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Anislag National High School


Anislag, Daraga, Albay



In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the subject

Practical Research 2

Mary Joy Loterte
Rica Llorca
Jamaica Espinas
Joy Escandor
Ariel Lipio
Chapter I



The main objectives of Education, as S. K Paul et.al held are to bring “changes not

only in the amount of knowledge but also for achieving to do something. To think and to

acquire habits, skills and attitudes which is characterized on individual who is socially

accepted and adjusted. For every educational institute student are most important assets.

Every educational institute have no value without students. The students’ academic

performance plays a vital role in creating the finest quality alumnae who will become a

leader of a country someday. Since interest in schooling as E.A. Hanushek (1996) help

comes from a policy perspective which depends on several sources, schooling is

perceived an important determinant of individual productivity and learning. However,

students’ attendance may affect their schooling. Braver held the view that absence on the

part of the student, “creates a dead, tiresome, unpleasant classroom, environment that

makes uncomfortable and the teachers irritates. Students absences may cause of poor


Therefore, Owvegbuzie (2001) conducted a series of study to find out the relationship

between academic success and study habits and reported a positive correlation between

the two variables. It is believed that a grade is a primary factor that indicates of such

learning. If students earn high grades it is concluded that they may also have learned a lot

while low grades indicate lesser learning. The desire for high level performance among

secondary school’s students puts a lot of pressure on students, teachers, and psychologist

and in general, the educational system.

Thus, a lot of time and effort has been made by educational psychologist to find various

strategies to unraveling the complex determinant of academic performance such as

intelligence, study habits and other personality variables and so on. This study would be

concentrating on the factors that affect the academic performance of the grade 11 senior

high school students. This research focused on the factors affecting the academic

performance of the grade 11 senior high school students. In this study, the researchers are

able to identify the different factors that affects the academic performance and to be

aware or to know how to avoid those factors.

Statement of the Problem

This study will identify the factors affecting academic performance of the Senior High

School Students of Anislag National High School for the school year 2019-2020.

Specifically, this study will answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the Senior High School students of Anislag National High

School in terms of:

a.) Age b.) Sex c.) Family Income d.) Residence e.) General Average

f.) Parents’ level of education

2. What are the factors affecting the Academic Performance of the Senior High

School students of Anislag National High School?

3. What measures can be done to improve the academic performance of the

Scope and Delimitation

This study was concerned with the factors affecting the academic performance of

the senior high school students in Anislag National High School. It is focused on the

factors that affect the academic performance. The scope of this study are the Grade 11

students of Anislag National High School who were taking the Academic Track. The

junior high school students will not be part of this study as well as the teachers because

they are not taking the academic track.

Significance of the Study

This study will be a great help to the society especially for those student for it

would help them know the factors preference to their academic performance.

Students. This study would be helpful to students especially to those who are

taking and who are planning to take academic track in senior high school. This study will

serve as an information and give them new knowledge.

Teachers. This study would provide information as well as benefits to the teachers

by knowing and getting more information about the factors that the senior high school

students facing right now and to know what are the different ways to avoid these different


Department of Education. This would give them information to establish a certain

seminar that would motivate them to know how to avoid or how to handle those factors

that can affect their academic performance.

Future Researchers. The future researchers could use this study as their guide or

reference when they are going to conduct their own study. They can get information here

that can be used to support their study.

The Researchers. This study would be very helpful to the researchers especially to

those who are taking academic track. This can help the researcher to have a broader

knowledge and to be aware to the factors that can affect their academic performance.







Chapter 2


This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies, synthesis of the

state of the art, gap bridged by the study, theoretical framework, conceptual paradigm,

definition of terms, and notes.

Related Literature

Galiher (2006) and Darling (2005), used GPA to measure student performance

because the main focus of this is the performance for a particular semester. Some other

researchers used test results or previous year result since they are studying performance

for the specific subject or year.

Many researchers have discussed the different factors that affect the students’

academic performance. There are two types of factors that affects the academic

performance. These are internal and external classroom factors and these factors strongly

affect the students’ performance. Internal classroom factors include students’

competencies in every subjects, class schedules, class size, class test results, learning

facilities, homework, technology used in the class and exams systems. External factors

include extracurricular activities, family problems and financial, social and other

problems. Research studies shows that students performance depends on many factors

such as learning facilities, homework, environment of the class, gender and age

differences, etc., that can affect student performance.

According to Harb and Shaarawi (2006) the most important factor with positive effect on

student’s performance is Parental Involvement.

This literature is important because this is relevant to the present study, by means

of explaining the procedures that is useful to identify the factors that affect the

performances of a student, by the used of test results and / or previous year result. This

literature discussed the different factors which is the internal and external classroom

factors. By the help of this literature, it is easy for us to find out more possible solution to

address the different factors.

Related Studies

In the study of Breus (2006), more and more research studies demonstrate that

daytime sleepiness from chronic sleep deprivation and poor quality sleep has significant

impacts on daytime behavior and academic performance, as well as concentration,

attention and mood. In the book of Doran (2003), Childhood; a time of giggles, jumping

exuberance, best friends. The absence of stress is a safety not where the children are

protected, secure, and happy and worry free. Kuzma (2004) children needs positive

attention. Criticism, complaining and negative comments are discouraging and often

results in more misbehavior. The lack of positive attention can cause tremendous

behavior problems in children. The involvement of parents as teachers of their children

play an important role to contribute to a good performance like in reading development

and formation of reading habits in utilizing various stimulating techniques.

It is more significant that they will always find time for their children to teach to make

their children become efficient and skilled readers and for them to develop high reading
performance (Dogelio, 2003). Parental involvement (participating in volunteer activities

and attending parent-teacher and school activities) and empowerment (parents’

perception of schools’ efforts to accommodate parent participation in school activities

and to communicate with parents) combined contributed most significantly to student

performance (Griffith, J. 1996).

Relation of parental involvement, empowerment and school traits. Noble (2006),

students’ academic accomplishments and activities, perception of the coping strategies

and positive attributions and background characteristics (i,e., Family income, parent’s

level of education, guidance from parents and number of negative situations in the home)

were indirectly directed related to their composite scores, through academic achievement

in school. The guidance from the parents and the teachers’ indirectly affect the

performance of the students’ (Hussain, 2006). Researchers have been studying the

connection between social development and academic achievement for decades and have

come to a startling conclusion: the single best predictor of adult adaptation is not

academic achievement or intelligence, but rather the ability of the child to get along with

other children (Hartup, 1992). Additionally, Wentzle (1993) found that pro social and

anti-social behavior are significantly related to grade point average and standardized test

scores, as well as teachers’ preference for the student. The studies and others like them,

indicate that a society adjusted child is more likely to be the academically successful

child. As an explanation for why social development and academic achievement for is

important to the academic learning process, Caprara, Barbanelli, Pastorelli, Bandura, and

Zimbardo (2000) noted that aggression and other maladaptive behaviors detract from

academic success by ‘undermining academic pursuits and creating socially alienating

conditions’ for the aggressive child. This study is relevant to our previous studies, it has

similarities which is there’s a lot of factors that may affect the academic performance of

the student, it can be positive or negative, depending on what factor the student have.

There is also connection between social development and academic achievement. If the

children are mold genuinely by the society where he/she belong there is a big chance that

the student may become successful and receive higher grades because of his or her

academic achievement.

Synthesis of the State-of-the-art

This study is similar to the study of Kathryn Wenteel (1998) entitled “Social

Relation: Does being good makes the grade?.” Social behavior and academic competence

in middle school. Where in, it is similar to the fact that it is also concerned with the

factors that affect the poor academic performance with the students.

Gap Bridged by the Study

The review of related literature and studies were evidences that there were

some studies or conducted studies which are related to the present study entitled “Factors

affecting the academic performance of Grade 11 senior high school students in Anislag

National High School. In the study of Karamera (2003) found that students’ performance

is significantly correlated with satisfaction, with academic environment, and the facilities

of library, computer laboratory, and etc, in the institution. In this study, the researcher

will use descriptive design in order to find out the factors that affect their academic

performance. Furthermore, the researcher believed that this study will be much helpful to

students especially to those who are planning to take academic track.

Conceptual Framework

Academic track is one of the courses offered in Senior High School and

General Academic Strand is one of the four strands of Academic Track. Strands of

Academic Track is not easy for students especially to those who are taking specialized

and core subjects every semester. Womble (2003) academic competence, self-efficacy,

motivation, students’ attitude and behavior, time management in class activities are some

of the factors that affect an individuals’ academic performance.


Profile of the respondents

in terms of:  Checklist Factors that affect

 Age the academic

 Sex  Descriptive Survey Performance of

 Residence Senior High School

 Parents level of Interview Students in Anislag

Education National High


Figure 1: Conceptual Paradigm

Definition of Terms

This would provide the meaning of the important variables in the study which would

help the readers understand the whole concept.

Academic Performance – is the extent to which a student, teacher or

institution has achieved their short or long-term educational goals.

School – an institution for educating children.

Factor – a constituent or element that brings about certain effects or results.

Academic – courses of study taken at a school or college.

Performance – an activity that a person or group does to entertain an audience.

Profile – a brief written description that provides information about someone or






Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

This chapter discussed the research design of the study used to determine the factors

affecting the academic performance of Grade 11 Senior High School Students of Anislag

National High School. This section covers Research Methodology, Research Design,

Sources of Data, Respondents, Research Instruments, Data Gathering Procedures, and

Statistical Treatment.

Research Design

To determine the factors that affect the academic performance of Grade 11 Senior

High School Students of Anislag National High School. Descriptive-quantitative type of

research was used. The main instrument in data gathering are the utilization of checklist

questionnaire and interview method. The researchers prepared first the questionnaire for

conducting survey, and the respondents which are the Grade-11 students.

Sources of Data

The data gathered will both primary and secondary sources. The primary source of

this data were the responses of the Grade 11 Anislag National High School Students from

whom the researchers can collect information through survey. Furthermore, secondary

sources of data included the several types of media such as internet and dictionary that

served as the references of this study.

Respondents of the Study

Respondents of the study are the target persons of the researchers who have answered

the questions in the given questionnaires, in order for the researchers to get the needed

data. This study was concerned with the Grade 11 senior high school students particularly

the one who are taking the academic strand namely the Humanities and Social Sciences

(HUMSS), Accountancy Business Management (ABM), and lastly General Academic

Strand (GAS). Using the slovin’s formula (n=N/1+N(e)2) the table showed the numbers

of respondents in each strand.

Academic Strand Total Number of Number of

Of Grade 11 Population Respondents

HUMSS 61 30

ABM 53 26

GAS 150 95
Data Gathering Procedure

To carry out the study, the researchers made a letter addressed to the Principal of

Anislag National High School and to the respondents of the study. Stated in the letter are

the purpose, value, and importance of responding and attached the guarantee of the

participant’s confidentiality. Upon the approval of the letter, the researcher began the data

gathering process by distributing the survey forms to the respondents. Analysis of data

followed when the data needed were collected and consolidated.

Research Instrument

The instrument that will be used in collecting the data for this studies are survey

forms and interview method. This research tool was used to enable the researchers to

determine the factors that affect the academic performance of Grade 11 Senior High

School students of Anislag National High School.

Statistical Tool

The following are the statistical tools used to analyze the data.

1. Ranking is used to know the different academic factor that affect the performance

of a students and to know the percentage of what factors affect academic

performance the most.

2. Percentage Formula (P=r/Nx100)

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