Abell - The Origin of PNs
Abell - The Origin of PNs
Abell - The Origin of PNs
At the Institut für Astrophysik, Max-Planck-Institut für Physik und Astro-
physik, Munich, Germany, 1965-66.
© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System
have not been stated in the literature or at least have not been given
in one place. In any case, it is our experience that many investi-
gators working in the field are not familiar with the arguments, and
it is the purpose of this communication to summarize them.
a) Most, if not all, planetary nebulae represent stages of evolu-
tion of stars of about 1.2 9¾ after they have left the main sequence.
The galactic distribution of planetary nebulae matches that of old
stars (population II) such as those found in the nucleus, disk, and
corona of the Galaxy and not that of the young stars found in or
near the spiral arms (Minkowski and Abell 1963). It cannot be
ruled out that some nebulae evolve from population I stars, but at
least the vast majority must originate from older stars whose masses
must be near 1.2 9}?©. This point has been well discussed by O'Dell
b) Most, if not all, stars of 1.2 ^c©, tchich are now evolving or
have recently evolved off the main sequence, must ultimately pass
through the planetary nebula stage. To verify this point, we need
only compare the current rate at which stars in the requisite mass
range are now leaving the main sequence to the rate of formation of
planetary nebulae.
The present rate at which stars are leaving the main sequence is
easily found from data given by Schmidt ( 1963 ), with main se-
quence lifetimes taken from Limber ( 1960 ). According to Schmidt,
the present rate of formation of stars of mass near 1.3 W© is about
10~10 stars per magnitude interval per year in a column of one
square parsec cross-section perpendicular to the galactic plane at
the position of the sun. If stellar formation and evolution in the
Galaxy has reached a steady state, this should also be the rate at
which stars are leaving the main sequence. From Schmidt's data,
we find that stars in the mass range 1.2 to 1.4 W© (comprising a
range of about 0.7 magnitude ) should be leaving the main sequence
at a rate of something under 1 χ 10-10 stars parsec-2 yr-1. On the
other hand, the rate of star formation was probably higher when
stars of this mass were first formed (about 5 X 109 years ago). As
an extreme alternative, suppose that all stars were formed at once,
and that just now those of mass 1.2 W© (potential parents of plane-
tary nebulae) are leaving the main sequence. Then the rate of
evolution from the main sequence should be dN/dt = (£(Mr)dMr/
© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System
© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System
© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System
© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System
© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System
vcir={eGmQ/5R^ (3)
υ0.2 me
—^ ,
i^cir *
© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System
where E(>s is the escape energy from the star at the time of ejection.
Assuming 1.0 and 0.2 W© for the star and shell, respectively,
we find that Eos = 7.7 X 1047/R ergs, where R, the radius of the
star at ejection, is expressed in units of the solar radius, and the
ratio E^/E* is about 400/jR. If the central stars with their present
observed sizes ( R < 0.01 to 1 ) had ejected the nebular shells, Eos
would have to exceed Ex by factors of the order of nearly 103 to
105. The large disparities between E(>s and Ex would appear to rule
out sudden ejection from small or solar-sized stars as the mechan-
ism giving rise to the planetary nebulae, for it is diflScult to under-
stand how a star could throw off a nebula with the escape energy
to within one part in several hundred or, in extreme cases, to one
part in one hundred thousand. Shklovskiï (1956) made the point
that the ejection velocity of the nebula would have to be the
escape velocity of the star; actually this is not true if the star is so
very large that Ees and Ex are comparable. We would, in fact,
expect a spread in the energies of the ejecting mechanisms. For the
dispersion in ejection energies to be comparable to a typical ejection
energy itself, the stars would have to be as large as 400 RQ.
We are therefore virtually forced to the conclusion that plane-
tary nebulae are ejected more or less suddenly, although apparently
not catastrophically, from stars of extremely large radii. Shklovskiï
hypothesizes that red giants simply expand until their envelopes
"sluff off" at essentially zero velocity, becoming the nebular shells,
while the stellar cores quickly evolve, readjusting themselves into
© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System
© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System
giants is not so precise that we can rule out the possibility that two
paths of evolution are open to red giants, one leading to planetary
nebulae and the other to a sequence of phases involving horizontal
branch and RR Lyrae stars, but we can rule out the planetary
phenomenon as a rare occurrence, accounting for only a small frac-
tion of the red giants. Moreover, it would be strange that stars
which, as far as is determined, have identical masses, chemical
compositions, and other characteristics should not follow similar
evolutionary patterns. We suggest that the possibility should be
taken seriously that stars evolve through a giant phase at least
twice — once immediately after leaving the main sequence, and
again in a post-horizontal-branch phase, prior to becoming plane-
tary nebulae.
© Astronomical Society of the Pacific · Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System