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Software-Defined Networking: Reconfigurable Network Systems in LAN Topology

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2016 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2016), Jan.

22 – 23, 2016, Coimbatore, INDIA

Software-Defined Networking: Reconfigurable

Network Systems in LAN Topology
Praveen N Dr.K.Kumar
PG Scholar, GCT, Coimbatore Assistant Professor, GCT, Coimbatore
India India
Email: praveen221216@gmail.com Email: kkumar@gct.ac.in

Abstract- An emerging technology of SDN plays a vital role in pythons via SDN controller. Software Defined Controller
network reconfiguration. In an existing system, real word (SDN) is an emerging technology and plays a vital role in
experiment on dynamic changing network topology lacks the dynamic network reconfiguration. SDN evolved for creating
ability to change the network configuration. The article works
innovation in the networking field. It is the most adoptable
for dynamic reconfiguration in networking through high-level
technology for dynamic reconfiguration. SDN also provides
programmability via such C++ or python via SDN controller. In
this paper, SDN enable an innovation performance for improving efficient interconnection between the network devices for the
the network reconfigurability through three resources such as configuration.
controller (Raspberry pi), switch and host nodes. The protocol of
Openflow acts as an interface between controller and switch. As a The focus of this paper to enable an innovation for
result, the dynamic network reconfigurability solves the problem developing network reconfigurability through 3 resources:
of manual configuration and reconfiguration to the network controller act as Data Controlling Plane (Raspberry pi), Switch
operator where the system deploys on campus network. act as Data forwarding Plane (TP-link) and host nodes are
interconnected between each other finally connected to switch
Keywords- Software defined Networking; Openflow; Access
these forms a network topology. It is considerably preferable
Control; Reconfigurable network
on LAN topology. An assimilating between control Plane and
I. INTRODUCTION Data Plane can does by the way of Open Flow Protocol (OFP).
OFP is the standard interface between Control Plane and
From the beginning of the stages of networking, the Forward Plane of SDN structure. Open Networking
progressing flow of services depends upon the network Foundation (ONF) is keen to adopt for SDN through standard
operator (i.e., the process done by manual configuration). functions. The Forwarding Plane can uses for connecting hosts
Regarding the LAN network topology reconfiguration, even and controller. It can uses for wireless switches (or) wired
single applications need to customize manually for acquiring switches. The switch can use of Open source embedded
the features. In a large topology, there exist some difficulties firmware (i.e., Openwrt). Similarly, Controller uses Linux
in customizing the special features to particular hosts. If a based platform for easy configuration/reconfiguration. As a
system need to be enables the prioritizing mode with specific result, the dynamic network configurability solves the problem
applications to any of the host, those activities where not of manual configuration/reconfiguration to the network
automatically done. Thus, a need arises for top-level authority operators where the system also deploys for the campus
such as administrator who has to handle the manual networks.
configuration. In real world experiments on dynamic changing
networks, topology lacks an ability to change the network II. LITERATURE SURVEY
configuration. Reconfiguring in network not only meant for
When deploying a SDN for WAN [1], the network has to
access controlling but also refers to handle the load balancing,
be divided into several smaller networks. The article
traffic management, on demand reallocation of storage spaces
investigates (i) how to partition the smaller SDN domain (ii)
in Big data platforms. Its main progress based on manual
how to place the controller in divided SDN domain. Thus the
configuration / Reconfiguration in an instantaneous period.
novel approach is proposed for evaluating the placement of
This article works for dynamic reconfiguration in controller for WAN. For partitioning the larger network, into
networking through high-level programming such as C++ or smaller network the spectral clustering placement algorithm is
used. Each of the partitioned SDN domains have their own
[978-1-4673-9206-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE]
2016 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2016), Jan. 22 – 23, 2016, Coimbatore, INDIA

controller as same as DNS with low latency and efficient framework paradigm & Openflow is implemented. The
reliability. The network graph G(V,E,W) where V-open flow Procera and SDN (controller) are deployment for the campus
switches, E-propagation latency, W-network bandwidths of and home management networks. Though it reduces the load
the link. The framework used are Beacon and cbench. The best in the n/w configuration and management, it produces the
placement of controller based on the controller performance delay by forwarding the signal from control plane to data
and propagation latency. The partition has done based on the plane where the Procera has only support actions for packets
weight and edges of the nodes. In order to find the splitted such as allow and drop.
topology, edges between various groups have to be low weight
& edges between the same groups need to have high weight. In this paper [3], the framework of SDN Application
The maximum performance can evaluate efficiently when a Extensibility Framework (AEF) was build for avoiding the
controller placed in the center of the cluster. The Spectral deficiencies drawbacks such as (i) Lack of programming
clustering algorithm: If a graph ‘G’ partitioned into 2 knowledge and does not have ability to reuse the code. (ii) The
subgroups of A & B. The similarity between A & B (i.e., cut latency between the controller & switch take up to few
size Cut (A, B)), millisecond drops so per packet processing cannot be alive at
line rates. (iii) In many networks processing units (NPUs) the
Cut (A,B) = W(A,B) (1) packet processing hardware acceleration block cannot use. The
( , ) ( . ) framework of AEF supports the fast processing of flows by
Mcut = + (2) instant code at the switching elements; there by the developers
( ) ( )
of SDN application can reuse the code as similar to that of
In Equation (1), W(A) is the sum of edge weights libraries & SDK. The framework does not change the
within A. The placement Algorithm used to place the capabilities of open Flow protocol. In this architecture set up
controller in the partitioned SDN domains. The performance for the flow, comparing rule initiates at the controller. If the
of latency & throughput improved in SDN Domain flow matches, then the Openflow executes with the
partitioning. manipulation of flat header and decision made for forwarding
the flow. In the current architecture, the flow route to the
The problem of network configuration and network middle box on the same rack, thus improve the throughput. To
management subjected to be more difficult because of the archive the better performance of SDN, the framework
underlying unchangeable infrastructure. In order to provide the designed to accelerate the transparent mechanism to encounter
better environment for improving network management [2], the richness of the open flow action set.
SDN emerges for yielding secure communication, managing
the network and controlling the network by an operator. The In this paper [4], the reconfigurable LR Ultra Flow
three problems are focused in network management, (i) When Access Network proposed to achieve the flow services and IP
the dynamic changes in the network configuration state’s (ii) services with low Capital Expenditure and sustain the higher
Handful maintenance, in the high-level language (iii) energy efficiency. By integrating services with IP Passive
Providing better view and control over tasks for Optical Network (PON), which attain the fulfillment to the
troubleshooting. By SDN, three problems solved. SDN acts as users who requires the high wavelength. Therefore, proposed
a central software program (i.e.) controller for evaluating the technique uses the multiple feeder fibers to construct the
network behavior. Meanwhile it control the flow of task, subnets among the ultra flow access network. The setup of the
dynamically configures the network rather than manual. In R-LR ultra flow Access network has 2 layers as of: (i)
SDN, network devices used for packet forwarding (data plane) Installing the switching devices and the centralized SDN at
and control logic implemented in the control plane. The central office for attaining the higher energy at low traffic up
beneficiary approach of SDN are stated as centralized (ie) a to 50% that enables the dynamic reconfiguration of link
controller network configuration through the controller in establishment between the users and source (ii) If any devices
SDN the wide spread network devices can be controlled from are idle, set the devices to sleep mode/ turned off state, in
single location by knowing the network state globally. By the order to consume energy.(iii) If configuration needs to done
current state of the art network configuration & management for longer period, there arises an internal gap. Therefore, an
provides the flexible and liable solution’s to an operator by Integer Linear programming (ILP) based source assignment
stating the network on-demand (reactive) policies to the need to compute for attaining efficient energy conservation in
network devices for performing the task. To setup the SDN network reconfiguration for active users. It is supported for the
environment Procera is an event-driven network control range up to 100km to the flow connectivity to 1024 users and
2016 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2016), Jan. 22 – 23, 2016, Coimbatore, INDIA

achieves 75% of reconfigurability in the no. of. OFLT throughput by acquiring the best end-to-end path flow by best
installation. It is more efficient when comparing to the decision to forwarding packets in a distributed routing scheme.
pervious pay-as-you-grow schemes. An aim of ILP-based In a distributed multi-domain SDN architecture, consist of
resource allocation algorithm provides an effective adjustment forwarders; each SDN domain has 1controller and many
regarding the power consumption during the network traffic. forwarders which interconnected making data plane. (i) In a
different SDN domain, if a forwarder has a connection with
To improve the QOS features in an open flow switch, other forwarder is termed as border forwarder. (ii) If a
SDN and autonomic network technology combined together forwarder connected in a same domain is termed as internal
for building the software defined self-managing network [5]. forwarder. The setup of this concept follows as Gateway
In the proposed AQSDN mechanism where PCaQOS to take Forwarder (GF) GF2 and GF3 connected to GP1 which forms
up the responsibility for queuing the packet context which are an inter-domain data plane. The link between F1 and F2 forms
marked to forwarding and they are managed. The mechanism intra-domain data plane. Each of the SDN domains has the
used for implementing a video applications prototype. In control and data plane interface those are running on a
existing system, QOS models (queue management) and those protocol of Open Flow. The interconnection between SDN A
are not self –healing and self-configurable but worked on and B are termed as Multi-domain Control plane network. It
workload and for transformation of data. It does not reduce the does not reply any additional services such as authority for
cost of network management also not decreases the network decision making the problem solved by the inter-domain SDN
failure. In this article, AQSDN- autonomic QOS management architecture meanwhile the topology structures and services
mechanism in SDN designed for providing the guarantee to capabilities advertised periodically by implementing
the QOS in the network. The working principle of this distributed decision-making process. An architecture, capable
mechanism states that (i) The controller takes the behavior of of tracking the path and maintains the updates regarding the
the functioning state and evolves the decision-making in the route traversal also had capability of reserving and releasing
autonomic loop (ii) The switch behaves as well as collector the path for routing.
and executive. Finally, the AQSDN controls the QOS rules
based on the data plane context and the policy which This article [7] proposes cloud – centric platform with
supervised by the operator. The QOS features were SDN and Hadoop for social TV analytics. For the purpose of
independently configured in an open flow switch by the way acceleration rate of data processing by the virtualization
of extending the OF and OF- configuration protocol. The technology with Openflow tool. A new paradigm, analysis the
PCaQOS (packet context-aware QOS) model used for social TV analytics and integrates the Big Data into TV for
improving the quality of the multimedia services. In AQSDN, research in a real time manner. Thus provides reconfigurable
the QOS control module has 2 function model, (i) Decision network and on demand virtual machine. The architecture
model- its frequently activated used for queue weight & consists of 3 components,(i) Data Crawler system (ii) SDN-
scheduling and it’s not frequently activated (ii) Action enabled Big Data processing system (iii) Social Media
decision model- used to forwarding the marked packets and Analytic. An information to Big Data where extracts the
adds into the queue for flowing and it’s frequently activated. public view and vision about the TV programs based on
The control module consists of context manager, analysis, Microblog data. The architecture for social analytics consists
rule decision, requirement DB, and policy DB. In PCaQOS of 4 layers: Infrastructure, Distributed Data Crawler, Data
model the packet context is a set of information of the packet Storage and Processing and Data Analytics. An Infrastructure
behavior. It has packet marker and queue management. The (Virtual Machine (VM)) considered as resource pool of CPU,
relationship between the real queues and sub queues has bandwidth, storage etc. An administrator can monitor the VM,
mapped. This work is sufficient and liable only for the simple dynamics of networks then the system dynamically adjust the
networks. resource allocation, bandwidth reservation and flow path via
flow re-routing meanwhile it also prevents the network
An author proposes a multi-domain SDN controller congestion. Distributed Data Crawler: Generates the task of
design. [6] Here each of the SDN’s are interconnected and crawler based on dynamic keyword generation and key user
monitored by different controllers. However, interconnection generation thus they releases the tasks from a load balanced
of SDN provides the better platform for choosing the service- way in order to prevent being a proactive by the OSNs. Data
enabled flow paths due to the frequent updates to other storage and processing provides an effective management and
controllers. Also enables the QoS services meanwhile low processes the social media. In this platform (i) Hadoop
packet loss, high availability, ensures the security and combines a Distributed File system (DFS), a NoSQL Database
2016 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2016), Jan. 22 – 23, 2016, Coimbatore, INDIA

(Hbase) and a MapReduce. (ii) Storm used to compute the reconfiguring purpose. Its cost is near about $20-25. But
streaming for real time analysis. Data Analytics used to gather TPLink has own firmware image installed in their devices. To
the users vision and interest on the social media TV. It used to make it OpenFlow enabled have to change its firmware image
estimate the analysis result from statistics. It deploys on top of (Unbricking).
the private cloud at NTU.
C. Hosts
Hosts are nothing but workstations/terminals among
Software Defined Controller (SDN) is an emerging
which are going to create network (or LAN). Also can use of
technology and plays a vital role in dynamic network
computer or mobile phone as host.
reconfiguration. SDN evolved for creating innovation in the
networking field. It is the most adoptable technology for
dynamic reconfiguration. SDN also provides efficient D. Working Principle
interconnection between the network devices for the
configuration. The focus of this paper to enable an innovation
for developing network reconfigurability through 3 resources:
controller act as Data Controlling Plane (Raspberry pi), Switch
act as Data forwarding Plane (TP-link) and host nodes are
interconnected between each other finally connected to switch
these forms a network topology.

A. Controller

Job of the control plane is to match packet header field

and educate (install flow or rule in) forwarding plane about
taking corresponding required action on packet. Hence
controller should capable to handle high packet data with good
clock frequency, RAM, peripheral support, Ethernet support.
For controller there have options like Raspberry Pi, Intel’s
Fig. 1 Dynamic reconfiguration with high-level programmability on LAN
Beaglebone, RouterBoard etc. so here using Raspberry Pi
B+ as control plane in the LAN. And its cost is $35-45.
The workflow of reconfiguring network initiates at
Raspberry Pi B+ Features
workstation by user. Let Workstation A wants to interface
with C. Workstation A requests FTP to Workstation C with
• 700 MHz clock
1000 packets traffic. When FTP packets initiated by A, it will
• 512 MB RAM
first communicate with OFSwitch. Then OFSwitch will
• 32 GB Expandable Memory request to the controller what action should take to transfer the
• 4 USB Ports, 1 Ethernet Port packets. The controller goes through the set of rules which
• SD card Slot was framed by network operator, if the rule matches
• HDMI, Composite Video output corresponding action will be taken (i.e., instruction will be
• ARM7 processor given to OFSwitch). To know the set of rules fed in the
controller, the first 100packets is sufficient.
B. Switch
There are OpenFlow enabled switches available in
the market but their set up cost is reasonable only for SDN evolution increases programmability and dynamic
enterprise or campus level network. But here creating LAN for reconfiguration flexibility at each level of network design and
experimental purpose or on very small scale to handle 6-7 management. As per the survey there is no work related to
hosts so will use unmanageable router as our data forwarding dynamic reconfiguration in networks to overcome the
plane. Here using TPLink 841 N (V9.0) router for difficulties of network operator. To provide solution SDN
2016 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2016), Jan. 22 – 23, 2016, Coimbatore, INDIA

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