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Business Communication Key Terms

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Chapter 1 :

Learning Objectives:

LO1: Define communication and describe significance of communication in


Communication is the process of exchanging information and meaning between or

among individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, and behavior.
Managers spend most of their time in communication activities.

LO2: Explain the communication process model and the ultimate objective of
the communication process.

People engaged in communication encode and decode messages while

simultaneously serving as both senders and receivers. In the communication
process, feedback helps people resolve possible misunderstandings and thus
improves communication effectiveness. Feedback and the opportunity to observe
nonverbal signs are always present in face-to-face communication, the most
complete of the three communication levels.

LO3: Describe the three principal models of communication.

There are three types of communication models which describe the communication
process in three ways. The earliest is linear model of communication which consists
of three primary components–sender, channel, and receiver in a one-way
communication flow that begins with the sender and ends with the receiver. The
Shanon-Weaver model conceptualizes communication as two way and cyclical
process where the sender sends a message through a channel to the receiver in a
one-way communication, and when the receiver responds or gives feedback to the
sender it becomes a two-way communication. The third model described by Laswell
emphasizes that answers to five critical questions determine the effectiveness of
communication. These are related to who is the one who initiates communication,
what is the content and channel of communication, and finally who will receive the
communication and its impact.

LO4: Discuss the different types of channels used in communication.

There are three broad categories of communication channels—formal, informal, and

unofficial channels. Formal channels follow the chain of command and examples of
which are company's newsletter, inter office memo, appointment letter, and
practically all official letters. A business plan, customer satisfaction survey, annual
reports, employer's manual, review meetings are also formal communication
channels. The informal communication channelizes the organization's “grapevine”—
which is conversations over coffee, meal times, and other such settings among
employees of the organization.

The unofficial communication channel is media communication, press reporting, and

experts views about the organization.
Key Terms
 Encoding the process of selecting and organizing the message
 Interferences (barriers) other factors that may hinder the communication process
 Decoding the process of interpreting the message
 Feedback the response the receiver gives to the sender of a message
 Organizational communication communication concerned with the movement of
information within the company structure
 Internal messages messages intended for recipients within the organization
 External messages messages directed to recipients outside the organization
 Intrapersonal communication communication that occurs within oneself
 Interpersonal communication communication that occurs between two people

LO5: During communication how one adapts the message to the audience.

Understanding your audience and adapting the message—audience's goals,

interests, needs, values, and beliefs—contributes to communication effectiveness.
Through audience and situation analysis one gets to know the demographic profile
such as education level, rural-urban background, age, gender, and other relevant
details along with the circumstance and context of recipients of messages.

Chapter 2:

LO1: Plan a business presentation that accomplishes the speaker's goals and
meets the audience's needs.

Determine what you want to accomplish in your presentation and direct your
presentation to the specific needs and interests of the audience. Identify the general
characteristics (age, gender, experience, etc.), size, and receptiveness of the

LO2: Organize and develop the three parts of an effective presentation.

An effective presentation has an introduction, body, and close. The introduction

should capture the audience's attention, involve the audience and the speaker,
present the purpose statement, and preview major points. The body is limited to a
few major points that are supported and clarified with relevant statistics, anecdotes,
quotes from prominent people, appropriate humor, presentation visuals, and so forth.
The close should be a memorable idea that supports and strengthens the purpose

LO3: Select, design, and use presentation visuals effectively.

Using visual aids reduces the time required to present a concept and increases
audience retention. Available aids include handouts, models and physical objects,
whiteboards, flip charts, overhead transparencies, electronic presentations,
videotapes, and audiotapes. Each type provides specific advantages and should be
selected carefully. An effective visual presents one major idea in a simple design
large enough for the audience to read. Permissions should be obtained for the use of
copyrighted multimedia content.
LO4: Deliver speeches with increasing confidence.

Business speakers use the impromptu and extemporaneous speech methods more
frequently than the memorized or scripted methods. Professional vocal qualities
include a medium or low voice pitch, adequate volume, varied tone and rate, and the
absence of distracting verbal fillers. Articulate speakers enunciate words precisely
and ensure proper pronunciation. Preparation, professional demeanor, and staying
in tune with the audience are keys to a successful speech.

LO5: Discuss strategies for presenting in alternate delivery situations such as

culturally diverse audiences and team presentations.

When communicating with other cultures, use simple, clear speech. Consider
differences in presentation approach, nonverbal communication, and social protocol
that may require flexibility and adjustments to your presentation style. Effective team
presentations result from the selection of an appropriate leader and team members
with complementary strengths and styles who plan ahead and rehearse thoroughly.
When delivering a distance presentation, determine which delivery method is
appropriate for the presentation, attempt to establish rapport with the participants
prior to the distance presentation, become proficient in delivering and using distance
technology, and develop high-quality graphics appropriate for the distance format
being used.

Key Terms
 Oral briefing a less formal presentation delivered face to face
 Memorized presentation a presentation that is written out ahead of time,
memorized, and recited verbatim
 Manuscript (scripted) delivery writing the speech word for word and reading it to
the audience
 Impromptu delivery being called on to speak without prior notice
 Extemporaneous presentation a presentation planned, prepared, and rehearsed
but not written in detail
 Phonation the production and the variation of the speaker's vocal tone
 Pitch the highness or lowness of the voice
 Volume the loudness of tones
 Rate the speed at which words are spoken
 Pronunciation principles of phonetics to create accurate sounds, rhythm, stress,
and intonation

Chapter 3:

LO1: Define and describe types of listening.

Listening is not the same as hearing. Hearing is a biological process while listening
takes effort, and incorporates paying attention in order to derive meaning and sense
from sound.

LO2: Discuss the different levels of listening.

On the basis of listening effectiveness, three levels of listening have been identified:
communicators, individuals must endeavor to reach the most evolved level of
listening – i.e. Active Listening.

LO3: Discuss the barriers to effective listening.

In order to become effective communicators, it is important to understand the

barriers that hamper effective listening.

LO4: How to become effective listeners?

It is possible for managers to develop effective listening skills using a combination of

techniques. Hence, a manager must (a) eliminate distractions, (b) concentrate, (c)
focus on the speaker, (d) look for nonverbal cues, (e) do not react to emotive words,
(f) ask questions, (g) sit so you can see and hear, (h) avoid prejudices, (i) visualize
the message, (j) relate message to personal experience, (k) listen between the lines,
(l) take notes, (m) paraphrase, and (n) provide nonverbal feedback.

Key Terms
 Hearing is a physical process and is the ear's ability to perceive auditory vibrations.
 Listening is a dynamic process that requires more than a manager's ears, in order
to understand and derive meaning from the sound.
 Listening skills like any other ‘skill’ needs to be practiced and can be honed with
conscious effort.
 Non-listening can be sub-divided into six categories: (1) Pseudo Listening (2)
Monopolizing (3) Selective Listening (4) Defensive Listening (5) Literal Listening, and
(6) Ambushing.
 Physiological barriers refer to sensory dysfunction, either on part of the sender or
the receiver.
 Environmental barriers rest outside the individual's own boundary.
 Attitudinal barriers refer to a predisposition on the part of an individual to pay or not
pay attention to a sender or a message.
 Sociocultural barriers refer to the social and cultural differences between the
sender and the receiver.
 Semantic barriers refer to ambiguities inherent in language.

Chapter 4:

LO1: Develop effective outlines and appeals for messages that persuade.

The purpose of a persuasive message is to influence others to take a particular

action or to accept your point of view. Effective persuasion involves understanding
the product, service, or idea you are promoting; knowing your audience; presenting
convincing evidence; and having a rational response to anticipated resistance to
your arguments.

Effective persuasive communications build on a central selling point interwoven

throughout the message. The receivers, rather than the product, serve as the subject
of many of the sentences. Therefore, receivers can envision themselves using the
product, contracting for the service, or complying with a request. Persuasive
messages are written inductively.

LO2: Explain how the inductive approach can be used to create persuasive

A sales message is written inductively following the four-point AIDA steps for selling:

 Gain attention. Use an original approach that addresses one primary receiver's
benefit (the central selling point) in the first paragraph.
 Introduce the product, service, or idea. Provide a logical transition to move the
receiver from the attention-getter to information about the product, service, or idea.
Hold the receiver's attention by using action-oriented sentences to stress the central
selling point.
 Provide convincing evidence. Provide specific facts and interpretations that clarify
the nature and quality of a feature, nonexaggerated evidence people will believe,
and research and testimonials that provide independent support. De-emphasize the
price by presenting convincing evidence first but not in the final paragraph, showing
how money can be saved, stating price in small units, illustrating that the price is
reasonable, and placing the price in a sentence that summarizes the benefits.
 Motivate action. State confidently the specific action to be taken and the benefits for
complying. Present the action as easy to take, and provide a stimulus for acting

Key Terms
 Logos a logical appeal that consists of such information as facts and statistics
 Ethos an appeal based on information or an association that provides credibility for
ourselves, our product, or position
 Pathos an emotional appeal that works by eliciting an emotional response from the
 AIDA a four-step inductive process that involves gaining attention, generating
interest, creating desire, and motivating action

LO1: What are the functions of nonverbal communication?

Through nonverbal signals what is being communicated gets validated, or

complemented by parallel cues given by sender of message and the receiver is
informed about the genuineness about what is being said. Body language which is
nonverbal communication can be used to substitute for what can be verbally said
and you would like to avoid vocalizing it. Messages can be complemented or
accented by nonverbal cues like when a boss pats a person on the back in addition
to giving praise and this increases and adds greater impact of the message.

LO2: Describe different types of nonverbal communication.

Nonverbal communication can be categorized under the following categories: (1)

Kinesics is the study of facial expressions, gestures, hand and leg movements,
postures, and eye behavior during communication. (2) Proxemics is the way people
use space while communication, (3) Chronemics is the way people view time and
this determines if people will be punctual or not, and (4) Paralanguage is speed,
volume, pitch, and intonation while speaking.

LO3: How does nonverbal behavior differ in different cultures?

Cultures shape both verbal and nonverbal communication. Asian cultures are more
conservative than western cultures with respect to dress code, openness of
expression and greetings. In Asian cultures, negotiation takes time as people focus
more on building relationships, unlike western cultures, which are transactional and
come to the point straight away.


Metacommunication is a message that, although not expressed in words,

accompanies a message that is expressed in words.

Kinesic Messages

Kinesic communication is an idea expressed through nonverbal behavior. In other

words, receivers gain additional meaning from what they see and hear—the visual
and the vocal:

 Visual—gestures, winks, smiles, frowns, sighs, attire, grooming, and all kinds of body
 Vocal—intonation, projection, and resonance of the voice.
Understanding Nonverbal Messages

Metacommunications and kinesic communication have characteristics that all

communicators should take into account. Nonverbal messages:

 Cannot be avoided.
 May have different meanings for different people.
 Vary between and within cultures.
 May be intentional or unintentional.
 Can contradict the accompanying verbal message, and affect whether your message is
understood or believed.
 May receive more attention than verbal messages.
 Provide clues about the sender's background and motives.
 Are influenced by the circurmstairces surrounding the communication.
 May be beneficial or harmful
 May vary depending upon the person's gender.


LO1: Define paralanguage and describe its components.

Paralanguage refers to the vocal aspects of speech that primarily include pitch,
resonance, intonation, emphasis, articulation, diction, tempo, pace, volume, and
rhythm. Paralanguage helps you hear beyond the words used in communication, as
you attempt to decipher the sender's moods, intentions, attitudes, and emotions.
LO2: Discuss the components of paralanguage and its impact on

From the 7-38-55 Mehrabian rule, since the words or the verbal element gives you
only 7% of the impact, you will only get the message right 7% of the times. If the
sender, however, used paralanguage in conjunction with the accompanying vocal
cues, the success rate would go up to 45% (i.e. 7% + 38%).

The following components together make up paralanguage.

Each of these individual components, help bring out the inherent meaning in a
message. With the help of these components, a manager can hear “between the

LO3: Discuss workplace diversity and communication challenges associated

with it.

Diversity in the workplace also influences communication. Differences between the

sender and the receiver in areas such as culture, age, gender, and education require
sensitivity on the part of both parties so that the intended message is the one that is

Key Terms
 Paralanguage refers to the vocal aspects of speech.
 Paralinguistics is the study of paralanguage.
 Pitch can be defined as the degree of height or depth of tone or of sound, depending
on the relative rapidity of the vibration by which it is produced.
 Inflection refers to the change in the voice pitch while speaking.
 Resonance is a term of reference that is used for a sound that stays loud, clear and
deep for a long time.
 Enunciation is a person's ability to pronounce each phoneme in a word, clearly and
 Pronunciation is the ability to pronounce an entire word properly, in accordance
with the standard of sound and rhythm acceptable in a particular language.
 Volume refers to the degree of loudness/softness of the voice.
 Timbre is defined as the overall voice quality.
 Fluency can be understood as the smooth, easy, and effortless flow of words in


LO1: Identify the purpose and type of message.

In the workplace, four purposes of communication exist: to inform, to persuade, to

convey goodwill, and to establish credibility. The type of message is determined by
the intent: delivery of good-, neutral-, or bad-news messages or messages to
influence or change the attitudes or actions of the receiver.
LO2: Develop clear perceptions of the audience to enhance the impact of the
communication and human relations.

Perceptual barriers limit the ability to see an issue from multiple perspectives and
plan an effective message. To overcome those barriers, consider all you know about
the receiver, including age, economic level, educational/occupational background,
culture, existing relationship, expectations, and needs.

LO3: Consider the context of the message and any environmental influences
that may affect its delivery.

The context of the message refers to the environmental influences that affect its
content, style, and, in some cases, the decision as to whether to even send a
message. Awareness of environmental factors such as legal and ethical constraints,
considerations regarding technology, intercultural, financial, or diversity issues, and
the team environment can determine how the message is perceived and the success
of delivery.

LO4: Determine the appropriate channel and media for communicating the

Determine the appropriate channel for sending a particular message by considering

the effect of the message on the receiver. Recall the channels for communication are
two-way, face-to-face; two-way, not face-to-face; and one-way, not face-to-face.
Media used to conduct the actual communication can be written, oral, or nonverbal
including vocal cues, facial expressions, bodily movement, bodily appearance, and
the use of space.

LO5: Apply techniques for adapting messages to the audience.

Messages should be adapted to fit the receiver's needs. Developing concise,

sensitive messages that focus on the receiver's point of view will build and protect
goodwill and demand the attention of the receiver. Communicating ethically and
responsibly involves stating information truthfully and tactfully, eliminating
embellishments or exaggerations, supporting viewpoints with objective facts from
credible sources, and designing honest graphics.

LO6: Recognize the importance of organizing a message before writing the first
draft and select the appropriate message outline (deductive or inductive) for
developing messages to achieve the desired response.

Well-organized messages are easier to understand and promote a more positive

attitude toward the sender. Outlining encourages brevity and accuracy, permits
concentration on one phase at a time, saves writing time, increases confidence to
complete the task, and facilitates appropriate emphasis of ideas.

A part of the outlining process is deciding whether the message should be deductive
(main idea first) or inductive (explanations and details first). Good- and neutral-news
messages should use deductive outlines; bad-news messages should use inductive

LO7: Prepare the first draft.

First drafts should be written rapidly, with the intent to rewrite certain portions, if
necessary. Documents should be revised as many times as necessary to convey
message effectively and be error free.

Key Terms
 Goodwill the ability to create and maintain positive, productive relationships with
 Organizational culture a system of shared meanings and practices held by
members that distinguish the organization from other organizations
 Outlining the process of identifying ideas and arranging them in the right sequence
 Deductive sequence when a message begins with the major idea
 Inductive sequence when a message withholds the major idea until accompanying
details and explanations have been presented


LO1: List the steps in the systematic revision process.

Revise a document as many times as necessary to be certain that it conveys the

message effectively and is error free. Use the spell check to locate keying errors;
then follow systematic procedures for proofreading a printed copy of the document.
Proofread once for content, organization, and style and a second time for
mechanics, format, and layout.

LO2: Discuss ways to communicate ethically and responsibly.

Adapt the message to fit the receiver's needs. Developing concise, sensitive
messages that focus on the receiver's point of view will build and protect goodwill
and demand the attention of the receiver. Communicating ethically and responsibly
involves clarity, truthfulness, and consideration.

LO3: Identify ways to develop logical and unified messages.

Unified and coherent paragraphs will help the receiver understand the message
clearly and respond favorably. To write effective paragraphs, develop deductive or
inductive paragraphs consistently, link ideas to achieve coherence, keep paragraphs
unified, and vary sentence and paragraph length.

LO4: Apply techniques for developing effective, powerful sentences.

Well-written sentences help the receiver understand the message clearly and
respond favorably. To craft powerful sentences, use correct sentence structure, rely
on active voice, and emphasize important points that affect the clarity and human
relations of the message.

LO5: Identify factors affecting readability and revise messages to improve

The readability of a message is affected by the length of the sentences and the
difficulty of the words. A readability index in the eighth-to-eleventh grade range is
appropriate for most business writing. Creating concise professional writing using
standard English and contemporary language and visually appealing documents that
entice the reader to read on are two of the many ways to improve readability.

LO6: Identify ways to project a positive, tactful tone.

Handle sensitive situations by projecting a positive, tactful tone. Consider the

following suggestions: (1) state ideas using positive language; (2) avoid using
second person when stating negative ideas; (3) use passive voice to convey
negative ideas; (4) use the subjunctive mood; and ⑤ include a pleasant statement
in the same sentence. Special consideration should be paid when writing for an
intercultural or international audience.

Key Terms
 Libel written defamatory remarks
 Slander spoken defamatory remarks
 Topic sentence the one sentence that identifies the portion of the topic being
discussed and presents the central idea of the paragraph
 Deductive an organizational approach in which the topic sentence precedes the
 Inductive an organizational approach in which the topic sentence follows the details
 Complements additional words in a sentence that help complete the meaning
 Phrase (clause) a group of words that is not a complete sentence
 Dependent clause a clause that does not convey a complete thought
 Independent clause a clause that conveys a complete thought and could be a
complete sentence if presented alone
 Sentence fragment a portion of a sentence which when presented as a separate
sentence causes receivers to become confused and distracted
 Run-on sentence (fused sentence) when no punctuation or coordinating
conjunction appears between clauses
 Comma splice when clauses are joined only with a comma instead of a comma and
coordinating conjunction or a semicolon
 Active verbs when the subject is the doer of action
 Passive verbs when the subject is the receiver of action
 Cliché overused expression common in our everyday conversations and in business
 Redundancy a phrase in which one word unnecessarily repeats an idea contained
in an accompanying word


LO1: Discuss important factors which you need to take into account when you
have to write to culturally different audiences.

While writing to culturally different audiences, we have to avoid using jargon, taboo
words, slangs and abbreviations. It is also useful to avoid emotionally charged
words, and beneficial to use language that is easy and simple to understand.
LO2: Describe the deductive outline for good news and routine information and
its adaptations for specific situations.
When the receiver can be expected to be pleased by the message, the main idea is
presented first and details follow. Likewise, when the message is routine and not
likely to arouse a feeling of pleasure or displeasure, the main idea is presented first.
The deductive approach is appropriate for positive news and thank-you and
appreciation messages, routine claims, routine requests and responses to routine
requests, routine messages, and responses about credit and orders.
LO3: Prepare messages that convey good news, including thank-you and
appreciation messages.

Use the deductive approach for letters, memos, and email messages that contain
positive news as the central idea. Thank-you messages express appreciation for a
kindness or special assistance and should reflect sincere feelings of gratitude.
Appreciation messages highlight exceptional performance and should avoid
exaggerations and strong, unsupported statements that the receiver may not believe.

LO4: Discuss strategies for developing the five components of a bad-news


The introductory paragraph should buffer the bad news and tactfully identify the
subject. Following the introduction should be a logical discussion of the reasons for
the refusal or bad news. The bad-news statement itself should be positioned
strategically and (a) use the inductive approach, (b) not be set in a paragraph by
itself, and (c) should sit in a dependent clause of a complex sentence. A
counterproposal or silver lining should follow the bad-news statement, and the
concluding paragraph of the message should demonstrate empathy.

LO5: Prepare messages providing constructive criticism and negative

organizational news.

Because of the importance of maintaining goodwill with employees and outside

parties, convey constructive criticism and negative organizational news in a
sensitive, honest, and timely manner; use the inductive approach. The motive for
delivering constructive criticism should be to help, not to get even. The message
includes verifiable facts and omits evaluative words, allowing the recipient to make
logical judgments based on facts. Negative information about an organization
includes negative decisions related to declining financial position and major changes
in the organization and its policies.

LO6: Write effective persuasive requests (claim, favor, and information

requests, and persuasion within an organization).

A persuasive request is written inductively, is organized around a primary appeal,

and is longer than a typical routine message because you must provide convincing
evidence of receiver benefit.

 Persuasive claim. When an adjuster must be convinced that a claim is justified,

gain the receiver's attention, develop a central appeal that emphasizes an incentive
for making the adjustment, and end with the request for an adjustment you consider
 Request for a favor or information. Gain the receiver's attention, build interest by
emphasizing the reward for taking action, and encourage the receiver to grant the
favor or send the information.
 Persuasion within an organization. When persuading employees or supervisors to
take specific actions, gain the receiver's attention, introduce and build interest and
support for the proposed idea, address any major resistance, and encourage the
receiver to take a specific action.

Key Terms
 Good-news message message that conveys pleasant information
 Neutral message message of interest to the receiver but unlikely to generate an
emotional reaction
 Deductive sequence (direct sequence) when the message begins with the main
 Logos a logical appeal that consists of such information as facts and statistics
 Ethos an appeal based on information or an association that provides credibility for
ourselves, our product, or position
 Pathos an emotional appeal that works by eliciting an emotional response from the
 AIDA a four-step inductive process that involves gaining attention, generating
interest, creating desire, and motivating action


LO1: Understand the importance and relevance of business correspondence.

Business correspondence refers to written communication exchanged (a) within an

organization, (b) between two or more organizations, and (c) between organization
and its customers. As business correspondence is a formal channel of
communication that is essential for ‘business’; it becomes imperative to pay attention
to its proper format and structure.

LO2: Discuss various types of letter and their significance as a mode of

business correspondence.

A letter is a form of business correspondence, which is written, typed or printed; and

is usually sent through the post or messenger.

There are several types of letters, which are differentiated on the basis of the
purpose they serve, i.e. claim/complaint letters, appreciation letters, enquiry letters,
applications, approval/dismissal letters, letters of sales, recommendation letters,
cover letters, etc.

LO3: Discuss memo as a mode of internal communication.

A memo (short for ‘memorandum’) is a common mode of internal communication

within an organization. It serves the following purposes: (a) to record information, (b)
to motivate for action, (c) to issue a directive, (d) to convey an idea, and (e) to
reprimand. There is a simple acronym that can help managers write effective
memos: APPLE (Audience, Purpose, Point, Limit, Emphasis).

LO4: Identify the characteristics of a report and the various classifications of

business reports.

The basis of a report is a problem that must be solved through data collection and
analysis. Reports are usually requested by a higher authority, are logically organized
and highly objective, and are prepared for a limited audience. Reports can be
classified as formal/informal, short/long, informational/analytical, vertical/lateral,
internal/external, or a proposal.

LO5: Apply steps in the problem-solving process and methods for solving a

The four steps in the problem-solving process are: (a) Recognize and define the
problem; (b) select an appropriate secondary and/or primary method for solving the
problem; (c) collect and organize data, using appropriate methods; and (d) interpret
the data to arrive at an answer.

Key Terms
 Business correspondence is written communication that is used within
organizations to ensure smooth running of day-to-day business.
 Letters are formal mode of written communication. They serve an important
function, which is maintaining records and evidence. Letters are used to convey
either positive messages or negative messages.
 Emails have gained immense popularity in recent times. They use a conversational
style and are used as an informal mode of written communication.
 Memos (or memorandums) are an organization's internal communication too that
records information for future use.
 Formal report a carefully structured report that is logically organized and objective,
contains much detail, and is written without personal pronouns
 Informal report a short message written in natural or personal language
 Informational report a report that carries objective information from one area of an
organization to another
 Analytical report a report that presents suggested solutions to problems
 Upward-directed reports reports made by subordinates to superiors
 Downward-directed reports reports made by superiors for subordinates
 Internal report reports made by superiors for subordinates
 External report a report prepared for distribution outside an organization
 Periodic reports reports issued on regularly scheduled dates
 Functional report a report that serves a specified purpose within a company
 Statement of purpose the goal of the study
 Hypothesis a statement to be proved or disproved through research
 Null hypothesis the statement that no relationship or difference will be found in the
factors being studied
 Limitations boundaries imposed outside the control of the researchers
 Delimitations boundaries chosen by the researcher(s) to make the project more
LO6: Use appropriate printed, electronic, and primary sources of information.

Location of secondary sources of information involves appropriate use of printed

indexes and application of electronic search techniques that can lead the researcher
to books, periodicals, and other documents needed for topic exploration. Methods for
collecting survey data include mailed questionnaires, telephone surveys, email
polling, personal interviews, interviews, and participant observation. Developing an
effective survey instrument is critical to obtaining valid and reliable data. Surveys
should be administered to a sample that is representative of the entire population.

LO7: Demonstrate appropriate methods for collecting, organizing, and

referencing information.

Information from published sources should be carefully read and interpreted. To

avoid plagiarism, both direct quotes and paraphrases must be referenced. Survey
instruments should be carefully designed to solicit information that is needed, avoid
ambiguity and confusion, and reflect accurate information. Documenting sources
accurately is crucial to professional researchers. Three acceptable reference
methods are: (1) in-text parenthetical citations, (2) footnote citation method and (3)
references (or works cited).

LO8: Explain techniques for the logical analysis and interpretation of data.

Measures of central tendency and correlation analysis are two common methods for
analyzing data. To maintain the integrity of the research, the interpretation of data
should be objective and unbiased and avoid making assumptions about areas
unsupported by the data.


LO1: Discuss the effective use of email and instant messaging in business

Email may be sent to receivers both inside and outside the organization. Email
provides a fast, convenient way to communicate by reducing telephone tag and
telephone interruptions, facilitating the transmission of a single message to multiple
recipients, reducing telephone bills, eliminating time barriers, and fostering open
communication among users in various locations. Email formats are less formal than
business letter formats. With instant messaging or real-time email, abbreviations and
online “shorthand” further reduce formality but increase speed.

LO2: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of communicating on social


While communicating on social media like blogs, websites, Facebook, and Twitter,
etc, we have to be careful about the content we write as often these are public
spaces and many others would be reading what you write. Secondly, since there is
no face-to-face interaction between people richness associated with face-to-face
communication is lost. Finally language, spelling, and style of writing suffers because
using the keyboard gets us habituated to use short forms which do not convey the
full nuance of what one wants to say.

LO3: Define Netiquette and discuss the do's and dont's of communication
while using the Internet.

Established standards of online behavior which have evolved over a period of time
by those who regularly use the internet for communication is called netiquette. Some
dos of netiquette is being prompt in checking and responding to mails and using the
subject field creatively to make your mail stand out among the clutter of mails in the
mailbox. An important don't is not burdening people with unsolicited and heavy text
mails and attachments, and never writing in upper case letters as it conveys shouting
and avoiding long mails that are formatted in complicated ways.

Key Terms
 Netiquette the buzzword for proper behavior on the Internet
 Flame sarcastic, sometimes abusive message or posting, may prompt a receiver to
send a retaliatory response


LO1: Prepare for employment by considering relevant information about

yourself as it relates to job requirements.

A job candidate should complete systematic self-, career, and job analyses.
Candidates should gather information, ask questions about themselves, about
possible careers, and about specific jobs in the chosen field. Recording and
analyzing this information will aid in selecting a satisfying career and preparing an
effective résumé.

LO2: Identify career opportunities using traditional and electronic methods.

The job candidate can use traditional and electronic methods for the employment
search. Names and addresses of possible employers may be obtained from
networks, career services centers at schools, employers' offices, employment
agencies and contractors, online databases and printed sources, professional,
electronic job fairs, news groups, and chat sessions.

LO3: Understand human resource professionals expectations from job seekers

and prospective employees

It is important to understand what human resource professionals expect from job

seekers and potential employees. Recruiters receive thousands of résumés per job
posting and this “information overload” creates a need efficiency in the recruitment
process from their point of view and job seekers need to enable this.

LO1: Plan a résumé that reflects your qualifications and communicates your
value to potential employers.

A résumé typically includes identification, objective, career summary, qualifications,

personal information, and references. Résumés are chronological, functional, or
chrono-functional. Chronological résumés list experiences in reverse chronological
order and are for applicants with the apparent qualifications for the job. Functional
résumés show applicant qualifications as headings and are used when the applicant
lacks the appropriate education and experience. The chrono-functional résumé lists
education and experience as headings and uses functional headings that emphasize

LO2: Prepare an organized, persuasive résumé that is adapted for print,

scanning, and electronic postings.

Effective print (designed) résumés concisely highlight key qualifications and are
formatted for quick, easy reading. An effective key word section summarizes
qualifications and helps ensure that the résumé is identified during a search for
matching requirements.

Key Terms
 Targeted résumé a résumé reflects the requirements of a specific job listing
 Chronological résumé the traditional organizational format for résumés
 Functional résumé a résumé in which points of primary interest to employers—
transferable skills—appear in major headings
 Chrono-functional résumé a résumé that combines features of chronological and
functional résumés


LO1: Write an application message that effectively introduces an

accompanying print (designed) or electronic résumé.
The purposes of the application message are to introduce the applicant and the
résumé, arouse interest in the information given on the résumé, and assist an
employer in seeing f ways in which the applicant's services would be desirable. As
such, it is a persuasive message.

Key Terms
 Application (cover message) a message placed on top of the résumé so it can be
read first by the employer
 Unsolicited application message an unrequested message sent to many
prospective employers and containing the same basic message


LO1: Explain the nature of structured, unstructured, stress, group, and virtual
Interviewers and interviewees can be considered buyers and sellers: Interviewers
want to know whether job candidates can meet the needs of their firms before
making a “purchase”; interviewees want to sell themselves based on sound
knowledge, good work skills, and desirable personal traits. Structured interviews
follow a preset, specific, format; unstructured interviews follow no standard format
but explore for information. Computer-assisted interviews provide standard, reliable
information on applicants during the preliminary interview stages. Stress interviews
are designed to reveal how the candidate behaves in high-anxiety situations. Group
interviews involve various personnel within the organization in the candidate
interview process.

LO2: Explain the steps in the interview process.

Successful job candidates plan appropriately for the interview so that they will know
basic information about the company, arrive on time dressed appropriately for the
interview, and present a polished first impression following appropriate protocol.
During the interview, the candidate presents his or her qualifications favorably and
obtains information about the company to aid in deciding whether to accept a
possible job offer.

LO3: Prepare effective answers to questions often asked in job interviews,

including illegal interview questions.

The successful job candidate effectively discusses key qualifications and skillfully
asks questions that show initiative and genuine interest in the company. The
candidate recognizes issues that fall outside the bounds of legal questioning.
Refusing to answer an illegal question could be detrimental to your chances of
securing a job, but answering the question may compromise your ethical values. An
effective technique is to answer the legitimate concern behind the illegal question
rather than to give a direct answer.

LO4 Identify the parts of a job interview.

Interviews have three parts: the opening formalities, an information exchange, and
the close. The confidence and courtesy an applicant displays during the opening
formalities set the tone for the information exchange which revolves around
questions and answers. The close involves the same courtesies as the opening
formalities and should not be prolonged unnecessarily.

LO5: Compose effective messages related to employment (application forms,

follow-up, thank-you, job-acceptance, job-refusal, resignation, and
recommendation request).

The job applicant should: complete application forms accurately, neatly, and
completely, and should only send a follow-up message after a few weeks of no
response to an application. Applicants should send a prompt thank-you message
following an interview as a professional courtesy. If a job offer is extended, write a
deductive job-acceptance message that includes the acceptance, details, and a
closing that confirms the date the employee will begin work; or an inductive job-
refusal message that includes a buffer beginning, reasons that lead to the refusal, a
tactful decline to the offer, and a goodwill closing. Resignation notices should confirm
that termination plans are definite and emphasize positive aspects of the job.
Requests for recommendations should include specific information about the job
requirements and the applicant's qualifications.

Key Terms
 Structured interview an interview in which the interviewer follows a predetermined
agenda, including a checklist of items or a series of questions and statements
designed to elicit the necessary information or interviewee reaction
 Unstructured interview a freewheeling exchange that may shift from one subject to
another, depending on the interests of the participants
 Stress interview an interview designed to place the interviewee in an anxiety-
producing situation so an evaluation may be made of the interviewee's performance
under stress
 Virtual interview interviews conducted via videoconferencing technology

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