1 Project Description
1 Project Description
1 Project Description
Project Description
Prepare a document1 in PDF (up to 15 pages, including all figures, tables, formulas, list of
references, and appendices) with a detailed description of the proposed research, including the
implementation plan, budget requests and requirements for workspace and equipment, according to
the following guidelines. The PDF document should be unprotected so that parts of the text can be
selected and copied.
The document should be prepared according to the following template2. The structure of the
template has been designed to ensure that important aspects of your planned work are presented in a
way that will enable the experts to make an effective assessment against the evaluation criteria.
Sections 1, 2 and 3 each correspond to an evaluation criterion.
1. Excellence
1.1. Objectives
Describe the specific objectives for the Project, which should be clear, measurable,
realistic and achievable within the duration of the Project. Objectives should be consistent
with the expected exploitation and impact of the project (see Section 2).
1.3. Ambition
Describe the advance your proposal would provide beyond the state-of-the-art, and the
extent to which the proposed work is ambitious.
Describe the novelty (e.g., ground-breaking objectives, novel concepts and approaches,
new products, etc.) which the proposal represents.
Page format A4, margins at least 20 mm, font Times New Roman at least 10 pt, spacing 1 or 1.5.
Replace the instructions in the template by your descriptions.
For multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research, specify the primary and the secondary fields.
Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
Program for Excellent Projects of Young Researchers: Project Description Form
Describe the significance of the proposed research, innovation and application potentials,
and potentials for future extensions.
2. Impact
2.1. Expected impact
Describe the expected contributions of the Project to the development of new research
groups, improvement of professional capacities of young scientists in the Republic of
Serbia, and launching research in new areas and directions.
Describe the expected impact of the Project on the scientific community, society,
economy, industry, healthcare, education, etc., as applicable.
3. Implementation
3.1. Credentials of PI and members of Project team
Describe strong points of credentials of the PI and the members of the Project team.
Describe the complementarity and synergy of the members of the Project team for the
proposed research.
Milestones are control points in the project that help to chart progress. Milestones may correspond to the completion of
a key deliverable, allowing the next phase of the work to begin. They may also be needed at intermediary points so that,
if problems have arisen, corrective measures can be taken.
Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
Program for Excellent Projects of Young Researchers: Project Description Form
PI – Principal investigator, P1 – the first participant, etc.
The number of person-months regardless of the % of working time.
Give IDs of Project team members involved.
The ID should be composed as M01, M02, etc., and used in the Gantt Chart.
The ID should be composed as D01, D02, etc., and used in the Gantt Chart.
Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
Program for Excellent Projects of Young Researchers: Project Description Form
of the risk
Actions to
Timing, of the risk
milestones and Actions to
deliverables be
Participants of the risk
and Scientific Actions to
institutions be
of the risk
Procurement Actions to
of the risk
Actions to
of the risk
Other risks Actions to
Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
Program for Excellent Projects of Young Researchers: Project Description Form
4. Ethics
Fill-out the Ethics issues table (Table 3.6).
If any answer in Table 3.6 is YES, please provide the relevant page number in the Project
description and submit an ethics self-assessment following the common practice of
Horizon 2020
The number of person-months taking into account the % of working time from the Gantt Chart.
The request must be clearly justified.
The researchers can be employed in different Scientific institutions, information should be given for all these
institutions, and the overhead is distributed among the institutions in proportion with the corresponding numbers of
Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
Program for Excellent Projects of Young Researchers: Project Description Form
5. Other issues
Propose up to three preferred and up to three non-preferred reviewers of the Application
(name, affiliation, contact e-mail).
B. Attachments
1. Declarations of Scientific institutions
Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
Program for Excellent Projects of Young Researchers: Project Description Form
Prepare a declaration of the Scientific institution(s) where the PI and participants will
be employed during the implementation of the Project (in Serbian) following the
template available at: http://fondzanauku.gov.rs/pozivi/.
o The Scientific institution shall confirm that the researchers are employed in the
institution, or that they will be employed, and that the institution supports the
application and the proposed Project.
o The Scientific institution of the PI shall confirm that the PI already fulfills
conditions to perform independent research.
o The Scientific institution shall confirm that it shall provide the space and
equipment specified in the proposed Project.
o The Scientific institution shall confirm that it accepts the responsibilities
defined in the Project Contract with the Fund.
Note. If the PI and participants will be employed in several Scientific
institutions, prepare one document for each institution.
Prepare declarations of other institutions that they shall make their equipment
available to the Project participants (in Serbian) following the template available at:
Declarations must be signed and stamped by official representatives.
Combine all the declarations into a single PDF file and upload it.
2. Prepare and upload a PowerPoint presentation of the Project (at most 10 slides).