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Tidio Automations Ebook PDF

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Table of contents

List of Nodes 4-8 Send a message to visitors who view your contact page 22

Triggers 5 Send a message when a visitor is on a specific page 24

Action 6 Generate leads from your blog 26

Conditions 7 Tag visitors who view your pricing page 28

Run a promotion on a specific day of the week 30
How to turn off, delete, and edit your chatbot 9-10
Send welcome messages in different languages 32
How to get Tidio chatbot templates 11
Inform your customers about discounts on particular 34
List of templates 12-56 products/services
Welcome new visitors to your website/store 12 Collect contact details from your customers to get back 36
to them later
Welcome returning visitors 14
Provide more information about a product/service 38
Send a message when your operators are busy 16
Answer frequently asked questions 40
Send a message to visitors who quit filling an online 18
form Let customers order a phone call 42

Stop visitors from leaving your website/store 20 Thank your customers for placing their orders 44
Table of contents

Offer a discount to new visitors 46

Send shipping information to visitors who view your 48

product pages

Send a message to customers who abandon their carts 50 *for Shopify

Offer a discount to visitors who abandoned their carts 52 *for Shopify

and request their contact info

Build semi-automated customer service 54 *for Shopify

List of Nodes

Nodes are the building blocks of your chatbot. You Tip

always start with at least one trigger, and then you add
relevant nodes, either actions or conditions, to build the A conversation flowchart is the foundation of your chatbot.
conversation flow between your chatbot and the Before you even start building one, you need to sketch how
customer. the whole conversation will look like. Learn more about
There are many nodes but don’t worry! If you are not
sure what any node is for, drag it onto the node map and Chatbot Flowchart and Decision Tree Examples
then click it to enter the edit mode. In the edit mode, you
will not only be able to customize the individual node
but will also find a short description of it.

List of nodes 4

Trigger nodes de ne in what circumstances the chatbot

will engage the visitor. For instance, the Operator doesn't
respond during the conversation triggers the bot to
activate when the message sent by the customer doesn't
get a response within a speci c period of time.

To customize the time the chatbot is going to wait until it

enters the action, click the node and set the time (in
minutes or seconds), e.g. 5 minutes.

List of nodes/ Triggers 5


Action nodes represent your chatbot’s actions. For

instance, the most frequent action you will be using is
Send a chat message, which, as the name suggests,
makes the chatbot send a message to the customer.

To customize the message you want your chatbot to

send, click it and type the message.

List of nodes/ Action 6


A condition node checks whether a certain statement is

true or false (the branches are marked as “Yes” and “No”

For instance, let’s say you want your chatbot to send

welcome messages to Spanish customers in their native
language. To do that, you will need to use the Language

What will happen is as follows: when the chatbot is

triggered, it will check the customer’s browser language
> if the language detected is Spanish, it will evaluate the
condition as true (“Yes”, the customer uses Spanish) and
will send a chat message in Spanish > if the language
detected is not Spanish, it will evaluate the condition as
false (“No”, the customer does not use Spanish) and will
send a chat message in English.

List of nodes/ Conditions 7


To customize the language, click the node and select the

language from the drop-down list.

Be careful how you connect the conditions to other

nodes. Remember, that there will be always two
outcomes: “Yes” and “No,” so you will need to take care
of both cases. In the example below, there are two “Send
a chat message” actions. One for the “Yes” branch, and
the other one for the “No” branch.

List of nodes/ Conditions 8

How to turn off, delete, enable/disable, edit, and delete them.

and edit your chatbot Take a look at the screenshot. On the le , you can see that
there are chatbots that use four di erent triggers to launch
and ve chatbots under the “First visit on site” trigger. To
All the chatbots you have built and saved are shown in expand the list of chatbots you have, click the “+” (plus) sign
the CHATBOTS tab. This is where you manage your bots, next to the trigger.
enable/disable, edit, and delete them.

How to turn off, delete, and edit your chatbot 9

Let’s assume that you would like to edit the rst chatbot As you can see, by pressing the triple dots you made a sub-
on the list - “Black Friday welcome chatbot”. You can do menu pop up that has some other options listed:
this in two ways. Either click the “Edit” link located next
to the chatbot name in the section on the right-hand Edit - you open a node map again to make some changes
side. Or, click the triple dots next to the chatbot name in in your existing chatbot
the le section (chatbot list) and select “Edit.” Active - you “turn ON and OFF” your chatbot

- if this option is toggled ON, you will also need to set the
behavior of your chatbot. I.e., whether it will launch
when your operators are o ine (for 24h support) and
whether it will launch when the conversation is already
being handled by the operator or another bot
Clone - you make a copy of a selected bot (useful when
you want to reuse part of the existing bot)

Delete - you delete the bot permanently (this action

cannot be undone!)

How to turn off, delete, and edit your chatbot 10

How to get Tidio
chatbot templates
There are currently 16 chatbot templates waiting for you 6 That’s it!
to customize or start using straight away! How can you
get them?
If you are happy with your chatbot, activate it and you are
good to go. (Not sure how to activate your chatbot? Skip to
1 Create your free account with Tidio
“How to turn off, delete, and edit your chatbot” section)

Create my account

2 Log into your admin panel and go to the

“Chatbots” tab

3 Click the button “+ Add another bot” located in

the right upper corner

4 Choose your template and click it to add

5 Customize the messages or add the necessary


How to get Tidio chatbot templates 11

Welcome new visitors
to your website/store

You increase the visitors’ trust

You build relationships with your customers

You deliver a positive customer experience

Use case:

You want to evoke positive feelings in your customers

whenever they visit your store so make sure they feel
welcome! At the same time, assure them that there is
someone around and they can use a live chat anytime they
need any assistance from you.

What does this chatbot do?

It sends a welcome message to each new visitor landing on

your website or in your store.

List of templates 12
Welcome new visitors to your website/store

How to build this chatbot: Tip

1 Add First visit on site trigger Interested in reading more about chatbot welcome messages?
Check out this article on our blog:
2 Add Send a chat message action and customize
your message The Best Welcome Message Examples to Onboard and
Welcome New Users
Message examples:
You can also use a template and get this bot in just a few clicks.
“Hi! Great to have you with us today. If you have any
questions, do let me know. I’m here to help”
Add from template
“Hello there! Welcome to our store. Can I help you
nd anything?”

“Welcome! My name is [operator’s name]. Are you

looking for something speci c? Let me help you
nd it ”

List of templates 13
Welcome returning

You increase the number of sales

You generate leads

Use case:

Not all visitors who have left your website or store are gone
forever. Some of them leave only to come back later. This is a
good opportunity to catch their attention, encourage them to stay,
and/or ask for a reason they had left previously.

What does this chatbot do?

It sends a message to each visitor returning to your website or

store within a selected period of time. The returning visitors
receive messages to encourage them to stay on your website and
place an order (or take any other action, e.g. fill in the form,
create an account, read an article, leave an email address, etc.).

List of templates 14
Welcome returning visitors

How to build this chatbot: “Hi and welcome back! We’ve noticed that you already
visited our website/store a few minutes ago. Could you
1 Add Visitor return to the site trigger and set the please tell us what made you leave?”
trigger limitation
“Hi there! So you’ve decided to come back. Great! :) How
2 Add Send a chat message action and customize about staying a bit longer? You’ll receive a $5 discount on
your message your total shopping if you order today! Interested?”

* This chatbot works for visitors who closed your website and
were away for at least 5 minutes You can also use a template and get this bot in just a few clicks.

Message examples:
Add from template
“Welcome back! Great to see you again. Is there
anything I can help you with today's shopping?”

“Hello again! Good to have you back. Was there

anything you were missing while you visited us last

List of templates 15
Send a message when
your operators are busy

You deliver a better customer experience

You increase your chances of preventing customers from

leaving your website/store

You collect valuable feedback

Use case:

Although nobody likes to be kept on hold, it is something you may

need to face from time to time when your shop or website
receives a lot of customer queries. Should a situation like this
happen, do let your customers know that their query did not go
unnoticed and someone will handle it as soon as possible.

What does this chatbot do?

It sends a message to the visitor who sent their query on the live
chat but did not receive a response from any of your operators.

List of templates 16
Send a message when your operators are busy

How to build this chatbot: “We apologize but all our support agents are currently
engaged. We will get back to you shortly”
1 Add Operator doesn’t take the conversation
trigger and specify how many seconds or
minutes the chatbot will wait to send the message Tip

Add Send a chat message action and customize Being able to deal with the workload is one of the traits of a
the message good live chat support agent. Do you care about the quality of
your online customer service? Then check out our article!

Message examples: 10 Good Customer Service Skills Required From Live Chat
Customer Support Agents
“Hi, sorry to keep you waiting. We’ll look into your
query as soon as possible”

“Hi, thank you for your patience. All our operators You can also use a template and get this bot in just a few clicks.
are busy at the moment. We’ll get back to you in a
few minutes”
Add from template
“Hello, we’ve received your message. All our
operators are handling their queries as fast as they
can and will be with you shortly”

List of templates 17
Send a message to visitors
who quit filling an online
form Benefits:

You increase the number of potential customers who

successfully submitted their online forms (e.g.
registration forms)

You collect valuable feedback

Use case:

If you have an online form present on your website, then you

might have noticed that sometimes the visitors start filling it but,
for some reason, they decide not to submit it and leave the page.

What does this chatbot do?

It sends a message to visitors who abandon their online forms. It

engages the visitor and attempts to encourage them to submit the
form and/or asks for the reason for not submitting it.

List of templates 18
Send a message to visitors who quit filling an online form

How to build this chatbot: You can also use a template and get this bot in just a few clicks.

1 Add Form abandoned trigger and set the trigger

limitation Add from template

2 Add Send a chat message action and customize

the message

Message examples:

“Are you sure you want to leave this form? Let us

know if you need any assistance!”
“Psst! Looks like you haven’t submitted the form yet.
If there is anything you would like to discuss, please
let us know ”
“Whoops! There is still some data missing Please
review your details. In case you have encountered
some issues, please let us know so we can help you”

List of templates 19
Stop visitors from leaving
your website/store

You collect valuable feedback

You increase the number of visitors who stay on your

website and who could eventually become your

Use case:

Your website/store receives some amount of traffic but the visitors

vanish the moment they land on your website.

What does this chatbot do?

It sends a message to visitors who are about to leave your website/

store. It engages the visitor and attempts to encourage them to
stay and/or asks for the reason for leaving.

List of templates 20
Stop visitors from leaving your website/store

How to build this chatbot: Tip

1 Add Mouse leaves window trigger and set the Your website/store receives some traffic but visitors seldom
trigger limitation buy? Then we’ve got some tips for you.

2 Add Send a chat message action and customize

Traffic, but No Sales? 6 Steps to Increase Your Ecommerce
the message

Message examples:
You can also use a template and get this bot in just a few clicks.
“Wait! Did you find what you were looking for?
Perhaps we could help you with anything?”
Add from template
“Hey! Before you go, could you please tell us why
you decided to leave our website/store?”

“Please let us know if there’s anything you need

before you leave. Have you found what you were
looking for?”

List of templates 21
Send a message to visitors
who view your contact
page Benefits:

You reduce potential queries sent via different

communication channels, many of which could be resolved
at hand via a live chat

You reduce communication friction and customer wait time

You deliver a better customer experience

Use case:

New visitors wanting to speak to someone about your goods or

services, naturally, head over to the contact page. Some of their
queries, however, can be solved on spot via a live chat.

What does this chatbot do?

It sends a message to the visitors who land on your contact page

to let them know that you are available and can help with their
query immediately.

List of templates 22
Send a message to visitors who view your contact page

How to build this chatbot: You can also use a template and get this bot in just a few clicks.

1 Add Visitor opens a specific page trigger and

enter the contact page URL Add from template

2 Add Send a chat message action and customize

the message

*Alternatively: Replace this node with Notify operators action if

you want to handle the conversation immediately and in-person

Message examples:

“Hi there! I can see that you are trying to contact us.
Is there something I can help you with right now?”
“Hello. Do you need help with anything? Just type in
your query in a chat so we can handle it
immediately ”
“Hi! Would you like to discuss any of our services?
We’re available. Let’s talk ”

List of templates 23
Send a message when a
visitor is on a specific
page Benefits:

You increase your sales

Use case:

As an online entrepreneur, you might be having offers on your

website/in your store that you care about more. For instance,
high-end products or premium services. In other words, there are
cases when you want to specifically engage the visitors to increase
your chances for conversion.

What does this chatbot do?

It sends a message to the visitor who lands on a specific page to let

them know that you are available to discuss the product/service/
deal in more detail.

List of templates 24
Send a message when a visitor is on a specific page

How to build this chatbot: “There has never been a better time to buy a men's watch!
Especially when we talk about the Breitling Premier B01
1 Add Visitor opens a specific page trigger and Chronograph 42 Norton Edition. We offer [your special
enter the page URL deal], as well as an interest-free payment plan. Send us a
message to chat about the details”
2 Add Send a chat message action and customize
the message

*Alternatively: Replace this node with Notify operators action if

you want to handle the conversation immediately and in-person
Reaching out to the visitors before they reach you is the
essence of proactive customer service.
Message examples: You can read more about this approach in our article:

“Hi! The apartment you are looking at is currently

How to Use Proactive Live Chat for Customer Service
on sale. Would you like to discuss the details?”
! "
“Good taste! This custom made sterling silver ring is
You can also use a template and get this bot in just a few clicks.
a real beauty . You can have it perfectly designed
to your specifications (including laser engraving).
Interested? Let’s chat ” Add from template

List of templates 25
Generate leads from
your blog

You increase your sales

You collect more leads

Use case:

Traffic that is attracted by a blog is an invaluable source of leads

and potential customers. Tap into that pool by offering incentives
to your visitors for taking certain actions.

What does this chatbot do?

It sends a message with a discount offer to visitors who read a

specific article on your blog.

List of templates 26
Generate leads from your blog

How to build this chatbot: “Hi! It seems that you are interested in [topic/product/
service]. Would you like to learn more about how [your
1 Add Visitor opens a specific page trigger and product/service] can help you [achieve a goal]? Just let us
enter the article URL know what you need and we’ll email you a tailored
solution straight to your inbox”
2 Add Delay action and set the delay time to 60s*

3 Add Send a chat message action and customize Tip

the message
Would you like to learn more about generating leads with live
4 Add Tag action to tag the visitor as a blog/specific chat and chatbots? Take a look at the article below:
topic reader
12 Tricks to Generate Leads with Live Chat and Chatbots
* Delay time depends on how long it will roughly take the visitor
to read an article

You can also use a template and get this bot in just a few clicks.
Message examples:

“Did you enjoy reading this article? Leave your email Add from template
address and we’ll keep you up-to-date with our
newest articles about [topic]”

List of templates 27
Tag visitors who view
your pricing page

Easily spot visitors who view your pricing page

Use case:

Visitors who view the pricing page are potentially considering

getting your product but before they make up their mind, they
need to know whether they can afford it.

What does this chatbot do?

It adds a tag to the visitors who land on your pricing page. This
way you can engage them individually and try to convert them.

How to build this chatbot:

1 Add First visit on site trigger

List of templates 28
Tag visitors who view your pricing page

2 Add Current URL condition and enter the pricing

page URL

3 Add Tag action to tag the visitor

4 Connect all nodes


Personalized communication in marketing goes a long way.

See how it works and how it can boost your sales:

Conversational Marketing: From Traffic to Sales in 4 Steps

List of templates 29
Run a promotion on a
specific day of the week

You increase sales

You gain repeat customers

Use case:

Customers love promotions, especially regular ones. In no time,

new visitors habitually return to your store on a specific day(s) of
the week.

What does this chatbot do?

It sends a message to visitors on selected day(s) of the week to

inform them about the promotion.

List of templates 30
Run a promotion on a specific day of the week

How to build this chatbot:

1 Add On certain days trigger, mark the days and

set the trigger limitation

2 Add Send a chat message action and customize

the message

Message examples:

“Yay! It’s Fri--day! Free delivery to all US locations for

orders over $50”

“Did I hear you saying Moan--day? Fair enough, we

all hate Mondays. That’s why we thought to make it
sweeter for you. How about Buy One, Get One FREE
deal on all our Belgian chocolate sweets and $5 OFF
on ‘Candy Bundles’? Sounds sweet? It sure does.
Order now and get a discount. Only on Mondays!"

List of templates 31
Send welcome messages
in different languages

You increase the visitors’ trust

You build relationships with your international customers

You deliver a positive (and personalized) customer

First visit on site

Use case:

Online business has no borders so it is only natural that your

Yes No
website or store is visited by customers from different locations.

What does this chatbot do?

Send a chat Send a chat

It sends a message (e.g. a welcome message) to customers in their
message message

* The language is based on the browser settings of the visitor, not

their IP

List of templates 32
Send welcome messages in different languages

How to build this chatbot: Tip

1 Add First visit on site trigger Add more Language conditions to make your chatbot
welcome customers in many other languages.
2 Add Language condition and select the language
(e.g. French)

3 Add two Send a chat message actions, connect

one to the “Yes” Language branch, and the other
one to the “No” Language branch

4 Connect the nodes:

If Yes (the language detected is French), send

a message in French (e.g. “Bonjour!”)

If No (the language detected is not French),

send a message in English (e.g. “Welcome!”)

List of templates 33
Inform your customers
about discounts on
particular products/ Benefits:

services You increase sales

Use case:

As an online merchant or service provider, you might be having

goods that are either premium, seasonal, or less popular, and
which you would like to sell more effectively.

What does this chatbot do?

It sends a message to visitors to let them know about your


How to build this chatbot:

1 Add Visitor opens a specific page trigger and

enter the page URL

List of templates 34
Inform your customers about discounts on particular

2 Add Send a chat message action and customize You can also use a template and get this bot in just a few clicks.
the message

Add from template

Message examples:

“Try our services this month & get 20% off!”

“Try our new pomegranate flavor smoothies. Add it

to your shopping list today and get 5% discount at
the checkout”

“[product type] total clearance! All [product name]

and [product name] on 30% sale!”


Replace Visitor opens a specific page trigger with the

First visit on site trigger if you want to announce a
certain deal to each new visitor.

List of templates 35
Collect contact details
from your customers to
get back to them later

You collect leads

You decrease the chances of missed sales

Use case:

Customers may be in need of your assistance the moment

you are unable to pick up the chat.

What does this chatbot do?

It activates when you (or your operators) do not respond to

the visitor’s query. It then prompts a few questions in
order to collect the contact details from the visitor so you
can get in touch with them later.

List of templates 36
Collect contact details from your customers to get back to
them later

How to build this chatbot: Optional: Enable “Save the answer as a

Contact Property”
1 Add Operator doesn’t take the conversation
trigger and set the time (e.g. 2 minutes) 5 Add Send a chat message action and customize
the message (e.g. “All set! Stay tuned, we’ll contact
2 Add Send a chat message action and customize you shortly”)
the message (e.g. “Hi there! Sorry to keep you
waiting but it looks like all our operators are busy.
Please leave your contact details and we will get Tip
back to you as soon as we can!”)
You can skip adding nodes from steps 1 and 2 manually.
3 Add Ask a question action, customize the Just grab an “Autoreply for missed conversations”
question to get the visitor’s name (e.g. “What is chatbot template! Then edit it and continue with steps
your name, please?”) 3-5.

Optional: Enable “Save the answer as a

Contact Property”

4 Add Ask a question action, customize the

question to get the visitor’s email address (e.g.
“Thank you. What is your email address?”)

List of templates 37
Provide more
information about a
product/service Benefits:

You increase the chances of a sale

Use case:

The visitor browses one of the pages with your offer and
would like to get more information about a given product/

What does this chatbot do?

It sends a message and prompts options to let the visitor

decide what they would like to find out more about.

How to build this chatbot:

1 Add Visitor opens a specific page trigger and

enter the product page URL

List of templates 38
Provide more information about a product/service

Add Decision (Quick Replies) action, customize

2 Tip
your message and quick reply buttons (e.g.
“Material”, “Size”, “Colors”, “Care Guide”) Each Quick Reply button represents the visitor’s
question or answer. Make sure there is some action (e.g.
3 Add Send a chat message actions and customize
a message) that follows each of them.
their messages for each quick reply

Message examples:

“Hi! Looks like [brand] shoes caught your eye. Is

there anything you would like to know more to help
you make a decision?”
- e.g. the corresponding message for ‘Colors’ quick
reply could be: “The pair of these stylish sneakers
come in black-olive, black-red, and full pink color

List of templates 39
Answer frequently
asked questions

You save yours and your visitors’ time

You deliver a positive customer experience

You turn boring FAQs into a conversation

Use case:

FAQ pages are an accessible and convenient way of

giving visitors and customers all the important
information about your business 24/7.

What does this chatbot do?

It provides answers to the questions selected by the


List of templates 40
Answer frequently asked questions

How to build this chatbot:

Chat with us!
1 Add First visit on site trigger

2 Add Decision (Quick Replies) action, customize

Please select your question.
your message and quick reply buttons (frequently
asked questions) Opening hours

3 Add Send a chat message actions and customize Store location

their messages for each quick reply

How to schedule a visit

FAQs examples:

“Opening hours”

“Store location” Enter your message…

“Privacy policy” POWERED BY

You can also use a template and get even more powerful
eCommerce FAQ bot in just a few clicks. Add from template

List of templates 41
Let customers order a
phone call

You collect leads

You decrease the chances of missed sales

Use case:

Some customers may prefer to have a chat with you

personally over the phone to discuss matters related to
your business.

What does this chatbot do?

It sends a message to the visitors asking them whether

they would like to order a phone call with you.

List of templates 42
Let customers order a phone call

How to build this chatbot: 5 Add Send a chat message action, customize your
message (e.g. “Thank you. We’ll call you as soon
1 Add First visit on site trigger as we can”) and connect it to the Ask a question
2 Add Decision (Quick Replies) action, customize
your message (e.g. “Would you like to us give you 6 Add Notify operators action and customize the
a call?”) and quick reply buttons (e.g. “Yes, notification message (or leave the default one)
please” and “No, thanks”)

Add Send a chat message action, customize your Tip

message (e.g. “All right! In case you need
You may consider adding one or two more follow-up
anything, let us know and we’ll reply as soon as
Ask a question actions to get the customer’s name and
possible”) and connect it to the “No, thanks”
their time zone (to avoid calling someone in the middle
quick reply branch
of the night!)
4 Add Ask a question action, customize your
question (e.g. “Sure! What’s your phone number,
You can also use a template and get this bot in just a few clicks.
please?”), set validation to Phone Number, save
the answer as a Contact Property, and connect
the node to the “Yes, please” quick reply Add from template

List of templates 43
Thank your customers
for placing their orders

You build relationships with your customers

You deliver a positive customer experience

Use case:

A customer placed their order with your store. Thanking them is

not only a sign of courtesy but also makes them feel more
confident that their order was placed correctly.

What does this chatbot do?

It sends a ‘thank-you’ (or other relevant post-order) message to the


List of templates 44
Thank your customers for placing their orders

How to build this chatbot: “Thank you for your order. A con rmation email
has just been sent to your email address. If you have
1 Add Visitor opens a speci c page trigger and any questions, do not hesitate to contact us”
enter your thank-you page URL
“Sign up to our newsletter to receive the latest news
2 Add Send a chat message action, customize your about new arrivals and promotions”

You can also use a template and get this bot in just a few clicks.
Message examples:

“Thank you for shopping with [store name]! Your Add from template
item has been packed and shipping information has
been sent to the carrier. It could take 3-5 business
days for the carrier to update the status of your
order. Meanwhile, your order is actually on the way”

“High ve! Your order is being processed. We will let

you know when the carrier has accepted or picked
up the shipment from us. Keep an eye on your
inbox! ”

List of templates 45
Offer a discount to new

You turn new visitors into customers

You generate leads

First visit on site

Use case:

Your website is being visited by a number of visitors but very few

of them stay and place an order with you.

What does this chatbot do?

It greets new visitors and offers them a discount on their first


How to build this chatbot:

1 Add First visit on site trigger

List of templates 46
Offer a discount to new visitors

2 Add Decision (Quick Replies) action, customize 6 Add Notify Operators action and customize the
your message (e.g. “Hi there! Nice to see you . message (e.g. “A new visitor was given a discount
We currently offer a 10% discount to all new code”)
customers! Would you like to get your discount
code now?”) and quick reply buttons (e.g. “Yes,
sure!” and “No, thanks”) You can also use a template and get this bot in just a few clicks.
3 Add Send a chat message action, customize the
message (e.g. “No problem. I'll be here in case of Add from template
any questions !”) and connect it to “No,
thanks” quick reply branch

4 Add Ask a question action, set the validation to

Email and connect it to “Yes, sure!” quick reply

5 Add Send a chat message action and customize

your message (e.g. “Here is your code: NEW20.
Enjoy your shopping!”)

List of templates 47
Send shipping information
to visitors who view your
product pages

You proactively anticipate visitors’ queries

You reduce friction in visitors’ shopping journey

You deliver a positive customer experience

You increase sales

Use case:

A visitor lands on one of your product pages and starts to

wonder about shipping options before they decide
whether they are going to place an order or not.

List of templates 48
Send shipping information to visitors who view your
product pages

What does this chatbot do? Message examples:

It sends a message to each visitor who lands on your “Free shipping for all orders over $40”
product page to inform them about the shipping costs “Place an order today by 12 pm and have it delivered
and options. This way, your visitors do not need to leave tomorrow by 10 am”
the page to look for shipping information elsewhere.
“$10 for next-day delivery and $25 for express with
How to build this chatbot: [carrier name]”

1 Add First visit on site and Visitor returns triggers

2 Add Current URL condition, enter a common

products page URL (e.g. www.yourstore.com/
products-category), change Equal to Contains

3 Add Send a chat message action and customize

your message

List of templates 49
*for Shopify

Send a message to
customers who abandon
their carts Benefits:

You reduce abandoned cart rate and increase sales

You collect valuable feedback

Use case:

Customers browse your store, add items to the cart, proceed to

the checkout but leave to the homepage before they finalize their

What does this chatbot do?

It activates the moment it spots a customer who returned from

the checkout without completing the purchase process. It sends a
message, tags customers who abandoned their carts and attempts
to encourage them to continue their shopping. It may also ask for
the reason for leaving their carts.

List of templates 50
*for Shopify

Send a message to customers who abandon their carts

How to build this chatbot: “Hey! Is everything all right? If you have encountered any
issues during the checkout process or need assistance,
1 Add New event trigger and select Abandoned we’re here to help”
“Hi! Is there anything we can do to help you proceed with
2 Add Send a chat message action and customize your order?”
your message

3 Add Add a tag action and label it (e.g. Tip

“abandoned cart”)
New to New event triggers? Read our tutorial on how to
track abandoned carts:
Message examples:
Tracking an abandoned cart using Tidio
“Psst! There are some items in your cart. Are you
sure you want to leave them?”

“You almost had it! The items you put in your cart
are going fast so be sure to order them before they
are gone!”

List of templates 51
*for Shopify

Offer a discount to visitors

who abandoned their carts
and request their contact info

You reduce abandoned cart rate and increase sales

You generate leads

Use case:

Customers browse your store, add items to the cart,

proceed to the checkout but leave to the homepage
before they finalize the order

What does this chatbot do?

It activates the moment it spots a customer who

returned from the checkout without completing the
purchase process. It asks the visitors whether they
would like to receive a discount on their total shopping
(to incentivize the customer to place their order). If the
List of templates 52
customer agrees, the bot will ask for their email address
*for Shopify

Offer a discount to visitors who abandoned their carts

and request their contact info

would like to receive a discount on their total shopping 4 Add Based on Contact Property condition, con gure it
(to incentivize the customer to place their order). If the (select “email” and “Is set”) and connect it to the “Yes,
customer agrees, the bot will ask for their email address sure!” quick reply branch
to send the discount coupon to.
5 Add Ask a question action, customize your message
(e.g. “Great! What is your email address, please?”), set
How to build this chatbot: validation to Email, and connect it to Based on Contact
Property “No” branch
1 Add New event trigger and select Abandoned
Cart toggle on “Save the answer as a Contact
Property” if you want to save it for later
2 Add Decision (Quick Replies) action, customize
the message (e.g. “Hi! I see that you decided to 6 Add Send a chat message action, customize your
abandon your cart. I might be able to give you a message (e.g. “Thanks! Your discount code is waiting
discount on your total shopping. How does it for you in your inbox”), connect it to Based on Contact
sound?”) and quick reply buttons (e.g. “Yes, sure!” Property “Yes” branch and to Ask a question “Success”
and “No, thanks”) branch

3 Add Send a chat message action, customize your

New to New event triggers? Read our tutorial on how to
message (e.g. “All right! In case you change your
track abandoned carts:
mind, you know where to nd me”) and connect
it to the “No, thanks” quick reply branch Tracking an abandoned cart using Tidio

List of templates 53
*for Shopify

Build semi-automated
customer service


You save time

You can focus on less repetitive queries

Use case:

Certain queries coming from your visitors or customers

are often about the same matter. As repetitive as they
may get, you still need to handle them.

What does this chatbot do?

It activates when you (or your operators) do not respond

to the visitor’s query. It then prompts a set of potential
questions the customer might have in an attempt to
resolve the query.

List of templates 54
*for Shopify

Build semi-automated customer service

How to build this chatbot: 5 Add two Chat with bot ended actions, connect one to
Check order status “Fail” branch and the second one to
1 Add Operator doesn’t take the conversation Check order status “Cancel” branch
trigger and set the time (e.g. 2 minutes)
6 Add Decision (Quick Replies) action, customize your
2 Add Decision (Quick Replies) action, customize message (e.g. “Is there anything else I can help you
your message and quick reply buttons (e.g. “I with?”) and quick reply buttons (e.g. “I need additional
want to ask about [product]” and “I want to ask help” and “I’m happy with the answer”), connect it to
about shipping”) Check order status “Success” branch

3 Add Send a chat message action and connect it to Add Send a chat message action, customize the
the “I want to ask about [product]” quick reply message (e.g. “Great! Glad I could help. If you need
branch, customize the message (e.g. “Our anything else, just let me know”) and connect it to “I’m
[product] is a result of top-notch craftsmanship happy with the answer” quick reply branch
and science. It allows you to [product
description]...”) 8 Add Send a chat message action, customize the
message (e.g. “Sure, let me patch you through to one of
4 Add Check Order Status action and connect it to our operators”) and connect it to “I need additional
“I want to ask about shipping” quick reply branch help” quick reply branch

List of templates 55
*for Shopify

Build semi-automated customer service

9 Add Notify Operators action, customize the

message (e.g. “Customer requires further
assistance”) and connect it to Send a chat
message node from step 8


You may replace Send a chat message action from step 8

with Decision (Quick Replies) if you want the bot to
continue to troubleshoot the customer’s issue. Just add
more quick reply buttons for the customer to select
further options and receive respective answers.

List of templates 56

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