Lesson 122
Lesson 122
Lesson 122
1. Explain The Joint Commission’s accreditation process and indicate helpful resources for survey
2. Provide an overview of The Joint Commission standards and review examples of how they relate
to Central Sterile Supply Departments.
CRCST 3. Define National Patient Safety Goals
4. Discuss tracer methodology and describe how the use of mock tracers can help Central Sterile
Supply Department professionals prepare for a survey by The Joint Commission.
5. Review sample survey considerations for Central Sterile Supply Departments.
The Joint Commission (TJC) accreditation processes for healthcare facilities are conducted with a focus on
CRCST Self-Study safety and the quality of patient care. During the survey process, surveyors assess each department,
including the Central Sterile Supply Department, to verify that employees’ competencies and ethical and
Lesson Plan work practices meet current published standards. Now, more than ever, decontamination and sterilization
practices have become an important focus of the accreditation survey process. This lesson provides an
overview of TJC standards that relate to sterile processing and suggests what CSSD professionals should
LESSON NO. CRCST 122 do to remain prepared for an accreditation survey.
(Technical Continuing Education-TCE)
Objective 1. Explain The Joint Commission’s The Association for the Advancement of Medical
Lesson Author
accreditation process and indicate helpful Instrumentation (AAMI) recently published a new
resources for survey preparation. document, “Sterile Processing in Healthcare
President/CEO TJC is an independent, nonprofit organization that Facilities: Preparing for Accreditation Surveys.”3
Seavey Healthcare Consulting, LLC accredits and certifies more than 18,000 health- This guidance document helps CSSD professionals
care organizations and programs in the United prepare for an accrediting agency survey because
States. TJC offers accreditation and certification it provides guidance about the sterile processing of
for many types of facilities, including hospitals, surgical instruments and other medical devices in
doctors’ offices, nursing homes, office-based any healthcare settings.
This series of self-study lessons on CSSD topics
was developed by the International Association of surgical centers, behavioral health treatment
Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management facilities, and providers of home care services. TJC
(IAHCSMM). Purdue University’s Extended
Campus and IAHCSMM both offer grading accreditation is nationally recognized as a symbol
opportunities for Extended Campus points. of quality that reflects its commitment to meeting
Earn Extended Campus Points: defined performance standards.
Online. You can use these lessons as an in-service with
your staff, or visit www.iahcsmm.org for online grading at
Healthcare facilities must submit an applica-
a nominal fee. tion, along with a fee, to request an accreditation
Each 20 question, online quiz with a passing score of survey and, upon approval, TJC accreditation is valid
70% or higher is worth two points (2 contact hours) for a three-year period. The organization must then
toward your CRCST re-certification (12 points). be resurveyed within three years to maintain its
By mail or online. From January 1 to June 30 each accreditation and certification status. In 2006, TJC
year, Purdue Extended Campus offers an annual mail-in
began an unannounced survey process so facilities
or online, self-study lesson subscription for $75 (6 specific
lessons worth 2 points each). Call (800) 830-0269 for should remain in a constant state of readiness.6 AAMI's publication, "Sterile Processing in Healthcare
details. For grading of individual lessons, send completed There are two main TJC resources that are essen- Facilities: Preparing for Accreditation Surveys,"
20-question quiz and $15 to: PEC Business Office, Purdue should be a priority resource for all CSSD personnel.
University, Stewart Center Room 110, 128 Memorial Mall,
tial in understanding the survey and accreditation
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2034. process for hospitals and ambulatory care facilities: Objective 2. Provide an overview of The
Each 20-question quiz with a passing score of 70% or • 2011 Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Joint Commission standards and review
higher is worth two points (contact hours) toward your Hospitals: The Official Handbook (CAMH) 1 examples of how they relate to Central
CRCST re-certification (12 points). Two attempts to Sterile Supply departments.
• 2011 Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for
achieve a passing score are permitted per examination.
Ambulatory Care (CAMAC) 2 TJC uses standards, rationale statements and
IAHCSMM provides online grading service for any of the
Lesson Plan varieties. Purdue University provides grading The accreditation standards for ambulatory care elements of performance (EP) to provide guidance
services solely for CRCST lessons. about what to expect as a survey is conducted.
facilities are organized similarly to those for
For more information: The standards are the performance objectives and
hospitals, with slight modifications that take into
Direct any questions about online grading to IAHCSMM each objective has rationale statements to describe
account the different settings.
at (312) 440-0078. Questions about written grading the importance of the objectives. Each standard
are answered by Purdue University at (800) 830-0269.
Copies of the resources should be available in the also has applicable EPs that specify how the
You can also print out any current valid lesson for
grading at www.continuinged.purdue.edu/lessons. administration department of any facility applying standard or objective should be met. The EP
Sponsored by to be surveyed. Much of the information is scores determine the overall compliance with the
applicable to CSSDs, and it is a “must read” for standard. Facilities must receive a minimum of
CSSD professionals. score of 90% on every EP on the survey.
IAHCSMM CRCST Self-Study Lesson Plan
For hospitals, TJC standards are grouped into the EP 5. The leaders provide for equipment, supplies • Evaluate the effectiveness of prevention efforts.
following chapters1: and other resources. TJC surveyors consider CSSD personnel to be the
• Environment of Care (EC) subject-matter experts who set the reprocess-
Sterilization is a complex process requiring
• Emergency Management (EM) environmental controls (examples: for controlled ing standards for the facility. These standards,
• Human Resources (HR) air changes, exhaust ventilation, temperature, and including record-keeping, should be the same in
• Infection Prevention and Control (IC) humidity); appropriate equipment and supplies; all areas, such as labor and delivery suites and
• Information Management (IM) adequate space; qualified, competent personnel endoscopy suites within the healthcare system, or
• Leadership (LD) who are provided with ongoing training and facility where reprocessing is performed.
• Life Safety (LS) personal protective equipment (PPE); and monitor- Objective 4: Discuss tracer methodology
• Medication Management (MM) ing for quality assurance. and describe how the use of mock tracers
• Medical Staff (MS) TJC surveyors include an engineer who, more than can help prepare CSSD professionals prepare
• National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG) likely, will visit the CSSD to review environmental for a TJC survey.
• Nursing (NR) concerns, such as temperature and humidity TJC’s survey process includes tracer methodology,
• Provision of Care, Treatment, and Services (PC) controls, water quality, the presence of eyewash a process in which surveyors select a patient and
• Performance Improvement (PI) stations, and appropriate ventilation (air exchanges use his or her record as a roadmap to evaluate the
• Record of Care, Treatment, and Services (RC) and positive and negative air flows). The sepa- facility’s compliance with specific standards. The
• Rights and Responsibilities of the Individual (RI) ration of clean and dirty areas, traffic control, objectives of a tracer are to assemble proof of
• Transplant Safety (TS) absorbability of surfaces (such as unpainted compliance with policies and procedures, identify
shelves or pegboard), and holes in smoke/ process problems, and establish accountability by
• Waived Testing (WT)
fire walls, especially after removing/replacing observing and speaking with staff.
The standards that most affect CSSDs are in the equipment, are assessment concerns.
Environment of Care, Human Resources, Infection Use of a mock tracer related to surgical instru-
Prevention and Control and Leadership chapters. Objective 3. Define National Patient Safety ments is a great way for CSSD personnel to evalu-
Each TJC standard has at least one very specific EP Goals ate compliance with current policies and proce-
that the surveyor reviews. For example, consider In 2002, TJC established the National Patient Safety dures. Mock survey tracers should be conducted
standard HR.01.06.01: “Staff are competent to Goals (NPSG)1. These are targeted goals that the routinely with staff from the operating room (OR),
perform their responsibilities.” This standard has surveyors address regarding problems known to infection prevention and control, and the CSSD.
numerous EPs that impact sterile processing such as: 1,2 create significant challenges. The NPSG that is For example, identify a patient who recently had
most important for CSSD is NPSG.07.05.01: Im- surgery. Select a specific instrument set used for
EP 1. The hospital defines the competencies it
plement evidence-based practices for preventing that patient’s procedure and trace it through all
requires of its staff who provide patient care, treat-
surgical site infections (SSI). There are two priority the reprocessing steps while looking for compli-
ment, or services.
EPs that this NPSG addresses: ance with every applicable policy and procedure.
EP 2. The hospital uses assessment methods to This self-survey should also include equipment
determine the individual’s competency in the skills EP 3: Implement policies and practices aimed at monitoring and objectively evaluating the facility’s
being assessed. reducing the risk of surgical site infections. These physical spaces, such as sterile storage and clean
Note: Methods may include test taking, return policies and practices meet regulatory requirements and decontamination areas, to ensure they comply
demonstration, or the use of simulation. and are aligned with evidence-based guidelines with recommended design standards.
[for example, the Centers for Disease Control and The tracer process can include an evaluation of
EP 3. An individual with the educational back- Prevention (CDC) and/or professional organization numerous issues including:
ground, experience or knowledge related to the guidelines].
skills being reviewed assesses competency. • How were the instruments packaged?
Surveyors determine whether the facility is following
Surveyors look for three types of staff competen- • How were the instruments sterilized?
national and local standards. The Comprehensive
cies: demonstration, certification and involvement • If there were implants, were they quarantined
guide to steam sterilization and sterility assurance
with professional associations. They want to see until the results of the biological indicator were
in health care facilities, ST79, is the reference guide
job descriptions that match responsibilities, available?
used for the survey, and CSSD professionals should
documented skill check lists, and training-based
ensure that their departments follow the procedures • How were the instruments stored?
annual evaluation forms.4
described in the most current edition. 3, 5
• How was the sterile instrument set transported
Another example of a standard directly applicable EP 4: As part of the effort to reduce surgical site to the OR?
to CSSDs is LD.04.01.11: “The hospital makes infections:
space and equipment available as needed for the • How were the instruments decontaminated
• Conduct periodic risk assessments for surgical after their use?
provision of care, treatment, and services.
site infections.
EP 2. The arrangement and allocation of space • Are these steps spelled out in the facility’s
• Select surgical site infection measures using policies and procedures?
supports safe, efficient and effective care, treat- best practices or evidence-based guidelines.
ment, and services. • Are the manufacturers’ written instructions for
• Monitor compliance with best practices or use available?
evidence-based guidelines.
IAHCSMM CRCST Self-Study Lesson Plan
• Documentation for the specific competencies Storage areas are a certain priority, including 3. Association for the Advancement
and orientation, training, education, and security concerns. No corrugated cardboard box- of Medical Instrumentation. Sterile
other activities enabled CSSD personnel to es or shipping containers should be in clean areas. Processing in Healthcare Facilities:
consistently perform to the required standards If an event-related shelf life plan is in use there Preparing for Accreditation Surveys.
demonstrated during the mock tracer. should be notices about “not using packages Arlington, VA: Association for the
• Are equipment maintenance records available that are open or damaged” on the sterilization Advancement of Medical Instrumentation,
and up-to-date? sticker. Staff should recognize and understand 2011. In press.
universal symbols found/located on the packag-
• Is the department clean? 4. John E. Eiland. “IAHCSMM and the
ing of purchased items, such as for “single use”
Joint Commission” Presentation at the
• Can each instrument be traced to the patient or “sterilized," and there are documented train-
2011 Annual IAHCSMM Conference.
selected for the mock survey? ing activities that address them.
(Mr. Eiland is a TJC Surveyor, Hospital
The processes used for each step being traced Common facility citations include those for Accreditation Programs.).
should comply with the requirements of the frequent use of immediate-use steam steriliza- 5. Association for the Advancement of
facility’s applicable policies and procedures. tion (IUSS) for the same items, failing to fol- Medical Instrumentation. Comprehensive
Likewise, all processes actually used should low the manufacturers’ written instructions guide to steam sterilization and sterility
be those explained and/or evaluated in facility for use, and inadequate instrument cleaning. assurance in health care facilities. ANSI/
training and competency assessment activities. Other problems that are often identified include AAMI ST79:2010. Arlington (VA): AAMI,
failing to use monitoring devices appropriately, 2010.
Objective 5. Review sample survey and transporting uncovered instruments to the
considerations for Central Sterile Supply point of use. 7
6. Adapted from: http://www.jointcommission.
departments. org/about_us/about_the_joint_
In Conclusion
Endoscope cleaning and CSSD processing areas commission_main.aspx
TJC accreditation procedures are designed to
and work protocols are high priority TJC 7. A position statement supported by several
help CSSD professionals use a systems approach
inspection concerns. Transportation of clean/ associations including IAHCSMM is
to evaluate their processes and to improve them
sterile and contaminated items to/from clinics available at: www.aami.org/publications/
when necessary. Understanding the accreditation
and compliance with required dress codes in all standards/ST79_Immediate_Use_
standards and reviewing supporting documents
processing areas are also a special focus during Statement.pdf
that relate to their department can help CSSD
the on-site visit.
professionals remain ready for an unannounced
Surveyors review equipment cleaning and main- survey. Earn Continuing Education Points:
tenance records, and they are interested in the You can use these lessons as an in-service with your staff,
type of maintenance—not just when it was or visit www.iahcsmm.org for online grading at a nominal
performed. CSSD housekeeping procedures are 1. 2011 Comprehensive Accreditation fee.
reviewed, and surveyors evaluate the results of Manual for Hospitals: The Official Each lesson plan graded online with a passing score of
daily and deep cleaning activities. For example, Handbook (CAMH) 70% or higher is worth two points (2 contact , hours).
they look behind closed doors, under racks, in 2. 2011 Comprehensive Accreditation You can use these points toward your , re-certification
hidden corners, and at high-level flat spaces in all Manual for Ambulatory Care (CAMAC) of CRCST (12 points).
areas of the CSSD. Mailed submissions to IAHCSMM will not be graded
and will not be granted a point value.
Advisory Committee and Authors For Self-Study Lessons Purdue mail-in, self-study lesson subscription,
(6 lessons/2 points each) for $75. Call (800) 830-0269.
Scott Davis, CMRP, CRCST, CHMMC Carol Petro, CNOR, CRCST, RN, BSN For grading of individual lessons, send completed quiz
Materials Manager, Surgical Services O.R. Room Educator for Surgical Services
and $15 to: PEC Business Office, Purdue University,
University Medical Center of Southern Nevada IU Health North Hospital • Carmel, IN
Stewart Center Room 110, 128 Memorial Mall,
Las Vegas, NV
Technical Editor: West Lafayette, IN 47907-2034.
Susan Klacik, ACE, CHL, CRCST, FCS, CSS
Each 20-question quiz with a passing score of 70% or
Manager Carla McDermott, RN, ACE, CRCST
higher is worth two points (contact hours) toward your
St. Elizabeth Health Center Clinical Nurse III
Youngstown, OH South Florida Baptist Hospital, Plant City, FL CRCST re-certification (12 points). Two attempts to
achieve a passing score are permitted per examination.
Patti Koncur, CRCST, CHMMC, ACE
Series Writer/ Editor:
Corporate Director, CSPD IAHCSMM acknowledges the assistance of the
Detroit Medical Center • Detroit, MI Jack D. Ninemeier, Ph.D. following two CSSD professionals who reviewed this
Natalie Lind, CRCST, CHL, FCS Michigan State University • East Lansing, MI quiz:
IAHCSMM Educational Director, Sponsored By: Lisa Huber, BA, CRCST, ACE, FCS,
Sterile Processing Manager,
Moorhead, MN Anderson Hospital, Maryville, IL
David Narance, RN, CRCST Paula Vandiver, CRCST, CIS
Nurse Manager, Sterile Reprocessing CS Technician, Orthopedic Specialist,
Med Central Health System • Mansfield, OH Anderson Hospital, Maryville, IL
Objective 1 8. Every standard used by The Joint 14. Who are the subject-matter experts that
1. The accreditation from The Joint Commission Commission has at least ________ specific should set reprocessing standards for a
is valid for how many years? elements of performance that are facility?
a. Two reviewed by surveyors. a. Surveyors from The Joint Commission
b. Three a. One b. The facility’s infection control committee
c. Four b. Two c. CSSD professionals
d. Five c. Three d. CDC experts
d. Four
2. The Joint Commission offers accreditation and Objective 4
certification for doctor’s offices and providers 9. Which staff competencies are reviewed by
surveyors from The Joint Commission? 15. Which is not an objective of tracer
of home care services.
a. Demonstration methodology?
a. True
b. Certification a. Assemble proof of compliance with
b. False
c. Involvement with professional associations policies/procedures
3. Which is true about accreditation d. All the above b. Determine if all patient costs have been
standards for ambulatory care facilities assessed
compared to those for hospitals? 10. Which member of The Joint Commission
c. Identify process problems
a. They are the same team is likely to visit the CSSD to review
d. Establish accountability
b. They are organized in a similar way environmental concerns?
c. There are slight modifications a. The team leader 16. Personnel from which department(s) should
d. B and C are correct b. An engineer be involved in mock survey tracers?
e. All of the above are correct c. A maintenance specialist a. Operating room
d. An architect b. Infection prevention and control
4. Which organization has published a
document that helps CSSD professionals Objective 3 c. Central Sterile Supply Department
prepare for an accrediting agency survey? d. All the above
11. The National Patient Safety Goal (NPSG)
a. CDC that is most important for CSSD relates to: 17. Which should be used to trace through all
b. FDA a. Implementing evidence-based practices for reprocessing steps for a patient’s procedure
c. AAMI preventing surgical site infections when a mock tracer is used?
d. AORN b. Safe guarding the rights and a. Loaner instrumentation
Objective 2 responsibilities of individuals b. One specific instrument
c. Developing contemporary information c. A specific instrument set
5. Standards developed by The Joint management systems
Commission are: d. A basin set, if applicable
d. Increasing professionalism of CSSD
a. Statements of facts personnel Objective 5
b. Performance objectives
12. Policies and practices aimed at reducing 18. Which is a high priority inspection
c. Rationale statements
the risk of surgical site infections must: concern of The Joint Commission?
d. Long-term strategies
a. Meet all regulatory requirements a. Distribution cart cleaning
6. Facilities must receive a minimum score of b. Be aligned with evidence-based guidelines b. Endoscope cleaning
________ on every element of c. Be implemented at lowest possible cost c. Facility loading dock
performance on The Joint Commission d. A and B above d. Distribution of mobile equipment
surveys to be accredited. e. All the above 19. Shipping containers ________ be in clean
a. 80% areas.
b. 85% 13. Which procedures should be followed to
reduce surgical site infections? a. Should
c. 90% b. Should not
d. 95% a. Conduct periodic risk assessments
b. Monitor compliance with best practices 20. The frequent use of immediate-use steam
7. Which standard does not affect most CSS c. Evaluate the effectiveness of prevention sterilization (IUSS) for the same item
departments? efforts ________ a common facility citation.
a. Environment of care d. All of the above
b. Infection prevention a. Is
b. Is not
c. Transplant safety
d. Human resources
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(800) 830-0269 Purdue University is an equal access/equal opportunity institution