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Purpose and Description of the Project

The purpose of NORSU Event Attendance System is to overcome the

problems in taking, keeping and retrieving attendance manually. In this system

records are safe, secure and the attendance information of particular member or

event can be accessed easily and efficiently.

NORSU Event Attendance System is a service in which the admin can

create an event and get attendances. In this system the admin can monitor the

activeness of their member.

The study aims to develop, design and implement an automated system

based on the administrator's needs.

The overall objectives of the NORSU Event Attendance System assessment are

summarized below:


1. To investigate the current situation and identify the problem

2. To analyze the use of the system in every organization

3. To design an attendance system that is useful for the organizations in


4. To develop a system that can help organizations in monitoring the

activeness of their members.

5. To implement a system this can make attendance more convenient and


Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 2

Definition of Terms

To have a better understanding of the study, the following terms are

generally and technically defined:

NORSU Event Attendance System. A System that can be use in

getting attendance in an organization event.

Users. The personnel who are responsible for getting and inputting the

member’s name or ID number for their attendance.

Sociotechnical Systems Theory. A theory that is used as a basis in

designing and implementing the system.

V-model. A unique, linear development methodology used during a

software development life cycle (SDLC).

Scope and Limitations

The study covers the use of the present system. Automating it to easily

check the attendance of the members, staffs, faculty members, event organizers

and other attendee’s. To make it easier to take, keep and retrieve records in an

organizational event. The system is capable of maintaining the reliability of event

attendance record through the system. The system has two categories the admin

and the user side.

At the admin side:

 Admin can create new events.

 Gives activation code to the user to login in the system.

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 3

 The admin is responsible for all the data that will be inputted in the


At the user side:

 The user needs to register first to get an activation code.

 The user can select events;

 The member can be able to take attendance by selecting the event

by pressing the in button and then member will press out after the


The system has its limitations. In this system, it will only display a text-

field for the users to search/input their information to take attendance.

The limitations of the system are:

1. The system accessibility is limited within NORSU Environment.

2. The system will not log out automatically if the attendees forgot

to log out.

Significance of the Project

The study aims to provide accurate and more effective way of developing

an event attendance system in organizations of NORSU. Specifically, the results

of the study would benefit the following:

To the Administrator. It will help to organize the record and monitor

the member’s attendance in an organization.

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 4

To the Organizations of NORSU. The result of the study will provide

effective and efficient application for organizers that will be organizing the events.

To the Members. The study will benefit the members in an organization by

giving them the most efficient and effective way of getting their attendance at

different events which is not so time consuming.

To the Future Researchers. The study serves as a reference to the future

researcher that has the same goal in developing a system. Through this study,

future researchers will be able to get idea in developing an online system and be

able to add some features by referring to the Recommendation page

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 5



This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalize or conclusion,

Methodologies and others. This chapter includes all familiarizing information that

is relevant and similar to the present study.

This study aims to have a NORSU Event Attendance System; there are some

information that may be helpful to the researchers. It also shows section of the

discussion of related literature and studies gathered from different sources to a

better understanding about Attendance System.

Related Literature

According to Sahar Hassan (2015) over the years the manual attendance

management has been carried across most of educational institutions. To

overcome the problems of manual attendance, Sahar Hassan developed “web

based attendance Management System”. Attendance Management System is

based on web server, which can be implemented on any computer. In This

application, PHP is server side language, MySQL and PHP is used as back-end

design and HTML, CSS and JavaScript are used as front-end tools. The system

communicates with database residing on a remote server. It calculates

automatically, the attendance percentage of students without any manual paper-

based work. The system facilitates the end users with interactive design and

automated processing of attendance management.

Foreign Literature: According to Primer (2005), for many businesses

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 6

automating the collecting of employee attendance data when employees begin

their shifts is still a manual process. Even business that has automated or

computerized processes such as scheduling, inventory, purchasing, general

ledger and payroll processing still use manual methods such as time cards or

attendance sheets to collect time and attendance data.

Ramon Faloran (2005) wrote in the article “The Computer Edge of the

New Employment and Opportunities “in the Philippine Daily Inquirer. He stated

that computer gives you a different feeling about what is happening in the

company. Business will be highly competitive and innovative because the

computer provides instant information.

Related Studies

John Aquilan made a comparable thesis entitled “Automation of Time

attendance system” in 2004, it stated that the automation of the time

attendance records, time in and time out of every employee using barcode

system. It tends to eliminate the manual recording system of time and

attendance and also include salary computation of each employee based on

the time and attendance reports.

Local Study:

Mendrez (2007) made a similar study for Vision Designer Inc. It has an

identification machine aimed at verifying a person entering through the swiping

of identification cards. After entering their given code number, the identification

cards are swiped in the machines card reader to trigger the verification. If access

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 7

granted, the micro switch will then automatically unlock to allow enter. This will

help a lot in monitoring attendances accurately and more precise. A group of

computer engineers in Rebisco Biscuits Corporation proposed a thesis report for

what is the same Innodata Corps is implementing right now a computerized daily

time record as an alternative for Bundy clock. The means of getting inside the

company premises is by swiping cards into a machine that reads every record of

each employee then monitor and displays the time a particular employee logs in

and out. In the 2005 annual report of the Forest Products Research and

Development Institute under the Department of Science Forest Products

Research and Development Institute was designed to facilitate the Institute's

data entry, processing, computation and maintenance of employee time and

attendance transactions. The system allows employees to log in/out as the swipe

their IDs through a barcode reader attached to a computer terminal. The

processing forms include those for legal holidays, travel order, tardiness, under

time, vacation and sick leave. Pertinent Report forms have been designed for

easier access to all these data.”


Columbia State Community College (2006) uses computer identification

account (Log In Name and Password) for access to the institutions computer

usage logs occurs electrically through the individual users log in/out process.

Users are also informed that they are responsible for any computer file’s,

database and/or internet sites that are accessed through their computer

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 8

identification account, not withstanding their failure to adhere to the log in/out

process, on their voluntary publication of their account information to others.

My Time Force (2006), Time Force is the key to proficient and successful

time tracking and management in your workplace. It is a software-based time

and attendance system that allows the user to collect and organize employee

time data simply and accurately. You can use Time Force to:

• Easily and efficiently track your employee time.

• Manage your time & attendance data and employee profiles.

• Eliminate buddy punching.

• Make employee scheduling a breeze.

• Reduce the headaches and time associated with payroll.

Best of all, Time Force can quickly pay for itself in time savings, reduction of

time theft and elimination of payroll errors. Time Force is the manifestation of

10years of experience, customer feedback, and research and development in the

time and attendance market. Over 35,000 businesses use Time Force

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 9



This chapter offers a brief discussion in developing the NORSU Calendar

System in terms of technicalities and also it represents theoretical and

conceptual framework.

Theoretical Framework

This section gives an overview of the theories as part of the strategies and

shows the theory which helps to broaden the idea of how the system works.

Sociotechnical Systems Theory

Sociotechnical systems (STS) in organizational development is an approach

to complex organizational work design that recognizes the interaction between

people and technology in workplaces. The term also refers to the interaction

between society's complex infrastructures and human behavior. In this sense,

society itself, and most of its substructures, are complex sociotechnical systems.

The term sociotechnical systems was coined by Eric Trist, Ken Bamforth and Fred

Emery, in the World War II era, based on their work with workers in English coal

mines at the Tavistock Institute in London.

A Sociotechnical system pertains to theory regarding the social aspects of

people and society and technical aspects of organizational structure and

processes. Here, technical does not necessarily imply material technology. The

focus is on procedures and related knowledge, i.e. it refers to the ancient Greek

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 10

term logos. "Technical" is a term used to refer to structure and a broader sense

of technicalities. Sociotechnical refers to the interrelatedness of social and

technical aspects of an organization or the society as a whole. Sociotechnical

theory therefore is about joint optimization, with a shared emphasis on

achievement of both excellence in technical performance and quality in people's

work lives. Sociotechnical theory, as distinct from sociotechnical systems,

proposes a number of different ways of achieving joint optimization. They are

usually based on designing different kinds of organization, ones in which the

relationships between socio and technical elements lead to the emergence of

productivity and wellbeing.

Technology Acceptance Model

Based on the theory of reasoned Action, Davis ( 1986 ) developed the

Technology Acceptance Model which deals more specifically with the prediction

of the acceptability of an information system. The purpose of this model is to

predict the acceptability of a tool and to identify the modifications which must be

brought to the system in order to make it acceptable to users. This model

suggests that the acceptability of an information system is determined by two

main factors: perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use.

 Perceived usefulness – This was defined by Fred Davis as "the degree

to which a person believes that using a particular system would

enhance his or her job performance".

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 11

 Perceived ease-of-use – Davis defined this as "the degree to which a

person believes that using a particular system would be free from

effort" (Davis 1989).

(Sociotechnical Theory
Theory Technology
Technology Acceptance
Eric Trist
Trist and
and Ken
Ken Model
Bamforth, 1951)
1951) ((
Davis, Bagozzi
Bagozzi &
& Warsh
aw 1989


Figure 1. Theoretical Framework of the Study

Figure 1 shows the theory that has been used to develop the system.

Socio-technical theory has at its core the idea that the design and performance

of any organizational system can only be understood and improved if both ‘social’

and ‘technical’ aspects are brought together and treated as interdependent parts

of a complex system. While Technology Acceptance suggests that when users

are presented with a new technology, a number of factors influence their

decision about how and when they will use it. Researchers used these theories

as a basis in creating and implementing NORSU Event Attendance System.

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 12

Conceptual Framework of the Study

The study was based on the concept of effective analysis, designing,

prototyping and development that would lead to successful implementation of

NORSU Event Attendance System for more reliable and better interface. The V-

Model is comprised of stages that developers use when developing the system. It

is a major drawback of waterfall model. The developer has to finish one stage

before going to the next one. V-Model provides means of testing of software at

each stage in reverse manner.

At every stage, test plans and test cases are created to verify and validate

the product according to the requirement of that stage. For example, in

requirement gathering stage the test team prepares all the test cases in

correspondence to the requirements. Later, when the product is developed and

is ready for testing, test cases of this stage verify the software against its validity

towards requirements at this stage. This makes both verification and validation

go in parallel. This model is also known as verification and validation model.

Figure 2 . Conceptual Framework of the Study

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 13

The phase 1 in V-model is Requirement Modeling; the researchers gathered

requirements based on observation, interviewing and survey. The phase 2 is the

System Analysis where the researchers found a problem which is the manual

taking of attendance in an event that is more time consuming, prone to errors

and more chances in losing the records. Phase 3 Software Design utilizing

feedback and user requirement documents created during the requirements

phase. It will outline all technical components. Phase 4 the Module Design, it

consists of all the low level design for the system. Phase 5 Coding, In this stage

the actual coding and implementation occur. Phase 6 Unit testing , in this phase

eliminate the vast majority of potential bugs and issues in the system. Phase 7

Integration system, the phase where ensures that the system functions across all

components and third party integrations. Phase 8 is the System testing which is

largely focusing on performance and regression testing. Phase 9 Acceptance

Testing is the process of implementing all tests created during the initial

requirements phase and ensures the system is functional in a live environment,

ready for deployment.

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 14



The purpose of this chapter is to show the methods used to collect data and

the statistical treatment, and/or mechanic of analysis of the study.

Research Methodologies

This section describes and explains the various research related activities

and components. This includes research method, research respondents, research

environment, research design, research instrument, research procedures, and

the statistical treatment of data.

Research Method

The study utilized the V-Model to summarize the main steps to be taken in

conjunction with the corresponding deliverables within computerized system

validation framework.

The entire course of the study aims to analyze how event attendance

used for the said system, to design and develop a functional system NORSU

Event Attendance and to test ad implement a reliable and efficient NORSU Event

Attendance System.

Research Respondents

The respondents of the study are the NORSU Organizations that will host

an event in Negros Oriental State University.

Research Environment

The study will be conducted at Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 15

City .

Research Design

The researcher emphasized the use of the V-Model. It provides means of

testing of software at each stage in reverse manner. At every stage, test plans

and test cases are created to verify and validate the product according to the

requirement of that stage. For example, in requirement gathering stage the test

team prepares all the test cases in correspondence to the requirements. Later,

when the product is developed and is ready for testing, test cases of this stage

verify the software against its validity towards requirements at this stage. This

makes both verification and validation go in parallel. This model is also known as

verification and validation model.

Requirement Specifications

The section describes the software system to be developed. It lays out

functional and non-functional requirements and may include a set of use cases

that describe user interactions that the software must provide.

Technical Feasibility

It is an assessment that focused on gaining an understanding of the

present technical resources of the organization and their applicability to the

expected needs of the proposed project. It is an evaluation of the hardware and

software and how it meets the need of the proposed system.

The Negros Oriental State University Event Attendance System had

envisioned providing organizations of the university to have an efficient way in

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 16

terms of taking, keeping and retrieving attendance system.

The technologies that are used to are the following:

Table 1: Software Specifications of the Proposed System

Software Minimum Recommended

Sublime Sublime X

Table 2: Hardware Specifications of the proposed System

Type of Application Hardware Specifications

Processor: at least Pentium 4

processors or later versions.

Web Based

Application RAM: at least 512mb of memory.

HDD: at least 40MB of hard drive


Compatibility Checking

Checking compatibility between programs consists of two goals, which we

address in two steps. First, we infer the formats each program operates upon.

Second, we check compatibility.

 Familiarity with System

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 17

Since the system is web-based and it is using the basic function in the

database which is the CRUD, creating, retrieving, updating, deleting,

we, the developers of the system are very familiar to it, on how will it


 Familiarity with Technology

Personal Computers, laptops, and desktops are mostly the type of

technology that will be used which we are able to operate.

Relevance of the Technologies

XAMP – Developers will use this as development tool, to allow website designers

and programmers to test their work on their own computer without any access

to internet.

MySQL – Pronounced either “My S-Q-L” or “My Sequel,” is an open source

relational database management system. It is based on the structure query

language(SQL), which is used for adding, removing, and modifying information in

the database. Standard SQL commands, such as ADD, DROP, INSERT, and

UPDATE can be used with MySQL. MySQL can be used for a variety of

applications, but is most commonly found on Web servers. A website that uses

MySQL may include Web Pages that access information from a database. These

pages are often referred to as “dynamic,” meaning the content of each page is

generated from a database as the page loads. Websites that use dynamic Web

pages are often referred to as database-driven websites. MySQL will use by the

researcher because it is one of the database that is compatible with the

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 18

development of the system.

HTML – This is the language that Webpages are written in. If you want to

create really great Webpages then you will need to learn this. As far as computer

language go, this is the easiest to learn. You can create a webpage without it

using a web page editing program but the program will still use the HTML to

create the page.

CSS – Cascading style sheets are used to format the layout or webpages. They

can be used to define text styles, table sizes, and other aspects of webpages that

previously could only be defined in a page’s HTML.

Javascript – Like java, this is a programming language designed by Suri

Microsystems, in conjunction with the Netscape that can be integrated into

standard HTML pages. While Javascript is based on the Java syntax, it is a

scripting language and therefore cannot be used to create stand-alone programs.

Instead, it is used mainly to create dynamic, interactive webpages.

PHP – A server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development

but also used as a general-purpose programming language.

Computer – Used to run the proposed system with processor at least Pentium 4

or later versions. RAM at least 512MB of memory. HD at least 40MB of hard drive


Schedule Feasibility

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 19

This shows the schedule of activities the researchers must undergo to be

able to achieve the NORSU Event Attendance System. It includes the phases and

the activities under each phase. Each activity has corresponding time duration

and presented in weeks.

Figure 3. Gantt chart

Phase 1, which is planning of the system, took 19 days to complete. This

is from June 11 to June 29, 2018. Phase 1 can be broken down to three tasks:

composed proposed subject identified requirement process and submitted

proposed project. Phase 2 of the project is analysis of the system, it includes the

analysis of what are the functions to be used to the system as well as the flow of

the system, it took 21 days which from July 2 to July 22, 2018 . Phase 3 of the

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 20

project which is design took 44 days to complete; this is from July 23 to August

31, 2018. Phase 3 can be broken down to 2 tasks: elaborate system design and

approved proposed subject. Phase 4 of the system which is development took

140 days. This is from September 3 to January 20, 2019. Phase 4 can be broken

down to 3 tasks: development of the system, gathered data and information and

documentation. Phase 5 of the project which is integration and testing took 21

days to complete. This is from January 21 to February 10, 2019. Phase 5 can be

broken down to 2 tasks: checked the developed project and coded proposed

project. Phase 6 which is maintenance took 14 days. This is from February 11 to

February 24, 2019.

Economic Feasibility

The economic feasibility demonstrates the net benefit of a proposed

project for accepting or disbursing electronic funds/benefits, taking into

consideration the benefits and costs to the agency, other state agencies, and the

general public as a whole.

Budgetary Estimate

The budgetary estimate is the approximation of the cost of the project.

The budgetary estimate is not accurate enough to provide a basis. It represents

only the budget makers understanding of the scope and expense of what needs

to be done.

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 21

Table 3.Budgetary Estimate of NORSU Event Attendance System

Quantity Item Cost


Acer Laptop Php 24,000.00

- Intel core i5

- Windows 10

1 Pocket wifi/Internet Connection Php 1,900.00

Total: Php 25,900.00

The table above is the estimated budget cost for the NORSU Event

Attendance System. The project needs laptop which the estimated cost is Php

24,000 to use in making and implementing the system. It also needs internet

connection or pocket wifi which the estimated cost is Php 1,900. The project’s

total cost would be Php 25,900.

Requirement Modeling

Requirement modeling sets the Input, Process and Output flow of the

System. Requirements are a pragmatic description of the system to be built.

They should focus on the problem that this system solves and description of

system. Focus on what users expect to do with the system and discuss the scope

of your system or particular releases of the system. The requirement modeling

specifies the functional requirement of the system.

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 22

Input. The member will log in then select event then press the in to take the

attendance. On the other hand, organizer also have the option to assign a

personnel to take attendance to the members

Process. The NORSU Event Attendance System. The admin will be the one

who can create events, manage all the information and give activation code to

every members.

Output. The output of NORSU Event Attendance System is that it can record

the time in or out of each member during an event and will be able to easily

keep the attendance records for retrieving and can print out the attendance


Performance. The system is efficient and very reliable for the organizations

in NORSU that will conduct an event.

Control. Only those staffs or administrators in an organization can view

those members that are present or absent in every events.

Data and Process Modeling

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 23

Figure 4. Data Flow Diagram

The figure 4 shows the data flow diagram of NORSU Event Attendance

System in which the user side will select event then look/search for his/her name

then log in to take the attendance. Once the user will log in, automatically it

records the date and time he/she log in. In the Admin side, he can add student

that is not yet on the list or edit the student information. Admin can also view

the events. In addition, he can also view members’ attendance in a specific


Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 24

Object Modeling

Figure 5. Use Case Diagram

Object modeling is an approach where the system shows the model and

the design. The objects describe the process of the NORSU Event Attendance

System which represented by the Use Case diagram. It shows the functionalities

of both admin and end users. Users are usually the members that can access the

website while only the in-charge personnel who is the admin controls the system.

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 25

Requirements Documentation

Design of Software, Systems, Products, and/or Processes

Output and User-interface Design

This section shows the interfaces wherein the users will interact with the

system and input data in order to command the system.

Figure 6. User’s Login Form

. The primary task of the user is to login his/her account but if the user

doesn’t have an account he/she must sign-up for an account.

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 26

Figure 7. Registration Form

This figure show the registration form which is needed for the member

who doesn’t registered yet. They need to fill up the form to get an activation

code to login.

Figure 8. Create Attendance

The figure above shows the admin side which is he/she can view and

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 27

create events.

Figure 9. Event Attendance

This figure shows the Event Attendance page, the admin can view all the

attendees’ attendance.

Figure 10. Members

Figure 10 shows that the admin can view all members and can add members.

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 28

Figure 11. Event List

Figure 11 shows the event list where it can view all the events and


Figure 12. Administrator Option

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 29

Figure 12 shows the administrator module where it can activate members

as well as manage the administrator levels.

Data Design

This section will be data design which results in fewer complexes, modular

and efficient program structure. The information domain model developed during

analysis phase is transformed into data structures needed for implementing the


Table 4. Data Dictionary

Field Name Data Type Data Format Example

ID Number Number 20140001

Firstname Text Dona Mae

Middlename Text Quibedo

Lastname Text Jamito

Username Text Dona

Event Name Text CSIT Forum

Event Venue Text YY-MM-DD NORSU GYM

Time Date/Time 2019-01- 27

Time 2:05:10

System Architecture

In system architecture presents the components as it illustrates the

network design of the system and its interaction between the device and the


Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 30

Figure 13. System Architecture

Figure 10 shows the System Architecture of NORSU Event Attendance

System on both administrator and end-user side. All the data will automatically

stored in the database of the system.

Development and Testing

This phase presents the specifications needed in the development of the

system which includes software, hardware and the programming environment.

Software Specification

To develop the system, XAMP server was used as a temporary server/local

host for testing the project. Sublime text is the editor in encoding and debugging

our website which we used HTML, PHP, CSS, SQL, Javascript and bootstrap. For

browsing the system, we used Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.

Hardware Specification

It requires PC or Laptop at least Pentium 4 processors or later, ram at

least 512mb of memory and HDD at least 40MB of hard drive space.

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 31

Programming Environment

This section describes what functions the sytem will have and how these

functions will work.

Front End

CSS – used to define styles or your web pages, including the

design, layout and variations in display for different devices and screen size.

HTML – This software will be used to develop markup languages

of the site. This will provide the interface of our website.

JavaScript – It provides user interface enhancements for every

dynamic website. This is used to create scripts such as alert boxes, which

provide users instructions.

Back End

PHP - Mainly used for design server-side applications and used to

add functionality to websites that HTML alone can’t achieved.

Test Plan

The application will be tested according to the functionalities and expected

output. The testing will be done by the members in the organization of the

university. Feedback will be taken from the respondents and any recommended

changes will be applied.

The system will also be tested by IT experts in order for them to see how

the system works and be able to give feedbacks and suggestions.

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 32

Unit Testing

Unit testing was conducted to ensure that the functionality of the NORSU

Event Attendance System is working properly according to the specifications and

expected output of the modules. Module by module each unit will be tested to

confirm that each unit of the proposed unit will achieve its expected result.

Integration Testing

Integration testing will be the next step after the unit testing. In

integration testing, each module will be integrated to function as one to perform

its expected output according to the specification of each module. And through

outputs of each module, it will be used to communicate with other modules so

that it will produce the expected output.

The purpose of integration testing in NORSU Event Attendance System is

to verify functional, performance and reliability requirements placed on the major

design items. These design items are exercised through their interfaces using

client testing, success and error cases being simulated via appropriate parameter

and data inputs.

User Acceptance

In user acceptance, usually the end users who will use the applications

test the application for its efficiency and reliability before accepting the


Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 33

Results and Observations

The flow of the system will undergo an automated manner which means

members will just select an event then log in to take attendance. The proposed

system will be generating the data to be stored, retrieved, accessed and

modified to attain an efficient and reliable attendance system. The administrator

can easily view events and members if he/she is present or absent in the specific

event. All the data and information inputted in the system will be stored in the

system’s database. With this, the system will ensure its reliability and efficiency

in terms of attendance records.

Table 5. Weighted Mean for Usability as rated by IT Experts

Sub-Criterion Mean Perceived Usability

Understandability 3.33 Very Usable

Documentation 3.33 Very Usable
Buildability 3.36 Very Usable
Installability 3.36 Very Usable
Learnablity 4 Very Usable
Grand Mean 3.6 Very Usable

The table above presents the Software Usability of NORSU Event

Attendance System as rated by the 3 IT Experts. The result revealed that the

NORSU Event Attendance System was very usable with a grand mean of 3.6. It

implies that it follows the usability checklist, guidelines and standards based on

the usability elements. NORSU Event Attendance System is easy to understand

based on the result as rated by the IT Experts.

Overall, the NORSU Event Attendance System is very usable because all

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 34

the results of the elements based on the standards and guidelines are

remarkably commendable.

Table 6. Weighted Mean for Maintainability/Sustainability as rated by IT Experts

Sub-Criterion Mean Perceived Maintainability and

Identity 3 Maintainable
Accessibility 3.33 Very Maintainable
Testability 3.66 Very Maintainable
Portability 3.66 Very Maintainable
Supportability 3 Maintainable
Analyzability 3 Maintainable
Changeability 3.66 Very Maintainable
Interoperability 3.66 Very Maintainable
Total 3.37 Very Maintainable
Legend: 1.00 – 1.75 Not Maintainable
1.76 – 2.50 Moderately Maintainable
2.51 – 3.25 Maintainable
3.26 – 4.00 Very Maintainable

The table above shows the Software’s Maintainability and Sustainability

has a grand mean of 3.37 which means that NORSU Event System is very

sustainable and very maintainable based on what the IT Experts have perceived

during the system testing and evaluation. The result suggests that maintainable

software is easy to extend and fix which encourages the software’s used.

Collectively, this means that NORSU Event Attendance System has

evidence of the current support and development.

Table 7. Perceived Usefulness of NORSU Event Attendance System as rated by the

Respondents as the User of the System
Perceived Usefulness Weighted Verbal
Mean Description

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 35

Using the system it will 3.9 Very Useful
make easier to take
Using the system will 3.8 Very Useful
make easier to keep
Using the system will 3.7 Very Useful
make easier in retrieving
attendance records
Using the system can 3.3 Very Useful
provide more efficient
Grand Weighted Mean 3.68 Very Useful

Legend: 1.00 – 1.75 Not Useful

1.76 – 2.50 Partially Useful
2.51 – 3.25 Useful
3.26 – 4.00 Very Useful

This study validates new scales for two specific variables, perceived

usefulness and perceived ease-of-use which are believed to be the fundamental

determinants of user acceptance of the NORSU Event Attendance System.

The Table above shows the Perceived Usefulness of the NORSU Event

Attendance System as rated by 13 respondents as the user of the system. The

result revealed that the system is “very useful” with grand weighted mean of

3.675. In the same direction, the result indicates that using NORSU Event

Attendance System helps the members, staffs and organizers in taking, keeping

and retrieving attendance records.

Table 8. Perceived Eased-of-Used of NORSU Event Attendance System as rated by the

Respondents as the User of the System
Perceived Eased-of-Used Weighted Verbal Description
Learning to operate the system would be 3.9 Very Useful
easy for me.
My interaction to the system would be clear 3.4 Very Useful

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 36

and understandable
I would find the system flexible to interact 3.8 Very Useful
I would find it easy to get the system to do 3.5 Very Useful
what I want to do.
I would find the system easy to use. 3.6 Very Useful
Grand Mean 3.64 Very Useful
Legend: 1.00 – 1.75 Not Useful
1.76 – 2.50 Partially Useful
2.51 – 3.25 Useful
3.26 – 4.00 Very Useful

The result suggested that the NORSU Event Attendance System is easy to

operate, easy to use and flexible to interact with. It is efficient and eases the

problems of the students by automating and improving the system. The result

revealed that the system is “very useful” with grand mean of 3.64. The result

indicates that using NORSU Event Attendance System is very useful in taking,

keeping and retrieving attendance records in an organization.

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City 37



Recording attendance manually is the most common method used by

organizations in which;

1. It is time – consuming

- taking attendance

- retrieving attendance

2. It is space – consuming

3. It can let members signing in for friends without his/her


4. It can lead to disorganization of attendees

5. You need to look for a good location where to place attendance

sheet which it is a hassle

5. There will be more possibility that it will be lost (forgot where was

placed) (forgot who brought the attendance sheet)


Based on the information gathered, observations, thoughts and ideas, the

researchers were able to come up with the conclusions regarding the system,

NORSU Event Attendance System.

The following are the conclusions of the study:

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City

 By using the NORSU Event Attendances System, it can lessen the time

and much easier in taking attendance as well as retrieving the

attendance records in every organizational event in NORSU.

 In terms of keeping the attendance records, it will not be a hassle

since the system will automatically record the attendances of the

members of a specific event.


The researchers recommend that the organizations in Negros Oriental

State University should use the NORSU Event Attendance System to make it

more efficient in terms of taking, keeping and retrieving attendance records and

it is also reliable enough.

Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City

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