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Barangay Information Management System o

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A Capstone Project presented to the Faculty of the

College of Information and Communications Technology
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
Cabanatuan City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Course Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology




December 2021


This is to certify that this manuscript entitled:



Prepared by:



was edited by the undersigned. The said manuscript has been found to be

acceptable according to the rules of grammar and composition.

Ms. Jessamynn P. Corpuz

Date: _________________


This thesis, entitled “Barangay Information Management System Operated by

Barangay Officials”, prepared and submitted by KARL HARVEY M. DE GUZMAN,
TUMANGAN in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree, Bachelor of Science
in Information Technology is hereby approved and accepted.

____________________________ _______DR. RUTH LUCIANO______

Date Adviser

Approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, Bachelor of

Science in Information Technology.


MSIT Chairman


Member Member

Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, Bachelor of

Science in Information Technology.

____________________________ ___DR. ARNOLD P. DELA CRUZ__

Date Dean, Graduate School


The researchers extend their profound and heartfelt gratitude to the individuals who

extend worthy contributions towards the success of this research:

Dr. Ruth G. Luciano, their research instructor who gave her endless effort and

time to guide to accomplish their study successfully;

Mr. Ronaldin V. Bauat, Chairman of MSIT, Mr. Prince Mert O. Nicolas, MSIT

and Mr. Tomas B. Pajarillaga, MSIT, the panel of experts who passionately criticized

and for the learning opportunities provided in validating the study.

Ms. Jessamynn P. Corpuz, their critic reader who gave her time to advice and

correct them on improving and completing the research;

Dr. Arnold P. Dela Cruz, Dean of NEUST College of Information and

Communications Technology;

To all their relatives, friends, and others who shared their support either

emotionally, financially and physically, thank you;

More importantly, Almighty God, who bless the researchers’ good health,

guidance, courage, strength and determination to complete the study from the difficulties

they have faced.



This study is sincerely dedicated to our family, who have been with us from the

start who never leave us to support our dedication in developing the system and writing the

manuscript, and to our friends for their tireless support for us to encourage us to finish this


Especially, we dedicate this study to the Almighty God for His guidance, strength

and good health while doing this.


Table of Contents
Title Page

Title Page .......................................................................................................................................... i

Certification of English Editing ....................................................................................................... ii
Approval Sheet ............................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................... iv
Dedication ........................................................................................................................................ v
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ vi
List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ vii
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................... x
Chapter 1 .......................................................................................................................................... 1
THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND ............................................................................. 1
Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1
Review of Related Literature and Studies .................................................................................... 2
Synthesis.................................................................................................................................... 9
Conceptual Framework............................................................................................................... 10
Statement of the Problem............................................................................................................ 12
Scope and Limitations ................................................................................................................ 13
Significance of the Study ............................................................................................................ 14
Definition of Terms .................................................................................................................... 15
Chapter 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 19
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY ...................................................................... 19
Research Design ......................................................................................................................... 19
Research Locale .......................................................................................................................... 20
Data Gathering Procedures ......................................................................................................... 21
Chapter 3 ........................................................................................................................................ 22
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................................. 22
1. Development of Barangay Information Management System Operated by Barangay Officials
(BIMS) through the SDLC Waterfall Model .................................................................... 22
1.1 Requirement Analysis .................................................................................................... 22
1.2 System Design................................................................................................................ 28
Technical Specifications ................................................................................................... 28
System Requirements ....................................................................................................... 29
Procedural Design ............................................................................................................. 32
Database Design ............................................................................................................... 36
Software Design................................................................................................................ 44
Interface Design ................................................................................................................ 48
1.3 Development .................................................................................................................. 50
1.4 Testing ........................................................................................................................... 51
1.5 Deployment .................................................................................................................... 53
1.6 Maintenance ................................................................................................................... 53
2. Can the BIMS help the Barangay Officials to record data more efficient than the manual
system?.............................................................................................................................. 53
3. Can the BIMS help the Barangay Officials to record data with event logs to track records in
the system?........................................................................................................................ 56
4. How secured are the data in the present manual system compared with the proposed system?
.......................................................................................................................................... 57
Chapter 4 ........................................................................................................................................ 60
SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................. 60
Summary..................................................................................................................................... 60
Conclusions ................................................................................................................................ 61
Recommendations ...................................................................................................................... 62
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 64
CURRICULUM VITAE ................................................................................................................ 68


Figures Page

1. SDLC Waterfall Model .............................................................................................11

2. Barangay Hall, Barangay Bantug Norte ...................................................................20

3. Gantt Chart for the First half of 2021 .......................................................................25

4. Gantt Chart for the Second half of 2021 ...................................................................26

5. Use Case Diagram of BIMS .....................................................................................31

6. Flowchart of BIMS ...................................................................................................34

7. Flowchart of BIMS starts on connector A to add complainant ................................35

8. Flowchart of BIMS starts on connector B to add defendant .....................................36

9. Unnormalized Form ..................................................................................................38

10. First Normal Form ....................................................................................................38

11. Second Normal Form ................................................................................................39

12. Third Normal Form ...................................................................................................39

13. Entity Relationship Diagram.....................................................................................41

14. Context Diagram .......................................................................................................45

15. Data Flow Diagram level 1 of BIMS ........................................................................46

16. Data Flow Diagram level 2 of BIMS ........................................................................47

17. Designing of the BIMS using Java GUI frameworks ...............................................49

18. Designing of the BIMS using Canva on mobile phone ............................................49

19. Developing of BIMS using Netbeans IDE................................................................50

20. Developing of the Database of BIMS using XAMPP phpMyAdmin .......................51

21. Testing of the Barangay Ordinance Table in BIMS .................................................52

22. Testing of Adding Defendant in Blotter in BIMS ....................................................52

23. Testing of Joining Database Table in BIMS .............................................................53


24. Using Resident Data as Complainant in a Blotter ....................................................54

25. Using Resident Data as Defendant in a Blotter ........................................................54

26. Data Validation if the Defendant is already present in the Blotter ...........................55

27. Data Validation if the Barangay Ordinance Number exists......................................56

28. Event Logs Dashboard in BIMS ...............................................................................57

29. Accepting or Rejecting User Requests in BIMS.......................................................58

30. Users’ passwords being hashed in BIMS..................................................................58

31. Account Verification for updating current User in BIMS ........................................59



Tables Page

1. Problems Encountered in the Current System and its Solution ................................23

2. Hardware and software minimum requirements to run the BIMS program .............29

3. Data Dictionary .........................................................................................................42

Chapter I



Technology became a huge help for everyone in their daily

lives. But some sectors got left behind in adapting it in

their businesses or works. It may be because of the

technological generation gap. In a barangay there are usually

a lot of documented papers being stored and created in pieces

of papers where it needs to be occupying big spaces and

storage, it takes longer to create for the reason of it being

manually hand written, it has more risk of being lost due to

misplacement or natural disasters and on top of that, data is

really hard to backup or create copies due to it being written

manually. This is where millennials have more knowledge in

accessing these newer technologies than the older generation

to improve quality and time maximization.

Computerization is one of the technologies that is

being used nowadays. Computerization is the process of

starting to use a computer to do something that was done by

people or other machines before. It reduces human errors,

work period, increases information security, and ability to

forecast that can boost the productivity of a worker.

In this study, the Development of Barangay Information


Management System Operated by Barangay Officials is a

computerized system of internal operations within the

barangay hall. It is appropriate to make a system that

helps the officials to use this system in their work to

improve and boost their productivity to serve the people.

It helps them to manage the records within the barangay

through the computer with ease and comfort to accomplish their

task on time and fewer workforces. Recording barangay

blotter, setting date for settlement for those blotters,

recording and updating of barangay ordinances are some of

those works or systems that are going to be a feature in

this system.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

According to (Bishal Napit (2016), “Archive management

system is responsible to improve the consistency of the

document process electronic based system. It can alsominimize

the accuracy of time in scanning the documents.This project

is also known Record Information Management system or RIM is

professional practice or discipline of controlling and

governing what are considered to be themost important

records of an organization throughout the records life

cycle, which includes from the time suchrecords are

conceived through to their eventual disposal. This work


includes identifying, classifying, prioritizing, storing,

securing, archiving, retrieving tracking of records.”

A statement of Claire Ong Carpio of 2020 saying,” The

Barangay Management System automated the current manual

process and transactions in the barangay. Apart from

effective recording and monitoring of data, the e – barangay

is also capable of processing online documentary requests and

online complaint blotter and supported by SMS technology. It

is open to all registered residents of the target barangay.”

Likewise, said Norelyn et al., in 2020, ”The effects of

technology provide our society with basic tools to make our

way of living much easier. In adopting the modern way, the

system ensures that an appropriate data use on the functions

is in its management with the good Management Information

System supports the management of marketing, finance,

production and personnel becomes more efficient."

“The general objective of the study was to develop a

Management Information System for Barangay Calahan Cardona,

Rizal. Specifically, it aims to develop citizen information

that has lessen the possible errors in searching the

particular citizen information and it can generate

automatic Barangay Certificates, lessening the time

requirement on requesting certificates and more accurate


information of the requestor. Effective immediately,

ensures to keep the data secured.”(Kisser et al., 2018)

Based on the study of David Weedmark (2019),”Such

systems gather and retain more information than older,

manual systems, but to be effective, they have to present

it in a form managers can use to make personnel decisions.

When you are considering an HRIS, make sure it fulfills all

the functions of a traditional system while offering

greater ease of use to both employees and HR staff.”

This doctor of philosophy Marire Mary Ijeoma Ph.D.

states, "In spite of the fact that management information

system provide decision makers with facts, likewise, it

supports and enhances the overall decision making process.

MIS also enhances job performance throughout an

institution. At the most senior level it provides the data

and information to help the board and management to make

strategic decisions(top management decisions or long

lasting decisions) and at other levels of management MIS

provides the means through which the enterprise activities

are executed, monitored, controlled and information are

distributed to management, supervisors, employees and

customers." in 2018.

From Tracy N. Tacuban (2018) a Master of Science in

Computer Science statement, “This study addresses the

current issues encountered by the barangay in managing

barangay information. Also, this study aids the decision

making activities of barangay officials by retrieving

information relevant to various barangay programs. Thestudy

also accommodates mapping of barangay hazardous areas. This

idea was anchored by Pineda [3] which emphasized the

importance of hazard maps in risk management and early warning


In 2019, Meiryani Azhar Susanto also said, “Important

reasons behind the use of this structure are that the

structure of the relational database is easy to use and the

relationships between tables in the structure are implicit.

The ease of use has encouraged many managers to become

direct users and database resources. Increasing the

importance of databases as a resource that supports decision

making has required managers to learn more aboutthe design

of database use.”

As another supporting statement from Linaet and her

team in 2018 they stated, "Digital health platforms have

changed drastically in recent years. The introduction of

distributed PHR systems enabled a shift toward more


personalized and increasingly automated health care. The

multiuser nature of PHR systems also facilitated patient-to-

provider and patient-to-patient information sharing."

In keeping with Jessa et al., 2020, ”With the help of

technology, barangay duty officers can make and keep records,

announcements, reports, reservations such that the residents

can have records and access to them. This studywas conducted

for the purpose of Barangay InformationManagement System for

Barangay Mandalagan, to objectively result to a faster and

effective service to the Barangay Mandalagan."

“The software is designed by the researchers that it

can achieve the required needs of the end users. It can

save time in record retrieval, filing and other processes.

It is faster and dependable than doing the manual recording.

The researchers designed the Computerized Barangay

Information System to help them gain a moreeffective method

in delivering information, as well as, complementary in

keeping records and giving good services. Thus, this proposed

system maintains residents‟ records as complete and up-to-

date as possible, and is easily accessible for verification,

monitoring and helps to process and visualize data.” As

stated by (Mark et al,.2017)

Conforming to (Myca Mae, et al., 2018),” The developers


decided to design the system in a web-based platform. Using

a web-based system, transferring of data ina short period of

time is possible since it only needs an internet connection

to access the system. In implementing the system, the

developers used the Sublime Text as code editor and WAMP

Server as Database Management System (DBMS). The developers

used PHP as the language for development, Sublime Text as

the codes editor, WAMP Serverto create a local server

and Google Chrome as a webbrowser."

In line with what John et al., stated in (2018), “It

is designed to handle a wide-range of information relating

to barangay profile, constituents profile, barangay

clearances, barangay disputes/cases, barangay activities,

and barangay legislation and City Hall’s required reports

from the barangay. It covers all the functions, activities

and transactions of the barangay which aims to provide

complete and accurate information for the barangay and city

hall management and stakeholders.”

“A Barangay is considered as the smallest unit of the

government in the Philippines. It performs the initial

operations such as formation and employing of programs,

activities, policies and others that involved the community.

The development of a Barangay Office Management System


enables the user to manage and print barangay citizen’s

request and financial records and reports suchas: Payroll

for honoraria and allowance, Disbursement voucher, Account’s

Advice, Purchase orders, Purchase Receipt, Reimbursement,

Expense Receipt, Inspection Report, Acceptance Report,

Liquidation Report, Accomplishment Report, Requisition and

Issue Slip, Summary of Cash Payments, Summary of Checks

Issued, Summary of Paid Petty Cash Vouchers, Summary of

Collections, Budget Information, Census, Barangay Cases,

Barangay Certificates, Barangay Clearance, Barangay

Indigency, Barangay Bonifide, Barangay Recommendation,

Barangay Permits, Occupancy Permit, Building Permit,

Business Permit, Billboard/Tarpaulin Permit and Excavation

Permit.” Also asserted by (Jaime et al., 2017).

Based on the authors of the 2018 project (Aaron et al.,)"

Pampanga’s Barangay Health Information System (PBHIS) was

developed as a decision support and health information

system to specifically cater to the Rural Health Unit I of

San Fernando City in providing relevant health programs to

its citizens. It has 5 main modules: (1) System Users

Module, (2) EMR Module, (3) Reports Generation Module, (4)

Analytics Module, (5) Program Proposal Module. The modules

were defined through benchmarking that best fit as solutions


to the problems identified."

In agreement with (Van et al., 2018), "The Barangay

Health Center System (BHCMS) processes the inputs from the

Help Workers coordinated by the Patient and Doctor. The

system collects important information from the Appointment

Schedule, Clinical Records, Maternal Records, and Child

Health Records. The system processes this information to be

recorded for medical purposes, print prescriptions to

patients and schedule appointments to organize the line queue

for check-ups.”


The output of the proposed study was similar to the

previously conducted research on the following aspects. (1)

The proposed system was be able to generate automated file

management for easy access of files that was very helpful for

the citizens of the barangay who need their important file as

soon as possible. This promotes governance and

transparency. Generation of reports requested by the

barangay officials were provided by the system. (2) The

proposed system was able to record resident information and

was able to update it in the future by the officials who

handle the system. (3) The recording of data was done by the

barangay officials only, and only some of them had the admin

position. (4) The system was able to reduce the paper-works

and would be a completely computerized process. (5) It has

become beneficial as a decision support system as it would

be able to record various barangay information that can

help them to improve the barangay itself. (6) The proposed

system would be helpful to the successful management of

documents by having a database for it.

On the other hand, the proposed study was not similar

with the RRL presented above because (1) the system only used

the programming language of Java and SQL. (2) The study

was conducted only in Barangay Bantug Norte of Cabanatuan

City, Nueva Ecija. (3) The proposed system was able to

schedule activities of the barangay and its objectives and

the person involved. (4) The system hadan additional

feature that was able to record Barangay Blotter and set

dates for the blotter process. (5) The system was be able

to record barangay ordinances andupdate them in the future.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. SDLC Waterfall Model

The researchers used the Waterfall Model to

conceptualize the process to how the study was conducted. It

involved the stages of Requirement Analysis where the

researchers conducted surveying, gatheringdata for quality

assurance and identifying risks outcomes;

This study utilized system Design whereresearchers

used the requirement specification from the first phase and

studied to do the designs for the system to specify the

required hardware and system requirements; Development phase

is where the researchersused the inputs from the system


design to develop itinto small program called units and

each unit wastested for its functionality; the Testing

stage is whereall the units developed in the development

phase areintegrated into a system after testing of each unit;

Deployment stage is where once the functional and non-

functional testing is done, the product or the system was

deployed in the barangay and lastly Maintenance for when

there are some issues which came up in the barangay. T he

researchers are prepared to fix future those issues, a n d

come up with patches.

Statement of the Problem

This study developed to give our client a new experience

and easy to use application to their daily tasks.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following


1. How may the Barangay Information Management System

operated by Barangay Officials be developed using the

Waterfall Model phases in terms of:

1.1. Requirement Analysis;

1.2. System Design;

1.3. Development;

1.4. Testing;

1.5. Deployment; and

1.6. Maintenance?

2. Can the BIMS help the Barangay Officials to record data

more efficient than the current manual system?

3. Can the BIMS help the Barangay Officials to record data

with the event logs to track the records in the system?

4. How secured are the data in the present manual system

compared with the proposed system?

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This research about “Development of Barangay

Information Management System Operated by Barangay

Officials” aimed to develop a system that has a unique

record manager that focuses on transparency and good

governance and operated by authorized personnel of the

barangay Bantug Norte, Cabanatuan City. The research

started in January 2021 and has ended in December 2021.

Itwas conducted by the students of Nueva Ecija University

of Science and Technology at their own houses due to the


Because of the said pandemic, deployment phase of the

research is not feasible due to restricted health protocols

here in Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija.


Significance of the Study

The significance of the study was also timely due to

changes in our environment and innovation in our technologies

because of modernity in our society. Thedeveloped system has

a significant effect on which are the barangay

officials who are the one that are goingto be the end-users

of the system. It will also benefit the researchers and future

researchers to attain knowledge as a stepping stone for their

future researches. The implementation of the system in the

current way of processing information and data within the

barangay office will greatly help the end-users to improve

their productivity, and to reduce the presence of possible


Barangay Officials. It can help them at managing

information of the barangay in an efficient and timely

method modernizing their process can help them to provide the

needed documents of the citizens as fast as possible.

Barangay Citizens. They can benefit from the research

by having their information in the barangay as convenient

as possible if they need it, making their time in the barangay

lesser while making the most of their time submitting that

document or information to the one who needs it, mainly by

work or schools.

Future Researchers. They can benefit from the research

data to get an idea for their own research.

Researchers. The data that have been gathered can be

used by the researchers to get knowledge and credibility if

they will create another system similar to this type which

will be conducted.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined technically and

operationally for clarity:

Database. A database is a collection of information

that is organized so that it can be easily accessed, managed

and updated. Computer databases typically contain

aggregations of data records or files, containing

information about sales transactions or interactions with

specific customers

(searchserver.techtarget.com/definition/database). As used

in this study, this term refers to a collection ofdata

or information that collected, stored and organized in the


Data. Computer data is information processed or stored

by a computer. This information may be in the form of text

documents, images, audio clips, software programs, or other


types of data (techterms.com/definition/data). In this

study, data is unorganized piece information we get on the


E-government. Electronic Government (e-Government) is

the use of information and communications technology (ICT)

and other web-based technologies to enhance access of

information and improve delivery, efficiency and

effectiveness of service to the public

(dict.gov.ph/egovernment/). In this study, this term is the

Barangay System we make; it's automated and has functionality

to provide an effective and faster service to the residents

of the Barangay.

GUI (Graphical User Interface). It is a user interface

that includes graphical elements, such as windows, icons

and buttons. The term was created in the 1970s to distinguish

graphical interfaces from text-based ones, such as command

line interfaces (techterms.com/definition/gui).

- In this study, this term is an interactive visual of the

system we make using the IDE.

IDE (Integrated Development Environment). A software

IDE is an application that developers use to create computer

programs. In this case, "integrated" refers to the way

multiple development tools are combined into a single program


(techterms.com/definition/ide). In this study, this term is

a software application that provides the program to compile,

edit, organize etc.

Management. Management is the coordination and

administration of tasks to achieve a goal. Such

administration activities include setting the

organization's strategy and coordinating the efforts of

staff to accomplish these objectives through theapplication

of available resources (indeed.com/career- advice/career-

development/what-is-management). In this study, this term is

a process of planning, organizing, the information needed to

provide efficient and effective data necessary for the system.

System. A system is a collection of elements or

components that are organized for a common purpose

(searchwindowsserver.techtarget.com/definition/system). In

this study, this term refers to a set of informationworking

together or organizing to create a function.

System Administrator. Systems administrators are

responsible for the daily management, upkeep, and

configuration of business computer systems.


administrator/). In this study, this term is a person who

is managing the operational of the system, organization


etc. He or she manages or checks the operation of the

system or organization.
Chapter II


This chapter aimed to explain and present the methods,

locale of the study, and data gathering procedure

Research Design

The researchers use developmental research method in

this study. Developmental research refers to the systematic

work drawing on existing knowledge gained from the research

and/or practical experience that was directed to producing

new materials, products and devices to installing new

processes, systems and services, and to improving

sustainability those already produced or installed. This

type of research has often been used in engineering and

technology areas (Eenkay, 2015). In this type of research,

evaluation comes after the product or system was finished.

In the development of BIMS, it was based on the SDLC

Waterfall Model which illustrates the software development

process in a linear sequential flow. This means that any phase

in the software development process begins after the

previous phase was completed.


Research Locale

This study was conducted in Barangay Bantug Norte which

has a population of approximately 9000. This Barangay is

located in Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija. The researchers are

motivated to conduct the study in the Barangay because one of

the members is a former candidate of Sangguniang Kabataan(SK)

and noticed that most of the processes or operations within

the barangay can be further optimized if they used a

computerized system since they rely on paperwork most of the

time. Since most of the materials that the barangay uses

in their work are hard copies, those papers can be easily

destroyed or robbed by unwanted people.

Figure 2. Barangay Hall, Barangay Bantug Norte


Data Gathering Procedure

To gather data about the project before developing the

BIMS, the researchers conducted an informal survey to some

barangay officials of the barangay, internet research, and

asked questions to those friends who does have a relative

that work as a barangay official upon developing the BIMS.

After the use of the proposed system, the researchers

then conducted another informal interview to some of our

friends and former classmates who do have experience in the

world of IT on what can they recommend to the researchers

on the field that they can improve more in the future.


Chapter III


This chapter presents the significant findings of this

research study. This also covers the presentation and

documentation made by the researchers in preparing their

research output, the barangay information management system.

1. How may the Barangay Information Management System

operated by Barangay Officials be developed using the

Waterfall Model phases?

The project was completed with the help of the SDLC

Waterfall model, with each steps explained below:

1.1 Requirement Analysis

The researchers started with requirement analysis. It

begins with the planning on how the researchers made the

program based on the possible problems encountered by

barangay officials in their everyday operation.

To begin the data collection, the researchers did a

brainstorming session where they based the functions of the

proposed programs to what they have already encountered and

experienced in their respective barangays and then the

outcome of this brainstorming has been gathered, all the

problems related to barangay information management has


been thought of, the researchers had also asked their

family members that have been barangay officials, researched

the internet to find the most common problemsthat a

barangay official can encounter, and asked those friends who

does have a relative that works in the barangay. This helped

the researchers understand how the problems can be solved by

the use of the proposed system,the table that shows the

problems that can be encounteredby the barangay officials

are shown below.

Table 1

Problems Encountered in the Current System and its Solution

Processes in Problems and Solutions

the Difficulties Encountered
Recording of ● Susceptible to human ● A computer program used
Barangay errors. for processing data to
Blotter, ● Prone to natural store and organize data
Barangay disasters. into a computer to lessen
Activities, and ● Additional expensesfor the possiblehuman errors,
Barangay papers and pens that costs, and prevent
Ordinances. will be used. destruction and
falsifying data from
external entities.

Event Logs ● Easy to forgot or to ● Use of System Event Logs

orTracking falsify the record by in BIMS to track records
of Events external entities. and check onwho is the
in the ● Difficult to track current administrator or
Barangay records because of operator of the system at
different files or that time to prevent
folders. falsification.

Organizing and ● The files and data are ● The use of the BIMS to
Manipulating easy to falsify and secure that information
Information destroy by external with User Restriction
entities. Methods

After the initial brainstorming, the researchers found

out that the common problem was the hassle of still using

traditional methods of record-keeping by pen and paper. Not

only does this cause unnecessary workload for the secretary,

longer time to process the documents, potential problems of

being destroyed by natural disasters and sorting the

documents properly. It also gives expenses for how many papers

and pens they use throughout the time they serve the barangay


Take this scenario as an example, the blotters in the

barangay more often than not require 1 or 2 sessions to

properly settle an argument between the two parties involved,

this creates a work for the secretary to schedule and then

note down the arguments of the two parties to try and solve

it. It causes a potential problem when the schedules are

forgotten by the secretary, or a blotter schedule gets

overlapped by another blotter schedule because the papers

for the schedules are lost, which are caused by a factor of

problems including man-made errors, natural disasters such

as storms and floods, or being damaged by someone who has


malicious intentions towards thebarangay.

Thus, the researchers formulated a plan to develop a

computer system which was used as a way to solve the problems

that are stated, a computer system that only authorized

officials can access. This system also helped in modernizing

the processes and procedures they are frequently doing.

The process of this capstone was described using the

Gantt chart below:

Figure 3. Gantt chart for the First half of 2021


Figure 4. Gantt chart for the Second half of 2021

The creation of title for this research according to the

Gantt chart above takes place in the latter parts ofthe

month of February until March; this was where the groupsare

formed for the capstone and the preliminary checking ofwhat

kind of capstone was submitted.

Requirement analysis started from March to April, in

this stage the researchers have thought about what the

capstone would require for its future developments.

System design phase took place in the early parts of

April; this was where the researchers have designed the

proposed capstone from its back-end to front-end.


Development phase started from late-April until

October, the researchers in this time span has coded their

proposed program for their capstone which was Barangay

Information Management System using Java AWT, Java Swing

and MariaDB.

Testing phase occurs even in the development phase as

you can see in the Gantt chart, as the researchers developed

the program, they are testing it too for better time-

efficiency for the later parts of developments, andthen

they tested it again before deploying it to thebarangay

officials that use it for their use.

Deployment of the program in the said research locale

was not feasible due to some health protocols within the

area. The only thing that the researchers have done was that

ask for their former classmates and friends who has a

knowledge or background in the field of IT.

The defense and presentation of the system happened in

the month of November, this was where we presented the

system to the group of panelists that were professionals

inthe IT field, and this was where they suggested some

revision to the system.

Maintenance and revision of research paper happened in


the later parts of November until December, this was where

the researchers have done their research and worked to the

problems about the panel’s suggestions and revisions.

The submission of the complete research paper was done

in the month of December.

1.2 System Design

This phase was where the specified details about the

proposed program were determined. Technical specifications,

Software, Interface and Database designs which are all

agreed by both parties, the barangay officials and the

researchers, Flow Chart, Data Flow Diagram 0-2, Entity

Relationship Diagram, Data Dictionary, and Use Case Diagram

are used in order to define the overall system architecture.

This phase consists of illustrations and graphical

materials to show how the system works and what kind of

processes can the proposed program do in the field.

Technical Specifications

The Barangay Information Management System was composed

of the following software and hardware components,which are

specified below

Software is defined as the programs and other operating


information used with the computer; the software components

shown below are used to develop the BIMS.

● Netbeans 8.2

● XAMPP Version 7.2.28

● MySQL Connector Java 8.0.23

● Web Browser

● Java AWT

● Java Swing

● MariaDB

● Canva

Hardware on the other hand is defined as the physical

parts of the computer, below are the hardware specifications

and its components that are used to accessthe BIMS and use

all its functionalities.

● Desktop Computer

The table below shows the minimum proposed system’s

software and hardware requirements for the computer.


System Requirements

Hardware Minimum Specification Software Minimum Specification

Processor: 2.2 GHz processor Operating System: Windows 10

Memory: at least 4 GB RAM or System Type: 32-bit Operating

higher System

Storage: 3GB of free space Web Browser: Google Chrome,

Microsoft Edge, MozillaFirefox

Monitor: 14” Display: 1366 x 768

Input Device: Keyboard and XAMPP: Version 7.2.28


Hardware and software minimum requirements to run the BIMS


The diagram below shows the use case diagram of the

system on how the users interact with the system.


Figure 5. Use Case Diagram of BIMS

It shows the process on the log-in process,

registrations, recordings and various admin operations for

the BIMS program, recording of barangay activities and

barangay ordinances should be confirmed by the Brgy. Captain


Through this illustration we can see that the admins

have the control of the system, they can do variousprocesses

such as logging-in, registering resident information,

recording barangay blotter, recording barangay activities,

adding user accounts or setting their levels of access to


the system, updating user account information,and then

logging out. The admins also need the help of Residents,

Complainants and Defendants to input data inthis specified

use cases.

Procedural Design

The structural aspects of the system are translated

into procedural explanations using flow chart diagrams in a

procedural design. A flowchart is a diagram that depicts

the individual phases of a process in a sequential sequence

in software development.

To use the program the user must go through a log in

phase and to be able to do that, the user must first sign

up its credentials to create an account. Then the senior admin

will verify it to the account management, go to theadd

account page and add the user that is needed and the system

will automatically generate updates and logs. There will be

a default senior admin user account included in the system

once it is installed and would just have updates on its

credentials afterwards.

Another part of the flow chart also defines how the admin

can use the program with its restrictions. After the senior

admin accepts the user request of an admin, the admin


can log in their account. Once the admin has logged in, they

will have access and control in some parts of the program

like view, add, update and delete the resident data, blotter

data, barangay activities data, and the barangay

ordinances records, except for the manipulation of user


Basically, the special operation that a senior admin

can operate is the management of user requests. It shows

that once the senior admin has logged in, they have

theability to use these features that an ordinary admin can’t.

All of these features are dependent on what the administrator

wants to achieve and what they need toaccomplish. When the

administrator logs out of the account, the system will

generate logs and will redirect to the login page.


Figure 6. Flowchart of BIMS

This was where the flowchart process starts, the sign-

up process was essential because admins need an account to


use the features in the program, it shows several features

process too such as account viewing, barangay ordinance

recording and blotter recording which is continued in the

next images below.

Figure 7. Flowchart of BIMS starts on connector A to add


This was the continuation of the blotter recording

flowchart, it shows that you can use existing resident data

as an input for an ongoing blotter, but you can still add new

complainant if the complainant does not exist as resident in

the database.

Figure 8. Flowchart of BIMS starts on connector B to add

In this illustration, it describes the flow of process

of a to-be defendant in a blotter record, same as with the

process of the complainant to-be, the resident data can be

used as an input if he or she already exists in the database.

Database Design

Database design refers to the set of procedures that

make it easier to plan, create, deploy, and maintaincorporate

data management systems. The basic goals ofdatabase design

are to create logical and physical modelsof our proposed

system, with the logical model focusing on data needs and

data to be stored without regard to physical issues. This

also covered the creation of the database used while

normalizing it from a not normalized form to 3rd normal form

as well as data classification as demonstrated in the data


dictionary, as well as how data are stored and howdata

pieces are connected as represented by the entity-

relationship diagram.

The normalization form of the database of BIMS was the

key to become a data redundant-free system and eliminates

insertion, deletion and update anomalies. It makes the BIMS

store data efficiently and ensures that the data was

logically stored.

In Unnormalized Form (UNF), a table was created to

serve as a scratch or a foundation in creating a normalized

database. We created a table named barangayinfo and all of

the possible attributes to that table. Then the next step

was the First Normal Form (1NF). In this normal form, we

have separated the other attributes to the new tables. All

attributes are defined and dependent on a primary key. We

remove the partial dependencies and created more tables to

satisfy the Second Normal Form (2NF). Partial dependencies

occur when there are more attributes that was dependent to

the other primary key like. And the last was the Third

Normal Form (3NF) where it should satisfy the 2NF and contains

no transitive dependencies. Transitive dependencies occur

when an attribute was dependent to a non-primary key.


Database Normalization

Unnormalized Form (UNF/0NF)

Figure 9. Unnormalized Form

First Normal Form (1NF)

Figure 10. First Normal Form


Second Normal Form (2NF)

Figure 11. Second Normal Form

Third Nomral Form (3NF)


Figure 12. Third Normal Form

The relationship between entity sets contained in the

BIMS is depicted in this diagram. In other words, this ER

diagram aids in the explanation of our database logical

structure. Entities, attributes, and relationships are the

three core ideas that ER diagrams are built on.

tbl_user is the parent table of the 10 other tables. A

tbl_user can add, update, and delete data fromtbl_activity,

tbl_barangay_ordinance, tbl_blotter, tbl_blotter_defendant,

tble_blotter_resident, tbl_complainant, tbl_defendant,

tbl_event_logs, tbl_resident and tbl_user_temp.

Because of the possibility of a defendant to bereported

multiple times, junction table name tbl_blotter_defendant

with a composite primary key from the primary key of tables

tbl_blotter and tbl_defendant wasused to define the many-

to-many relationship with foreignkey User_ID from tbl_user

to register in event log on which admin is responsible for

that action.

Same as in the tbl_resident and tbl_blotter to show if


there are any blotter records to that specific resident, we

also use a junction table named tbl_blotter_resident.

Besides on that, every action in the system gets registered

in event logs where an admin can review it in case of

emergencies or action needed to review because of wrong

insertion of data or human errors.

Figure 13. Entity Relationship Diagram using Crow’s Foot

Notation of BIMS

The figure above shows how the program processes the

data entered to show the desired result to the user through

their relationship with each table, for example one user

ID can record one or many barangay ordinances.

The figure below shows the data dictionary table which

is used when developing the database of barangay information

management system, it shows the field name, which is followed

by its data type and size, then completedwith a description

on what the field name or column does really means in terms

of operational definition of it.

Table 3

Data Dictionary


Activity_ID(PK) int(11) No Primary Key of Barangay
Activities Table
Activity_Date date No Date of Barangay Activity
Activity_Title text No Barangay Activity Title
Activity_Description mediumtext No Description of Barangay
User_ID(FK) int(11) No Foreign Key from tbl_user
BO_ID(PK) int(11) No Primary Key of Barangay
Ordinances Table
BO_Number varchar(30) No Barangay Ordinance Number
BO_Introduced_By varchar(200) No the person who introduced the
BO_Description mediumtext No Barangay Ordinance Descrioption
BO_Date_Enacted date No Date when the Ordinance is
BO_Approved_By varchar(200) No The Person who approved the
User_ID(FK) int(11) No Foreign Key from tbl_user

Blotter_ID(PK) int(11) No Primary Key of Blotter Table

Blotter_Date date No Date of Blotter
Blotter_Complaint mediumtext No Details of Blotter
Blotter_Action_Taken varchar(100) No Action Done in Blotter
Blotter_Status varchar(50) No Status of Blotter
Location_of_Incidence text No Location of Incidence
Settlement_Date date Yes Date of Settlement
Complainant_ID int(11) No Foreign Key from
User_ID(FK) int(11) No Foreign Key from tbl_user
Blotter_ID(PK,FK) int(11) No Composite Primary Key of
tbl_blotter_defendant, Foreign
Key from tbl_blotter
Defendant_ID(PK,FK) int(11) No Composite Primary Key of
tbl_blotter_defendant, Foreign
Key from tbl_defendant
User_ID(PK) int(11) No Foreign Key from tbl_user
Blotter_ID(PK,FK) int(11) No Composite Primarey Key of
tbl_blotter_resident, Foreign
Key from tbl_blotter
Resident_ID(PK,FK) int(11) No Composite Primary Key of
tbl_blotter_resident, Foreign
Key from tbl_resident
User_ID(FK) int(11) No Foreign Key from tbl_user
Complaiant_ID(PK) int(11) No Primary Key of tbl_complainant
Complainant_Last_Name text No Last Name of Complainant
Complainant_First_Name text No First Name of Complainant
Complainant_Age int(3) No Age of Complainant
Complainant_Address text No Address of Complainant
Complainant_Contact varchar(50) No Contact Number of Complainant
User_ID(FK) int(11) No Foreign Key from tbl_user
Defendant_ID(PK) int(11) No Primary Key of tbl_Defendant
Defendant_Last_Name text No Last Name of Defendant
Defendant_First_Name text No First Name of Defendant
Defendant_Age int(3) No Age of Defendant
Defendant_Address text No Address of Defendant
Defendant_Contact varchar(50) Yes Contact Number of Defendant
User_ID(FK) int(11) No Foreign Key from tbl_user
Log_ID(PK) int(11) No Primary Key of tbl_event_logs
User_ID(FK) int(11) No Foreign Key from tbl_user
Log_Date timestamp Yes Timestamp of Event
Log_Action varchar(50) No Action Done in an Event
Resident_ID(PK) int(11) No Primary Key of tbl_resident
Resident_Last_Name varchar(40) No Last Name of Resident
Resident_First_Name varchar(40) No First Name of Resident
Resident_Middle_Name varchar(40) No Middle Name of Resident
Resident_Birthdate date No Birthdate of Resident
Resident_Birthplace text No Birthplace of Resident
Resident_Age int(4) No Age of Resident

Resident_Sex varchar(6) No Sex of Resident

Resident_Address varchar(50) No Address of Resident
Resident_Contact varchar(50) Yes Contact Number of Resident
Resident_Civil_Status varchar(20) No Civi Status of Resident
Resident_Blood_Type varchar(5) Yes Blood Type of Resident
Resident_Occupation varchar(100) Yes Occupation of Resident
Resident_Religion varchar(50) Yes Religion of Resident
Resident_Nationality varchar(50) Yes Nationality of Resident
User_ID(FK) int(11) No Foreign Key from tbl_user
User_ID(PK) int(11) No Primary Key of tbl_user
User_Name varchar(20) No Username of the User
User_Password varchar(50) No Passowrd of the User
User_Role varchar(30) No Role of User
User_RQ text No Recovery Question of User
User_RA text No Recovery Answer of User
User_ID_Temp(PK) int(11) No Primary Key of tbl_user_temp
User_Name_Temp varchar(20) No Temporary Username of
registering User
User_Password_Temp varchar(50) No Temporary Password of
registering User
User_Role_Temp varchar(30) Yes Temporary Role of registering
User_RQ_Temp tex No Temporary Recovery Question of
registering User
User_RA_Temp text No Temporary Recovery Answer of
registering User

Software Design

Software design refers to the process of defining

software methods, functions, and objects, as well as the

general structure and interaction of the code, in order to

ensure that the resultant functionality meets the user

requirements. Researchers can perform the best abstraction

with design since it helps researchers to better comprehend

and meet requirements. Redundancy was avoided and

reusability have increased through software design. This

was also a way to deal with the risk and it not only allows

researchers to see how the software product appears,but

it also provides visuals on how it performs. This combines

utility, information quality, and simplicity such that anyone

can be able to have the idea on how to use the program.

The system's data flow is depicted in the data flow

diagrams below. It goes on to say that the created system

was made up of many sub-systems with distinct features or

functions that are managed by the two types of users who

have varying degrees of access and control based on the

task that has to be accomplished with the system.

Figure 14. Context Diagram of BIMS

This was the context diagram for BIMS, it shows that

the admin was the one who operated the BIMS and that the

BIMS store user credentials within it, and it shows the

System Event Logs to the admin as well.


Figure 15. Data Flow Diagram level 1 of BIMS

The figure above is the DFD 1 of the BIMS, it shows

the various processes and operations within it such as

managing resident’s information, managing barangay blotter

records, managing barangay activities, managing barangay


ordinances, managing accounts and the showing of event

logs, the user access authentication is for the new

residents’ information which can then be logged into the

barangay database for future use.

Figure 16. Data Flow Diagram level 2 of BIMS

The DFD 2 diagram above shows the expanded processes

from DFD1, it also shows how the complainant and defendant


are connected in the blottering section and everything was

recorded in the system logs where the admin can see them.

Interface Design

Interface design is the process where developers or

designers use to let the users interact with the program

easily, most commonly known as front-end programming. This

is what the users commonly see and experience when using

the program. Instead of line of codes that programmers use,

they can interact with the program with much simpler ways

provided by the programmers themselves with the use of

buttons, menus, inputs etc. This process can make your program

attractive too, because in this process the programmers or

developers can add color, images and designs to make it

much pleasing to the eyes. It makes the program much more

pleasurable too when implemented beautifully, impacting

user’s satisfaction heavily. If an interface design is not

implemented or not user-friendly,an average user does not

understand how the system worksand therefore cannot use the

program to its fullest potential.

The graphical user interface of the system was created

with the help of Java GUI frameworks and Canva, with Java

mainly on providing the front-end of the program and its user-

interaction methods, and Canva for various designs within the


program, such as icons and images. The illustrations below

show the images of user interfaces ofthe program.

Figure 17. Designing of the BIMS using Java GUI frameworks

Figure 18. Designing of the BIMS using canva on mobile



1.3 Development

The development phase as where the coding of the

system occurs. The researchers developed the system with

Java and SQL as one. With the help of it, the researchers

have implemented its target objectives, such as the barangay

registering process, blottering process, and the recording of

barangay activities and ordinances.

The system was designed and developed for most of the

common desktop computers, provided that they have theminimum

system requirements which are stated in the Technical

Specifications. The images below show thescreenshots

of the implemented code of the system.

Figure 19. Developing of BIMS using Netbeans IDE



Figure 20. Developing of the Database of BIMS using XAMPP


1.4 Testing

The testing phase was difficult for the researchers

because of the limited time and resources due to the pandemic.

Testing of the BIMS was limited also because of the

researchers are far from each other, only doing online-

schooling and submitting paper works online.

Testing of BIMS was done through several times until

there are no bugs left seen in the development. It was

tested by the researchers and some helpful former classmates

who are also taking the course that was related to computer.


Figure 21. Testing of the Barangay Ordinance Table in BIMS

Figure 22. Testing of Adding Defendant in a Blotter in BIMS



Figure 23. Testing of Joining Database Table in BIMS

1.5 Deployment

Because of the limited time and resources of the

researchers, and strict health protocol over the year. The

BIMS was no longer deployed to the target audience because

of the pandemic.

1.6 Maintenance

Since the Deployment phase of the system was not

implemented, also the maintenance was not implemented

because the BIMS was not deployed to its research locale.

2. Can the BIMS help the Barangay Officials to Record Data

more efficient than the manual system?

Yes, it was more efficient because information was

already available in the system. The system user did not have


to encode keywords to search for the record they needed.

Examples of it are:

• Getting the data of a resident to use it as a


Figure 24. Using Resident Data as a Complainant in a


• Getting the data of a resident to use it as



Figure 25. Using Resident Data as a Defendant in a Blotter

• Checking if a person was already a defendant in the

blotter, same as if a resident was already a defendant

in a blotter.

Figure 26. Data Validation if the Defendant was already

present in the Blotter

• Checking if the Barangay Ordinance Number was



Figure 27. Data Validation if the Barangay Ordinance

Number exists

3. Can the BIMS help the Barangay Officials to Record

Datawith event logs to track the records in the system?

Yes, the BIMS have Event Logs System which records

system events like:

• A user logged in

• A user logged out

• Added a user

• Added a resident

• Updated a resident

• Added a complainant

• Added a blotter


• Added a barangay activity

• Updated a barangay activity

• Added a barangay ordinance

• Updated a barangay ordinance

Figure 28. Event Logs Dashboard in BIMS

4. How secured are the data in the present manual system

compared with the proposed system?

It was secured because of the user-specific

restrictions applied to certain level of user for accepting

and rejecting user requests, hashed passwords, and account

verification for updating user account. The only difference

of a Senior Administrator and an Administrator was that the

Senior Admin can accept or reject user requests in the



Figure 29. Accepting or Rejecting User Requests in BIMS

Figure 30. Users’ passwords being hashed in BIMS



Figure 31. Account Verification for updating current User

Chapter IV


This chapter is about the summary, conclusions and

recommendation of the developed Barangay Information

Management System.


The Development of Barangay Information ManagementSystem

Operated by Barangay Officials is a computerized offline

desktop application that helped the barangay officials to be

improve their productivity as they servethe people with

good governance and transparency. The BIMS was designed to

develop an application that helps the barangay officials to

manage data of residents, record blotter, record barangay

activities, and record barangay ordinances while recording

the date of the events. Thisstudy aims to merge all of

this system to lessen the redundant data, the workload of

barangay officials and the safety of the data.

The BIMS was operated offline by a certain barangay

official that acts as a senior administrator which was usually

the barangay secretary and can add a new user that depends on

the authority level.

The researchers used developmental research method and


was based using SDLC Waterfall Model as a basis fordevelopment

method of the system. In order to fulfill the development of

the system, the software used was Java forthe front-end

that used Java GUI for the frameworks and SQL for the back-

end programming languages. The hardware usedwas a desktop



Based on the observed result, the followingconclusions

are drawn:

The Barangay Information Management System has been

successful in its development using the SDLC Waterfall

Model and its phases:

• Requirement analysis was completed by gathering data

from brainstorming sessions and informal interviews.

• System design has been successfully implemented by

the researchers to make it much easier for the

barangay officials to operate.

• Development was successful with the code within the

system design working with no detected errors.

• Testing was successful once the program was completed

by the researchers and tested it themselves to find


bugs or errors.

• Deployment phase has still not been implemented

because of the ongoing pandemic.

• Maintenance phase has still not been conducted as of



Based on the study and the development of the

Barangay Information Management System, the following

recommendations are submitted:

• The BIMS can be improved by making it web-based and

having a cloud server on its own to make it much

easier to access anywhere through the internet.

• Implement search algorithms for all of the tables used

in dashboard.

• Home dashboard needs to be filled with statistical

data on certain tables like charts of blotter cases,

resident related to the blotter cases, upcoming

barangay activities, and recent uploaded data on

resident table.

• Add update button for blotter defendant and


• Making the BIMS responsive in terms of GUI.

• Add a user verification on every update and delete

function on every table.

• Age must be computed when the birthday is entered.

• Issuance of Barangay Certificates can be added to

fully serve its purpose.

• A gallery can also be added to play some events or to

showcase some present images of the barangay.



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Name: Karl Harvey M. De Guzman

Age: 21

Date of Birth: April 30, 2000

Address: Kapt. Berong St., Brngy. Sanbermicristi,

Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija

Parents: Erwin De Guzman, Josephin De Guzman


Elementary Education: Cabanatuan North Elementary School

Secondary Education

Junior High School: Nueva Ecija High School

Senior High School: College of the Immaculate Conception

Tertiary Education: Nueva Ecija University of Science

and Technology

Name: Karl Edison D. Nerpio

Age: 22

Date of Birth: November 9, 1999

Address: Yakal II, Brgy. Bitas, Cabanatuan City,

Nueva Ecija

Parents: Eduardo C. Nerpio, Elizabeth D. Nerpio


Elementary Education: Diadi Central School

Secondary Education

Junior High School: Nueva Ecija High School

Senior High School: PHINMA-Araullo University

Tertiary Education: Nueva Ecija University of Science

and Technology

Name: Jayvee A. Sabino

Age: 21

Date of Birth: June 2, 2000

Address: North Poblacion, Gabaldon, Nueva Ecija

Parents: Joelito Sabino, Revilita Aldea


Elementary Education: Gabaldon Central School

Secondary Education

Junior High School: Nueva Ecija University of Science

and Technology – Gabaldon Campus

Senior High School: PHINMA-Araullo University

Tertiary Education: Nueva Ecija University of Science

and Technology

Name: Jeffrey G. Tumangan

Age: 21

Date of Birth: January 24, 2000

Address: Brgy. Bantug Norte, Cabanatuan City, Nueva


Parents: Michael G. Tumangan, Jocelyn G. Tumangan


Elementary Education: Cabanatuan East Central School

Secondary Education

Junior High School: Nueva Ecija High School

Senior High School: Nueva Ecija Senior High School

Tertiary Education: Nueva Ecija University of Science

and Technology

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