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2. Having lost significant amount of body weight, a 70-year-old patient complains of dull
pain in the lumbar area. In the result of examination, he was diagnosed with floating kidney.
What part of kidney supporting apparatus is most likely to be damaged?
Сapsula adiposa
3. Examination of a 23-year-old patient reveals that when his tongue is protruded, its tip
deviates to the side. This is caused by the dysfunction of the following tongue muscle:
4. A female patient has referred to a dentist with complains of bruise and swelling around
her eye. Anamnesis is as follows: several days prior her 1st premolar tooth had been
extracted, with infraorbital anesthesia administered; several days later hematoma appeared
in the area of foramen intraorbitale. Branch of the following artery was damaged:
Maxillary artery
5. Nucleoli of nuclei have been damaged due to tissue culture nuclear irradiation.
Regeneration of the following organelles becomes hampered in cytoplasm:
Lymph node
7. A 40-year-old patient was revealed to have blood clotting time of 2 minutes under a
stressful condition. It is primarily caused by the following hormon affecting
8.Mother had noticed her 5-year-old child’s urine to become dark in colour. Bile pigments
in urine were not detected. The diagnosis of alkaptonuria was made. What pigment is
10. Biogenic amines, such as histamine, serotonin, dopamine and others, are highly active
substances affecting various physiological functions. What transformation process of
amino acids results in biogenic amines being produced in somatic tissues?
11. A patient with liver cirrhosis has been given intravenously 500,0 ml of 5% glucose solution
along with other drugs. There is a high risk of the following water-electrolytic balance disruption
Hyposmolar hypohydration
12. A patient has oliguria caused by acute renal failure. What daily amount of urine
corresponds with this symptom?
100-500 ml
13. A 7-year-old child suffers from acute disease. A pediatrician observed the following
during examination: pharynx mucosa is hyperemic, edematous, swollen, cowered with large
amount of mucus. Buccal mucosa has whitish discoloured spots. On the next day the child
came out in rash with large spots covering the skin of his face, neck and torso. What kind of
inflammation causes changes in pharynx mucosa?
14. Histological examination of a lymph node removed from the posterior triangle of neck
of an 18-year-old patient revealed some cell agglomerations that included single
multinuclear Reed-Sternberg cells, major Hodgkin’s cells, minor Hodgkin’s cells and
many lymphocytes, single plasmatic cells, eosinophils. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Brain tunics
16. A patient being treated for tuberculosis is suffering from hearing deterioration. What
drug causes this complication?
17. A patient complains about retrosternal pain, dyspnea and palpitation. After exami- nation
he was diagnosed with coronary heart disease and prescribed verapamil. What is the
mechanism of its action?
18. A patient at the early stage of diabetes mellitus was found to have polyuria. What is its
19. Microscopy of perianal folds scrape has revealed colourless eggs in the shape of asymmetrical
ovals sized 50x23 mi- crometers. Name the kind of helminth.
20. A female patient presents with the ovarian hyperaemia, increased permeabi- lity of the
blood-follicle barrier with the development of edema, infiltration of the follicle wall with
segmental leukocytes. The follicle is large in volume. Its wall is thi- ckened. What period of
the sex cycle is the described situation typical for?
Preovulatory stage
21. A 67-year-old patient has atherosclerosis of cardiac and cerebral vessels. Exami- nation
revealed hyperlipidemia. What class of blood plasma lipoproteids is most important in
atherosclerosis pathogenesis?
Low-density lipoproteids
22. A 42-year-old patient with tetanus developed an acute respiratory failure. What type of
respiratory failure occurs in this case?
23. Human X chromosome contains a dominant gene that is reponsible for normal blood
clotting. An autosomal dominant gene plays a similar role. Lack of any of these genes
leads to the coagulation di- sorder. The form of interaction between these genes is called:
Sodium valproate
25. As a result of a trauma a patient has developed traumatic shock. The patient is fussy,
talkative, pale. AP- 140/90 mm Hg, Ps-120 bpm. This condition is consistent wi th the
following shock phase:
26. A patient was taken to a hospital wi- th dizziness, dry mouth, mydriatic pupi- ls,
accommodation disorder, tachycardia, difficult urination, intestinal atony. These symptoms
might have been caused by overdose of the following drug:
Atropine sulfate
27. A patient has been diagnosed with baci- llary dysentery. What drug of those listed below
should be prescribed?
28. A patient has addressed a doctor wi- th complaint of gastric ulcer exacerbati- on. The
following membrane cytoreceptors should be blocked in the course of the pati- ent’s complex
29. As a result of treatment of viral RNA with nitrous acid, UCA triplet mutated to UGA
triplet. What kind of mutation occurred?
31. A 30-year-old driver complains of allergic rhinitis that usually excerbates in spring. He
has been administered an anti- histamine drug with a slight sedative effect and 24-hour
period of action. Which of the listed drugs has been administered?
32. A 49-year-old male patient with myocardial infarction has been admitted to the
cardiology department. What changes in the peripheral blood cells are induced by the
necrotic changes in the myocardium?
Neutrophilic leukocytosis
33. A 45-year-old female patient has neurosis with irritability, insomnia, amotivational
anxiety. What tranquilizer will be able to eliminate all symptoms of the disease?
34. In Western Europe nearly half of all congenital malformations occur in the children
conceived in the period when pesticides were used extensively in the region. Those
congenital conditions result from the following influence:
36. A patient complains of feeling of pain in his upper jaw and teeth. Physical
examinations reveals painful feeling when supraorbital incisure area is pressed. What nerve
is damaged?
37. A 50-year-old patient has been referred for treatment of neck lymphadenitis. His
individual penicillin sensitivity was tested. In 30 seconds full-body fever raised in the
patient and his arterial blood pressure dropped to 0 mm Hg, followed by cardiac arrest.
Resuscitation was unsuccessful. Autopsy revealed acute venous hyperemia of viscera.
Histological study revealed mast cells (tissue basocytes) degranulation in the skin (at the
area of injections), myocardium and lungs. What kind of hypersensitivity reaction occurred
in patient?
38. A patient has secretory dysfunction of the submandibular salivary galnd. Whi ch nerve
is responsible for its vegetative innervation?
Сhorda tympani
39. After restoration of maxllary incisors with artificial crowns a 44-year-old female was
found to have a brownish overgrowth in form of a node of 15 mm in diameter. Histological
study revealed that under the stratified squamous epithelium of gingiva there was a
connective tissue mass with numerous sinusoidal vessels, oval- shaped mononuclear cells
forming osteoid substance, and polynuclear giant cells that destroyed the alveolar ridge of
the upper jaw. What is the most likely diagnosis?
41. X-chromatin test of somatic cells is used for quick diagnostics of hereditary
diseases caused by variations of sex chromosomes number. What is the karyotype of a
male, whose cells mostly contain one X-chromatin body?
47, ХХY
42. A 32-year-old patient has B2 hypovitaminosis. The specific symptoms such as epithelial,
mucosal, skin and corneal lesions are most likely to be caused by the deficiency of:
Flavin coenzymes
43. Tooth temperature increases during its preparation due to dental borer friction, which
may cause painful sensations. What is the threshold of teeth thermal sensitivity?
51-60 0С
44. Autopsy of a dead 6-year-old child revealed a marked edema of the soft tissues of neck
and enlarged tonsils. Pharyngeal mucosa was covered with numerous dense whitish-yellow
pellicles exposing deep ulcers after their removal. Histological examination of the
pharyngeal mucosa revealed necrosis of the upper epithelial layers, impregnation of the
mucous memrane with the fibrinous exudate and moderate leukocyte infiltration. What
infectious disease caused the death of the child?
46. A patient with hypoparathyreosis has multiple carious lesions of teeth. This pathology
is caused by insufficiency of the following hormone:
47. A patient with gastric juice hypersecretion has been recommended to exclude from the
diet rich brothsand vegetable infused water. A doctor recommended it, because these food
products stimulate production of thefollowing hormone:
48. A patient suffers from mutation of a gene that corresponds wi- th hemoglobin
synthesis. This condition led to development of sickle- cell disease. Name the
pathological hemoglobin characteristic of this disease:
Radicular cyst
50. A 28-year-old patient had been diagnosed with multifragmental fracture of the right
hip. On the third day after the injury he began to complain of painin the right side of the
chest, difficult respiration. One day later the patient died of progressive heart and
respiratory failure. Histological study of thepulmonary and cerebral blood vessels revealed
orange sudanophilic droplets that completely obstructed the vessels of microvasculature.
What complication caused the death of the patient?
Fat embolism
52. A patient has sustained a traumatic injury of the greater pectoral muscle. This resulted
in the decrease of:
54. A patient with chronic hepatitis complains of increased sensitivity to barbiturates that
previously induced no symptoms of intoxication. What hepatic function is disrupted and
primarily responsible for such reaction in this patient?
55. A 49-year-old man with myocardial infarction has been admitted to a cardi-ology
department. What changes in the peripheral blood cells are induced by the necrotic changes
in the myocardium?
Neutrophilic leukocytosis
56. A 19-year-old young man has been examined in a nephrological hospital. Increased
potassium content was detected in secondary urine of the patient. Such changes have been
most likely caused by the increased secretion of thefollowing hormone:
57. A person with dental disease cannot always pinpoint the location of the affected tooth.
What principle of excitatory diffusion in nerve centers causessuch phenomenon?
58. On examination a patient was revealed to have a large amount of mucus accumulated
in the nasal cavity. The mucus covers the mucosa and blocks the olfactory receptors.
Where exactly are these receptors situated in anasal cavity?
59. A victim of an earthquake has been remaining under debris for 7 days without food or
water. What type of starvation is it?
60. Examination of a 29-year-old patient revealed a dense, immobile, ill- defined tumor-
like formation in the lower jaw. The overlying mucosa was pale. Biopsy of the neoplasm
revealed osteoid structures lined with atypical osteoblasts; numerous pathologic mitotic
figures; a great number of thin- walled vessels. What is the most likely diagnosis?
61. A patient with heart failure and tachycardia has been prescribed digoxin. After 5 days
of taking digoxin the patient’s heart rate was normalized. After 2 weeks the patient
addressed a doctor due to continuous decreaseof heart rate down to 52/min. What
phenomenon has caused such changes of heart rate?
62. A woman had been taking synthetic hormones during her pregnancy. Her
newborn girl presents with excessive hairiness which has formal resemblance to
adrenogenital syndrome. This sign of variability is called:
63. A 13-year-old girl has been prescribed a certain drug for treatment of megaloblastic
anemia. This drug stimulates a transfer from megaloblastic haemopoiesis to normoblastic,
participates in synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases, activates proteine and methionine
synthesis. What drug does the patient take?
64. A patient in a grave condition has been delivered into an admission ward. Examination
revealed pupil mydriasis, no reaction to the light, considerable reddening and dryness of
skin and mucous membranes. What drug might have caused the intoxication symptoms?
Atropine sulphate
65. A patient has been administered conduction anesthesia with novocaine in preparation
for tooth extraction. After the anesthesia administration the patient developed swelling
and hyperemy around the injection site, skin itch, general fatigue, motor agitation. Name the
developed complication:
66. An oral surgery unit admitted a woman with a phlegmon on the anteriorsurface of neck
in the region of carotidtriangle. What muscle demarcates the posterior wall of this triangle?
67. When processing a molar tooth witha dental cutter a dentist has accidentallydeeply
wounded the patient’s cheek and damaged not only the mucosa but also amuscle. Which
muscle was injured?
Buccal muscle
69. A woman is diagnosed with Turner’s syndrome (karyotype 45, X0). How many
autosomal pairs would her somatic cells contain?
70. During perfusion of an isolated heart of a mammal with a high ion content solution the
cardiac arrest in diastole occurred. The cardiac arrest was caused by the following ions
present excessively in the solution:
71. A patient diagnosed with acuterespiratory failure has been administered artificial lung
ventilation in the conditions of high partial oxygen pressure. This measure resulted in
aggravation of the patient’s condition and development of respiratory distresssyndrome.
Name the likely cause of thiscomplication:
72. Indigenous population of Pamir has the following characteristic features: hi- gh rate
of base metabolism, elongated tubular bones, wide rib cage, hi- gh blood
oxygen capacity due to increased number of erythrocytes, high hemoglobin content.
What type of ecological adaptation is it?
74. Patients suffering from xeroderma pigmentosum have extremely photosensitive skin due
to disrupted excision repair. Specify the process that is affected in such patients:
Antigenic stimulation
76. Significant amount of biogenic amines in body tissues can be subject to oxidative
deaminization due to the action of the following enzyme:
Monoamine oxidase
77. A doctor has determined disruption of pain and temperature sensitivity of the mucosa
of the anterior 2/3 of the patient’s tongue. Gustatory sensitivity is retained. The patient
suffers from the functional disorder of the following cranial nerve:
Trigeminal nerve
78. A diet must include fats. Fats perform plastic function in an organism due to their
inclusion in:
Cell membranes
79. An oculist has detected increased time of darkness adaptation of a patient’s eye. What
vitamin deficiency can cause such symptom?
Pulp gangrene
81. To perform conduction anesthesia a patient had been administered a drug used in
dental surgery. The patient developed the symptoms of poisoning: central nervous system
excitation followed by paralysis and acute cardiovascular insufficiency (collapse).
Additionally there were allergic reactions (itching, swelling, erythema). Name this drug:
82. A 35-year-old woman is diagnosed with faucial diphtheria. The patient di- ed with
signs of acute heart failure. On autopsy: heart cavities are enlarged in the diameter, heart
muscle is dull, flaccid, striped on section, with yellowish areas under the endocardium.
What type of degeneration was detected in cardiac hystiocytes?
84. A 46-year-old patient consulted an oculist about drooping of the upper eyelid. On
examination he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The pathological process must have
affected the nuclei of the following pair of cranial nerves:
85. A 36-year-old patient consulted an ophthalmologist about eye ache. The examination
revealed erosion of the cornea, that is the lack of superficial and spinous layers of the
epithelium. What cells will provide regeneration of the damaged epithelium?
86. A patient during fasting developed ketoacidosis as a result of increased fatty acids
decomposition. This decomposition can be inhibited with:
88. A 12-year-old boy has tetanic convulsions. What gland can be functi- onally impaired
in this case?
Glandulae parathyroidae
89. A 35-year-old man has come to a dentist with complaints of decreased density of the
dental tissue and increased brittleness of his teeth during consumption of hard food.
Laboratory analysis measured Ca/P correlation in the enamel sample. What value of Ca/P
indicates increased demineralization?
91. There is increased activity of AST, LDH1, LDH2, and CPK in the patient’s blood.
Pathological process most likely occurs in the:
92. A patient on the 2nd day after cardiac infarction presents with acute decrease of
systolic blood pressure down to 60 mm Hg with tachycardia 140/min., dyspnea, loss of
consciousness. What mechanism is essential in the pathogenesis of shock developed in this
94. A 40-year-old patient suffers from intolerance of dairy products. This condition has
likely developed due to insufficiency of the following digestive enzyme:
95. As a result of an injury a child developed an abscess of adipose tissue of the cheek.
With time the process spread to the lateral surface of the pharynx. Pus had spread along the
following fascia:
Fat emulgation
97. Microscopy of an oval cell, 150 micron in size, revealed the following: cytoplasm has
yolk inclusions but no centrioles. Name this cell:
98. A worker of a cattle farm consulted a surgeon about fever up to 40oC, headache,
weakness. Objective examination of his back revealed hyperemia and a dark red
infiltration up to 5 cm in diameter with black bottom in its center, which was surrounded
with pustules. What disease are these presentations typical of?
99. What factor results in the highest energy expenditure under the normal vi- tal activity
100. During thermal stimulation it is characteristic of oral cavity blood vessels to:
101. A patient with a nasal trauma presents with skull fracture that circles the piriform
opening. What bone is damaged?
102. An 84-year-old patient suffers from parkinsonism. One of the pathogenetic
development elements of this disease is deficiency of a certain mediator in some of the
brain structures. Name this mediator:
103. Due to severe pain syndrome a patient has been prescribed a narcotic analgesic.
Specify the prescribed drug:
104. A patient suffering from arthritis is prescribed a COX2 selective inhibitor with anti-
inflammatory action. Specify this drug:
105. Autosomal nondisjunction had occurred in a woman during meiosis. An ovum with
the third copy of the 18th chromosome was formed. The ovum was impregnated by normal
spermatozoon. The resulting child will suffer from:
Edwards’ syndrome
106. To test teeth sensitivity they are sprayed with cold or hot water. What structure of
cerebral cortex provides subjective estimation of this thermaltest?
107. A patient suffering from acute bronchi- tis with difficult expectoration was prescribed
acetylcysteine. What drug action will provide curative effect?
Mucoproteins depolymerization
108. A histological specimen shows terminal secretory parts of glands made of conic cells
with basophilic cytoplasm and a roundish nucleus in the center. Specify the type of
terminal secretory parts by the type of secretion:
109. After the water supply system had been put into operation in a new residential area,
the medical officers of sanitary and epidemiological station measured total microbial
number in the water. Name the maximum permissible value of this indicator for potable
110. Biological material taken from a patient contains several species of
microorganisms (staphylococci and streptococci) that are causative agents of the patient’s
disease. Name this type of infection:
Mixed infection
111. When determining comparative tissue radiosensitivity, it was revealed that different
tissues have different level of sensi tivity toward ionizing radiation. What tissue of those
listed below is the most radiosensitive?
112. Oral examination revealed dark yellow and brown spots and stripes on the labial and
lingual surfaces of the patent’s teeth; more than the half of the dental surface is affected;
enamel and dentin are destroyed. What diagnosis is the most likely?
113. Several hours after the dental trauma the tooth pulp presents with hyperemic vessels,
marked tissue edema with isolated neutrophils, lymphocytes, and minor dystrophic changes
of nerve fibers. Make the diagnosis:
Serous pulpitis
114. A 50-year-old man came to a hospital with complaints of memory disorders, painful
sensations along the nerve trunks, decreased mental ability, circulatory di- sorders and
dyspepsia. Anamnesis states excessive alcohol consumption. What vitamin deficiency can
result in such symptoms?
116. In 8 days after a surgery the patient developed tetanus. The surgeon suspects this
condition to be caused by suture material contaminated by tetanus agent. The material is
delivered to a bacteriological laboratory. What nutrient medium is required for primary
inoculation of the suture material?
Kitt-Tarozzi medium
117. Differentiation of B-lymphocytes into plasma cells leads to synthesis of
immunoglobulins that ensure specific immune response of the body. Differentiation of B-
lymphocytes takes place in the following organ of immune system:
119. A patient with dislocated jaw was given a short-acting muscle relaxant by a doctor.
Name this drug:
120. During oral cavity examination a dentist noticed eruption of the permanent canines in
a child. The child grows and develops normally. Determine the child’s age:
11-13 years