HOPE Mod4 Celocia
HOPE Mod4 Celocia
HOPE Mod4 Celocia
1. Temporal
2. Carotid
3. Brachial
4. Femoral
5. Radial
6. Popliteal
7. Dorsalis Pedis
A. Your prediction
I think I will have 70 pulse beats in one minute. Do you think your heartbeat will
be the same for each activity below? NO (answer: YES or NO)
C.1 Compare the results of your pulse beat. What are your observations based on
the results?
- My pulse has a different count of beats per minute based on where it is measured.
C.2 What are some other ways to check your pulse beat with accurate result?
- On the left side of my chest, closest to my heart.
A. B.
5-I 1. A
1 - II 2. D
2 - III 3. C
3 - IV 4. C
4-V 5. D
2.) 10 x 6
Result: 60
3.) 15 x 4
Result: 60
Age RHR Target RHR Reflection/Recommendation
My RHR is very normal for
18 60 Excellent my age. I should engage
more than I used to do in
physical activities in order to
have lower rate of heart
disease and stroke.
Assessment I
Activity Level of Exertion Description
Household chores Level 1: I sweep and mop the floor
Very Light everyday and get sweaty
Effort during and after
Walking with the dogs out Level 3: I usually take them out for
Moderate 20 minutes on 3PM in the
Effort afternoon when the sun
doesn't hurt that much, It
didn't give me sweat that
much but it's kinda tiring
Motor wash Level 3: Our scooter gets dirty so
Moderate much so sometime, I
Effort have to wash it for like
twice a week for 2
Dancing Level 4: I have a habit of dancing
Vigorous while playing loud music
Effort within our home. It takes
an hour for me to dance.
I'm out of breath
sometimes because I've
been having too much
Workout Level 5: Every time I do my
Maximum workout routine I always
Effort put all my maximum effort
to each type of workout to
execute it properly. After
more than an hour of
doing this physical
activity, I can always feel
the extreme exhausted to
all parts my body.
Assessment II
Activity 1: Planking
Activity 2: Curl Up
Activity 3: Waxing the floor
1. Decide how many minutes of activity and how many minutes of rest
you will do the activity.
- I perform planking for 1 minute daily, curl up for 16 counts good for 3
repitition and waxing the floor for almost an hour.
Assessment II
Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3
Step 2
195 (Step 1) – 60 bpm (Resting Heart Rate) = 135
Step 3B
135 (Step 2) x 0.55 = 74
Step 2
Step 1) 195 - resting heart rate 60 bpm = 135
Step 4A
Resting heart rate 60 + Step 3.A 68 = 128
Step 3B
Step 2) 135 x 0.85 = 115
B. Reflection:
Name the first three (3) activities that raised your heart rate.
1. Jogging
2. Workout
3. Push ups
1. What is your level of Exertion after you engage in physical activities? Refer to the
RPE chart below.
- 17 – Very hard
2. What is your estimated heart rate (bpm) based on the RPE scale?
- 170 beats per minutes
3. If you feel that your RPE is below 12, what does it imply? What will you do to
improve your intensity level of performance?
- My Borg’s Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) is in moderate intensity zone and in
order to reach the high Scale I should put a schedule of some vigorous intense
exercise to my workout plan.
4. If you feel that your RPE is above 19, what does it imply? Are you going to
increase or decrease your resistance? Why?
- If I feel that my RPE is above 19, I'm at maximum exertion, which means my efforts
are really high compared to normal people. I'll stick to my workout routine to keep my
physical and mental wellness in shape.