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Clarity of Learning Targets

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The document discusses different types of learning targets including cognitive, psychomotor and affective targets. It also explains Bloom's taxonomy and its dimensions.

The document discusses five types of cognitive learning targets: knowledge and simple understanding, deep understanding and reasoning, skills/competencies and abilities, products/outputs and projects, and effects/affective targets.

The document discusses two dimensions of Bloom's taxonomy: the cognitive process dimension with six levels/categories (remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, creating), and the knowledge dimension with two types (factual and conceptual).

5 Types of Learning Targets

1. Knowledge & Simple Understanding

2. Deep Understanding & Reasoning
3. Skills/Competencies & Abilities
4. Products/Outputs & Projects Targets
5. Effects/Affective Targets
Cognitive Targets
1. Knowledge & Simple Reasoning
2. Deep Understanding & Reasoning
Psychomotor Targets
Skills/Competencies & Abilities
(4. Products/Outputs & Projects
Targets- Authentic Assessment)
5. Effects/Affective Targets
Cognitive Targets
Bloom’s Taxonomy Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
6 Levels/Categories Cognitive Process Dimension
1. Knowledge 1. Remembering Surface
2. Comprehension 2. Understanding Learning
3. Application 3. Applying Deep
4. Analysis 4. Analyzing Learning
5. Synthesis 5. Evaluating
6. Evaluation 6. Creating Synthesis
Cognitive Targets
Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
Cognitive Process Knowledge Dimension
1.Remembering 1.Factual (basic facts,terminology, specific
2.Understanding 2.Conceptual(interrelationship,
6 Levels/Categories(Bloom’s Taxonomy)
1. Remembering
- define, describe, identify, label,
list/list down, match, name, outline,
recall, recognize, reproduce, select,
state (enumerate, listen, observe, omit,
read, recite, record, examine, locate,
memorize, tabulate, tell, copy, discover,
2. Understanding
- comprehend, convert, defend,
distinguish, estimate, explain, extend,
generalize, give, infer, interpret,
paraphrase, predict, rewrite,
summarize, translate (indicate, relate,
restate, select, ask, cite, discover, give
example, discuss, identify, describe,
classify, compare, differentiate,
associate, contrast, demonstrate,
3. Applying
- apply, change, compute, construct,
demonstrate, discover, manipulate, modify
operate, predict, prepare, produce, relate,
show, solve, use (illustrate, calculate, choose,
sketch, complete, dramatize, interpret,
report, teach, act, administer, articulate,
chart, disseminate, experiment, point)
4. Analyzing
- analyze, break down, compare, contrast,
diagram, deconstruct, differentiate,
discriminate, distinguish, identify, illustrate,
infer, outline, relate, select, separate,
(subdivide, point out, explain, appraise,
advertise, classify, categorize, connect,
divide, order, prioritize, survey, calculate,
conclude, correlate, criticize, deduce, devise)
5. Evaluating
- appraise, compare, conclude, contrast,
criticize, critique, defend, describe,
discriminate, evaluate, explain, interpret,
justify, relate, summarize, support (select ,
hire, reframe, order, judge, decide,
recommend, assess, choose, convince,
estimate, find errors, grade, measure,
predict, rank, score, select, test, argue,
6. Creating Synthesis
- categorize, combine, compile, compose,
create, devise, design, explain, generate,
modify, organize, plan, rearrange,
reconstruct, relate, reorganize, revise,
rewrite, summarize, tell, write (substitute,
construct, develop, generalize, integrate,
prepare, produce, role-play, adapt,
anticipate, arrange, assemble, choose,
collaborate, process)
Affective Targets
5 Major Categories:
1. Receiving
- ask, choose, describe, follow,
give, hold, identify, locates,
name, point to, select, sit, erect,
reply, use, listen
2. Responding
- answer, assist, aid, comply,
conform, discuss, greet, help,
label, perform, practice,
present, read, recite, report,
select, tell, write (participate,
give, question -new ideals,
concepts, models)
3. Valuing
- complete, demonstrate,
differentiate, explain, follow,
form, initiate, invite, join,
justify, propose, read, report,
select, share, study, work
(show, propose, perform)
4. Organization
- adhere, alter, arrange,
combine, compare, complete,
defend, explain, formulate,
generalize, identify, integrate,
modify, order, organize, prepare,
relate, synthesize (recognize,
accept, create, prioritize)
5. Internalizing
- act, discriminate, display,
influence, listen, modify,
perform, practice, propose,
qualify, question, revise, serve,
solve, verify (show, cooperate,
use, display, value)
Psychomotor Targets
7 Major Categories
1. Perception
- choose, describe, detect,
differentiate, distinguish,
identify, isolate, relates, select,
estimate, adjust
2. Set(Mindsets)
- begin, display, explain,
move, proceed, react,
show, state, volunteer,
3. Guided Response
- copy, trace, follow,
react, reproduce,
respond, perform
4. Mechanism
- assemble, calibrate,
construct, dismantle, display,
fasten, fix, grind, heat,
manipulate, measure, mend,
mix, organize, sketch (use,
repair, drive)
5. Complex Overt Response
- assemble, build, calibrate,
construct, dismantle, displays,
fasten, fix, grind, heat,
manipulate, measure, mend,
mix, organize, sketch
(maneuver, operate)
The key words are the
same as Mechanism, but
will have adverbs or
adjectives that indicate
that the performance is
quicker, better, or more
6. Adaptation
- adapts, alters, changes,
rearranges, reorganizes,
revises, varies (respond,
modify, perform, relax,
7. Origination
- arrange, build, combine,
compose, construct,
create, design, initiate,
make, originate, develop

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