02-22-05 GENERAL
Flight director and thrust director
Mach trim function
Automatic flight control system interface
Automatic flight control system operation
Flight director modes
Thrust director modes
Autopilot CAT II approach
The Falcon 900EX EASy Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) is composed of:
- 2 Flight Director (FD) and 2 AutoPilot (AP) systems,
- 1 Thrust Director (TD) and 1 Auto-Throttle (AT) systems,
- 2 Yaw Damper (YD) and 2 Mach Trim (MT) systems
The AFCS elaborates orders in path and roll axis. These orders are displayed on the Attitude
Director Indicator (ADI), on the Head-up Guidance System (HGS, optional), and identified as
Flight Director (FD) orders.
The AFCS elaborates also a thrust order, displayed on the ADI, on the HGS (optional), and
identified as Thrust Director order.
When AP and AT are engaged, electric servo-motors are connected to:
- the flight controls via a clutch, so that the airplane follows the FD orders,
- the power levers cables so that the engines follow the TD orders.
The AFCS also automatically trims the airplane in pitch and compensates for pitch variation
during deployment of slats, flaps and airbrakes. Whatever vertical modes selected, when AP
is engaged, pitch is automatically limited to +/- 20°.
A Yaw Damper (YD) independent from the AP provides automatic stabilization in yaw during
manual handling of the airplane, and turn coordination during AP operation.
The AFCS functions are hosted in the Modular Avionics Unit (MAU). The EASy installation
contains two AFCS. The standard dual configuration can provide both manual and automatic
reversion and interface capabilities sufficient to maintain full AFCS functionality, despite the
absence of the other AFCS (due to failure). The fail operational design of the AFCS provides
automatic reversion following in-flight failure of an MAU, except for the servo-motor failures:
after a servo-motor failure, there is a transfer in priority AFCS, but the engagement of the 2nd
AFCS is inhibited. The automatic reversion is annunciated to the crew via advisory CAS
message ( AP .. FAIL ), but will result in no changes to the mode selection or engage
status except for servo-motor failures.
The TD is associated with the speed bug set through the GP in MAN mode or by the FMS in
FMS mode.
FD and TD can be selected to be displayed or not on the ADI by pressing on the relevant
FD/TD pushbuttons on the Guidance Panel (GP). When they are selected, a green ON
symbol is lit on the pushbutton. When the FD and/or TD commands are invalid, a red flag is
displayed on both ADI and FD and/or TD are dropped from displays.
FD and/or TD orders can also be flown manually (AP and/or AT disengaged, lateral and vertical
modes remain active).
When AP is not engaged, an automatic Mach trim increases manual longitudinal stability of
the airplane at high Mach numbers (above 0.77) by adjusting the horizontal stabilizer position
as Mach number is changing.
Mach trim is automatically engaged at airplane power up and cannot be manually
disengaged. With the Mach trim system engaged, the normal trim can be used at any time to
adjust the stabilizer position. Once the normal pitch trim switch is released, the Mach trim
system resumes its operation.
When AP is engaged, an auto-trim is provided by the AFCS.
AP and AT modes status (armed, engaged) and their references are displayed on the Flight
Mode Annunciator (FMA) on each ADI, according to the EASy color code. Only one vertical
AP mode and one lateral AP mode may be active at the same time. However, one vertical
armed and one lateral armed modes can be simultaneously selected, for example when
APP (approach mode) is armed, LOC and GS are armed.
PILOT SIDE (PF) pushbutton (on the GP). The selected side is indicated by a green light
on the left or right side of the pushbutton, and by an horizontal arrow in the middle of each
Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA) of each ADI.
At power on, LH side is selected by default.
The following sensors and equipment selected on the PF side are used by the AFCS for
- Air Data System (ADS),
- Inertial Reference System (IRS),
- Flight Management System (FMS).
During the PILOT SIDE selection change, AP/FD modes are automatically de-selected
and they must be selected again.
We can observe that after a PILOT SIDE change, non-engaging of LNAV, VNAV modes.
In this case, it is recommended to respect a waiting period (about 30 sec) before a new
selection of these modes.
Normal AP disconnect
TCS pushbutton (push and maintain): when the TCS pushbutton (on the yoke) is
depressed, the AP servomotors are disengaged but the AP is not properly speaking
Activation of the Touch Control Steering (TCS) function allows the crew to manually set
a new reference attitude and path without disengaging the AP. Release of the TCS
button re-engages the AP servomotors. The FD synchronizes on the new reference
values or return to its previous target, depending on previous active modes.
Abnormal AP disconnect
When triggered, continuous aural AutoPilot warning and AP red symbol flashing on
the FMA remains active as long as there is no push on the quick disconnect pad.
The Yaw Damper is automatically engaged on the ground after successful completion of
the AFCS power up test or in-flight upon AP engagement, or by pressing the YD
pushbutton (the ON caption on the pushbutton illuminates in green).
YD disengagement disengages AP, but AP disengagement does not disengage the YD.
YD failure does not disengage the AP.
Whenever the AT is normally disconnected, the A/T caption on the FMA turns amber and
flash for 10 seconds and one aural "AUTO-THROTTLE" is heard.
Upon abnormal disengagement (manual override, failure, or drop to manual mode) an
aural "AUTO-THROTTLE" warning is triggered and the amber A/T caption flash. The
warnings will stop when one of the AT Quick disconnect buttons is pressed.
When engaged, the AT generate the appropriate synchronized power settings on the three
engines, with respect of engine and airplane flight envelope limitations (max / min N1,
VMO / MMO) or specific speed references.
AP and AT must be disengaged at minimum used height.
Heading (HDG) or Track (TRK) mode is selected with the outer rotary switch (outer
ring) on the GP. Heading or Track value is set with the inner rotary knob (inner ring),
then mode is engaged by pressing the HDG / TRK pushbutton.
When engaged a green ON symbol is displayed onthe GP. Heading or Track value is
displayed on the FMA and on the HSI.
When engaged, the HDG/TRK mode captures and hold the heading or track
corresponding to the bug position.
Turn is initiated in the direction the heading bug was turned to (even for changes of
more than 180° but less than 360°).
The maximum bank angle can be manually selected on the AVIONICS window (AFCS
Tab) or can be automatically selected according to current airplane altitude (High bank
28° below 30,000 ft, Low bank 15° above). Low bank symbol is displayed on the roll
scale at the top of the ADI.
Pressing the PUSH SYNC rotary knob synchronizes selected heading or track value to
the current heading or track of the airplane.
When activated, HDG or TRK mode can be disengaged automatically by AFCS logic
(e.g. if LOC mode is armed, there is an automatic transition from HDG / TRK mode to
LOC mode) or manually by pressing again on the HDG / TRK pushbutton (return to
ROLL mode).
Lateral navigation mode (LNAV) is selected by pressing the LNAV pushbutton, which
displays a cyan dot (LNAV armed) or a green dot (LNAV engaged), and accordingly the
FMA displays a cyan/green LNAV symbol. When LNAV is active, the FD provides
lateral command to capture and hold the active leg of the flight plan. When engaged,
the AP follows this FD lateral command and the roll is automatically limited to 28°.
LNAV can be automatically activated after a DIRECT TO a waypoint selection and after
a transition from ROLL / HDG / TRK to LNAV (for these last cases, the airplane
trajectory must be convergent to the considered flight plan leg).
When active, LNAV mode can be disengaged automatically by AFCS logic (e.g.
commutation from LNAV to LOC if APP was previously armed) or manually by pressing
the LNAV pushbutton or by selection of HDG or TRK mode.
When engaged, the APP mode allows the airplane to capture and follow a LOC beam.
This mode is similar to the LNAV mode but provides more accurate track monitoring.
The LOC can also be captured from ROL, HDG / TRK, LNAV lateral modes.
The lateral deviation scale is displayed in white at the bottom of the attitude display.
The Loc pointer deviation is displayed in white, cyan or magenta according to the
approach mode status.
If Back Course has been selected on the Flight Management system window for the
arrival phase of flight, the AP mode selection engages the B / C lateral mode. In B / C
mode, the final descent to the runway can be performed in PATH or VS modes.
If no FD modes are displayed on the FMA, engaging the AutoPilot automatically selects
basic modes (ROLL and PATH). The PATH limits when AP is engaged are +/- 17°. AP
engagement outside of these limits will bring back the airplane to a commanded path at
+/- 17°. Within these limits, the path angle can be changed through use of the PATH /
VS thumb wheel, up and down (UP / DN), and also through TCS function.
Altitude hold mode (ALT) is selected either manually by pressing the ALT pushbutton
on the GP or automatically after capture of a Pre-selected Altitude (ASEL).
The ALT mode allows either to capture and hold the present altitude when ALT button
is pressed or to hold the pre-selected altitude.
When ALT mode is active a green ON light is displayed on the GP and the FMA
displays the green ALT indication and the reference altitude along with the
corresponding bug on the altitude tape.
Airplane response in ALT mode is limited to +/- 0.1 g or +/- 20° pitch angle.
When active, ALT mode can be disengaged automatically by AFCS logic (e.g. Glide
Slope capture) or manually by pressing the ALT pushbutton.
Climb mode
Climb mode (CLB) is selected by pressing the CLB pushbutton on the GP, and a green
ON light is displayed on the pushbutton itself. When engaged, the CLB mode allows to
capture and track a speed reference. The speed reference set manually by the crew
(SPEED knob) in mach or speed, or automatically through the FMS. The FMA displays
the green CLB indication and speed bug (FMS or manual) along the speed tape.
When active, CLB mode can be disengaged automatically by AFCS logic (e.g. ASEL
capture) or manually by pressing the CLB pushbutton.
Vertical Speed (VS) mode is selected by pressing the VS pushbutton on the GP and a
green ON light is displayed on the pushbutton itself. When engaged, the VS mode
allows to capture and track a vertical speed reference. This reference vertical speed
can be adjusted through the use of the VS / PATH wheel on the GP. Each click on the
wheel will change the vertical speed by +/- 100 ft/min. The maximum vertical speed
commands are - 8,000 ft/min and + 6,000 ft/min. The FMA displays the VS indication in
green and the value of the vertical speed target in magenta.
Vertical Navigation mode (VNAV) is selected by pressing the VNAV pushbutton on the
When VNAV is armed a cyan light is lighted on the GP, when the VNAV is active a
green light is lighted on the GP. The FMA displays accordingly the corresponding
cyan/green mode/sub mode indications.
In this mode, the FD guidance is computed by FMS.
- VALT: Transition to VALT automatically occurs upon VNAV mode capture of the
FMS pre-selected altitude or computed altitude (whichever is closer), or if the FMS
requests a direct transition to altitude hold. The reference altitude may also be
manually selected and in such case will have priority over the FMS computed
- VCLB : when CLimB mode is operating, VCLB is selected by pressing the VNAV
pushbutton on the GP. It operates like the CLB mode except that guidance
commands are referenced to the FMS altitude and IAS/Mach values. Manually
selected speed reference can also be used in this mode. If a pre-selected altitude
has been manually set, this selection will override the FMS computed altitude if this
selected altitude value is below the FMS constraint.
- VPTH : it is selected by pressing the VNAV pushbutton on the GP. VPTH is only
active during descent and operate like VS mode. It is automatically engaged at the
TOD (Top Of Descent) if the ASEL is lower than the current altitude of the airplane.
To obtain a VPTH mode on a waypoint, it is necessary to have an altitude
constraint attached to this waypoint. If the ASEL is lower than the airplane current
altitude, it is possible to engage VPTH by performing a vertical DIRECT TO this
- VASEL: this mode is armed as the ASEL mode is when the altitude constraint
attached to the waypoint is closer to the airplane current altitude than the ASEL.
VASEL mode operation status is displayed in the FMA only during capture phases.
It operates like PRESEL altitude mode.
- VGP: This mode is similar to VPTH mode but the altitude preselector is ignored.
The FD shall transition to VGP mode based on the set-up of an FMS approach,
being in the terminal area, and the arming of the mode via the APP pushbutton on
the GP.
Below transition altitude or level, altimeter setting must be set to QNH for the use of
Vertical mode
FMS vertical
Transition to Glide Slope mode (GS) from a VNAV mode occurs when the airplane gets
within the GS deviation limits with LOC captured. In the FMA the GS caption turns
Approach mode (APP) is selected by pressing the APP pushbutton on the GP. A cyan
light (APP armed) or a green light (APP engaged) is then displayed on the pushbutton
The type of approach must be selected in the FMW page before pressing the APP
pushbutton (Refer to Chapter 02 / ATA 34 / windows and associated tab - flight
management window).
When active, APP mode can be disengaged automatically by AFCS logic (e.g. loss of
sensors) or manually by pressing the APP pushbutton.
Accordingly the FMA displays armed mode in cyan and active mode in green.
The dual couple mode is activated if the following conditions are met:
- both PDU display the same approach guidance source (ILS),
- both navigation sources are valid,
- both PDU indicate they are receiving the same radio frequency from the NAV
- both PDU receive radio information from independent radios.
When in dual couple mode the AFCS use for FD computation the average deviation
If during the dual approach track mode, the displayed data on one of the two PDU
become invalid, the AFCS continues the approach using the valid data from the
remaining PDU.
After a transition from dual approach track status, the AFCS reverts to the selected
single PDU status (couple) in effect prior to acquisition of dual PDU status.
The Go-Around mode (GA) is available when the airplane is airborne (weight off wheels)
or when airspeed is above 60 kt, by pressing the GA pushbutton on the yoke. This
disengages the AP and displays ROL and GA on the FMA.
On the ADI:
- in the lateral axis lateral mode, the FD commands wings level until 140 kt are reached,
and then transition to heading hold,
- in the vertical axis, the FD commands a fixed pitch (14°).
GA mode is de-selected when a new vertical mode is selected (PATH, VS, CLB or VCLB).
WindShear (WS) escape mode can be selected each time a Windshear condition is
detected by the Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) by pressing the GA
pushbutton on the yoke. If GA is already activated at the moment of the windsher condition
is detected, the windshear mode is automatically activated.
This action disconnects the AutoPilot and changes the FD / TD commands. ROL and
WSHR modes are displayed in the FMA.
FD and TD will thus provide vertical and thrust guidance to achieve the best escape path.
FD command, when followed, will maintain the IAS close to the stall speed. TD command,
when followed, will maintain the maximum take-off power.
Windshear mode is de-selected upon selection of any other vertical mode.
Depressing the TCS pushbutton on the yoke activates the TCS mode.
When the push button is released the previous modes are active again. The FD
synchronizes on the new reference values or return to its previous target, depending on
previous active modes:
ROL (X°) ROL at TCS release (*)
ALT (XXX ft) ALT at TCS release (XXX ft)
VS (XXX ft/min) VS at TCS release (YYY ft/min)
PATH (XX°) PATH at TCS release (YY°)
CLB (XXX kt) manual speed Speed at TCS release (YYY kt)
CLB (XXX kt) FMS speed CLB (XXX kt)
When AT is engaged and in speed capture phase (target speed is significantly different from
the current speed), TD progressively coincide with acceleration chevrons.
In this mode, throttle positions are adjusted to maintain the selected speed / Mach number.
Associated AP vertical modes are: ALT, VALT, VS, PATH, VPTH, GS, VGP, ASP.
In MAN speed, the reference target speed / Mach number (selected through action on the
PUSH CHG toggle button) is displayed in the speed digital readout on the GP. On FMS
speed modes, dashes are displayed in the speed digital readout on the GP. The FMA
displays a green A/T SPD indication, the reference speed value and the associated bug.
A speed reference bug can be:
- : MAN,
- : FMS,
- : tear-drop display when MAN / FMS speed < Low Speed Cue + 5 kts.
The TD provides a thrust command to capture and hold the reference speed / Mach
number. If reaching the reference speed / Mach number takes too long or is impossible, a
LIM amber indication is displayed on the FMA (in the AT status area): to achieve the target
capture, PF action will be necessary (extend or retract airbrakes, change flaps
configuration, …).
This mode is active when the speed is hold by the FD or when the throttle positions are
maintained constant.
Associated modes are CLB, VCLB, WS, GA, Pitch Speed Protection (PSP), throttle retard
mode, and thrust reduction mode.
In these modes, the TD indicates the throttle position to complete the climb.
N1 is displayed in green in the autothrottle FMA.
The maximum possible engine power setting is MAX CLIMB or FLXCLB (flex climb) or
CRU (cruise). The FLXCLB or CRU is selected on the ENG synoptic.
¾ For more information, refer to CODDE 1 / ATA 70.
Windshear, GA
This mode provides over speed protection and when activated engine power is set at
the appropriate position to correct the speed violation.
¾ For more information, refer to CODDE 1 / ATA 22 / Speed protection mode.
When the AT is engaged and the airplane descending through 20 ft radio altitude, the
AT will retard throttles to IDLE, then disengage after touch down (WOW). The FMA
displays a green RTR symbol as the active N1 limit, until AT disengagement.
This mode is initiated by a HGS order entailing automatic throttles reduction during flare
out. AT displays and operation in this mode is the same as in the throttle retard mode
described above.
N1 limit
The FMA displays a green N1 indication, and just below the active N1 limit:
- FLXCLB, when the upper N1 limit is a flex climb value set by the pilot,
- CRU, if the N1 upper limit is MAX CRUISE.
Speed limit
The upper speed limit is VMO / MMO and the lower speed limit is low speed cue.
Automatic protection is not provided for VFE.
CAT II Approach must be selected in the Landing database of the Flight Management
Aproach mode (APP) is selected by pressing the APP pushbutton on the GP.
The CAT2 annunciation is displayed in the ADI when approach CATII is selected and the
vertical G/S deviation is captured.
This annunciaion is displayed in green if the CATII conditions are valid.
If the CATII conditions are not valid and RA altitude is above 200 ft the annunciation is
displayed in amber. If the CATII conditions are not valid and RA altitude is below 200 ft the
annunciation is displayed in red.
¾ For more information on the symbology refer to CODDE1 / ATA 34 / Windows and
associated tabs - ADI
The EASy system provides speed protection devices and associated warnings, in order to the
airplane stays within its normal flight envelope.
At the bottom of the speed scale of the Attitude Director Indicator (ADI), two cues, one
amber and one red, are displayed at low speed. They are also displayed on the HUD
The amber low speed cue indicates an operational speed limit that includes preset stall
margins. The length of the amber low speed cue will vary when the airplane configuration
changes (SF1, SF2, SF3).
When the load factor is increased and autopilot is off, the upper edge of the amber cue
will not move up.
Aural alert "Increase speed" is triggered at two knots below LSC or when speed
protection is active. It can be muted by the SIL button available on the glareshield.
The upper edge of the red cue indicates the speed at and below which the stall warning is
activated in any flight phase and airplane configuration. When the load factor is increased
(e.g., during a turn), the upper edge of the red cue will move up. Therefore, at high load
factors, the amber cue may be hidden by the red cue.
¾ For more information, refer to CODDE1 / ATA 27
The Drift Down Index (DDI) is only displayed in clean configuration. It indicates the speed
corresponding to the best glide slope in clean configuration.
As for the Low Speed Cues, indications of overspeed are displayed at the top of the speed
scale of the Attitude Director Indicator (ADI) and the HUD.
The VMO / MMO limitation is represented by a red cue with white stripes, displayed at the
top of the speed scale.
The manual speed bug cannot be positioned above VMO / MMO.
Aural overspeed alert is triggered at VMO / MMO plus 2 knots.
Even when speed protection mode is active (AP ON, AT ON), if speed reaches the red low
speed cue, a continuous "STALL" aural warning will be triggered and the Autopilot will
automatically disengage. The crew will have to manually re-enter the normal speed flight
The Auto-throttle Speed Protection (ASP) mode is automatically engaged each time that
the airplane is flying outside of the normal speed flight envelope, when the AutoPilot is
engaged and the Auto-Throttle is not engaged:
- low speed ASP is engaged when speed is below the amber Low Speed Cue (LSC)
top edge value,
- high speed ASP is engaged when speed is above VMO / MMO.
When the ASP is activated, the Auto-Throttle engages and adjusts engine power to follow
Thrust Director (TD) orders calculated by the system in order to maintain speed at the
active speed target (manual or FMS speed bug or tear drop).
The Auto-Throttle mode is changed to protection mode and a PROT indication appears
on the Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA).
The ASP is disengaged when the normal speed flight envelope has been re-entered or
when the AT is disengaged
The Pitch Speed Protection (PSP) mode can be activated in every vertical mode other
than ASEL, ALT (below 20000 ft), VALT (below 20000 ft), G/S, GA, WS and VGP and it
protects the airplane from overspeed only. It is automatically activated when the ASP is
not able to make the airplane re-enter within the limits of the normal speed flight
In ASEL, ALT, VALT, G/S, VGP modes, holding the path is considered more important
than speed control so PSP is not available in these modes.
The PSP is always activated after ASP engagement. In that case, the vertical AutoPilot
mode is automatically changed (PROT indication in the Flight Mode Annunciator FMA).
Then, when the PSP is activated, two PROT modes is displayed in the FMA (one for ASP
as AT mode and one for PSP as vertical AP mode).
When the PSP is activated, the AutoPilot tracks Flight Director (FD) command, calculated
by the system. The AutoPilot maintains speed at the tear drop bug level. The tear drop is
set at VMO /MMO minus 5 knts in case of overspeed, or LSC plus X knts in case of low
speed (X depends of the altitude).
The PSP is disengaged when the normal speed flight envelope has been re-entered. At
the disengagement the PATH mode is activated.
AFCS - IRS ALL MISC All IRS units miscompare detected by AFCS
Miscompare of the IRS unit (1/2/3) with respect the
AFC - IRS ..+.. MISC
other IRS units.
AFCS IRS .. FAIL IRS (1/2/3) not available for AFCS
AutoPilot has been disconnected due to pressure on
control wheel
AP-ON GROUND INHIBITED AP engagement is inhibited on ground
CHECK FGC SETUP The FD is not in dual couple mode below 800 ft