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Tomassonne Et Al 2018

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Veterinary Parasitology 251 (2018) 17–26

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Veterinary Parasitology
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Review article

Neglected vector-borne zoonoses in Europe: Into the wild T

a,⁎ b c d
Laura Tomassone , Eduardo Berriatua , Rita De Sousa , Gerhard Georg Duscher ,
Andrei Daniel Mihalcae, Cornelia Silaghif,g, Hein Sprongh, Annetta Zintli
Department of Veterinary Sciences, University of Turin, Largo Braccini 2, 10095, Grugliasco (Torino), Italy
Departamento de Sanidad Animal, Facultad de Veterinaria, Regional Campus of International Excellence “Campus Mare Nostrum”, Universidad de Murcia, 30100,
Murcia, Spain
Instituto Nacional de Saude Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Centro de estudos de Vectores e Doenças Infecciosas, Av. da Liberdade no. 5, 2965, Águas de Moura, Portugal
Department of Pathobiology, Institute of Parasitology, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Veterinaerplatz 1, 1210, Vienna, Austria
Department of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Calea Mănăștur 3-5, Cluj-Napoca, 400372,
National Centre for Vector Entomology, Institute of Parasitology, University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 266a, CH-8057, Zurich, Switzerland
Institute of Infectology, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Südufer 10, D-17493, Greifswald Isle of Riems, Germany
National Institute of Public Health and Environment (RIVM), Antonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9, 3721 MA, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
UCD Veterinary Sciences Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland


Keywords: Wild vertebrates are involved in the transmission cycles of numerous pathogens. Additionally, they can affect the
Wildlife abundance of arthropod vectors. Urbanization, landscape and climate changes, and the adaptation of vectors and
Zoonoses wildlife to human habitats represent complex and evolving scenarios, which affect the interface of vector,
Arthropod vectors wildlife and human populations, frequently with a consequent increase in zoonotic risk. While considerable
attention has focused on these interrelations with regard to certain major vector-borne pathogens such as
Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. and tick-borne encephalitis virus, information regarding many other zoonotic pathogens
is more dispersed. In this review, we discuss the possible role of wildlife in the maintenance and spread of some
of these neglected zoonoses in Europe. We present case studies on the role of rodents in the cycles of Bartonella
spp., of wild ungulates in the cycle of Babesia spp., and of various wildlife species in the life cycle of Leishmania
infantum, Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Rickettsia spp.
These examples highlight the usefulness of surveillance strategies focused on neglected zoonotic agents in
wildlife as a source of valuable information for health professionals, nature managers and (local) decision-
makers. These benefits could be further enhanced by increased collaboration between researchers and stake-
holders across Europe and a more harmonised and coordinated approach for data collection.

1. Introduction for the hematophagous arthropods themselves.

Wildlife disease monitoring for emerging as well as for certain au-
Wildlife has long been recognized to have a major role in the tochthonous, but neglected vector-borne diseases (VBD), is an essential
transmission and maintenance of zoonotic agents, as most emerging component of surveillance systems, not only for public health, but also
infectious diseases are of wildlife origin (Jones et al., 2008). However, for veterinary and ecological health (Evensen, 2008; Braks et al., 2014).
knowledge of the pathogens that naturally occur in wild animals and While the need for such wildlife disease monitoring programmes is
their potential to spread to humans and domestic animals is still scarce internationally recognised (http://www.glews.net) as the emergence of
(Thompson, 2013). This is particularly true for microorganisms trans- infectious diseases of wildlife origin is frequently of global concern
mitted by vectors, which have multi-component transmission cycles (Jones et al., 2008; Keesing et al., 2010; Olival et al., 2017), their
affected by the ecology as well as the dynamics and life cycles of both surveillance, control and prevention chiefly require local actions. Work
vectors and pathogens (Hollingsworth et al., 2015). Such transmission on the ground and allocation of resources is usually focused on local
systems often include diverse wild vertebrate hosts, which can serve as priorities and interests and subject to short-term planning. Any poten-
reservoirs or amplification hosts for pathogens, as well as a food source tial international surveillance programmes are further hampered by

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: laura.tomassone@unito.i (L. Tomassone).

Received 14 July 2017; Received in revised form 20 December 2017; Accepted 20 December 2017
0304-4017/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Tomassone et al. Veterinary Parasitology 251 (2018) 17–26

inconsistencies in case acquisition (capture and handling of animals), populations is demonstrated in the ongoing outbreak of human leish-
sampling strategies, diagnostics and data interpretation, and in- maniosis in Fuenlabrada, Madrid, which is associated with an explosion
adequate wildlife surveillance infrastructures (Stallknecht, 2007). Here in the population of hares (Lepus granatensis) in green areas integrated
we present the current state of knowledge of the role of wildlife in the into a new housing development built on agricultural land (Molina
emergence and ecology of a number of neglected vector-borne zoonoses et al., 2012; Carrillo et al., 2013).
in Europe. We hope that this critical review will help to promote future While there are several studies on the role of wildlife on flea dy-
international collaborations focused on the detection, prevention and namics in North America, mostly focused on the ecology of the plague,
control of VBD in wildlife. such research is scarce in Europe. One survey reported that 70% of all
flea species are found on rodents (Medvedev, 2002). For example, fleas
2. Wildlife population dynamics and their effects on vector in the Palaearctic region preferentially parasitize voles, gerbils and
abundance hamsters (Medvedev and Krasnov, 2006), and to a lesser extent other
wildlife hosts such as hares and carnivores (mainly foxes) (Foley et al.,
The restoration of natural habitats under the European Union pro- 2017). Moreover, flea abundance positively correlates with host density
gramme for protected areas (Natura 2000; http://ec.europa.eu/ in many flea-host associations (reviewed by Krasnov, 2008). On the
environment/nature/), aimed at establishing a connected network of other hand, more diverse host communities could lead to a decrease in
natural habitats, as well as the legal protection and reintroduction of flea prevalence. Krasnov (2008) divided fleas into three main cate-
many wildlife species, and certain land use changes (Milner et al., gories: (i) fleas of poultry, livestock and pets; (ii) fleas of commensal
2006), are expected not only to benefit various wildlife species, but may birds and mammals (sparrows, pigeons, house martins, rats and mice);
also boost vector populations and allow them to spread and establish in and (iii) fleas of wild birds and mammals. While the first two groupings
new areas. show a relatively uniform flea species composition, species in the third
A much-cited example of how wildlife populations affect the category have a much more diverse pattern, depending on the specific
abundance of vectors, is that of deer and Ixodes ricinus ticks. The last wildlife composition in the region and its flea fauna.
couple of decades have seen a dramatic increase in the abundance and All of these examples show that a rise in the number of certain
geographic distribution of various deer species, particularly roe, red wildlife hosts can increase the abundance and distribution of vectors. In
and fallow deer (Milner et al., 2006; Burbaitė and Csányi, 2009,2010). some cases this situation results directly in an increase in VBD, as
While immature stages may feed on a variety of wildlife hosts, in- shown in the example of sand flies and hares in Spain. Many wildlife
cluding small rodents, insectivores and birds (Hofmeester et al., 2016), host/vector/pathogen relationships, however, are more complex, par-
several studies have documented high infestation levels of deer with all ticularly if the wildlife host is not a competent pathogen reservoir and
developmental stages of ticks (Kiffner et al., 2010; Qviller et al., 2013). the vector is a generalist. In this case, a boost in wildlife host population
Deer species are thus considered the main determinants of tick abun- can have a ‘dilution’ effect, i.e. it can reduce the pathogen prevalence in
dance (Mihalca and Sándor, 2013). In fact, some investigations have the vectors (Dudek, 2014). It has also been postulated that reduced
reported a direct correlation between deer and tick numbers (Gilbert biodiversity may favour transmission of vector-borne pathogens be-
et al., 2012; Qviller et al., 2013). Others have found that once a deer cause many severely degraded environments of low biodiversity still
population has reached a threshold level, the number of deer does not abound in rodents (Dudek, 2014), many of which are competent re-
significantly affect tick density, indicating that spread rather than servoirs for a multitude of disease agents. Consequently, the declining
abundance is the main driver for boosting tick populations (Hofmeester biodiversity currently experienced in many habitats all over the world
et al., 2017). It is important, however, to differentiate between the may be advantageous to certain pathogens and their vectors, potentially
overall abundance of ticks in a habitat and the expected number of ticks increasing the risk of pathogen exposure (Daszak et al., 2007). How-
questing at any point in time. According to Dobson and Randolph ever, it should also be borne in mind that there are natural habitats of
(2011), the former is boosted by greater host abundance (particularly in low biodiversity, such as bogland or tundra, which do not necessarily
areas recently colonized by deer), while the latter is expected to decline represent high risk VBD areas. Care must be taken therefore when ex-
in areas with high deer densities, as unfed ticks quickly find a new host trapolating from the wildlife transmission dynamics of one pathogen to
and spend less time questing. It is also necessary to stress that the another.
specific level of tick infestation on hosts is dependent on the host’s
feeding and roaming behaviour. For example, moose (Alces alces), 3. Urbanization of wildlife and vectors
which mainly feed from branches on trees, harbour fewer ticks on their
heads and ears than red and roe deer (Handeland et al., 2013); the latter Green spaces and corridors in cities and (sub)urban areas not only
two species are mainly ground feeders with ample opportunity to en- improve human well-being (Hansen and Pauleit, 2014) but can also
counter all life stages of I. ricinus. In addition, deer represent important help to mitigate the negative effects of heat waves, air pollution,
vehicles for tick distribution over long distances (Vor et al., 2010). flooding and possible other health risks (IPCC, 2013). In addition, they
For other vectors populations, the effects of wildlife host dynamics can contribute to conservation strategies for wildlife and biodiversity.
have been less intensively studied. For example, sand flies are vectors of For example, forty-eight different mammal species, from bats to wild
Leishmania infantum, phleboviruses and other pathogens in southern boars, have been recorded in Budapest (Tóth-Ronkay et al., 2015).
Europe, but there is a limited understanding of their spatial distribution Some mammal species, such as hedgehogs and squirrels, can reach
of and relationship with wild host abundance. In particular, informa- higher densities in (sub)urban habitats than rural environments (Reeve,
tion is lacking on sand fly breeding sites, and trapping is mainly aimed 1994; Tóth-Ronkay et al., 2015).
at the adult stages (Feliciangeli, 2004). Adult female sand flies, which On the other hand, the trend in increasing urban green spaces and
are the only developmental stage able to transmit pathogens as they spatial expansion of urbanized areas into agricultural and nature ha-
require a blood meal to develop the eggs, may feed on a wide variety of bitats also increases the dispersal and abundance of vectors into urban
wild mammal and bird species (Bongiorno et al., 2003; Millán et al., areas and their contact with humans (Maetzel et al., 2005; Gassner
2014). In rural areas, sand flies congregate in buildings housing do- et al., 2016; Paul et al., 2016; Vourc'h et al., 2016). As a matter of fact,
mestic animals, such as sheep sheds, bird houses and dog kennels I. ricinus (and to a lesser extent other tick species) are found in city
(Dantas-Torres et al., 2014; Risueño et al., 2017). However, they are parks, urban forests, private gardens and other green spaces in and
also found in natural and abandoned habitats such as rabbit burrows, around cities across Europe (Schorn et al., 2011; Buczek et al., 2014;
caves and old ruined buildings, where they rely on wildlife for food. Hornok et al., 2014; Mancini et al., 2014; Venclíková et al., 2014;
The ability of wildlife to increase and sustain enormous sand fly Nelson et al., 2015; Starostzik, 2015; Szekeres et al., 2016). Although

L. Tomassone et al. Veterinary Parasitology 251 (2018) 17–26

Table 1
List of the zoonotic pathogens that are discussed in this review and their known (suspected) vectors and reservoir hosts.

Vector borne pathogen Known (suspected) vectors Known (suspected) reservoir hosts Reference

Anaplasma phagocytophilum Ixodes ricinus (I. hexagonus, I. Wild ruminants, (small mammals such as Stuen et al. (2013a), Bown et al. (2003, 2011), Silaghi
trianguliceps) rodents and insectivores; birds) et al. (2012b), Lommano et al. (2014)

Babesia spp.
Babesia divergens I. ricinus Cattle, (red deer) Zintl et al. (2003)
Babesia venatorum I. ricinus Roe deer Herwaldt et al. (2003)
Babesia microti I. ricinus (Rodents) Gray et al. (2002), Häselbarth et al. (2007)

Bartonella spp.
B. elizabethae Xenopsylla cheopis Rat Loftis et al. (2006)
B. grahamii Ctenophthalmus nobilis Bank vole and wild mice Bown et al. (2004)
B. quintana Pediculus humanus humanus, (cat and Humans, (cats, rodents) Raoult and Roux (1999), Rolain et al. (2003), Marié
rodent fleas) et al. (2006)
B. koehlerae Ctenocephalides felis, (rodent fleas) Cat, (rodents) Avidor et al. (2004), Marié et al. (2006)
Leishmania infantum Phlebotomus ariasi Canids, lagomorphs and rodents Alten et al. (2016)
P. balcanicus
P. kandelakii
P. langeroni
P. neglectus
P. perfiliewi
P. perniciosus, P. tobbi

Rickettsia spp.
R. conorii Rhipicephalus sanguineus, (Rh. pusillus) Lagomorphs Ruiz-Beltrán et al. (1992)
R. slovaca Dermacentor spp. Lagomorphs, mice and voles Rehácek et al. (1976, 1978,1992)
R. helvetica I. ricinus (Lizards) De Sousa et al. (2012)

tick densities in these areas are generally low, the risk of acquiring a circulating in this area for some time (Chicharro et al., 2013; Martín-
tick bite can be substantial, because of the relatively high exposure Martín et al., 2015).
rates of humans. In fact, a Dutch survey found that approximately 30% Urbanization has also important effects on mosquito vectors, with
of tick bites were acquired in gardens (Mulder et al., 2013). While the some species particularly being favoured by anthropogenic environ-
ecological and environmental requirements for the establishment and mental changes. For example, several Anopheles, Culex and Aedes spp.
maintenance of I. ricinus in its natural habitats are well known easily find suitable habitats in urban areas, not least because of nu-
(Randolph, 2004; Medlock et al., 2013), our understanding of the tick’s merous artificial breeding sites created by humans (e.g. water deposits,
enzootic cycle in urban green spaces is very limited. For example, it is swimming pools, gardens) (Ferraguti et al., 2016) and milder tem-
conceivable that shade from buildings, ornamental trees, shrubs and peratures in winter (LaDeau et al., 2015). In fact, studies on the invasive
hedges provide protection from desiccation in urban settings. This mosquito species Aedes albopictus have shown that this parasite survives
could be critical for I. ricinus which does not survive for long at hu- better in anthropized environments than in its natural habitats (Li et al.,
midities below 80% (Randolph and Storey, 1999). On the other hand, 2014; Roche et al., 2015). In anthropically altered areas, frequency of
where the density of feeding or propagation hosts is too low to sustain a human bites may thus be increased, with higher rates of transmission of
complete enzootic cycle, tick presence may depend on the continuous mosquito-borne pathogens (LaDeau et al., 2015). More suitable climatic
introduction from forest areas, particularly via birds (Hasle, 2013). It is conditions for the vectors, and the presence of competent wild birds,
possible that in urban settings medium-sized mammals, such as also in urban areas, are implicated in the expanding incidence of West
hedgehogs, squirrels, and (stone) martens replace deer as the main Nile Virus infections in Europe (Semenza et al., 2016).
‘propagation hosts’ (Gern et al., 1991, 1997; Labuda and Randolph, While fleas usually gain access to human habitations via pets and
1999). periurban rodents, modern living conditions, particularly central
With regard to sand flies, human residential environments can also heating, may help to create microclimate conditions suitable for the
provide suitable conditions for all stages of their life cycle, which takes development of pre-imago stages throughout the year (Krasnov, 2008).
around 30–45 days depending on environmental temperature and sand
fly species (Killick-Kendrick, 1999; Alexander, 2000; Volf and Volfova, 4. Examples of neglected zoonotic pathogens and their wildlife
2011). While most species are predominantly exophagic and exophilic reservoirs
(i.e. feeding and egg development occur outdoors), adults take cover in
houses, cellars and animal buildings, when they are inactive during the ‘Neglected’ pathogens are pathogens characterized by a low level of
day. Moreover, gardens and other periurban habitats provide ideal public awareness, and research focus and/or funding. Some pathogens
breeding sites with organic matter for the larvae to feed on, and shelter may be neglected only in certain geographical areas or certain hosts.
from sunlight and desiccation. Foxes, which are one of the most Our review focuses on zoonotic pathogen-wildlife host systems that
common urbanised mammal species in Europe and highly susceptible to have received limited attention in the published literature and for
L. infantum infection, have long been considered a potential source of which important knowledge gaps remain. Table 1 provides an overview
introducing Leishmania from sylvatic to domestic environments of these pathogens, their known and suspected vectors and wildlife
(Ashford and Bettini, 1987). However, more recent PCR-based studies reservoirs.
have shown that L. infantum is also endemic in many other wildlife
species such as mustelids, felines, rodents and lagomorphs that live in 4.1. Rodents and flea-transmitted Bartonella spp.
close proximity to humans and dogs (Del Río et al., 2014; Millán et al.,
2014). Moreover, domestic and sylvatic L. infantum cycles are bidirec- The genus Bartonella comprises several species that infect a large
tional. For example, the ITS-LOMBARDI L. infantum strain-recently number of vertebrates, parasitizing erythrocytes and causing a persis-
isolated from hares in the Fuenlabrada outbreak- was first identified in tent bacteraemia (Maggi et al., 2012). The main transmission route is
a human cutaneous leishmaniosis case in 1987, and has probably been via the faeces of ectoparasites (such as fleas and other hematophagous

L. Tomassone et al. Veterinary Parasitology 251 (2018) 17–26

arthropods), which can enter the body through superficial scratches on species, there are likely individual differences with regard to suscept-
the skin (Buffet et al., 2013). As a result of improved diagnostic tech- ibility to infection and infectiousness, depending on the parasite strain
niques, the reported incidence of zoonotic Bartonella infections has been and host intrinsic and external factors (Roque and Jansen, 2014). The
increasing over the last number of years (Edouard et al., 2015), parti- best approach to assess the reservoir status is to demonstrate host
cularly in people living under poor hygienic conditions and/or suffering susceptibility to infection and ability to transmit the parasite to the
from immunodeficiency (Mosepele et al., 2012). vector by performing xenodiagnostic experiments. However, hosts able
Contact with wild rodents is likely to be a risk factor for infection, to meet these criteria may still not have primary reservoir capacity, in
since these animals are the preferential reservoir hosts of several which case they are considered secondary reservoir hosts (Quinnell and
Bartonella species in nature. B. elizabethae, associated with the black rat Courtenay, 2009).
and Oriental rat fleas (Xenopsylla cheopis), and B. grahamii, associated With the exception of hares (Lepus granatensis), no wildlife species
with wild mice and voles and transmitted by rodent fleas, are re- has so far been associated with leishmaniosis outbreaks in Europe.
cognized as zoonotic pathogens (Chomel and Kasten, 2010). Moreover, Xenodiagnostic experiments have confirmed that hares, rabbits
the pathogenic B. quintana and B. koehlerae have been detected in ro- (Oryctolagus cuniculus), black rats (Rattus rattus) and the American crab-
dent fleas (Marié et al., 2006), and several studies have reported rodent eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) can transmit L. infantum to sand flies
infections with as yet unknown genotypes (Silaghi et al., 2016). (Quinnell and Courtenay, 2009; Jiménez et al., 2014). Moreover, it is
While fleas are suspected to be the main vectors of Bartonella in wild likely that infected red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and other canids in Europe
rodent populations (Billeter et al., 2008), few flea species have been are also able to transmit these parasites to sand flies (Ashford and
unequivocally shown to be competent vectors of Bartonella spp. A no- Bettini, 1987). The reservoir role of other sylvatic species known to be
table exception is Ctenophthalmus nobilis, a common parasite of small susceptible to L. infantum infection, including felines, mustelids, in-
mammals in Western Europe and competent vector of B.grahamii and sectivores, and chiroptera, remains to be determined (Millán et al.,
B.taylorii (Bown et al., 2004). The situation is further complicated by 2014).
the fact that fleas only show host preference but no clear host specificity Murine (Mus musculus) and hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) labora-
(Silaghi et al., 2016). The role of other arthropods as potential Barto- tory models have been extensively used to investigate the clinical and
nella vectors and reservoirs also remains to be elucidated. Reis et al. immunological features of Leishmania infections, and the latter species
(2011) experimentally demonstrated the vector competence of I. ricinus is highly susceptible to visceralising L. infantum infection (Loría-Cervera
for B. birtlesii. Moreover, certain Bartonella spp., including the rodent- and Andrade-Narváez, 2014; Moreira et al., 2016). Similarly in the
associated B. doshiae and B. tribocorum, have recently been isolated wild, the potential epidemiological role of rodents in the L. infantum
from blood samples of human patients with nonspecific chronic transmission cycle has attracted attention for a long time. In early ex-
symptoms and history of tick-bite. However, so far it has not been periments in France, Rioux et al. (1968), using non-molecular methods,
possible to establish a causal link between Bartonella spp., clinical signs, failed to detect L. infantum in over 250 wild rodents including mice
and tick bite (Vayssier-Taussat et al., 2016). (Apodemus spp.), dormice (Glis glis and Elyonis quercinus) and rats
In Europe, Bartonella prevalence rates of between 14 and 85% have (Rattus spp.). They were, however, able to infect these species with the
been reported from various species of rats, squirrels, voles and mice parasite experimentally, noting differences in susceptibility. At the
(Ellis et al., 1999; Bown et al., 2002, 2004; Telfer et al., 2007a,b; Buffet time, L. infantum strains had been isolated from black rats in Italy,
et al., 2013; Kraljik et al., 2015; Silaghi et al., 2016). According to these showing identical isoenzymatic patterns to those from humans. Sand
studies, infection prevalence was affected by the level of infestation flies became infected with the strain after feeding on rats only when the
with the relevant vector, the rodents’ resistance to infection, their po- rats were inoculated with high parasite doses or when im-
pulation density, contact rates, and certain behaviours that could fa- munosuppressed with a hydrocortisone treatment, leading to the con-
cilitate transmission by non-vectorial routes. Moreover, seasonal fluc- clusion that black rats are naturally resistant to L. infantum infection
tuations in prevalence rates may be linked to seasonal activity patterns (reviewed by Ashford and Bettini, 1987). Several epidemiological stu-
of various flea vectors, while the length of infection is dependent on the dies have since demonstrated the presence of L. infantum DNA and
specific Bartonella species present (Telfer et al., 2007a,b). specific antibodies in naturally infected rodents in Europe (Quinnell
As this brief overview shows, many aspects of the complex inter- and Courtenay, 2009; Millán et al., 2014). Infected rodents in these
actions between zoonotic Bartonella spp., their wildlife hosts and ar- studies originated from areas where dogs and other wild carnivore
thropod vectors are yet to be determined. Bartonella diversity in rodents primary hosts were also present, so that the rodents’ epidemiological
is particularly challenging, since co-infections with different species or role in L. infantum transmission could not be confirmed. More recently,
variants in rodent hosts and vectors (particularly in fleas) are very L. infantum DNA was detected in spleen samples from 11 out of 71 black
common (Gutiérrez et al., 2015), which may also have consequences on rats from the Mediterranean island of Montecristo, a natural reserve
the transmission dynamics and clinical disease in humans. where dogs are absent, suggesting that they may act as an alternative
primary reservoir host (Zanet et al., 2014).
4.2. Rodents and other wildlife as reservoirs of Leishmania infantum In summary, L. infantum has a remarkable ability to infect domestic
and wild mammals, though clinical cases in wild animals are rarely
Leishmania infantum is a protozoan transmitted by Phlebotomus spp. observed. Little is known about the role of wildlife species as potential
sand flies, causing life threatening zoonotic visceral Leishmaniosis (VL). reservoirs or the degree of interaction between domestic and sylvatic L.
In southern Europe, VL affects hundreds of people every year and is infantum life cycles. However, there is strong evidence that anthro-
considered the most important disease of dogs (Moreno and Alvar, pogenic disturbance of the vector and wildlife natural environment can
2004; Ready, 2010; Gradoni, 2013). Many wildlife species can be in- lead to infection build-up and spill-over leading to epidemics in sus-
fected by L. infantum but, in contrast to dogs and humans, disease is ceptible humans.
rarely reported and parasite burdens are often comparatively low (re-
viewed by Ashford and Bettini, 1987; Ashford, 1996; Quinnell and 4.3. Wildlife species with a role in zoonotic anaplasmosis
Courtenay, 2009; Antoniou et al., 2013; Del Río et al., 2014; Millán
et al., 2014; Roque and Jansen, 2014). Given the large number of po- The zoonotic obligate intracellular bacterium Anaplasma phagocy-
tential reservoirs that share habitats with Leishmania spp., it is difficult tophilum occurs worldwide in the Northern Hemisphere and is trans-
to determine which of them can serve as the primary reservoir of in- mitted between different species of vertebrates by the bite of ticks. In
fection, capable of maintaining parasite endemicity indefinitely in the Europe the only known vector is I. ricinus (Jahfari et al., 2014; Stuen
absence of a human or canine host. Moreover, even within specific host et al., 2013a). Anaplasma phagocytophilum causes granulocytic

L. Tomassone et al. Veterinary Parasitology 251 (2018) 17–26

anaplasmosis in domestic ruminants, horses, dogs, cats, other mam- species (M. glareolus, A. flavicollis, and A. agrarius) and I. ricinus/I. tri-
malian species as well as in humans (Stuen et al., 2013a). Even though anguliceps, chiefly involving A. phagocytophilum genotypes that do not
granulocytic anaplasmosis is generally seen as a mild and self-limiting have zoonotic significance (Blaňarová et al., 2014).
disease, hospitalization and need for intensive care has been reported It is clear that significant knowledge gaps remain regarding the
from isolated human cases (Dumler, 2012). specific host associations of zoonotic A. phagocytophilum genotypes and
Although the pathogen has been detected in many vertebrates, in- the vector competence of various tick species. Without this information,
cluding birds, deer, rodents and insectivores, it is unknown which endemic cycles of zoonotic anaplasmosis in nature will remain obscure.
species actually contribute as reservoir hosts in a significant way to the
complex transmission cycle. 4.4. Wildlife species and Rickettsia spp.
For example, few studies to date have focused on the role of or-
nithophilic hard-ticks in the eco-epidemiology of A. phagocytophilum. Rickettsiae are obligate intracellular bacteria, which can be sepa-
There is some evidence that blackbirds (Turdus merula) may be a re- rated in two main groups: the typhus (TG) and spotted fever group
servoir host. For one, it is a common avian host of immature I. ricinus, (SFG). Although effective treatments exist for many Rickettsia species,
mainly due to its ground-feeding behaviour (Hasle, 2013). For another, some are still associated with severe, sometimes fatal disease. It is the
it is the most frequently reported bird in Europe to be infected with A. case of R. conorii, the most pathogenic tick-borne rickettsia in Europe
phagocytophilum and the most common species to carry infected ticks, and causative agent of Mediterranean spotted fever (MSF) (Portillo
including larval stages. A potential reservoir role for other bird species et al., 2015). Two strains, R. conorii Malish and Israeli tick typhus
was also suggested by the higher prevalence in ticks collected from strain, are associated with human and canine disease (De Sousa et al.,
avian hosts, compared to those questing in the same habitat in Swit- 2008; Alexandre et al., 2011; Solano-Gallego et al., 2015). The ‘kennel
zerland (Lommano et al., 2014). However, Jahfari et al. (2014) showed tick’ or ‘brown dog tick’, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, transmits both
that the A. phagocytophilum ‘ecotype’ which was associated with avian strains. Although this tick has a close evolutionary relationship with
hosts was absent in samples from all other hosts, indicating that it may domestic dogs and feeds primarily on them, it can survive in a wide
be restricted to bird-ornithophilic tick systems. With regard to ecotypes range of ecological niches and parasitize many wild and domestic
that circulate in wild mammals and humans, it appears that birds are species (Gray et al., 2013).
not an important source of infection and that their epidemiological role Serosurveys indicate that wild carnivores are frequently exposed to
in zoonotic infections may be marginal. rickettsiae (Márquez and Millán, 2009; Lledó et al., 2016; Millán et al.,
Among mammalian wildlife species, roe deer and red deer are well- 2016). However, as rickettsial DNA has never been detected in blood or
documented hosts of A. phagocytophilum with high prevalence rates tissue samples collected from wild carnivores (including genets, red
reported (Petrovec et al., 2002; Michalik et al., 2009; Silaghi et al., foxes, martens and badgers) (Márquez and Millán, 2009; Torina et al.,
2011; Mysterud et al., 2013; Overzier et al., 2013; Stuen et al., 2013; Millán et al., 2016), it is thought that these animals have a
2013a,b). They are thought to significantly contribute to the spread of negligible role in the transmission (Millán et al., 2016).
the organism by providing a persistent pathogen reservoir, in addition In contrast, there is evidence that wild rabbits (O. cuniculus) and
to serving as vehicles for infected and uninfected ticks. However, hares (Lepus europaeus and L. granatensis) have a role as reservoir hosts
whether deer are significant contributors to human granulocytic ana- for R. conorii and also in the circulation of other Rickettsia species (Le
plasmosis in Europe is doubtful, because clinical cases are only rarely Gac, 1966; Ruiz-Beltrán et al., 1992; Rovery et al., 2008), such as R.
reported (Stuen et al., 2013a). slovaca (Rehácek et al., 1978). In Italy, antibodies against R. conorii and
While rodents are often suspected to serve as reservoir for A. pha- R. slovaca were detected in wild rabbits, and inoculation of guinea pigs
gocytophilum, their infection rates are actually quite low in Europe (Liz with homogenates of Rhipicephalus pusillus ticks isolated from these
et al., 2000; Bown et al., 2003; Hulínská et al., 2004; Blaňarová et al., rabbits resulted in a seroconversion to R. conorii (Ciceroni et al., 1988).
2014; Kallio et al., 2014). In fact, several studies reported a complete However, due to cross-reactivity of antibodies within the SFG, these
absence of infection in all rodent species screened (Silaghi et al., 2012a; experiments do not unequivocally confirm the role of Rh. pusillus as a
Blaňarová et al., 2014; Svitálková et al., 2015). Moreover, a xeno- vector of R. conorii. To date, there is no further evidence that this tick
diagnostic study concluded that Apodemus spp. and M. glareolus were species, which is a common ectoparasite of wild rabbits in the Medi-
not competent reservoirs for A. phagocytophilum (Burri et al., 2014). terranean region, serves as a vector for R. conorii, although it is known
Some authors consider them accidental hosts (Obiegala et al., 2014), to transmit R. sibirica mongolotimonae in Portugal, Spain, and France (De
while others suggest that they may act as hosts only for certain A. Sousa et al., 2006; Toledo et al., 2009; Parola et al., 2013).
phagocytophilum variants (Blaňarová et al., 2014). On the other hand, Small mammals, particularly mice and voles, have also been con-
certain insectivore species showed significantly higher prevalence rates sidered important in the natural transmission cycle of certain SFG
(Liz et al., 2000; Barandika et al., 2007; Bown et al., 2011; Silaghi et al., Rickettsia species including R. slovaca, R. felis and R. helvetica (Rehácek
2012a; Földvári et al., 2014). et al., 1976, 1992; Schex et al., 2011; Martello et al., 2013). In contrast,
Several so-called ‘niche cycle’ have been suggested for A. phagocy- other authors failed to identify R. monacensis and R. helvetica in the
tophilum. These are defined by a competent reservoir host and at least blood of Apodemus spp., M. glareolus and xenodiagnostic ticks, although
two tick species, with at least two developmental stages each. One of attached I. ricinus tested positive, and suggested that these rodents are
these two tick species must be endophilic and specific for the reservoir not reservoirs for SFG species (Burri et al., 2014; Biernat et al., 2016).
host in question, and the other one exophilic, with a broad host range. It More recently, studies have shown that lizards may have a more
is hypothesised that established niche cycles are sufficient to maintain a prominent role as reservoirs than previously thought. In fact, systemic
stable and constant endemic cycle of certain genetic variants of A. infection by R. helvetica was detected in lizards captured in Portugal and
phagocytophilum in a given geographic area. Such a niche cycle has been Italy (De Sousa et al., 2012; Tomassone et al., 2017).
proposed for hedgehogs, which are frequently infested with all three In conclusion, a better understanding of the eco-epidemiology of
life stages of I.ricinus as well as the hedgehog tick, Ixodes hexagonus rickettsial disease in specific geographic regions may help to reduce and
(Földvári et al., 2011; Pföffle et al., 2011; Dumitrache et al., 2013; even prevent outbreaks. For example, an imbalance in the rodent po-
Dziemian et al., 2015). Other insectivore species, such as the common pulation in Porto Santo Island, Madeira, Portugal, lead to increased
shrew, also fulfil the criteria for a niche cycle, as they are frequently incidence of human cases of murine typhus, a disease caused by R. typhi
infected with A. phagocytophilum in addition to numerous larvae and and transmitted by the rat flea; weather conditions and human inter-
nymphs of I. ricinus and I. trianguliceps (nidicolous tick) (Bown et al., ventions were shown to cause such imbalance (Bacellar et al., 1998).
2011). Moreover, niche cycles have been proposed for certain rodent The factors that affect the abundance, distribution and density of wild

L. Tomassone et al. Veterinary Parasitology 251 (2018) 17–26

reservoir hosts and vectors, which can conspire to reduce or increase by deer.
rickettsial infection rates, deserve detailed investigations.
5. Directions for future research and conclusion
4.5. Wild ungulates and Babesia spp.
There is a tendency in the published literature to extrapolate from
It is thought that the main − if not the only − vector for human knowledge gained from intensively researched VBD to other less well-
babesiosis in Europe is I. ricinus (Gray et al., 2010). In contrast to the known pathogens. However, as this review shows, the relationship
relatively high incidence of human babesiosis in the USA, the number of between pathogens, vector and wildlife hosts are often highly specific
cases in Europe has remained extremely low. To date, less than 50 cases requiring a much more focused approach.
have been reported (Hildebrandt et al., 2013; González et al., 2015; Moreover, effective and timely action in response to endemic and
Mørch et al., 2015). These include about 40 cases attributed to the emerging zoonotic wildlife pathogens is only possible if potential hosts
cattle parasite Babesia divergens, three to B. venatorum (formerly ‘EU1- are routinely monitored (Mörner et al., 2002). This is not the case for
3′) and just two autochthonous case attributed to B. microti the vast majority of VBD, particularly those that are not considered of
(Hildebrandt et al., 2007; Arsuaga et al., 2016). Infections with B. di- major public health importance. Mannelli et al. (2012), reviewing
vergens are mostly confined to asplenic patients, where they are char- surveillance activities by competent authorities across Europe, con-
acterized by septic fever, severe anaemia, haemoglobinuria and jaun- cluded that the only vector-borne zoonotic pathogens for which suffi-
dice due to widespread haemolysis. By comparison, infections with the cient data was being collected were Francisella tularensis and West Nile
other two Babesia spp. appear to be less severe although all four re- virus, although some others (including Borrelia burgdorferi, L. infantum,
ported cases also occurred in asplenic or immunocompromised patients tick-borne encephalitis virus, Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus)
(Herwaldt et al., 2003; Häselbarth et al., 2007; Gray et al., 2010). In were also being recorded.
contrast to this very low clinical incidence, significant seroprevalence We propose that this conflict between the considerable research
rates have been recorded in many parts of Europe, particularly among effort needed to monitor rare VBD and the lack of resources generally
people with a high risk of occupational exposure such as foresters, available for ‘neglected pathogens’ may be addressed, at least in part,
hunters, farmers and veterinarians, or those with a history of tick-bite by developing standardised guidelines for data collection and analysis,
and/or tick-borne disease (Gorenflot et al., 1998; Foppa et al., 2002; and a pan-European repository where up-to-date surveillance data is
Hunfeld et al., 2002; Gabrielli et al., 2014; Żukiewicz-Sobczak et al., made available to all stakeholders. The logistics and organisation of this
2014; Lempereur et al., 2015), indicating that human infection with network could replicate those of other similar European collaborations
Babesia spp. is not such a rare event, but that immunocompetent in- such as the EFSA/ECDC funded VectorNet initiative (https://vectornet.
dividuals may be largely resistant to disease. Alternatively, it is also ecdc.europa.eu/), created to monitor the geographic distribution of
conceivable that many of the Babesia species/subspecies carried by I. arthropod disease vectors. This network could also be used to identify
ricinus in Europe are not infectious to humans although they may cause surveillance gaps and overlaps and further improve cost effectiveness
seroconversion. by establishing links between researchers and organisations that rou-
A large number of epidemiological surveys have screened deer tinely capture and/or cull wildlife (e.g. bird ringing, wildlife vaccina-
blood or spleen for the presence of Babesia spp. using PCR protocols tion or rehabilitation centres, hunting management centres). This will
targeting the 18S rRNA gene. Sequence analysis revealed a bewildering no doubt result in significant cost savings as well as a better under-
array of strains and/or species many of which were described as ‘B. standing of the current status of VBD.
divergens-like’. However, detailed investigation of several human, bo- From a technical point of view, most studies have relied chiefly on
vine and deer isolates indicated that only isolates that were over 99.9% the molecular screening of potential vectors and wildlife hosts for the
identical with the B. divergens reference sequence (U16370, a cattle presence of certain pathogens. Recent years have seen the development
isolate) shared the biological characteristics of this species, i.e. they of various novel blood meal analysis tools, such as stable isotope ana-
were infective to gerbils in vivo and could be cultured in cattle, human lysis, high-throughput sequencing, MALDI-TOF MS and high-resolution
and sheep red blood cells in vitro (Malandrin et al., 2010). In fact, all melting analysis (Schmidt et al., 2011; Campana et al., 2016; Collini
European B. divergens human isolates were homologous with U16370 et al., 2016; Niare et al., 2017). These methods, in addition to more
by at least 99.94%. In contrast, other isolates, although 99.77% iden- traditional PCR-based assays, can be used to identify the last host a
tical with U16370 and morphologically and serologically indis- vector has fed on. Inclusion of these novel tools in standard VBD sur-
tinguishable from B. divergens, were not infective to gerbils and could veys would thus contribute vital information on vector feeding habits
only be maintained in roe and fallow deer red blood cells. On the basis and transmission cycles.
of these biological characteristics they were identified as B. capreoli Finally, it is incumbent on the scientific community to demonstrate
(reference sequence AY726009), a species that is not considered to be to policy makers and funding bodies the inherent value of disease
zoonotic due to its inability to develop in human red blood cells in vitro surveillance and research into wildlife, as it shares many living spaces,
(Malandrin et al., 2010). Only a very small number of deer isolates in pathogens and arthropod vectors with us.
the database, all from red deer, are over 99.9% homologous with B.
divergens (Zintl et al., 2011) indicating that the role of red deer as a
potential reservoir host for B. divergens, warrants further investigation. Conflict of interest
With regard to B. venatorum, isolates 100% identical to the reference
sequence AY046575 have only ever been identified from roe deer, the None.
accepted reservoir host for this species.
Considering the high degree of genetic homology between B. di- Acknowledgments
vergens and B. capreoli in spite of their marked biological differences, it
is possible that at least some of the numerous isolates that have been This article has been prepared as a direct outcome of Working
described in deer represent species in their own right. Unless they are Group 5 of COST Action TD1303, EurNegVec—European Network for
assessed for their ability to infect human red blood cells, we cannot Neglected Vectors and Vector-Borne Infections.
evaluate their potential public health risk. Furthermore the lack of se- We thank Alexander Mathis, University of Zurich, Switzerland, for
quence data for zoonotic babesias (currently there are only six human the valuable suggestions on the manuscript.
18S rRNA isolates in the database), should be addressed in order to This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
determine their relationship with Babesia strains or species harboured agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

L. Tomassone et al. Veterinary Parasitology 251 (2018) 17–26

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