ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines For Coding and Reporting: Italics Are Used To Indicate Revisions To Heading Changes
ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines For Coding and Reporting: Italics Are Used To Indicate Revisions To Heading Changes
ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines For Coding and Reporting: Italics Are Used To Indicate Revisions To Heading Changes
Appendix I. Present on Admission Reporting Timeframe for POA Identification and Documentation
Guidelines There is no required timeframe as to when a provider (per the definition of
“provider” used in these guidelines) must identify or document a condition to
be present on admission. In some clinical situations, it may not be possible for
Introduction a provider to make a definitive diagnosis (or a condition may not be
These guidelines are to be used as a supplement to the ICD-10-CM Official recognized or reported by the patient) for a period of time after admission. In
Guidelines for Coding and Reporting to facilitate the assignment of the Present some cases it may be several days before the provider arrives at a definitive
on Admission (POA) indicator for each diagnosis and external cause of injury diagnosis. This does not mean that the condition was not present on
code reported on claim forms (UB-04 and 837 Institutional). admission. Determination of whether the condition was present on admission
These guidelines are not intended to replace any guidelines in the main body or not will be based on the applicable POA guideline as identified in this
of the ICD-10-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting. The POA document, or on the provider’s best clinical judgment.
guidelines are not intended to provide guidance on when a condition should