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Haydon Et Al - 2002

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Identifying Reservoirs of
Infection: A Conceptual and
Practical Challenge
Daniel T. Haydon,* Sarah Cleaveland,*Louise H. Taylor,* and M. Karen Laurenson*

Many infectious agents, especially those that cause emerging diseases, infect more than one host spe-
cies. Managing reservoirs of multihost pathogens often plays a crucial role in effective disease control.
However, reservoirs remain variously and loosely defined. We propose that reservoirs can only be under-
stood with reference to defined target populations. Therefore, we define a reservoir as one or more epide-
miologically connected populations or environments in which the pathogen can be permanently
maintained and from which infection is transmitted to the defined target population. Existence of a reser-
voir is confirmed when infection within the target population cannot be sustained after all transmission
between target and nontarget populations has been eliminated. When disease can be controlled solely by
interventions within target populations, little knowledge of potentially complex reservoir infection dynamics
is necessary for effective control. We discuss the practical value of different approaches that may be used
to identify reservoirs in the field.

I nfectious agents that can infect more than one host species
are ubiquitous. Indeed, 62% of all human pathogens are clas-
However, many situations exist in which the role of reservoirs
is less clear; for example, the reservoirs that harbor emerging
sified as zoonoses (1), and 77% of livestock pathogens and 91% viruses such as Ebola and Marburg remain unknown. For
of domestic carnivore pathogens infect multiple hosts. Fifty Mycobacterium bovis in the United Kingdom, a complex res-
seven of the 70 animal diseases considered to be of greatest ervoir system seems most likely, and identification of the most
international importance infect multiple hosts (2). The ability of important source of infection for cattle remains highly contro-
pathogens to infect a wide range of hosts has been demonstrated versial (8). Incomplete understanding of reservoirs has ham-
as a risk factor for disease emergence in both humans (1) and pered control of many diseases in Africa, such as Ebola virus
domestic animals (2). Virtually all recent outbreaks of disease in infection, Buruli ulcer, and rabies (9–13).
endangered wildlife have been caused by pathogens that can Many different and often contradictory definitions of res-
infect other, more abundant host species 3,4. ervoirs exist. Studies stress different characteristics of reser-
Pathogens that infect more than one host species are by voirs, namely, that infections in reservoir hosts are always
definition likely to be encountered in several host populations, nonpathogenic; any natural host is a reservoir host; the reser-
some of which may constitute infection reservoirs. Therefore, voir must be a different species; reservoirs are economically
a key issue in the design of control measures for multihost unimportant hosts; or reservoirs may be primary or secondary
pathogens is defining what is meant by reservoirs of infection hosts (14–18). Some definitions imply that a reservoir com-
and developing guidelines for their identification. prises only one species; other definitions suggest that an eco-
Although many emerging diseases of human, domestic logic system may act as a reservoir (16,18). Confusing,
animal, and wildlife populations are assumed to be maintained conflicting, and often incomplete concepts of what constitutes
in reservoir hosts (4), these reservoirs are rarely identified. In a disease reservoir result. We propose a conceptual framework
recent years, several emerging infectious disease threats to for defining and identifying reservoirs and discuss the practi-
human and animal health have been managed through large- cal value of different approaches that may be used to identify
scale measures directed at suspected reservoirs of infection. reservoirs in the field.
Sometimes action arises from a clearly perceived notion of
where infection resides. For example, approximately 1 million Proposed Framework
pigs were slaughtered in Malaysia in 1999 to control Nipah We propose the following approach, which can be applied
virus (5); several million chickens were slaughtered in Hong to any disease system, for understanding the role of potentially
Kong in 1998 and 2001 to prevent a projected pandemic of relevant reservoirs in that system. Figure 1 illustrates how this
Influenza A virus (6); and several million cows were slaugh- framework might be applied to various systems.
tered in Britain to curtail the epidemic of bovine spongiform
encephalopathy, and its possible transmission to humans (7). Suggested Terminology
The target population is the population of concern or inter-
*University of Edinburgh, Roslin, U.K. est to us. All other potentially susceptible host populations that

1468 Emerging Infectious Diseases • Vol. 8, No. 12, December 2002


we define as a source population. Source populations may

themselves be maintenance populations or, alternatively, may
constitute all or part of a transmission link from a maintenance
population to the target population.
If a target population is smaller than the critical commu-
nity size and thus cannot maintain a pathogen, completely iso-
lating the target population from any transmission from
outside (ring-fencing) will cause the pathogen to become
extinct in the target population. A reservoir is present if the
pathogen repeatedly appears in such a nonmaintenance target
population. For example, completely preventing tick transmis-
sion of Borrelia spirochetes to humans from other species
would result in Lyme disease’s disappearance from humans;
thus, a reservoir must exist. This procedure for identifying res-
ervoirs will not apply to maintenance target populations. How-
ever, in practical terms reservoirs generally only become of
Figure 1. Examples of simple and more complex target-reservoir sys- concern when disease control within the target population
tems. In the simplest case, A, a maintenance population transmits a reduces transmission within a target population to a very low
pathogen (indicated by arrows) to a target population that is smaller
than the critical community size (CCS) and therefore classified as non- level relative to transmission from nontarget to target popula-
maintenance. In B, the reservoir is composed of two connected non- tions. For example, Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is
maintenance populations, only one of which is the source population,
and neither of which could constitute a reservoir alone (typically akin to maintained in unvaccinated cattle populations in many parts of
some vector-borne infections). Elimination of infection in population X Africa. The identification of wildlife reservoirs (e.g., buffalo)
will result in elimination of infection in the target. C depicts a situation in
which Y is a maintenance population, but transmission can occur generally only becomes important once vaccinated cattle can
directly between Y and the target population or through another source no longer maintain infection at the population level, as is the
population, Z. Although not essential to pathogen maintenance, Z is still
part of the reservoir because it contributes to transmission of the patho- case, for example, in parts of southern Africa (21).
gen to the target. In D, four nontarget populations must be included We propose that a reservoir be defined as one or more epi-
within the reservoir if its full dynamics are to be understood. Elimination
of infection in U will not result in elimination of infection in the target, as demiologically connected populations or environments in
V is an independent maintenance population. In E, all populations are which the pathogen can be permanently maintained and from
sources. If W is not required to maintain the infection, then W falls out-
side the maintenance community but is still part of the reservoir which infection is transmitted to the defined target population.
because it is a source. F illustrates that the target population itself may Populations in a reservoir may be the same or a different spe-
constitute part of the reservoir and G that the target population can be a
maintenance population. cies as the target and may include vector species. As long as a
reservoir constitutes a maintenance community and all popula-
are epidemiologically connected directly or indirectly to the tions within the maintenance community are directly or indi-
target population are nontarget populations and could poten- rectly connected to each other, the size of the reservoir has no
tially constitute all or part of the reservoir. If we are interested upper limit.
in protecting humans (the target species) from cryptosporidio-
sis, for example, the wide range of domestic and wild animal Previous Concepts of Reservoirs
species in the environment in which Cryptosporidim parvum Previous reservoir definitions often required that the rele-
occurs (19) is the nontarget population, and those species con- vant infectious agent be nonpathogenic to the reservoir host
stitute potential reservoir hosts. species (14,15). However, pathogenicity, per se, has little bear-
In epidemiologic theory, the critical community size is the ing on the persistence of infectious agents in populations.
minimum size of a closed population within which a pathogen Excluding the possibility of a reservoir solely because the
can persist indefinitely (20). In smaller populations the num- infectious agent was pathogenic to a nontarget host—as is the
ber or density of infected hosts frequently falls to low levels, case with pathogens such as Nipah, Hendra, and rabies viruses
random extinction (fadeout) becomes inevitable, and the and with bovine spongiform encephalopathy—would clearly
pathogen cannot persist. Populations smaller than the critical be a mistake.
community size, or those rendered effectively smaller than that Cleaveland and Dye (12) proposed criteria to identify res-
critical size through control measures, we term nonmainte- ervoir hosts but did not take into account multihost aspects of
nance populations. Pathogens will persist in populations larger reservoirs. Swinton et al. (16) used the terms reservoir and sat-
than the critical community size, and these populations we ellite to describe the dynamics of Phocine distemper virus in
term maintenance populations. In complex systems, pathogen the North Sea population of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina).
transmission between a number of nonmaintenance popula- Infection from a satellite population effectively induces persis-
tions could constitute a maintenance community. Any popula- tence of infection in the reservoir population (17). Neither
tion that transmits infection directly to the target population, population constitutes a maintenance population, but infection

Emerging Infectious Diseases • Vol. 8, No. 12, December 2002 1469


can be maintained in a coupled system (illustrated in Figure more precisely that source populations can be identified and
1B). Both satellite and reservoir populations would be compo- the more quantitative data that are available on their relative
nents of our reservoir. contribution to transmission, the more efficient the allocation
In an insightful paper, Ashford recognized many of the of resources is for disease control. Reservoir control tactics
problems in the simplistic use of the term reservoir and pro- require a much more complete understanding of the structure
posed a consistent definition of a reservoir as an “ecological and transmission processes that occur within the reservoir. For
system in which the infectious agent survives indefinitely” example, efforts directed at controlling infection in nonmainte-
(18). This definition differs from ours in that it does not refer- nance components of a reservoir are unlikely to be effective if
ence a target population and thus does not require that a reser- infection in the maintenance component of the reservoir
voir be a source of infection for a target population. Ashford remains uncontrolled.
defined reservoir hosts as those essential to maintenance of the The practical problem of identifying reservoirs of rabies
pathogen. We, however, argue that reservoirs may include for humans in Zimbabwe provides a useful illustration of some
nonessential hosts. Excluding nonessential hosts from a reser- issues involved. After a rise in the incidence of jackal and dog
voir causes two problems. First, populations harboring infec- rabies in the 1990s, debate has centered on whether jackals
tion may be nonessential to maintenance yet play a major role (Canis adustus) are reservoirs of this disease, an issue that has
in transmitting the pathogen to the target population. For important implications for formulating national rabies-control
example, FMDV persists indefinitely in African buffalo herds; programs (10,11). In Zimbabwe, domestic dogs are a mainte-
yet impala may constitute an important source of infection for nance and source population of rabies for humans. However,
the cattle target population (22) (e.g., population Z in Figure jackals account for >25% of all confirmed rabies cases in ani-
1C). Second, as Ashford recognized, the definition of reservoir mals and are also an important source of infection for humans
membership becomes ultimately intractable if each constituent (10,11). Jackals may be important components of the reservoir
population in the reservoir is considered nonmaintenance. as a maintenance or nonmaintenance population (Figure 2).
Under these circumstances, a reservoir could be composed of Because rabies can be maintained in dogs without jackals,
subsets of nonmaintenance populations in a variety of ways jackals are not an essential constituent population of the reser-
(Figure 1E). Although a minimal definition of a reservoir is voir. But can infection persist in jackals without dogs (Figure
clear, a fully inclusive definition is much less so. In Figure 1D, 2B)? Jackals may constitute part of a maintenance community
population V is not an essential host; nonetheless, this popula- in conjunction with an assemblage of other wild carnivores
tion must be considered a component of the reservoir because, (Figure 2A). The question is important because if dogs are the
if infection is eliminated in some other parts of the reservoir, only maintenance population in the reservoir, effective vacci-
eradication would not be achieved. For the same reason, our nation campaigns targeted at dogs should successfully elimi-
concept of a reservoir differs from the notion of a critical spe- nate human rabies from Zimbabwe. If, however, jackals
cies assemblage, which is defined as the minimum set of host comprise all or part of a maintenance community independent
communities in which a parasite can persist (16). of dogs, eliminating rabies will only be successful if jackal
rabies were also controlled (10,11). The recent high incidence
Control of Infection of jackal rabies in Zimbabwe might suggest that jackals are
Practical disease control requires answers to two ques- maintenance populations. A high incidence of disease alone is
tions: 1) Can an acceptable level of control be accomplished neither necessary nor sufficient evidence for this claim, partic-
without consideration of a reservoir? 2) If not, what popula- ularly when wide fluctuations in disease incidence occur (as
tions constitute the reservoir? Given a target-reservoir system, with jackal rabies). Mathematical models suggest that jackals
policies to manage infection may contain elements of three are probably unable to support infection without frequent rein-
broadly different tactics: 1) target control: directing efforts troductions from outside sources (24). However, Bingham et
within the target population with no reference to the reservoir al. (11) argue that spatial patterns are critical and that jackal
(e.g., human vaccination against yellow fever [23]); 2) block- epidemics may be sustained independently within key geo-
ing tactics: directing control efforts at blocking transmission graphic areas. The issue can be resolved unequivocally
between source and target populations (e.g., game fences to through implementation of a mass dog vaccination campaign,
control FMDV in cattle); and 3) reservoir control: controlling which would be a logical first phase of a national program. If
infection within the reservoir (e.g., culling programs, vaccina- jackal rabies persists in the absence of dog rabies, an effective
tion, or treatment of reservoirs). These three approaches program for rabies elimination will likely need to include oral
require progressively increased levels of understanding of res- vaccination of jackals.
ervoir structure and function. Rabies also provides an example of the need to identify a
Target control has the important advantage of requiring no target population when defining reservoirs. In the Serengeti
knowledge of potentially complex reservoir dynamics. A com- Plain in Tanzania, a distinct strain of rabies appears to be
plete understanding of infection dynamics within the reservoir maintained independently in spotted hyenas, without causing
is also not necessary to implement blocking tactics, although them any clinical disease, and with no evidence of spillover
identifying source populations in the reservoir is essential. The infection or disease occurring in any other species (within the

1470 Emerging Infectious Diseases • Vol. 8, No. 12, December 2002


Epidemiologic Evidence of Association

Accumulating epidemiologic evidence is often the best
first step in identifying a reservoir. Initially, such analyses are
often based on sparse data and are rarely published. Links
between target and reservoir may be particularly elusive when
transmission from reservoir to target is rare or sporadic, as, for
example, occurs with Ebola virus or Marburg virus (26).
Quantitative data on risk factors for infection can be
obtained through more formal epidemiologic research, such as
case-control and cohort studies. For example, a case-control
study of Borna disease in cats indicated that hunting mice was
a risk factor and that rodents might be virus reservoirs (27).
Case-control studies have identified badgers as risk factors for
M. bovis infection in cattle in some parts of the United King-
dom (28). In other cases, putative reservoirs have been ruled
out. For example, a risk factor analysis of Helicobacter pylori
infection in young children showed that household pets were
not incriminated (29). Although such associations may suggest
a link between reservoir and target populations, further evi-
dence is required to establish the identity of a reservoir.

Evidence of Natural Infection in Nontarget Populations

Identifying natural infection is a useful step towards deter-
mining natural hosts that may constitute potential reservoirs.
Natural infection may be determined in two ways: by identify-
ing previous infection through antibody detection or by identi-
fying current infection through isolating the infectious agent or
its genes from the host. The appropriate approach depends on
the longevity of the infection in the host and the resources
available. For example, very large sample sizes might be
required to isolate a virus from a reservoir population; a sero-
logic survey might be less expensive and more feasible. In a
number of studies, demonstration of natural infection has been
considered strong evidence that hosts are reservoirs, e.g.,
Leishmania in small mammals in Iran (30) and hantavirus in
Figure 2. Potential complexity of rabies reservoirs in Zimbabwe. If jackals
with (A) or without (B) other wild carnivore populations constitute a main- rodents in the Americas (31).
tenance community independent of dogs, then vaccination of dogs alone Seropositivity indicates that infection has occurred. How-
will not result in rabies elimination in the target. If jackals do not constitute
a maintenance community independent of dogs (C), then dog vaccination ever, not all natural hosts are reservoir hosts, and to include a
should clear rabies from the reservoir (symbols as in Figure 1). nontarget population in a reservoir, evidence of transmission to
the target population, direct or indirect, must exist. Further-
limits of current knowledge) (25). By our definition, unless more, the level of seroprevalence does not provide information
this strain is identified as the cause of disease in another spe- as to whether a nontarget population is a maintenance host.
cies (i.e., a target population), hyenas in the Serengeti cannot High seroprevalence at a single point in time may simply indi-
be considered as a reservoir of rabies. cate an outbreak in the host population, rather than pathogen
persistence (32). Low seroprevalence may arise when case-
Practical Indicators To Identify Reservoirs mortality rates are high in the reservoir (as in rabies infec-
Newly emerging diseases usually originate from reservoirs tions), during an interepidemic trough, or when a pathogen
of infection in other host species. When such diseases first persists at a stable but low prevalence, particularly when the
appear, only rapid, accurate identification of the reservoir will duration of the infectious period is high (e.g., as in carrier ani-
enable appraisal of the full range of disease-control options. mals). The critical issue is the persistence of infection in the
Ring-fencing is clearly impractical when no knowledge of the reservoir, which can only be determined through longitudinal
reservoir populations exists, but other steps can be taken to studies.
acquire progressively more detailed information about the res- Similar guidelines apply to data based on demonstration of
ervoir structure. the pathogen within a host. For example, detection of Trypano-
soma brucei gambiense in wild ruminants and primates in

Emerging Infectious Diseases • Vol. 8, No. 12, December 2002 1471


West Africa has been taken as evidence of an animal reservoir infection in the target-reservoir system.
for Gambian sleeping sickness (33). However, as animal-to-
human transmission has never been demonstrated, wildlife Conclusions
remain classified as potential reservoir hosts, and disease con- We have a poorer understanding of the epidemiology of
trol relies on treatment of people. In contrast, for Rhodesian multihost pathogens than simpler single-host systems. This
sleeping sickness, isolation of T. brucei rhodesiense from a dearth of understanding is a particular problem with emerging
single bushbuck in the 1950s (34) led to the assumption that diseases, since most emerging human, domestic animal, and
wildlife was the principal reservoir for human disease and wildlife diseases infect multiple hosts. Reservoirs must be
resulted in widespread culling of wildlife for disease control. defined with reference to particular target populations. Disap-
Only in 1966 were cattle identified as reservoir hosts (35). pearance of the pathogen in the target population after ring-
Current strategies focus on treating cattle with trypanocidal fencing provides categorical evidence of the existence of a res-
drugs (36). ervoir and its possible identity. However, exhaustive identifi-
Detecting a pathogen, particularly its transmission stage, in cation of all constituent populations of a reservoir may be
secretions or tissues provides supportive, but not unequivocal, difficult. This identification need not be a management priority
evidence that transmission to the target population can occur. if disease control is directed at the target population or at
Even where experiments demonstrate that transmission is pos- blocking transmission between reservoir and target. For infec-
sible, it may not occur in nature for a variety of behavioral or tion to be eliminated, however, disease-control measures must
social reasons, because the population is below critical com- be directed at the reservoir. Thus, an understanding of reser-
munity size or because of constraints of pathogen life history. voir infection dynamics is essential.
When the risks and costs of control are low, circumstantial
Genetic/Antigenic Characteristics evidence may be sufficient to justify implementing control
Genetic and antigenic characterization of pathogens iso- measures. Specifically designed intervention studies have ulti-
lated from different populations provides a more powerful tool mately been required to determine whether a particular species
for identifying key components of reservoirs. Antigenic and is a maintenance host, a source of infection, or one that has
genetic variation of pathogens isolated from the target popula- been infected incidentally. Control measures are likely to be
tion within the range observed in the reservoir is consistent ineffective if they are directed at components of the reservoir
with reservoir-target transmission. This pattern can be demon- that are neither maintenance hosts nor transmitters of the
strated by applying phylogenetic methods to sequence, random pathogen to the target population.
amplified polymorphic DNA, or restriction fragment length
polymorphism data, or by using serum cross-reactivity studies. Acknowledgments
Such methods have also been used to rule out important ani- We thank Paul Coleman, Scott McEwen, Eric Fevre, Mark Wool-
mal reservoirs of human disease in studies of Ascaris in Guate- house, and three anonymous referees for commenting on versions of
mala (37) and Cryptosporidium in Australia (38). this manuscript, the rest of the epidemiology group at the Center for
Tropical Veterinary Medicine for valuable discussions during its ges-
Intervention Studies tation, and Kevin Bown, whose thesis sparked the question.
Complete ring-fencing of target populations is the ultimate
Dan Haydon, Louise Taylor, and Karen Laurenson were sup-
step in identifying the existence and structure of reservoirs. In
ported by the Wellcome Trust during this work. Sarah Cleaveland was
practice, however, ring-fencing has rarely been achieved and,
supported by the United Kingdom Department for International
as a result, even those reservoirs we consider to be most fully
understood are not usually incontrovertibly proven. Despite
this, once a potential reservoir is identified, intervention studies Dr. Haydon is currently conducting postdoctoral research at the
can permit incidental but powerful inferences about the dynam- University of Guelph. His interests include the evolutionary dynamics
ics of infection in target-reservoir systems. In many cases, dis- of picornaviruses, epidemiologic and ecologic modeling, and land-
ease-control programs can effectively act as intervention scape ecology.
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Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 1998;353:999–1010. mail: dhaydon@uoguelph.ca
25. East ML, Hofer H, Cox JH, Wulle U, Wiik H, Pitra C. Regular exposure
to rabies virus and lack of symptomatic disease in Serengeti spotted hye-
nas. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2001;98:15026–31.

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Emerging Infectious Diseases • Vol. 8, No. 12, December 2002 1473

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