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Vol. 1 No.

2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School-Junior High School August-September 2019

School Cases

Cutting Class Gang

18% 14%
Fighting No Uniform

CDONHS uncurbs stampede incident

24% Late
Cutting Class
Theft No Uniform
By: Achilles G. Arimao 7%

Student assaults
Raincel Vhon J. Olario

econdary School threatened him with
Principal of harassing and foul
Cagayan de words. A concerned
Oro National High citizen intervened
School-Junior High and beat up the
Cabanas fell on the ground during a stampede incident (CDONHS-JHS)Mr. student because he
on August 16, 2019 at CDONHS-JHS gate. William C. Agomana got was disrespectful.
assaulted by a grade After a few days,
5 student from South while Mr. Agomana
Around three students began to fell on the measures to the mother, City Central School. was heading to school,
students were slightly injured ground and were stepped by and was able to determine According to Mr. the same student
in a stampede incident at the rest of the students that the slip of the school and James Pequiro, students interrupted his route
Cagayan de Oro National resulted in slight injuries. her daughter’s lapses. from CDONHS were and assaulted his car.
High School-Junior High “Nagtindog ko sa may An ambulance was caught staying near He wasn't sure if his
School (CDONHS-JHS) atubangan, dapit sa gate. called to rush the Biasong, Macasandig car got thrown with a
gate on August 16, 2019. Pag abri sa gate kay student to the hospital. during class hours and rock or hit with a blunt,
The said incident nanagan sila mao natumba Due to the incident,
happened along with the ko ug natumbantumban,” Mr. Agomana announced are possibly engaging but he's certain that
Mass Induction that was said Ashley Cabais, a grade a change in the class in groups or gangs and there was an intention
participated by the PTA eight student from BEC. schedule. The BEC will start they are also drinking of assault towards him.
officers of each class held The C.A.T. officers at 7a.m. and end at 3p.m. alcoholic beverages. An hour later,
at the school ground. took her to the clinic. while the special programs Mr. Agomana was he immediately came
There were no After almost an hour, the like Special Program in called by a concerned to the police station to
instructions given by the clinic-in-charge saw that Journalism (SPJ), Special
school principal, Mr. William she was already able to Program in the Arts (SPA), citizen informing that file a blotter against the
C. Agomana, for students’ handle herself to go home. Science and Technology students are appearing alleged student. As he
early dismissal while the The mother Engineering (STE), again at the same went back to school, he
induction was going on complained that she was not Strengthened Technical place. "Without any saw the student near the
but students gradually even informed by the school Vocational Educational purpose, what I needed guard post. The student
obstructed the gateway about what happened to her Program (STVEP) and to do was to take the said he wanted to talk
wanting to go out by twelve daughter and addressed her Special Program for Gifted
noon though the official concerns to the principal’s and Talented (SPGT) will be students to school and to him but the Assistant
dismissal time for Basic office about the lapses of from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. The one- have to talk to them," Principal Mrs. Carmelita
Education Curriculum (BEC) the school. According to her, hour extension will be spent said Mr. Agomana. Jaranilla, came to him
and special programs are still it was just a couple of days on values formation and As he was to make him calm down.
two o’clock and three o’clock that Ashley was discharged remediation. The principal heading to the site near Mr. Agomana
in the afternoon, respectively. from the hospital when once again emphasizes the Biasong, he confirmed then filed a formal case
The security guards the incident happened. rule prohibiting students to
and Citizen Army Training The office reviewed roam around the campus the presence of the to Barangay Nazareth
(C.A.T.) officers tried to and explained the school during class hours. students. A 15-16-year- against the student last
control the mob. Some policies and security old grade 5 student Monday but the boy did
from South City Central not show up since then.
10 students caught in thievery School possibly under
the influence of alcohol
Raincel Vhon J. Olario
Ten students One case involves a student they did not mean to steal
in Cagayan de Oro where he stole a teacher’s the item and they were just Trash clogs drains at Nazareth
National High School- wallet and used the money taking a closer look at it.
Junior High School were to buy things. The wallet A case from Lucy
reported this October for
stealing valuable items.
Thievery is common
in public places where
was found at a cemetery
later on and the suspected
student was called on to the
office. His aunt went to talk
Torres, a showbiz celebrity
for example. When she was
walking around the mall her
buddy is following her so that
B arangay Nazareth's
‘Operation for Proper
Canals and Drainage
Systems’ led to flooding
issues inside the school
it is obviously noticed
that even small rains can
already overpower the
large area of Nazareth.
M o r e o v e r ,
there are lots of people but due to sheer shame, the items she stole will still be premises of Cagayan de CDONHS has already
and less attention is his aunt never came. legally bought by buying all Oro National High School- been called as “Tambakan
observed, but schools are A rare case involves of her stolen items. This was Junior High School. sa Tubig” because the
no exception. Students kleptomaniacs where these seen on a CCTV camera. The information school building is in
are educated and should kinds of people cannot refrain To prevent such officer of the barangay, between two residency
know the basic values. from the urge for stealing incidents, students involved Mr. Dennis Mativo, said areas. When the rain
Money is the main reason items and is usually done for in this kind of case were to an interview that the pours, the water is
why they steal these items. reasons other than personal given necessary attention INFRA or the in charge rapidly increasing and
The money they get is use or financial gain. by the Prefect of Discipline. for the barangay’s gathered within the area
used for buying liquor, Three students were Kleptomaniacs should infrastructures, buildings of its pathways and roads
and drainage systems are preventing the students
cigarettes, and even drugs. suspected as kleptomaniacs also be consulted by a already on the progress to from going out.
In some cases, they and according to Mr. psychiatrist and give them work this case out where
use the money for the needs Severino Cantorne from regular sessions to control
of their families. Wallets the Prefect of Discipline, their condition.
are also commonly stolen. they would often reply that Continue to page N4 >

N3 ST S3
N3 F1
N2 News Streamline

Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School - Junior High School August-September 2019

Photo by: Raincel Vhon J. Olario

Inspection apprehends 3 students
Achilles G. Arimao
Inspection of bags was are commonly used by students
initiated at Cagayan de Oro National in vandalizing school properties.
High School- Junior High School If the students receive
(CDONHS-JHS)on July 22, 2019, with Maximum/ Ultimatum (Heavy Offense)
reports of three students who were from possession and carrying of
caught from an attempt of bringing deadly weapons like guns or knives,
pocket knives inside the campus. grenades, firecrackers or any explosive
With the initiative of the materials, deadly or venomous
school’s security personnel, Citizen animals like snakes, spider or lizard
Army Training (CAT) and Prefect of in the school campus shall result in
Discipline had already confiscated immediate expulsion from the school.
pointy-headed materials and dangerous “These are the manifestations
sharpies like markers and scissors. of different fraternities being active
Concerning the School in our school.” Mr. Lloyd C. Galeon
Advisory 7-102 series of 2019, said from the Prefect of Discipline.
security personnel must strengthen However, students are concerned
the security of the campus through since the confiscated materials are
having random inspections. essential in making their projects,
"Pinagbabawalan na ang mga reports and other school activities.
gunting at marker dahil may ibang mag- As a result, the security of the school
aaral na ginagamit ito sa hindi tama at has already been tautened to reduce
ang kadalasang nasasangkot rito ay ang the records of any casualties like
mga mag-aaral na kasali sa fraternity vandalism that could happen inside the
groups," School Guard, Geraline school premises.
School guard inspects students' bags Salait, said. The confiscated materials

CDONHS inks MOA with DTI School facilities promote

Raincel Vhon J. Olario waste segregation
Memorandum of Agreement was The purpose of this donation
signed by Mr. WIlliam C. Agomana, Cagayan is to reach the gap in information Raincel Vhon J. Olario
de Oro National High School-Junior High technology, so that the students are
School principal, with the Department capacitated, ready, and equipped with "No Segregation, according to Engineer
of Trade and Industry, August 8, 2019. knowledge in the information system. No Collection Policy" Armen Cuenca, head of
In partnership with Japan, the one “We are already in the was implemented CLENRO, to observe the
who funded the said project, 10 computer information era,” Ms. Vitor said. at Cagayan de Oro system and identify what
units with one printer were donated by the The donated computer units are National High School needs to be improved.
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). up-to-date and high end to make sure
“Here in Misamis Oriental, we have that the updated computer programs -Junior High School, “We are targeting
230 units distributed to 23 schools, so 10 in the information systems can still Septemeber 9, 2019. that by 2020, barangays
units per school including one printer,” be addressed and worked property. The Philippine would be all compliant,”
said Ms. Charisse J. Vitor from DTI. “We wanted to make sure Government implemented Mr. Cuenca said. “The
“In Cagayan de Oro City, we have six that the units are fine, already set- the Republic Act No. 9003 information dissemination
recipient schools so that’s 60 total PC units up and ready for use,” she said. or the Economic Solid on the implementation
plus one printer each school,” she added. Waste Management that will be done from January
ensures the protection to June,” he added.
LARF students to take remediation of
public health,
Raincel Vhon J. Olario collection, transport, and Collection” of garbage
storage of solid waste. policy is still part of the
Cagayan de Oro provisions under City
Students from Photo by: Raincel Vhon J. Olario National High School, Ordinance No. 13378-
Cagayan de Oro National
High School with poor which is one of the 2018, or the “Integrated
perfromance are being schools affected by the Eco biological Solid Waste
suggested to several policy, urges teachers and Management Ordinance,”
remediation programs to students of the school which means that people
follow-up their grades. to start segregating who are caught using
Teachers with
learners at risk of failing trashes as biodegradable, plastic bags will be
(LARF) for the First Quarter recyclable, residuals given a 3,000 pesos fine
are directed to conduct and special waste. for violating the policy.
intervention classes to Each classroom Kris Galarpe, a
decrease cases of failure and
drop-out rate. of CDONHS-JHS faculty and researcher
In addition to this, provides four trash bins at the University of
the following activities to for students and teachers Science and Technology
be conducted are: home to properly segregate of Southern Philippines,
visitation, intervention biodegradable, non- said that while the
classes, adopt-a-learner,
reading clinique hours, and biodegradable, recyclable Philippines is top 3 of
remedial classes. and residual wastes. plastic waste pollution
Home visitations are According to in marine waters, the
needed for the teachers to City’s Local Environment biggest marine pollution is
know the present situation Grade 10 adviser Reynoza Nodado conducts remediation on
of a particular student. The a failing learner. and Natural Resources untreated inland domestic
teachers can discuss with the Office (CLENRO), this wastewater, which is a
learners’ parents about their intervention but only on a have missed or failed quizzes policy took effect on July problem because she
problems in their home to find single student. The teacher on a particular subject. They 1, 2019, in 46 barangays noticed that there is no
a way to prevent them from will discuss the topics to the will be given a special quiz to in Cagayan de Oro City. centralized wastewater
failing. Intervention learner. include on their final grades.
classes are done during class Reading Clinique These activities Among the 80 barangays treatment facility so far in
hours; either an hour before hours is for learners who serve as a lifesaver for in Cagayan de Oro, 46 of it the country.
or after the class ends. The have difficulty in reading. failing students. It helps them was part of the pilot testing
teacher will discuss extra They must read one or more improve their grade so that
topics so that learners who books in order to improve it prevents them from failing Photo by: Layvin Mae D. Apatan
are behind can still catch up. their reading ability. in their respective classes
Adopt-a-learner Lastly, the remedial and puts them in the passing
is a tutoring session and classes are for learners who bracket.

Agomana inks weekday project-passing memo

Raincel Vhon J. Olario
To prevent 8-122 School Year 2019- in compliance with the
students from submitting 2020 which implies that Department of Education
their requirements during students are not allowed to (DepEd) Order No.40,
weekends, Mr. William C. submit their requirements School Year 2012- Child
Agomana signed School during weekends. Protection Policy, teachers
Memorandum No. 8-122. “Requirements are hereby advised to refrain
The presence of should only be submitted their students to come to
the learners on weekends on weekdays,” said school during weekends in
is simultaneously rising. Mr. Agomana during order to prevent possible
With this, the school their faculty meeting. danger in the lives of
principal enforced the According to the the learners outside and
School Memorandum No. school, it is reiterated that inside the school premises. CDONHS students segregates garbage on the school grounds.
Streamline News N3
Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School - Junior High School August-September 2019

Kagay-anons propagate at Research Congress

Achilles G. Arimao represent the school and
also mostly the students are
from the STE curriculum.

S tarting
House Review and
Dissemination of completed
research of teachers in
“My students are still
on the process of finishing
the experiment since they
have started this on last
year’s February, even
every school of Cagayan though we had already
de Oro contingents for passed our paper for the
the 2019 Division Science contest at the division office,
and Technology Fair held what’s only left is how are
at Carmen National High they going to present their
School, October 1, 2019. experiment to the audience
M e a n w h i l e , and critiques.
Cagayan de Oro National Timely to this, the
High School - Junior school will soon present
High delegations for this their studies in the upcoming
competition are competing Regional Research
in all categories such as Congress for Teachers after
physical science, robotics, bringing home three best
intelligence machine, papers in the division level
innovation expo and life of the particular competition.
science which the school The Oral
had 2 topics that was given. Presentation of the three
With the theme, categories; Teaching
“Research and Innovations: and Learning, Child
Solutions to K-12 Challenges Protection, and Governance
and Opportunities” the had successfully been
principal of CDONHS, accomplished by the
William C. Agomana was teachers and will be going to
optimistic that the school Grade 10 STE students of CDONHS-JHS present their research during the Division Research the next level representing
will gain more achievements Congress on October 1, 2019. the region X, while the last
this year’s division level session that didn’t make it
contest of science month in pending. Technology and Engineering be all about investigatory was the Human Resource
spite of the preparations of Mrs. Margarita teacher said that this year projects, informing all of and Development team.
the students so far almost Enerio, a Science will be “different,” it will his contingents that will
reached one year and

Frat students undergo debriefing Raincel Vhon J. Olario

Vargas to More than 30 These illegal Fraternities and sororities

Raincel Vhon J. Olario
sororities and leave from

students from Cagayan organizations reported are also involved here since the current organization
de Oro National High inside the school, namely children are being referred they are in.
School- Junior High School RPG, Tailor Gang, TGOD, too. Instead, they can
(CDONHS-JHS) underwenr Brotherly Mafia, and In addition to this, as join clubs in Mathematics

Sorry debriefing regarding their

involvement in fraternities
and sororities, July 23,2019.
Kalmado pero Delikado
are mostly involved in
crimes such as gang wars,
stated in Section 7.5 of the
student handbook, students
who are caught as members
(Mathematics Inquisitive
Mind Enhancement Society)
or MIMES, English (Pen
Achilles G. Arimao It was conducted extortion, holdup, and of any gangs or fraternities/ and Gavel Club), Filipino
to discourage students others. sororities will result in (Laong Laan), Science
from joining fraternities and A c c o r d i n g chronic misappropriate (Youth for Environment and
It was a sororities as it could affect to the Department of behavior or proven serious School Organizations) or
“technical error” for their grades. “Kung mu Education Order (D.O.) No. offenses committed by the YES-O, Araling Panlipunan
Quezon City 5th District apil ka sa mga fraternities 40 series of 2018 or Dep. student. If this happens, the (Population Development
Representative Alfred ug sororities, ug pag na Ed. Child Protection Policy, student will be referred to Club), Edukasyon sa
Vargas as he revealed
that he has removed the apil sa gang war inyong children in school should the school principal. Pagpapakatao (KPSEP),
provision in his House grupo, madamay gyud ka be protected from abuse, On the other hand, Citizen Army Training
Bill 3883 that imposes a bahalag wala kay apil”, said violence, exploitation, the students who were (CAT), Supreme Student
fine of P50,000 and two School Principal William C. discrimination, bullying, involved had promised not Government (SSG) and
years of imprisonment Agomana. and other forms of abuse. to join in any fraternities and other school organizations.
for teachers who would
attempt to outbreak the
measure once it was

MTRCB initiates Filmmaking Summit

“If you noticed,
there were two ‘Section
4’ in the bill. This was a
mistake. You are correct, Raincel Vhon J. Olario
this is not a crime that
needs a penalty. We
have already taken October 4, 2019- Students
action to correct this from Cagayan de Oro City Photo by: Layvin Mae P. Apatan
error,” the jurisdiction came to witness MTRCB's
explained. 7th family and child summit
Calling it an at Capitol University.
“honest mistake” that the The summit
penalty provision was discussed about the history
a accidentaly included of cinemas and filmmaking,
in the Section 4 in the the ways and tactics of
bill when it was meant making a film, and film
for another bill that his viewing of “Kauyagan” by
office was preparing. Dir. Julienne Ilagan.
Vargas wants to Filmmaking is
offer the public a deep already practiced in the
apology to the Philippines since 1896
teachers for such an and with better movies
error he carried out by made every year. Films
his office. made in the country are
“I sincerely also heavily related to its
apologize to our people, history, traditions, and
most especially to our practices such as regularly
teachers who were greeting your elders or other
affected by our mistake. traditions that involve family.
The inclusion of the The better the
penal clause in our ‘No movie is, the more popular
Homework Policy on it becomes. These popular
Weekends Bill’ was movies also get the chance
not intentional,” he to air on the whole world.
lamented. Just like the movie “Hello
He also added Love Goodbye” which
that the measure will became a blockbuster hit The Plenary Speaker Professor Roland Tolentino receives plaque of appreciation in the MTRCB's
not violate academic this year not just nationally, 7th Family and Child Summit at Capitol University.
freedom as feared by but globally.
the Teachers’ Dignity “Filmmaking is Being a part of a film is very relieve stress. Playing a role escaping reality,” she added.
Group because they do a chance to live many important since you get different from your real life A filmmaker's life is
not intend to change lifetimes,” Dir. Ilagan said. to know the basics first by is like living on another life never easy but just like what
the current education Before being a knowing your part. on a world you have never Dir. Ilagan said, "hardwork,
system nor the filmmaker, you should Being a filmmaker experienced before. patience, and perseverance
curriculum being used always start from scratch. is also a great place to “It is a way of will achieve success."
by our educators.
N4 News Streamline

Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School-Junior High School August-September 2019

Prior drainages from Page 1

Trash clogs drains at Nazareth Achilles G. Arimao Photo by: Raincel Vhon J. Olario

arangay Nazareth's as the maintenance
‘Operation for Proper officer of the school
Canals and Drainage for over seven years.
Systems’ led to flooding Currently, the barangay is
issues inside the school getting financial supports
premises of Cagayan de from Barangay Chairman
Oro National High School- Maximo Rodriguez III
Junior High School. and Congressman Rufus
The information Rodriguez for this planned
officer of the barangay, project to be constructed
Mr. Dennis Mativo, said as soon as possible.
to an interview that the Barangay Nazareth
INFRA or the in-charge prioritized the clearing
for the barangay’s of roads to find the
infrastructures, buildings, exact point of having the
and drainage systems are main drainage system
already in the progress of the entire area.
to work this case out Mr. Mativo added
where it is noticed that his answer that one of
even small rains can the major causes of this
already overpower the problem is the blockage
large area of Nazareth. of different kinds of
M o r e o v e r , garbage that prevents the
CDONHS has already flood to enter the canals,
been called as and this also has to relate
“Tambakan sa Tubig” to the citizens' behavior-
because the school for being undisciplined
building is in between two regarding the throwing
residency areas. When of trashes to properly
the rain pours, the water segregated garbage bins.
is rapidly increasing " S t u d e n t s '
and gathered within the and citizens just lack
area of its pathways and discipline by segregating
roads preventing the their garbage to prevent
students from going out. flood calamities,"
“Ang pagbaha ay Mr. Asa added.
kadalasang problema The barangay also
dito sa paaralan at declared that Nazareth
kabaranggayan,” said Mr. is not a subdivision but a Learners of CDONHS-JHS struggles to cross in some flooded areas due to heavy rainfalls.
Micheal Asa who is serving commercial community.

Oro EDUs halts on ordeal visits

Achilles G. Arimao

Photo by: Layvin Mae P. Apatan
ome teachers from CDONHS-JHS, some labelled.
Cagayan de Oro beddings that were lend According to Ms.
National High School- to the delegates were not Nimfa Herrera, a filipino
Junior High School returned. teacher of CDONHS who
(CDONHS-JHS) were However, the organized and assigned
hesitated to lend beddings school have also received on logging section said
to the delegates of Region many complaints from that more or less 100
IX during the celebration other schools such as delegations from different
of World Teachers’ Day on Indahag National High schools of from the
October 4, 2019. school and Lumbia said region such as the
On the other National High School provinces of Zamboanga
hand, Secondary School where some of the del Norte, Zamboanga del
Principal of CDONHS- beddings and things Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay
JHS, William C. Agomana, they have offered have and the coming from the
was grateful to host this gone missing. In fact, central of the region.
event in cooperation each item was labelled M o r e o v e r ,
with other schools of the and numbered to avoid Assistant School Division
Division of Cagayan de confusions in returning Superintendent (ASDS)
Oro City. the beddings. Ms. Lourma Paculan of the
“We are very “Natingala nalang division of Zamboanga del
grateful…because the gyud ko ngano na wala Norte added his gratitude
host school gave us a ako gamit, na gi butngan to the warmest welcome
welcome party as early man sad tug number og of the said school in order
as now,” said by the Chief ngalan,” said by Teacher to carol the essence of
Education Supervisor of CDONHS-JHS, Honey the teachers not just only
of Region IX, Eugenio Mae Gipala who lost in Philippines but in the
Penales. some of her items after whole world.
Teachers from Region IX visit CDONHS-JHS as the school From the previous the event. She also stated
hosts the World Teachers' Day celebration on October 4, 2019. events hosted at that her things were

DICT envoys wifi aid Achilles G. Arimao

The Department Westbound Terminal and Penalosa said. Photo from: Philippine Information Agency
of Information and public markets. In the meantime,
CommunicationsTechnoloy Amores announced further connections will be
launched Free-Wifi in public that it was one of the goals of established in some areas of
places in Cagayan de Oro Secretary Gregorio Honasan Mindanao.
City on October 8, 2019. II. To date, 94 have
DICT Assistant The OIC Manager been built in Northern
Regional Director, Federick of Westbound Terminal Mindanao, 39 in Misamis
Amores, launched in and public market, Jocelyn Oriental, 21 in Bukidnon,
conjunction with a campaign Penalosa, is also grateful for 12 in Cagayan de Oro, 10
to provide free internet it has given Kagay-anons
nationwide. and Mindanaoans a better in Misamis Occidental, 10
According to economy and stronger in Camiguin, 14 in Lanao
Amores,"Overwhelming communication as part of del Norte in total 197.
kaayo ang response sa human life. "We have an
public sa paggamit" (Public "This is not just to initial budget for 126
response to their use is build a bridge towards the additional locations in
ridiculous). Hopefully, we growing detail demand, but Mindanao," Amores added.
will be able to maintain the Department of Information Communications Technology (DICT)
quality, the speed of the this is also to provide a great However, they Mindanao Cluster 2 launches on October 8 its free public
internet. " opportunity for Mindanao to expect it to grow even more internet access program dubbed “Free Wi-Fi For All” at East-
connect itself to the world," in the years ahead. West Terminal Departure and Arrival Area, Bulua, Cagayan de
Free-Wifi links include Oro City.
E1 Editorial Streamline

Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School-Junior High School August-September 2019

Frozen to Death
Meriam F. Cabactulan
Depression is just
a creation of the mind, Moreover, a person who
said by the observers, experiences depression
the bystanders, the would come to a point that he
“insensitives”. There are just would be ending his or her
some people who couldn’t life. Records were gathered
care less to individuals in the guidance office of
who are going through Cagayan de Oro National
depression. Sometimes, High School- Junior High
we disregard their thoughts, School (CDONHS-JHS)
ignore them or even call that the common causes
them ‘over-reacting’. They why students or adolescents
say that there is no reason for think to commit suicide are
them to be stress, drugs
depressed and life
or to feel the Mental health is experiences
way they specifically
feel. But one of the most a b u s e
then if it is and family
just being important aspects of issues.
or our being.
attention against
then why is it that we depression is hard. It is not
would hear suicides from easy to control or heal this
teenagers, young adults and kind of mental disorder. You
No homework, Less burden
even those in their late 40s? cannot just simply demand
Why is there an alarming the person to control their
number of suicides? Death emotions. You can’t choose
Meriam F. Cabactulan is a serious matter, and so is when to have depression
depression. because even if this is an
Mental health is one unwanted feeling. If it kicks
Teachers are said If this bill becomes a lead the students to be of the most important aspect in, it kicks in.
to be trained educators law, teachers would be less prepared in the of our being. Yet, others take We do not tell
for they know the value prohibited from giving higher education for they it for granted. According to someone suffering from
the American Psychiatric depression that what they
of giving homework, homework on weekends. will not be used to have Association, depression are feeling is too shallow
assignments and If the teachers violate, homework at home. The is common and serious for them to commit suicide.
activities to students. they will be charged Php only concern is that, in medical disorder that What they are dealing
In fact, this is clearly 50,000 and or put into jail this generation, some negatively affects how the with is a serious mental
stated in the existing for two years. teachers are giving person acts, think and feel. It disorder in which it demands
policy- Department of In addition excessive homework is simply not an imagination. understanding, patience
Education (Dep.Ed) to this, Quezon City even though the learners Depression seems to appear and care. This may seem
Memorandum No. 392 Representative Alfred have already spent a full like nothing and people who an acting, but that acting is a
series of 2010 which Vargas supports the time in the classroom. have depression do not silent cry for help.
know that they are already
states that no homework issue through the Homework are into this kind of disorder.
and assignments shall House Bill No. 3883. essential for students’
be given education.
d u r i n g Through
weekends. Learners need to spend quality time with homework,

H o w e v e r, their family, catch up with friends and will be
there are enjoy extracurricular activities outside t r a i n e d
still schools to have
t h a t the classroom. good work
continue habits.
to give It also
homework to students. This bill strengthens the improves retention and
Students are given too elimination of homework understanding. This also
much extra assignments on weekends for fosters independence Editorial Staff
that leads them to sleep students. and responsibility. Having S.Y. 2019-2020
deprivation and unhealthy But having heavy homework proves that
levels of anxiety. Learners and excessive homework learning does not only
are required to learn can consume their time. take place inside the
inside the classroom. Excessive homework can classroom. If they only Meriam F. Cabactulan Honey Mae D. Gipala
However, they also need cut down on productive seeks to have quality Editor-In-Chief School Paper Adviser
to explore and enjoy family time especially if time with the parents,
outside the classrooms. the parents are incapable having homework can
This scenario urges Dep. of assisting their child also improve the parents’
Ed. Secretary Leonor with the homework. involvement. They can Dr. Erlinda A. Quirap William C. Agomana
Briones to support in the However, this still be involve in the SPJ Coordinator School Pincipal I
implementation of the ‘No policy does not literally students’ education.
Home Policy’. means that teachers are “Some teachers
According to the not able to give even give us assignments that
lawmakers of the House of a single task that can consumers most of our
Representatives, House be done at home. This nighttime. In which I can News Writers Achilles G. Arima
Deputy Speaker Evelina mindset is very common not spend a lot of time with Raincel Vhon J. Olario
Escudero mandated the to citizens who do not my family.” said by Karylle
House Bill No. 3611 which have the full knowledge Maagad, a student of Editorial Writer Meriam F. Cabactulan
states that projects and about the issue. Cagayan de Oro National
activities must be done On the contrary, High School- Junior High Opinion Writers Austine Jade A. Paraiso
within school premises. these bills could possibly School (CDONHS-JHS).
Feature Writers Glenys Ann D. Rosales
Letter to the editor Kate Iza Marie V. Sabello
Sci-tech Writers Raincel Vhon J. Olario
Dear editor, Kate Iza Marie V. Sabello
Sports Writers Francin L. Cantila
Through all the hard times, setbacks, downs, and insults, Arjay D. Delastrico
you never gave up on yourself, us, and the whole school. We
may be pulled down by the others, but we'll always stand up and Karylle Anne J. Maagad Jeph Ashbelle W. Taruc
become stronger than ever before. The problems we faced, the Layout Artist Copy Editor
steps we took, always have a meaning. But always remember,
it's not over till it's over. Believe in yourself, and believe in God.
Goodluck to you and the whole editorial staff. Break a leg! Layvin Mae B. Apatan Jillianne Jean P. Canete
Photojournalist Cartoonist

Respectfully yours,
Raincel Vhon J. Olario https://twitter.com/PressStreamline
Streamline Editorial E2
Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School-Junior High School August-September 2019

Justice for heinous crimes

Learners' Aegis Austine Jade A. Paraiso
1,914 times when some people released from imprisonment because
did not use their own braincells to think of supposed good behavior. Antonio

afety is the first thing newly elected officers what is right and justice for those people Sanchez, a politician that twice killed
that a school must of government, we can’t who are the victims of heinous crimes. a student and faced a case of rape-
ensure for the school simply command for them There is much contention on slaying.
is said to be the students’ about it immediately”, whether Republic Act No. 10592, Those prisoners who committed
second home. Yet said Mr. Agomana. “ Just excluding those heinous crimes convicts heinous crimes are unacceptable to
Cagayan de Oro National wait for the budget to be from the coverage of the Good Conduct be part of the said GCTA. We are
High School- Junior High released because this Time Allowance (GCTA). The GCTA not sure if they really are real on their
School (CDONHS-JHS), was a government money Law can slash by half the sentence of behaviorist’s easy to pretend and it's
which was first used in so we need to follow the an inmate who demonstrates sustained dangerous if you easily believe these
school year 2017-2018, processes of releasing good behavior. kinds of people. They have to learn and
still lacks perimeter fence. the money and as of now, This includes the Misdemeanor regret by killing a person and it is not
In fact, the there is no exact date for crimes or less serious crimes such as acceptable.
School Administrators it but still looking forward shoplifting or a DUI that usually carries We can't take these kinds of
and Government to be pushed this school a fine and jail sentence of less than a crimes for granted. Even though they
Officials specifically the year”, he added. year. The 2014 Implementing Rules and learned from their mistakes and regret
Abamin Partylist made Moreover, the Regulation (IRR) and the 2017 Manual on their decision they cannot return
responsible for the school is responsible for failed to clarify that provision, and A total someone’s life. People can change but
construction of perimeter the safety of the learners of 1,914 prisoners convicted of heinous not all of them will change, these 1,914
f e n c e especially crimes have been granted early release can harm more people. According to an
which was
Perimeter fence during class
hours. Yet
since 2014 under the GCTA law, BuCor
data showed.
article, “Republic Act 10592 was passed
in 2013 under then President Benigno
finished and tightened due to the The entire government is Aquino III with the goal of decongesting
b e f o r e security measures lack of debating whether or not to revoke their prisons and giving a "second chance"
the end perimeter grant of freedom .The implementation to reformed convicts. Second chance?
of school would guarantee fence, a of the Republic Act 10592 which I hope there is a second chance for
year 2018- number of increases the “good conduct time those dead victims to live too
2019. Even the parents on i n c i d e n t s allowance” of prisoners has been under Wake up people! Life is a matter
so, School the safety of their w e r e intense scrutiny lately after the justice of choice and even killing someone is a
Principal, reported department announced that convicted choice too.
William C. children. that learners rapist-killer, Antonio Sanchez, might be
Agomana, leave the
said that the school is school premises without

Pin Blame
not only relying on one permission during class
stakeholder. hours. So if students were
In addition to this, to escape the school
the National Government and get into trouble or
provides 5.6 million in all accidents, the school
public schools through the would be at fault for not Garbage has National High School ( everywhere.
Maintenance and Other having good security become a serious CDONHS) still faces a The government
Operating Expenses measures. problem in our society great challenge on maste adopted a number of laws
(MOOE). Yet this amount With this, the and this is because of the to protect our stressed
of money is not enough school administration growing population. This environment but these
to sustain all the needs tightened the security is the reason why some Solid waste management do not seem to work well
of the school including of the school through areas of Cagayan De Oro is not just a concern of as people do not seem to
perimeter fence. providing more security City experience massive grasp the gravity of their
According to Mr. personnel. flooding. Trashes are the school or even the actions and their impact
Agomana, the plan for If the lack of piling up on sidewalks, government because to the environment.
the school’s perimeter perimeter fence will in vacant lot and even this is every citizens’ It is just a matter
fence costs a big amount be discarded and if in some waterways. of discipline. As students
of money- 2.9 million in the wrong doings of responsibility.
Clogged waterways of CDONHS, it is not yet
which the school cannot students will continue, mean bad drainage which too late to discipline our
hand such amount. it would lead to low means massive floods. Management. A lot of community and make
Based on previous academic performance The Philippine trashes are scattered a great change in the
data, in connection with of the learners that would G o v e r n m e n t everywhere. Garbage environment.
the MOOE and General- merely affect the school’s implemented the in dump areas over flow The regular floods
Parents- Teachers’ academic performance. Republic Act 9003 or that sometimes causes experienced in the
Association (GPTA), Thus, if the school the Ecological Solid bad smell. city is just a reminder
they committed to have it is aiming to have a Waste Management that Each classroom for everyone to make
before the end of school good performance, the ensures the protection of CDONHS provides actions and not just talk
year 2018-2019 since school must respond of public health ,proper four trash cans for the about it because talking
the budget for this was to the effects of lack of segregation, collection, students and teachers about the problem will not
included in the GPTA perimeter fence at the transport and storage of to segregate the wastes help solve the problem
contribution. solid waste. accordingly. In this case, especially if that talking
“Because of the earliest possible time. H o w e v e r , this could help prevent does nothing but to pin
Cagayan de Oro trashes from scattering blame.
E3 Editorial Streamline

Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School-Junior High School August-September 2019

Edge of information era

T o d a y ' s bathroom or a picture of In spite of the
generation is being the food that they have negativity surrounding
judged for being too been consuming from this generation, it is
dependent on gadgets. breakfast to snacks undeniable that they are
However, many still to dinner and even the sole key to a brighter
continue to look at midnight snacks. Those tomorrow.
the advancement are posted freely. There Their dependency of
of technology as is indeed no limitations. technology showcases
something wrong Some would see this as the technological
instead of a cause of narcissistic and overly advancement that could
celebration. True to say confident but with the aid everyday living in
that without technology, internet brimming with a way that surpasses
there would not be the common grounds of
life-saving machines Despite the negativity communication. Their
tethered to the sick. surrounding this perceived laziness is a
Moreover, this misunderstood view of
generation, it is
No Help,
generation lives in a technology alleviating
time and age where undeniable that they the standards of
homework’s' answers are the sole key to a everyday notions that
are found at
press of a button and
the brighter tomorrow. could now be more
easily achieved in faster Causes More Facilities
information satisfies and more effective Austine Jade A. Paraiso
the curiosity of every platforms to share your ways.

person in just a few thoughts, presenting In the digitally efore implementing has nothing to do with
seconds, which, in itself yourself in a way you driven world that we the segregation of the rising of teenage
a major improvement would want to be live in today, the fast girls and boys in the p r e g n a n c y, a n y w a y
compared to last perceived isn't a bad intake and approach place where education school is the place for
generation’s tedious thing at all. to information makes happens, why not education. Educate them
journals and thick Despite “that” the future hopeful of prioritize adding more instead of isolating them,
dictionaries. Also, due reputation, today's Generation Z reach classrooms? Separating girls and boys can learn
to having too much faith generation offers a wide areas never before means double the things together other than
on gadgets, particularly range of possibilities to touched by past facilities and students are sex. No matter how many
the use of social media improve the state of the generation. Hand in suffering from overloaded times you move them
has already gone off world that no generation hand with the views population. away from each other if
the limits. Selfies litter has ever achieved. of Generation X, the High school the person has this sexual
news feeds all over the With this mind set, future of Generation Z students are capable to desire he or she will find
world. May this generation could is hopeful and positive. handle the sex education a way to intercourse
it be a picture of a face certainly raise the next Out with the old and topics they are already just to fully satisfy their
with a seemingly random generation in a direction in with the new — let open minded, why can’t needs. Implementing this
quote about love or a that could ultimately us, with an open heart, you try giving students jurisprudence will not help
status announcing how make the world a better embrace the growth of education about sex? prevent teenagers from
one just came out of the place. technology. One of the their wild imaginations it’ll
common problem in the cause into,students will

False Promises to Lead

philippines is the teenage have difficulties on how
pregnancies instead of to communicate with their
giving the knowledge opposite sex.
Austine Jade A. Paraiso of Reproductive Health We are living in the
Law, they insist to do Generation Z we’ve been
the antiquated way as through a lot we cannot
Do this! Do that! a well known club in but only few are taking solution. bring the old fashioned
That is so unleaderlike! Cagayan de Oro national authority. National Youth way of girls shouldn’t
Being a leader is no easy- high school(CDONHS) It’s sad that they Commission (NYC) be with boys what’s the
peasy as there are too the Supreme Student were trusted with benefits suggested that boys and purpose of having Human
much responsive tasks that Government (ssg). for the school but when girls should be split-up in Rights these days? Being
are required from you but Making a lot of they do their jobs it’s like classrooms from Grades with the same or opposite
hey that one can be handle, platforms that made fellow they’re not sincere and they 7 to 12 to obstruct the gender is a decision that
what can be overwhelming students convinced and only show up whenever
is that the “too many” voted the ones that they there’s a program held and rising problem of teen is also known for having
eyes watching your every think who’s responsible supposed to be ssg should becoming parents at the rights who to be with.
move. You need to be the enough for a duty but then be the first one to lead every age between 15-19 years P h i l i p p i n e
first person to think and most of the chosen aren’t school activity. old each year. lawmakers passed
to guide your members to doing what they promised Giving false High school life is the controversial
have a good team. But are while they were trying to get commitment just to be where you will feel the Reproductive Health
the school student officers the trust of the voters such elected is just a big fat butterflies in your stomach Bill that mandates sex-
doing their jobs right? as promising for a so called disappointment. Many are cause of attraction to education,in 2012 is still
Are they performing the foundation day. expecting for good activities
responsibilities that they There are still and actions for the school opposite gender but both not fully implemented.
are tasked to accomplish? different clubs doing their but it seems like nobody is genders in one place
daily jobs but it is not taking full responsibility for
Dreams turned to
Or how about is the public
just being “judgmental”? enough because there are these promises or is that
During campaigns a lot of actions to be done false promises?

a lot of students running and it’s not quite enough,a
for school officers for lot of nominated officers

Skip the black page “Not a culture of violence and penalties that are
but a culture of excellence.” sometimes violated.
Recently, a fourth Every institution
class cadet named Darwin has rituals or traditions that
Dormitorio passed away at times cannot be ignored.
Journalism has not spilling the beans were their problems. Thinking on September 18th. He Traditions that encourage
been an avenue for not given to the student. that death solves even was reported dead of and a punishment for them
disseminating recent events Since then, a the tiniest problem that they hazing that to grow old.
and disclosure of classified have. Spreading the issue occurred The problem
issues. The bigger the might lead students to have
issue, the bigger the need an idea what to do and at the The leaders of our is not the
for diffusion. The school
administration has a vital
As much as they where to go when difficulties Phillipine
M i l i t a r y country are for the There
come. Not to put stain on
role on this. Their support want to protect the the bereaved family. It was Academy individuals you
and participation in giving
data and information are name of the school, a hard time for the grade (PMA). people. Do not blame cannot seem
Due to the innocent people for and
10 students’ family to to control
big help for the young
journalists to practice media journalists as well accept his fate. Covering
i n c i d e n t being unjust in their have created
“Nasabutan na sa wanted to do the the issue would help in the
healing process. To protect t h a t them with
admin na dili i-publish to nga part of taking the someone from falling into o c c u r r e d lack of credibility i n s t i t u t i o n a l
issue.” (The admin decided the issue. A rumor has within the and integrity. pests.
not to publish the issue).
This was the response of responsibility given been spreading involving
a teacher of CDONHS as
PMA, there
was a new
the name of
the school’s assistant to
the principal when ask by
as young journalists- one of the reasons for the version an institution is
a student from the Special
Program in Journalism
disseminate recent student’s death. Aside from
family problems, teacher’s
of Anti-Hazing Law, or like destroying the dreams
Republic Act (RA) 11053. of those who want to be
(SPJ) regarding the suicide events and disclose inconsiderable actions was
pointed, as well, as an angle
Under RA 11053, offenders treated fairly. If we break
who commit an offense it now, who will lead us
issue of a grade 10 student
on September 27, 2019. classified issues. for what happened. The will be sentenced to life later?
The student wanted to admin upholds the integrity imprisonment. and will be Do not let the
ask permission, as well, to of the school. It has been a made to pay a fine of PHP3 dreams of others turn
conduct an interview to the goal of every school to keep million. to ashes because of the
adviser. Week before this, number of reasons are its name to the cleanest Within the PMA, remorse and incident that
the same response was wavering in the minds corner as much as possible. there are rules and occurred. The Philippine
received by the student of the young journalists: Publishing the issue opens
from the school principal Cut students’ mentality of regulations for each cadet of Military Academy is
himself, saying that they resorting to suicidal escapes. a way to spread it across corps. It serves as a demerit government-run, but runs
cannot disclose yet the Teenagers nowadays used schools and dig deeper into and has consequences and works for the people.
said issue. Reasons for suicide as an escape to the issue.
Streamline Editorial E4
Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School-Junior High School August-September 2019

Care to share?
Austine Jade A. Paraiso
Malicious damage
CDONHS, school informations about the Teenagers are said the student who in touch with the issues
with active journalists incident of the student said to be the fundamental vandalized. He was about vandalism here in
students wouldn’t divulfe who ended his life makes changes of the society. caught writing “Macky” in our school.”said School
information about the journalists worth lessen. However, the extreme the wall. Principal William C.
Grade 10 student who “We are journalists, we desire of students to As stated in Agomana.
committed suicide. have the right to know express themselves Section 7.5 in the This has become
Since 2017 what happened and are getting into the a serious and heaviest
problem in schools.
Cagayan de Oro National it’s our responsibility
point where they cause
destruction and damage This kind of Students who are
High School (CDONHS)
offered the curriculum
to gather informations.
We are making our
to school properties.
Numerous cases action is a responsible for vandalism
often found themselves
on Special Program in
Journalism (SPJ) at the
articles for the regional
school press conference
were reported that the
students who belong to
malicious and “Cool”. Vandalism
is a victimless crime
new building located (rspc) contest, are we fraternities are the ones willful damage to however it affects the
at 27-28th street at
just gonna write though
based?” said Kim Abigail
involve in vandalism. In
fact, in Cagayan de Oro the property. whole school.
environment of the

W h e n e v e r Lunjas. National High School- According to the

journalism is mentioned, The School Junior High School students’ handbook, Prefect of Discipline
(CDONHS-JHS), around grave vandalism that Severino Cantorney,
we associate them principal said it’s too 30 students were caught resulted to serious students who are caught
with news and news confidential to open the doing vandalism. (Data damage of school doing vandalism will
can’t be done without incident to the public, but from Prefect of Discipline) property is a heavy directly be expelled by
informations. SPJ what if the reason of his According to the offense. Heavy offence the school principal. “We
students were assigned, death is and could be data, a grade eight student will affect in chronic must follow rules and
being true to their related school stress or was caught vandalizing misappropriate behavior regulations in school
curriculum name, to be problems? It’ll be helpful the new building or proven serious for a healthy learnings
alert on what’s happening to give awareness to Science Technology and offenses committed environment and also,
inside and outside of the other students in the Engineering of CDONHS- by the student. If this our goal is to educate
school’s vicinity. campus. But the school JHS, near the comfort happens, the student will learner. So those who are
room. be referred to the school caught doing vandalism
S c h o o l ’ s faculties chose to seal “Trip lang jud to principal. needs to eradicated.”
greediness for giving their lips tightly. namo sa grupo nako,” “We are keeping

Think before use

In Cagayan de Oro Moreover, the
National High School- Junior school’s intention of
High School (CDONHS- implementing such order
JHS), the school guard is to ensure the safety and
strictly do not allow students identity of the students.
to get inside the campus Because there are
without wearing the proper appearance standards in a
prescribed uniform. place for a school uniform
For many students, policy, teachers and security
school uniform I not their personnel can quickly
favourite outfit. So instead of identify individuals who
wearing a school uniform, for should not be present in
girls, they wear ripped jeans, school. That can create extra
crop-tops, off-shoulders, time to initiate a lockdown
shorts, mini-skirt, sleeveless, of the school property or
tight or fitting pants/ blouses/ take other preventive safety
dresses which is prohibited measures which can keep
in CDONHS- JHS. students safety.
Self- expression in The pros and cons
the main reason why students of school uniforms show us
do not wear uniform. Since that there is the potential
school uniforms are costly, in such a policy to improve
lots of low- income families grades, attendance, and

Life threat
cannot afford to buy school graduation rates by focusing
uniforms. on discipline and equality. It
According to also show us that to do so,
Department of Education there may be sacrifices to
Order (DO) 45 series of diversity and social learning
2008, the wearing of school that could hamper a student
uniforms shall not be later on in life. What we do
Strange things events to climate change changing nature itself, required in public schools. know is this: the pressure
are happening in the but, clearly strange imperiling the delicate However, it is clear is mounting throughout the
world. This has been things are happening. interdependence among in the school policy of world to provide meaningful
evident to every human It is terribly late species and putting our CDONHS-JHS that students and affordable educational
being. The world is for action, but with some own survival at risk. are mandated to wear opportunities to everyone.
drifting steadily toward luck, perhaps it is not too Globally, 25% school uniform. Regarding Implementing school uniform
climate catastrophe and late to avoid some of the of greenhouse gas the dress code- shorts, skirts policies is just one way to
this is not something to worst impacts of climate emissions today comes and dresses must not be approach that need.
be ignored. change. In nations from burning fossil fuels above the knee.
The generation to create heat and

Right decisions
at an important electricity, mostly
turning point. The
climate change is no Fighting the rise in for
longer an abstract
threat lurking in our temperature and buildings; another
23% is the result
distant future. We feel of burning fuel for
it. We see it. With that
comes a new urgency
sea levels will be industrial uses. And
14% comes from
Technology have caused the
brought ease to our of death rate. People

generation but it also gave becomes lazy because
and a new opportunity transportation. us problems. Because of of the ease of every work
to make an action. Our government technology, social isolation which sometimes leads to
C l i m a t e doesn’t encourage became very obesity. People
change is now simple politicians to take evident in our Do not take for nowadays also
impossible to ignore. bold stances; our generation. possess poor
The temperature Is economic system P e o p l e granted the simple sleep habit
continually rising. We across the world, people doesn’t encourage b e c a m e bonds that you do because of
can watch glaciers finally recognize climate companies to sacrifice s o c i a l l y their addiction.
melting and collapsing change as a top or very profits for the common isolated for with your typical W e
on the web. serious threat. good. And we humans they spend family or friends. must not let
According to Fewer and fewer are understandably more time technology
research, ice losses in people today doubt declined to live on their gadgets than be a weapon against
Antarctica have tripled scientific evidence. By differently or to make spending time with their us. Instead, we should
since 2012 so that sea burning fossil fuels for sacrifices. But we must mates which will then use it as a key for3
levels are rising faster energy, humans have stop dawling and forge lead into being socially new developments and
today than at any time in added so much carbon ahead if we are to awkward. discoveries in humanity.
the last quarter- century. (and other greenhouse protect ourselves and Technology have Are you humane
It is often difficult gases) to the our planet. gave us cue for many enough for technology?
to attribute specific atmosphere that we are diseases but then it also
F1 Feature Streamline

Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School-Junior High School August-September 2019

A Celebration of Photo by: Isabelle Czarina Soriano

Friendship for the

Glenys Ann D. Rosales
CAGAYAN DE ORO— mas obedient ang tao mas
More or less 200,000 colorful and mas full of joy
Kagay-anons enjoyed in akong na experience," said
witnessing the Higalaay Khrisna Amolato.
Festival this year. In announcing the
Every month of winners, Cagayan de Oro
August marks Higalaay National High School-Junior
Festival celebrating the High school came third
feast of patron saint of place in the Drum and Lyre
the city- St. Augustine at contest, Gusa Regional
Cagayan de Oro City. High School came second
Higalaay festival means and Liceo De Cagayan ot
“Friendship Festival”, the first place.
which the word “Higalaay” "Sa atong Higalaay
comes from the Cebuano Parade mas dako gyud
word “higala” (friend) which ang crowd, mas ni higit pud
tagged Cagayan de Oro the ang security. It was a blast!
City of Golden Friendship. Hope we could do it more
This indicates that Kagay- great and better next year!"
anons ( people living in Eileen San Juan said,
Cagayan de Oro) are the City Fiesta Executive
hospitable and friendly. Committee Chairperson.
The festival was In Addition, over
composed of various core 150,000 Kagay-anons have
events such as Floats and come to SM Uptown to see
Parade, Pyro Festival, the Pyro Festival this year.
Drum and Bugle Lyre, According to the
Danztrack, etc. Police Major Evan Viñas,
One of the highlights Head of the Cagayan de
of the said celebration was Oro Police Office (Cocpo),
the Higalaay Parade. The thousands of citizens were
parade was full of amazing present in the event and it
events that made the was successfully ended.
crowd say "Wow ka tsada," "More or less
a famous expression of 150,000 spectators sa
kagay-anons. pyrotech festival kagabi,"
The spokeperson uttered by Viñas.
of Cagayan de Oro Police Base on the report
Office, Major Viñas, said of the Cocpo, safely there
that more than 10,000 were no any accidents
students, government occurred in the event.
employees, soldiers, and "Even though the
priest joined the said event. crowd won't stop in this
One of the highlights year's festival, gladly there
of the parade was the were no incidents happened
drum and Lyre. Tons of during the core events,"
contestants joined and 130 Viñas added.
schools and organizations The Police already looking forward High School, Cagayan garnered 4th runner up,
participated.Cagayan Department was very to have a more merrier de Oro National High Puerto Elem. School for
de Oro National High thankful to all who respected celebration of the Higalaay School, Lourdes College- 3rd runner up, Bulua Elem.
School- Junior High School the rules that was made Festival next year. For Junior High School, Liceo School for 2nd runner up,
(CDONHS-JHS) took part. throughout the celebration First time in the history for de Cagayan University- Xavier Elem. School for 1st
Throughout the hot just to assure the safety of Cagayan de Oro to hold its JHS, Misamis Oriental runner up, and City Central
energetic parade, Miss all. first Danztrack Competition General Comprehensive School for champion in
Universe 2015 Pia "Good crowd, good here in the City of Golden High School, Pilgrim elementary level.
Wurtzbach was warmly weather, good organization Friendship. Christian College-JHS, The winner for
welcomed by Kagay-anons unya naa tay bag-o nga The competitors for Gusa Regional Science the high school level are
along with the Drum and feature sa atong fireworks," the elementary level are High School, Southern Xavier University-Junior
Lyre. The contest gone wild said by Eileen San Juan, Bulua Elementary School, Philippines College-JHS, Highschool for 3rd runner
with competitive schools the City Fiesta Executive Xavier Elementary School, Xavier University-JHS, up, Liceo de Cagayan
and high spirited students. Committee Chairperson. Bayabas Elementary Merry Child School, and University-JHS, for 2nd
Under the hot beat of Cagayan de Oro School, Puerto Elementary Tablon National High runner up, MOGCHS for
the sun, citizens made it has filled the joy over School, and City Central School. 1st runner up, and Gusa
through and enjoy every thousands of Kagay-anons School. After all of the Regional Science High
moment. in the Higalaay Festival. For the secondary wonderful performances, School for ranking at the
"Tsada gyud sya, The people are level are Agusan National Bayabas Elem. School top place.

TAKE ME THERE Glenys Ann D. Rosales

A lucky gifted Spanish era “caretella”—the basic founders of the Cagayan de Oro orders did not come from Cagayan
man who have means of transportation at the time. Medical Center—the oldest private de Oro, but from the neighboring
an extraordinary He initially dabbled with the prime health care institution in Mindanao. towns such as Ozamiz.He
talent that made mover concept, using the principle Their romance had flourished and recalled,Kagay-anons had not
an exceptional of the horse-drawn carriage: A raised 9 children. Raphael was a yet gotten the hang of riding the
gift the way prime mover that carries a trailer car enthusiast since he was a kid, “caretella.”
we commute where passengers would be which eventually led him to take From Palawan to
and still remain accommodated. a sharp interest on automotive. Luzon,Motorela was an prompt hit.
runing around the By 1964, “Motorela” (from the His family controlled the Until these days, it does surprise
various cities words ‘motorized” and “caretella”) automotive market in Northern Raphael that ‘relas’ are still running
His was born, and is still being called Mindanao as dealer of Ford that the roads of Palawan and various
invention was as such today. also helped him for his interest. places in Visayas and Luzon.
not only a gift for Meet Raphael Floirendo, the Year after he invented “Then I left the Motorela
Kagay-anons, but inventor of Motorela who put the Motorela,Raphael went to business and shifted to making
also to a lot more “caretella” (a horse-drawn carriage) Manila to acquire rights for it's ham, which continues to this day as
of commuters in to history, and upgraded in a new original creation. Today his my bread and butter,” the inventos
the countryside to era of motorized commuting invention remains under licensed said when interviewed by this writer
reach their desired specially in Cagayan de Oro and 2243,numbers that would remind Oroham, where in hes has become
destinations fast, other parts of the country. Raphael’s the world that the inventor’s name an institution in the local food
safe and cheap. family came from northern Luzon is Raphael Floirendo. business by himself.
He before they moved to Cagayan de At first, he said his family This present time, he is now
obsessively Oro. He finished his High school made use of “Motorela” to deliver 88 years old. The motorela inventor
wanted to at the Xavier University Ateneo goods and other materials for said he is glad to accomplish
contribute de Cagayan. It was said that he their business. Then the word had something out of himself that may
something obtained degrees in Business spread about a this motorized help his fellow filipino. He continues
for his Administration and Agriculture at carriage that guarenteed decent to be a kind-hearted person that he
c o m m u n i t y, the Far Eastern University and income for anyone who holds it. was, when he willingly shared his
so he thought of Araneta University in Caloocan. The Raphael's invention cost inventions so that others can also
inventing a motorized young man fell in love with a doctor, P500 sale every assembles. make something out of themselves
carriage as an alternative to the Zenaida, who are now one of the According on his interview his first and get some benefits out of it.
Photos from: CDODev.Com
Streamline Feature F2
Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School-Junior High School August-September 2019

Hands to myself
Glenys Ann D. Rosales

Have you ever at Strengthened Technical ay,kay dili ko sugtan ug isa hopeless that somebody his smile reached his ears.
tried being ashamed by Vocational Education pa maulaw ko kung ako would like her. A thought However, the angel in her
someone? Program (STVEP) ra isa ang mo adto (I have was stuck on her mind that womb didn’t last; it was
Locked up on curriculum. It is woeful never stepped on a mall she’ll get old and die alone, miscarried.
a dark reality. Asking that arms and hands were because, I’m not allowed but suddenly that reflection Their hearts broke
herself,”Why me? Is this deprived from her. She to do so. Also, I’m shy if fades away when she met into pieces after losing
really my destiny?” There can’t do whatever she I’ll go there all by myself),” a boy named Paulo. Their their angel that was once
is a lot of insecurities for wants. Nina tends to use Nina said.
physical appearance that her feet to write and care As a matter of fact relationship last for almost a limelight of their dark and
exists on every person’s for herself. Adding insult doing house chores are one year and a half. He miserable world.
mind. Having those to injury her parents are the things that she always boosts all of his love to fulfill In this present
angel faces, slim and ashamed of her situation. faces every time she goes Nina’s incompleteness time, she resumed in
curvy bodies, nice, shiny Instead of cheering home after class. Her excluding her hands and her studies as an 8th
hair. Despite all those her up regardless of her siblings never lend a hand arms grade student. Despite
insecurities that somehow physical deficiency they to her. She works things At the age of 16 her past misfortunes,
make you feel incomplete, are the ones who are by her own. Even taking she got pregnant by Paulo. she didn’t give up. She
are you thankful and pulling her down. Freedom a bath or washing the First and foremost, she’s loved herself despite for
contented that you are a was once not given to her dishes. Nina has her own nervous and hesitated to those words that stabbed
normal being? by her parents. She’s like a gimmick to clean herself tell her partner, if ever he her emotionally. Even
A student from girl inside the box trying to from releasing her dirt. would accept the baby though she’s handicap
Cagayan dr Oro National gnaw a whole seeking for Just like every
High School (CDONHS), light-freedom. or not. Surprisingly his she hugged herself by his
typical girl, Nina likes
Nina Ponce, a brave and “Wala pa jud ko reaction was priceless. heart, mind and soul.
someone, but reminding
independent girl studying naka try ug tunob sa mall Paulo was so happy that
her situation, she’s

Just give me a Reason Glenys Ann D. Rosales

an you live by yourself? nights and uneventful days and he’s EARNING a good day just to live and help his him to be brave because
Innocent child is that he didn’t eat a spoonful records in school. grandad not to be pressured there things that would go
crying in the middle food and care for himself. H i s for his financial needs. and come.
of the cruelty of life, both His dad’s lively and colorful grandfather is now 60 years When his Despite of the
of his precious parents had world lights out and was old and his grandmother dad gave up his existence burdens that stab him he
separated from an unknown eaten into a great darkness. died due to his health one of his father’s brothers wanted to continue in his life
reason by his beloved mom. Time flew by his dad didn’t problems,” Tiguang na baya tried to help him by giving specially for his education to
On the child’s young mind, take it anymore and ended akong lolo so naningkamot him few of his blessings ; have a clearer and brighter
he doesn’t know the reason his life; he gave up his ko nga maka kwarta sad money, clothes, food etc. future and create a whole
behind his parent’s set-up. journey. para d nako pabigat sakong Despite of his miserable life and happy family,”Ingani
As long as he can Nicholas (Not his lolo retired na baya sya Nicholas can barely smile naman jud akong kinabuhi
remember, he lived with real name) a 16-year old, saiyang trabaho ”,Nicholas back to the society full of mao naman ni akong
a crinkled man with a Grade-10 student from said. chaos. nadakan ug nakabalo nasad
stoop back who’s a retired Cagayan de Oro National He tends to sacrifice “Sukad sa akong ko sa mga kamtuoran nga
policeman that had been High School (CDONHS). just to survive through the pagka bata g tunan na wala na akong parents…
serving and protecting our He had some challenges like financial nako sakong lolo nga magpadayon ko sakong
society. He is the only child difficulties due to the fees problems, personal issues magpakatatag kay naa journey dire sa kalibutan”,
of his parents. in school ; Projects, school etc. The young boy is a man juy mga butang He already accepted the
His father tried to supplies but he reached working student by helping nga muhawa ug naa say fact that his dad died and
take back his wife but he and achieved it even though the teachers who need help his mother left but he
didn’t make it, but she never his road to success isn’t inside the campus whether paabutay para saimo”,said etched in his mind that he
came back to their so-called easy he’s doing his best to they would give money or Nicholas while his tears at will continue his journey
home and they had never grab that accomplishment. not. Some other side lines bay in his eyes. He said that and in the near future he will
seen her shadow again. This independent student too that may help him earn ever since when he was a create a whole and happy
For how many sleepless wanted to be an engineer some money50-100 per kid his lolo already thought family.
F3 Feature Streamline

Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School-Junior High School August-September 2019

Dress that makes money Glenys Ann D. Rosales

S treet lights
shimmers of hope

for Crystal [not her real

stage-two breast cancer.
As years pass,
her mother weakens
her uniform with a dress
that makes money. “Naa
man gyud mi silingan
person she is with in
bed. Everything comes
and ends so fast. It is
na naay makadawat sa
ako na lalaki bisan inani
rako,” (I still believe that
name], 16 years old. and the need for money na inani iyang trabaho just about the money. I can get out from this.
When sunlight fades and becomes heavier for her tapos nakita nako na A customer a night is That I can provide for my
stars take its place, real family, but quitting school maka provide gyud sya enough to sustain the family in a good way. I
day has just started for never become part of her saiyang pamilya. Mao na day after. Having money also pray that someday
her. options. She loves going encourage ko,” (We have in her pocket makes her someone will accept me
Crystal has grown to school. It serves as an a neighbor who works as sleep well at night. This despite my past.) Crystal
up in a life full of downs. escape for her to bring a prostitute and I saw that life has been continuing is still hopeful for the day
At six, she started selling her back to her age and her work can provide for for almost three years now when she doesn’t need to
plastic bags at Cogon forget the burden she is the needs of her family. without the knowledge of sell her body to strangers
Market after class to have carrying. It is where she I was encouraged.) she her family. and provide the needs of
something the day after, found friends and think said when asked what Crystal left her family using a clean
and hand a penny to her as if everything is fine. pushed her to pursue the everything for granted money. “That day, I will
sick mother. Her father She aspires of becoming life of a sex worker. including her dignity and be able to buy dress out
was shot dead when she a teacher in the future. “I cried during my happiness. Every day is of my own money and not
was four by an unknown When the teacher first time. Not because it a battle for her. “Gatoo make money using my
person for an unknown says class dismiss, real was my first, but because gihapon ko na makahawa dress. “
reason; living her and her life has just started for I felt dirty.” Most of the rako ani. Mabuhi ra nako
two siblings to the care Crystal. She hurriedly time, she does not even akong pamilya sa tarong
of her mother who has go home and changes know the name of the na way. Ug gaampo ko

Maam Juggle Glenys Ann D. Rosales

hen the clock she has a small family, the asks teachers during their
strikes four in salary she gets is still notvacant time for her to
the afternoon, enough to sustain their discuss things and explain
it is the time for needs. important points. Most of
Teacher Rey to fill her mini her time is spent in doing
notebook with names of “It’s not paper works, preparing her
her co-teachers. hard,” she replied when lessons, making exams
A v o n , asked how tough it is to and others. When she
Tupperware, MSE and juggle many roles. Teacher arrives home, she spends
Natasha are just few of Rey makes sure she has her time with her family
the brochures she has in the time for everything. alone; to gain back the lost
her bag, not to mention During her free time in time they had for the day.
her being an insurance school, she roams around
agent, freelance make-up the campus looking for Everything
artist, a mother, wife and interested teachers to buy she does is for her family;
a grade-10 teacher. Mrs. from one of her brochures. for them to have extra
Reynoza Dacutanan or With a short sales talking, income. “Life is a Do-It-
ma’am Rey is a mother of teacher Rey goes out in Yourself project. You really
one. Her husband quits every classroom with a need to work hard if you
from his job as a machine list on her notebook. She want to earn more. It needs
operator for the mean time also encourages other determination, courage
to take care of their four- teachers to invest through and diskarte,” teacher Rey
year old son, Valt. Though having an insurance. She said.
Streamline Feature F4
Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School-Junior High School August-September 2019

Glenys Ann D. Rosales
They are the first idols that lift up the
favorite and nearly most korean wave (Increase of
admired by the youngsters, global popularity of Kpop
performers with a talent in the other countries).
for dancing,singing with a There was also other kpop
bewitching visuals. groups that existed on the
Along with their particular genre which are
dance performances and S.E.S,G.O.D, Shinhwa etc.
dope choreos. Time flies when
"KPOP"a word that the said groups disband
is familiar for each one of us then came along TVXQ
specially millenials but that that debuted in 2003
was bearly fuzzy exactly 30 that was created by SM
years ago. Entertainment. TVXQ
BTS, Blackpink, became successfully and
Twice and more are at the increased the awareness
top of the charts in the South for Kpop.
Korean's music industry this Many groups began
generation, people started to debut after TVQX such
to get interested and learn as Super Junior (2005), Big
about Kpop.YG,JYP and Bang (2005), 2NE1 (2007).
SM entertainment are the These groups increased
great big three companies the popularity of Kpop and
that handled various the Korean wave into other
popular artist through the countries. Specially when
years. PSY released his music
Before that, let us video entitled "Gangnam
turn back time where the Style" that was the fastest
popularity of Korean-pop is video to reach 1 billion
not yet known. views on Youtube in 2012.
The history had BTS, one of the most
started in 1989 where in a popular KPOP groups at
man named Lee Soo Man this moment, was the first
founded SM entertainment kpop group to perform at
which later one of the most the BBMA in 2017 and
successful companies gather more fans and
that handled a well-known became more well-known in Photo from: aminoapps.com
strong groups EXO and the American market.
Red Velvet. Year 2016, me
Year 1991, SM myself just got influenced those so-called fangirls and my appreciation and parrots,talk much but
Entertainment launched by the Kpop music industry that supports their knowledge of Korean cannot fly.Dreamers like
a boy group called H.O.T due to my awareness of masterpiece. Three pop has grown. eagles, say nothing but
and they are one of the their musics. I was one of years had passed by "Haters like conquer the skies."

Choices and a choice Meriam F. Cabactulan

hese two are being spoon in her mouth. Despite try ug rugby. Curious man was facing, Angela tried life to the dark path.
laid to us every the struggle of her family gud ko ato ngano ganahan to balance things and look
day. Every choice to meet their basic needs, kaayo ug simhot akong at the brighter side of it.
has a corresponding she makes sure she will do mga barkada, pati ilang She made up her mind to
consequence — it could be best in school. She was a mga uyab.” she explains. continue her pregnancy
for good or the opposite. consistent honor student Due to curiosity, she despite the void future she
Amidst the choices we have way back in elementary put her family and studies may face in the upcoming
and the freedom to make a and graduated as class for granted, thinking that years of her life. A time
choice comes remorse and valedictorian. having friends and doing when she realized that she
change to bring back what Since they were what they want to do are needed to stop thinking for
is lost and begin again at financially challenged the most essential things in her own yearns, including
some other point. that time, she decided to life. her vices and friends, and
This is the story of discontinue her studies and Curiosity is more like start looking into a life that
Angela [not her real name], work as a vendor at Agora frustration and anticipation. is now depending on her.
eighteen years old, who has Market. It is somehow a painful Angela is still
been involved into a typical After two years, she reminder of what we don’t hopeful for the future, not
trade between a dream and went back to school and known yet and a thrilling just for herself but for her
momentary happiness. found herself thriving again beacon towards what daughter as well. Going
“Lisod kaayo to in the field of academics. we might soon discover. back to school will cost her
among kinabuhi. Kung She was an honor student Curiosity has two points: and her family much but it is
mahubog sya, mag lumba during her first year. one pointed towards what one of her plans. She may
mig gawas sa balay kauban Transferring to Cagayan de we desire and what we have crossed the wrong
akong mga igsoon.” said Oro National High School have not yet obtained – and road before and thought
Angela when she was (CDONHS) was not that may never obtain. that things already come
asked about their life living difficult until she found what According to one of to an end, having a child is
with their stepfather. Her she considered as friends. the most prominent theories something she consider as
father died when she was It was then she learned of curiosity- the information- a blessing; the best thing
still seven years old; leaving to do things that were gap model states the happened to her life. Now,
her and her three siblings different to what she used curiosity arises when a what she wants is to be a
under the care of their to do; and subsequently person notices a gap in her good mother and to raise a
mother. After three years, drowned herself amidst the knowledge, which in turn responsible daughter.
her mother remarried to her temptations. motivates her to fill the gap. Things may not
stepfather. Friends over books, However, things be rewind and the
They lived a tough time spent on nonsense went totally difficult when downbeats may
life. Angela, together conversations; and worst, she knew she was carrying not be wiped
with her female siblings, inhaling harmful solvent- a life inside her womb. “Six out. But what
survived each day shunning rugby. These are just some months pami uyab ato na matters most
the indecent actions of of the trades she made in time. Nahadlok ko. Naka is the person
their stepfather. “Wala man lieu of a brighter future she huna-huna ko na ipa laglag relying on
pud mi niya na hilabtan. successfully built for years. nalang pero makasala ko sa you will not
Gapanghikap lang sya The time she lose sight of Ginoo. Dal-on na sa akong cross the
ug paa... ga lilion mi inig what she considered as a konsensya hangtod sa same bumpy
maligo,” she added. They guide towards achieving hangtod mao wala nalang road again.
tried to let their mother know her distant goal. “Dili nako nako gibuhat. Panagutan There are tons
about it but she refused to ga toon kay sige nakog man pud daw ko niya of choices in
believe them. uban sa akong barkada… [referring to her boyfriend],” one’s life but
Angela admits of nakauyab pud ko.,” says Angela uttered. Despite the one choice
not being born with a silver Angela. “Didto ko naka baffling atmosphere she would bring a
ST1 Science and Tecnology Streamline

Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School-Junior High School August-September 2019

Photo from: Black Dog Institute

Face your fears Raincel Vhon J. Olario

medical disorder. this differ from normal concentration difficulties,
These feelings of feelings of nervousness and sleep difficulties, such
anxiety and panic interfere or anxiousness because as problems in falling or
with daily activities, are they involve excessive staying asleep.
difficult to control, are out fear or anxiety, and Everybody has an
of proportion to the actual typically cause reactions invisible zone of personal
danger and can last a long out of proportion to the space around them. The
time. circumstances. Anxiety closer we are to someone,
Anxiety disorders disorders can interfere with the further they are allowed
form a category of mental job performance, school into our personal space
health diagnoses that lead work, and relationships. zone. The preferred
to excessive nervousness, This emotion can personal space zone differs
fear, apprehension, and also correlate to Cagayan for everyone but generally
worry. de Oro National High it’s about 20-40cm away
Moreover, this School-Junior High and it is from our face. Closer than
disorder affect 25.1% of indeed very relevant to the that and we’re stepping
children between 13 and 18 present situation occuring back. If you tend towards
years old. Research shows that may trigger some anxiety, your personal
that untreated children people. space bubble is likely to be
with anxiety disorders are Some students say wider.
at higher risk to perform that their anxiety is usually The best ways
poorly in school, miss caused by pressure from to relieve the feeling of
out on important social homeworks, performance anxiety is to manage
experiences, and engage tasks, and family problems. stress by learning to
in substance abuse. "The feeling is so manage stress to help
These disorders intense that it makes you limit potential triggers,
alter how a student want to end your life." Said relaxation techniques like
processes emotions and Karylle Anne Maagad, simple activities can help
behave, also causing student of CDONHS. soothe the mental and
E very struggle that a
student faces will always
give them particular fear
that most teenagers like
students would experience.
However, when a
physical symptoms. Mild
anxiety might be vague and
unsettling, while severe
experts, students would
often feel restlessness, or a
physical signs of anxiety,
And exercising to replace
negative thoughts with
that describe as anxiety. student regularly feels anxiety may seriously feeling of being "on-edge", positive ones.
Anxiety is a normal disproportionate levels of affect day-to-day living. uncontrollable feelings of
and often healthy emotion anxiety, it might become a In addition, worry, increased irritability,

Foods That Everyone Can’t Resist

Road to Mobile Legends Street foods are
Raincel Vhon J. Olario
He even stated that eating
Kate Iza Marie V. Sabello found everywhere. them is not good because
These kinds of it can affect human health
foods are irresistible and and lead to sickness.
“Welcome to Mobile Legends, good trophies and medals. can be sold in stands. According to the
You have slain an enemy” Mobile 21st century might be known Most of the people who experts, street foods can
Legends, also known as ML, has for developing high technology skill in sell these have no cause gastrointestinal
become one of the most popular games gadgets like social media exposure, chance to look for infection. It causes
worldwide. With tons of new influenced great technicality, mastery of gaming a job and the diarrhea or
players every day, this also becomes a and opposing good talents through reason why vomiting. Food
high revolutionary game that involves technology. they sell these may also sit
addictiveness towards citizens. According to experts playing is that it is easy around so
Mobile Legends, is a mobile video game video games all night can negatively to prepare. it means it
that has two teams fight for victory by affect your brain, memory, and vision. M r . could be hot
killing each other and destroying each They can cause stress, anxiety, and Ronnie Jay or cold but it is
tower to achieve the opponent’s defeat. even isolation if the addiction gets Joloyhoy is not the proper
A lot of citizens is playing this, severe enough. Video games can even a street food temperature and
especially students. “This is fun and kill brain cells that interrupt a person’s vendor. He sells could attract
challenging; it develops my skill on sleep by being bothered of something, balut, penoy, and flies and other
knowing the moves of the character remembering a scenarios in the game shakes. THe sells pests.
and fostering my knowledge.” said making it bothersome. for the needs of When choosing a
by Raincel Vhon Olario a grade nine Psychologist Craig A. his five children; street food, look
student in Cagayan de Oro National High Anderson proven that student who to support their for carts that are
School Junior High School (CDONHS) plays “aggressive games” has also education. “It is busy, as this likely
Special Program in Journalism (SPJ). aggressive behavior. It also states that unhealthy, it depends means that the
Cagayan de Oro National High “violent video games” desensitizes a if the person will eat food is good and
school conducted a survey regarding to student. too much," he said. there is high food
ML. This survey was distributed to five With this, experts recommend Because of turnover.
consecutive sections in Grade 10. 56% on limiting the time of facing radiation, the interest of this Eating street
of the students play this game, with the like gadgets, etc. In this case it would products, one of the foods is really a great
total of 150 students. M o s t not damage the eye sight and the other students who is fond fun to the students in
of them use more than five hours in things that might affect the body. Taking of eating street foods is having chit-chat and
playing; 34% of students do this every a break must be prioritized in 1 to 4 Achilles G. Arimao. He bonding but they don’t
single day that results to addictiveness; hours before sleeping or doing other said that these foods taste know how it affects their
and most them are influenced by family stuff. delicious, oily, and fatty. health.
members and friends. However, 12% Video game like Ml is fun, yet Sometimes, he gets sick It is better to eat a
of students stay up all night playing most of these become very irresistible eating these kinds of food. It small amount but eating
this online game-based entertainment, and addictive in matter of time. Time is because of the improper none would be best. But
having their satisfaction on ranking up management is the key to avoid this place that flies could land it is up to you, will you eat
and desire to play well for achieving addiction in playing. on the food, improper one or none? As we all
sanitation and oil spoilage. know, “health is wealth.”

Cuddly Robotic Toy Helps Children with Anxiety

Raincel Vhon J. Olario

“Basically, Robotics across several pediatric seen before. According to the

has a big impact on humans units at Boston Children’s “Robotics is an results, a greater percentage
for it can make our lives Hospital. important field of study where of children and their parents
convenient. One practice that The robotic teddy you can invent new things recommend Huggable
we have is that some of the bear helps children through a and create new knowledge instead of traditional teddy
researchers from the STE specialist who sang nursery about technologies.” A bears. The young patients
are conducting studies in rhymes to the younger Science Technology and got out of bed and moved
line with this field.” Robotics children through the robot Engineering student said. around more and emotionally
Club representative from A and moved its arms during Robotics can make connected with the robot.
new study by researchers at the song. our lives easier by making However, the
Massachusetts Institute of In connection to this, robots occupy a work that researchers are stressed that
Technology has indicated that Robotics is also available in you have been doing that Huggable is only designed to
a ‘social robot’ can be used Cagayan de Oro National lessens your work and to assist healthcare specialists
in sessions to help reduce High School- Junior High save more energy at the end rather than to replace them.
side children’s anxiety, pain School (CDONHS-JHS). As of the day. “It’s a companion,” said an
and other distress while in a well as other things related Furthermore, the Association Professor of robotic teddy bear is still a
hospital setting. to tech. Huggable is also a older children play the “I Media Arts and Science big jump through hos pital
Collaborating with great example to encourage Spy” game through the and Founding Director of technology.
Northeastern University, learners to invent new robot by guessing the object the personal Robots group grade 10 Newton Leah Alom
they deployed a robotic technologies that no one described by the specialist Cynthia Breazeal. said.
teddy bear, called Huggable, around the earth has never through Huggable. Nevertheless, the
Streamline Science and Tecnology ST2
Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School-Junior High School August-September 2019

Acnegers Kate Iza Marie V. Sabello Drug free CDONHS Kate Iza Marie V. Sabello
Maturing, a road conscious, and over thinking. (sebum) is produced. When

way to growing up. As time “Acne is irritating a sebum and bacteria collide, ue to very strict substance dependency, or
flies by each and every one and annoying. It would just this would result to acne. security measures in drug addiction.
of us would eventually grow sprout out everywhere, that Sebum brings dead the school, Cagayan Side effects of drug
up and develop our different gets bigger, redden, oily skin cell through the follicles de Oro National High addiction may include:
body changes. and consumes stress.” Said to the skins surface, and School-Junior High School a weakened immune
Puberty, a to-go stage by, Kim Abigail C. Lunjas a as those open pores, small is considered drug free as system, increasing the risk
of everyone, a kind of student in Cagayan de Oro hairs would sprout out in of October 10, 2019. of illness and infection,
stage where the level of National High School Junior the open pores making a Drugs heavily heart conditions ranging
understanding rise up and High school (CDONHS-JHS) solid bump of sebum that affect our body and brain. from abnormal heart
slowly develops. 20% of students considered gathers, which is called the Different drugs can have rates to heart attacks and
Children who are acne as the most hatred part Propiumbacterium. different effects. Some collapsed veins and blood
in this stage are likely to of puberty. As a child grows, These acnes are effects of drugs include vessel infections from
have the changes of inflammatory health consequences injected drugs, nausea and
physical appearance when squeezing, that are long-lasting and abdominal pain, which can
and more matured the blackheads, permanent. They can even also lead to changes in
on thinking mentally, whiteheads and continue after a person appetite and weight loss,
like the deepening of scars. However, has stopped taking the increased strain on the liver,
voice, fasten of growth this can’t also be substance. which puts the person at risk
hormones, body got in bacteria and They cause large of significant liver damage
mass, hairs, odor and sebum, but it may amounts of dopamine, a or liver failure, Seizures,
especially acne, which also be gotten in neurotransmitter that helps stroke, mental confusion
is like the starting point the bloodline and regulate our emotions, and brain damage, lung
, a sign of being genetics. motivation and feelings of disease, and much, much
in the process of According to pleasure, to flood the brain more.
“maturing”. research, there is and produce a “high.” “These drugs are
Cagayan no right medicine, Eventually, drugs very, very dangerous. I
de Oro National due to sensitivity of can change how the brain think it’s better to prevent
High school skin; at any age this works and interfere with yourself from using these
conducted a survey would be distressing. a person’s ability to make rather than cutting is effects.
in five consecutive Treating red-prone skin choices, leading to intense For short, prevention is
sections, saying “would feels itchier to the other cravings and compulsive better than cure,” said
acne lessen your self- parts of the body and drug use. Over time, this Achilles G. Arimao, student
confidence?”. Over 35 make more challenging behavior can turn into a of CDONHS.
students answered yes, to deal with. Scientists

Hand in Hand, Trashing

while 28 said no. According also conduct studies
to experts, having acne can that teenagers’
low your self-confidence the oil anger generates the
due to facial appearance, sprouting of acne.
Kate Iza Marie V. Sabello

Generation Z to Social Media Things are what we

always use every single
day, but what if these things
would add up and make the
Ecobiological Solid Waste
Management, Banned the
usage of Plastic Bags.
Baranggay Nazareth act
Kate Iza Marie V. Sabello society suffer? to this implementation ,
Garbage, society’s which was also followed by
high-rating problem. Cagayan de Oro National
Lazy! Irresponsible! of students has their social greatest key for the incubation Garbage are seen mostly High School- Junior High
Their world revolves around media account. While more of the country if they will be every corner of the school (CDONHS-JHS)
their phones! Tweet here, than five hours of being able to possess and sustain surroundings we live in. by segregating the reuse,
Post there! These are how the contracted in gadgets doing and put to good use the Being trashed out due reduce and recycle. Within
Generation Z are perceived, social interaction. There are 21st century skill that they to lack of usefulness, the vicinity, teachers and
but this generation is not just top three social accounts that are endowed by the leader damaged or waste. Plastics, students of CDONHS-
lined up for lazy techies, but most students have and those educators. They will be able a never ending trail of trash. JHS, segregates its junk
these are potential cultivators are: Facebook, Instagram, to face and conquer struggle A trash where it indifferent aspects, making
of the nature. and Twitter. with these skills. is also called “traveller”. it easy to clarify the junks.
This generation is an But what if Miss But these skills are coupled Travelling in different Each classroom has its
era of “we will make it happen” Barabara’s statement won’t with the values and inculcated consecutives, through air, own designated trash
as it has been evident by the be shadowed? In a study by the not just schools but, first land, and water. bins, non-biodegradable,
changes and developments conducted by the University and foremost, by the parents. It’s like overpowering biodegradable, recycle and
throughout the years. of Hong Kong, 6 percent of An ultimate goal of us in numbers due to its residual.
But how can Generation Z the world’s population have education in the 21st century increasing great amount of “Here at City High,
as the new generation, being been washed out by today’s learners of this country should trash that is being wasted. plastics aren’t allowed
able to nourish and develop changes. Bad things will be cultivate confidence and Polluted air, rapid wildfire, except for food purposes.
nation even more? How happens to our nation if the compassion in the hearts of desolation of some of the Cellophane is prohibited
can they combat with the students will be washed-out students to become successful biggest rainforests and that’s why we need to bring
dismantling of our nation? and won’t be able to nourish citizens that will contribute to annihilation of animals, our own eco-bags and
“students are required to the skills that they have been their communities, and serve flood tides are some of water bottle. Implementing
possess their generation skills patiently taught by the mentors society with greatness. the destructions that can this is a good thing towards
in order to face their struggles” and educators. This greatness would mean catalyze the saddest ending the student, teachers,
said by Barabara Kurshan. “Most of this serving humanity with a heart. of our planet earth. principals etc. because
21st century skill generation is discriminated due A heart that will exclude so The Philippine we could learn on how we
are their weapon and a key to laziness, irresponsibility and much optimism and passion Government implemented, help our nature, and to
to nourish status quo. They dependence which is being to others that it will eventually Republic Act No. 9003 or apply discipline to our co-
need to be critical, creative, told by the past generation. propagate that: this generation the Economic Solid Waste humans” said by Austine
informative and flexible in Who does not know what this is not about laziness, is not Management that ensures Jade Paraiso a grade nine
addressing the challenges great generation is up to?” about being on gadgets the protection of public student of Special Program
and decision making that they said by Meriam Cabactulan a 24 hours, but a generation health, proper segregation, in Journalism at CDONHS-
are confronted with. Special Program in Journalism of confident, independent, collection, transport and JHS
Cagayan de Oro student, at Cagayan de Oro diverse and justice-minded storage of solid waste. Hand by hand, we can
National High School, National High School- Junior citizens of the universe. In helping this locality help our garbage lessen,
conducted a survey in 5 High School (CDONHS-JHS). unsullied. discipline and take action
consecutive sections. 43% The student will be the In Cagayan de would be the ideal match up
Oro City Ordinance on helping our society and
No.13378 - 2010 Integrated not to suffer.

Invisible pang of pain Kate Iza Marie V. Sabello

Ending, is a word that stop with a (LGBTI) persons; and prisoners and family
period and not a coma to continue. problems. By far the strongest risk factor
Life is an unbearable source in for suicide is a previous suicide attempt.
earth. Ending a life form is a total sin in Cagayan de Oro National High
religious acts towards human. school-Junior High School (CDONHS)
Suicide, the deadly sin that most was given multiple seminars to prevent
teenagers are up to doing. students from suicidal thoughts.
Close to 800 000 people die due to “Having this kind of seminar is really
suicide every year. Suicide is the second good on preventing someone to commit
leading cause of death among 15-29 year- suicide, infact in goodness, they might
olds. 79% of global suicides occur in low- think about it and let the negative thoughts
and middle-income countries. wash away in their mind” saib by Karylle
In addition, experiencing conflict, Maagad, a student in CDONHS at Grade
disaster, violence, abuse, or loss and a 9 Special Program in Journalism. Every
sense of isolation are strongly associated suicidal act has the approximate time of 40
with suicidal behavior. Suicide rates are seconds in death.
also high amongst vulnerable groups who According to Dr. Willand Wang,
experience discrimination, such as refugees “People who commit suicide don’t want to
and migrants; indigenous peoples; lesbian, die, but to end their pain.”
gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex
ST3 Science and Tecnology Streamline

Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School-Junior High School August-September 2019

Make-Right Kate Iza Marie V. Sabello

Body disorder Kate Iza Marie V. Sabello
If your weight is and travel to taste great
Boosting our Cagayan De Oro National my pale face,” said by beyond the limit, you are new foods. However, I also
confidence is one of the High School- Junior High Barbie Monsalud a Grade putting your health to risk. balance my eating process
main engagements in life School (CDONHS-JHS). nine SPJ. It would be a tag line of for having a good life" said
that we need, in order to 34% of women and Moreover, this also your life. Kate Sabello, a student of
fonquer the world. LGBT in CDONHS uses lip cultivates your talents by Obesity is an Cagayan de Oro National
Having a good tint and powder in going or “coloring yourself”. It also important health physical High School.
appearance would likely coming out from school. relieves stress because factor towards tons of If making eating a
give us a good compliment According to research, this it establishes as a hobby, citizens, not only for itself hobby, without limitations
from others for presenting create designing yourself, or seeing vibrant colors to but also to others. , the health risk would be
clean, neat, pretty etc. stress-reliever, takes up calm your dreary day. As This is one of the following.
Facing the world with full different roles in life, and an to many female cosmetic main prior of important In the other
upright confidence, without armor. users, makeup takes health factor; heart hand, even the school of
doubts of failing. up different roles in life disease, diabetes, high Cagayan de Oro Naginal
Our society in any event: it may be blood pressure, sugar, and High School-Junior High
has a long history fierce, vibrant, simple or some cancerous illness. school hasn't reach the
with makeup. In fact, astonishing mood. According to the obsity level of students;
evidence of cosmetic On the other hand, food and nutrition research it is also important to be
dates back to 10,000 makeup also covers your institute of National cautious of what we are
B.C in ancient real emotion. A mask Nutrition Survey (NNS), eating and have a healthy
Egypt. Both men where you smile outside, three out of four of filipino lifestyle.
and women used but dying in the inside. parents, with the age 20+ Things that helps
these in different Making it a good cover up has more weight. avoid obesity is through
perspectives. It may to people. Aside from it, proper healthy fittness diet.
be into bad things or However, there is World Health Organization That makes the life longer
in good reasons. also limits on applying it, (WHO) says tha ;obesity is and stronger; by eating
Make- up is because this has harmful considered as sickness. vegetables, fruits and grow
a trend within the chemical ingredients. Like "Obesity is a factors.
centuries, but as phthalates (a group of chronic disease," said Through out the
time flies by, make- chemical that can damage by the World Health years, people can't help
up evolves more and more In this generation the endocrine system/skin), Organization in a press the desires to eat and
vibrant making it more tons of women are lead (has neurotoxin which conference. putting aside our health.
colorful to put on. influenced to make up, is linked to miscarriage) One of the causes Eating isn't a
“It’s like a weapon whether if you are young and peg compounds (are of this is laziness, food problem, but these must
that is very powerful that or old. “ using lip tint makes polyethylene glycols that eating proximity, a for the have limitations, rght
even your darkest scars me cover my pail and soften the compounds of other things h balance and good balance.
are covered” said by, choppy lips, making me see makeup). These would you eat. Be healthy, and
Austine Jade Paraiso a myself more approachable harmful to the health and "As for myself, don't let the doctors be
student in Special Program to others; this also makes has high possibilities for eating is one of my goals in awake.
in Journalism (SPJ) at me feel confident, without early aging. life, tasting delicious food

End the gloom Draining pain

Kate Iza Marie V. Sabello
Kate Iza Marie V. Sabello
In certain times of these depressed students

our lives, we will always might hurt themselves such
experience sadness. as using sharp blades to eavy rains and even are merely affected by in their Humanitarian
Whether you like it or not, cut through their skin or by slightly rainfalls could this cataclysm as this has Health Action that floods
it's always there. But taking taking an overdose of drugs. already trigger a single overflowed some areas of can potentially increase
sadness seriously will take Suicide is also a possible community specifically the school premises. the transmission of some
you on a whole different outcome if the person has in Barangay Nazareth M o r e o v e r , communicable diseases
level. reached his/ her emotional whose area can easily CDONHS has already been such as typhoid fever,
High school students capacity. be flooded due to poor called as “Tambakan sa cholera, hepatitis, and
particularly experience However, there are drainage systems that may Tubig” because the school commonly leptospirosis
depression. From a death treatments for depression. possibly lead to a massive building is in between two that have been the most
of a loved one, poor Challenging your negative devastation and can be residency areas and when controversial disease in the
school performance, family thoughts requires a lot of enormously destructive the rain pours, the water city.
problems,and more. These mental work. Changing the force. is rapidly increasing and “It’s very hard for us
factors cause sadness or way how you think. You Since rainy seasons gathered within the area to go to the other buildings
maybe depression of an might feel like the most often starts every June of its pathways and roads of the school because of
individual cannot get over worthless person on the and lasts until October, it preventing the students the stocked water,” said
the problem. planet, but is that really is expected that typhoon from being dismissed. by a Grade 9 student of
Depression usually likely? It takes practice, but season in the Philippines One of the major CDONHS.
affects our mental health in time you can beat back happens between the causes of this eventuality Nonetheless,
and makes you feel sad or those negative thoughts month of September to is the pilled garbage Barangay Nazareth’s
empty, fatigue, insomnia, before they get out of December. everywhere that leads to declaration of the ‘Operation
weight fluctuations, control. According to the the blockage of canals for Proper Canals and
weakened immune system, Eating healthy foods Philippine Atmospheric and undisciplined behavior Drainage Systems’ has just
increased pain sensitivity, and getting enough sleep Geophysical and of citizens towards their been conducted together
and trouble with memory is essential too so that it Astronomical Services wastes. with the helping hand
Administration (PAGASA), The causes of of Congressman Rufus
or desicions. Some would boosts your confidence and there is 70% chance
even let suicidal thoughts gives you more energy for that Heavy Rainfalls will flooding are varied, but the Rodriguez in this planned
take over. your day-to-day routines. continue from June to effects of the most causes project to avoid ‘as soon
"I get this feeling that Physical health is also August, and a 55% to can be managed if not as possible calamities’ or
60% chance that it will still prevented. eventualities that may fall
I don't want to attend class necessary along with your “Purwesyo kaayo,
anymore and sometimes mental health. prevail from September to labi na sa mga students on this area.
I think about suicidal As strange as it November. dari sa school na dugay The Government
thoughts. I cry often when might sound, you have to Meanwhile, as kaayo makauli tungod adopted a number of laws
I'm alone too," said Karylle work at having fun. Plan Nazareth is continuously aning pagbaha. Makahatag to protect our stressed
Anne Maagad, student of things you used to enjoy, on the progress of making sad biya nig sakit sa mga environment, but these
Cagayan de Oro National even if they feel like a chore. the proper drainages estudyante,” said Honey do not seem to work well
High School. Keep going to the movies. and ousting the canals, Mae Gipala, grade 9 as people do not seem to
Students from Keep going out with friends Cagayan de Oro National adviser. grasp the gravity of their
CDONHS experience for dinner. High School- Junior High World Health actions and their impact to
this mental condition. It When you're School (CDONHS-JHS) Organization (WHO) stated the environment.
is very common for teens depressed, you can lose

Cure from nature

to experience this since the knack for enjoying life.
they are still making major You have to relearn how
changes to themselves and to do it. In time, fun things
depression is a part of it too. really will feel fun again.
I left untreated, Kate Iza Marie V. Sabello

D o you see that cherry-

like fruit found near
your home? Most of you
Since bacteria are growing
stronger and getting more
resistant strains, medical
goes away by itself).
The pain will be
relieved by eating three
will ignore it, but little do science produces are berries in group of 9-12.
you know, this miracle fruit becoming less effective. It also prevents
contains tons of benefits But the Kerson fruit is diabetes by helping to
for you. a better alternative for lower blood pressure, this
According to medicine. means that a person will
experts, it contains This fruit also be taking less medicine
antibiotics that eliminate relieves the pain of gout, or injection doses.
various diseases like which is a painful form of Kerson fruit is also used
intestinal bacteria, staph, arthritis caused by buildup in countries regularly
diphtheria, sepsis, and in which diabetes is
various other invaders. of uric acid in your system,
and is also incurable (only prevalent.
Streamline Science and Tecnology ST4
Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School-Junior High School August-September 2019

Pigs fly Kate Iza Marie V. Sabello

Eating, one of the to be studied.

highly needed do’s being “My family as for
human. But what if the food now, is still not eating meat,
you eat, is the one giving due to that transmittable
you sickness? disease” said by Jillian
Department of Canete a Special Program
Agriculture (DOA) held its in Journalism (SPJ) student
viral check-up towards the in Cagayan de Oro National
infectious African swine High School - Junior High
Fever (ASF), September 9, School (CDONHS-JHS)
2019.’ Moreover, the virus
Meat is the caused by the death of
commonly grow food of our pigs would be the carrier
body, and the highest eating towards human. When
beverage of humans. this is carried by a human,
African swine fever this leads to swine flu.
is an infectious disease in Spreading to human
pigs. It causes hemorrhagic primary weak system
fever in pigs that and making your immune
transfers to human when system weak and easily
transmitted; it is a large infected. This is transferred
double-stranded DNA virus to humans by blood, meat
in the Omnivore family. that has been eaten up.
This would highly mortality According to
the rates in domestic pigs; research, there is still
some pigs can cause the no classified treatment
death of several species of towards the said sickness,
animals as early as a week but has medical intake.
after infection. As to the citizenry, they
According to are highly alert towards
Agriculture Secretary, the meat they are eating,
William Dan in a press to avoid the so-called
conference 20 pigs were disease.
brought to United Kingdom

Sea of thoughts Revamped for Improvement

Kate Iza Marie V. Sabello
Kate Iza Marie V. Sabello

Overthinking dwells
in us. Am I ugly with this?
Am I not good enough?
follow their first instinct
and often need constant
reassurance and answers
o oversee the essence
of intervention programs
out during the
experience and needed by
the “young” people as a
medium for self-expression,
research aim to improve
the academic performance
of the students in
Why am I like this? just to keep their mind at Research Congress 2019, communication, exploration mathematics,” said by one
Mind is a never- bay and calm. teachers from the Division and imagination. This study of the members for the
ending trail of what ifs. H o w e v e r , of Cagayan de Oro determined the font cause Learning and Teaching
Thinking it all over and over overthinking has its City was aiming to uplift of the students’ unmet team, Marichu P. Borres.
again. Infinity. In perpetuity. dangerous effects too. If the personality among achievement of learning The results showed
Ending up into a whole you happen to worry about students through the four competencies of the SPA remarkable based from
boom of overloaded ifs. things too much, it can themes that was presented curriculum. their pre-test and post-
Students usually cause breathing problems, this year’s congress. According to test. It showed that the
experience overthinking extreme fatigue, muscle According to Farrah Ablanque, one new technique resulted
when they are not entirely aches and pains, weight Dr. Hash Salic, “This of the members of the a significant increase in
sure on what to do over a gain, and weakened corresponds to the goal team who took part to this the performance of the
problem. Their first thoughts immune system. of the Department of category stated “A 10- students.
would be the mild ones, but “I always experience Education of the city that week intervention was Lastly, the
after several days without overthinking. Every thought no learner is left in the planned and conducted to Senior High Alternative
any control, their thoughts gives me nightmares. It progression of learning.” the identified students and Responsive Education
could go over the edge. And might have done something Despite the certificates were given after Delivery (SHARED), where
this is called overthinking. bad in my mental health pressures and challenges the implementation”. it is an option in order to
From an outsider’s now,” said Thea C. Tan, in the current events, After the weeks of decrease dropped out and
teachers from Cagayan de intervention, the average retention rate in the Division
Oro National High School grade for the first quarter of Cagayan de Oro.
Junior High was able to was obtained. The results Based on the
accomplish and achieve revealed the positive Department of Education
the Best Research Papers. change in the students’ Order 72 series of 2009
Moreover, the academic performance in or the Inclusive Education
research congress the SPA programs’ post as Strategy for Increasing
was composed four intervention. Participation Rate of
themes; Child Protection, On the other hand, Children which states that
Human Resource under the Learning and the DepEd has organized
and Development, Teaching theme, was the urgency to address
Teaching and Learning, also the “FreeHand Sticks this problem and therefore,
and Governance that Technique: An Innovative guarantees the right for
CDONHS-JHS took part on Approach in Adding and these children to receive
some of these categories. Subtracting Integers.” The appropriate education
One of the programs main objective for this was within the regular or
was the Project STEP UP to establish FreeHand inclusive classroom setting.
(Special Transformation sticks as a new skill in Education is
Extension Program to improving the students’ generally understood as a
Uplift Personality): An techniques in adding and form of learning whereby
perspective, one might think student of Cagayan de Oro Intervention Program subtracting integers even knowledge, skills, and
that overthinking is easy National High School. in Uplifting the Special multiple digits and terms habits are etched out in
to spot. And sometimes C o m b a t i n g Program in the Arts that would lead them to the minds of an individual
it is. When you leave the overthinking can be a learners’ Morale. Since Art the mastery of skills and through instruction,
house in the morning to go daunting task. It takes have long been considered discovery of rules. training, sharing, and
to school and ask yourself practice and vigilance part of the human affective “This action communicating.
if you remember to turn off along with patience and
all of the appliances in the being able to cut yourself
house… that’s a form of some slack. Stopping the
overthinking. overthinking cycle won’t
But there’s also the happen overnight and will
sneaky-and-hard-to-catch take years if not decades
kind of overthinking. This to master. This isn’t said
kind disguises itself as your to discourage you, but to
inner voice and criticizes prepare you.
every decision you make: Things like
from the color of the shirt meditation, dancing,
you picked out this morning exercise, exploring a
to the answer you gave in new hobby, cooking, and
the class discussion 15 painting can distance you
years ago to your very self- from the issues enough
worth. to shut down the over-
Many people who analysis. Happy, positive,
suffer from this kind of and healthy thoughts can
overthinking have dealt do the same. When all
with it their entire lives else fails, think of baby
and assume it’s just how animals. Seeing therapist is
everyone experiences self- necessary too.
talk. These people rarely
S1 Sports Streamline

Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School-Junior High School August-September 2019

CDONHS Tigers Qualified for Division Meet

Francin L Cantila

School Tigers blow
when they easily defeat
Corpus Christi School
for a championship with
the score of 56-48, held
in Nazareth Gymnasium,
on Friday afternoon-
September 6, 2019.
The following
players are from Senior
High School and the
rest are Junior High
School. There are 11
players from the Tigers.
At first game,
CDONHS Tigers vs Saint
Mary's School the game
was also like a fiery Battle
because they had overtime
in the game with a score
of 65-63. In the end,
Tigers won against SMS.
Followed by Tigers
vs Lourdes College.
It was also an intense
game. The strategies and
teamwork of Tigers they
were able to reach the
victory, With the score of
63-52 and tigers won again
contra Lourdes College.
And lastly, for the
Championship Tigers
Basketball players from CDONHS getting ready for Division Meet. versus Corpus Christy,
the game was just a
piece of cake for Tigers

CDONHS slams Megahit Over Ateneo, 68-62

because they were able
to lose Corpus easily
with a score of 56-48
Francin L Cantila but also the teamwork
that they had tigers won.
The next Game
that Tigers facing for the
Cagayan de Oro National High School. teammates and lack focus. them backed out and next are for Division Meet
National High School- C D O N H S - The Tiger’s team won only seven players left. I and possible it will be held
Junior High School JHS Tigers had perfect the championship because am trying to recruit more again in Nazareth Gym.
(CDONHS-JHS) Tigers coordination, scoring 15 of their teamwork and players for a stronger force.” “Perminte man
arose the victory in more points over CCS in the perseverance. According Besides, the players gyud na magkasayop sa
the season of Wilson semifinals which promptly to Mr. Tagucon, the players are currently preparing dula, dili man na nimo ma
League Championship brought them to the victory conditioned themselves for their upcoming game perfect Ang dula naa gyud
against Xavier Ateneo and played against Xavier before the game began. this August 26-30,2019 at na siya'y sayop atleast
sayop nila naka recover
de Cagayan University at Ateneo in the championship. “Never give up Palawan, Puerto Princesa ra gyapun na sila from
Macasandig covered court, According to Tiger’s and always do your representing Cagayan the mistake na nacommit
edging of their winged Most Valuable Player (MVP) best”, said the Tiger’s de Oro or the local nila naningkamot gyapun
rivals in a thrilling 68-62 Mark Tagucon, “ kailangan coach Bismark Labadan. government Units. (LGU) . sila na makabalik,” said
victory on July 8, 2019. lang jud ug sacrifice. Trust According to Mr. They overcome CDONHS Tigers' coach,
They clutched your coach and teammates Labadan, “before the match errors and turnovers Mr. Bismark Labadan
against Corpus Christi and labaw sa tanan, pray.” has occurred, we had at to secure their victory. However, Tigers
School (CCS), XavierAteneo Moreover, during the least 20 interested players It is exactly what a are preparing and they
de Cagayan, Misamis championship round, their mostly from the Basic win is a win feels like. had training after Class for
Division Meet to continue
Oriental High School opponent wasn’t able Education Curriculum… their Goals to put City High
(MOGCHS), and Indahag to coordinate with their Unfortunately, some of on the Top.

Checkmate Francin L Cantila

train for
AUGUST 28, 2019 napugngan gyod ko sa tulo probinsya na kelangan
— As the "mind games" sa draws," Balquin said. suportahan ng kani-
in the Kalivungan Three draws coming kanilang LGU para mag
Festival 2019 Open from GM elect International excel at magbisay ng honor
Chess Championship Master Ronald Dableo, hindi lang sa kanilang lugar Francin L Cantila
continues, the 41-year- Arena Grandmaster kundi sa buong bansa.
old Jhonnel Balquin stays (AGM) Henry Roger Nasa peak s'ya ngayon it's
undefeated in his earliest Lopez and Balquin who high time now na mabigyan
consecutive matches was slowed down by Oro ng break internationally," The players of the
defying one of the country's compatriot Levi Mercado added Villar, himself Cagayan de Oro National
biggest Grandmasters in to share a place to him. a chess advocate who High School are practicing
perennial, Darwin Laylo. While GM Laylo, NM once played in the now and make efforts for the
However, as he Cedric Magno, Melchur extinct Shell Active chess. upcoming Division meet
faced the National Master Arcenas Jr., Rodrigo P25,000 was this September 27-28 2019.
David Elorta, a loss from Catayas, Allen Merano pocketed by NM Elorta Basketball Tigers
Balquin was counted and IM Dimakiling at who got the top purse are the champion during
and Elorta reigned 6 points ranked up and raging to P10,000 - the District Meet. As of now,
an overall 7 points. to the top-10 circle. P20,000 was given to IM they are currently practicing
"Gusto nako "Iyan ay patunay Dableo L, Balquin and AGM after every class to enhance
apason si David (Elorta) na maliban sa Manila, 'mi Lopez after their tiebreak. their skills and strategies.
nga magkontra mi pero mga worthy talents din sa CDONHS Sepak
Takraw is also the champion

CDONHS Tigers outplays NIS Netters

during the District Meet with
Tigers. However, there is no
proper court for them to train
Francin L Cantila after every class but they
were continuing their training.
However, the

F ueled with strong offense as it was flawless CDONHS showed no showing no mercy. same with Golden Eagle
determination and on the first set of the game. mercy as it showered their Taekwondo Team is also
great teamwork, With the ball bouncing back crucial overhead services "Consistency, that's what we Doing their efforts for their
CDONHS tigers swept out and forth of the court, they and smashing spikes which need to win the game, and training even though their
the Nanuri International scored repeatedly to snatch paved their way to win the luckily, we were consistent," equipment and shields are
School in a three-setter the first set, 15-25. second set, 7-25. says Kate Guimary, their not enough but still they
match (15-25, 7-25, 10-25) team captain. CDONHS were fixing it and proceed
during the District meet On the second set, the CDONHS tigers was claimed the glory and with what they have started.
in Indahag Elementary momentum was changed starving to win the game showed a lot of effort to win Players and coaches
School, September 7. as the Nanuri Netters and focused more on their the match. are one of the instruments to
slowly drifted away on the offense, as well as their Chavez keep and make the game
CDONHS tigers showed early minutes of the game defense to win the game. better than what is expected.
their consistency on their because of their errors. 3-0, sweeping Nanuri and
Streamline Sports S2
Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School-Junior High School August-September 2019

Wrestler boys cager shocks FEU fail to win

against NU
3 horrifying schools Francin L Cantila Francin L Cantila

At this stage of the 6, Del Carmen 5, Hayes

No pain, No game the barrier. led you to a good game. If game National University 4, Canuto 4, Harada 0,
Ryan Rugay and It ever happened I were there I will calculate for reigning 5-peat Fabruada 0, Cacho 0,
Kung Gideon Mangalili won that kind of player will never you moves. The two of them champion for their 81st Cac 0. and For FEU (60)
a wrestling game against surrender. Physically was was really a tactical person winning game after they Castro 24, Mamarilm16,
Bulua, Manto, and Patag. the only one will be the if some one can defend the defeat the Far Eastern Delos Santos 10, Quiapo
The game held at Bulua pair of your mental ability, ability would be higher. University, 80-60, Starting 4, Jumuad 4, Bahuyan 2,
National High School, by because it will support your “Maayu og kusgan,” Yesterday the University Vidal 0, Padayon 0, Adriano
their successive kicks and tactics. You cannot Dodge the two of them uttered. Athletic Association of 0, Bastatas 0, Antiola 0.
slams, they automatically if you are weak, if same They are lucky that they the Philippines Season Clare Castro was
strike their enemy. To prove physical strength it was win this game and they are 82 Women’s basketball first to lose FEU with the
that City High can soat easy when your mental are moving to the regional. The Tournament held in Araneta score of 24 points, 10
high and never be a losing more higher. CDONHS-JHS family are Coliseum. rebounds, and 3 blocks.
and dieng school. By the The game soar hoping that they can do it, Jack Animam get “It was a hard
extreme training and strong insane, the enemy was they will prove that someone a score of 17 points, 12 win, rusty probably,
determination and focus strong, but the two of them can move but someone can rebounds, and 3 assists to overconfident, but the thing
they easily pass through prove that strength cannot fail their mission. lead the first win season of is we have to play double-
Lady Bulldogs. time against FEU,” said NU
Followed by coach Patrick Aquino.


Congolese Center Rhena “Our Players are
Itesi had a score of 16 still hesitant. We’re coming
points, 6 rebounds, and up with a new system and
3 ring assists, and those they’re still hesitant with
rookies are Angel Surada that, but I just told them to
Francin L Cantila and Camille Clarin that has play as hard as you can and
a 10 points each. everything will follow. That’s
National University what happened,” said
C anitoan National High
School Sepak Takraw
team kick the Cagayan
they were also Demonstrate
their Strategies to show
how they play, CDONHS
the Canitoan National High
During the 2nd
(80) scores are Animan
17, Itesi 16, Surada 10,
Rmatsada of NU, FEU was
outscore after fourth canto
Clarin 10, Bartolo 8, Pingol to makopo the win.
de Oro National High retrieve a score against Ryego CDONHS never
School during the Division CNHS. give up they were able

Golden Eagle fights

Meet 2019 held at Bulua Advent of one and to gained points against
Elementary School last a half hours they directly to CNHS, they were able to

until the end

September 19, 2019. play continues to the game, ordersuccession the points.
The first match in the score of CNHS was the According to the
the Game of CNHS showed cause of their succeed. players of CDONHS, “
their mastery so they got a Behind of all Natalo kami dahil sa Galing
point cause to overreached challenges to the game nila pero di parin ibig Francin L Cantila
the Opponent. they were able to lose sabihin na susukuan namin
However, CDONHS CDONHS with the score yun tuloy tuloy pa Rin Ang
will never easily to lose, of 16-21, More Privilege to Laban.” Cagayan de Oro Shields and Equipments
National High School during to their game but

Less punches, more

Golden Eagle Taekwondo they are strong they stand
team won in a competition up again and combat to
to their hardwork, Efforts, another Opponents.
and their strong spirit and All the sweat are all
the most important the worthy from the beginning

teamwork they were able to until the end because they
gain a Victory. were able to get the 2nd
“Tsada among Place Silver and 15 Golds,
dula” said by Apple Grace they were bringing back the
D. Magsayu a player from shine to CDONHS.
Francin L Cantila Grade 7 wisdom she's According to Apple
happy that she was able “Lisod kwaon and Bronze ,
to be one of the players to Gold, and Silver Kay Kung
represent the school. dili man gyud nimo makuha
Manny Vegas before their flight. the stats, Thurman was However, During Matagal man gyud ka.”
Pacquiao landed Pacquiao was once more active in terms of their Practice every after In Addition, Tears
less known as a victorious punches compared to class you can see to their and Sweat of every Players
boxer and prove Manny. Thurman landed faces how determine they got the Triumph even
again h i s 210 punches while Manny and serious they are, the though that there are
thrown 195 punches. weather is hot as they problems but they Face
This event played. it all and Fix it and fight to
strength absolutely stunned the M o r e o v e r , continue reaching their
of his match- netizens of the Philippines. Aside from their better dreams and out CDONHS
performance they were one of the good spot in the
up with Thurman Some of the students that having a problems to their City.
in WBA Welterweight has a dream of being
World Championship, boxer takes Manny as an
Saturday evening at inspiration. Especially to
the Grand Arena in Las Manny’s religious beliefs
punches Vegas, Nevada. as he prayed before his
towards Manny’s dominant matches as always.
Keith skills knock down According to a
Thurman Thurman from the firys student from Cagayan
that makes round or early knockdown. de Oro National High
him bring He landed a solid shot School- Junior High
home the to Thurman in the tenth School (CDONHS-JHS), “
bacon on their previous round that let Thurman Manny was a good boxer
match on July 21, 2019. visibly hurt and trying to that brought pride to our
Their Welterweight backup. nation.”
was launched in Las According to

Suico hacks out to Division Meet

Francin L Cantila

A hot battle in Ackmad. garner the gold so it would

Archery, Cagayan de Oro During the training be coming from the coach
National High School John there were plenty of of Xavier and Mrs. Ackmad
Resmar Suico won in the Problems because of was a chaperon during the
Division Meet and Regional Financial Difficulty were game.
Contender. The competition their number one problem
held last September 27, is Financial. Sucio said “Im
2019 Friday at Sports The Game was happy and also Excited
Center Pelaez. so tough because some because I won and I'm one
T h e of the players are not of the Regional Contender.”
Representatives were confident one that is their The Schedule of
3 players 2 boys and 1 equipment very inferior but their Practice was only
girl and they were from then they have one qualifier Saturday and Sunday
Strengthened Technical- this upcoming December because they have still
Vocational Education Regional Meet. classes.
Program (STVEP). However, They had Fight and Fight,
“I'm happy because their trainor but as of now Accept defeat. It will help
despite of our status but Mrs. Ackmad wasn't the you to be a better player. CDONHS-JHS taekwondo Eagles enhances for the upcoming
then wo got one regional winning coach and because Division Meet.
player,” said Mrs. Aurora T. the athletes was not able to
S3 Sports Streamline

Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School-Junior High School August-September 2019

Aim High

Nuska’s victory in the field of Sepak Takraw
Francin L Cantila
Francin L Cantila play Sepak Takraw when he
was in Elementary Grade 6,
His Friends influence and

motivate him to play Sepak
eet Achilles Arimao, in Men Single "Palarong Takraw. It was a nice game
a 9th grade student Pambansa", he reached the for him, it was his hobby
from Cagayan de Oro highest spot in the chart- Even though it's class time
National High School-Junior champion. but he choose to play.
High School (CDONHS- "The four of us He also compete on
JHS). Aiming high to reach siblings were so proud the Division Meet for Four
his dream following the and took our dad as our Years and he will continue
steps of his father. inspiration and decided to to chase his dream because
He started playing follow his path",Achilles his parents has a trust and
badminton on his 4th grade said. full support to him.
and joined the district meet After all of his Dad's Sometimes Abdul
matching with various hardships he was given an having a problem to his
schools that challenge the opportunity to teach some team because of their bad
boy,"I always join but, I junior athletes in the other attitude, no respect and
never won. countries. lack of teamwork, but they
He strive so hard to Although his Dad were able to Fix it because
win in his battle but he Didn't was successful in his battle there's no Problem that has
make it. He was tired of Achilles was once asking no solution.
playing because of lacking for his father's help to teach During to their game
motivation. However he him because according he's using his strategies
didn't end it there. He fight to the boy he wanted his he said “Kanang teamwork
once again and father to teach him because Lang gyud Ang Kailangan
surprisingly he won first he understands quickly sa dula ug pray Lang gyud,”
place in Division Meet when even though his father is and he hopes that his co-
he's on his 6th grade. strict whenever they have players will change and to
They tend to look up their training for badminton. Nuska the MVP in the field of Sepak Takraw in improve themselves in the
on their father, a competitive As of now the CDONHS game.
man who almost tried all teenage boy is still deciding “Put God first in
various sports and strikingly if he would continue or not the Play,” his word before
won in a row. He's also but he knew well to himself A Most Valuable 9 student from Cagayan de the game start, God is our
awarded at Marawi as the that he wouldn't give up that Player name Abdul Zahrani Oro National High School. Strength, weakness,and
"Athlete of the Year" back easily. Moumin L. Nuska a Grade Abdul started to our savior.
on his college days. Also,

FIBA World Cup 2019 Gilas CDONHS chess

Pilipinas kontra Angola tactics on foes
Francin L Cantila Francin L Cantila

2019 Fiba world s e c u r e d gives Gilas a 76-73 lead Student athletes of level on chess will be held
cup Wednesday. The victory. with 4:01 left on OT, this is Cagayan de Oro National in any school campuses
Philippines' men's national T h e 2 the next sequence of Plays High School-Junior High base on the complete of
team are seeing to get the F T of for the Filipinos. (CDONHS) in chess event equipment and whether the
first win when Moreover, Angola trouble in their strategies school has the decent area
Filipino took the lead with a 80- on overthrowing other to play chess.
combat 76 on a 7-0 run. Final powerhouse schools at the As usual from last
to Angola Score Angola-84 and District Meet this September year's district competition,
to their Last group Philippines-81. 11 to 12, 2019. they will face again strong
game after losing If Gilas Pilipinas Science and opponents from different
a one pair of European and Angola are Technology Engineering powerful schools including
Behemoths. the same, it's that (STE) and Basic Education Corpus Christi High school,
Rip-off is at 3:30 they enter their Department reigned Macasandig National High
Pm at Foshan City's contest and trying the intramurals in boys school, Lourdes College,
International Sports and to shake off category and only two STE etch.
Cultural Arena. massive defeats learners in the girls category On September 6-7
Team Gilas in Serbia and lasted until the end of the District Meet and prove
Pilipinas top performers. Italy. competition. once again their skills for the
Andray Blatche 23 The Head As the winners of following sport competition.
points (20 points in 1st Coach Yeng the intramurals in chess "Win or lose I'm
2 games) 12 rebounds Guiao at co 9 was already declared; boys still proud of them but we
4 steals, CJ Perez 17 places higher and girls category, they are striving and practicing
points 7 rebounds 3 that their African have been very busy lately tough and hard to win this
assists, Robert Bolick opponents in on their trainings, as they match and bring home
10 points 23 pointers, the Final world man to man the students the victory, we face the
Keifer Ravens 6 points Blatche ranking he to widen their knowledge battlefield and we want to
5 rebounds 4 assists 2 within 2 hopes to more about the sport. return as a winner", coach
steals. minutes have a “Good According to Ms. Rosalie eagerly said.
Carlos Morais left made match- u p ” Rosalie Dalia, adviser of
went to the 1/2 from the it into 80- against Angola the chess club, the district
free-throw line to give 78, Angola one team o f
Angola an 84-81 lead
that has 7 seconds left
ahead. With
a chance to
R o d r i g o CDONHS Sepak Takraw Hack
on the game clock. tie or to lead, Hilas went to Duterte that he said that
A chance to send
the game for 20T, Kiefer
Funk with this sequence of
the Filipinos Should not
have a hard time beating.
out to District Meet
Ravens didn't get the 3 However, After Francin L Cantila
point attempt,as Angola Blatche's split from the line

At this stage of from CNHS are not just

the game, Cagayan de good and the wat got even
Oro National High School hotter but the determination,
Sepak Takraw team won teamwork, and strategies
as Champion during they were able to won as
South District Meet with champion with the total
the opponents Macasandig score of 21.
National High School and “Nakulang sa
Camaman-an National High practice kay bag-o ang
School. The game was held team. Wala poy eksakto nga
at South City Central School court, walay mga eksakto
last September 5, 2019. nga equipments walay
Most of the players bola,” said Mr. William C.
are from Grade 8 and Grade Docdoc, CDONHS Sepak
9. Total of 12 players from Takraw coach.
different curricula. The team did not
During the first game have any financial problem
of CDONHS against MNHS, as they were just playing but
the two strong players ok players received 100 pesos
the two Schools fought each on game day.
hotly but CDONHS players According to Abdul
were so smart using by their Nuska, one of the best player
strategies and Teamwork of CDONHS, “Happy kay
so they defeated MNHS as nakadaog mi pero katong
well. first regu namo naglisod
However, during the mi ug among pagkukulang
second game CDONHS kay teammates kay bag-o
CDONHS Sepak Takraw won as a Champion vs. Camaman-an National paman. Ang Team og try
High School, the players and try until you succeed.”
Vol. 1 No. 2 The Official Publication of Cagayan de Oro National High School-Junior High School August-September 2019


Ralph and Merry Chavez

triumph during the
Division Meet of Dance
Sports on September
28, 2019 at Limketkai

Chavez Siblings chalk up the

Francin L Cantila

C havez Siblings blew

the competition away
when they won as
a champion during the
Division meet of Dance
Standard, but there was
only one contestant and

no opponents in Standard.
Chavez Siblings, Ralph,
and Merry won because of

their Hardworks and Efforts

despite of the hardness
shot with this Competition
you will over power with
this girl from Christian
Samaritan, maayu Naman
gyud iyang footwork ni Alma
In Addition, The possible
opponents were the whole
Region X Camiguin,
Misamis Oriental, Gingoog,
Sports held at limketkai The Female Contender they were able to catch iyang Facial Expression Valencia, Bukidnon,
Rotonda last September was from Bogo National up those Adversary. Merry Kay murag dili gapang Malaybalay, Lanao,
28, 2019. High School and Make Ann Angel Bontiya was imbitar, so Kato Pak Latina Iligan, Ozamis, Misamis
The representatives Contender from Capitol from Special Program and gyud kaayu siya so Kato Occidental, Tangub City,
were Bogo National University Cube Basic Talented (SPGT) and Ralph grabe Kay siya ka thrilling El Salvador, Oroquieta and
High School, three pairs; Education. from Special Program in abi gyud nako nga dili siya last Cagayan De Oro City.
Christian Samaritan, According to the Arts (SPA), they were maka daog.” said Sunshine Chavez Siblings
one pair; Puerto, one Sunshine Villegas able to got the 4rth Place R. Villegas Dance Sports Promised to continue
pair; Man-ai School, one “Very close kaayu Ang in Secondary level and the coach of CDONHS. chasing their dreams until
pair; Canitoan, one pair; competition Ni Chaves Chavez siblings were the The next it will fulfill and they were
Pagatpat, one pair; and siblings and Christian Champion King Edrian C. competition that the able to treadle on the
lastly Cagayan de Oro Samaritan nga couple Chavez and Alma Soren C. winners will be facing is National and Put City High
National High School, two Kay katong so Christian Chavez both are from SPA. the Regional Meet this on the top.
pairs; Samaritan National “I really told Alma December at Lanao Del
There were two Contender na.” If you’ll not give your best Norte.

Besar Ramps Away the Victory Zamora Brings Home the

Francin L Cantila Silver Medal
At this stage on Francin L Cantila
the game Besar captured
the championship during

the Division Meet for
Wrestling Girl held at he weather is Hot as can't get the right Proficiency.
Bulua National High what Zamora played They had their
School last September Gymnast with the three Specific Schedule to their
26, 2019. players from Corpus Christi training PTH locally in
The players of during the Division Meet she Corpus Christi
Cagayan de Oro National got the Silver Medal, Gymnastic Area and
High School were the Coach should
Cristene Jay Besar, Julian held at Corpus be always with the
Mae Magallon, and Anna Christi Sports Area player during
Sophia Rosales. last September 27, practice.
“Happy nga 2019. “Work Hard
nakadaog, Kay katong L a s t things will
magdula man mi Kay South District go smooth
Wala man gyapun koy Meet Mary if you will
kontra Ato Kay diretso Hyacint follow your
ko champion Wala may Z a m o r a Heart and
kaparehas nako ug representing Dreams,”
timbang.” Besar said Cagayan de said coach
The Opponents were from Oro National Mr. Abdul
Bulua and Patag. Besar High School G a f f a t
got the Gold medal and also played Alimatar
a regional contender, Besar won as a Champion of Wrestling Girl with the Gymnast.
Magallon Silver Medalist, Opponents Even though
and Rosales Bronze coming from Zamora won
Medalist. Even though of course maningkamot national is 60 above.” Corpus Christi she need
Besar won, her co-players sila ug pa bug-at sila sa The Possible opponents in Secondary to improve
are having a Problems to weight Kay Kung when are the School's from the Level. because the
do their strategies on the you go to the higher Whole Region 10. coach will be
game, but their efforts and sports level Ang ilaha Have Faith, trust “Fair,” Zamora coming from
faith make them win. man gyud weight is dagko and Efforts you will gain said to their National will train
According to June so ilaha gyung weight is more awards and learn to game even though Individually to improve their
Tunido “ Naa silay Potential naa below 50 pero ilang accept defeat. sometimes she was having a routines.
mo Palarong Pambansa if mga dula sa regional and Problem to do her skills she

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