How To Create Email Newsletters That Don't Suck
How To Create Email Newsletters That Don't Suck
How To Create Email Newsletters That Don't Suck
That Don’t Suck
03 Introduction
05 Why Send Email Newsletters? Do I
Even Need One?
11 The Anatomy of a Great Email
23 How to Measure Your Email Newsletter
34 Email Newsletter Mistakes Nearly
Everyone Makes
45 Examples of Great Email Newsletters
54 Conclusion & Checklist
But there are awesome email newsletters out there. So what separates
the triumphs from the tragedies? And how do you ensure your email
newsletter is successful? We’ll dive into these questions later in this
guide, but first, let’s define what an email newsletter is, and what it isn’t.
An email newsletter is an email from a business that communicates
announcements about products, services, industry, or general company
information. It includes a mix of content, like event reminders, surveys,
educational information about your product, service, or industry, and
promotions and other offers.
Now that we’re all on the same page, let’s discuss why you would send
an email newsletter, and how it could help you hit your goals.
Why Send
Do I Even Need
M ost marketers have been there — you’re sitting around a
conference room, trying to figure out how to best engage leads and
customers, sell more product, or just “stay top-of-mind” for your target
audience, and someone decides there’s a solution that can solve all of
those problems at once: an email newsletter!
And then suddenly it’s you that’s been chosen to do it. Oh, and make
sure that open and clickthrough rates don’t dip. That sound good?
I’ve been in that situation before, and I was worried. Even though email
newsletters are one of the most common types of emails to send, they
are actually some of the hardest to do right. It’s hard because it includes
a mix of different types of content about different parts of your business,
including event reminders, surveys, educational information about your
product, service, or industry, and promotions. And because it’s not an
email designed to serve one purpose — say, about one promotion, one
digest of previously published content, one lead nurturing email, or one
transactional email providing order information, email newsletters have
a difficult time trying to get readers to complete a call-to-action.
… But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do them. If done right, you
could develop a really engaged subscriber base, and potentially nurture
them into qualified leads and customers. At the very “least,” you could
engage your company’s evangelists, and they could help bring in
business. And that’s definitely something you don’t want to miss out on.
Repeat after me:
You have an internal newsletter (in which case this guide isn’t
all that relevant).
You think you will have success with this method and it is the
best use of your time (you have nothing else to do?).
Advantages of Newsletters:
brand and associate it with a positive sentiment.
articles from their newsletter.
discount, and a link to a survey.
How BUzzFeeD does it:
“Email is such a natural fit for BuzzFeed because you never
have to explain to people how to share it. People see it and
go, ‘Oh, my buddy or my mom or my coworker would really
love this.’ They click the forward button and just send it along.
It’s that easy. Because BuzzFeed is built entirely around what
people what to share, email has been great for us.”
Things to Consider When Deciding:
In your industry, are there successful email newsletters that people like
to subscribe to? What’s in them? With the resources you have available
to you — budget, time and internal support — could you be successful?
It’s a lot of work, you will need the time and manpower to:
Proofread copy
Create compelling calls-to-action
Avoid spam triggers
Then, re-examine your business’ goals. Are they trying to increase the
number of leads? Better qualify leads to speak with salespeople? Close
more deals? Or retain more customers?
If your industry isn’t really interested in email newsletters or you lack the
internal support to send them out, it might be time to reconsider. Or if
your goals don’t line up with what a newsletter could accomplish, your
time might be better spent setting up lead nurturing email workflows, or
not even sending emails in the first place — perhaps creating content
for your blog, instead.
Okay, let’s say you’ve found that you should do an email newsletter.
What next? Head over to section two to uncover email newsletter best
practices you should follow.
The Anatomy
Of A Great
A s I mentioned earlier in this guide, one of the biggest problems
with email newsletters is that they are often cluttered and unfocused
because they are supporting every aspect of your business. Product
news goes right next to PR stories, blog posts go next to a random
event week … it’s kind of a mess. Email — whether it’s a newsletter or
not — needs one common thread to hold it together.
Balance the content of
your newsletter to be
90% educational and 10%
Case in point: I have a thing for shoes, and I especially love this one
shoe site. I willingly opted in to the company’s email list, but it now
sends me emails 2-3 times a day to buy, buy, buy … and when I see its
sender name pop up in my inbox, I want to scream. Now, if they sent
me educational content — maybe about the latest styles of shoes, or
how to pair certain styles with certain outfits — I might be more inclined
to buy from them, or at least start opening their emails again.
Don’t be that company. In your email newsletters, get rid of the self
promotion (most of the time) and focus on sending your subscribers
educational, relevant, timely information. Unless you actually have an
exciting, big piece of news about your product, service, or company,
leave out the promotional parts.
Set expectations on your
‘Subscribe’ page.
Once you’ve figured out your newsletter’s focus and content balance,
make sure you’re properly communicating about them on your
subscribe landing page.
How BUzzFeeD does it:
“We have this big daily list that is more around what’s
buzzing and being shared on our site right now. Instead
of trying to segment down on that list into different types
of audiences, we’ve created a bunch of different types of
newsletters people can opt in to. If you go to our email
newsletter subscription page, we’re up to 14 different
email newsletters right now (and expect to grow more over
the next year). These very specific email newsletters let
people say, ‘I love the cats, but what I really want to find
out about is about your book coverage. Send me those
links only.’”
Anatomy TIP #3:
Get creative with email
subject lines.
But let’s face it, those subject lines get old — fast — for subscribers.
Why? Because there’s no incentive from the subject line to click on that
specific email right this instant. A better approach would be to try to
have a different, creative, engaging subject line for each newsletter you
One company who does this really well is Thrillist. Here’s a collection of
email newsletters I’ve received from them over the past few days:
Anatomy TIP #4:
Pick one primary
Instead, let there be one head honcho CTA — just one main thing that
you would like your subscribers to do, and the rest of the CTAs are a “in
case you have time.” Whether it’s simply to click through to see a blog
post or just to forward the email to a friend, make it super simple for
your subscribers to know what you want them to do — and then do it.
anatomy TIP #5:
Keep design and copy
You want to send them elsewhere — your website or blog, for instance
— to actually consume the whole piece of content. Concise copy gives
your subscribers a taste of your content — just enough that they want
to click and learn more.
Anatomy TIP #6:
Make sure images have alt
Right. But email’s a little bit trickier. Most of the time, people won’t have
images enabled, so you’ve got to make sure your images have one
essential component: alt text. Alt text is the alternative text that appears
when images aren’t loaded in an email. This is especially important if
your CTAs are images — you want to
make sure people are clicking even
without the image enabled.
Anatomy TIP #7:
Make it easy for people to
This seems a little counter-intuitive, but it’s key if you want to maintain
an active, engaged subscriber list. Don’t use weird language like “Alter
your communication with us.” Don’t hide an unsubscribe button behind
an image without alt text. Besides keeping your list healthy, having
a clear unsubscribe process will help ensure your email isn’t marked
SPAM before it hits the rest of your list’s inbox.
How BUzzFeeD does it:
“After working on the newsletter for over a year, we kind of
have a formula for what content performs well. We know
what type of content people love to share, what type of
content people love to see in their inboxes.
Anatomy TIP #8:
Test, test, test.
I know I just listed out a whole bunch of “best practices” to make sure
you’re doing email newsletters right, but you’ve also got to find out
what works for your company and your list. Just like different cultures
of people prefer different things, different groups of email subscribers
prefer different things.
Now that we’re all on the same page, let’s determine what you
should be measuring in your email newsletters.
What if your
newsletter was
tanking, but because
you weren’t checking
the hard data, you
kept on doing it?
Talk about a lot of wasted time and resources. To make sure you’re
armed with the right information to guide your marketing decisions, you
should keep your eye on the following metrics. They’ll give you a pretty
comprehensive picture of how well your newsletter is doing, which’ll
help you figure out whether you should be investing time in email
One of the reasons you’re sending an email newsletter in the first place
is to get people to click on something (or a few things) ... so tracking
the number of clicks you get on newsletters over time is a great way to
judge if your newsletter is useful. If the number is slowly going down
newsletter after newsletter, you might need to rethink your newsletter
Notice that I didn’t (and won’t) mention opens before clicks. Opens are
notoriously hard to measure. An email is only counted as ‘opened’ if the
recipient also receives the images embedded in that message, and a
large percentage of your email users likely have image-blocking enabled
on their email client. This means that even if they open the email,
they won’t be included in your open rate, making it an inaccurate and
unreliable metric for marketers. Sure, you can keep an eye on the metric
and react if it dives drastically from one newsletter to another, but the
metric itself doesn’t give you reliable information.
Here’s a post with some fabulous tips for increasing email clickthrough
rates. If you’re reading this now, chances are you can also read that
article, so I won’t steal much of its spotlight. But one of my favorite tips
in that post is to hit your subscribers over the head with a call-to-action
— it’s the one fix that could give you immediate positive results.
Regardless of what you want people to do after they click on your email,
you should be tracking those actions. The reason you send emails isn’t
just to get clicks — you want people to do something after they click,
whether it be consuming a piece of content or becoming a customer.
If your email tool is hooked up to the rest of your marketing software,
tracking this metric becomes easy.
List Growth
Over time, you’ll want to get more and more people clicking and
converting on your email newsletters because the more they do those
things, the more likely it is you’ll hit your monthly goals. More people in
your list generally means more people will click on your email, and more
people will convert on the content. Sure, list growth isn’t everything, but
you need to have enough people getting your newsletters in the first
place to make the rest of your numbers follow suit.
No one is subscribing to
your newsletter.
More people in your list means more opportunities to reach your goals,
so if your list is staying stagnant from your initial send or even petering
off, you might want to think about whether you want to continue your
email newsletter.
If you’d like to improve what you already have, take a look at how
people sign up to get your newsletter in the first place. Consider new,
frictionless ways for people to sign up for your blog — maybe as a
widget in your blog sidebar or as a check mark on a landing page.
Maybe you run a Twitter campaign to get people to sign up. The
important thing here is to get creative — and if multiple attempts at
generating new subscribers don’t work, swiftly get rid of your email
newsletter. Please, whatever you do, just don’t buy any lists.
Forward Rate
This metric is actually essential for list growth. It sounds weird, but
growing your email newsletter list by emailing people who are already
in your database works because of the possibility of forwarding. So
if you’re trying to get people to forward your emails, you also need to
keep an eye on how many people are getting the content forwarded to
two ways you can get an idea of your “forward rate”:
it, you can track the number of conversions on that form.
Neither metric is perfect, but they can give you a general picture of how
forward-friendly your email is.
Delivery Rate
Generally, we’re talking about all of those emails that aren’t hard and
soft bounces — bounced emails that can’t be sent to an inbox because
the inbox is full or the address isn’t valid, among other reasons. So your
delivery rate is the total number of emails sent minus the total number
of bounces, divided by the total number of emails sent.
Your spam rates are going
through the roof.
If you’re buying lists, you pretty much deserve the spam rates you get ...
but if you’ve organically grown your list, it’s incredibly frustrating to have
people mark your emails as “spam.” The older and more unengaged
the list is, the more likely you are to get hit with those spam complaints
— so you should go ahead and cleanse that list to only newer, engaged
But if you’re noticing that a targeted, fairly recent list is hitting spam on
your email newsletter, it might be time to close shop. While subscribers
may want to receive emails from you, the newsletter probably isn’t the
right approach in that situation. Go on — it’s okay to let it go.
Overall ROI
1 Always make sure you’re keeping an eye out for your email
newsletter performance.
2 If any of these red flags pop up, run tests to see if metrics can
33 Run a few tests and nothing improved? Get rid of your email
Seriously. If it’s not working, just get rid of it. While your boss may have
wanted an email newsletter in the first place, they’d much rather have a
solid, successful email marketing strategy.
You’re not hitting your
marketing goals.
Last but certainly not least, you’ve got to step out your email metrics
bubble for a second. If you’re so focused on open rates, clickthrough
rates, spam rates, and the numbers on your list, you’re going to be
missing out on the whole point of you sending email.
“It’ll have everything our
customers care about, all in
one place.”
That being said, here are the most common mistakes nearly every
marketer makes when creating an email newsletter, and how you can
avoid them:
Mistake #1: Having a Poorly
Segmented List
Or no one at all ... because as we’ll discuss in more detail later in this
section, generic content doesn’t get you far. Your email newsletter
should only go out to those recipients who are interested in the subject
matter of the newsletter. I can tell you right now that there are people
on HubSpot’s own email list that don’t give a whit (not a typo) about
marketing automation, but are extremely interested in how to get leads
from social media; and vice versa. If my newsletter focuses on the
latest social media developments — is it wise to send that newsletter to
subscribers who wanted to hear about marketing automation software?
I think not.
There are two ways to remedy this. The first is to marry the interests
of both list segments and write a newsletter about, say, social media
marketing automation. The more list segments you have, however, the
more difficult it will become to create newsletter content that applies
to everyone. If you’re facing this problem, the better solution is to
tailor content to each list segment. This means either segmenting lists
yourself and creating newsletter content that is relevant to that list
segment, or letting recipients opt in to newsletters about a specific
subject matter.
Mistake #2: Information
We’ll begin with the issue of covering too wide a breadth of information,
which we touched on earlier in this section. If you send an email about
too many subjects, it’s too unfocused to be relevant to anyone.
Let’s play a game of “one of these things is not like the other” to
demonstrate the concept further. You run email marketing for a clown
college, and for your next email newsletter, you want to touch on the
following topics:
Clown work study programs
Clown intramural sports leagues
What would you leave out? The information about sports leagues, right?
It’s not that some of your prospective and current clown students aren’t
interested in sports clubs at the school, it’s just that not all of them will
be. Create a newsletter that talks about what that entire list segment
cares about (in this scenario, that’s paying for school) and save the
sports talk for another list segment that cares about extracurriculars.
Not only is this easier to consume, but it also drives visitors to your
website, provides opportunities for reconversion, and gets you more
indexable pages filled with great content to improve your SEO!
Finally, newsletters often suffer from talking about information that
no one cares about, which usually takes the form of self-promotional
content. It’s not that you shouldn’t talk about your product, service,
or company — that’s part of the definition of an email newsletter. But
there’s a way to present that information that demonstrates value for the
reader, instead of appearing like a relatively meaningless press release
or announcement.
For example, why does it matter to the reader that you’re launching
a new product? Will it make them better at their jobs? If so, how?
Announce the feature, and then explain the end benefit of that feature
for your reader. If you can’t think of an end benefit, nix the content from
your newsletter.
Mistake #3: Competing
So how do you get past this? The first step is acceptance — there
will be more than one call-to-action in your email newsletter. But that
doesn’t mean they have to compete with one another. Take a step back,
and ask yourself what you want your recipients to do when they read
your newsletter. What’s the point?
Let’s revisit our clown financial aid example. Perhaps the email
marketing manager decided the point of the newsletter is to show
prospective students the options they have at their disposal to pay for
school — financial aid, work study, and student loans. These may all
point to different pages on the website when the reader clicks through
on the story, but the call-to-action on each of those pages could point
to one all-inclusive guide about paying for clown college. The end goal
is the same: getting clowns to pay for school. Each of those pieces of
content, the pages a reader lands on when they click through, and the
calls-to-action available to them on those pages all contribute to that
You can also use design to emphasize one particular story over others.
For example, if the financial aid deadline is the most important part of
the newsletter, it should act as a feature story and take up more room in
the newsletter than the rest of the stories. In fact, let’s look at how else
design can make or break your email newsletter.
Mistake #4: Inconsistent
Design and Layout
Don’t do it! Not only does it take lots of time to edit your email template,
but it confuses your regular readers. Use a standard format for every
single newsletter so it is recognizable to your subscribers. That means
the same layout, the same image alignment, and the same placement
of links and calls-to-action so your reader can scan and find the
information they want.
Mistake #5: Vague
Subject Lines
This is an easy fix, but such a common email newsletter faux pas.
Often, the subject of an email newsletter is something along the lines of
Weekly [Company X] Newsletter or Monthly [Product Y] Update.
The interesting part of the email isn’t the frequency at which the
recipient receives it — it’s the juicy information you’re divulging!
T o help inspire you to make the best email newsletter for your
company possible, we compiled seven of our absolute favorite email
newsletters. They are all fabulous for different reasons — some
have exceptional design, some have exceptional copy, some have
exceptional calls-to-action ... but all are excellent at solving for their
subscribers’ needs.
So go on, check out these examples and get inspired to make your own
email newsletters even better!
If you want to stay up on what’s happening in the world and have some
delightful writing delivered to your inbox first thing in the morning, look
no further than theSkimm. It’s a daily roundup of what’s happened in the
news in short, punch paragraphs. Bonus: You don’t have to click out of
the email to read more for the news if you don’t want to.
The layout goes from having one column to having almost two with
“truss,” “cook,” and “carve” — a perfect way to balance a featured
piece of content with the supplemental content of an email newsletter.
They also selected one topic for the whole newsletter and then visually
connected those dots for the readers with the red labels on the images.
You’d hope that an email marketing testing company would have great
emails ... and Litmus definitely does.
Hacker Newsletter
The newsletter is clean and minimal, but still sends a ton of really great
content its subscribers’ way. The way it distills potentially overwhelming
information is by bucketing content into sections. The newsletter also
looks very similar to the site, so for those who love the site and how it’s
laid out (aka people who are subscribed to the email newsletter), it’s a
comforting, familiar way to consume content.
General Assembly
Muck Rack Daily
Within an hour, I received my first email from them with the subject line:
“MRD: ‘Funny, clever and not full of gifs.’” Obviously, I like all three of
these things, so I click through. I see the email below.
The design is gorgeous — the bold fonts and colors are striking, but not
distracting. The copy is flawless (what else would you expect from a
company catering to journalists?). It’s scrollable and engaging. Just the
perfect email newsletter package.
Last, but certainly not least, is Medium, the recently popular blogging
platform/media site. They have a ton of people publishing posts on
their site every day — which is a lot of content for the average person
to filter through. To help bring great content to the surface, Medium
uses a weekly email newsletter. And after I open this newsletter every
week, I end up going to visit several Medium posts without fail. Mission
accomplished for Medium, right?
I really wanted to use their email in here to remind you that you don’t
need to be a visual content creation wiz to have awesome newsletters
(though that certainly won’t hurt). As long as you are solving the needs
of your subscribers, you’re going to have a great newsletter.
conclusion &
N ow, you’re probably realizing that sending an email newsletter
requires juggling a lot of moving pieces. You’ve got to worry about
proofreading the copy, creating compelling calls-to-action, designing
the email to work for multiple inboxes and devices, avoiding any spam
triggers, and brainstorming clickable subject lines, all while staying
within the confines of email law.
(Oh, and if you mess any of it up, there’s no “redo” or “update” button.)
Email Newsletter Checklist
Send better emails.
+1 (888) 758-1662
written by @gsosk & @corey_bos
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