P.E. Semester 1 Reflection
P.E. Semester 1 Reflection
P.E. Semester 1 Reflection
Comparing classes from my junior high year, I feel that we are given more
independence. We are given our own choice of workout and we can make choices
according to the skills that we feel that we should work on. This semester, I feel
that I am taking more initiative on writing and performing my FITT goals. I am
making sure that I do the goals that I have set for myself and marking the calendar
if I skipped any days. I feel that it is more challenging for me because during the
jogging which is the type of aerobic exercise I chose, the longest time I ran was
approximately 5 minutes. However, because it is a challenging activity, I feel that I
could make more improvement and utilize it as a practice to achieve my long term
goal. Thanks to Maam Jenny Bongalos, I feel that she kind of motivates me more
and pushes me during different activities.