Fire Safety Assessment On Seven Flooring Materials
Fire Safety Assessment On Seven Flooring Materials
Fire Safety Assessment On Seven Flooring Materials
Keywords: Fire safety, flooring, burning, mass loss, flame spread rate, emissions.
The aim of laboratory measurements was to determine the OSB boards (OSB - Oriented Strand Board) is made from large
behavior of the various types of flooring standard thickness at particles of wood pressed flat chips, which are pressed under the
building fires. The main indicators clearly show the mass loss, influence of high pressure and temperature, with the use of
the rate of flame propagation and release of emissions into the synthetic resins based on formaldehyde. Formaldehyde at higher
air. The samples of beech wood flooring, OSB boards, spruce concentrations causes nausea, headaches. At concentrations of
flooring (decking), linoleum, laminate flooring, PVC and 120 g/m3 is fatal13.
synthetic carpets .were tested. Mass loss of OSB was studied by
Galla1. Thermal quantities of various wood spices including fire Linoleum is a material made from jute fabric that forms the
retardants were deeply studied by Martinka,2 Kačíková3, or backbone of the flooring substrate, linseed oil and cork, wood or
Osvald4. Emissions measurement is a fundamental part of limestone flour, natural resins and color pigments. The
thermo-chemical works. The variability of emission results advantages include linoleum elasticity, good thermal insulation
when combusting or burning the same wood spices was proofed at the current suitability for use with under-floor heating, static
by numerous studies by Müllerová5-7, Valíček.8 Health risk and character, tough inflammability, resistance to temperature
environmental risk should be always considered when dealing
changes, cigarette butts, oil and grease, and partly acids and type of material 10 samples were tested. Values expressed in
solvents. Linoleum is bacteria-static material. graph and tables are the arithmetic average of the measured
values. Each sample was weighed before the experiment and
Laminate floating floor is rough only six to eight millimeters, its after extinguishing the samples at the end of the experiment.
core is in the form of densified wood or pressed wood fibers.
Decorative foil or paper is pressed onto a layer of melamine Results and Discussion
resin, and protective coating is applied. Stability is ensured by
the bottom layer. Among the harmful chemicals that are found Tests flooring wood-based materials were milder than synthetic
in floating floors include phenol and formaldehyde. Phenol and materials tests. PVC and polyamide carpet completely burnt
formaldehyde is a part of adhesives used to join the individual through while in materials containing wood it didn’t happened.
layers together13. Percentages of mass loss measured after 10 min permanent
flame exposure are on graph at figure-1. The lowest mass loss
PVC floorings are produced either with a single-layer or multi- was recorded in natural flooring materials - wood-based
layer decoration and transparent top layer. Their danger lies in floorboards from spruce (4.85 %), OSB (5.34 %) and beech
the chemical composition and emissions that are released during parquet (8.69 %), the mass loss was less than 10%. Highest
combustion. The smoke released by its burning is toxic, mass loss was measured with a polyamide carpet (21.96%). The
containing phthalate, chlorinated paraffin, and sometimes lead second highest average value was recorded for PVC (17.33 %).
or tin compounds. When incomplete combustion of propane and
chlorinated hydrocarbons occurs, after the contact with hot 25%
metal they can be converted to phosgene. The properties of PVC 20%
compounds are described by European14 and American15
institutions and well known authors16,17.
Polyamide carpets are dominant due to the competitive prices in 5%
the market. Fire resistance polyamide is very low comparing to 0%
carpets made of natural fibers. The basic material of synthetic
carpet fibers is nylon (polyamide, nylon) which is extracted
from the oil. At temperatures from 40°C to 100°C does not
change the properties at temperatures above 150°C starts to
degrade. Nylon carpets are characterized by high strength,
elasticity, resistance to moisture, abrasion with a relatively low
weight. The main disadvantage of carpet is accumulation of dust Figure-1
and dirt. Carpets can accumulate filth and dust 8 times higher Average mass loss values of tested flooring materials
than its own weight. We tested a polyamide carpet, which was
tufted into a synthetic jute grid, so-called AB base. When
incomplete combustion dangerous carbon monoxide (CO), very Times measured at 10cm intervals confirmed the anticipated
toxic hydrogen cyanide (HCN), hydrogen chloride (HCl), slowing down of the flame spread. This is reflected in the
carboxylic acid, ether and ammonia are released14. decreasing mass loss. Laboratory measurements at Technical
University Zvolen confirmed that samples with increasing
Methodology distance from the source of heat radiation decreases the total
mass loss.18 Linear trend of mass loss was proofed for majority
Laboratory measurements were conducted at room temperature of the samples. The similar results were obtained in the National
of 23°C ± 2°C and a relative humidity of 50% ± 20%. The Institute for Fire Technology and Expertise19.
chamber was formed party firmly embedded plates. The floor of
the test chamber is made with ceramic tiles of approximately Measurements focused on emissions released by burning beech
1m. Front of the chamber formed by transparent glass panel. wood and laminate floating floors have been made by Uysal.20
The ceiling of the chamber is made of metal and glass and one according the American standard ASTM E – 6. Duration of
exhaust chimney fan. The end edge of the burner is at a distance measurement was consistent with our measurements, i.e. 10
of 25mm horizontally and 30mm vertically from the surface of min. Experiments conducted in the Testo 300 M, the
the floor covering. The longitudinal axis of the burner measurement of the emission was recorded by XL flue gas
corresponds to the longitudinal axis of the sample. The size of analyzer. Samples of beech wood and laminate flooring contain
the burner flame is adjusted on the gas bomb. Fuel source is the emissions of standard gas monitoring (table-2)20.
propane, which we shall be discharged under pressure of 0.5 bar
(50kPa). Flame spread rate was measured by a stopwatch to the The values in table-1 recorded distance of flame spread rate for
nearest tenth of a second, the weight of the samples was different flooring types after the first minute of the experiment.
determined with a precise digital weighing 0.1 grams. For each Continuously, the spread rate had been slowing down. Table-2
show that emissions from laminate flooring especially in the phthalate emissions released also in standard room
case of NOx are almost three times higher than for the same size temperatures. Several countries, including the Czech Republic
sample of beech wood. Mass loss values correspond to our already have taken steps to reduce or eliminate the use of PVC
measurements, which also recorded doubled value of mass loss in public buildings. Using PVC in some products is completely
laminate floating floor as beech parquet. prohibited (e.g. toys). Moreover, tests have shown its high
flammability. Slow burning of PVC is sometimes invisible with
Thermo-mechanical properties as conductivity can be read out transparent flame and can cause dangerous fire effects24.
from the results referring to flame spread rate.20 Carpet and PVC
have visibly higher conductivity comparing to wooden material
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