Packaging Instrumen
Packaging Instrumen
Packaging Instrumen
Many thanks to the team at 3M Health Care for working with 10. Instrument count sheets should be placed on
Managing Infection Control to provide the following accredited course. the inside of sterile packages.
IAHCSMM has awarded one and one-half (1.5) contact points for True False
completion of this continuing education lesson toward IAHCSMM
recertification. The CBSPD has preapproved this inservice for one and
one-half (1.5) contact hours for a period of five (5) years from the date
of publication, and to be used only once in a recertification period. This Introduction
inservice is 3M Health Care Provider approved by the California Board There are several types of sterilization
of Registered Nurses, CEP 5770 for one (1) contact hour. This form is packaging systems on the market today. These
valid up to five (5) years from the date of publication. Instructions for devices help to maintain sterility, as well as
submitting results are on page 97. protect the contents of the package and support
Managing Infection Control and 3M Health Care will be working aseptic presentation. Most healthcare facilities
collaboratively to provide continuing education courses in monthly use a variety of sterilization packaging systems.
editions of Managing Infection Control. The available systems include woven and
nonwoven wrappers, peel pouches of plastic,
paper and containment devices such as reusable rigid WHICH PACKING TO USE?
sterilization containers, organizing trays and instrument case/ Deciding on the appropriate packaging system for
cassettes available in both plastic and metal. There are also a sterilizing devices has become a challenging quest. The devel-
wide variety of devices used to protect instruments or opment of high tech, complicated surgical devices—especially
components. These include insert cases or trays, reusable for minimally invasive surgical procedures—and an increasing
accessories, paper-paper bags, foam and towels. variety of sterilization processes require greater diligence
Sterilization packaging is classified by the Food and and critical thinking skills when choosing the type of pack-
Drug Administration (FDA) as a Class II medical device and aging system to use for each device, or instrument set or
is defined as: sterilization process.
“A sterilization wrap (pack, sterilization wrapper, Issues of cost, rapid turnover, ease of use, material
bag or accessories) is a device intended to be used to compatibility and storage space need to be balanced with
enclose another medical device that is to be sterilized patient safety and instrument protection concerns. Healthcare
by a health care provider. It is intended to allow steril- professionals should work closely with the instrument,
ization of the enclosed medical device and also to sterilizer and packaging manufacturers to determine the appro-
maintain sterility of the enclosed device until used.”1 priate devices to wrap, package and contain sterilized items.
Packages used for sterilization with Ozone must allow Ozone to
penetrate the package material, be compatible with the process, and be
recommended by the manufacturer. Both the packaging and sterilizer
manufacturer’s written instructions for use should be followed. Ozone
compatible packaging includes uncoated nonwoven materials, plastic
pouches and commercially available anodized aluminum containers
using noncellulose disposable filters.2
Practical Application
Practical Application
Choose a packaging system that is cleared by the FDA for
• Establish a maximum weight limit of 25
the purpose and sterilization method you are using.
pounds for a containment device, the
instruments, and any accessories or
wrapper to protect your employees’
health and to decrease drying times. Types of packaging systems available
Reusable rigid container systems are used for the packaging,
transportation and storage of surgical instruments prior to, during and
Packaging systems compatibility after sterilization. These self-contained closed sterilization containers
Not all packaging systems are compatible with use filters or valves as a barrier system to permit air removal and the
all types of sterilization processes. As a Class II sterilant to enter and exit the container. The reusable box-like structures
medical device, packaging systems must be cleared act as a microbial barrier and must have a tamper proof seal.
by the FDA for their intended purposes as well as the Rigid container systems have internal baskets, come in many sizes,
method of sterilization used. and may have solid or perforated bottoms. The container manufacturer’s
written recommendations for sterilization cycle container should be large enough to allow the metal mass of instruments
parameters should be followed. In general, the to be distributed evenly.
solid bottom containers are to be used in steam Only filter materials that have been tested and documented to
sterilizers using dynamic-air-removal cycles only. be efficacious in the specific container system should be used. If
Perforated bottoms can be sterilized by gravity or disposable filters are used, a new filter should be used each time the
dynamic-air-removal steam sterilization. Some container is sterilized. If mechanical filters are used, their functionality
containers have been validated for use in Ethylene may need to be checked daily or before each use. Follow the manufac-
Oxide, Hydrogen Peroxide Gas Plasma, Ozone turers’ instructions.
and flash sterilization. Solid bottoms can also be
used to transport contaminated moist instruments. Internal stacking
Some container manufacturers have validated internal stacking of two
Figure 2. Solid bottom rigid container or more layers within a containment device. According to ANSI/AAMI
ST77:2006, Internal stacking:
“If organizing trays are to be stacked within a containment
device, the following factors shall be addressed for each
sterilization method for which stacking is recommended:
a) ease of removal of stacked items within a containment device;
b) the maximum density of contents within the containment
device to allow for proper sterilization and drying;
c) adequate perforations to allow for sterilant penetration,
sterilant evacuating, drying, and, if applicable, aeration;
d) the stability of the stacked items during transport and handling;
e) a dry outcome (see;
f) achievement of sterilization throughout the layers of stacked
organizing trays and the recommended accessories (e.g.,
Pre-assembly mats, holders) within the containment device. If any of the
Before placing items in the tray, both the box accessories are incompatible with a specific sterilization
and the lid of the container system should be method, the incompatibility should be indicated in the
inspected to ensure the entire container, top and instructions for use.”5
bottom is free from dents or cracks. The gaskets
should be pliable and securely fastened without If trays are stacked internally, a chemical indicator/integrator (CI)
breaks or cuts. The locking mechanism should should be placed in each layer in the area of the tray or container system
function properly. considered to be the least accessible to sterilant penetration.3 AORN
All of the container’s components (top, Recommended Practices for Selection and Use of Packaging Systems
bottom, valve or filter mechanisms, securing or recommends placing two chemical indicators/integrators in opposite
latching mechanisms) must function effectively as corners of each level of trays.2
a unit. It is vital to the maintenance of sterility, that
these components work together to allow air Tamper-evident closure Figure 3.
removal, to facilitate sterilant penetration and Self-contained steril- Tamper-evidence closure or lock
removal, and to inhibit contamination. ization containers require
Filter retention mechanisms, valves and a tamper-evident closure
fasteners such as screws and rivets should be secure (usually a plastic lock) to
and not loose. If the filter or valve is found loose, provide the user with
the sterility of the contents should be questioned. If visual confirmation that
any part of the container is not satisfactory or free of the container has not
functional defects, the container should be repaired been opened after sterili-
or replaced. zation until the time of
use. The tamper-evident
Assembly closure system shall be
To assure all instruments are exposed to the effortlessly and safely
sterilization agents, the basket(s) placed in the removed.5
Reduction of bioburden is essential for steril-
ization. Rigid container systems should be cleaned
after each use following the manufacturers’
written recommendations. The cleaning and
decontamination of rigid sterilization containers
systems is as important as the cleaning and decon-
tamination of the soiled/contaminated contents.
During routine cleaning, the container should be
inspected for mechanical wear and stress.
If the container system has removable filters,
the filter holders (retention plates) should be
removed to disengage the filter. If disposable, the
Figure 4. Sequential double-wrapping: entire filter should be disposed of. Reusable filters should be disassembled,
envelope fold cleaned and replaced according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Most container systems can be cleaned and decontaminated in
mechanical equipment. The cleaning method selected depends on the
container manufacturer’s instructions. If the container has valve-type
closures, the manufacturer’s instructions for frequency and method of
removal, disassembly and cleaning should be followed.
Practical Application
• Follow the rigid container manufacturer’s instructions for
pre-assembly, assembly, internal stacking, tamper-evident
closures, how to open and cleaning.
Packaging materials should be routinely examined for any holes,
defects and inappropriate extraneous material. Wrap comes in various
sizes and grade (sturdiness). Using the proper wrap size is important.
The wrap must be of sufficient size and grade to adequately cover and
support the weight and configuration of the medical device being
wrapped. If the wrap is too large it will be hard to wrap and open
aseptically. If the wrap is not sturdy enough for the weight or design of
the items, it may have a tendency to tear during handling.
Using manufacturers’ written recommendations, facilities should
“Reprinted from ANSI/AAMI ST79:2006 with permission of the develop policies and procedures for all packaging techniques.3 Wrapping
Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, procedures should be standardized. To decrease confusion for the end user,
Inc. © 2006 AAMI All rights reserved.” like packages should be wrapped in the same size wrapper every time.
must make sure the “cushion” is compatible with designed specifically for sterile packaging are acceptable as
the type of sterilization being used. outside closures only if the wrapper manufacturer explicitly
recommends their use and only if care is taken to choose the
Figure 5. Towel as cushion to decrease proper size (relative to the length and width of the package) so
chance for tears that the elastomer band fits snugly yet does not constrict the
package (e.g., create an “hour-glass” effect) or cause excessive
wrinkles or folds in the package.”3
Practical Application
• Follow recommended practices and manufacturer’s
instructions on pre-assembly, assembly, decreasing the
chance for tears, and closures for wrapped packages.
Paper-plastic or plastic pouches are frequently used to package small
lightweight, low-profile items (e.g., one or two needle holders or small
retractors). One side of the peel pack is clear plastic which is important
when it is necessary to view the items before they are opened. Pouches are
Transfer trays are another device to help not recommended for heavy or bulky items, because the seals may break
protect the integrity of the wrap. These are specifi- open.3
cally designed plastic trays that can help alleviate There are various size peel pouches and peel pack rolls (which can be
the possibility of tears due to manipulation onto and cut to size) on the market today. Choosing the correct size and application
off of carts. The packages can be placed on the of the pouch is important. If the pouch is too tight, the seal may not hold
trays before or after sterilization. and if it is too loose, the item will move which could stress the seals to the
point of rupturing. Proper sizing also allows for adequate air removal,
Figure 7. Transfer trays steam penetration and drying.3
Some peel pouches are self sealing, meaning they come with a sticky
strip that will fold over to form a seal after the item(s) is placed inside.
Some need to be heat sealed with a special machine that applies pressure
and heat, bonding the two together to form a seal. The user needs to make
sure there are no creases or gaps in the seal which could allow microor-
ganisms to enter the package and contaminate it.
A single peel pouch is adequate unless the package contains more
than one item or would be complicated to open aseptically with only one
peel package (e.g., very small items).
“If the item is to be double-packaged, two sequentially sized pouches
should be used (i.e., the sealed inner pouch should fit inside the other pouch
without folding).” When assembled, the pouches should be positioned so that
plastic of the inner one faces the plastic of the out one.3 See Figure 8.
Closures for wrapped packages Figure 8. Example of single- and double-packaging with
Once assembled, the sterilization package paper-plastic pouches
needs to be secured. The most common closure for NOTE: Instruments should be oriented
packages is indicator tape. The devices must ensure within paper-plastic pouches according
the package remains together, allow for sterilization to the healthcare facility’s policies
penetration, avoid constriction of the pack, and and procedures.
“Reprinted from ANSI/
maintain integrity of the package.
AAMI ST79:2006 with
“Tape (other than sterilization indicator permission of the Association
tape) should not be used to secure packages, for the Advancement of Medical
nor should safety pins, paper clips, staples, Instrumentation, Inc. © 2006 AAMI
or other sharp objects. Elastomer bands All rights reserved.”
Practical Application
• Follow recommended practices and manufacturer’s instructions on
how to use peel pouches.
• When using double peel pouches, the inside peel pouch should fit
without folding and be placed so the plastic of the inner pouch
faces the plastic of the outer pouch.
Figure 10.
Paper sterilization pouches
Practical Application
• Follow recommended practices and manufacturer’s instructions on
how to use peel pouches.
• Never place paper-plastic peel pouches inside a containment
device because you can not ensure adequate air removal, sterilant
contact, and drying. This would also be true of plastic peel
of instruments within a sterilization container system. Available in an attractive binder featuring sturdy metal
Such items include, but are not limited to, insert cases, rings, ledger-weight pages, and a laminated tab for each section
organizing trays, cassettes, brackets, posts, partitions, for easy navigation. AAMI will issue revised pages that can be
instrument mats, racks and stringers.5 substituted into the binder when changes are made.
Instrument case/cassette: Sterilization containment device Also available in PDF format and as part of AAMI’s
that consists of a lid and a base with means to allow electronic CD and subscription products.
sterilant penetration and removal, and that is enclosed in a Price/Member discount price: $200/$100.
sterile barrier system if sterility is to be maintained.5
Product testing: Routinely testing processed items with AAMI documents can be purchased through AAMI by
biological and chemical indicators whenever “major credit card using the following four options:
changes are made in packaging, wraps, or load configu- 1. Internet:
ration, such as dimensional changes, weight changes, or 2. Call: 1-877-249-8226 or 240-646-7013
changes in the type or material of packaging or wrapper.3 3 Fax: 301-206-9789
Biological indicator(BI): “Test system containing viable 4. Mail: AAMI, Customer Service Center, 1100 N. Glebe
microorganisms providing a defined resistance to a Road, Suite 220, Arlington, VA 22201-5762
specified sterilization process.”3
Chemical indicator(CI): “Device used to monitor the AORN
presence or attainment of one or more of the parameters AORN Standards can be purchased through AORN using
required for a satisfactory sterilization process, or used the following options:
in specific tests of sterilization equipment.”3 1. Internet:
Drying time: Time required to dry steam sterilized items 2. Call: 1-800-755-2676 ext. 1 or 303-755-6304 ext. 1 (Monday-
inside the sterilizer.5 Friday, 8AM to 4:30PM mountain standard time)
Dynamic-air-removal sterilizers: Type of sterilization 3. Fax: 303-750-3212
cycle in which “air is removed from the chamber and 4. By mail: AORN, Inc., Customer Service/Book Orders, 2170
the load by means of a series of pressure and vacuum South Parker Road, Suite 300, Denver, CO 80231-5711, USA
excursions (prevacuum cycle) or by means of a series of 5. Payment can be made by:
steam flushes and pressure pulses above atmospheric VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover, either
pressure (steam-flush pressure-pulse [SFPP] cycle).”1 online or by mail/fax/phone.
Gravity-displacement steam sterilizers: Type of steriliza- By authorized PO, and AORN will bill you ($100 minimum
tion cycle in which incoming steam displaces residual air purchase). Sorry, we cannot accept POs for education
through a port or drain in or near the bottom (usually) of conferences or services. (Not available for online orders).
the sterilizer chamber.3 6. A CDRom of the standards is available for the first time
Ethylene oxide: Type of gaseous chemical sterilization this year.
cycle in which the four process variables are ethylene
oxide (EO) gas concentration, exposure time, temperature References
and relative humidity.5 1. Central Service Technical Manual. 6th ed. Chicago, International
Hydrogen peroxide gas plasma: Type of gaseous chem- Association of Healthcare Central Service materiel Management, 2003,
p 200.
ical sterilization cycle in which the four process 2. Recommended Practices for Selection and Use of Packaging Systems.
variables are hydrogen peroxide concentration, time, Association of periOperative Registered Nurses. AORN Standards,
temperature and gas plasma power level.5 Recommended Practices, and Guidelines. 2007.
3. The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation.
Ozone sterilization: Type of gaseous chemical sterilization Comprehensive guide to steam sterilization and sterility assurance in
cycle in which the four process variables are ozone dose health care facilities. ANSI/AAMI ST79:2006.
injected, humidity, exposure time and temperature.5 4. Seavey R. Just Say No! Don’t Get Weighed Down by Instrument Sets
That Are Too Heavy. Managing Infection Control. 2006, April volume
Flash sterilization: Process designed for the steam Six Issue 4, p 86-97.
sterilization of patient care items for immediate use.5 5. The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation.
Containment devices for reusable medical device sterilization.
ANSI/AAMI ST77:2006.
Ordering Information 6. Recommended Practices for Maintaining a Sterile Field. Association of
AAMI periOperative Registered Nurses. AORN Standards, Recommended
ANSI/AAMI ST79:2006, Comprehensive guide to steam Practices, and Guidelines. 2007.
7. AORN. Sterile Processing/Materials Management Specialty Assembly
sterilization and sterility assurance in health care facilities Portal. Available at:
Order code: ST79 or ST79-PDF FileSharing/index.fusion.
The CBSPD (Certification Board for Sterile Processing and Distribution) has
pre-approved this inservice for one and one-half (1.5) contact hours for a period of
five (5) years from the date of publication. Successful completion of the lesson and
post test must be documented by facility management and those records maintained
by the individuals until recertification is required. DO NOT SEND LESSON OR TEST
For additional information regarding Certification contact: CBSPD, 121 State
Hwy 31N, Suite 500, Flemington, NJ 08822 or call 908-788-3847 or visit the Web site
Rose Seavey, RN, BS, MBA, at
CNOR, ACSP, is the director of the IAHCSMM has awarded one and one-half (1.5) Contact Points for completion of
sterile processing department at this continuing education lesson toward IAHCSMM recertification.
The Children’s Hospital of Denver. Ms
Seavey is an active member of the Nursing CE Application Form
Association of periOperative Registered This inservice is approved by the California Board of Registered Nurses, CEP
5770 for one (1) contact hour. This form is valid up to one (1) year from the date
Nurses (AORN) and was elected of publication.
to the National AORN Nominating 1. Make a photocopy of this form.
Committee for 2005-2007. She was 2. Print your name, address and daytime phone number and position/title.
3. Add the last 4 digits of your social security number or your nursing license number.
honored with AORN’s award for
4. Date the application and sign.
Outstanding Achievement in Clinical 5. Answer the true/false CE questions.
Nurse Education in 2001. She served 6. Submit this form and the answer sheet to:
as the President of the American Workhorse Publishing
Managing Infection Control
Society of Healthcare Central Service
PO Box 25310, Scottsdale, AZ 85255-9998
Professionals (ASHCSP) in 2003 and 7. For questions or follow-up, contact
is the 2002 recipient of the ASHCSP 8. Participants who score at least 70% will receive a certificate of completion
National Educator of the Year award. within 30 days of Managing Infection Control’s receipt of the application.
She is currently the chair for the
AORN speciality assembly for Sterile Application
Please print or type.
Processing Materials Management.
Ms. Seavey is a member of several Name______________________________________________________________
AAMI working group committees
that are developing recommended Mailing Address______________________________________________________
practices and is currently a co-chair City, State, Country, Zip _______________________________________________
for the AAMI ST8, Hospital steam
sterilizers. In addition she has lectured Daytime phone ( )__________________________________________
and authored many articles on various
topics relating to perioperative
services and sterile processing, Social Security or Nursing License Number ________________________________
locally, nationally and internationally.
Date application submitted _____________________________________________
Signature __________________________________________________________
ANSWERS Offer expires January 2013
1. T 6. T On a scale of 1-5, 5 being Excellent and 1 being Poor, please rate this program
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4. T 9. T 2) Met written objectives ______________
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Reprint with permission from Workhorse Publishing L.L.C.
Copyright©2008/Workhorse Publishing L.L.C./All Rights Reseved. 70-2009-9611-7