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Senior Citizen Information System

A Propose Software Development Project Submitted to the

Faculty of the Computer Science and Information
Technology College of Arts and Sciences
Negros Oriental State University

In partial Fulfillment of the requirements

For ITS 130- Research and
Software Development

Cañaveral, May Ann G.

Lucilla, June S.

The Problem and the Scope


Technology today in our continuous modernizing world has profoundly affected

our lives. It is beyond doubt fast and innovations that the people can develop are so

unpredictable. There are lots of advance technologies occurring every now and then.

Coming up with a good invention that is brought up by creative minds will be a challenging

action to do.

In almost every case, information is an organization’s primary asset and keeping

that asset safe, organized and accessible is of utmost importance. The demand for

acquiring, processing and distributing data is growing enormously. Information systems

are more than just computer programs. Though information and communications

technologies are playing an increasing role in meeting organizations’ information needs,

an information system is a much more general concept. It refers to the wider systems of

people, data and activities, both computer-based and manual, that effectively gather,

process, store and disseminates organizations’ information.

Information System is a way in which people interact with this technology in

support of business processes. Because of these, the use of information systems will be

advantageous to different organizations such as government agencies.

Office of the Senior Citizen Affairs (OSCA) is a government agency serving the senior

citizens. It has been serving since then resided in Dumaguete. Primarily, OSCA’s role is

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to monitor the current state of the senior citizens, financial support in terms of medical

assistance, scrutinize its population and to grant their needs in accordance of their rights.

The records of members of Senior Citizen had been curtail over time due to large numbers

of citizen’s due to poor record keeping since it is a manual based method. The manual

method led to various problems and these include unnecessary duplication of recorded

data, difficult in tracing previous member's record, eventually, it is difficult to trace the

flow of members past data. Based on the survey the appearance of computer web-based

profiling system has changed the office transaction both large and small system have

adopted the new method by use of computer, to attain several roles in the production of

information. The member’s record is connected with the documentation of information

gathered from senior citizen office.

Statement of the Problem

The present undertaking tries to plan the next cycle of a software application that

is under development and analyzed the basic concept of a senior citizen application

according to the functional and non-functional requirements of the system, design and

implement a fully working web-based senior citizen system, and verify the efficiency and

effectives of the system according to the Software Evaluation-based Assessment and

evaluate the impact it has to the user.

Specifically, the study sought to answer to the following questions:

1. What are the current problems encountered by the senior citizens in terms of


2. What are the basic concepts in a development of senior citizen application?

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3. What are the necessary functional and non-functional requirements needed in

the design and development of the Senior Citizens application?

4. How efficient is Senior Citizens Application performed as rated by both IT expert

personnel and user in terms of reliability and usability?

5. How Senior citizens Application can be implemented in both mobile and web


Significance of the study

This capstone project was designed to primarily promote to access to the office of

the Senior Citizen Affairs Office Dumaguete, Negros Oriental. The researchers find this

project beneficial for it serves as a gateway to the office services to provide web-based

profiling transaction service for the user’s research and learnings.

The implementation of this project is useful for the following:

To the Senior Citizens of Dumaguete. By using this web-based Information

system, the senior citizens will have fast and reliable transactions when it comes to

registration and discount monitoring process.

To the future Researchers. The study servers as the reference to the future

researcher who has the same goal in developing a system. Through this study, future

researchers will have an idea in developing an online system and be able to add some

feature by referring to the Recommendation page.

To the BS Information Technology Students. This study will serve as a guide

in doing research of their system. Through this study, the BS Information Technology

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students will have an idea on how to design and develop a system and will help them

make a good research.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study aimed to analyze the problems encountered by the Office of Senior

Citizens Affair in registration and keeping the members data in secure storage. With the

features in it, profiling and database is the proposed solution to this problem.

The main purpose of this study is to design and develop a Senior Citizen

information system that could help the users in registration as their data is securely stored

in the database. The users can track establishments that presumes to have the discount

for the users.

In addition, the study is easy to navigate with user-friendly interface that make a

new user get along with the application. It will let the user to register and log in to start

monitoring discounts and view updates from the office of the senior citizens affair.

On the other hand, senior citizen information system requires an IT employee as

the administrator and specifically developed and intended for the OSCA Dumaguete only.

Definition of Terms

For an easy understanding, the researchers provide the definitions of some

technical terms used in the present research.

Database. It uses to organize and store member’s data.

IT experts. Professionals who have a knowledge in the field of IT.

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Manual. Refers to the old system used by the staff of Senior Citizen Office.

Members. Refers to the Senior Citizens of Dumaguete.

Office Staff. Refers to the office personnel that caters the transactions

in the Dumaguete Senior Citizens Office.

Profile. Refers to the senior citizens information such as name, age,

date of birth, gender, address and other information regarding

to the office transactions.

Senior Citizen. Person over the age of 60 and up.

Tracker. A person who tracks someone or something by following their trial.

Theoretical Framework of the Study

Theories help researchers by having a better understanding of concrete pre-

cursors to user’s acceptance toward a technology and its application. Provided with this

knowledge IT managers and other decision makers can take more successful steps in

attaining increase in technology patronage and usage.

Moreover, the theory, method and techniques behind this research have been

around lately that widens our own perspective and makes us realize the importance of

socializing with people which enhances our confidence to become fruitful in the society.

Thus, the current study is coordinated with the theory Social Network Theory.

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Social Network Theory

A social network theory is a social structure made up of a set of social actors (such

as individuals or organizations) and set of the dynamic ties between these actors. The

social network perspective provides a set of methods for analyzing the structure of the

whole social entities as well as a variety of these theories explaining the structure that

uses social network analysis to identify local and global patterns, locate influential entities

and examine networks dynamics. The theory applies to a variety of levels of analysis from

small group to the entire global systems. To be sure, there are emergent properties at

different forms of organization.

However, Social Network Theory is the study of how people, organizations or groups

interact with others inside their network. Social network views the community of

individuals as connected actors, and uses mathematical models to study its structure,

development, and evolution (Wasserman and Fraust, 2010) The analysis of social network

treats individuals’ actors in a community as nodes; the communications between those

actors are deemed to be ties, edges, link or connections. There are three types of social

network that social explore and they are: Ego-centric networks, Socio-centric and Open

system networks. a.) Ego-centric networks are connected with a single node or individual.

For example, you the node, connect to all your close friends; b.) Socio-centric networks

are closed networks by default. Two commonly used examples of this type of network

are children in a classroom and workers inside an organization; and c.) Open-system

networks are connections between corporations, or the chain of influences of a particular


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Social Networks can form at many levels, from individual people, to families,

communities and nations. Those ties could be communication frequency, friendship

kinship, financial exchange, sexual relationship, or common interest or beliefs. Together

they form a complex graph structure. Mathematical calculation on many indices could be

performed on this complex graph, including the following: a) Togetherness: the extent of

a node lying between other nodes; b) Centrality: how connected is a node to the network;

c) Closeness: how one node is near all other nodes in the network; d) Density: all the

ties in a network in proportion to all other possible ties; and e) Structural hole: the node

which connects other nodes. Those nodes are disconnected without the first node. These

measurements determine the importance and structural positions of individual actors,

and the characteristics of the partial or whole networks. The measurements could be

used to study the social network, improve the network structure, and help increase the

efficiency of information flows within the network. Network analysis software such as

UCINET could be used to measure those indices (Borgatti, 2010).

A key part of social networking involves interaction among different individuals in

an online social setting. Social networking sites allow interactive communication in a one

to one or one-to-many online scenario using different website features. Usage may affect

perceptions associated with the interaction with website features relating to

communication and quality of the mediated environment are associated with perception

of interactivity. Telepresence theory suggests that an individual’s relationship to a

communication medium and its characteristics influences perceived interactivity.

Interactivity theory posits that the quality of the communication has a positive effect on

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perceived interactivity. Interactivity can play an essential role in web-based, network-

oriented environments. Findings in the literature focus on two dimensions of perceived

interactivity: the individual’s sense of efficacy and the individual’s sense of the media

system’s interactivity, including an emphasis on the “direction of communication”.

The figure in the succeeding page shows how Social Network Theory relate to the

system because, it is the study of how people interact with others inside their networks

and it is a modern way of locating and communicating group of friends’ and wants to

track the specific location of friends without putting a risk and being updated without

necessarily asking someone. This is also another way of observing the interest, behavior,

and activities inside a community to uplift and boost confidence for the preparation in

real-world industry. Social Network Theory can form at many levels, from individual

people, to families, communities and nations. Those ties could be communication

frequency, friendship, kinship, financial exchange, sexual relationship or common interest

or beliefs. Senior citizen information system also interacts and communicate people or

individuals inside in a network to update and view transaction operations.

In the succeeding pages show the theoretical framework of Senior Citizens System

both Android and Web.

Below is the Theoretical Framework of the study.

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Figure 1. Theoretical Framework of the study

Conceptual Frameworks of the Study

The study was based on the concept of effective analysis, designing, prototyping

and development that would lead to successful implementation of senior citizen

information system.

An Iterative life cycle model does not start with a full specification of requirements.

Instead, development begins by specifying and implementing just part of the software,

which can then be reviewed in order to identify further requirements. Enhancements are

quickly done and implemented throughout each iteration, allowing the next iteration toe

be at least marginally better than the last. This process is then repeated, producing a

new version of the software for each cycle of the model which consist of repeating four

phases in sequence: Design, Development, Implementation and review phase.

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The illustration shows in Figure 2 is the conceptual framework of the study (Senior

Citizen Information System). The researchers used Iterative Model to visualize the

development process of the system for it is easy to understand and comprehend the

things that are needed to come up with the good and reliable product/system in this

study. The steps must be clear when using Iterative Model.

Moreover, the Iterative model has been chosen for the development of the system

because it provides certain advantages and principles which are more suitable according

to the scenario and environment of the system. In this case, the researchers can assure

that the study being conducted can produce to the expected output in the end of this


Figure 2. Schematic Diagram of the Conceptual Framework of the Study

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Review of Related Literature and Studies

This research study sited books and articles which are relevant to the present

investigation. It is composed of related studies, both local and foreign, which contain

facts and information on the research problem at hand.

Related Literature

In this section, the researcher will present some of the studies conducted by other

researchers with regards to the topic the researchers are dealing with.

The system is capable of converting the collected data from the routine user and

machine interactions in to the effective information which later on is used by the decision

makers to make efficient decisions. In the management information system, the most

important entity is system itself which is set of defined and interrelated components which

are generally described as all of the direct or indirect complex components or elements

that are related in a casual network. Within any particular time period, all of these

complex components are related in more or less stable way with at least some other

components (Thierauf 1984). So, a well-developed and interactive system is one which

provides best and useful information to the managers at all levels.

The best system is one that provides useful information and user interaction at all

levels. An information system is a collection of activities, procedures, methods,

technology and peoples that are organized to get the valuable related data and

information. This system must also be able to store this information until it is required by

the user. It should be capable of data processing and responding to its end user by

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providing the answers to all set of queries. Information systems should best interact and

communicates with the end user in order to provide the accurate required information

(Knight & Silk, 1990).

Societies around the world are witnessing a rapidly graying population. It is

estimated that the world’s elderly population will increase by more than three times by

2050 [U.S. Census Bureau 2004]. This signifies that population aging has become a

preeminent phenomenon that cannot be ignored. Simultaneously the ubiquity of

information technology (IT) is seen in a multitude of areas, ranging from providing

personal entertainment for individuals, improving business processes of organizations, to

enabling enhanced services from government. The last instance is termed e-Government,

which refers to the strategic application of IT, particularly the Internet, to provide citizens

and organizations with more convenient access to government information and services;

and for government to interact with business partners and transact internally [Gronlund

2002; UNPAN 2003].

Majority of Information System studies, with few exceptions [e.g., Venkatesh and

Brown 2001], have been conducted in workplace settings in order to investigate the

integration of Information System into business [Legris et al. 2003]. Nonetheless, certain

antecedents are not workplace specific and may be applicable to the context of senior

citizens’ acceptance of e-Government services. Two such factors are computer anxiety

and computing support.

Computer anxiety refers to individual’s apprehension when faced with the

possibility of using computers [Simonson et al. 1987]. This construct of individual's

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emotion may be used to explain the effort senior citizens perceive towards technology

use. The significance of this construct in Information System literature has been

demonstrated in a number of studies (e.g. Anderson 1996; Bozionelos 2004; Igbaria and

Chakrabarti 1990). Particularly, studies comparing computer anxiety among senior

citizens and younger adults show that older adults displayed significantly higher computer

anxiety [Laguna and Babcock 1997]. Computer anxiety is likely to impact Information

System use through its influence on perceived ease of use [Venkatesh 2000]. Apart from

computer anxiety, computing support in the form of resources and knowledge [Igbaria

1990; Igbaria et al. 1997] may also be a salient antecedent of perceived ease of use in

the context of this study.

As senior citizens may be relatively unfamiliar with computers, they may value

support available from surrounding people to solve the problems that they face in their

effort to use computers. In the context of online services such as for e-Commerce or e-

Government, resource savings by using the IT may be an important antecedent of

perceived usefulness. This extrinsic motivator is particularly salient in Information System

acceptance studies where the use of IT may lead to savings of cost and time. For instance,

convenience in terms of saving time and money is often considered as a motivator for

use of e-Commerce websites for online shopping [Bhatnagar et al. 2000; Koufaris 2002].

Similarly, if senior citizens think that use of e-Government services will result in resource

savings, they may perceive the service as more useful.

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Related Studies

Too much paper works, difficulty in searching for individual records, loss of data,

record misplacements, accidental damage of records, retrieving past records and

generating of detailed reports are some of the flaws that the OSCA is experiencing now.

These problems were caused mainly by their manual record keeping and transaction

system existing in the office and leading to the situations mentioned above which are the

effects of the main problem. This reasons and problems lead to the development of the

Management System for OSCA with SMS Notification. The researchers considered several

system functionalities which were incorporated into the developed system as follows: (a)

Registration of members. The system covers up the creation and registration of

membership based on the credentials needed by the client or the organization itself. (b)

Storage of member’s credentials. Information of the senior citizens is securely stored in

the database. (c) Report Generation. It can generate annual and monthly report if in case

needed for assessment. (d) Allowance Monitoring. The system can monitor allowance

issued to the senior citizens officers quarterly and monthly. (e) SMS Notification. The

events or announcements cannot reach all the members but through the SMS notification,

the senior will be up to date and be aware to whatever the present activities of the

organization are. (Rosalyn P. Reyes, Evelyn C. Samson, Alvin V. Nuqui, 2015)

The turn of the century has seen a rapidly graying population concurrently with

increasingly ubiquitous IT. The elderly population being less familiar with IT implies that

issues pertaining to their acceptance of information systems (IS) deserve special

attention. However, the IS and gerontology literatures seldom explore IS acceptance

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among the aged. Attempting to address this gap, a research model is developed by

integrating relevant antecedents from previous literature and empirically tested in the

context of an eGovernment service tailored for senior citizens. Our findings reveal that

consistent with previous technology acceptance studies, senior citizens’ use intention is

driven by their perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of the service. (Phang,

C.W., J. Sutanto, A. Kankanhalli, L. Yan, B.C.Y. Tan, and H.H. Teo, 2006)

This study was basically designed for Senior Citizen Office that provides a lot of

services to the member such as online registration process, and provides reports for

information per barangay and counts the registered citizens. This system is limited only

to cater citizen’s information for registrations, barangay population, and budget per

month, view master list, update pension viewing per member and posting announcement

to the web-based profiling system homepage. (Danilo and Joshua, 2018)

The aforementioned studies and information are considered relevant to the present

study because they confirmed the relevance of Senior Citizen Information System.

Research Methodology

In this part of the study, the researchers outline the research method, research

environments, research respondents, research design, research procedure and statistical

tools being used in the study.

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Research Method

The researcher uses interview as the research method of this study wherein

information and data are gathered.

Research Environment

The study was conducted at Office of the Senior Citizens Office located in Ipil St,

Daro, where the OSCA head enables to give the information about senior citizens

registration and transaction processes.

Research Respondents

The respondents of the study were five IT experts and two OSCA officers with the

total number of seven respondents.

Research Design

The researcher utilized the iterative life cycle Development. An Iterative life cycle

model does not start with a full specification of requirements. Instead, development

begins by specifying and implementing just part of the software, which can then be

reviewed in order to identify further requirements. Enhancements are quickly done and

implemented throughout each iteration, allowing the next iteration toe be at least

marginally better than the last. This process is then repeated, producing a new version

of the software for each cycle of the model which consist of repeating four phases in

sequence: Design, Development, Implementation and review phase.

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Research Procedures

A written proposal was presented to the research adviser. After the approval, the

researchers conducted an in-depth study on the said proposal which includes conducting

interviews, whose aim is to identify participant’s opinion and ideas regarding to the said

study. After the questionnaires are being answered, the data were thoroughly organized,

tallied and tabulated, and prepared to be used in presentation, analysis and


Statistic Treatment of Data

Statistical tools were used to solve for percentage in order to give an in-depth analysis

in the software criteria evaluation result the tabulated data for the frequencies in the table

were converted to percentage utilizing the formula

Weighted mean = ∑w/ ∑x

where ∑ = the sum of all data given

W = the gathered data

X = the criteria

Average weighted mean = Overall sum of the gathered data

Overall number of criteria

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Chapter II

Systems Architecture

It describes the structural properties on how they are constructed. For analysis

of the system architecture, it is convenient to consider the components of the OSCA

Information System.

Figure 3. OSCA Information Systems Architecture

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Use-case diagram

The Functional requirements are presented using a use case diagram to describe

the functions performed by specific screens, outlines of work-flows performed by the

OSCA Information System where the administrator can monitor registered profiles,

discount, view notification, transaction information, operates GPS tracker and database.

While the users can register, login, view discount and notifications, apply as new member

and can track discounted stores location.

Figure 4. Use-Case diagram of OSCA Senior Citizen System for user –

Mobile and Web application

Database Architecture

The Figure bellow shows how data is being stored, arranged, integrated and put

to use in data system and in organization.

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Figure 5. Database Architecture

Task Independency

Table 1: Shows the schedule and milestone that provides an estimated timeline

for the life of the project. The milestone includes all project activities Persons involved

and steps needed to implement the project.


M0 PLANNING November 5 Cañaveral,Lucil
– 16, 2018 la
Start Project Data Gathering
Requirement Definition
Project Scheduling
Requirement Analysis
Fact finding Technique
M1 SYSTEM DESIGN November Cañaveral,Lucil
17 – 23, la
Start System Requirements
Planning System Design
System Architecture

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M2 INTEGRATION AND November Cañaveral,Lucil
TESTING 23 – 30, la
Start Coding
Execution Testing
System Integration
M3 IMPLEMENTATION December Cañaveral,Lucil
1-7, 2018 la
Confirm Installation
Execution Evaluation and Testing
Iteration 2

M4 SYSTEM DESIGN December Cañaveral,Lucil

10 – 28, la
Review System Requirements
Planning System Design
System Architecture
M5 INTEGRATION AND December Cañaveral,Lucil
TESTING 31 – la
January 11,
Review Coding
Execution Testing
System Integration
M6 IMPLEMENTATION January 14 Cañaveral,Lucil
– 18, 2019 la
Iteration 3

M7 SYSTEM DESIGN January 21 Cañaveral,Lucil

– February la
20, 2019
Review System Requirements
Planning System Design
System Architecture
M8 INTEGRATION AND February 21 Cañaveral,Lucil
TESTING – March 22, la
Review Coding
Execution Testing
System Integration

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M9 IMPLEMENTATION March 25 – Cañaveral,Lucil
April 19, la
M10 Deployment April 22 –
April 26,
TABLE 1. Task Independency

Gantt chart

Illustration on how the project will run. You can see the individual tasks,

durations and sequencing of the tasks and overall timeline of the project and the expected

completed date.

Figure 6. Gantt chart

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Website User Interface

Figure 7. Home interface

Figure 8. Register interface

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Figure 9. Login interface

Figure 10. Discount interface

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Mobile application

Figure 13. Mobile application notification interface

Figure 14. Mobile application view transaction operation interface

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Figure 15. Mobile application apply as new member interface

Figure 16. Mobile application menu interface

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This study will utilize the Iterative Model of Software Development process to

summarize the main steps to be taken in conjunction with the corresponding deliverable.

Figure 17. Iterative Model

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