Demonstration Teaching in ELLN Training Grade 3-Mathematics I. Objective
Demonstration Teaching in ELLN Training Grade 3-Mathematics I. Objective
Demonstration Teaching in ELLN Training Grade 3-Mathematics I. Objective
Grade 3-Mathematics
I. Objective
1.Interpret data presented in different kinds of bar graph
2.Solve routine and non- routine problems using data presented in asingle bar graph
3.Draw inferences based on data presented in a single bar graph
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
The teacher will flash cards, one at a time. Pupils give the answermentally.
1. Find twice the sum of 10 and 5?
2. What is 240 more than 22?
3. Deduct 150 from 380.
4. What is the product of 12 and 20?
2. Review
What are the two kinds of bar graph? Horizontal and vertical bar graph
What are the main parts of a graph?title,labels, and legend.
Ask: How do you go to school? How long does it take you to reach the
school if you walk? If you take a tricycle, bus or jeepney?
Write the pupils’ responses on the board.
Write down the common means of transportation
on the board.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Introduction
Yesterday ,we learned about organizing and presenting data.Today we are going to learn about
interpreting data in a bar graph.
2. Teaching/Modelling
Present a bar graph.
3. Guided Practice
Group Activity
Group the pupils into 4 groups.Provide each group with activity sheet
Graph: Favorite Subjects of Grade 3 Pupils
Directions:1.Construct a vertical bar graph using the data in the table
2.Study the graph.Create 5 questions from the given graph.
3.Study the graph.Construct 5 sentences about the data in a given graph.
4.Study the graph and answer the given questions
Present a graph.”Favorite Ice cream Flavor”
Direction: Study the graph and interpret it by answering the questions below.
Present a graph “Our Pets”
DirectionsDirection: Study the graph and interpret it by answering the questions below.
IV. Evaluation
Present a graph. “Most Popular TV Characters “
Direction: Use the graph to answer the questions below.
V. Assignment
Create and display a birthday month graph to show all
Classmates monthbirthdays. Construct 5 questions about the graph.