The Scope of Semantics Paper
The Scope of Semantics Paper
The Scope of Semantics Paper
Group I
Nurdiana (02.17.4008)
Rahmawati (02.17.4025)
The semantic word is then agreed upon as a term used for the field of
linguistics which studies the relationship between linguistic signs and the things
they mark. Or in other words, that semantics is a field of study in linguistics that
studies meaning or inner meaning language. The object of semantic study is the
meaning of language. More precisely, the meaning of language units such as
words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and discourse.
There are several types of semantics, which are distinguished based on the
level or part of the language of inquiry is the lexicon of that language, so the type
of semantics is called lexical semantics. This lexical semantics investigates the
meaning that exists in the lexemes of the language. Therefore, the meaning is exist
in the leksem called lexical meaning. Leksem is a term commonly used in
semantic studies to refer to meaningful language-units. The term lexeme can more
or less be paired with terms that are commonly used in morphological and
cystactic studies, and which are commonly defined as the smallest free
grammatical unit (Chaer, 1990: 7-8)
A. Naming
Ogden and Richard introduce the triangle theory of meaning. They divide into
three elements namely symbols, concepts and referents. These three elements are
interconnected with each other. Symbols and concepts have a direct relationship,
concepts and referents also have a direct relationship, while symbols and referents
have an indirect relationship marked by a dashed line.
The symbol is the form of the word. The concept is what is in the brain /
mind that can produce meaning can be different denotations and connotations that
each person has about the object indicated by the form of the word. The reference
is an object or reference outside the language associated with human experience.
Example: Car Symbol: M - O - B - I - L Concept: the shape of the car that is
pictured in our minds is a 4-wheeled vehicle / land transportation has 4 doors.
Referent: The car (object) as a reference of the concept earlier. this reference may
vary between Indonesia or other countries. because cars come in different shapes
and every country or person has a different shape of car. The references are based
on agreements and different experiences of the people so that they are arbitrary.
Reference deals with the relationship between the linguistic elements, word,
sentences, and the non linguistic world of experience. Sense relates to the
complex system of the relationship that holds between the linguistics elements
themselves (mostly the words); it is concerned only with intra-linguistic relation.
Based on the Palmer’s concept it can be said that the reference of the word is the
object designated by the word. For example, the reference of the word chair is the
object designated by the word which can be ‘upside down number four’. The
other example is bed has a certain meaning as ‘a piece of furniture with a mattress
and covering’. Bed refers to ‘a thing that functions to sleep or to rest on’. There
are some words that have meaning but they don’t have reference. They don’t refer
physical object at all, for example: love, had, inspiration and sad. The words are
common called as abstract thing. There are also some words that have meaning
but they are kinds of world of fairy story. In other words, they do not denote
objects in the world. For example: unicorn and goblin relate to creatures that do
not exist. When people are speaking of the meaning of a word, they are usually
speaking about one of its senses which are usually believed as the primary sense.
Some words, perhaps, have more than one sense.
Sole in expression (1) means ‘button part of the shoes’; in (2) sole means ‘an
edible flat fish that lives in the sea’ while in the expression (3) sole means ‘one or
The two expressions above are understandable although they don’t have
reference. As we know Indonesia is not led by a queen, but a president and it has
been found that there is no man lives in Mars. Some scientists, even, have done
some research in Mars and they still find no one there. The notion of sense and
reference are central to the study of meaning. Reference is not only meant the
words which refers to something but also to the words which can not be brought
forward for the existence of something but have lexical items referring to it, while
the sense is a relation which occur between two lexical items
D. Types Of Meaning
There are at least seven types of meaning (many linguists state their different
categories of meaning) in semantic according Geoffrey Leech (1974), those are:
1. The pair of shoes belongs to her. She owns the pair of shoes
2. The mayor donated the goods. The goods were donated by the Mayor.
It is normally assumed that dictionaries are concerned with words and that
therefore the word is, in some sense at least, one of the basic units of semantics.
Yet there are some difficulties. Firstly, not all words seem to have the same kind
of meaning. secondly, there are many words in English that are called
phonaesthetic, in which ene part, often the initial cluster of consonants, gives an
indication of meaning of a rather special kind. Thirdly, semantics division seems
to 'override' word division.
The semantic word is then agreed upon as a term used for the field of
linguistics which studies the relationship between linguistic signs and the things
they mark. Or in other words, that semantics is a field of study in linguistics that
studies meaning or inner meaning language. The object of semantic study is the
meaning of language. More precisely, the meaning of language units such as
words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and discourse. Naming is a communication
system which with on the one hand the signifier, on the other the signified.
The symbol is the form of the word. The concept is what is in the brain /
mind that can produce meaning can be different denotations and connotations that
each person has about the object indicated by the form of the word. The reference
is an object or reference outside the language associated with human experience.
Reference deals with the relationship between the linguistic elements, word,
sentences, and the non linguistic world of experience. Sense relates to the
complex system of the relationship that holds between the linguistics elements
themselves (mostly the words); it is concerned only with intra-linguistic relation.