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Web Based Barangay Managemen System With E-Signature and SMS

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Web Based Barangay Management System

with E- Signature and SMS (Short Message


Jon Rey L. Lumayag

Gilbert Y. Enojardo

Irish Q. Sigba

Western Mindanao State University

External Studies Unit Pagadian City

Web Based Barangay Management System with E-
Signature and SMS (Short Message Service)

Chapter I


1.1 Background of the Study

The rapid growth of technology has contributed a lot to the continued progress of all
classification of industry. However, some sectors today seem to be left behind in adapting the
use of different methods to have progress on their part.

Nowadays, business people define the applications and problems to be solved by the computer.
But unfortunately this potential has not been fully recognized or even adequately realized in
some business. It is because users may not fully understand the capabilities and limitations of
modern computer technology.

Computerization is a control system that manages processes in the industrial workplace. It

reduce human errors and processing time, thus it can boost productivity and result into a high
quality of product produce. This can result in a system well integrated process that can perform
much faster and more accurate than the manual system.

The Barangay Management System with E-Signature and SMS is appropriate for the use
of barangay employees, who have access to information management, file management, and
profile management of barangay residents for the direct reports. The proposed system is
responsible for an effective and efficient approach for barangay employees and residents. It will
help them accomplish task faster and also it eliminates the need of a large staff. It will provide
profile-based information on residents.

The interest of investigating the research topic is a good example of a computer generated
process, this can lessen the workload and provides information needed by a resident. As a
result, it will benefit not only the barangay employee but the administration as a whole.
1.2 Research objective

General objective

The researchers would like to provide a solution to lessen the work load of the
staffs/employees in the barangay kawit and deliver the accurate information to the residence
of the said barangay.

Specific Objectives

1. To familiarize the staff with the organizational structure of the office, including
the duties and responsibilities of each personnel involved in the system.
2. To avoid time and effort consuming, resulting into a number of work
3. To lessen the hard copies for certificates, clearances, etc. And be nature friendly.
4. Disseminate necessary information to the residence.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are not followed. Anyone can have his clearance signed or
business permit released even if the authorized person to approve it, for example the Barangay
Captain, is not present. The office has at least signed blank clearances and/or permits in this
case. Thus, the reliability of such can be questioned.

Its because all of the facts and information on the barangay is kept on papers, they should-be
manifestation of the maximized usage of computer is not attained and therefore causes the
slow retrieval of information and transactions.

And lastly, hard copies of the files, transactions held and other matters require a large file
cabinet to hold them which in many case, is a case of an unorganized file management system.
1.4 Scope and Delimitation

The researchers will only focus on the file, residence profile and delivery of information to the
residence accurately.

1.3 Significance of the Study

The study will contribute to develop at Barangay Kawit Pagadian City, particularly in
managing the transaction of files of residents.
The study will benefit the following:
To the Agency:
The result of the study would provide more efficient and effective processing of data, it would
help them to lighten their work.

To the Residents:

Easily avail a copy of their profiles any time they want

Lessen the time and effort in filling forms

To the researcher
Enhance their potential in interacting with the officials
They were able to discover how competent in the fields of Information,
Technology and system analysis and design
The chapter states the different literature and studies that were conducted for the research to
gain familiarity that are relevant and similar to the present study.

Related Studies
Conde (2007) in his study entitled Barangay profiling System cited that the manual process
of inputting records and manual handling of information and reports of the residents is very
laborious one. The proponents developed a computer based, barangay profiling system to solve
the huge amount of task.
Saayo (2008) developed the system Barangay profiling System. Due to increasing
population of the barangay, and the barangay currently implementing the manual system,
every resident spends a lot of time during filling of personal files.
Admissions profiles can also include transcripts of interviews, records of interactions
with the applicant, and other relevant data. If the student was accepted, the admissions profile
will be used to generate a student profile for recordkeeping purposes, with the profile including
records of personal data of the students like name, address, age, birthday, and some
important details, and being maintained by the registrar.
Education had been industrialized for the past centuries. From teaching and learning under a
tree to developing the minds and skills of students through effective, efficient and modern way.
One of the best methods of student administration is the Student Profiling System. Student
profiling system is professional and academic discipline concerned with the strategic,
managerial and operational activities involved in the gathering, processing, storing,
distributing and use of information, and its associated technologies, in society and
Specifically, this computer-based profiling system is complementary networks of
hardware/software that people or organization use to collect, filters, and process, create
and distribute data. Profiling systems are implemented within an organization for the
purpose of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of that organization. Admissions
profiles can also include transcripts of interviews, records of interactions with the
applicant, and other relevant data. If the student was accepted, the admissions profile
will be used to generate a student profile for recordkeeping purposes, with the profile
including records of personal data of the students like name, address, age, birthday, and
some important details, and being maintained by the registrar. Education had been
industrialized for the past centuries. From teaching and learning under a tree to developing the
minds and skills of students through effective, efficient and modern way. One of the best
methods of student administration is the Student Profiling System. Student profiling
system is professional and academic discipline concerned with the strategic, managerial
and operational activities involved in the gathering, processing, storing, distributing and use of
information, and its associated technologies, in society and organizations. Specifically, this
computer-based profiling system is complementary networks of hardware/software that
people or organization use to collect, filters, and process, create and distribute data.
Profiling systems are implemented within an organization for the purpose of improving the
effectiveness and efficiency of that organization. Admissions profiles can also include
transcripts of interviews, records of interactions with the applicant, and other relevant data. If
the student was accepted, the admissions profile will be used to generate a student
profile for recordkeeping purposes, with the profile including records of personal data of
the students like name, address, age, birthday, and some important details, and being
maintained by the registrar. Education had been industrialized for the past centuries. From
teaching and learning under a tree to developing the minds and skills of students through
effective, efficient and modern way.
One of the best methods of student administration is the Student Profiling System.
Student profiling system is professional and academic discipline concerned with the
strategic, managerial and operational activities involved in the gathering, processing, storing,
distributing and use of information, and its associated technologies, in society and
organizations. Specifically, this computer-based profiling system is complementary networks of
hardware/software that people or organization use to collect, filters, and process, create and
distribute data.
Profiling systems are implemented within an organization for the purpose of improving the
effectiveness and efficiency of that organization.
Rona (2011) in her study entitled A Proposed Student Profiling System for the College of
Information Technology, University of La Salette, Santiago City will aid the time of the students
in filling the profile information for the student can manage their time in their studies. The
activities that the researchers want to develop are the computerized profiling system.
Dr. Peter G. Knight in his study, The Online Information System, can stored datas, that is, its file
or its database, are usually organized in such a way that individual pieces of data can be
retrieve and for modified quickly and without necessarily accessing any other piece of data in
the system.
According to Rice (2006), computers enhancement proved to be more remarkable and
even for a global communication to access immediate information system to
information technology that is used by people to accomplish specified organizational
individual object. The technology that may be used in gathering, processing, storing
and dissemination of information and the users are trained in the use of that technology.
Chapter III

Phases of Scrum Model

Scrum is a simple set of roles, responsibilities, and meetings that never change. By
removing unnecessary unpredictability, were better able to cope with the necessary
unpredictability of continuous discovery and learning.

Step 1. Product Backlog Creation

Product backlog is a list that consists of features that should be implemented during the
development process. Its ordered by priority and its every item is called a User story.
Every user story gets a unique ID. This list below shows how these stories can look like.
These are actual product requirements that were implemented during the XB Staff
Manager Software developing process:

ID User Story

As a manager, I want to have the possibility to add, delete and edit

tasks to manage the employees workload

As a manager, I want to have the ability to add new tasks and change
the duration and starting date of the current ones using drag-and-drop

As a manager, I want to assign two types of tasks to employees:

a-003 -Part-time task
-Full-time task

The description of every user story should include the following required fields:

Importance of a user story. Its acceptable to use any number you want
Initial estimate describes the overall capacity of work. Its measured in story

How to demo. Describes the way of how the working product will be

Besides these required fields, the optional ones can be added in case of need:

Track is using to select all user stories of a certain type to change their priority.
Can be used it to increase the priority of user stories that relate to the Control
panel, for example.

Components make up a list of components that will be changed during the work.
For example, an applications modules, such as authentication or search.

Requestor is a customer whos interested in implementing some particular


Bug tracking ID contains a list of detected bugs that relate to a proper user story.

After the product backlog creation is finished you can move to the next step sprint

Step 2. Sprint Planning and Sprint Backlog Creation

Firstly, you should determine what your sprints duration will be. A short sprint allows
you to release the working version of a product more frequently. As a result, customers
feedback will be received more often and all the possible bugs and errors will be
revealed in time.

As an alternative, you can prefer a longer sprint duration. It will allow developers to work
more thoroughly. The optimal sprint duration is defined as an average of these two
options. As a rule, a sprint lasts about 2 weeks. Whats more important at this phase is
the cooperation between stakeholders and team members. The product owner
determines the importance of a proper user story, while the scrum team defines the
appropriate labor costs.

After that, the scrum team can select the most important user stories from the product
backlog. Then team members should decide how they will solve this or that task.
The Sprint backlog should be created next. It consists of user stories that will be
completed during the current sprint. The amount of these stories depends on their
duration in story points assigned to each story during evaluation stage. The team should
be capable to finish all these stories on time.
Step 3. Working on the Sprint. Scrum Meetings
After actual user stories for the current phase are chosen, the website development
process begins.

To track the current working process, a task board is commonly used. There are usually
big cards with the names of particular user stories and a bundle of little sticky notes with
description of single tasks which are needed for implementation of this or that story.

These cards are arranged according to their importance. When work on a task has been
started, the corresponding sticker is moved from the To do field to the In progress
one. When work is completed, sticker can be moved to the Testing field and after the
task is successfully tested, the sticker goes to the Done field. An example of how the
scrum task board can look like is shown below:

There is also a possibility to use specialized software for this task.

For example, Atlassian JIRA (https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira).

Other important scrum feature is everyday Scrum meetings. These meetings main goal
is to get full and veracious information about the current project status. During these
meetings every single team member should tell about the task that he has finished,
which task he will choose next and what problems he faced during his work.
Moreover, a burn down chart is what the scrum team gets as a result of scrum meeting.
It shows you how many tasks remains uncompleted. This chart gives an ability to
control the development process and should be updated after every meeting.

The X-axis represents the remaining days of work, while the Y-axis displays the overall
amount of story points for the current stage. After a task that required a certain number
of story points to complete is over, you can add a point on the diagram to indicate the
current progress.

JIRA allows you to create these charts as well:

This chart helps draw conclusions about the current speed of work. Depending on these
conclusions, the amount of user stories for the next sprint can be changed.

Day by day meetings help increase flexibility of the development process. They also
allow understanding what changes should be made.

Step 4. Testing and Product Demonstration

Since the ideal result of every sprint is a working product, the full life-cycle
testing process is very important. There are different ways to minimize costs of the
testing period. For example, you can decrease the overall amount of user stories. As a
result, the number of possible bugs will be minimized. The other way is to include QA
engineers into the scrum team.

The result of every sprint is product demonstration. The Scrum team creates a review
and demonstrates the results of their work. On this basis the stakeholders take a
decision about further project changes.

Step 5. Retrospective and Next Sprint Planning

Retrospectives main aim is to discuss the results and determine the ways how to
improve development process on the next step. The team should conclude what went
well during the working process and what can be done better during the future iteration.
When the ways of improvement are defined, the team can concentrate on the next
sprint planning.
This chapter presents the procedure which the researchers made use of, including the
description of respondents locale of the study and instruments utilized for gathering data and
information for the development of the study.
3.1Research Design
The researchers made use of the description normative survey of research to obtain
data. It involves describing, analyzing and interpreting the conditions of the existing system.
This was designed to record information, analyzed and interpreted data being entered on the
proposed system.
3.2 Locale of the Study
This study was conducted at Barangay Kawit, Pagadian City.
3.3Research Instruments
To obtain the necessary data in this study the researchers used the following methods.
The researchers used the interview method to gather information and data needed in this
study. Interview method was conducted to ensure the responses to certain questions
intended to obtain information about the problem.
With this method the researchers was able to identify the existing problem of the existing
A questionnaire was also utilized as the instrument for gathering data.
This is composed the profile of the officials and queries for data gathering. It is a set of
questions arranged in a sequence.

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