equipment, (8%) 19% 10%
chemical and thermal treatment of water, etc..)
Humanitarian/social and management subjects 13 CP
(Economics, business sociology, social psychology, (8%) 11% 7%
management organizations at the enterprise, etc.)
Languages 4 CP
(English, German and French) (3%) 3% 2%
Subjects of free choice 6 CP
4% 5% 4%
Practice 26 CP
(16%) 6% 3%
Final/State examinations 12 CP
(8%) 5% 4%
Total 160 CP 160 CP 120 CP
(100%) (100%) (100%)
In comparison with the KTU and TTU syllabi, the HPTES (RTU) syllabus has a similar
amount of subjects in the blocks of social and economic sciences, languages and the subjects of
free choice (the difference is up to 5-6%). There is a greater difference in the blocks of the
theoretical subjects of the branch and the professional specializing subjects (by the blocks of
subjects up to +/- 11 %) but the training practices are in a greater proportion in the RTU
syllabus. Each higher school has a different amount of CP for practice and the diploma work.
The HPTES (RTU) syllabus has a considerably greater amount of CP for practice and
the diploma work. In the RTU syllabus “Heat Power and Thermal Engineering” emphasis is laid
on obtaining a bachelor’s professional degree and the qualification of an engineer.
Analysis of the number of specialists trained in allied sciences during the previous
years, taking into account the number of students by the years of studies and the trends in the
development of the branch of power engineering, we can plan the following development of the
programme – the students’ matriculation and output of specialists by years:
Table 11
Number of 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Enrolment (only 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
the budgetary
Graduates 6 9 15 18 20 20 20
After the year 2010 the number of the graduates of the programme should stabilise at
the number of 15-20.
Further development of the programme of studies and raising the quality of training is
connected with the development of the material and technical resources. The material and
technical resources of the programme should improve during the next 5 years.
13 Self-evaluation – SWOT analysis
well with the development of science in Latvia.
Possibilities Risks
1. To increase the number of students in the 1. The choice of a free subject in the
specialities of heat power thus diminishing the secondary school orients the new people
deficiency of specialists. to go the easiest way and not to choose
2. To expand and improve further the material mathematics, physics, chemistry as their
and technical resources (laboratories, subjects, which reduces essentially the
specialized lecture rooms, cabinets, etc.) and to number of sufficiently trained entrants in
work out the methodical aids for teaching by technical specialities (in heat power, too).
attracting the necessary financing. 2. The unsolved issue of a competitive
3. To perfect and develop up-to-date training remuneration for the academic and
methods on the basis of the new technical engineering personnel, which hampers
means. essentially the completion of qualified
4. To tackle the issues of competitive staff.
remuneration of the academic and the 3. There is no clear long-term
engineering personnel. perspective on the nomenclature, demand
and development of national economy in
the branches where the young specialists
will be engaged.
4. Because of their material situation
practically all the senior students have
paid employment outside the RTU.
14 Appendices
The appendices mentioned in the text are added in a printed form to the accreditation
materials of the syllabus. The original accreditation materials of the syllabus, programmes and
annotations of the subjects, the CVs of the academic personnel, the students’ questionnaires,
contracts and other documents are kept and available in the archive of Department of Heat and
Power Engineering Systems at 6 Ezermalas Street, Room 208.
14. Appendixes
1. Bachelor’s Professional study programme
2. Calendar plan of study programme implementing
3. Annotation of programme subjects
4. Diploma supplement
5. Professional standard
6. List of students in programme
7. Academic staff, degree, position, presented subjects
8. Lecturers’ CV
9. RTU Liepaja Branch Report and Accreditation Documents
10. RTU LDaugavpils Branch Report and Accreditation Documents
Appendix 1
Study Programme
1. Mathematics 9 CP
2. Economics 2 CP
3. Basics of Communication 2 CP
4. Introduction to Heat Engineering 1 CP
5. Sport Activity 0 CP
6. Supplementary Mathematics (for 2 CP
mechanical engineering)
7. Probability Theory and Mathematical 2 CP
8. Physics 6 CP
9. Computer Science 3 CP
10. Material Science 2 CP
11. Descriptive Geometry and Engineering 2 CP
12. Engineering chemistry 2 CP
13. Technical Applied Thermodynamics 3 CP
14. Heat Exchange 3 CP
15. Theoretical Mechanics 3 CP
16. Electrical Engineering and Electronics 2 CP
17. Electric supply 2 CP
18. Foundations of law 2 CP
19. Strengths of Materials 3 CP
20. Basics of Occupational Safety 1 CP
21. General and Occupational Safety 1 CP
22. Civil Defense 1 CP
23. Machine Component Design 3 CP
24. Hydro- and gas dynamics 3 CP
25. Fuel Technology and Boiler Equipment 4 CP
26. Heat Utilizing Equipment 4 CP
27. Thermoelectrical Power Stations 4 CP
28. Heat Supply Systems 2 CP
29. Thermotechnical Measurements and 4 CP
Fundamentals of Automation
30. Compressors, Pumps and Ventilators 2 CP
31. Foundation of Ecology 2 CP
32. Software for thermotechnical calculation 2 CP
33. Thermal Engines 2 CP
34. Hazardous Equipment Maintenance 2 CP
35. Hydro- and Gas Dynamics (study Project) 2 CP
36. Fuel Technology and Boiler Equipment 3 CP
(study Project)
37. Thermo technical Measurements and 2 CP
Fundamentals of Automation (study
B1 Courses of professional specialization of 14CP
the branch
1. Fuel and Combustion Theory 2 CP
2. Systems of Production and Distribution of 2 CP
Energy Carriers
3. Equipment for Refrigeration Plants 3 CP
4. Industrial furnaces 2 CP
5. Assembling and Maintenance of 3 CP
Thermotechnical Equipment
6. Non-Standard Sources of Energy 3 CP
7. Foundation of patenting 2CP
8. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning 2CP
9. Chemical and Thermal Treatment of 2 CP
10. Designing methodology and equipment 2 CP
11. Quality Systems 2 CP
12. Economics in Enterprise 4 CP
B2 Humanitarian/social subjects 2 CP
1. Business sociology 2 CP
2. Social psychology 2 CP
3. Organization management in enterprise 2 CP
B6 Languages 4 CP
1. English 4CP
2. German 4 CP
3. French 4 CP
C. Subjects of free choice 6 CP
D. Practice 26
1. Diploma project 12
No Subject Semester
96 Test 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
A COMPULSORY SUBJECTS OF form sem sem sem sem sem sem sem sem
1. General theoretical subjects 14
1.1 Mathematics 9 WEE 5 6
1.2 Economics 2 E 2
1.3 Basics of Communication 2 T 2
1.4 Introduction to Heat Engineering 1 T 1
1.5 Sport Activity 0 TTT 2 2 2 2
2. Theoretical subjects in the chosen 37
field and subjects in the field of
Information Technology
2.1. Supplementary Mathematics (for 2 E 2
mechanical engineering)
2.2. Probability Theory and Mathematical 2 T 2
2.3. Physics 6 EE 3 3
2.4. Coputer Science 3 T 3
2.5. Material Science 2 T 2
2.6. Descriptive Geometry and 2 WT 2
Engineering Graphics
2.7. Engineering chemistry 2 T 2
2.8. Technical Applied Thermodynamics 3 EW 3
2.9. Heat Exchange 3 EW 3
2.10 Theoretical Mechanics 3 ET 3
2.11 Electrical Engineering and Electronics 2 E 2
2.12 Electric supply 2 W 2
2.13 Foundations of law 2 T 2
2.14 Strenght of Materials 3 ET 4
3. Courses of professional CP Test 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
specialization in the given field 45 form sem sem sem sem sem sem sem sem
3.1. Basics of Occupational Safety 1 T 1
3.2. General and Occupational Safety 1 T 1
3.3. Civil Defence 1 T 1
3.4. Machine Component Design 3 EW 3
3.5. Hydro- and gas dynamics 4 EW 4
3.6. Fuel Technology and Boiler 4 ET 4
3.7. Heat Utilizing Equipment 4 EW 4
3.8. Thermoelectrical Power Stations 4 ET 4
3.9. Heat Supply Sistems 2 E 2
3.10 Thermotechnical Measurements 4 ET 4
and.Fumdamentals of Automation
3.11 Compressors, Pumps and Ventilators 2 T 2
3.12 Foundation of Ecology 2 E 2
3.13 Software for thermotechnical 2 TW 2
3.14 Thermal Engines 2 T 2
3.15 Hazardous Equipment Maintenance 2 WT 2
3.16 Hydro- and Gas Dynamics (study 2 W 2
3.17 Fuel Technology and Boiler 3 W 3
Equipment (study Project)
3.18 Thermo technical Measurements and 2 W 2
Fundamentals of Automation (study
CP Test 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
B SUBJECTS OF LIMITED 45 form sem sem sem sem sem sem sem sem
1. Courses of professional CP 7 7
specialisation of the branch 14
1.1 Fuel and Combustion Theory 2 T 2
1.2 Systems of Production and 2 W 2
Distribution of Energy Carriers
1.3 Equipment for Refrigeration Plants 3 ET 3
1.4 Industrial furnaces 2 ET 3
1.5 Assembling and Maintenance of 3 W 3
Thermotechnical Equipment
1.6 Non-Standard Sources of Energy 3 E 3
1.7 Foundation of patenting 2 T 2
1.8 Heating, ventilation and air 2 T 2
1.9 Designing methodology and 2 W 2
1.10 Quality Systems 2 T 2
1.11 Chemical and Thermal Treatment of 2 T 2
1.12 Economics in Enterprise 4 ET 4
B2 Humanitarian/social subjects 2 2
2.1 Business sociology 2 T 2
2.2 Social psychology 2 T 2
2.3 Organisation management in 2 T 2
B6 Languages 4 2 2
1. English 4 T 2
2. German 4 T 2
3. French 4 T 2
C. Subjects of free choice 6 TT 4 2
D. Practice 26 W 18 8
Total 160 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Līga Biezā,
Introductions. Analytical geometry: vectors, lines, surfaces. Linear algebra:
matrices, determinants, systems of linear equations. Introduction to analysis: limits,
continuity. Differential calculus: derivative, differential and their applications.
- Integral calculus: indefinite and definite integrals, their applications. Ordinary
differential equations. Series. Double and triple integrals.
2. Economics 2 CP
Viktors Nešpors
The subject matter of the course of Economics. Demand and supply. Elasticity.
Production, productivity. Production costs. Calculation of prime costs. Market
structure: perfect competition; monopoly competition; oligopoly; perfect monopoly.
Analysis of business performance of an enterprise. Basic indicators of
macroeconomics. Money, inflation, credit. Banking system. Fiscal policy.
3. Basics of Communication 2 CP
Sandra Gudzuka
The subject of the course "Basics of Communication" suggests different contexts of
communication in the fields of psychology, ethics, culture. Terminology and nature
of communication. Verbal and nonverbal aspects. Interpersonal relationship in a
group. Principles of human cooperation. Ethical regulation of human relationships.
Influence of cultural norms. Conflict management. Communication style and
behavior etiquette at university. Nature of communicative competence.
4. Introduction to Heat Engineering 1 CP
Janis Nagla
Heat energetic and heat engineering in national economy. The theoretic foundation
of heat engineering. The use of energy resources. Fuel characteristics. Burning.
Heat and electric power plants. Heat engines. Industrial heat engineering.
Refrigeration engineering Utilization of thermal energy. Ecology.
5. Supplementary Mathematics (for mechanical engineering) 2 CP
Andrejs Koliškins
Fourier series. Function theory of complex variable. Operational calculus.
6. Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics 2 CP
Jevăēnijs Carkovs
Classical definition of probability. Axiomatical definition of probability. Algebra of
events. Bernoulli’s schema. Formulas of full probability and Baijes. Continuous
and discrete random variable. Distributive and density of functions. Large numbers
law. Central limit theorem. Elements of mathematical statistics. Combinatoric. Test
of hypothesis.
7. Physics 6 CP
Māris Knite
Introduction to physics. Fundamentals of mechanical motion. Molecular physics
and thermodynamics. Electrostatics. Direct current. Electromagnetism. Oscillations
and waves. Optics. Quantum physics. Structure of solid state. Nuclear physics and
elementary particles.
8. Computer Science 3 CP
Jurijs Lavendels
Solving of mechanical tasks in MathCad program. Simple operations and
calculations. Analysis of functions. Solving of linear and nonlinear equations and
systems of equations. Operations with matrixes. Data handling: interpolation,
extrapolation, and approximation. Symbolic operations. Solving of differential
9. Material Science 2 CP
Janis OzoliĦš
Structure and properties of materials used in engineering and machine building.
Forming and transformation of structure. Diagram of condition. Mechanical and
technological properties of materials. Theory and technology of thermo treatment.
Construction and instrument materials, non-ferrous metals, polymers and
composites. Marks and its' principles of chose.
10. Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Graphics 2 CP
Galina Veide
Theoretical basis of representation of spatial objects on the plane. Projection
methods. Point, line and plane. Drawing transformation methods. Metric exercises.
Intersection problems. Axonometric views. Complex drawing. Views, sectional
views and sections. Dimensioning. Threads. Threaded fastenings and joint
representation. Sketches and working drawings. Detail assemblies. Computer aided
geometrical modeling of engineering objects.
11. Chemistry for Engineers 2 CP
Valdis Kampars
Thermodynamic. Heat of reaction. Spontaneous Processes. Equilibrium. Reaction
Rates. Detonation. Altering a Reaction Rate and Equilibrium. Gases, Liquids and
Solids. Air. Critical Temperature and Pressure. Supercritical phenomena. Disperse
Systems and Solutions. Water. Acids and Bases. pH. Water Treatment. Metals.
Superconductors. Chemical Sources of Energy. Corrosion of Metals. Organic
Compounds. Polymers. Fossil and Alternative Fuels. Molecular Electronic and
Molecular Machines. Silicon. Semiconductors. Binders. Radioactivity.
12. Technical Applied Thermodynamics 3 CP
Janis Nagla
Thermodynamic system. Gas low. Thermodynamic low. Internal energy, enthalpy,
entropy, specific heat. Processes and cycles. Carnot cycle. Water and vapor.
Throttling. Humid air. Engine cycles. Refrigeration cycles. Heat pump and heating
cycles. Chemical thermodinamic.
13. Heat Exchange 3 CP
Viktors Grivcovs
Ways of heat propagation. Heat transfer in a stationary and non-stationary mode
convection. Heat emission. The theory of similarity. Criteria equations. Heat
radiation. An example of heat exchange calculus.
14. Theoretical Mechanics 3 CP
Jānis Viba
Simplification and equilibrium of forces systems. Friction of sliding, rotation and
turning. Centre of mass. Tensors of inertia. Kinematics and dynamics of particle.
Types of motion of a body. Kinematics and dynamics of particle in different frames
of reference. General theorems of dynamics. Dynamics of a rigid body. Method of
15. Electrical Engineering and Electronics 2 CP
Nikita Nadežnikovs
Electrical quantities. Electric circuit elements. Direct current laws. Steady-state
alternating current circuits. Direct current and alternating current machines, their
operation and performances. Electronic and digital devices. Rectifiers.
16. Electric Supply 2 CP
Edvīns Vanzovičs
Principles and elements of electric supply of enterprises. Electric loads.
Electromagnetic transient processes in systems of electric supply. Industrial
substations, internal LV (low voltage) and MV(medium voltage)networks.
Compensation of reactive power. Relay protection and automation of enterprises'
electric networks.
17. Fundamentals of Law 2 CP
Daina Ose
Basic terms of Law theory, terms of civil contractual relations, Family, Inheritance
and Employment Law.
18. Strength of Materials 3 CP
Vladimirs Gonca
Fundamental principles. Algorithm of solutions. System of forces. Stress.
Deformations. Mechanical properties of materials. Tension. Compression. Shear.
Torsion. Beam. Deflection. Solved problems. Finite element methods.
19. Basics of Occupational Safety 1 CP
Valdis Ziemelis
The policy of the state and labor protections requirements. Harmful and dangerous
factors of working environment, their influence on a human body, principles of
standardization. Measures for elimination or reduction of this influence. The bases
of fire protection.
20. General and Occupational Safety 1 CP
Valdis Ziemelis
The law of labor protection in Latvia. The system of standards of occupational
safety. Labor protection and safety management on the level of state, organization
or enterprise. Technical and technological safety. Planning of labor protection
activities. Monitoring of the condition of environment.
21. Civil Defense 1 CP
Anatolijs Jemeljanovs
Requirements for this system. Preventive measures for stability of industrial object
in case of ES. Organization and realization of rescue and other urgent measures in
case of ES.
22. Machine Component Design 3 CP
Gunārs Upītis
Basic criteria of calculations of machine elements. Friction drives. Belt drives. Gear
drives. Bevel and worm gears. Chain drives. Shafts. Bearings. Joints. Riveted and
welded joints. Threads. Press and shrink fits. Mechanical springs
23. Hydro- and Gas Dynamics 3 CP
Dmitrijs Rusovs
Fluid dynamic target, equation for real liquid. Dimensionless numbers. Laminar and
turbulent flow. Boundary layer. Pipeline and flow calculation. Gas flow calculation.
Gaz flow calculation. Pipeline design.
24. Fuel Technology and Boiler Equipment 4 CP
Daniels Turlajs
The heat balance of the boiler. Combustion chambers for solid fuel. Burning peat
and wood. Wood reprocessing. Gasification. Gas generators. Generator gas, its use
in engines and boilers. Boiler schemes, elements, structures. Heat engineering,
hydraulic and aerodynamic calculus of the boilers. Corrosion. Boiler fittings.
25. Heat Utilizing Equipment 4 CP
Sigurds Jaundālders
Features of use recuperation, regeneration and disarrangements of heat exchanger.
Use vaporizer of installations. Binary mixes. Drying installations. Industrial
26. Thermoelectrical Power Stations 4 CP
Daniels Turlajs
TPP - classification, schematic diagrams. Energetic and economical indicates of
performance. TPP, their comparison. Intermediary heating of vapour, regenerative
heating of feed water. Methods of calculating of TPP layouts. The equipment of gas
and gaseous vapour turbines. The distribution and general plan of TPP. Atomic
power plants. Security.
27. Heat Supply Systems 2 CP
Maija Rubīna
Heat consumers. Analytical calculations of heat consumption. Thermal energy
source. Distribution of thermal energy. Substation for connecting buildings to
district heating networks. The centralized heat supply system. The decentralized
heat supply system. Independent thermal energy source. Methods of regulation for
heat supply system. Production costs of heat supply system. Thermal energy price.
28. Thermotechnical Measurements and Fundamentals of Automation 4 CP
Sigurds Jaundālders
Measuring of temperature, pressure, level, flow of substances, humidity,
concentration Analysis of flue gases. Automatic control systems. The static and
dynamic properties of objects. Automation of heat and refrigeration devices.
Technical means. Regulating mechanisms. Actuators.
29. Compressors, Pumps and Ventilators 2 CP
Dmitrijs Rusovs
Piston, rotary, turbo compressors. Productivity, power, coefficient of performance.
Multistage compressors. Pumps, types, choice. Ventilators, types choice.
Equipments, operation and maintenance.
30. Fundamentals of Ecology 2 CP
Dmitrijs Rusovs
Purification of gases. Cyclones. Electric purification. The wet devices. Separation
of oxygen, sulphuric oxides, ammonia from flue gases. The normative basis for the
determination of environment quality. Sewage purification. Legislation in
environment protection.
31. Thermal Calculations Software 2 CP
Dmitrijs Rusovs
Solution of the thermodynamic, heat and mass transfer, hydrodynamic. Processing
of experimental data. Optimization and simulation. The use of computers software
and network.
32. Thermal engines 2 CP
Dmitrijs Rusovs
Classification of machines. Turbines, types, heat balance, coefficients of
performance. Gas turbines, jet-propulsion engines. Internal combustion engines, the
principle of operation, cycles. Kinds of fuel. Heat balance. Characteristic curves.
33. Hazardous Equipment Maintenance 2 CP
Ainārs Cars
Pressure equipment assemblies: definitions, classification. Technical supervisory of
pressure equipment assemblies. Furniture of pressure equipment assemblies, repair
and renovation. Technical examination of pressure equipment assemblies. Water
boilers: definitions, classification. Technical supervisory of boilers. Furniture of
water boilers, repair and renovation. Technical examination of water boilers.
Responsibility for rules non – observance.
34. Hydro- and Gas Dynamics (study Project) 2 CP
Dmitrijs Rusovs
Pipeline network calculation. Hydraulic calculation include following parts:
Pipeline technical description. Calculation to demonstrate pressure each part of
pipeline by hydraulic grade line or by tables. Selection of pumps and control valves.
Graphical part consists of hydraulic grade line and isometric pipeline drawing.
35. Fuel Technology and Boiler Equipment (study Project) 3 CP
Daniels Turlajs
Designing of boiler house: type, capacity, fuel, calculation of flue gas composition
and emissions. A calculation of air consumption and products of combustion. A
choice of air, flue gas fans and feed water pumps. A draughts: a principal scheme of
boiler house, a dislocation of boilers and other equipment.
36. Thermo technical Measurements and Fundamentals of Automation (study
project) 2KP
Sigurds Jaundālders
Design of steam boiler’s unit control system. Kinds of fuel, characteristics of
boilers. Design of water heating boilers control and protection system. Different
types of boilers. Technological control of district heating point with heating,
ventilation and hot water supply functions. Automation of service equipment
(pumps, heat exchangers, deaerators). Design and selection of control equipment.
37. Fuel and Combustion Theory 2 CP
Jānis Nagla
Characteristics of fuel. The material and heat balance of combustion. Burning of
solid fuel. Burning of fuel in a layer .Diffusion, mass exchange, the aerodynamics
of burning. Burning of gas and liquid fuel. Burners.
38. Systems of Production and Distribution of Energy Carriers 2 CP
Dmitrijs Rusovs
Fuel I. Storage and transportation devices for fuel (solid, liquid). Gas I, networks,
gas production processes. Liquefied gas Water supply systems. Cooling systems for
refrigeration plants.
39. Equipment for Refrigeration Plants 3 CP
Jānis Nagla
Application. Classification of refrigeration devices. Working fluids. Refrigeration
devices for gas and steam compressors. Absorption, steam ejection, gaseous
refrigeration devices. Electrical cooler. Refrigeration plants (stationary,
40. Industrial Furnaces 2 CP
Jānis Nagla
High temperature thermo technological processes, their characteristics,
classification. Industrial furnaces, the schematic diagram. Fuel. The chemically of
performance efficiency. Burners energy-saving utilization. Aerodynamic and
thermo technical calculus of the furnace.
41. Assembling and Maintenance of Thermotechnical Equipment 3 CP
Ainārs Cars
Administrative structures of thermal power objects. Designing. Assembling.
Welding. Requirements for the construction and maintenance of the equipment.
Heat transfer devices.
42. Non-Standard Sources of Energy 3 CP
Namejs ZeltiĦš
The principal sources of energy. Sources of restoration energy, the properties,
transfer, possibilities. The solar, wind, geothermal, ocean, sea, river, high and low
tide, biomass energy, resources, technological and ecological problems of
utilization, transformation. Solid domestic refuse. Hydrogen energetics.
43. Fundamentals of Patents 2 CP
Ēriks GeriĦš
Scientifically and technical creation. Subjects for protection of industrial property:
invention, industrial pattem, trademark, expedient pattem, company name, good
origin. Patent information and patentability, patent documentation. Organization of
patentation. Utilization of patented objects, aim, economical effect, profit,
calculations. International protection. Unification of patent legislation. Paris
convention on industrial property protection. Convention on European Patent.
Licenses: types, selling and buying.
44. Heating, Ventilation and air Conditioning 2 CP
Visvaldis RubĜevskis
Building heating systems, heating elements, heat loosy, pollutants, air exchange
rate, calculation, chemically ventilation, I-d diagram, air processing, moistening,
drying, upheating, AC schemes, energy saving during air processing inlet-anlet air
45. Designing methodology and equipment 2 CP
Sergejs Vostrikovs
Normative base of designing of objects the heat supply system. Use of software –
AutoCad and MicroStation. Designing of the heat supply systems: designing
thermal energy source; designing of outside thermal pipelines networks and outside
gas; designing of systems of distribution and consumption of thermal energy.
46. Quality Systems 2 CP
Narimants Salenieks
Quality control, assurance and management. Quality of R&D, design quality,
quality of maintenance. Quality monitoring, management and improvement.
Quality audit, testing and certification. Quality costing, assessment and legislation.
CAQ. Best Practice Benchmarking. TQM. Production, process and product
reliability and safety.
47. Chemical and Thermal Treatment of Water 2 CP
Daniels Turlajs
The quality of water and vapour. Sedimentation, mechanical filters. Corrosion of
equipment. Ion exchanger. Thermal chemical. Evaporation. Membrane methods.
Thermal dearation, chemical degasification, decarbonization. The schemes of water
preparation equipment.
48. Economics of Enterprise 4 CP
Zoja Sundukova
Evaluation of production and financial resources of an enterprise, incl. intangible
assets; accounting of fixed assets, specifics of evaluation, revaluation, depreciation,
exclusion, long-term assets, methods of evaluation of current assets; production
accounting, incl. calculation of total production prime cost, variable costs,
production process prime cost; models of profit and loss account; annual report.
49. Business Sociology 2 CP
Valerijs KuĦickis
Major social prerequisites and regularities of business and entrepreneurship. The
role and development of business as a social institution. The social portrait of an
entrepreneur. Socio-economic stratification.
50. Social Psychology 2 CP
Sandra Gudzuka
The subject of social psychology. A small group as an object of psycholological
investigation. Conduct motivation in a group. Self-actualization. Psychology of
51. Organization of Management in Enterprise 2 CP
Janis Zvanītājs
Enterprise as a system. Management functions. Goals and planning of business.
Goal management. Decision making. Labor projection. Planning of the required
number of staff: recruitment and selection, selection for particular jobs,
performance evaluation. Organizational structure. Delegation and audit interval.
Communication within organizations. Time management. Management audit: audit
techniques, performance appraisal
52. The English Language 4 CP
Irina Liokumovica
Basic English course that can be integrated with other subjects on the curriculum
and that is based on acquisition of technical terminology in the particular field: 1)
acquiring creative reading skills by working with professional texts; 2) mastering
the fundamentals of relevant conversation and developing discussion skills; 3)
improving listening comprehension skills to ensure effective participation in
conferences, projects etc. 4) developing writing skills (essays, summaries, abstracts,
conclusions). The program was developed in conformity with the guidelines of the
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching,
Assessment, considering also the outcomes of the LEONARDO project, which
involved language teachers from Baltic universities, and the general
recommendations developed with the participation of the RTU Institute of
53. The German Language 4 CP
Irina Romanova
Development of language skills and their integrated application in practice in
accordance with the chosen major in reading, listening, writing and speaking.
54. Sport Activity 0,0 CP
Viktors Bonders
Swimming. Rhythmics. Weight-lifting. Sports Games. General Physical Training.
55. The Latvian Language 2 CP
Renāte Tavare
The Development of Oral and Written Language. The Improving of Lexicsin
Speciality, Policy, History of Culture, Business Relations. Phonetics. Morphology.
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
by regulation No.241 of the
Ministry of Education and
of the year 2004
Level of qualification 5
Description of the job A heat-and-power and heating engineer can work as the
engineer in charge or a manager of a structural unit at the
enterprises of the production and use of thermal energy,
distribution and maintenance equipment. As an engineer of
the heat engineering and refrigeration equipment, a manager
of installation work, or a designer of the sources of thermal
energy and supply systems at the enterprises of construction
systems, the design, scientific research and equipment
installation enterprises. As a manager of the structural units
of the production, use and distribution of thermal energy at
the enterprises of industrial production, raw material
processing, trade, agricultural production and other
enterprises. As the engineer in charge and a manager of
thermal energy supply at the maintenance enterprises of
residential buildings and other objects.
Responsibilities and tasks
Responsibilities Tasks
1 1. 1 1..1. To service boiler aggregates, furnaces, drying installations, and
Maintenance of the other heat engineering technological equipment and their corresponding
heat-and-power auxiliary equipment and automatic control devices.
engineering 1.2. To determine a reference amount of metal.
equipment 2 1.3. To inspect the heat-and-power engineering and heat engineering
equipment and draw up acts of defects for repairs.
3 1.4. To prepare and draw up the required documentation and the
schedule of the repair work.
4 1.5. To conduct the training and instructing of the subordinate
personnel on the protection of the environment, labour and fire safety.
5 1.6. To draw up the charts of the operating modes of the boiler
aggregate and the heat consuming technological equipment.
1.7. To perform launching and arresting of systems and heat networks, as
well as changing of the scheme of connection.
6 1.8. To perform the installation of the boiler aggregates, heat
consuming technological aggregates and corresponding auxiliary
equipment of automatic control.
7 1.9. To use the computer equipment for labour control and
8 1.10. To consult consumers on the modernisation measures of the
heat-and-power engineering and heating engineering equipment.
1 2. 1 2.1. To organise and prepare heat-and-power engineering and
Measurements and heating engineering equipment for thermotechnical and hydraulic testing.
automatic control of 2 2.2. To organise and conduct the determination of the heat balance
processes of boiler aggregates, furnaces, scheme of connections and other heat
engineering technological equipment.
3 2.3. To determine the concentration of harmful emissions and draw
4 2.4. To obtain correctly the fuel samples for analyses and carry out
their analyses.
2.5. To select and install the measuring equipment for the control and
accounting of the consumption of heat, water and other heat carriers in
boiler installations, furnaces, drying installations and other equipment.
1 3. Installation 1 3.1. To conduct, organise and perform installation of the heat
producing and heat consuming equipment – boiler aggregates and other
corresponding equipment.
2 3.2. To organise and perform installation of the heat supply
equipment at industrial enterprises and in municipal buildings.
3 3.3. To organise and perform the building of heat networks and
installation work.
4 3.4. To organise and perform the reconstruction and modernisation
work of the heat-and-power engineering equipment.
5 3.5. To draw up the corresponding technical documentation on the
performed building, installation and checking work of the equipment.
6 3.6. To be aware and know how to apply the requirements for the
structure and maintenance of the heat consuming equipment of heat boilers,
furnaces, water heating boilers and pressure containers.
3.7. To be aware and know how to apply the requirements for labour and
fire safety, as well as environment protection of the branch.
4. System design and 1 4.1. To manage and understand the problem, to orient oneself in the
research project documentation, to analyse variants.
2 4.2. To work out the designs of the structures and systems for boiler
houses, enterprises and municipal buildings, heat supply enterprises,
furnaces, drying installations and other equipment, as well as for the heat
consuming and refrigeration equipment.
3 4.3. To perform the testing and research work of the heat-and-power
engineering and heating equipment. To draw up the necessary
specifications of materials and equipment, and the local and total estimates.
4 4.4. To coordinate the documentation of projects with the concerned
and leading administrative organisations.
5 4.5. To make the relevant technical and economical calculations for
testing the existing projects.
4.6. To know how to apply computer designing and to operate in the
5. Scientific 1.1. To know how to solve heat conduction, heat, mass and energy
activity exchange differential equations.
1.2. To solve the equations and problems of thermal physics.
1.3. To solve the equations and problems of combustion processes.
1.4. To know how to perform exergic analyses of processes.
1.5. To acquire and apply the theory and practice to carry out experiments
and data processing.
Common skills in the branch Specific skills in the General skills / abilities
1 • To find, sort out, evaluate 1 • To understand the 1 • To communicate in
and use the newest technical and structure and principles of the Latvian, Russian and
scientific literature and operation of the equipment English or German
documentation to be serviced languages
2 • To apply work experience 2 • To explain the 2 • To work in team
in the fulfilment of one’s own the servicing rules of the heat 3 • To convince the
tasks and the tasks of the engineering appliances others and to substantiate
subordinate group 3 • To evaluate the one’s point of view, as well
• To conduct scientific research kinds, sorts and quality of as to take the others’ views
experiments and processing of fuel 4 • To plan the work to
the obtained data 4 • To perform the be performed by setting
• To evaluate the obtained measuring of the priorities
regularities between the values consumption of thermal 5 • To plan, organise
and to describe them in the energy and heat carriers and guide the other persons’
form of formulae and 5 • To use automatic work
expressions control devices of the heat- 6 • To use information
• To know how to organise and-power engineering retrieval systems and
experiments, to perform the processes means of selection, to
analysis of the obtained data 6 • To choose structural classify the result
and draw conclusions and thermal insulation 7 • To draw up a
3 • To install and service the materials business plan
heat-and-power engineering and 7 • To evaluate the 8 • To draw up
heating equipment following the danger of emissions and to business documentation
labour and fire safety, and know how to minimise it 9 • To observe the
environmental protection rules 8 • To keep to the rules principles of professional
4 • To follow the rules in of the use of combustible and moral principles and
firewood and fuel supply and gas norms
storage 9 • To orient oneself in 10 • To meet the
5 • To evaluate the suitability the choice of gas burners requirements of labour
of the kind of fuel and hygiene and labour safety
6 • To explain the heat-and- 10 liquid fuel burners,
power engineering and heating and to know how to choose
processes them
7 • To choose and analyse the 11 • To work with the
technical and economical indices standard programmes of the
of the heat-and-power personal computer
engineering and heating 12 • To calculate, analyse
equipment the costs of the use of
8 • To render the first aid to various kinds of energy
the those who have suffered
• To observe the rules of
environmental protection and
the requirements of sanitation
and hygiene.
Knowledge The level of knowledge
Conceptual Comprehens Applicative
The English or the German language 1
• on a conversational level
• to work with the technical and scientific
Mathematics 2
• analytical geometry
• polynomial algebra
• linear algebra
• the work with complex variables
• differential calculus and integrals
• the graphic and analytical work with vectors
• foundations of combinatorics
• probability theory
• processing of the experimental data
Physics 3
• foundations of mechanics
• molecular and statistical physics
٠ kinds of energy, including nuclear energy
• electricity and magnetism
• oscillations and waves
• optics
Engineering chemistry
• foundations of physical chemistry
• kinetics of chemical reactions *****
• balance of chemical reactions
• the calorific effects of chemical reactions
descriptive geometry and engineering drawing 4
• foundations of descriptive geometry
• foundations of machine building drawing
• drawing and understanding of equipment *****
• the use of the projects and schemes of building
Economics and entrepreneurial activity
Foundations of economics
1 • prices and markets
2 • production and costs
• labour market *****
• money and the bank
• the targets and indices of macroeconomics
• the environment and problems of
• general, scientific, financial, organisational,
material provisions of entrepreneurial activity
• legislative basis of entrepreneurial activity
Humanitarian/Social subjects 5
• foundation of rights *****
• development models of society
• sociology
Business intercourse 6
• characteristics of business intercourse
• characteristics of personality
• the process of mutual perception and
• human interaction in the intercourse. Stress
Labour and environment protection 7
• legislation on labour and environment
• organisation of labour and environment
• organisation of the maintenance of the *****
dangerous equipment
• the rules of electricity hazard
• rendering the first aid
• fire safety rules and action
• the sanitary and hygienic requirements and
• release from electric voltage and artificial
Computer studies 8
• foundations of the computer technology
• the work with Microsoft Word and Microsoft
• Foundations of computer graphics
In technical thermodynamics and heat exchange 9
• basic laws of thermodynamics
• basic laws of ideal gases *****
• thermodynamic cycles, their calculation
• real gases, calculation
• thermodynamic processes and calculation of
water vapour
• energetic cycles of vapour, its calculation
• processes and calculation of heat exchange
In theoretical mechanics and technical mechanics 10
• statics of a solid state body
• kinematics and dynamics of a material point
• dynamics of a system of bodies *****
The heat consuming equipment 17
• heat exchangers, designs and calculation
• The invaporation equipment
• the distillation and rectification equipment
• drying installations *****
• the high-temperature technological equipment
In refrigeration technology 18
• methods and ways of natural and artificial
• thermodynamic cycles of refrigeration
machines, calculation *****
• designs of refrigeration machines, calculation,
• freezing installations, basis of calculation and
Pumps, ventilators and compressors 19
1 • characterising technical parameters
• the principle of operation, choice
Gas supply 20
1 • combustible gas as a fuel
2 • the types, designs and choice of gas
• the structure of gas networks, pressure
• liquefied combustible gas
Heat engineering measurements and automation 21
of processes
• basic principles of automatic regulation
1 • the structure of control measuring
instruments, choice
• methods of measuring, data assessment
In boiler water preparation 22
1 • basic requirements *****
• the equipment, maintenance
• testing methods
Composition of the working group for the development of the professional standard:
1 • A. Akermanis, Dr. chem. Executive director of the Latvian District Heating Association
2 • J. Cepurītis, Dipl. ing., Leader of the Riga TPP quality system
Appendix 6
List of students in Program
Students on June
I kurss RMCGO
II kurss RMCG0
II kurss RMCGS
Npk. Uzvārds, Vārds Apliecības Nr.
1. Gorlovičs Dmitrijs 051RMC101
2. Straupe Renārs 051RMC106
3. Šaicāns Edijs 051RMC104
4. Tišinovs Dmitrijs 051RMC102
5. GudeĦs Jevgenijs 051RMC105
Appendix 7
Academic staff, degree, position, presented subjects.
Appendix 8
Lecturers’ CV
1. Daniels Turlajs
2. Jānis Nagla
3. Dmitrijs Rusovs
4. Namejs ZeltiĦš
5. Viktors Grivcovs
6. Sigurds Jaundālders
7. Ainārs Cars
8. Sandra Gudzuka
9. Valdis Ziemelis
10. Narimants Salenieks
11. Zoja Sundukova
12. Valērijs KuĦickis
13. Marijans Valpēteris
14. Maija Rubīna
15. Sergejs Vostrikovs
16. Inna ŠaraĦina
17. Līga Biezā
18. Māris Knite
19. Valdis Kampars
20. Vladimirs JemeĜjanovs
21. Irina Liokumoviča
22. Irina Romanova
23. ĥikita NadzežĦikovs
24. Vladimirs Gonca
25. Ēriks GeriĦš
26. Jurijs Lavendels
27. Viktors Bonders
28. Jānis Vība
29. Viktors Nešpors
30. Jānis Zvanītājs
31. Visvaldis VrubĜevskis
32. Daina Ose
33. GaĜina Veide
34. Andrejs Koliškins
35. JevgeĦijs Carkovs
36. Renāte Tavare
37. Gunars Upītis
Autobiography (CV)
1. Name, surname: DANIELS TURLAJS
2. Date of birth:: April 28, 1939., pers. code: 280439-10544
3. Birth place: Ludzas region., Karsava, Latvia
4. Address, phone No: Saldus iela 3b-24, Rīga LV-1007, tel. 29176421, 67089703
5. Working place and position: RTU, professor, KaĜėu iela 1, LV-1658, Rīga, Latvia;
TMF , Head of Heat&Power systems department
Education / qualification
Professional experience:
• Years 1965.-1968. – Central mechanical and automation design burrea of SU, leading
engineer- designer, head of heat&power department
• From 1968.- Riga Politechnic Institute and Riga Technical University, different positions,
Head of Heat&Power systems department from 1990.
Participation in Professional organizations / associations:
• Doctoral council of scietific speciality ``Heat, Gas and Water Engineering Systems`` and
``Heat&Power Energetic``, Member, since year 1992
• World Energetic Council (WEC), member of National Committee, head of heat&power
commission, since 1995.
• Heat Enterprises Association of Latvia, member of board, since 1999.
• Latvian Association of Energy Consumers, president from 2001 until 2006
• Advisory council of Riga city heat supply eksperts, member of board, since 2002
• Riga Energetic Agency, member of supervision board, since 2007
1. ES 6 IP / LZP / IZM Grant Nr. 05. 1684 “Efektīvāku un ekoloăiski tīrāku siltumenerăijas
ražošanas metožu izstrādāšana ``Elaboration of more effective and ecologically pure
methods of heat energy production” (2005. – 2008.)
2. LZP grant Nr. 01. 0630 “Šėidrā un gazificētā biokurināmā ekoloăiski tīrākas sadedzināšanas
tehnoloăijas izstrāde „Elaboration of ecologically cleaner liquid fuel and biogas
combustion technologies”, 2001. – 2004.
3. Participation in LZP programme 96. „Optimization of heat energy production and
consumption in Latvia”. - Subprogramme Nr.3 “Siltuma enerăijas izmantošanas
optimizācija „Optimization of heat energy consumption”. –1997- 2001.
4. Līdzdalība LZP sadarbības projektā 02.0006 “Racionālu enerăijas izmantošanas tehnoloăiju
integrācija Latvijas kurināmā un enerăijas kompleksa līdzsvarotai attīstībai” (Integration of
the Technologies for Rational Use of Energy to Ensure Sustainable Development of the
Energy Sector in Latvia) – Apakšprogramma Nr. 3 “Energoefektivitāte un energotaupība
dzīvojamo ēku sektorā”. - Kopš 2002.
5. Līdzdalība PHARE 2002 projektā, Granta līguma Nr. 2002/000-590-08-02/0014 “Cēsu
pilsētas siltumapgādes modernizācijas projektēšana „Renovation project of district
heating system in Cesis town” , energosistēmu eksperts
6. Līdzdalība PHARE 2002 projektā, Granta līguma Nr. 2002/000-590-08-02 ” “Bauskas
centralizētās siltumapgādes rekonstrukcijas darbu projekta sagatavošana „Preparation of
Project for Bauska town district heating renovation”, projekta eksperts
7. Projekta vadītājs ESF projektā “Siltumenerăētikas un siltumtehnnikas bakalaura un maăistra
profesionālo programmu uzlabošana „Improvement of professional heat and power
bachelors and masters studies programs” ar identifikācijas numuru
8. IZM – RTU project Nr . R7237 `` An Elaboration of Metodology for Gas Flow
Investigation by Experimental and Numerical Methods`` leadership, 2007.
9. IZM- RTU project Nr. 7334 `` Investigation of gas fuel combustion processes and
temperature distribution in the regimes with high values of ambient air consumption``,
leadership, 2008.
• Courses in RTU for bachelors, Msc and doctoral students: Boilers equipment and fuel
technologies; Advanced heat transfer; Fluid mechanics; Ecological aspects of combustion,;
Heat power stations; Theory and design of thermal eksperiments; Basics of measurements
and control in mechanical engineering.
• Preparation of courses materials: Elaborated a new integrated program ``Heat Energetic
and Technic``. Prepared complex of studies course plans, lectures notes and tutorials.
• Management of doctoral and Msc students: During year 2003 there are defended 5 theses of and 13 works of
2202. gads
1. Франке В., Беманн А.,Турлайс,Д., Бергманис В. Разработка когенерационной
TЕС работающей на генераторном газе древесины и торфа. // Третья Росийская
национальная конференция по теплообмену. Москва ,2002, том 1, стр.166.
2. M. Zake, I. Barmina, D. Turlajs. The Electric Field Effects on Soot Formation and
Carbon Sequestration from the Swirling Flame Flow //"Heat Transfer and Renewable Sources
of Energy", 2002, Szczecin, Ed. J.Mikielewicz, W.Novak, pp. 685-694 .
3. M. Zake, I. Barmina, D. Turlajs, E. Kairish, G. Shtein. Experimental Study of Biofuel
Combustion and Pollutant Formation //"Heat Transfer and Renewable Sources of Energy",
2002, Szczecin, Ed. J.Mikielewicz, W.Novak, pp. 695-703.
4. I.Barmina, D.Turlajs, M.Zaėe. Elektriskā lauka ietekme uz oglekĜa saėeršanu un atdalīšanu
no degšanas procesa // 43. Starptautiskā Zinātniski-tehniskā konference, Rīga, 2002, tēzes,
5. I. Barmina, E.Kairišs, G. Šteins, D.Turlajs, M. Zaėe. Šėidrā biokurināmā degšanas un
kaitīgo izmešu veidošanās eksperimentālie pētījumi // 43. Starptautiskā Zinātniski-tehniskā
konference, Rīga, 2002, tēzes, lpp.76.
6. M.Zaėe, I.Barmina, G.Šteins, E.Kairišs, D.Turlajs. Biodegvielas degšanas procesu
efektivitāte un ekoloăiskā kontrole // LFB 7.zinātniskās konferences materiāli, Daugavpils,
2002., tēzes, pp.22.
7. A. Meijere, D. Turlajs, M. Gedrovičs.Kaitīgo izmešu veidošanās, sadedzinot cieto
kurināmo // RTU, 43. RTU Studentu zinātniskās un tehniskās konfrerences materiāli, Rīga,
2002., tēzes, lpp. 79.
8. S. Vostrikovs, A. KundziĦa, D. Turlajs. Latvijas enerăijas un energoresursu
ražošanas un patēriĦa scenāriju izstrāde ar “MESAP” programmēšanas metodi // RTU, 43.
RTU Studentu zinātniskās un tehniskās konfrerences materiāli, Rīga, 2002., tēzes, pp. 81.
9. D. Turlajs, A. Meijere. Correletion of Nitrogen Emissions and Process Parameters on
12 MW Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers // Nordic Counsil of Ministers Energy Research for
Biomass Combustion, Annual Report, NEFP, 2002.
2003. gads
1. D. Turlajs, M. Purmalis, Ē. GeriĦš. DE-25-14 tvaika katla darbības intensificēšana
dedzinot mazutu ārējā elektriskā laukā// RTU 44. Starptautiskā Zinātniskā konference, Rīga,
1. Турлайс Д. П., Пурмалис М. Я., Гериньш Э. В. Использование электрического поля
при сжигании мазута в котле DE - 25 – 14. // Теплоенергетика, Москва 2003.
2. A. Meijere, D. Turlajs. SlāpekĜa oksīdu veidošanās un destrukcija verdošā slānī // RTU 44.
Starptautiskā Zinātniskā konference, Rīga, 2003.
3. A. Kapenieks, B. Zuga, D. Turlajs. ``E – Education without borders 2003.”, 2003, Higher
College of Technology, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
4. A. Meijere, D. Turlajs. Integrative Approaches Towards Sustainability // Rīga, Jūrmala,
5. A. Meijere, D. Turlajs. Correletions Between Nitrogen Emissions and Process Parameters in
Circulating Fluidized Bed Boilers // Kaunas, KTU, 2003.
2004. gads
1. A. Kundzina, S. Vostrikovs, D. Turlajs, U. Sarma. Optimal Fuel Wood Modelling in Latvia
Using Mesap Program// Proceedings of the 10-th International Symposium on Heat Transfer
and Renewable Sources of Energy; Międzyzdroje, Poland, 08 – 11.09.2004, 7 lpp.
2. E. Tomsons, J. Dolacis, D. Turlajs. A Dependence of Wood Combustion Heat from it’s
Moisture. //Proceedings of the 2nd International Ukrainian Conference on Biomass for Energy,
Kiev, Ukraine, 2004.
3. S. Vostrikovs, D. Turlajs, A. KundziĦa. Planning of Fuel and Energy Resources Consumption
by Using a Mesap Programming Model// Sims 2004, The 45-th Conference on Simulation and
Modelling, Copenhagen, 23-24 September 2004, 7 p.
4. S. Vostrikovs, D. Turlajs, A. KundziĦa. A planning on Energy Resources Consumption in
Latvia. // 1st International Ucrainian conference on Cogeneration for Industry and District
Heating Systems, Kiev, Ukraine, 2004.
5. D. Turlajs, A. Birulis, A. Ramata. Cogeneration plant, based on "Caterpillar" engine with steam
generation and its characteristics. // 1st International Ucrainian conference on Cogeneration for
Industry and District Heating Systems, Kiev, Ukraine, 2004.
6. M. Zake, I. Barmina, D. Turlajs, A. Ramata, A.Meijere. Experimental study of the electric field-
enhanced heat transfer from swirling combustion// CHISA-2004 16th International Congress of
Chemical and Process Engineering// Prague, Czech Republic, 22-26 August 2004, CD-ROM
with full texts, G6.8- 0079, pp. 1-12.
M. Zake, I. Barmina, D. Turlajs, A. Ramata. Greenhouse gas mitigation from the swirling
combustion// CHISA-2004 16th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering,
Prague -Czech Republic, 22-26 August 2004, CD-ROM with full texts, P7.8- 0148, pp. 1-15.
2005. gads
1. Sergejs Vostrikovs, Antra Kundzina, Daniels Turlajs. Значение энергетической
древесины в энергобалансе Латвии // 3-я международная научно-практическая
конференция `` Нетрадиционные и возобновляемые источники энергии как
альтернативные первичным источникам энергии в регионе``, Львов 14 – 15.04.05. 5
2. D.Turlajs1, M. Zake2, I. Barmina, M. Purmalis1, A. Meijere1, A. Ramataю
Control of Burning Process of Fuel in External Electric/Electromagnetic Field// Научная
школа – конференция «Актуальные вопросы теплофизики и физической
гидрогазодинамики», 19. – 25. сентября 2005. года, Алушта, Украина.
2006. gads
1. D. Turlajs, D. Rusovs, A. Birulis, A. Ramata. Present Situations and Trends in Small Scale
Combined Heat and Power (SSCHP) Generation in Latvia// 18th National and 7th ISHMT-
ASME Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, 4 – 6 January 2006. Indian Institute of
Technology Guwahati, INDIA.
2. Vostrikovs S., Kundzina A., Turlajs D., Sarma U. Simulation of fuel and energy supply in
Latvia by using MESAP programming model // 8-th WSEAS International Conference on
Automatic Control, Modelling and Simulation, 12.03.-14.03.2006, Czech Republic,
Prague, pp. 226 – 231.
3. Vostrikovs S., Kundzina A., Turlajs D., Sarma U. Modelling fuel and energy supply for
central and regional levels of Latvia // WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and
Applications, Issue 5, Volume 3, May 2006, pp. 927 - 933.
4. Vostrikovs S., Kundzina A., Turlajs D., Sarma U. Biomass usage potential in power
industry of Latvia// Proc. 11-th International Symposium on Heat Transfer and Renewable
Sources of Energy, Poland, Międzyzdroje, 13.09. – 16.09.2006, pp. 141 - 146. - on CD-
5. Turlajs D., Nagla J., Grivcovs V. Absorbcijas aukstumiekārtas koăenerācijas siltuma
izmantošanai gaisa kondicionēšanai// Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Zinātniskie raksti, 6.
sērija, 21. sējums, Siltumenerăētika un siltumfizika, 2006, lpp. 47-51.
6. Турлайс Д.П., Гривцов В.П., Русов Д.Е., Пурмалис М.Я. Исследование влияния
электрического поля на сжигание мазута в промышленних установках// 4-я Росийская
национальная конференция по теплообмену, Москва, октябрь 2006, том 3, стр. 327-
7. Vostrikovs S., Turlajs D., KundziĦa A., GeriĦš Ē. Latvijas enerăijas un energoresursu
ražošanas un patēriĦa scenāriju izstrāde ar Mesap programmēšanas metodi// Rīgas
Tehniskās universitātes Zinātniskie raksti, 6. sērija, 21. sējums, Siltumenerăētika un
siltumfizika, 2006, lpp. 119-126.
8. Vostrikovs S., Kundzina A., Turlajs D., Sarma U. Energy Policy in the Combined Heat and
Power (CHP) Sector of Latvia// Proc. Of the 3-rd Easted Asian Conference on Power and
Energy Systems, “AsiaPES 2007”, Phuket, Thailand, 02.04. – 04.04.2006, pp. 365 – 368. –
on CD-ROM.
9. D. Turlajs, A. Melko, D. Rusovs, S. Jaundalders, A. Ramata. Situation and
Tendencies in Small Scale Combined Heat and Power (SSCHP) Generation in Latvia. The
4-th European congress on economics and management of energy in industry, Porto,
Portugal, 27-30 November 2006, , 5.lpp, CD.
10. Zake M,., Turlajs D., Barmina I. Electric Field Effects on the Swirling Combustion
Dynamics// Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, vol.26, serie 6, ``Heat @
Power and Thermal Physics``, Riga, RTU, 2006, pp. 94 – 109.
11. Turlajs D., Grivcov V., Yaundalders S. Computational Model for Determination of Vapor
Bubble Growth Speed Maximum in Superheated Liquids // Scientific Proceedings of Riga
Technical University, vol.26, serie 6, ``Heat @ Power and Thermal Physics``, Riga, RTU,
2006, pp. 31 – 33.
12. Turlajs D., Rusov D., Grivcov V Efficiency of evalation of heat pumps driven by Internal
Combustion Engines // Proceedings of Riga Technical University, vol.26, serie 6, ``Heat @
Power and Thermal Physics``, Riga, RTU, 2006, pp.107- 111.
2007.- 2008.gads
1. Nagla J., Turlajs D., Grivcovs V., Yaundalders S. An Exergetic Analysis of Cogeneration
Plants // Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, vol.26,
serie 6, ``Heat @ Power and Thermal Physics``, Riga, RTU, 2007, pp.101- 106.
2. D.Turlajs, V.Grivcovs, S.Yaundalders. Initial Stage of Vapour Bubble Growth in
Superheated Liquids // Proceedings of the 5-th WSEAS International Conference on Heat and
Mass Transfer (HMT'08), Acapulco, Mexico, January 25 – 27, 2008, pp.80-83.
3. V.Grivcovs, S.Yaundalders. Initial Stage of Vapor Bubble Growth in Superheated Liquids //
International Journal of Systems Applications, Engineering & Development, Vol.1., 2008, pp. 9-
4. D.Turlajs, L.L. Vasiljev, Yu.A. Kuzma-Kichta, M.Ahlhaus, J.Nagla, W.Nowak,
J.Mikielewicz, V.Grivcov. Heat @ Power and Thermal Physics serie 12, vol.1, Riga, RTU 2008,.
pp. 1-128.
1. Contact information:
Address: Ezermalas iela 6- 208, LV-1006, Riga, Latvia
Phone Nr.: +371 67089745; +371 29176421
Fax Nr: +371 67089749
E-mail:; ;
12. Number of scientific and 80 scientific and methodological publications, amond them:
methodological publications 1. J.Nagla, P.SaveĜjevs, R.CiemiĦš. “Basic heat technics.”
Riga, “ Zvaigzne”. 1981, 356.p.
2. J.Nagla, P.SaveĜjevs, A.Cars. “Calculations in heat
technics in examples” Riga, “ Zvaigzne”. 1982, 310.p
13. Language skills Latvian, russian;
german, english technical
14. Professional and social Member Assotiation of risen energy
5. Education:
6. Additional education:
8. Employment history:
8. Pedagogical activities
Courses of lectures in
Thermal engines,
Fuid dynamics,
Pumps, compressors and fans,
Power carriers production and distribution.
9. Contact data:
Phone: 9210509
Fax 7429993
Paraksts ______________________
Professor, Dr. habil. sc. ing. Namejs ZELTINS
Head of Energy Efficiency Centre
Institute of Physical Energetics
Aizkraukles iela 21
Riga, LV 1006
o Fuel and Energy Complex Planning including Renewables and Nuclear energy
o Energy Economy, Efficiency and Ecology
o Heat Supply Systems
o Gas Supply Systems
o Energy Market
o Energy Audit and Monitoring in Buildings and Industry
o Energy Utilisation
M. sc. of theoretical physics, University of Latvia (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics), 1966
Postgraduate, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1972-1979 (Candidate of Science in former USSR - Ph.D. in Western countries). Title of Thesis:
Complex Methods for Utilization of Energy Resources in Industry. Georgian Institute of Energetics
and Hydro technical Buildings, 1984, Title of Thesis: Integrated Investigations of Heat Supplying Systems: Energetical
and Economical Efficiency, Ecology. Institute of Physical Energetics, 1993
Professor, Institute of Physical Energetics, 1994
Head of Scientific Group, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1979-
Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of
Sciences, 1986-1993
Manager of Postgraduate Studies and Diploma Design, 1991-pres.
Professor, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1993-
Head of Energy Efficiency Centre, Institute of Physical Energetics, Latvian Academy of Sciences,
1994 -
Deputy Chairman, International Centre for Energy and Environment Policy – ICEEP (for Central
and Eastern Europe Countries), 2001 –
Member, Latvian Affiliate of IAEE, 1990 –
Member of Board, National Energy Confederation, 2001 –
Expert of Promotion Council P-12 Riga Technical University 1996-
Associated Professor of Riga Technical University, 2005 -
Deputy Chairman, Editorial Board of Latvian journal “Enerăija un Pasaule”(“Energy and World”)
• Latvian National Program. Latvian Heat Energy Production and Consumption System
Optimisation. Latvian Council of Science 1997 - 2001
• N.Zeltins (Head of Project) Theoretical and Methodical Research of the Increase of Energy
Resources Utilisation and Repeated Utilisation. Latvian Council of Science (1997 - 2000)
• International Project (Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, and Germany) Ecological Energy
Conception of Baltic Sea Countries in Transition. (1997- 2001)
• International Project. Energy and Environment. Policy Centre of Central and Eastern Europe
(1998 –)
• N.Zeltins (Head of Project) Strategy of Energy Efficiency and Saving for Development of
Latvian Fuel and Energy Complex. Latvian Council of Science (2001 –)
• N.Zeltins (Head of Part of Project) Integration of the Technologies for Rational Use to
Ensure Sustainable Development of Energy Sector in Latvia. Latvian Council of Science
(2002 – 2005)
• World Energy Council project “WEC Task Force on DH/CHP Regulatory Issues in
Transition Economies”(2000-2004)
• Centre of Excellence “Integration Centre for Central Europe for Research in Energy Supply
from Fossil Fuels and Renewable Sources (CENERG)”, Energy Institute, Poland,
Warszawa. (2001-)
• EC FR 5” (Project Acronym – EPA, Proposal No. NNES 2001-00421) “Analysis of Policy
Instruments and Identification of Tools for the Implementation of Rational Energy Use and
Renewable Energy Sources in EU Candidate Countries (2001- )
• EU project “Electricity Research Road Map In Europe (ERMInE)”
• EU project ASPIRE (Achieving Energy Sustainability in Peripheral Regions of Europe ,
EIE/06/027/SI2.439975: 1/10/2006 – 31/03/2009.
Autobiography (CV)
Sigurds Jaundālders
Person code: 010255-10555
Born: February 01, 1955; Balvu region, district Rugāji
Living address: Druvienas iela 21-18, LV-1079, Riga, Latvia
Phone No: +371 67089796; +371 22045725
From 2007.g. RTU TMF, Department of Heat@Power systems, docent with ½ load
Latvian - native
English – good
Russian – good
Until year 1996 more then 35 publication in different scientific editions, proceedings of different local and
international conferences, as well as few guidance manuals for studies process support. In years 2007-2008
there are prepared more then 6 printed papers and reports in conferences (a list attached).
Education: Mg.Psychology
Professional experience:
Riga Technical University, Institute for Humanities, Assistant
professor, from 2001, courses:
Communication Psychology;
Organizational Psychology
Specific experience:
Organizational Psychology – consultant, trainer
Sandra Gudzuka
Personal Data
Full name: Valdis Ziemelis
Identity: 290837 – 13056
Position: Pract. Assist.professor
Date of birth: 29 August 1937
Sex: Male
Place of birth: Latvia
Address: Dammes street 48 – 8, Riga
Telephone: 7089329, 9454252, 7423747
1963 – 1970 Electrical and Mechanical Engineer,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Riga Polytechnic Institute
Up to 1960 Electrical Engineer,
Riga Polytechnic School
Professional Advancement
January 2005 LR LM and European Agency seminars Occupational Safety
January 2003 – Advancement Course of the Latvian Association of Electrical
December 2003 Engineering in Electrical Safety
February 2002 Zygon Baltic Consulting seminars
January 2002 – LR Legislation on Occupational Safety and International
January 2003 Standards:
LR LM and Swedish seminar “Work in the EU”.
PVAS “Latvenergo” Seminar on Implementing and Application of
LEK 025 “Safety Requirements Using Electrical Appliances”.
LR LM and Spanish seminar “Training of Specialists of
Occupational Safety and Environment Protection in Spain”.
December 2000 – The conference “The Role of Universal Value in Consolidating
January 2001 the Peace in the World and Developing Culture among States.
Language Skills
Latvian Native
Russian Fluent
German Basics
Job Employment
1998 – to present Pract. Assist. professor, Riga Technical University.
1973 – 1998 Senior Lecturer, Riga Technical University.
1997 – 1999 Chief Electrical Engineer, Riga Technical University.
1979 – to present Head of the Department of Occupational Safety and Protection,
Rector.s Office, Riga Technical University.
1973 – to present Senior Lecturer, Lecturer on a contractual basis,
University of Latvia.
1964 – 1979 Senior Laboratory Assistant, Engineer, Senior Engineer Riga
Polytechnic Institute.
Most recent - methodological works – 35 (2212 pp.),
publications: - research work – 99 (972 pp.).
Comparison of the Electromagnetic Field Generated by the Mobile phone Base
Stations to the LR Standards, 2005 (informative material), 8 pp.
Labor Protection. Lecture notes, LU, 2005, 67 pp.
Basics of Electrical Safety. Lecture notes, LU, 2005, 12 pp.
Risk Assessment of Working Stations in Enterprises. A report at the conference
of small businesses, May, 2003.
Occupational Safety in a Family – owned Company, Publishers “Alberts XIF”,
2003, pp.151 – 155.
Instructions for Occupational Safety and Fire Prevention in “Getlini EKO”,
2002, 422 pp. (co-author).
Labor Protection. Lecture notes, part 2, RTU, 2002, 114 pp. (co-author).
Labor Protection. Lecture notes, part 1, RTU, 2001, 144 pp. (co-author).
Other Information
2003 – to present Member of the LVS Technical Commission of Lighting
1998 – to present Vice President of the Latvian Association of Labor
1997 – 2004 Member of the Council of Occupational Safety and Labor
Protection of the LR Trade Union of the Employees of
Education and Science.
1973 – to present Freelance expert in Labor Protection, Electrical Safety and
Fire Security Issues for the LR Prosecutor..s Office and
Courts (86 expertise were carried out).
2004 Honorary sign of the Latvian Protection Found “Lāčplēsis”.
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
Surname(s) / First name(s) Salenieks, Narimants
Address(es) 35 Hipokrata iela, Apt.24, Rīga LV-1079, Latvia
Nationality Latvian
Gender Male
Work experience
Name and type of organisation Riga Polytechnical Institute
providing education and
Other language(s)
Self-assessment Understanding Speaking Writing
European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken Spoken production
English Independ
A2 Basic user B2 A2 Basic user A2 Basic user A2 Basic user
ent user
Russian Proficient Proficient Proficient Proficient
C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 Proficient user
user user user user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Research Methodology of specific random function analysis, development of process parameter and
procedure quality and reliability stochastic forecasting and retrospective diagnostics methodology,
quality and reliability monitoring technique for technology management, transfer and improvement
Applied Research Production and manufacturing technology, machine/process quality, effectivity, reliability and
sustainability improvement and innovation
Higher education training and research integration, modular study program development for
industry and transport. Cyber-study and study networking methodology development for full/part
time studies, training courses and life-long learning
Project Management and EC Tempus-IB-JEP-14225-1999. International Transport and Trade Training in Latvia.
EC RTD 5-th fr. ETINNE. Promotion of innovation and encouragement of SME participation.
participation in projects ESF Teaching staff competency development for study quality improvement
Project Appraisal and ESPON 1.2.1. Transport services and networks: Territorial trends and basic supply of
Consulting infrastructure for territorial cohesion (2002-2004)
ESPON 2.1.1. Territorial impact of EU transport and TEN policies (2002-2004)
Publications 180 research papers, 2 books, 6 patents, thesis at 12 international congresses, 20 conferences
and 6 symposiums
Study guides 13 lecture courses (on CD and printed), 11 study guide sets
Organizational skills and From 1996 - Latvian Foundation for Quality Improvement, founder, Board member
competences From 1994 - Latvian Technological Centre, founder, Board member
From 1994 - Latvian Transport Development and Education Association, Board member
From 1992 - Latvian Society for Quality, founder, President
1968 – 1972
Riga Polytechnical Institute (RPI)
Engineer – economist, diploma No. 385799;
1967 – 1968
Kaunas Polytechnical Institute
Vilnius Affiliation.
11 December 1992
Doctor of economic sciences (Dr. oec.)
Riga Technical University (RTU), Habilitation Council H-09, Dr.oec. diploma BD 000396;
16 May 1989
Degree of candidate of economic sciences
Latvian Academy of Sciences
Institute of Economics
Diploma No.029562.
10 October 2007
Conference ”Competitiveness – a cornerstone of the future of national economy of
Latvia” organized by the Bank of Latvia;
18 October 2006
Conference ”Latvia on the road to well-being: growth potential and visions” organized by
the Bank of Latvia;
Computer courses (Diploma No.60R0217-05; Diploma No. 20R0221-05);
26 October 2004
Seminar “Nordic research and innovation co-operation with Latvia”. – Riga: Nordic
Council of Ministers’ Information Office in Latvia and relevant Nordic institutions;
3 June 2004
Seminar organized within the framework of Global Day of Environment “On safe
and orderly environment“. – Riga: L&T Hoetika;
22 October 2003
Seminar “Instruments for improving operation for producers”. – Riga: SIA “Tyke”;
2006 to present
Riga Technical University (RTU)
Faculty of Engineering Economics (FEE)
Associated Professor;
1990 – 2006
Assistant Professor;
1991 – 2002
SIA “Vairogs-89”, chief accountant;
Cooperative society “Vairogs-89”, chief accountant;
1975 – 1990
Riga Polytechnical Institute (RPI) FEE
Senior lecturer;
1973 – 1975
Senior lab-assistant.
01.10.2007 – 30.09.2008
RTU research project “Analysis and evaluation of factors affecting sustainable development
of Latvian small and medium-sized enterprises” (ZP-2007/15), execution of the project.
01.06.2006 – 31.12.2006
Grant of the LR Ministry of Education and Science for project No. U7111 ”Development of
the system of evaluation of performance results of Latvian small and medium-sized
enterprises”, execution of the project.
March – May 2005
Research project of the Association of Entrepreneurs of Machine-building and Metal Processing
Association ”Establishment of human resources potential in the sector of Latvian machine-
building and metal processing, development of the strategy for attracting new specialists to the
industry by applying advertising activities and incentive schemes”, execution of the project.
Scientific publications
1. Sundukova Z., I. Jevinga. Research of students’ motivation to study // Education and
economy 2007: Materials of international scientific conference. – Tallinn, Tallinn University
of Technology, 2007. – pp. 131-132.
2. Lāce N., Sundukova Z. Regional development problems of small and medium-sized
enterprises in Latvia // Economic and management trends. Volume 1, No. 01, 2007. – Czech
Republic: Brno University of Technology, 2007. – pp. 46-55.
3. Lāce N., Sundukova Z. Challenges of small business management in Latvia // 5th
International scientific conference ”Management and engineering _ 07”, June 18-22 2007
Sozopol, Bulgaria: Scientific Proceedings of the Scientific and Technical Association of
Mechanical Engineering. Jan XIV, Volume 2 (97), June 2007. ISSN 1310-3946. – Sozopol,
Bulgaria: Technical University. Sofia, 2007. – pp. 407-409.
4. Lāce N., Sundukova Z. Key performance indicators for small business // 4th international
scientific conference ”Business and management” 2006, 14th international scientific
conference ”Enterprise management: diagnosis, strategy, efficiency” Selected Papers. 5 – 6
October 2006, Vilnius, Lithuania. – Vilnius: VGTU Press ”Tecnika”, 2007. – pp. 41-46.
5. Sundukova Z., Puceviča S. Development of craft in Latvia and crafts assessment system //
Vadyba (Management): Vilnius University Research Papers, 2006 No.3-4 (12-13). – Vilnius,
Vilnius University, 2006. – pp. 93-104.
6. Lāce N., Sundukova Z. Small business performance evaluation on the basis of balanced
scorecard // Global economy and business – administration of small and medium-sized
enterprises. Proceedings of the 4th international scientific seminar, Minsk, 1-2 2006. –
Belarus National Technical University. – Minsk: BNTU, 2006. – pp. 92-95.
7. Sundukova Z., Evinga I. Use of the Internet for teaching correspondence students. // Global
economy and business – administration of small and medium-sized enterprises. Proceedings
of the 4th international scientific seminar, Minsk, 1-2 February 2006, Belarus National
Technical University. – Minsk, BNTU, 2006. – 232-235.
8. Sundukova Z., Puceviča S. The system of criteria for evaluation of labour resources in the
crafts sector // Vadyba (Management): Vilnius University Research Papers, 2006 No.1 (10).
– Vilnius, Vilnius University, 2006. – pp. 101 – 111.
9. Lace N., Sundukova Z. On problems of evaluation of effectiveness of business management
// problems of development of national economy and entrepreneurship: Proceedings of the
international conference. Riga, 13-15 October 2005. – Riga: RTU Publishing House 2006. –
pp.127- 133.
10. Lace N., Sundukova Z. The role of managerial reports in decision-making // Acta
Universitatis Latviensis. Volume 690. Management science. – Riga: University of Latvia,
2005. – pp. 223-230.
11. Didenko K., Sundukova Z. On the problem of development of economic analysis //
Economic Proceedings of the Ukrainian National University ”Kiev Polytechnical Institute”,
2005(2). – Kiev UNU ”KPI”, 2005. – pp. 11-15.
12. Sundukova Z. On the specifics of the systemic approach to cost management // International
conference proceedings ”Problems of development of national economy and
entrepreneurship”. – Riga: RTU Publishing House, 2005. – pp. 310-318.
13. Sundukova Z. Effective use of production resources at wood working enterprises in Latvia //
management of organisation: diagnostics, strategy, effectiveness. Proceedings of the 13th
scientific conference, 7-8 April 2005. – St.Petersburg: Publishing House of the Polytechnical
University, 2005. – pp. 155-157.
14. Sundukova Z. Development of the methodology of economic analysis // International
conference proceedings ”Problems of development of national economy and
entrepreneurship”. – Riga: RTU Publishing House, 2004. – pp. 220-227.
15. Sundukova Z. Development of theoretical aspects of comprehensive evaluation of theoretical
aspects of performance results of an enterprise. // International scientific proceedings of a
higher schools. – Riga: RTU, 2001. – pp. 47.-52.
1. Regulations on the elaboration and defence of the diploma thesis in the professional Master
study programme ”Entrepreneurship and management” for being awarded the qualification
„Economist / A. Magidenko, K. Didenko, N. Lāce, Z.Sundukova, J. Ėipsna. - Riga: RTU
Publishing House, 2005. – 36 p.
2. Jevinga I., Sundukova Z. Fundamentals of financial accounting. Study aid. – Riga: RTU
Publishing House, 2004. – 111 p.
3. Lāce N., Sundukova Z. Economics of an enterprise: Methodological guidelines for
elaboration of the course paper. – Riga: RTU Publishing House, 2003. – 46 p.
4. Didenko K., Sundukova Z. Theoretical fundamentals of economic analysis: Summary of
lectures. – Riga: RTU Publishing House, 2003. – 71 p.
5. Sundukova Z., Jevinga I. Economics of an enterprise: fundamentals of entrepreneurs. Study
aid. – Riga: RTU, 2002. – 33 p.
26-27October 2007
International academic conference ”Education and economy 2007”, Educational Research Centre
of Tallinn University of Technology and TTU Tallinn College.
Report: Research of students’ motivation to study. (Co-reporter I.Jevinga);
12-14 September 2007
Scientific conference on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the establishment of Business
and Management Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic,
Report: Regional development problems of small and medium-sized enterprises in Latvia. (Co-
reporter N. Lāce);
6-7 September 2007
17th international scientific conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the foundation of the
Department of Economics and Management of Chemical and Food Industry CHTF SVŠT and
the Department of Economics and Management of Chemical and Food Industry FCHI VŠCHT
”Modern Approaches to Corporate Management”, Bratislava, Slovak Republic,
Report: Effective cost management as a prerequisite for the development of small business. (Co-
reporter N. Lāce);
18-22 June2007
5th international scientific conference ”Management and Engineering „07”, Sozopol, Bulgaria,
Faculty of Management Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Report: Challenges of small business management in Latvia. (Co-reporter N. Lāce);
8 December 2006
International scientific seminar organized by RTU „Development of knowledge-based
innovative entrepreneurial activity”, RTU, Riga.
Report: Innovations in managerial accounting;
5-6 October 2006
4th international scientific conference “Business and Management”, 14th international scientific
conference “Enterprise management: diagnosis, strategy, efficiency”, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Report: Key performance indicators for small business. (Co-reporter N. Lāce);
29-30 June 2006
International scientific seminar ”Small business management: innovation, strategy, values”,
RTU, Riga.
Report: Performance measurement system for a fuel trade enterprise” (Co-reporter D. Dzalbe);
1-2 February 2006
4th international scientific seminar „Global economy and business – administration of small and
medium-sized enterprises”, Minsk, Belarus national technical University.
Reports: Small business performance evaluation based on the balanced scorecard. (Co-reporter
N. Lāce); Use of the Internet in educating correspondence students. (Co-reporter I. Jevinga);
7-8 December 2005
International scientific conference “Progressive methods and tools of management and
economics of enterprises”. Brno, Czech Republic, Brno University of Technology.
Report: Challenges of SMEs performance evaluation in Latvia” (Co-reporter N. Lāce);
23-24 September 2005
International scientific conference “Business development possibilities in the new European
area”, Vilnius University, Lithuania.
Report: The system of criteria for labour resource evaluation in the crafts business” (Co-reporter
S. Puceviča);
13-15 October 2005
RTU 46th international scientific conference „Problems of national economy and
entrepreneurship”, Riga.
Report: On problems of evaluation of effectiveness of management of an enterprise;
4 February 2005
63rd scientific conference of the university of Latvia. Section of Management science.
Report: The role of managerial reports in decision-making. (Co-reporter);
14-17 October 2004
RTU 45th international scientific conference ”Problems of development of national economy
and entrepreneurship”, Riga.
Report: Use of the approach of the determined factor analysis in cost management;
9-11 October 2003
RTU 44th international scientific ”Problems of development of national economy and
entrepreneurship”, Riga.
Report: development of the methodology of risk analysis.
entrepreneurship”, ”Methods of economic analysis”;
Professional Bachelor study programme (correspondence department): ”Economics of
entrepreneurship”, ”Economics of an enterprise”.
11-12 January 2008
Member of the Programme and Organisation Committee of the international scientific seminar
”Towards knowledge-based economy”, Riga;
12-13 April 2007
Member of the Organisation Committee of the dual international scientific conference ”Towards
knowledge-based economy” & ”Enterprise management: diagnostics, strategy, effectiveness”,
5-6 October 2006
Member of the reviewers board of the 14th international scientific conference ”Business and
managements” & ”Enterprise management: diagnosis, strategy, efficiency”. Vilnius, Lithuania;
29-30 June 2006
Member of the Programme and Organisation Committee of the international scientific seminar
”Small business management: innovation, strategy, values”, Riga;
18 February 2005
Member of the Organisation Committee of the international scientific seminar “Trends and
drivers in implementing international collaboration between European enterprises” within the
framework of the project “PROMINENCE – Promoting Inter-European Networks of
Collaborating of Extended Enterprise” (contract G1RD-CT-202-00713), Riga.
Certificate of appreciation by the RTU FEE Dean on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the
FEE and 25 years of teaching in a higher school;
2005 - Certificate of appreciation by the RTU FEE Dean on the occasion of the anniversary of the
Chair of Economics of Production and Entrepreneurship;
06.04.2005 - Winner of the contest of RTU methodological conference ”For the best
methodological aid”, order No. 21-142;
20.04.2004 - Winner of the contest of RTU methodological conference ”For the best
methodological aid”, order No. 21-117;
23.05.2003 - Winner of the contest of RTU methodological conference ”For the best
methodological aid”, order No. 21-127;
2002. - Certificate of appreciation by the RTU FEE Dean for excellent performance on the
occasion of the 140th anniversary of RTU.
2002. - Certificate of recognition ”For training high quality specialists”, Latvia Education
Foundation and the state joint stock company VAS “Latvijas DzelzceĜš”.
Valery Kunitsky
Dr. Philosophy
Professional experience
Course: Sociology
Social psychology
Business sociology
V.Kunickis 2008.
Autobiography (CV)
1. Name, surname
Marians Valpeteris
2. Personal code 221040-10544
3. Birth place Daugavpils region, Latvia
4. Address Spilves street 41-16, Rīga LV-1007, Latvia
5. Working place and Director of Company „GREIN” Ltd., Riga Technical university(RTU),
position Faculty of Transport and Mechanical.
12. Number of
scientific and
Surname(s) / First Rubīna Maija
Address(es) Vesetas Street 8 - 43, Riga, LV-1013, Latvia
Telephone(s) + 371 6733 9385 Mobile: + 371 2640
Fax(es) + 371 671 8 1171
Nationality Latvian
Gender Female
Work experience
1. Vostrikovs S., Kundzina A., Turlajs D., Sarma U., OPTIMAL FUEL WOOD MODELLING IN
11.09.2004, pp. 75 - 80.
2. Vostrikovs S., Kundzina A., Turlajs D., PLANNING OF FUEL AND ENERGY SUPPLY IN
LATVIA BY USING A MESAP PROGRAMMING MODEL, 45th International Conference of
Scandinavian Simulation Society, ”SIMS 2004,,, Copenhagen, Denmark, 23.09. – 24.09.2004, pp.
223 - 229.
3. Vostrikovs S., Kundzina A., Turlajs D., Sarma U., Legal Regulation of CHP in the National
Legislation of Latvia, 1st International Ukrainian Conference on Cogeneration for Industry and
District Heating Systems, Kyiv, Ukraine, 18.10. – 20.10.2004.
4. Vostrikovs S., Kundzina A., Turlajs D., Значение энергетической древесины в энергобалансе
Нетрадиционные и возобновляемые источники энергии как альтернативные первичным
источникам энергии в регионе, Львов, 14.04. - 15.04.2005, стр. 117 - 121.
5. Vostrikovs S., Kundzina A., Turlajs D., Sarma U., Simulation of fuel and energy supply in
Latvia by using MESAP programming model, 8th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic
Control, Modelling and Simulation, Czech Republic, Prague, 12.03.-14.03.2006, pp. 226 - 231.
6. Vostrikovs S., Kundzina A., Turlajs D., Sarma U., Modelling fuel and energy supply for central
and regional levels of Latvia, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue
5, Volume 3, May 2006, pp. 927 - 933.
7. Vostrikovs S., Kundzina A., Turlajs D., Sarma U., Biomass usage potential in power industry of
RENEWABLE SOURCES OF ENERGY, Poland, Międzyzdroje, 13.09. – 16.09.2006, pp. 141 -
146. - on CD-ROM.
8. Vostrikovs S., Kundzina A., Turlajs D., GeriĦš Ē., LATVIJAS ENERĂIJAS UN
PROGRAMMĒŠANAS METODI, RTU Zinātniskie raksti, 6. sērija, 21. sējums, Rīga, 2006, lpp.
119 - 126.
9. Vostrikovs S., Kundzina A., Turlajs D., Sarma U., ENERGY POLICY IN THE COMBINED
Power and Energy Systems, “AsiaPES 2007”, Phuket, Thailand, 02.04. – 04.04.2007, pp. 365 –
368. – on CD-ROM.
10. Vostrikovs S., Kundzina A., Turlajs D., Sarma U., SIMULATION OF ENERGY
Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 09.09. – 13.09.2007, pp. 1 – 6. – on
Līga Biezā
Curriculum Vitae
Professor Maris KNITE Director of Institute of Technical Physics, Professor in
Solid State Physics Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry Riga
Technical University
Azenes iela 14/24 Riga, LV 1048 Latvia
Phone: +371 7089181, +371 7089380 Fax : +371 7615765 E-mail:
1 • Professor of Riga Technical University, 2000
2 • Professor in Solid State Physics, Riga Technical University, 1999
3 • Dr. habil. phys., Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, 1999
4 • Associate Professor, Riga Technical University, 1999
5 • Docent, Riga Technical University, 1993
6 • Dr.phys. (Ph.D. in Western countries), Institute of Solid State Physics, University of
Latvia, 1989
Professional Experience:
Riga Technical University, Chair of Physics until 1994, Institute of Technical Physics since 1994
1 • Chairman of Senate, RTU, 2003 – 2006
2 • Professor in Solid State Physics, 1999 –
3 • Director, Institute of Technical Physics , RTU, 1999 -
4 • Associate Professor, 1999
5 • Docent, 1993 - 1999
6 • Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, 1978 - 1993
1 • Visiting Scientist, University of Vienna, Institute of Experimental Physics,
Austria 1991-1992
2 • Workshop “The regional train-the-trainers course on nuclear materials for
Customs trainers of Eastern and Central Europe” Seibersdorf Research Center,
Austria, June,1997
3 • European Graduate School Germany/Polen/Latvia Workshop “Materials and
design aspects of surfaces and interfaces”, Institut fuer Werkstofftechnik Kunststof-
und Recyclingtechnik, Kassel Universitaet, Germany , December, 2002
4 • Bilateral agreement for the academic year 2004/2005 Socrates programme:
Higher Education (ERASMUS), topic taught " Physics of Materials" , University of
Vienna, Institute of Experimental Physics, Austria, September, 2004.
Lectures abroad:
1 • Electric conductive polymer-carbon black nanocomposites as sensor materials. -
University of Kassel (Germany), December 13, 2002.
2 • Alternating-curent electrical properties of elastomer-carbon nanocomposites. -
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, September1, 2003.
3 • Polymer electroconductive nanoparticle composites as functional materials for
strain sensors. - University of Vienna (Austria), July 17, 2004.
4 • Member, Latvian Universities Professors Association, 2000 -
5 • Member of the Senate, Riga Technical University, 2001 -
6 • Member of European Materials Research Society, 2003 -
7 • Member, Editorial Board of Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University
“Material Science and Applied Chemistry” , 2001 -
8 • Member of Scientific Advisory Committee of Fourth and Fifth Int. Workshop on
New Approaches to High-Tech:Nondestructive Testing and Computer Simulations in
Science and Engineering, (NDTCS-2000, NDTCS-2001), St.-Petersburg, 2000, 2001
Riga Technical University:
1 • Physics
2 • Structure and Properties of Materials
3 • Physics of New Materials
4 • Materials Science
5 • Physics of Nanostructured Materials
6 • Physics of Smart Materials
Recent/Representative Publications
Selected Scientific Papers:
1 • M.Knite, I.Klemenok, G.Shakale, V.Teteris, J.Zicans, Journal of Alloys and
Compounds, 2007, V434-435, 850-853.
2 • M.Knite, A.J.Hill, S.J. Pas, V.Teteris, J.Zavickis, Materials Science &
Engineering C, V 26, 2006, 771-775
3 • M.Knite,V.Tupureina, A.Dzene, V.Teteris, A.Kiploka, J.Zavickis. Influence of
plasticizer on the improvement of strain sensing effect in polymer- carbon
nanocomposites. – Chemical Technology, 2005, No 2(36), pp. 5-10.
4 • M.Knite,V.Teteris, I.Aulika, H.Kabelka, A.Fuith. Alternating-current properties
of elastomer-carbon nanocomposites. - Advanced Engineering Materials, 2004, V 6, N
9, p. 746-749.
5 • M.Knite,V.Teteris, A.Kiploka, I.Klemenoks. Reversible tenso-resistance and
piezo-resistance effects in conductive polymer-carbon nanocomposites. - Advanced
Engineering Materials, 2004, V 6, N 9, p. 742-746.
6 • M.Knite,V.Teteris, A.Kiploka, J.Kaupuzs. Polyisoprene-carbon black
nanocomposites as strain and pressure sensor materials. - Sensors and Actuators. A:
Physical, V110/1-3, 2004, pp.143-150.
7 • M.Knite, V.Teteris, A.Kiploka. The effect of plasticizing agent on strain-induced
change of electric resistivity of carbon-polyisoprene nano-composites.- Materials
Science & Engineering C , V23/6-8, 2003, pp.787-790.
8 • M.Knite, G.Mezinskis, L.Shebanovs, I.Pedaja, A.Sternbergs. CO2 laser-induced
structure changes in lead zirconate titanate Pb(Zr0.58Ti0.42))3 sol-gel films. - Applied
Surface Science, V208-209C, 2003, p.378-381.
9 • M.Knite, V.Teteris, B.Polyakov, D.Erts. Electric and elastic properties of
conductive polymeric nanocomposites on macro- and nanoscales. - Materials Science
& Engineering C, V19, Iss.1-2, 2002, pp.15-19.
10 • M.Knite, L.Shebanovs, V.Snitka. Laser induced chemical reactions and surface
patterning in Co-Si and Co-Ti-Si films: investigations by X-ray diffraction and atomic
force microscopy. - Proc. SPIE , 2001, vol.4157, pp.208-211.
11 • M.Knite, A.Krumins, D.Millers. Laser – calorimetric study of fundamental
absorption edge in Pb,La(ZrTi)O3 (PLZT) perovskite ceramics. – In: "Defects and
Surface-Induced Effects in Advanced Perovskites”, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
2000, vol.77, pp. 405-410.
1 • M.Jansone, A.Kalnaca, J.Blums, A.Kiploka, I.Klemenoks, A.Medvids, M.Knite.
Collected Problems of General Physics, 2000, Riga: RTU , 247 pp. (in Latvian)
2 • I.Klincare, M.Jansone, A.Kiploka, I.Klemenoks, M.Knite, V.Novikovs. Laboratory
Works in Physics for Students of Technical University, 2003, Riga: RTU,172 pp. (in
Azenes 14/24,
LV-1048, Riga,
October 5, 1944, Priekule, Latvia
• Organic and Industrial Organic Chemistry
• Domestic Raw Materials for Chemical Industry
• Organic Compounds and Polymers for Photoelectronic and Information Storage
• Fuels. Alternative and Renewable Fuels
• Waste Recycling
• Chemical and Chemical Engineering Education
Latvian, Russian, English, (German)
• Riga Technical University (Faculty of Chemistry), cum laude, 1970
• Dr.chem. (Candidate of Science in former USSR, Ph.D. in Western Countries), Riga
Technical University, 1974
• Dr.habil.chem. (Doctor of Science in former USSR, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1983
Riga Technical University
• Junior and senior Researcher, Faculty of Chemistry, 1970-1984
• Associate Professor, Department of organic chemistry, 1984-1988
• Head, Department of General Chemistry, 1988-2002
• Professor, Department of General Chemistry, 1989-2002
• Dean of Faculty of Chemical Technology, 1993-2003
• Dean of Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry, 2003-
• Head, Department Chemistry, 2002-
Professional Activities and Memberships
• Vice-president, Latvian Association of university Professors, 1996-
• Chairmen, Promotion Council (Chemistry) Riga Technical university, 2000-
• Member of Board, Latvian Chemical Society, 1990-
• Chairmen of Senate, Riga Technical university, 2000-
• Editor-in-Chief, Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, Material Science
and Applied Chemistry
Riga Technical University
• General Chemistry
• Structure of Matter
• Industrial Organic Chemistry
• Fuels and Lubricants
• UV/VIS Spectroscopy
• IR Spectroscopy
• Chemical Analysis
Recent/Representative publications
G.Dobele, I.Urbanovich, A.Zhurins, V.Kampars, D.Meier. Application of anlytical pyrolysis for wood
fire protevtion control. J.Anal.Appl.Pyrolysis, 2007, 79, pp.47-51
G.Dobele, I.Urbanovich, A.Volpert, V.Kampars, E.Samulis. Fast pyrolysis. Effectof wood drying on the
yield and properties of bio-oil. BioResources, 2007, 2(4), 699-706.
I.Muzikante, M.Rutkis, E.Fonavs, B.Stiller, D.Neher, V.Kampars, P.Pastors, Light induced
processes in thin films of indandione type organic molecules, SPIE Proceedings, 2007, Vol.
6470, 647012
I.Kaulachs, I.Muzikante, G.Shlihta, L.Gerca, M.Plotniece, M.Roze, J.Kalnachs, P.Shipkovs,
A.Murashov, V.Parra, V.Kampars, PV effect in visible and infrared light in
P3HT/C61(CO2Et)2/GaOHPc blend and multilayer cells, Latv.J.Phys Tehn. Sci., 2007, No.3,
Dm. Saharov, A.Ozols, V.Kampars, V.Kokars, J.Kreicberga, S.Ratyeva. Influence of
chromophore group concentration on the holographic properties of spin-coated azobenzene
oligomers. Latvian Journ. of Phys. and Techn. Sciences, 2006, No2, pp. 59 – 65.
V.Kampars, K.Lazdoviča, S.Ratjeva. BiodīzeĜa degradācija augstā temperatūrā. Scientific
Proceedings of Riga Technical University, Material Science and Applied Chemistry, 2006,
Nr.12, pp.80-87
G.Blazys, S.Grigalevicius, J.V.Grazulevicius, V.Gaidelis, V.Jankauskas, V.
Kampars. Phenothiazinyl-containing aromatic amines as novel amorphous molecular materials
for optoelectronics. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. A: Chemistry, 2005, pp.115-
Patents: LV 11344, 12257B, LV 13070 B
Research projects
V.Kampars (Head of Project). Light Sensitive Organic Substances for High Density Information
Storage Materials. Latvian Council of Sciences 2005-.
V.Kampars (Head of Project). Sorbents. Latvian Council of Sciences 2004-.
V.Kampars (Head of Project). Biofuels. States project, 2006-.
V.Kampars (Head of Project). Synthesis and Studies of Electroactive condensed Organic
Systems. Latvian-Lithuanian-Taiwan joint project 2003-2006.
March 6, 2008 y. Signature
Vladimirs JemeĜjanovs
1997 Riga Technical University, Doctor of Engineering Sciences (
1976 - 1981 Ministry of the Interior of the USSR, Higher School for Fire Fighting
Engineers, profile: Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting Equipment
1972 - 1975 Ministry of the Interior of the USSR, Leningrad Fire Fighting College,
profile: Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting Equipment
from 1999 to the present day: Riga Technical University, Assoc. Professor
2002 - 2004 Civil Safety and Fire Prevention College, Director
1986 - 2002 Ministry of Interior of Latvia, State Fire Fighting and Rescue Services,
Deputy Chief
1984 - 1986 Ministry of Interior of Latvia, Detention Directorate, Division Head
1981 - 1984 Ministry of the Interior of Latvia, Fire Fighting Headquarters, Division
1979 - 1981 Ministry of the Interior, Fire Fighting Headquarters, Training Centre,
Deputy Chief
1975 - 1979 Ministry of the Interior, Fire Fighting Headquarters, 7th Military Unit
for Fire Fighting, Senior Engineer
2004 „Basic Course in Pedagogy”, Rosersberg, Sweden
2004 „System of Results and Performance Indices”, School of State
2004 Training Centre „Buts”, Vocational Training Programme
„Labour Protection”
2004 School of Psychology and Pedagogy, University of Latvia,
Further Education Programme „Higher Education Didactics: Modern
Theory and Practice”
2003 „Strategy Management”, School of State Administration
2002 „European Union: General Guidelines”, School of State
2001 „Information System Technologies”, School of State Administration
2001 „Development of Legislative Acts”, School of State Administration
2000 „Customer Service Psychology”, School of State Administration
1996 „Fires and Other Risks: Preventive Measures”,
Rosersberg School of Rescue Services, Sweden
2006 „Cross-border initiative for creation of emergency management system of disasters in
neighbouring regions of Latvia and Lithuania” 2005-2006. ERDF cofinancing together with
Jelgava State Council, State Fire Fighting and Rescue Services, Riga Technical University.
2005 Latvian Police Order on JSC „Komēta” Fire Expertise, Criminal Case No. 1095139801.
2001 - 2002 Project 1 A 11 „ Purchase of Fire Fighting and Rescue Equipment”.
2000 - 2001 Ministry of Interior of Latvia, State Order No. 6567,6645. „Conception of method
of Material Losses caused by Fire of Buildings and Structures”.
1997 - 1998 Joint Project with the Police Academy, Development of the Training Programme „Fire
Prevention for Residents and Students”.
1. Scientific Training Conference „Fire Prevention: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”, Riga, 1995.
2. International Conference „Innovations in Ecology and Life Safety”, St. Petersburg, 1998.
3. International Training Conference „Fire Prevention and Control Methods”, St. Petersburg. 2001.
4. II World Congress of Latvian Scientists, Riga, 14.-15.08.2001.
5. International Scientific Conference „Human Rights and Public Safety”, Riga, 26.-27.08.2004.
6. International Scientific Conference „Ecology and Life Safety ELPIT- 2005”, Tolyatti,
7. International Conference „Scientific Problems of Technogenic Environment Protection”, Riga,
Latvian - fluent
Russian - native
German - dictionary assisted
4. The Role of Linguistics in ELT in the 21st Century // Scientific
journal “Language Learning / Teaching in the Context of
Social Changes”, 2000, No. 1, Kaunas University of
Technology, Faculty of Humanities, Centre of Foreign
Languages, pp. 46-48.
5. The New Century: the Need for Different Approaches to
Teaching English for Business // Proceedings of the
International Scientific Conference: “Foreign Languages for
Professional and Scientific Purposes.” – 31 March 2000.- Riga
Technical University.- Riga 2000 (in print).
6. Some Aspects of Vocabulary Acquisition in the Age of
Globalization // Proceedings of the 14th International
Conference on Foreign / Second Language Acquisition.- 24 –
26 May 2001, Szczyrk, University of Silesia,- Sosnowiec,
Poland 2001 (in print).
12. Total number of publications: 31
13. Knowledge of Languages: Russian, Latvian, English, German
14. Improvement of Professional Skills:
1995 Centre of Linguistics and Philology, University of
Oxford, UK, certificate.
1999 BBC English Language School, St. Mary’s University
College, London, UK, certificate.
1999-2000 Participant of the British Council Project: “Using the
Internet in ELT”, Riga, Latvia, certificate.
15. Professional and social work:
Member of the Council of the Institute of Languages, Riga Technical University;
Member of the methodological commission;
Coordinator of studies and methodological work of the Department of Economics, Riga
Technical University;
Member of the Byelorussian Association of Communicative Linguistics.
Address 30 – 72 ROPAZU IELA, LV-1039, RIGA, LATVIA
Telephone 371-7551174, 371-26801559
Nationality Latvian
Date of birth 14 MAY 1960
• Dates (from – to) 1994 - onwards
• Name and address of employer Riga Technical University, Institute of Languages
• Type of business or sector State sector
• Occupation or position held German language lecturer
• Main activities and responsibilities Planning and carrying out lessons of German language; methodological work, compiling
tests, visual aids development, Annual Students’ scientific-technical conference organization
• Reading skills excellent
• Writing skills excellent
• Verbal skills excellent
• Reading skills excellent
• Writing skills good
• Verbal skills excellent
• Reading skills excellent
• Writing skills excellent
• Verbal skills good
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Professional skills improvement
26 February 2008
Curriculum Vitae
1. First name, Last name: ĥiėita NadežĦikovs
2. Personal code: 080434-11229
3. Place of birth: Viesite, Latvia
4. Place of job:
Associate professor, Riga Technical university (RTU), Faculty of Power and
Electrical Engineering, Riga, LV-1048, Latvia, 1Meža str., phone +371 7089500
5. Home address:
222c Maskavas str. apt. 12, Riga, LV-1019, Latvia, phone. +371 7145349
6. LR scientific degree:
Dr. phys.Diploma E-D Nr. 000184
7. Professional experience:
Foreman - electrician, plant “Kaija”, Riga,1957-59;
Engineer, Institute of Energetics, Sc. Academia, Latvia 1959-61;
Engineer, plant of Semiconductor Apparatus, 1961-63;
Engineering manager, Institute of Physics, Sc. Academia, Latvia 1963-1966;
Assistant, Riga Polytechnical institute (RPI), 1966-69.
Post-graduate, Riga Polytechnical institute (RPI), 1969-1972.
Assistant, lecturer, docent, RPI and RTU, Riga, 1972-1998;
Associate professor, RTU, 1998 - present.
8. Educationl experience:
Courses and laboratory:
Theory of electrical engineering,
Theory of electrical circuits,
Electricity and magnetism,
Automobile Electrical and Electronic Systems.
Co-author of 1 text-books of basic electrical engineering.
13. Languages used:
2008.02.03. ĥ.NadežĦikovs
1. Surname, Name:: Gonca Vladimir.
2. Place of birth: Russia, Vladivostok.
3. Working place and RTU, Faculty of Strength of Materials, professor, Ezermala str. 6-319.
position: Riga, tel.: 7089473, e-mail:
4. . LR Academic titles:, B-D Nr. 000345, Mechanics, mechanical engineering,
(RTU, 09.1992)
5. Practical activities: Scientific research works RER, VEF, ALFA, more 500 Technical and
motor transportation examinations. Examinations for the insurance
companies and LR court.
6. Pedagogical activity: 1969.-1972.g. Assistant; 1972.-1982.g. Senior Teacher; 1982.-1985.g.
Senior Lecturer to Resistance of Materials Faculty RPI ; 1985.-
1998.g. Head of Department of Resistance of Materials faculty of
RTU; 1998.-2001.g. Assoc. Professor, 2002.- 2006. Professor to
Resistance of Materials Faculty RTU.
7. Brief Description of Mail Development of methods of calculation of details from rubber and
research:: composite materials. Analysis of emergencies of mechanisms and
8. Research projects (2000. – LZP Project Nr. 96.0503 (E. Lavendelis u.c.)-executor; Inter.Project "
2006.): INCO-COP 95/0054" (J. Vība) - executor; TOP 04-07 un TOP 68-08
(vad. J. Vība) - executor.
9. Main publication for last 5 1. I. Lyashenko, V. Gonca, B. Oks. "Designing medical knitwear in
years: view of geometrical and biomechanical characteristics of rounded
surfaces".1st Internation Conference on Magic World of Textiles,
Groatia-2002, p.47-53.
2. J. Vība, V. Gonca. "Objekta Trieciens pret taisnleĦėa iedobuma
stūri". RTU Zīnātniskie raksti, 6. sērija: Mašīnzinātne un Transports,
Mehānika, 7.sējums, Rīga-2002, lpp. 20-28.
3. I. Lyashenko,V. Gonca, J. Vība. "Functional feature of compressive
knitted p".2nd Internation ConferenceMagic World of Textiles,
4. A.Martinovs, V.Gonca."ARubber fall model for yield deformation".
Internation Conference on bionics and prosthetics, biomechanics and
mechanics, mechatronics and robotics, Varna-2004.p.47-51.
10. Scientific works: The total number of scientific works 95: Scientific articles,
methodical works, abstracts: Latvia, Russia, Bulgaria, Lithuania,
Estonia, Germany.
11. Languages: Latvian, Russian, English..
12. Improvement of Scientifically - methodical conferences: Latvia, Russia, Bulgaria,
professional skill: Lithuania, Estonia, Germany.1982 - 2003.g.; pedagogical rates: LU,
LLA; scientifically - technical exhibitions: Austria, Poland, Germany
(CSNg) : 1998 - 2005.g.
13. Professional and public Member of Latvian Union of Scientists; Expert of Motor transportation
activities: institute RTU; Member of RTU Promotion Council (Mechanics and
Mechanical Engineering); Chairman of SIA ”Autoekspertīze”;
Member, Committee of Experts of TAB.
14. Hobbies Bridge, Basketball.
22.02.2008. V. Gonca
3. Stress Calculation of Sliding Friction Surfaces.
Riga, 2004.
5. Fluidtehnika, Rīga, 2005.
6. New Mechatronic System for Three-dimensional
Surface Roughness Testing, Riga, 2005.
7. Calculation of Pneumatic Conduits. Monograph.
Riga, 2007.
8. Apstrādes ar atdalīšanu tehnoloăijas, Rīga, 2007.
2008-02-20 E.Gerinsh
Year of Birth: 1952.
Place of Birth: Riga, Latvia
SCIENTIFIC GRADE: Doctor of Engineer Science, Associated professor.
CURRENT Associated professor of the Department of Informatics and Programming,
EMPLOYMENT: Head of the Department of Informatics and Programming
RESEARCH AREA: Computational modelling of physical processes and simulation of the physical
processes in technical objects - automatization of finite element method,Software
for study of effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on human health,
Real-time systems in communication technics.
Liable partner of several scientific projects. Some of them are: “ Finite elements’
computer-aided system AutoFem”, “Telephone communication system on base of
signal-processor and Intel processor” and so on.
Prof. Janis Viba (CV), Director of Institute of Mechanics RTU, Head of Department of Theoretical
Mechanics and Strengs of Materials.
Interests: Engineering Mechanics; Mechanical Engineering; Vibration and Shock; Optimal
Control ; Car Crashes.
Brief Description of Main Research: Development of methods of optimal control theory for
impulse or shock systems, practical use of effects of vibration and shock, and protection against
vibration, with a view to develop new systems for vibration transporters, vibration hammers,
vibration instruments, impact dampers and start - stop drives with adaptive control.
Experience: Riga Technical University: Senior laboratory assistant, Assistant, Department of Production and Automation,
1960-1962. Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor, Department of Theoretical Mechanics, 1965-1975. Head of Department of Theoretical
Mechanics, 1975 – 2002. Professor of Department of Theoretical Mechanics, 1983- 2006. Director of Institute of Mechanics, 1998 – 2006.
Honours and Awards: Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Sciences, 1992 - ; Latvian State Prize, 1989. Canders
Prize, 2004.
Professional Activities and Memberships: Member, Latvian Union of Scientists. Expert, Latvian Council of Science,
1990 - Member and Chairman of Workshop, Latvian National Committee of Mechanics, 1993 - Chairman, RTU Council for Professors' election in
branch "Mechanics" Member, RTU Promotion Council (Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering) Chairman, RTU Students Scientifical and
Technical Union, 1976 - Member of Presidium of Latvian Professors' Association, 1995 -
Recent/Representative Publications: 1. Cifanskis, S.; Armada, M.; Akinfiev, T.; Viba, J. & Jakushewich, V. HIGH VOLTAGE
− INNOVATION AS COMPETITIVE EDGE FOR SME". 29 - 30thApril 2004, Tallinn, Estonia. P. 185. - 188.
2. Gonca, V.; Grasmanis, B. & Viba, J. INVESTIGATION OF OBLIQUE IMPACT IN TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS. 4th International DAAAM
Conference "INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING − INNOVATION AS COMPETITIVE EDGE FOR SME". 29 - 30thApril 2004, Tallinn, Estonia. p.
23. - 26.
3. Mironovs, V.; Viba, J. LIFTING OF FERROMAGNETIC POWDERS. 4th International DAAAM Conference "INDUSTRIAL
ENGINEERING − INNOVATION AS COMPETITIVE EDGE FOR SME". 29 - 30thApril 2004, Tallinn, Estonia. P. 215. - 218.
2004, Tallinn, Estonia. P. 43.- 46.
Conference "INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING − INNOVATION AS COMPETITIVE EDGE FOR SME". 29 - 30thApril 2004, Tallinn, Estonia. p.
298. - 301.
6. Tamužs V., Viba J. Education in Mechanics in Latvia Higher Schools. 21 st International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.
August 15 - 21, 2004. Warsaw, Poland.
7. J. Viba, B. Grasmanis, I. Tipans, J. Fontaine. JUMPING, FLAYING AND IMPACT MOTION OF AN OBJECT. Динамика виброударных
(сильно нелинейных) системю XIV Международный Симпозиумю Росийская Академия Наук. Москва - Звенигород. 2003.
Research Projects: 1. E. Lavendelis, INCO - COPERNICUS Project 960054. Efficient Start-Stop Intelligent Drives with Adaptive Control.
(Spain, France, Russia, Byelorussia, Latvia) (1997 - 1999). 2. J. Viba, Axiliary Climbing Robot For Underwater Ship HullCleaning of Sea
Adherence And Surveyng (Nas-Aurora). Supplementary agreement No 1 to the contract No G3RD-CT-2000-00246 NAS - Proposal No GRD1-
1999-11153. The EC ... and ..- CSIC IAI; - ALGOSYS.AR; - ULUND.DMEN.ROBOT; - SAIND; - KAL; - UNDB (collectively "the contracting
parties") HAVING REGARDS TO contract No G3RD-CT-2000-00246 ... to extend ... : -An additional of one contractor (" TURIGA ME") . 3. J.
Viba. (Head of Project). Investigation of Oblique Impact and Adaptive Control for High-Speed Machines. Latvian Council of Science (1994 -
1996). 4. J. Viba (Head of Project). Investigation of Collisions of Bodes in Start-Stop Systems with Adaptive Control. Latvian Council of Science
(1997 - 2000). 5. J.Viba (Head of Project). Optimal Synthesis of Adaptive Controlled Intelligent Vibroimpact Systems with Line, Surface and
Volume Interactions. Latvian Council of Science (2001 - 2004).
J.Viba (Head of Project). Analysis, Optimisation and Synthesis of Self-Exciting Vibroimpact Macroscopic Systems by Using Micro Interaction of
Elements. Latvian Council of Science (2005 - ).
Application to the Project of European Social fund grants scheme „Development and
implementation of professional rehabilitation programmes”, contract No.
Title of the Project „Enhancement of ways for acquiring professional education by disabled
persons on the basis of modern information and communication technologies in the 1st level
higher professional education programmes in entrepreneurship”. Implementation of the
Project: 01.09.2006. – 30.06.2008. Total financing of the Project: LVL 258,909.00
Scientific publications
Total number of publications - 62 (1,748 pp.). The most significant of them are
the following:
1. Briede L., Nešpors V. Education – a precondition for efficient functioning of human
capital. Ekonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektyvos 1(8). Šiauliu universitates, 2007 –
pp. 47- 52
2. Briede L., Nešpors V. The second higher education in the context of life-long learning.
Management and Sustainable development 2/2007(17), 2007 – pp.14 – 18, Sofia, Bulgaria
3. Nešpors V., Grinberga D. Use of efficiency audit for ensuring accountability in local
governments. Ekonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektyvos 2(7). Šiauliu universitates,
2006 – pp. 62- 68
4. Nešpors V. Briede L. Knowledge-based society as a factor of social, economic and cultural
development. Management and Sustainable development, 1-2/2006 (14), Sofia, Bulgaria,
2006 – pp. 46- 53
5. Nešpors V. Pre-conditions of social and economic development in post-industrial society.
“Problems of foreign economic relations development and attraction of foreign
investments: regional aspect” – Ukraine, Donetsk, 2006 – pp.1164 – 1168 (in Russian)
6. Problems of supporting small businesses. Economic News, 2004 (1) НТУУ, Кiev, 2004 pp.
147 -153 (in Russian)
7. Enhancement of the role of local municipalities in promoting support for small businesses
8. Proceedings of international scientific conference „Problems of development of national
economy and education today”. – Riga, RTU, 2003. pp.151 – 156 (in Latvian)
9. Post-industrial society and the place of Latvia in it. Proceedings of scientific conference,
Rēzekne, Higher School of Rēzekne, 2002, pp. 257 – 262 (in Latvian)
10. Sharing and ensuring responsibility in interaction of central authorities and local
municipalities. RTU proceedings, series 3; National economy: theory and practice, vol.3 –
Riga, RTU, 2002, pp. 42 - 49 (in Latvian)
11. Definition of small businesses and support problems. Proceedings of international
scientific conference, Riga, RTU, 2002, pp.44 – 49 (in Latvian)
12. Financing of functions of local municipalities in Latvia. RTU proceedings, vol. 3, Riga,
RTU, 2001, pp. 30 – 35 (in Latvian)
13. Formation and establishment of social environment in local municipalities. Proceedings of
international scientific conference, Riga, Higher Banking School, 2001, pp.90 - 95 (in
14. Impact of local municipalities on business environment. Proceedings of international
conference, Riga, Higher Business School Turība, 2001, pp.126 – 132 (in Latvian)
15. Educational system: reforms, financing and implications on the development of a nation.
Proceedings of international scientific conference “Qualitative interaction of educated
society and new economy”, Riga, 26 October 2001, Higher Banking School, pp.174 -179
(in Latvian)
1. Introduction into theory of microeconomics. - R.: Kamene, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
2006,2007 – 150 pp. (in Latvian)
2. Introduction into Economics. - R.: Mulineo, 2007 – 193 pp. (in Latvian)
3. Ādamsone L., Nešpors V. Analysis of microeconomics: Market deficiencies and the role
of public (government) in avoiding it. - R.: 2007 – 120 pp. (in Latvian)
4. Microeconomics. Course of distant learning, part 1. – R.: Latvian Academy of
Entrepreneurship and Management, 2003 – 280 pp. (in Latvian)
5. Microeconomics. Course in distant learning, part 2. – R.: Latvian Academy of
Entrepreneurship and Management, 2003 – 243 pp. (in Latvian)
6. Introduction into Economics. – R.: Kamene, 2002, 2004 – 193 pp. (in Latvian)
8. Microeconomics (scientific supervisor, author of 60% of total amount). – R.: Kamene,
2001, 2002, 2003. – 131 pp. (in Latvian).
Courses taught
Microeconomics, Theory of Economics
Certificates of recognition by the Dean of RTU Faculty of Engineering Economics
24 March, 2008
First name, surname: Jānis Zvanītājs
E – mail:
Telephone at work: 67089374
Identify number: 130157-10519
Mother tongue: Latvian
Other languages: Russian and English
1980 – Graduated Polytechnic Institute of Riga. Specialty – engineer economist.
1985 – Candidate degree of economics science.
1992 – Doctorate degree in economics.
From 2005 – Professor of Technical University of Riga.
From 1990 – Head of department in RTU Faculty of Engineering Economics, at present –
Head of department of Organizing of Production and Entrepreneurship.
1994 – 1995 Minister of Economics of Republic of Latvia.
Estimation expert of applications for tender of EU Social fund, Ministry of Education and
Science of Republic of Latvia, 2005.–2006.
1. “Role of efficient energy use and its management in Latvia”. Co-author A. DeniĦa.
Abstract of presentation on 48th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical
University, RTU, 2007.
2. “”Problems of organization of tax administration”. Co-author V. Stavecka. Abstract of
presentation on 48th International Scientific conference of Riga Technical University,
RTU, 2007.
3. “Assessment of Efficiency of the Economic Sectors” (9 p.). Co-author J. Reėe.
University of Latvia, Scientific Issue of Publications, Volume 702, Economic, V,
4. “Payment Cards and Organisation of Minimisation of Risks” (7 p.). Co-author M.
Priede. Scientific Works of Scientific Conference “Problems of development of
national economy and entrepreneurship”, Riga, RTU, 2006.
5. “Efficiency of the Economic Sectors in Latvia” (7 p.). Co-author J. Reėe. University
of Textile of Moscow (Russia), International Scientific Issue of Publications, 2006.
6. “Efficiency of the Economic Sectors in Latvia” (6 p.). Co-author J. Reėe. University
of Daugavpils, International Scientific Materials of Conference “Efficiency and
Competition”, 2006.
7. “Problems of Entrepreneurship in Latvia”. Co-author J. Reėe. Abstract of presentation
on 46th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University, RTU, 2005.
8. “Payment Cards and Organisation of Minimisation of Risks”. Co-author M. Priede.
Abstract of presentation on 46th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical
University, RTU, 2005.
9. “Global Logistics Influence to Operation of Ports in Latvia” (10 p.). Co-author J.
Vanags. Scientific Works of RTU, 2004.
10. “Prognosis of Development of the Infrastructure in Daugavpils”. Abstract of
presentation on 45th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University,
RTU, 2004.
11. “Global Logistics Influence to Operation of Ports in Latvia”. Co-author J. Vanags.
Abstract of presentation on 45th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical
University, RTU, 2004.
12. “Optimization of Decisions of Management”, brochure (68 p.). Co-author A. Pavlov.
Institute of Economics Strategy, Moscow, 2004.
13. “Tendencies of Development and Organization of National Economy in Latvia in
Transition Period” (9 p.). University of Textile of Moscow (Russia), 2004.
14. “Possibilities of Optimization of Railways Lines in Latvia” (7 p.). Scientific Works of
RTU, 2003.
15. “Aspects of Development of Port’s Marketing” (16 p.). Co-author J. Vanags.
Scientific Conference of University of Latvia, 2002.
16. “Entrepreneurship and its Legal Environment” (15 p.). Co-author R. Sabulis.
Scientific Conference of University of Latvia, 2002.
17. “Influence of Development of Latvian Ports to the National Economy” (10 p.). Co-
author J. Vanags. Scientific Works of RTU, 2002.
Teaching materials
1. J. Zvanītājs, G. Kozaka “Regulation on Field Practice for Professional Masters in
Ddepartment of Organizing of Production and Entrepreneurship”, RTU, 2007.
2. N. Baranovskis, J. Zvanītājs “Organization of Resources of Entrepreneurship”, RTU,
Bachelor’s works conducted: 10 Bachelor’s works every year.
Courses taught:
1. Organization of Work.
2. Organization of Investments of Production.
3. Organization of Management of Production.
4. Organization of Development of Entrepreneurship.
5. Organization of Management of Entrepreneurship.
6. Problems of Organization of Entrepreneurship.
7. Planning and Organization of Entrepreneurship.
8. Organization of Production and Services.
April, 2008
Education / qualification
Profesionals / Experience
• Manager of the project group, Project institute of the plants, of Latvia. Riga, 1961. − 1965.
• Manager of the Laboratory and lecturer of the Riga Polytechnical institute, in the heating,
ventilation and gas supply chair, 1965. − 1967.
• Manager of the buildings and construction departament, of the Latvian Local industry
project bureau, 1967. − 1968.
• Chief specialist of the institutes Komunalproject, Pilsētprojekts and Rūpnīcprojekts, in the
heating, heat supply, ventilation and air condition speciality 1968. − 1988.
• Director of the Art Fund, of the Art society of Latvia 1988. − 1992.
• Director of the construction company “Arta Latvia” (ltd), 1992. − 1998.
• Lecturer in the heat, gas and water technology institute of the Riga. Technical university,
faculty of structural ingeneers from 1965. Docent from 1997.
• Latvian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Physical Energetics Researcher from 1995.
• Structural engineers society of Latvia “LBS − Konsultants” Ltd, Expert − consultation from
• The fund of defense“Lāčplēsis”, of the state of Latvia. Member of board. Consultant
− expert from 2000.
• Member of the experts working − group “The arranged entrepreneurship and living
− space” of the National development plan of Latvia.
The main publications.
April, 2008
1996 – 1998
University of Latvia, Faculty of Law
Master’s diploma No. 004567
Master’s degree in rights
1993 – 1995
RTU, Faculty of Engineering Economics
Master’s diploma No. 000414
Master’s degree in engineering sciences
1998 – present
RTU, Faculty of Engineering Economics
Assistant Professor, practical
1996 – present
LU, Faculty of Law
1992 – 2002
National Production Enterprise “Kompresors”
Scientific publications
1. D. Ose. Mazo un vidējo uzĦēmumu nodokĜu un finanšu vides pilnveidošana//
Tautsaimniecības un uzĦēmējdarbības attīstības problēmas – starptautiskās zinātniskās
konferences zinātniskie raksti, Rīga, 2005.gada 13.-15.oktobrī., 148.-155.lpp.
2. D.Ose, I.Seržante. Intelektuālā kapitāla aizsardzības problēmas Latvijā // Tautsaimniecības
un uzĦēmējdarbības attīstības problēmas - Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences
zinātniskie raksti, Rīga, 2005.g., 285.-296.lpp.
3. D.Ose. Mazo komercdarbības formu dibināšanas īpatnības Komerclikumā// Tradicionālais
un novatoriskais sabiedrības ilgtspējīgā attīstībā - Starptautiskās zinātniskās
konferences materiāli. Rēzekne, 2002.gada 28.februāris - 2.marts.,277.- 283.lpp.
1. D.Ose. Darba tiesību pamati, otrais papildinātais izdevums, R.RTU, 2007., 48 lpp.
2. D.Ose. Darba tiesību pamati, R.RTU, 2006., 42 lpp.
3. D.Ose. Tiesību pamati. Mācību līdzeklis, R; RTU, 2002., 58 lpp.
Courses taught:
“Fundamentals of Rights”, “Economic and Labour Rights”, “Civil Law”, “Commercial
Rights”, “Labour and Social Rights”, “Legal Bases of Immovable and Movable Property”,
“Legal Bases of Labour Protection”, “Civil Process”, “Judgement Execution Rights”,
“Topical Problems of Civil Process”.
2 Juny 2008
Curriculum Vitae
1. General information
Conference Engineering Graphics BALTGRAF-8 June 08-09,
2006, Tallinn, Estonia, 137-141p.
3. Z. Veide, E. Leja, G. Veide. Peculiarities of Engineering
Graphics teaching for chemical engineering students. In:
Proceedings of the seventh International Conference
Engineering Graphics
4. BALTGRAF-7 May 27-28, 2004, Vilnius, Lithuania, 198-202p.
5. J. Auzukalns, G. Veide. The teaching aspects of Wood Building
Construction CAD Software „SEMA”. In: Proceedings of the
seventh International Conference Engineering Graphics
BALTGRAF-7 May 27-28, 2004, Vilnius, Lithuania, 206-209p.
6. Z. Veide, G. Veide. Mastering the skills of form shaping based
on geometric modelling. In: Proceedings of the sixth
International Conference Engineering Graphics BALTGRAF-6
June 13-14, 2002, Riga, Latvia, 149-156p.
Curricula or course
programs responsibility
Study subjects: BTG131 Descriptive geometry and Engineering Graphics, 2 CP
Curriculum Vitae
1. Last name, first name: Koliškins Andrejs
Education / qualifications
Professional experience:
Member of the American Mathematical Society
Member of the Latvian Mathematical Society
Research projects:
1. Grant 04.1238 “Analytical and numerical solutions of problems in
electrodynamics and
magnetohydrodynamics in strong magnetic field” (Latvian Academy
of Science)
2. Grant 04.1239 „Analysis of fluid flow in channels and open
hydrodynamical systems”
(Latvian Academy of Science)
2. Hong Kong Grant Council, Project No. HKUST6230/99E
3. Hong Kong Research Grant Council, Project No. HKUST 718/96E
4. UPGC Research Infrastructure Grant Programme, Hong Kong, Project no. RIG 94/95
Pedagogical qualification:
Lectures and tutorials: courses „Mathematics for economists” (Bachelor program in Faculty
of Economics), „Engineering Mathematics” (Master program in Faculty of Civil
Engineering), „Numerical methods” (Bachelor program in Faculty of Computer Science and
Information Technology)
Total number of publications: 140.
I am a co-author of three monographs..
Most important publications during the last 5 years:
1. M. Zhao, M.S. Ghidaoui, and A.A. Kolyshkin (2007), Perturbation dynamics in
unsteady pipe dlows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 570, pp. 129 – 154.
2. A.A. Kolyshkin, S. Nazarovs (2007), Stability of slowly diverging flows in shallow
water, Mathematical modeling and analysis, no. 1, pp. 101 – 106.
3. A.A. Kolyshkin, S. Nazarovs (2007), Linear and weakly nonlinear analysis of two-
phase shallow wake flows, WSEAS Transactions on mathematics, v. 6, no. 1, pp. 1 –
4. J. Ulmanis, A.A. Kolyshkin (2007), The impact of ICT on the development of Latvia
as a new member of the EU, WSEAS Transactions on business and economics, v. 4,
no. 10, pp. 152 – 159.
5. M.S. Ghidaoui, A.A. Kolyshkin, J.H. Liang, F.C. Chan, Q. Li, and K. Xu (2006),
Linear and nonlinear analysis of shallow wakes, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 548,
pp. 309 – 340.
6. F.C. Chan, M.S. Ghidaoui, and A.A. Kolyshkin (2006), Can the dynamics of shallow
wakes be reproduced from a single time-averaged profile? Physics of Fluids, v. 18,
048105-1 – 048105-4.
7. W. Nixon, M.S. Ghidaoui, and A.A. Kolyshkin (2006), Range of validity of the
transient damping leakage detection method, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, v.
pp.944 – 954.
8. A. A. Kolyshkin, R. Vaillancourt, and I. Volodko (2005), Weakly nonlinear analysis
rapidly decelerated channel flow, IASME Transactions, v. 2, issue 7, pp. 1157 – 1165.
9. A. A. Kolyshkin and S. Nazarovs (2005), Influence of averaging coefficients on
weakly nonlinear stability of shallow water flows, IASME Transactions, v. 2, issue
1, pp. 86 – 91.
10. A. A. Kolyshkin, R. Vaillancourt and I. Volodko (2006), On the stability of
viscous flow in an annulus, Advances in Continuum Mechanics, World Scientific.
11. M. Zhao, M.S. Ghidaoui, and A.A. Kolyshkin (2004), Investigation of the
mechanisms responsible for the breakdown of axisymmetry in pipe transient, Journal
of Hydraulic Research, v. 42, issue 6.
12. M. Zhao, M.S. Ghidaoui, A.A. Kolyshkin, R. Vaillancourt (2004), On the stability of
oscillatory pipe flows. Technische Mechanik, Band 24, Heft 3-4, 289 – 296.
13. M.S. Ghidaoui, A.A. Kolyshkin and R. Vaillancourt (2004), Transient turbulent
flow in a pipe, Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University, 46th thematic
issue: Boundary field problems and computer simulation, pp.16 - 24 , RTU, Riga.
14. A.A. Kolyshkin and M.S. Ghidaoui (2003), Stability analysis of shallow wake flows,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, v. 494, pp. 355-377.
Address: Meža street– 1/4 – 135
Telephone: 67089586
Fax: 67089694
Jevgenijs CARKOVS
Dr. hab. math.
Personal Data:
University graduate:
Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine;
Professional skill: mathematician and mathematics teacher;
1959.-1962 USSR Academy of Sciences, Mathematical Institute, candidate,
1962.-1968. LU, Computer Center, research fellow,
1968.-1972. Chernivtsi National University, docent,
1972.-1979. LU, Computer Center, head of a laboratory,
1979.-1995. RTU , head of Applied Mathematics Dpt.
1995.-p.t. RTU, professor of Probability and Statistics Dpt.
2007-p.t. RTU DITF VDC leading researcher;
1992.-p.t. LSC expert in „Probability and Statistics” end „Differential Equations”
1997- p.t. International Journal “Random Operators and Stochastic Equations”,
member of editorial board.
2002-2007. International Conference “APLIMAT” member of program committee,
1998- p.t. International Statistical Institute, elective member,
member of editorial board.
1991-p.t. American Mathematical Society, member
1991-p.t. Latvian Mathematical Society, member
Aerts,A., and Fieuws,S. (Eds.). Leuven: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2003 - p.p.
153 – 156.
12. J.Carkovs, Eqilibrium Stability of Markov Dynamical Systems.//
Proceedings of 3rd International Conference APLIMAT’2004, –
Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia, p.p. 69 – 82.
13. J.Carkovs, S.Rogols. Asymptotic methods for stability analysis of linear systems with
diffusion coefficients.// Proceedings of the International Carpathian Controle
Conference ICCC’2004, - University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland,
2004, p.p. 49 – 52.
14. J.Carkovs, K.Šadurskis.// Mean square stability of linear systems with Markov
coefficients.// Proc. of 4th International Conference APLIMAT’2005, – Slovak
University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia, p.p. 85 – 97.
15. J.Carkovs, J.Stoyanov.//Asymptotic methods for stabilitry analysis of Markov
dynamical systems with fast variables.// From Stochastic Analysis to Mathematical
Finance. Festschrift for Professor Albert Shiryaev. Kabanov, Yu. and Liptser, R.
(Eds.). - Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005, pp. 93-110.
16. J.Carkovs,K.Šadurskis.//Averaging method for retarding quasilinear dunamical
systems with rapidly oscillating perturbations.// Proceedings of the Latvian Academi
of Science, v.59, Nr. 6, 2005, p.p. 245 – 254.
17. J.Carkovs, V.Jasinsky.// Asymptotic method for stability analysis of linear systems
with diffusion coefficients//Theory of Stochastic Processes. ”TBiMC”, vol.11(27),
No 1-2, Kiev, Ukraine, 2005.-p.p.12-22.
18. J.Carkovs, K.Šadurskis.// Asymptotic methods for retarding quasilinear dynamical
systems// Proc. of 5th International Conference APLIMAT’2006 – Slovak University
of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia. – p.p. 93 – 110.
19. J.Carkovs, and V.Korolyuk. On stochastic stability of Markov evolution associated
with impulse Markov dynamical systems, Probability Theory and Mathematical
Statistics, The quarterly journal from TBiMC scientific Publisher, No. 75, 2006, p.p.
20. J.Carkovs, K.Šadurskis.// On delayed stochastic exponent// Proc. of 6th International
Conference APLIMAT’2007 – Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia ,
2007. – p.p. 463 – 469.
1. J. Carkovs, M.Leidman, R. Počs. Price Equilibrium Stochastic analysis.//The 6th World
Multiconference on Systemics,Cybernetics and Informatics SCII’2002, Orlando, Florida
2. J. Carkovs, K. Šadurskis. On Price Cycle Stochastic Bifurcation Owing to Random
Delay of Supply.// The 6th WorldMulticonference on Systemics,Cybernetics and
Informatics SCII’2002, Orlando, Florida, USA, 2002.
3. J. Carkovs, R. Počs. Price Equilibrium Volatility Reserve for Marshall-Samuelson
Adaptive Market. // The 17th International Workshop on Statistical Modeling
17IWSM, Athens, Greece,2002.
4. J.Carkovs, M.Leidman, R.Počs. Stochastc analysis of price equilibrium stability for
Marshall- Samuelson adaptive market.// The 1th International Conference
APLIMAT’2002, Slovakia,2002.
5. J.Carkovs, A.Pola. A simple proof of averaging principle for random dynamical
systems.// The1th International Conference APLIMAT’2002, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2002.
6. J.Carkovs, K. Šadurskis. On price stochastic equilibrium at rendomly delayed
supply.//The 1th International Conference APLIMAT’2002, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2002.
7. J.Carkovs, M.Sverdan. Lyapunov-Krasovsky Quadratic Functionals.//
2nd International Conference APLIMAT’2003, – Slovak University of
Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia
8. J.Carkovs,K.Šadurskis. Ito Formula for Quadratic Functional.//2nd International
Conference APLIMAT’2003, – Slovak Uniiversity of Technology, Bratislava,
9. J.Carkovs, R.Počs. On price stochastic equilibrium.// 18th Inernational Workshop on
Statistical Modelling. Leuven: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2003.
10. J.Carkovs. Equilibrium stability of Markov dynamical systems.// 2nd International
Conference APLIMAT’2004, – Slovak University
of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia.
11. J.Carkovs. Equilibrium stability of Markov dynamical systems.//
3rd International Conference APLIMAT’2004, – Slovak University of
Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2004.
12. J.Carkovs, S.Rogols.// Asymptotic methods for stability analysis of linear systems
with diffusion coefficients.//The International Carpathian Controle Conference
ICCC’2004, - University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland, 2004.
13. J.Carkovs, K.Šadurskis. On equilibrium stability of quasilinear stochastic functional
differential equations.//The Fourth European Congress of Mathematics, June 27 – July
2, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden.
14. J.Carkovs, S. Rogols. Asympttotic methods for stability analysis of linear systems with
diffusion coefficients.//The Fourth European Congress
diffusion coefficients.//The Fourth European Congress of Mathematics,
June 27 – July 2, 2004, Stockholm, Sweden.
15. J.Carkovs, V.Carkova. On stationary fourth momenmt GARCH(p,q).// 3rd Conference in
Actuarial Science & Finance in Samos, September 2-5, 2004, Karlovassi, Greece.
16. J.Carkovs, K.Šadurskis. Mean square stability of linear systems with Markov
coefficients.//4 th International Conference APLIMAT’2005, – Slovak University of
Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2005.
17. J.Carkovs, J.Stoyanov.Asymptotic methods for stabilitry analysis of Markov dynamical
systems with fast variables.// 2nd Bachelier Colloquium on Stochastic Analysisand
Mathematical Finance, Metabief, Switzerland, 2005.
18. J.Carkovs, K.Šadurskis.Asymptotic methods for retarding quasilinear dynamical
systems// 5th International Conference APLIMAT’2006 – Slovak University of
Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2006.
19. J.Carkovs, K.Šadurskis. On delayed stochastic exponent// 6th International Conference
APLIMAT’2007 – Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia , 2007.
8. Stochastic Analysis of Financial Market (10 c.p.),
9. Asymptotic Analysis of Differential Equations with Markov Switching
(10 c.p.).
21.02.2008 J.Carkovs
• Writing skills Very good
• Verbal skills fluent
• Reading skills Basic
• Writing skills Basic
• Verbal skills Basic
• Reading skills Basic
• Writing skills Basic
• Verbal skills Basic
IMPROVEMENT OF 1997 – 1998 seminar “Methodology of the Latvian Language as the Second
PROFESSIONAL SKILLS Language” (96 hours). Certificate No.184/98
2007/2008 study year
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 3
Lecturing methods................................................................................................... 5
4. Evaluation system............................................................................................................ 6
5. Students............................................................................................................................ 7
6. Academic staff.................................................................................................................. 8
1. The questionnaire for the survey among students............................................. 16
2nd level higher professional education study program Heat and power
engineering is implemented in collaboration with Faculty of Transport and
Mechanical Engineering at RTU. The study programme is meant to train
specialists in heat and power engineering ready to work at thermal power
stations, cogeneration stations, with the heating systems. The labour market of
Latvia shows that this specialty is topical in Latvia. The programme is aimed at
decreasing lack of progress in technical sphere, decreasing unemployment and
preparing qualified specialists in social sphere, as well as at introduction and
application of modern technologies.
In Daugavpils branch of RTU, the study programme can be acquired in a
full-time study form. After the end of the second year, full- time students
continue studies at RTU in Riga at the Faculty of Transport and Mechanical
Engineering and get higher education there. As to part-time students, they
continue their studies in Riga at the Faculty of Transport and Mechanical
Engineering at RTU after the end of the third year of studies.
After graduation, the students get professional Bachelor’s degree and the
qualification of Engineer in heat and power engineering.
following forms of studies – full-time (day or evening) or part-time studies. The
number of credit points is determined by the Senate of RTU.
The tasks of the study programme are as follows:
• to offer comprehensive knowledge in system designing, operation, power
division automatization and calculation, etc.
• to develop formation and acquisition of students’ scientific research skills,
to develop independent thinking while writing and defending term and
Bachelor papers;
• to ensure understanding of heat and power engineering, its principles and
• to give an opportunity to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in
• to foster practical application of the acquired knowledge;
• to prepare specialists in professional and academic disciplines at the level,
which would give the students the opportunity to develop the acquired
knowledge in professional Master study programmes;
• to foster cooperation of students who study heat and power engineering
with colleagues from other countries;
• graduates of professional studies have to be able to understand how to
solve problems, to participate in designing and implementing projects, as
well as to be able to work in a team of specialists.
Daugavpils branch of RTU implements licensed and accredited RTU study programmes.
After graduation, students of the Bachelor Professional study programme „Heat and power engineering” are to get the
qualification „Engineer Qualification in Heat and Power Engineering” (which corresponds to the 5th level of professional
qualification) and “Prpfessional Bachelor Degree in Heat and Power Engineering”.
The content and number of credit points of the 2nd level higher professional education study program “ Heat and power
engineering” fully complies with Regulation Nr 481 „Regulations for the state standard of the 2nd level higher professional
education” of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia (November 20, 2001).
A. Compulsory subjects 96 CP
B1. Specialty (professional) subjects
14 CP
B2. Humanities, social subjectsi 2 CP
B3. Languages 4 CP
C. Free choice subjects
6 CP
D. Practice
26 CP
E. State examinations ( diploma work)
12 CP
The basic principles of the evaluation
system of knowledge applied in the study
programme fully complies with the state
education standard and are as follows:
• summing positive evaluation up
• compulsory check of knowledge at the and of each course
• open and clear evaluation criteria – requirements for tests are available for
any student either at the lecturers or at the administration, and are given in
the begininning of each course
• variety of examination forms – term papers, tests, examinations, etc.
Lecturing methods
are fostered to work independently. During the term, students elaborate and
defend laboratory works, practical and independent works, participate at
seminars and have tests. Research work plays a significant role in the study
process: students work independently and present the results in the frameworks
of study courses.
Only those students who have met all the requirements set in the study
programme (have written a test, have performed individual work, etc) are
allowed to pass the test. Otherwise, students do not have the right to pass the
test. The marks for tests are registered in student’s record books and
test/examination record lists.
Cooperation of the faculty and Daugavpils branch helps to develop the
content of the study programme and to find innovative approaches to the study
process. In addition, working programmes of subjects are conformed with
responsible professors of corresponding RTU departments and groups of
professors who give the branch lecturers permission for subject teaching within
a particular period of time (6 years).
• very high level of achievement (10 – “with distinction”, 9 –
• high level of achievement (8 – “very good”, 7 – “good”)
• satisfactory level of achievement (6 – “almost good”, 5 –
“satisfactory”, 4 – “almost satisfactory”)
• low level of achievement (3-1 – “unsatisfactory”)
Theoretical knowledge is evaluated with the help of tests and
examinations. There are practical works, such as course papers, laboratory
works and practice; the main evaluation is given by employers. Each student
performs several practice works, which are evaluated by “passed” or “failed”. A
student is not allowed to take an examination, if even one laboratory work is not
defended. The evaluation of the laboratory work depends on the quality of the
work performed and knowledge on the topic of the given work. During exams,
students have to show good knowledge of theoretical material, understanding of
the course, ability to apply the knowledge during independent work. The main
criteria of evaluation are as follows:
• understanding and deep knowledge,
• creative approach for combining theory and practice,
• quality of performance at seminars, tests and course papers.
Lecturers in Daugavpils branch of RTU practice constant consultation
system; the time of consultations is known in advance and it can be also found
in the Internet. There are additional consultations both for individual students
and for groups of students. The majority of lecturers use e-studies and e-mails,
thus ensuring communication with students.
There is constant check of the results. For the students who have not
passed exams or tests, the lecturers organize consultations and additional
examinations. Students who cannot get positive evaluation at the end of the
course have an opportunity to attend the course and take the examination one
more time.
• principle of compulsory check of knowledge;
• principle of open and clear evaluation criteria;
• principle of variety of examination forms;
• principle of accessible examinations.
The duty of each lecturer in Daugavpils branch of RTU is to clearly define
his/her requirements and evaluation system during the first introductory
lecture. The requirements for positive evaluation and evaluation criteria are
stated in the study plans: requirements and evaluation are a part of the course
5 budget study places were planned for the students of the study programme „Heat and
power engineering” (DMCNO) implemented in Daugavpils branch of RTU, but due to
great demand for this programme, two more budget place were allocated to our university.
Thus, in 2007-2008 study years Daugavpils branch of RTU matriculated 7 students who
currently study this programme.
It should be mentioned that the study programme „Heat and power engineering” is
implemented in Daugavpils branch of RTU for the first year, that is why a lot of attention
has to be paid to its promotion and popularization among students.
Weak points of the study programme are revealed with the help of the
survey (see Appendix 1 for the questionnaire used for the survey) that is
conducted by the academic staff. Administration tries to take all the weaknesses
into consideration and to eliminate them using and developing their work
For the students, meetings with admonistration and lecturers are
organized. During the meeting suggestions and opinions are discussed.
Students of Daugavpils branch of RTU take active participation in
Student Parliament. Students participate in the events held at university, they are
involved in the organization of these events, solve different students’ problems.
Students also participate at conferences and Information Days, thus promoting
studies in Daugavpils branch of RTU.
Both students and employers give positive evaluation to the study
programme. Since last study year the majority of lecturers have performed the
non-formal survey of students in order to find out their opinion about the course
and lecturing methods and to take it into consideration in the future. The survey
shows that students get knowledge mainly from the materials given by the
lecturers. Students also give positive evaluation to rather small number of
students in the groups; it ensures better communication and understanding
between students and lecturers.
Appendix 1 shows the results of the survey of students aimed to find out
their opinion about the 2nd level higher professional education study program
“Heat and power engineering”.
List of the lecturers of Daugavpils branch of RTU involved in the 2nd level higher
professional education study program „Heat and power engineering”
21. Flow mechanics Doctor, docent G.Strautmanis
22. Probability theory and mathematical statistics Master, lecturer M.Dobkeviča
23. Materials science G.Strautmanis
24. Computer science (special course) Doctor, docent J.Ivanovs
25. Machine elements Doctor, docent F.Turonoks
26. Heat technical calculation software Doctor, docent G.Strautmanis
27. Basics of heat technical calculations and Doctor, docent V.ĥikišins
28. Heating technology and equipment Doctor, docent G.Strautmanis
29. Basics of ecology Master, lecturer S.Stašāne
B. Languages
1. English Master, lecturer M.Cveka
2. German Master, lecturer L.Rotaja
C. Optional subjects
1. Latvian Doctor, docent J.Stašāne
2. Intensive course of Latvian Doctor, docent J.Stašāne
The staff of Daugavpils branch of RTU is formed by academic staff, i.e.
lecturers selected for academic positions in Daugavpils branch of RTU.
Docents, lecturers and assistants are selected for academic positions for 6
years, in case if the person is not selected for these positions at other education
or scientific establishments. Constitution of RTU gives the criteria of
qualification and compliance of an employee with the position. The main ones
are as follows:
• Education and qualification
• Academic and scientific degrees
• Length of service
• Growth of qualification
• Results of scientific research work
• Methodic work
These criteria are crucial in the policy of selection and development of the
academic staff.
The council of Daugavpils branch of RTU evaluates the necessity to
attract guest lecturers. In order to conduct several courses of the study
programme, highly professional lecturers with rich experience are invited. This
tendency is considered to be positive.
In 2007/2008 study year, academic staff of the branch has been enlarged
by 4 new lecturers: A.Grigorjevs, I.Grinevičs, P.Gavrilovs and S.Smirnovs; two
more lecturers have got Doctor’s degrees and have become docents – J.Stašāne
and I.Ščukins. In future they will substitute the old generation staff.
In order to provide students with efficient independent work and intensify
studying process in Daugavpils branch of RTU, each year the methodic
committee – V.Miglāns, J.Stašāne, V.ĥikišins – work out the work plan. The
work plan of the methodic committee for 2007/2008 is presented in Appendix 2.
Prepared and published works in last years’ period:
J.Ivanovs. Diskrētā matemātika. Lekciju prezentācijas. Elektroniskā
bibliotēka, RTU DF, 2007
V.ĥikišins Ėēžu teorija. Studiju 1. darba paraugs. RTU DF : Elektroniskā
bibliotēka www., Daugavpils, 2007
V.ĥikišins Ėēžu teorija. Studiju 2. darba paraugs. RTU DF : Elektroniskā
bibliotēka www., Daugavpils, 2007
V.ĥikišins Ėēžu teorija. Studiju 3. darba paraugs. RTU DF : Elektroniskā
bibliotēka www., Daugavpils, 2007
V.ĥikišins Elektrotehnikas teorētiskie pamati. Lekciju konspekts.-
Daugavpils, 2008.- 129 lpp.
J.OĜehno, I.Volodzko. Metodiskie norādījumi matemātikā (1.semestris).
Daugavpils, 2008, 63 lpp.
J.OĜehno, I.Volodzko. Metodiskie norādījumi matemātikā (2.semestris).
Daugavpils, 2008, 64 lpp.
J.OĜehno. Vairāku argumentu funkcijas ekstrēmi. Daugavpils, 2008, 30
J.OĜehno. Faktoriāla funkcijas formula. Zinātniskais raksts. Daugavpils,
2008, 5 lpp.
R.Smirnova. Ievads operāciju pētīšanā. RTU DF INTERNET lapa
"Mācību priekšmeti”: (red. Grigulis G.), Daugavpils – 2005.
V.Miglāns. Fizika (metodiskie noradījumi ). Priekšmeta apraksts 1.daĜa –
33 lpp., priekšmeta apraksts 2.daĜa – 38.lpp
The study programme “Heat and power engineering”, as well as the other
study programmes implemented by Daugavpils branch of RTU, are financed by
the state budget finances allocated for study process.
The branch has a sufficient material basis for implementation of the
objectives and tasks set by the study programme. The staff and the students have
free access to computers and Internet, thus providing the students and the
lecturers with the opportunity to use unlimited amount of information.
Daugavpils branch of RTU has 3 computer rooms equipped with 36 computers.
Computer rooms are equipped with the modern technologies; laboratories are
repaired and old technologies are substituted by modern ones. During this study
year, in addition to existing ones two more laboratories have been opened: Festo
laboratory and laboratory of computer graphics. Laboratories of material
sciences and metrology have been renovated; new equipment has been bought.
Study rooms and lecturers’ working rooms have been repaired. The library funds
of Daugavpils branch of RTU have been enlarged by new study literature. In the
reading room, students can use additional study materials on tapes or disks,
methodic requirements, periodicals. In 2007/2008 study year Methodic Room
was organized.
Material-technical provision:
Table 2
RTU Daugavpils branch (02500)
List of rooms
31 Physics laboratory 301-305 141.25 141.25 –
32 Drawing-room 306 48.92 48.92 –
33 Laboratory assistant’s room 307 – 17.55 –
34 Descriptive geometry’s room 308 49.88 49.88 –
35 Students’ department 309 18.72 18.72 –
36 Room 310a 14.62 14.62 14.62
37 Study room 310 33.35 33.35 –
38 Study room 311 49.22 49.22 –
39 Technical measuring laboratory 312 49.10 49.10 –
40 Study room 313 49.40 49.40 –
41 Latvian language room 314 49.16 49.16 –
42 Lecture-room 315 83.56 83.56 –
43 Superintendent and lecturers’ room 316 17.55 17.55 –
44 Assembly room 401 233.00 233.00 –
45 Library 403 48.00 86.00 –
Table 3
Strengths Weaknesses
Attraction of finances from different EU projects
Appendix 1
The aim of the questionnaire is to find out Your opinion about the course and
quality of the study process.
1. Are You satisfied with the study programme „Mechanical and Instrumental Engineering”
- yes ( 100 % )
- no ( 0 % )
- unsatisfactory ( 0 % )
Thank you for cooperation!
Appendix 2
Confirmed by DB RTU
Director G.Strautmanis
M.C. chairman V.Miglāns
Appendix 3
CV of the staff of Daugavpils branch of RTU
1. Vladimirs Miglāns
2. Juliāns OĜehno
3. Irina Kazakeviča
4. Jurijs Ivanovs
5. Francis Turonoks
6. Valentīna Strautmane
7. Sandra Stašāne
8. Regīna Osipova
9. Ija Ivanova
10.Guntis Strautmanis
11.Andrejs Grigorjevs
12.Vladimirs ĥikišins
13.Sergejs Smirnovs
14.Marija Dobkeviča
15.Marina Cveka
16.Ludmila Rotaja
17.Janīna Stašāne
Curriculum Vitae
1. Name, surname: Vladimirs Miglāns
2. Date of birth: 02.07.1952
3. Place of birth: Daugavpils Latvia
4. Place of residence: Daugavpils, Stadiona street 8 - 9
5.Working place and position: RTU, Daugavpils branch, lecturer, director assistant in
study issues
Education / qualification:
Professional activity:
Institution High School of Social Technologies, Daugavpils
From/ till 1993-1998
Degree(s) or diploma(s) Director
Institution RTU Daugavpils branch
From/ till Since 1984
Degree(s) or diploma(s) Lecturer
Work experience:
1. Contact information:
Address: Daugavpils Stadiona street 8-9
Phone number: 27896275,29583836
E-mail Vmiglans
Curriculum Vitae
1. Name, surname: Juliāns Olehno
2. Date of birth: 02.04.1942
3. Place of birth: Kraslava region, Latvia
4. Place of residence: Daugavpils ,Raipoles 4 - 44
5.Working place and position: RTU Daugavpils branch, docent, head of the department
Education / qualification
Professional activity:
Work experience:
Research projects:
Pedagogical qualification:
Lectures, workshops, laboratory and term papers in mathematics
2. Contact information:
Address: Daugavpils Raipoles 4 -44
Phone number: 29428526
Surname: Kazakevicha
First name: Irina
Date of birth ( 23.12.1963.
Place of birth: Daugavpils
Country of residence: Latvia
Home address: 1 Rezeknes st. 46 Daugavpils Latvia. LV-5421
Telephone: 5435479
Educational background
Dates Qualifications/degree obtained
Latvian Academy of Sport. 2003- 2007 Doctoral studies ser.00031
Latvian Academy of Sport. 1995 Master of Sport Education
Latvian Academy of Sport 1981-1985 Physical training Teacher.
Chernyahovsk Secondary School № 6 1981 Secondary School Certificate
Employment history
Job Address of employer
Lecturer at the Department of Physical Education Teacher From 2003, Parādes 1, Daugavpils
Daugavpils University, Faculty of Education and
Lecturer at the Department of Physical Education Teacher From 1995-2003, Kandavas Daugavpils
Daugavpils University.
Assistant at the Department of Physical Education , 1989-1995, Kandavas 1, Daugavpils
Daugavpils University.
Dobeles Seconary School, Physical Training Teacher. 1985-1989, Dobeles
Participation in conferences:
1.Kazakeviča I. 2003. (KaĜiĦlngrada, Krievija) 5.Starptautiskajā zinātniskajā
konferencē„Проблемы профессионального образования по физической культуре и
спорту” piedalīšanas sekcijā.
2. Kazakeviča I., 2005. 18.-21. maijs (Daugavpils, Latvija) Ceturtās starptautiskās
konferences “Cilvēks. Krāsa. Daba. Mūzika “
3.Казакевич И., 2005. 26.-29.oktobrī (KaĜiĦlngrada, Krievija) 6. Starptautiskajā zinātniskajā
konferencē „ Теория и практика физической культуры и спорта в современных условиях
развития образования”.
4.Казакевич И., 2006. 17.-18. мая (Минск, Белоруссия) II Международная научно-
практическая конференция молодых ученых «Актуальные проблемы теории и
методики физической культуры, спорта и туризма» piedalīšanas sekcijā.
5. Kazakeviča I. 2006. 31.maija-3.junija. (Helsinki, Somija). The Fourth International Journal
of Teacher Education and Training Conference „Education for Democracy as a Part of
Education for Sustainable Development”
6. Kazakeviča I., 2007.19.-23. marta. (Rīga, Latvija). Starptautiskajā zinātniskajā konferencē
piedalīšanas sekcijā..
7.Казакевич И., 2007.11.-12. апреля (Минск, Белоруссия) II Международная научно-
практическая конференция молодых ученых «Актуальные проблемы теории и
методики физической культуры, спорта и туризма» piedalīšanas sekcijā.
8. Kazakeviča I., 2007. 11.-14. jūlijā. (Jyvaskya, Somija). 12th Annual Congress of the
College of Sport Science. International Congress and Trade Fair Centre.
9. Kazakevica I., Capulis S. 2007. 17.-21.oktober. Gaugavpils (Latvia). Fifth International
Konference. „Person. Color. Nature. Muzic.” Certificate of participation NR. 5030
Conference 9
Methodic materials 3
Academik cource program: Means and methods of aerobics and fitness, rhythm and dancing, gymnastics of
education of the basic school.
I hereby certify that the above information is correct. I. Kazakevicha Date: 20.02.2008.
Curriculum Vitae
1. Name, surname: Ivanovs Jurijs
2. Date of birth: October 5, 1943
3. Place of birth: Riga region, Salaspils
4. Place of residence: Smilšu street 105-19, Daugavpils
5.Working place and position: RTU Daugavpils branch, docent
Education / qualification
Professional activity:
From/ till
Degree(s) or diploma(s)
Work experience:
• 01.09.1988 – 03.05.1994 - RPI Daugavpils, Faculty of General Technologies, head of
the department
• 03.05.1994 – 01.11.1994 - RTU Daugavpils, Faculty of General Technologies, dean
• 01.11.1994 – 01.11.2002 – RTU Daugavpils, Centre of Study Sciences, director
• 01.11.2002 – 30.12.2005 – RTU Daugavpils branch, director
• 30.12.2005 – RTU Daugavpils branch, docent
Pedagogical qualification:
Since 15.07.1988 – docent
Lectures and practice: lectures, workshops, laboratory and term papers in the following
subjects –
”Algorithmization and programming of solutions”, „Computer science”, „Discrete
mathematics”, „Theory of probability and mathematical statistics”, „Application software”,
„Introduction to studies”.
3. Contact information:
Address: Smilšu street – 90 - 220
Phone number: 29298819
Education / qualification
Institution RPI Doctoral studies
From/ till 1977/1980
Degree obtained Candidate of technical sciences
Professional activity
Institution RTU Doctoral Studies Committee P-05
From/ till 1992/1992
Degree obtained Doctor’s degree in engineering sciences (Dr. sc. ing.)
Work experience
Institution RTU
Position Docent
From/ till since 1988
Institution RPI
Position senior lecturer
From/ till 1977 - 1988
Institution RPI
Position senior engineer
From/ till 1974 - 1977
Institution RPI
Position senior technician
From/ till 1971 – 1974
Pedagogical qualification
Lectures and practice: Lectures, workshops, laboratory and term papers in the following
subjects: theoretical mechanics, analysis and synthesis of mechanisms, machine elements,
general metrology, mechanics, engineering-technical measurements.
Contact information:
Address: 18. Novembra street, 197a-98, Daugavpils
Phone number: 371 26318183
Curriculum Vitae
4. Name, surname: Valentīna Strautmane
5. Identity code: 260957 - 10203
6. Place of birth: Latvia, Daugavpils.
7. Working place: State Revenue Office, Daugavpils, LV-5410, Klusā street 4,
phone 5476208.
8. Place of residence: Daugavpils, LV-5410, Raipoles street 6-3, phone 5448942
9. Riga Polytechnical Institute -1979, Machine building technologies, metal cutting
equipment and tools, full-time studies;
Institute of Social Technologies – from 1994 till 1997 part-time studies, Faculty of Legal
Daugavpils Pedagogical University - 1998 – Bachelor’s degree in economics, qualification of
economist, Bachelor Paper: “Indirect Taxes in Latvia”;
Daugavpils Pedagogical University - 2001 – Master’s degree in economics, Master Paper:
“Tax System in Latvia”;
7. Work experience:
Since 1994 VID – Tax inspector, chief inspector, head of the department of
operational checking, head of tax collection department.
Since 2002 RTU DB and RTU IEF SESMI, lecturer
1979 –1994 Enterprise – chief engineer, head of the construction department
8. Pedagogical experience:
since 2002 - Lectures, workshops, laboratory and term papers in the following subjects:
accountancy, finances and taxes, tax accountancy, business planning, economics, etc.
9.Additional Education:
1997 “Mazo Tirdzniecības uzĦēmumu grāmatvedība no A līdz Z”
1998 Riga SIA „Biznesa Komplekss” - “Grāmatvedība”
1999 RMS - “IzmaiĦu vadīšana”,
1999 RMS - “Darbinieku motivēšana izmaiĦu procesam”,
1999 RMS - “Problēmu situāciju menedžments”
2000 Riga SIA „Biznesa Komplekss” - “Grāmatvedība”
2002 Riga SIA „Biznesa Komplekss” - “Eiropas Savienības nostādnes”
2002 RMS - “Darba likumdošana”, “Darba aizsardzība”
2003 State Administration School– “Valsts pārvaldes iekārtes likums”
2003 State Administration School – “Darba tiesības”
2003 State Administration School – “Laika menedžments”
2003 State Administration School – “Uzticību radoša organizācijas kultūra valsts
2003 State Administration School – “Lietvedības dokumentu izstrāde un
2003 State Administration School – “Iekšējā kontrole”
2003 State Administration School – “Valsts pārvaldes iekārtes likums”
2003 State Administration School – “Rezultātu un rezultatīvo rādītāju sistēma”
2004 State Administration School – “Eiropas savienības institūcijas un to sadarbība ar
nacionālajām institūcijām”
2004 State Administration School – “Eiropas savienības reăionālā politika un
2004 State Administration School – “Personāla vadīšana”
2004 DPMC – “Darba likumdošanā un darba aizsardzībā”
2007 DPMC – “Ugunsdrošība”
Curriculum Vitae
1. Name, surname: Stašāne Sandra
2. Date of birth: September 09, 1970
3. Place of birth: Ilūkste, Daugavpils region
4. Place of residence: “Liepas”, Dviete parish, Daugavpils region
5.Working place and position: Riga Technical University, Daugavpils branch, lecturer
Education / qualification;
Lectures and practice:
Additional course of Latvian
Basics of interaction
General sociology
Models of social development
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Regīna
Surname: Osipova
Date of birth: 11.12.1938.
Institution Daugavpils Pedagogical Institute (DPI)
From 09.1957
till 06.1961
Qualification obtained: Teacher of physics and mathematics
Diploma Nr. №147345
Diploma Nr. B-D №000578
Additional education: none
Work experience:
Contact information:
Curriculum Vitae
1. Name, surname: IVANOVA IJA
2. Date of birth: 28.10.1966.
3. Place of birth: Lithuania
4. Place of residence: Sēlijas street 109,Daugavpils,LV-5415
5.Working place and position: DB RTU lecturer
Education / qualification
Professional activity:
Work experience:
Pedagogical qualification:
Curriculum Vitae
1. Name, surname: Strautmanis Guntis
2. Date of birth: February 22, 1953
3. Place of birth: Daugavpils
4. Place of residence: Daugavpils, Raipoles street 6-3
5.Working place and position: RTU Daugavpils branch, director
Education / qualification:
obtained: diploma Nr. КД 019509 18.07.1990
Professional activity:
From/ till
Degree(s) or diploma(s)
Work experience:
Pedagogical qualification:
Curriculum Vitae
1. Name, surname: Andrejs Grigorjevs
2. Date of birth: 09.10.1982
3. Place of birth: Riga
4. Place of residence: Daugavpils, Kaunas 43-22
5.Working place and position: RTU Daugavpils Branch. Assistant
Education / qualification:
Work experience:
Professional experience:
Pedagogical qualification:
Contact information:
Phone: 65443562
Place of work, position: RTU Daugavpils branch, docent
Education: higher
1973-1979 Moscow Energetic Institute (Engineer- mechanic- researcher,
specialty “Machine dynamics and strength” , diploma Nr Г-I №745802)
1983-1987 Moscow Hydro-Amelioration Institute, Department of Construction
Mechanics, Doctoral studies (diploma Nr TH №100610)
Scientific degree: Candidate in technical sciences, Doctor’s degree in engineering
Work experience:
1981-1983 Ivanovo Energetic Institute, Department of Theoretical and
Applied Mechanics, assistant
1987-1996 Riga Polytechnical Institute, Daugavpils, Faculty of General
Technologies, Department of Physics and Mathematics, lecturer
1996-2008 Riga Technical University, Daugavpils, Centre of Studies and Science,
Department of Physics, Mathematics and Electric Sciences, docent
2. Date of birth: 03.07.1980
3. Place of birth: Riga
4. Place of residence: Daugavpils region, Naujene parish, 18.Novembra 420-59
5.Working place and position:
Education / qualification
Professional activity:
From/ till RTU Daugavpils branch.
Institution Since 2007
Position lecturer
Work experience:
Pedagogical qualification:
Contact information:
Curriculum Vitae
1. Name, surname:
Marija Dobkeviča
2. Date of birth: August 14, 1971
3. Place of birth: Krāslava, Latvia
4. Place of residence: Daugavpils, LV-5417, Tautas 83-18
5.Working place and position: RTU Daugavpils branch, lecturer
Education / qualification
Professional activity:
From/ till
Degree(s) or diploma(s)
Work experience:
Research projects:
Pedagogical qualification:
Lectures, workshops, laboratory and term papers in the following subjects – probability
theory and mathematical statistics, computer science, computer science for economists,
Contact information:
Curriculum Vitae
1. Name, surname: Marina Cveka
2. Date of birth: 27.05.1980
3. Place of birth: Daugavpils, Latvia
4. Place of residence: Daugavpils, Latvia
5.Working place and position: Riga Technical University, Daugavpils branch, lecturer
Education / qualification:
Institution RISEBA
From/ till 09.2003 – 06.2005
Degree(s) or diploma(s) Master of Business Administration
Professional activity:
From/ till
Degree(s) or diploma(s)
Work experience:
Research projects: none
Cveka M. Female Characters in English and Russian Folk and Fairy Tales. DU
49.Jauno zinātnieku konferences materiāli. - Daugavpils: Saule, 2007
Curriculum Vitae
12. Total number scientific works: 12 methodic works. 5 methodic works in 6 years’
1. Tekstu krājums vācu valodā ekonomikas profila studentiem (
datorsalikuma, RTU DF e-bibliotēka ),
2. Tekstu krajums vācu valodā datorsistēmās, automātikas un
datortehnikas, informācijas tehnoloăijas profila studentiem (
datorsalikuma, RTU DF e-bibliotēka ),
3. Lietišėo vēstuĜu krājums vācu valodā ( datorsalikuma, RTU DF
e-bibliotēka ),
4. Gramatikas teksti vācu valodā ( datorsalikuma, RTU DF e-
bibliotēka ),
5. Īsa vācu – latviešu – krievu sabiedriski politiskās leksikas
vārdnīca ( datorsalikuma, RTU DF e-bibliotēka )
Curriculum Vitae
1. Name, surname: Stašāne Janīna
2. Date of birth: 17.06.1960.
3. Place of birth: Krāslava region
4. Place of residence: Daugavpils
5.Working place and position: Riga Technical University, Daugavpils branch, docent
Education / qualification
Professional activity:
From/ till Since 1995
Position: lecturer
Work experience:
Research projects:
2005 – 2008 Participation in a regional working group of the National programme
„Mūžizglītības stratēăijas izstrāde un ieviešana” as a part of a project „Latgales reăiona
mūžizglītības atbalsta
sistēmas veidošana un kapacitātes stiprināšana”
Pedagogical qualification:
Personības informacionālās kultūras veidošanās mūžizglītībā // Changing Education in a
Changing Society.- 1.Part: Teachers, Students and Pupils in a Learning Society.- Rīga,
2003.- 140.-146.lpp.
Patstāvīgā izziĦas darbība mūžizglītībā // Personība. Laiks. Komunikācija:
Starptaut.zin.konf., 2003.g.27.-28.febr./ RA.- Rēzekne, 2003.- 107.-113.lpp.
Образование взрослых как социально-педагогическая и психологическая
проблема // Образование взрослых в современном развивающемся обществе:
Матер.междунар.научно-практ.конф.,18-19 ноября 2003 г.- Спб., 2003.- С.99-102.
Personības pašrealizācijas problēma pieaugušo izglītībā // Pedagoăija: teorija un
prakse.- 3.d.- Liepāja, 2003.- 221.-232.lpp.
Fuhrung des Erwachsenenbildungssystems unter dem Aspekt des Lebenslangen
Lernens // Changing Education in a Changing Society.- 1.T.-Klaipeda University, 2005.-
Strategy of Adult Education Development in Changing Society // Mobility of Ideas
in Changing Society: Intern.Scientific Conference.- Kaunas, 2005.- p.64-69.
Informācijpratība vai informacionālā kultūra: alternatīva vai vienots process //
Sabiedriskās attiecības: kvalitāte, ieguvumi un riski: 6.Starpt.zin.konf.- Rīga, 2005.- 111.-
Adult Education Management for Sustainable Development of Society //
Pedagoăija: Teorija un prakse IV: Zin. rakstu krāj.- Liepāja, 2006.- 262.-268.lpp.
Pieaugušo izglītības pārvaldības iespējas mūžizglītības veicināšanā // Teorija
praksei mūsdienu sabiedrības izglītībā: III Starpt.zin.konf./ RPIVA.- Rīga, 2006.- 433.-
Pieaugušo izglītības pārvaldība kā mūžizglītības veicināšanas nosacījums // New
Dimensions in the Development of Society: Proceedings of the International scientific
conference / LLU.- Jelgava, 2006.- 288.- 293 lpp.
Pieaugušo izglītības pārvaldības modelis mūžizglītību veicinošas vides attīstībai //
Reăionālo augstskolu loma mūžizglītības attīstībā: Akad.konf.tēžu krāj.,2006.gada 8.dec.-
Rēzekne, 2006.- 45.-46.lpp.
Pieaugušo izglītības pārvaldības pilnveide reăiona mūžizglītības sistēmas attīstībai
// Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība : Starpt.zin.konf./ RA.- Rēzekne, 2006.- 198.- 204.lpp
Efektīva pieaugušo izglītības pārvaldība kā vietējās un reăionālās attīstības
priekšnoteikums // Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība: Starpt.zin.konf./ RA.- Rēzekne,
2007.- 346.- 354.lpp.
Pieaugušo izglītības pārvaldība zināšanu sabiedrības attīstības procesā // Izglītība
sociālo pārmaiĦu apstākĜos : Starpt.zin.konf./ DU.- Daugavpils, 2007.
7. Contact information:
Address: Tartu 4 – 56, Daugavpils, LV-5421
Phone number: 29925354
Fax: 5443075
Riga Technical University
Liepaja Branch
Liepaja 2008
15. Activities Undertaken in Case of the Liquidation of the Study
Programme........................................................................................... 26
16. International Cooperation................................................................... 26
17. Development Plan of the Study Programme ..................................... 28
17.1 Marketing Improvement ............................................................. 28
17.2 Attraction of Financing Sources for the Study Programme
Implementation.................................................................................... 28
17.3 Study Programme Improvement................................................ 28
17.4 Material and Technical Base....................................................... 27
17.5 Training and Qualification Development of the Academic
Staff ....................................................................................................... 29
17.6 Improvement of Scientific and Research Work ....................... 29
Lecturers CV...................................................... .................................. 30
1. General Information about the Study Programme and
Necessity of Its Implementation
Liepaja is famous with many containing heat and power enterprises: S/C
„Liepājas Metalurgs” – production of steel armature, S/C „UPB” – production of
building structure, S/C „Lauma” – production of textile, ribbons, medicine
strings and lingerie, S/C „Liepājas enerăija”- heat supply for city and others.
High prices for energy today in the world force enterprises to modernize
and develop their technologies, which could be provided by good and qualified
The remarkable place in the strategy of Liepaja development is given to
industry development and heat and power specialists will play one of the biggest
roles in it.
2. Description of the Professional Bachelor’s Study
Programme „Heat and Power Engineering”
RTU Liepaja Branch has enrolled students for Heat and Power Engineering
Study Programme from 2007/08 study year for full - and part – time studies
where students will study first two years at RTU Lipeaja Branch and then
continue their studies at RTU in Riga.
The objectives of the study programme are to prepare for state professional
specialists in heat and power engineering who could follow all modern
technological changes today. It gives the possibility for the beginning of higher
professional education in Heat and Power Engineering in Kurzeme region.
2.2 Tasks and Possible Results
The study programme gives students the opportunity to start higher technical
education in Kurzeme region, to meet the requirements of legislature of the
Republic of Latvia in labour and social issues, as well as to continue education
in order to get the highest scientific degree.
* Work out study programme with strong comprehensive and professional
fundamental subjects and wide variety of profiled and free choice subjects with
part of practical and designing activities and classes.
* Develop academic capacity attracting for study work young researchers and
industry specialists, making international exchange of academic staff, balancing
load of studies, research and administrative work, supporting system of
pedagogical and professional growth of academic staff.
* Make stimulating study environment providing students with modern study
materials using e-studies possibilities, ensure access to the equipment of modern
* Make long cooperation with international higher schools, implement
common study programmes and students exchange.
* Develop students attraction and growth, inform society about study
opportunities at RTU, plan steady load for students studies taking consideration
their previous preparation following academic ethics and develop cooperation
with graduates.
The study programme provides:
A. Compulsory subjects 96 CP
A.1 Comprehensive subjects 14 CP
A.2 Theoretical subjects in the chosen field and subjects in the field of
Information Technology 36CP
A.3 Courses of professional specialization in the given field 46CP
B. Subjects of limited option 20CP
B.1 Professional subjects 14 CP
B.2 Humanities and social subjects 2CP
B.3 Languages 4CP
C. Free Choice subjects 6CP
D. Practice
E. State examination (diploma work)
There are following documents which regulate the relations between student
and educational institution such as entrance documents and agreement between
student and university.
The main study methods which provide qualitative study process are
- Lectures,
- seminars,
- practical work,
- laboratory works,
- tutorials,
- individual work with students,
- students’ individual work,
- work at a computer class with MathCAD, CAD, CAE and CAM programmes,
- practical training at the enterprises,
- Diploma Project.
The content and quality of theoretical and specific subjects are provided by:
- Academic staff of RTU Liepaja Branch,
- Academic staff of RTU Transport and Mechanical Engineering Faculty ,
- Main specialists of S/C “Liepajas Metalurgs” and other enterprises,
Some foreign lecturers are involved into teaching process as well. In 2007/08
study year the guest lecturer from University Inholland, Alkmaar - The
Netherlands was visiting Liepaja Branch of RTU with courses in “Data
Porcessing” and “Presentation Skills”.
No24/31-10 from January 23,2008) could be a very good approval to all above
All enterprises can provide students with practice place as well
7. Evaluation System
The practical testing forms include laboratory and practical works, course
papers and professional training.
Practical part deals with the topical technological and designing objectives
of the field.
The quantity of tasks in tests corresponds to the content stated in the study
programme as well as to the requirements of skills and knowledge stated in the
Occupation Standard.
high level of achievement ( 8 – “very good”, 7 – “good”);
average level of achievement ( 6 – “almost good”, 5 – “satisfactory”, 4 –
“almost satisfactory”);
low level of achievement ( 3 – “poor”, 2 – “very poor”, 1 –
Credit points are given for each covered study course and the professional
training if the received evaluation is not lower than “a four” (almost satisfactory)
or “tested”.
RTU Liepaja Branch has started the enrollment of students for study
programme “Heat and power Engineering” from 2007/08 study year.
During the first year 4 full-time students got the budget places which are
financed by the state.
Next 2008/09 study year there are planned 5 places for full-time students as
well as it is planned the enrollment of students for the part-time department.
At the end of semester studets regularly get the list of questionneer and the
results are summerized and help to develop the process of further studies.
Students have big opportunity to influence the study process participating in
activities of Students’Council. Their opinion is always taken into consideration.
9. Academic Staff Involved in the Implementation of the
Study Programme in RTU Liepaja Branch during 1st and
2nd Study Year
specialization in the Branch
given field
3.1 Computer 2 RTU Liepaja
science(special course) Branch
3.2 Civil defence 1 Lec.J.Kočetkovs RTU Liepaja
3.3 Labor protection basics 1 Lec.J.Kočetkovs RTU Liepaja
3.4 Material resistance 3 Lec.J.Kočetkovs RTU Liepaja
3.5 Machine elements 3 Lec.A.Priževaitis RTU Liepaja
Lec.V.KārkliĦš Branch
3.6 Hydro- and gas 4 Lec.J.Barkanov Supplementary job
3.7 Hydro- and gas 2 Lec.J.Barkanov Supplementary job
dynamics(study project) RTU
3.8 Systems of heat supply 2īna RTU Liepaja
3.9 Thermal engines 2 RTU Liepaja
3.10 Compressors,pumps 2 RTU Liepaja
and vetilators Branch
3.11 Heating technology and 4 Prof.D.Turlais RTU Liepaja
equipment Branch
3.12 Heating equipment 4 Prof.D.Turlais RTU Liepaja
3.13 Basics of ecology 2 RTU Liepaja
4. Subjects of Limited RTU Liepaja
Option Branch
4.1 Languages RTU Liepaja
4.2 English 4 Lec.O.Semjonova RTU Liepaja
4.3 German 4 Lec.L.Sapate Supplementary job
10. The list of the Academic Staff for the Study
Programme Implementation
Term of
Degree Position employme Presented Subjects
RTU Mathematics, additional
Māra Birze Mg.Mat lecturer Liepaja chapters
RTU Probability Theory and
Mg.Eco Liepaja Mathematical Statistics
RTU Economics
Indra Ruperte Mg.Eco Liepaja
RTU Computer Studies, Computer
JeĜena Liepaja Studies (special course)
RTU Physics
Armands lecturer Liepaja
RTU Civil defence, General and
Jurijs lecturer Liepaja Occupational Safety Basics,
Branch Material Resistance
Mg. eng, RTU Theoretical Mechanics,
works at lecturer Liepaja Machine Elements
Phd Branch
RTU Engineering Chemistry
Ilze Kupše lecturer Liepaja
RTU Basics of Interaction,
Sandra lecturer Liepaja
Mg. English Language
lecturer Liepaja
Semjonova works at
RTU Machine Elements
Voldemārs lesturer Liepaja
engineer Hydro-and gas dynamics,
Jurijs Suppleme
S/C lecturer Heat Exchange, Materials
Barkanovs ntary job
„Liepajas Science
” main
-designer, Economics, Management
Diāna Līduma works at lecturer
ntary job
ass.profe Introduction into heating,
Jānis Naglis RTU
ssor Technical Thermodynamics
Suppleme Sport
Ieva Bubiere Sport ed lecturer
ntary job, RTU Descriptive Geometry and
Silvija Ozola doctor lecturer Liepaja Engineering Graphics
studies Branch
RTU Electrotechnics and
Ziedonis Vēzis Engineer lecturer Liepaja Electronics
5th level Basics of Law
Iveta Kalvāne in lecturer
ntary job
Hydro-and gas dynamics;
Dmitrijs Basics of Ecology; RTU
Rusovs Compressors, Pumps and
Ventilators;Thermal engines
ass. Systems of Heat Supply
Maiga Rubīna RTU
Daniels Heating Technologies and Prof. RTU
Turlais Equipment
Renewal of RTU Liepaja Branch academic staff is based upon the students
who want to continue studies taking the Master and Doctor course.
At that moment the following people are studying in Doctoral Programme:
A.Priževaitis (RTU)
S. Ozola (RTU)
Next year there is a plan to attract some young people with Master degree to
work and have possibility to study in Doctoral Programme and some specialists
from enterprises: for example, specialist A.ěitvinov who is working at his
Indra Ruperte
Ass. prof.
Participation in international projects and activities:
2005 – 2008 ES Socrates/Erasmus teachers exchange programme. Training
students in business planning, corporate social responsibility and
entrepreneurship environment of Latvia in Inholland University
in Alkmaar (Netherland).
2003 – 2004 Progetto Lettonia-Liepaja – Consorzio Veneto Impresa” –
assistant of project coordinator. Project focused on
implementing Quality management systems in enterprises in
Latvia. Experience exchange programme in Italian enterprises.
2007. „10 years of Liepaja special economic zone” Latvijas
Ekonomists Nr 5 (149) 2007. p. 17 – 23.
2007. Analytic article: „Economical developments of Liepaja city
is not conjecture without special economic zone” // Edition
of Liepaja municipality„Katram liepājniekam” 14.03.2007.
2005 22. March “International e-projects for development of student skills"
workshop at RTU.
2003 15. April Integrated lessons in vocational study programs"
methodological workshop
at RTU.
2002. 26. March “Students work in small groups – model of team work”
methodological workshop
at RTU.
2001. 10. April "Teaching methods in entrepreneurship education",
methodological workshop
"Easy and interesting about complicated" at RTU.
Methodological output:
1. Methodology of elaboration of content of qualification exams./ Group
of authors– R.: Administration or professional education 2007, 82 p.
2. Small business course (third edition) / Group of authors. - R: Jumava,
2006, 326 p.
3. Entrepreneur's handbook / Group of authors - R.: Jumava, 2003.
4. NesporsV., Ruperte I., Saulitis J. Microeconomics. - R.: Kamene, 2000,
132 p.
Valentīna KārkliĦa
Ass. prof.
Scientific activities and publications:
Participation in projects of Ministry of Education and Science:
European Social Fund project aktivity, project
heading: „RTU inženierzinātĦu studiju programmu un pētniecības
kvalitātes un pieejamības uzlabošana ar moderniem IKT
risinājumiem”, project identif. number
VPS/ESF/PIAA/06/, project duration: 02.10.2006
– 31.07.2008, Riga: RTU, project member.
Textbooks ( aids ) G.Vergina, V. KārkliĦa. Statistika
ekonomistiem: mācību
līdzeklis. Rīga: Kamene, 2000.- 89 lpp.
līdzeklis. Rīga: Kamene, 2004.- 89 lpp.
Other publications:
„EFQM Izcilības modeĜa pielietošana studiju procesa pilnveidei”,
International conference „ Contemporary education problems”
raksti. Transport and Communications Institute, Riga, 2007.
Participation in conferences:
V.KārkliĦš, M.Birze, V.KārkliĦa „ESF projekti studiju procesa
pilnveidei RTU Liepājas filiālē”, methodical workshop „ESF
projekti studiju programmu attīstībai un studiju kvalitātes
uzlabošanai”, Rīga: RTU, April, 2007
Encouragement Awards:
For creation a learning aid in PowerPoint “Statistics for
RTU competition, 2006 (gratuity).
Ass. prof.
Projects, Seminars, Conferences, Participations:
2008 Scientific Practical and Study Methodical conference „Education
Problems Today” (TSI,Riga) Report: Using of Mathcad for Fuzzy Logic’s Tasks
2008 RTU Liepaja Branch Methodical Seminar Organization of Students
Individual Work in the University – Report – Using IT in Organization of
Students Individual Work.
2007 Scientific Practical and Study Methodical conference „Education
Problems Today”(TSI,Riga). Report: „The Place of
Students’Knowledge Testing in Learning Process of Higher Schools
2005-2007 EUF Project Study Programme „Commerce and Trade”, RTU
Liepaja Branch – Study Methodical Materials.
2006 RTU Methodical Seminar „How Study Programme Graduates Get the
Ability to Make System, Components or Process”.
2005 RTU Methodical seminar „Study Process for Competiteviness of
Graduates”. Report „Education Qualitaty-Guaranty for Competiteviness of
2004 LTD „FITALIVA LTD”. Seminar „E-direction and E-documents”.
2002 RTU Methodical seminar – course of lectures for teaching staff of RTU
Liepajas Branch “Computer Nets. Internet”
Use of Digital Aids for Teaching of Theoretical Material, Riga TSI, 2006.
Using of Mathcad for Fuzzy Logic’s Tasks Solving, Riga TSI, 2008.
Olga Semjonova
Master, lecturer
Project Participation:
2007 International Project (Erasmus Programme – Analysis of
Comparative Educational Policies) presentation of report – Problems
of Teaching Staff in Higher Educational Institutions in Latvia Today
2006 Exchange Program in Hamburg, Germany ( Leonardo da Vinci
Mobilitatproject – Transport and Logistics)
2005 EUF Project Study Programme „Commerce and Trade”, RTU
Liepaja Branch
2004 Exchange programm in Finland, Espoo Business college
2001 Practice in Alkmaar Business Highschool, Holand
2001 Leonardo da Vinci programm project "Liepaja and Alkmaar
Work For
European Future" Alkmaar Business Highschool, Holand
1998 BERiL programm, work in study programm making and
Voldemārs KārkliĦš
Master, lecturer
„EFQM Izcilības modeĜa pielietošana studiju procesa pilnveidei”,
International conference „ Contemporary education problems”,
raksti. Transport and Communications Institute, Riga, 2007.
Implementation of the interactive principles in learning practise in
Liepaja Branch of RTU, International workshop „Saturs un
zināšanas – ērti un interaktīvi lietojumi”, Ventspils University and
RTU Continuing study centre, Ventspils, 2007.
Pedagogical activities:
Administration of Study programmes
Director of 1st level higher professional study programme
“Building construction work supervising”
Guidanced Master’s Works – 3
Participation in conferences:
V.KārkliĦš, M.Birze, V.KārkliĦa „ESF projekti studiju procesa
pilnveidei RTU Liepājas filiālē”, methodical workshop „ESF
projekti studiju programmu attīstībai un studiju kvalitātes
uzlabošanai”, Rīga: RTU; April, 2007
Jurijs Kočetkovs
1. „Latvijas iedzīvotāju nabadzības līmeĦa samazināšanas problēmas.”
Starptautiskās zinātn. konferences referātu krājums
„Tautsaimniecības un izglītības attīstības problēmas mūsdienu
preriodā”, RTU, Rīga, 2003, 6 lpp.
2. „Ētiski – psiholoăiskie biznesa aspekti mūsdienīgajā Latvijā”
(ar līdzautoru) „Проблемы предпринимательской
деятельности, 3.sējums, Nr.1, zinātn. darbu krājums, ISMA,
Rīga, 2003. 6 lpp.
3. „Transition preiod in Latvia as a social – economic „simple
catastrophe”” „Computer Modelling and New Technologies”,
vol.9, Nr.2, сб. научных трудов, TSI, Rīga, 2005. 8 lpp.
4. „Demogrāfiskās krīzes struktūras analīze Latvijā” „Computer
Modelling and New Technologies”, vol.10, Nr.1, сб. научных
трудов, TSI, Rīga, 2006. 5 lpp.
5. „Препосылки и перспективы развития венчурного бизнеса в
Латвии” (ar līdzautoru) Starptautiska zinātniska konferences
referātu krājums „Tautsaimn. un uzĦēmējd. attīstības
problēmas”, RTU, Rīga, 2007. 7 lpp.
Armands Grickus
Māra Birze
Master, lecturer
Participation in Projects
2007 Liepāja RTU LF. Euroworkshop „ The expansion of the EU and its
chances for the transport sector ” ” Germany, Czech Republic, Latvia.
Project coordinator
2006, Hamburg. Euroworkshop „The enlargement of the EU and its
chances for the transport sector”, Leonardo da Vinci mobility project.
Germany, Czech Republic, Latvia
2004 Liepāja RTU LF. Euroworkshop „The expansion of the EU and its
chances for the transport sector ”. Germany, Finland, Latvia. Project
2003, Helsinki, Espoo institute of busines. „Euroworkshop on The
Logistics – Geographical and Economic Perspectives”. Germany, Finland,
2001, Hamburga. Euroworkshop „Hamburg Gateway to and from the
Baltic”. Germany, Finland, Latvia
5. Transporta pārvadājumu ekonomiskā attīstība, organizācija un nozīme.
PIC Rīga, BIBB Berlīne, 155 pages
Methodical publications
RTU Liepaja Branch for study programme “”Heat and Power Engineering ”
for full-time studies has got 5 budget places financed by the state.
Students of part-time studies pay for their studies themselves or get the help of
the enterprises where work.
*study block (cadastre 1700 012 0641 001) with total area 7403,03 m2;
*workshop building (cadastre 1700 012 0641 002) with total area 3904,40 m2;
*warehouse building (cadastre 1700 012 0641 003 with total area 313,60 m2;
*five-storeyed dormitory ( cadastre 1700 012 0641 004) with total area
RTU Liepaja Branch has agreement with Liepaja City Council about building
rent for 25 years in Liepaja, Kr.Valdemāra str.4 as well. Total area of the
building is 4200m2.
RTU Liepaja Branch students are provided with all necessary study conditions
and equipment which correspond to all modern requirements. Study rooms,
laboratories, workshop and project rooms correspond to norm requirements
including fire safety requirements as well.
All rooms are equiped with projectors and 5 rooms – with stationary video
projectors. Room No 305 is equiped for video lectures. Studets have possibility
to use big computer rooms equiped with 125 modern computers and necessary
software. All computers have Internet connection and they work in common
computer net.
Students can widely use library and information centre with computerized
service system. There is the access to data base. Students are completely
provided with necessary books, study materials and information.
Students can use dormitory as well. All students who live in dormitory have
Internet connection. Study Block (Vānes 4) has canteen. Students can use all
necessary rooms and equipmen.
RTU Liepaja Branch has got all necessary materila technical base and modern
study environment for qualitative compulsory and engineering subjects teaching
of the followinf study programme.
Students can also use (according agreement No24/31 from 23.01.200) S/C
“Liepajas Metalurgs” laboratories and RTU laboratories in Riga as well.
In case of programme liquidation students have the opportunity to continue
studies at RTU Transport and Mechanical Engineering Faculty at part-time
study department. It is possible to choose any similar study programme.
Euroworkshop 2007
Leonardo da Vinci project in Hamburg with Trade School, Germany, Business
School, Novomesto – Czech Republic, RTU Liepaja Branch, Latvia. Project has
taken place in RTU Liepaj Branch.
Studies abroad
EU Socratus Erasmus project – Student of RTU Liepaja Branch Iveta Celmina
studied half of semester in Inholland Univerisity, Alkmaar(the Netherlands)
RTU Liepaja Branch – Academic Staff abroad
EU Socratus Erasmus project – course of lectures “Opportunities of
Enterpreneurship in Latvia” – I. Ruperte
The research and analysis of study programme necessity in Liepaja and its
Study programme popularization:
* regular renewal of Internat home page;
* regular renewal of informative brochures;
* direct contacts with vocational and secondary schools;
* canvassing work at the exhibition “School” and RTU Liepaja Branch Open
* Information through Mass Media.
To supplement free choice cources with speciality connected subjects.
InCooperation with work employers ( Š/C“Liepajas Energy”, S/C “Liepajas
Metalurgs”, S/C “UPB”etc) develop evening and part – time study environment.
Methodical work in study materials preparation.
Attract to Branch new academic staff, new lecturers and give them possibility to
continue their studies in doctoral programme.
Look for new possibilities to participate in international projects, exchange
programmes in biggest higher educational institutions in Europe.
Appendix 1
1. Māra Birze
2. Indra Ruperte
3. Valentīna KārkliĦa
4. JeĜena Jevsjukova
5. Olga Semjonova
6. Ziedonis Vēzis
7. Voldemārs KārkliĦš
8. Sandra Dreiberga
9. Juris Kočetkovs
10.Juris Barkanovs
11.Ilze Kupše
12.Diāna Līduma
13.Andris Priževaitis
14.Armands Grickus
15.Laura Sapate
16.Iveta Kalvāne
17.Silvija Ozola
18. Ieva Bubiere
Nationality Latvian
Education 2005 – present RTU master studies, educational programme
Customs and taxes. At present master work development
2000 – 2003 RTU, Bachelor of social sciences and management,
Dip. 015707
1994 – LU, master of sciences (mathematics), Dip. 000685
1978 – 1982 Institute of pedagogy, teacher of mats, Dip. 364857
1978 – finished the secondary school No.5 of Liepaja (language)
Qualifications 2006-2007 Qualification course with EUF support “ Program
development and academic personal further education
course enactment in studies quality”. Professor
N.Salenieks, Cert.24-2007-MG
2006 – Certificate of “Supplies chain direction”, Moscow
Marketing and Logistic institute, Professor A.Joltuhovski
2005 – Certification in the training programme Train the Trainers
and Social dialogue organized by the SPOET Fundation
(Holland) in co-operation with Latvijas Auto and LAKRS
2003 – Certificate of Neiro Linguistic Programming, training
center “Maridi”, cert. 2003140
2002 – Certificate according to programme of society of Neiro
Linguistic. Programming (USA), the center of new
1999 – international project of teachers` further education,
programme Leonardo da Vinci at Espoo institute of
business in Finland
1995 – the exam of certification, programme “Transform”
teachers` further education in logistics of transport in
1989 – present RTU Liepaja`s branch, a lecturer of higher
Work experience mathematics, transport and logistics
Direction of students qualification works, bachelor works
and diploma works
1991 – present RTU Liepaja`s branch professional secondary
school, a teacher of transporting company, training office,
maths and statistics, and training courses
2008 Liepāja RTU LF. Euroworkshop „ The expansion of the EU
International conferences and its chances for the transport sector ” ” Germany, Czech
and workshops Republic, Latvia. Project coordinator
2006, Hamburg. Euroworkshop „The enlargement of the EU and
its chances for the transport sector”, Leonardo da Vinci
mobility project. Germany, Czech Republic, Latvia
2005 Liepāja RTU LF. Euroworkshop „The expansion of the EU
and its chances for the transport sector ”. Germany, Finland,
Latvia. Project coordinator
2003, Helsinki, Espoo institute of busines. „Euroworkshop on The
Logistics – Geographical and Economic Perspectives”.
Germany, Finland, Latvia
2001, Hamburga. Euroworkshop „Hamburg Gateway to and from
the Baltic”. Germany, Finland, Latvia
2000, Liepāja RTU LF. Euroworkshop „Goods Import, Export
and Transit in Latvia”. EU SOCRATES aktion Lingua E.
Germany, Finland, Latvia. Project coordinator
1999, Helsinki, Espoo biznesa institūts. „The Baltic Sea -
Historical, Geographical and Economic Perspectives”. EU
SOCRATES aktion Lingua E. Germany, Finland, Latvia.
1999, November – EU international education programme
SOCRATES Lingua E “Conference of Babilonia” in
Florence in Italy. Report is published in SOCRATES
1998, January – Standards of professional education and labour
market`s requirement. Report in Vilnius. PIC Lituania
1995, June – Economical education of marketing professionals in
Latvia. Report, published in PIC issues
1997 – Gratitude from Minster of Education about a well – done
job in process of education in professional education
1999 – Gratitude from a head of RTU Mr. E. Lavendelis about
long – term and perfect work and modernization of
teaching process and making teaching aids
2001 –Gratitude from a head of RTU Mr. I.Knēts about
investment in RTU activity successful guarantee and
2003 – Gratitude from Education stock and Latvian railway “Of
high qualification experts preparation”
1989 – Uzdevumi matemātikā, 1.daĜa, RPI Rīga 56 pages
1991 – Uzdevumi matemātikā, 2, and 3. part RTU Rīga, 56 pages.,
100 pages
1996 – Transporta pārvadājumu ekonomiskā attīstība, organizācija
un nozīme. PIC Rīga, BIBB Berlīne, 155 pages
1998 – Saimniecisko aprēėinu pamati transporta pārvadājumu
tirgzinībās. RTU Liepāja, 1, and 2. part 90 pages
2000 – Frakts aprēėinu pamati. 40 pages
2006 – Research of profession – Logistic office-worker necessity
in Latvian companies
2007 – Profession Logistic office-worker description, standarts
development and introduction in list of professions
2007 – Report in RTU methodical seminar “EUF projects to
course of studies programs development and improvement
of course quality”
2008 –Report in RTU Methodical seminar “E- courses usage
expierence for courses using quality and use of E-
tehnology in students independent works”
6. Additional courses:
Training in Programme for academic staff “Development of Study Quality” ESF
Project Nr.2006/0100/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/05/APK/ - certificate.
Continuing educational programme in pedagogic “How to teach to study”
Humanitarian Institute of Riga Technical University – certificate.
Continuing educational programme in pedagogic “Elaboration of content of
2005. Qualification exams” Administration of vocational education of Ministry of
Science and Education of Latvia – certificate.
Educational programme in pedagogic for vocational teachers -
Humanitarian Institute of Riga Technical University –certificate.
2003. Higher school didactics - University of Agriculture of Latvia – certificate.
7. Professional experience:
Date from- Location Company Position Description
Date to
Since 2006 Latvia, Riga Technical University (RTU) Assistant Training students in economics,
Liepaja Liepaja branch professor management and entrepreneurship,
conducting of diploma and qualification
projects, elaboration of education
Since 2005 Latvia, Riga Ltd “AC – konsultacijas” Expert Research.
8. Language skills: (scale of 1 - basic to 5 –excellent)
Language Reading Speaking Writing
Latvian (Mother tongue) 5 5 5
Russian 5 5 5
English 4 4 3
9. Other skills: Experience with adult auditory. Skills in team work, cross-cultural
contacts, project management.
10. Publications:
2007. „10 years of Liepaja special economic zone” Latvijas Ekonomists Nr 5 (149) 2007. p. 17 –
2007. Analytic article: „Economical developments of Liepaja city is not conjecture without
special economic zone” // Edition of Liepaja municipality„Katram liepājniekam”
2005 “International e-projects for development of student skills" methodological
22. March workshop at RTU.
2003 Integrated lessons in vocational study programs" methodological workshop
15. April at RTU.
2002. “Students work in small groups – model of team work” methodological workshop
26. March at RTU.
2001. "Teaching methods in entrepreneurship education", methodological workshop
10. April "Easy and interesting about complicated" at RTU.
Year 2006
Title or research Problems of Jekabpils city and region labour market supply and human
resource motivation
Contractor Ltd „AC Konsultācijas”
Customer Jekabpils city municipality
Role in research Expert of education and lifelong learning.
Year 2005
Title or research Jurmala city labour market research, analyses and determination of
Contractor Ltd „AC Konsultācijas”
Customer Jurmalas city municipality
Role in research Expert of education and lifelong learning.
Year 2005
Title or research Employment quality improvement in Saldus region.
Contractor Ltd „AC Konsultācijas”
Customer Saldus region municipality
Role in research Expert of education and lifelong learning.
Personal details:
Name, surname Valentīna KārkliĦa
Personal code 150547-10836
Place of birth Latvia, Liepaja
Address Street Airītes 3-18, Liepaja, Latvia, LV-3401
2002 – 2005 Riga Technical University, Professional Master Degree,
Work expierence:
Since 1990 till present Riga Technical University Liepaja Branch, lecturer
Language skills:
Latvian – 10, Russian – 10, German - 7, English – 5 (10 point system)
EU 5.framework IT project „For the Baltic BIT – House Network for
promotion and dissemination of Information Society Research”, Contract
Number IST-1999-29030, statemembers: Sweden, Russia, Norway, Poland,
Lithuania, Germany, Finland, Estonia, Denmark and Latvia, projekta duration
2001-2003, project member.
Textbooks ( aids ) G.Vergina, V. KārkliĦa. Statistika ekonomistiem: mācību
līdzeklis. Rīga: Kamene, 2000.- 89 lpp.
Other publications:
„EFQM Izcilības modeĜa pielietošana studiju procesa pilnveidei”, International
conference „ Contemporary education problems” raksti. Transport and
Communications Institute, Riga, 2007.
Pedagogical activities:
Guidanced Master’s Works – 2 works
Course of studies:
“Economic statistics”, 3 CP
“Quantitative methods in economics and management”, 3 CP
“Fundamental of quality systems”, 4 CP
Participation in conferences:
V.KārkliĦš, M.Birze, V.KārkliĦa „ESF projekti studiju procesa pilnveidei RTU
Liepājas filiālē”, methodical workshop „ESF projekti studiju programmu
attīstībai un studiju kvalitātes uzlabošanai”, Rīga: RTU, April, 2007
Encouragement Awards:
For creation a learning aid in PowerPoint “Statistics for Economists” ,
RTU competition, 2006 (gratuity).
Organizational activities:
Member of Liepaja Branch Council, Riga Technical University
4. Education: higher
5. Professional experience:
7. Key qualifications:
• 1996 - 1998. BERiL Project - development of training programs in
for College of Economics;
• 2003. Report "Using of digital aids in theoretical lessons for improvement of
efficiency of studies" at RTU Methodological workshop "Efficiency of
reality and possibilities";
• 2003. Seminar "E-administration and e-documents";
• 2000 - 2002. RTU Liepaja branch. Working up of teaching aids: Courses
lectures with PowerPoint presentations.
2003 - nowadays sdudy in University of Latvia, Faculty of Pedagogics and
Psycology, Doctor program
2001 - 2003 University of Latvia, Faculty of Pedagogics and Psycology, Master
Education Science
1996 - 2001 University of Latvia, Faculty of Modern languages, BA in Filology
Work Experience:
1998 - nowadays Liepaja Branch of RTU, lecturer
1995 - 1998 Liepaja primary schools Nr3 and Nr4, teacher
Project Paticipation:
2004 Exchange programm in Finland, Espoo Business college
2001 Practice in Alkmaar Business Highschool, Holand
2001 Leonardo da Vinci programm project "Liepaja and Alkmaar Work For
European Future" Alkmaar Business Highschool, Holand
1999 BERiL programm, work in study programm making and development
Languages: Russian - mother tongue
English - fluent
German — conversational
Latvian- fluent
2003 RTU Humanitarian Institute, Pedagogical Education for Vocational School
1983 – 1988 Riga Polytechnical Institute, Electroconnection Engineer
1976 – 1980 Riga Electromechanical Polytechnic, Technician – Technologist
2003 – KTU FESTO Industrial Automation Centre „Mechatronic Systems”
2003 – Ltd “Mikrotikls” – MikroTik RouterOS Firewall
2001 – BCA – Administering Linux Internet Services
2001 – BCA – Linux LAN Management
2001 – BCA – Linux System and Network Administration
2001 – BCA – Linux Fundamentals
1999 - Soft-Tronik Riga – Securing Web Access using Microsoft Proxy Server
1998 - Soft-Tronik Riga – Supporting Microsoft Windows 4.0 Core Technologies
1997 – Soft-Tronik Riga – Administering Microsoft Windows 4.0
1997 – Ltd „GRADA” – basis for work with EXCEL
1997 – Ltd „GRADA” – basis for work with ACCESS
1997 - Ltd „GRADA” – basis for work with projecting system ACAD
Professional experience:
1989 – till present – Liepaja Branch of RTU, laboratory main specialist/manager
1989 – till present – Liepaja Branch of RTU, lector
1988 – 1989 – Plant “Komutators”, engineer-constructor
Teaching practice:
1. Operating systems
2. Computer network
3. Computer network administration
4. Electrical Engineering and Electronics
5. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Theory
- „For the Baltic BIT – House Network for promotion and dissemination of Information
Society Research”, Contract Number IST-1999-29030
Personal details:
Name, surname Voldemārs KārkliĦš
Personal code 041147-10851
Place of birth Latvia, Liepaja
Address Street Airītes 3-18, Liepaja, Latvia, LV-3401
2002 – 2006 Riga Technical University, Master Degree TQM,
Diploma PDC No.0156
Work expierence:
Since 2002 till present Riga Technical University Liepaja Branch, principal
Language skills:
Latvian – 10, Russian – 9, German - 6, English – 4 (10 point system)
European Social Fund project aktivity, project heading: „RTU Liepājas
filiāles profesionālās orientācijas sistēmas izveide”, project identif. number
VPD/P153/VPD1/P/AA/05/APK/3.2.7./0024/0007, project leader.
European Social Fund project aktivity, project heading:: „RTU
augstākās profesionālās izglītības programmas „UzĦēmējdarbība un vadīšana”
studentu prakse uzĦēmējdarbību atbilstošās specialitātēs” project identif.
number VPS/ESF/PIAA/05/APK/, project leader.
„EFQM Izcilības modeĜa pielietošana studiju procesa pilnveidei”, International
conference „ Contemporary education problems”, raksti. Transport and
Communications Institute, Riga, 2007.
Pedagogical activities:
Administration of Study programmes
Director of 1st level higher professional study programme “Building
construction work supervising”
Guidanced Master’s Works – 3
Course for Academic staff continuing education „Development of studies
quality”, EUF project, RTU RKI, 01.07.2006 – 30.06.2007.
Participation in conferences:
V.KārkliĦš, M.Birze, V.KārkliĦa „ESF projekti studiju procesa pilnveidei RTU
Liepājas filiālē”, methodical workshop „ESF projekti studiju programmu
attīstībai un studiju kvalitātes uzlabošanai”, Rīga: RTU; April, 2007
Riga Technical University Diploma, 2007.
Organizational activities:
Member of Riga Technical University Senate
Sandra Dreiberga
26.08.1968 Liepāja
Adress: Lauku 50 a, Liepāja LV 3411
2003 up to date – RTU studies of master;
2000. – 2003. RTU bachelor of social sciences;
1986. – 1992. LU, bachelor of linguistics
2000. Foreign relation, marketing and payments – Izraēla, Mashav.
1996. – 1998. Courses of Ministry of economics of North – Reina Vestfalena
certicicates: “Management in market conditions” and “International payments”
1998. – 2003. Execution, instructions of office work, labour legistation,
1998. – 2003. Psychology, selling (Mercury International, Trendsetters, Lauva
2002. Insurance basic principles
2000. Management of project
1999. Applied communication
1998.The methoud of education
1996 Banks and stock market (KPMG)
1996. – 2005. teacher of RTU the branch of Liepaja
1996. – 2005. the managing director of AAS ERGO Latvijas Regional branch of
1996. – 1998. Programm of Beril, the manufacture of educational programme in applied
1996. Deutsche Bank, Disseldorfa the department of international ties
1991 – 1996. A/S “Banka Baltija” the branch of Liepaja, director of currency deparment
1991. – 1993. the oldest specialist of A/S “Banka Kurzeme”
1990. – 1991. lector of LTRK, international dealings.
1989. – 1990. interpreter of A/S “Lauma”
1986. – 1989. teacher of German language in Liepājas 10.vidusskola
German, Russian, Latvian – fluently
English – everyday speech.
The participation in manufacturing of curricula establishment of education programme “Banks and finanse”1995-1997 in
RTU LMZTK in collaboration with BIBB
In 1996-1998- the subjects manufacturing if business college in the ES Phare frame of education reform.
2006-2008. ESF Project “”Banks and finanse-estabilishment of the education programme and initiation of
methodical material.
Scientific Qualification:
1996 Master of Mechanics, diploma No.000244
1993 Doctor of Engineering Sciences, diploma B-D N. 000571
1981 Candidate of Technical Sciences, diploma TH N. 052735
Work experiences: 1995 onwards Liepāja branch of the Baltic International Academy,
1977 onwards Rīga Technical University, a lecturer, senior researcher
1976 – 1977 a secondary school teacher
1971 – 1975 Factory of Casting Non-ferrous Metals, an engineer
6. „Latvijas iedzīvotāju nabadzības līmeĦa samazināšanas problēmas.”
Starptautiskās zinātn. konferences referātu krājums „Tautsaimniecības un
izglītības attīstības problēmas mūsdienu preriodā”, RTU, Rīga, 2003, 6 lpp.
7. „Ētiski – psiholoăiskie biznesa aspekti mūsdienīgajā Latvijā” (ar
līdzautoru) „Проблемы предпринимательской деятельности, 3.sējums,
Nr.1, zinātn. darbu krājums, ISMA, Rīga, 2003. 6 lpp.
8. „Transition preiod in Latvia as a social – economic „simple catastrophe””
„Computer Modelling and New Technologies”, vol.9, Nr.2, сб. научных
трудов, TSI, Rīga, 2005. 8 lpp.
9. „Demogrāfiskās krīzes struktūras analīze Latvijā” „Computer Modelling
and New Technologies”, vol.10, Nr.1, сб. научных трудов, TSI, Rīga,
2006. 5 lpp.
10. „Препосылки и перспективы развития венчурного бизнеса в Латвии”
(ar līdzautoru) Starptautiska zinātniska konferences referātu krājums
„Tautsaimn. un uzĦēmējd. attīstības problēmas”, RTU, Rīga, 2007. 7 lpp.
Curriculum Vitae
Personal information
Surname(s) / First name(s) Barkanovs, Juris
Address(es) 2, Matrozu, LV-3401, Liepaja, Latvia
Telephone(s) +371 3455872 Mobile +371 9855249
Work experience
Name and address of employer Liepaja - seaworthy school - Latvia
Type of business or sector Education sector
Main activities and The builder of the ships The chief of a technical department
Name and address of employer Ship-repair factory - Liepaja, Latvia
Type of business or sector industrial sector
English Initi
Upper al
A1 Initial level B1 A1 Initial level A1 Initial level A1
intermediate leve
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Other skills and competences I the author of the following books preparing to the edition:
1. AutoCAD 2. Repair of ships 3. Practical calculations seaworthy
qualities ships
4. The terminological directory mechanics and a mechanic of the steam-
I teach following disciplines: 1. Plotting in AutoCADa environment 2.
Design calculations
3. Volumetric designing (CATIA5 V11) SolidWorks
Driving licence
Additional information
Name: Ilze
Surname: Kupše
Date of birth: 1966
Place of birth: Talsi
Additional Education/Courses:
Name of Institution Name of Courses Study period: from
Environment Science and Further education courses in 21.03 – 14. 15.
Administration Study environmental vocational education 1996
PHARES program Environmental study 1995 – 1997
program/curriculum development
Rīga Commerce School Initiative and venture Augusts 13,1999
Liepaja Environmental Project as work method and form June 4, 2002
Education Center
Education Ministry Central examination organization October7-11, 2002
Professional Education according to comrehensive education
Center standards demands for professoinal
education schools students
S/A Professional Learning methods February22, 2005
Education Development
Agency Professional
Orientation Information
Work Experience:
Main tasks 1.Work with department students ,
2.Work with department teachers,
3.Methodical material work out for students and teaches.
Name of Work Place) Kandava State Agrecultural technical school
European Social Fund project 2005/0151/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/05/APK/
„Profesionālās vidējās izglītības programmas „Autotransports” automehāniėu
specialitātes audzēkĦu prakse uzĦēmumos”
project leader
European Social Fund project 2005/0160/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/05/APK/
„Profesionālās izglītības programmas „Elektromontāža un elektromehānika” elektriėu
specialitātes audzēkĦu prakse uzĦēmumos”
project leader
European Social Fund project 2005/0245/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/04/APK/3.2.1./0026/0105
„Profesionālās izglītības programmas „Elektromontāža un elektromehānika” elektriėu
specialitātes profesionālo mācību priekšmetu programmu uzlabošana”
project leader asistent
European Social Fund project 2005/0244/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/04/APK/3.2.1./0023/0105
„Profesionālās vidējās izglītības programmas „Autotransports” automehāniėu
specialitātes profesionālo mācību priekšmetu programmu uzlabošana”
European Social Fund project 2006/0271/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/
„Profesionālās vidējās izglītības programmas „Autotransports” automehāniėu
specialitātes audzēkĦu prakse uzĦēmumos”
project leader
European Social Fund project 2006/0083/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/
„RTU LF profesionālās vidusskolas skolotāju stažēšanās prakse uzĦēmumos”
project leader
European Social Fund project 2006/0083/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/
„RTU Liepājas filiāles profesionālās vidusskolas pirmo kursu audzēkĦu adaptācijas
procesa izveide”
Project worker
European Social Fund project 2006/0197/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/3.2.1./0002/0108
„Profesijā” Mazumtirdzniecības komercdarbinieks”, „Sekretārs”, „Saimniecības vadītājs”
mācību programmas izvērtēšana „
European Social Fund project 2007/0059/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/
„Mācību prakses pilnveidošana mācību priekšmetā „DaiĜdārzniecības pamati, floristika”
Project worker
European Social Fund project 2006/0215/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/3.2.1./0035/0105
„3. līmeĦa izglītības programmas „Loăistikas darbinieks”izstrāde un izglītojamo
uzĦemšana tajā”
Project worker
Diana Līduma
Additional education
2003.10.11.-2004.29.03. Latvia University Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, course
certificate "Higher education didactics: contemporary theory and
2001.10.02.-2001.15.02. Siauliai University, OEKOWI/ECOSYS training program,
certified course trainer;
2000.11.08. Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, course
certificate "Visual planning as one of methods of strategic planning";
1999.21.10. Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, course
certificate "Projects management";
1999.26.08. State Administration school, PHARE project unit in Latvia, course
certificate "Finance management";
1999.20.08. State Administration school, PHARE project unit in Latvia, course
certificate "Projects management".
Work experience
2004- State Employment Agency, Liepaja branch, course trainer "A human into
business environment", "Business basics";
2003- Professional Studies School "Citadele", course trainer "Organization of
office work", "Business economics", "Strategic and tactic planning",
"Business administrative organization";
1999- Riga Technical University, Liepaja branch, Bachelor's program, lector,
"Business economics", "Microeconomics";
1999- Liepaja E.Melngailis Music College, lector, "Business basics";
1998- Liepaja Academy of Pedagogy, lector, "Economics theory", "Business
management", "Management theory", "Tourism management",
"Marketing", "Business logistics";
1998- Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, Liepaja
branch, lector, "Microeconomics", "Macroeconomics", "Business
management", "Business practices", "Marketing";
1998- Riga Technical University, Liepaja branch, Economics College, lector,
"Microeconomics", "Business economics", "Marketing", "Transportation
economics and marketing", "Marketing in transportation", "Marketing in
1999-2001 Riga School of Commerce, Liepaja branch, lector, "Business basics",
"Legislation basics"; curator;
1998-2001 Riga School of Commerce Saturday School, Liepaja branch, lector,
"Economics basics", "Business practices", "Projects management";
1996-2000 Riga Technical University, Liepaja branch, Secondary School, lector,
Social activities
2003- Liepaja Academy of Pedagogy, Faculty of Nature and Social Sciences,
board member;
1998-2000 Riga Technical University, Students Parliament, member;
1995-1998 Riga Technical University, Liepaja Autonomy, president.
Latvian - native Russian -
excellent English -
Andris Priževaitis
Trade education:
1992.– RTU Liepajas branch– Speciality: „Technician of the industrial devices
1996. Mechanic”. Diploma T, certificate Nr. 043063
The middle education:
Liepajas 5. Secondary school, certificate Nr. 005348
2007. september-... . RTU the Liepajas branch advice member
2007. Optimum of the treatment of the non-rusting steel feature and cutting
september- ... modes on the CNC guidance machines.
september... . steel features on the CNC guidance machines.
2007. Heating engineering, Theoretical mechanics, Material science, Cutting
september... theory, Elements of Machines, Engineering structure of material.
2006. september– ... . RTU the Liepajas branch– lecturer.
RTU the Liepajas branch professional secondary schools–
2006. september– ... .
2005. november–
SIA "Lauma Fabrics"– Mechanic of ribbons production.
2007. january.
1997. october– 2005.
A/s "Lauma"– Mechanic of ribbons production.
Have been command captain in basket-ball playing cities and out of
1993.– 2002.
city in scoops.
1999., 2000., 2001.,
Participation A/s "Lauma" in education of sport games.
1998. march– 2007.
In subordination of Ribbons production weavers, repair locksmiths.
Experience of the
To Applied the last
Speeches Writing Talk general work (in
understand time
Latvian the native speech
very much very much
Russian good 22 years Nov
well well
German middle partial partial 11 years 2007. august
English beginner beginner beginner 2 years 4 or more years back
Experience of the general work (in Applied the last
Understand Level
years) time
In building- execute
good 13 years now
Systems works good 8 years now
Computer programm:
1) Microsoft Word,
2) Microsoft Excel, user
6 years now
3) Internet Explorer,
4) Outlook Express,
5) Microsoft Access.
Since 2007 - lector of RTU Liepaja Branch;
1995 - 2007 - Director of LRF-Lubbock Fine Ltd;
Since 1995- Member of the Board of Namfabrika Ltd.;
1992-1994- Parliament of Latvia, Advisor of ZS fraction;
1991-1992- Ministry of Agriculture, Advisor of Minister.
1987-1990- Latvian Academy of Agriculture, Assistant Professor, Chairman
for the chair of Mechanics.
1984-1986- Latvian Academy of Agriculture , Postgraduate student of the Chair
of Electrotechnics.
1980-1983- Latvian Academy of Agriculture, Assistant of the Chair of
1978-1980 – Teacher of Physics in different schools of Jelgava town and region.
1975-1978 – Chief for the hobby courses in Daugavpils.
8. Novel construction methods using insulated panels.
Languages :
1998-2003 studies at the University of Liepaja, secondary school pedagogy faculty, Latvian
and German literature and language
1986-1997 Liepaja Secondary School Nr. 5
Qualification: Latvian Police Academy, diploma of finishing a course
about pre-trial investigation’s tactics and methodology
2007. Riga Technical University Faculty of Architecture Arhitektūras and City
Costruction – architect, Master Degree in Engineering
Work Experience:
2007.- Higher School of Information System Management – lecturer
2006.- Riga Technical University Liepaja Branch – lecturer
2005.- Riga Building College – vocational school teacher
2004.-2006.Liepaja Children and Youth Centre of Technical Creations – small group
2002.- S/C “Balva” – ensurance expert
1998.-2002. Liepaja Gymnastics School – trainer of callisthenics
1990.-2002. S/C “Balta” - agent
1984.-1990. Main Architect Design Bureau of Liepaja Region – main architect
Liepaja Travel and Excursion Bureau – excursion manager
1980.-1983. Latvian State Institute of Agricultural Building and Design – architect
2002. Apr Participation in seminar in Riga ( made by Ministry of Environment and
Regional Development) about environment care and wastes cleaning
organization and processing
1997.-2003. Acivity at Liepaja Pedagogical Academy “Green Centre”.
Curriculum Vitae
Ieva Bubiere
Address: Peldu street 25 – 14, Liepaja, LV – 3400
Date of birth: 1971. 9. october
Phone: +3718804845
E – mail:
Latvian Academy of Physical Education
speciality – teacher of physical educatino,
Second speciality – aeirobics teacher, (speshily masterd – swimming teacher)
(from 1989. to 1994.)
Liepajas 1. seconderyshcool
(from 1977. to 1989.)
Work experience
RTU Liepajas department – for lector
(from 1994.till present day)
RTU Liepajas department prof. Seconderyshcool – sport teacher
(from 1994. till present day)
Fishers economy „LaĦăi” for accountant
(from 1998. to 2000.)
Addition education
Prof. education center – Studio interior designer
(from 1994.october to 1995. july)
Languages: latvian (mother), russian – talk and write well, english – basics
Computer knowledge: MS Word, Excel, Internet