Objective: Frs3 Reporting Financial Performance
Objective: Frs3 Reporting Financial Performance
Objective: Frs3 Reporting Financial Performance
ISSUES Source of rules
1.1 Overview
The main source of information on financial performance is the profit and loss account
but this does not present a complete picture. Important components of performance,
such as revaluation gains, do not appear in the profit and loss account, but the user of
accounts needs information on these to make a full assessment. Also, users of accounts
need to assess the trend of performance and distinguish one-off or unusual items.
These are the various gains and losses which have occurred, ie increases and
decreases in net assets (“ownership interest”), other than those arising because
shareholders have contributed new capital or withdrawn part of their equity as
FRS3 requires
3.1 Overview
Continuing Discontinued
operations operations
identified) down to
down to
Include all gains and losses recognised in the year (ie included in a/cs) in P&L a/c All gains and losses
recognised in year go in
unless required or permitted to go directly to reserves, and therefore shown in P&L a/c unless required
statement of total recognised gains and losses (STRGL). or permitted to go
directly to reserves.
The above requirement to include substantially all gains and losses in the P&L a/c
is sometimes called the “all-inclusive concept”.
FRS3 is not very specific on what should be included in the P&L a/c.
Do not recognise gains and losses twice → if gain or loss is recognised in STRGL, Do not recognise gains
and losses twice
do not show again in P&L for any year.
If an increase in value of an asset is recognised by revaluing it, the same gain is not
shown again in the P&L a/c when the asset is sold. Instead, any balance
remaining on the revaluation reserve relating to the asset is transferred to the
P&L reserve as a reserve transfer.
Analyse all P&L items from turnover to operating profit between Analyse all P&L items
from T/O to profit
Must analyse turnover and operating profit on face of P&L. Other items Must analyse T/O and
op profit on face of
may be analysed in a note. P&L a/c.
Discontinued operations are operations sold or terminated within a/c period or by Operations must meet
all criteria to be treated
earlier of 3 months post year end and date of approval of F/S, which meet all of as discontinued
following criteria.
Note also
Make provision for operating losses and losses on disposal once decision to sell or Make provision for op
losses and losses on
terminate is made*, unless future trading profits of operation being discontinued are disposal once decision
expected to cover losses, eg on termination. to sell or terminate
Example 1
On 1 July 19X4 Piecemeal plc’s board decided to close its division, which makes and
sells engineering parts, in order to concentrate on its food processing activities. On 30
November 19X4 a formal plan of closure was adopted which is effectively irreversible.
Results of the engineering parts of the business, together with estimates, were as
Calculate the provision for loss on closure for inclusion in the accounts at 31 December
Solution 1
Charge to P&L to make the provision for losses goes in continuing operations unless
activities qualify as discontinued in current year.
Example 2
In 19X2, X plc decides to shut down its manufacturing operations and expects to
incur a loss on closure of £500,000. However, the operations do not qualify as
discontinued in 19X2 as the actual closure is not until May 19X3, when the actual
loss is £600,000.
Solution 2
19X2 £000
Loss on closure
Provision released
Net loss in 19X3
3.5.1 Definition
3.5.2 Categories
(a) Those requiring separate disclosure on face of P&L below operating Analyse 3 types of
exceptional items on
profit, split between continuing and discontinued operations ie face of P&L a/c.
P/L on sale or
profit/loss on sale or termination * costs of fundamental
reorganisation P/L on
costs of fundamental reorganisation or restructuring having a FA disposal (20/21).
material effect on the nature and focus of the reporting entity’s
* analyse profits and losses separately in note and show effect on tax and
minority interests.
Other exceptional items
(b) Other exceptional items, which go under normal headings with separate disclosed in note and
explained (19).
disclosure in notes. Disclose on face of P&L only if necessary for true and
fair view.
These are material items with a high degree of abnormality, outside ordinary
activities and not expected to recur. Definition
This definition is highly restrictive because ordinary activities are defined so Extraordinary items do
widely. In practice, extraordinary items are extremely rare to the point of being not exist
non-existent, and FRS3 gives no example.
19X3 is the current year, 19X2 is the comparative year.
The 19X2 comparative for continuing operations includes
(a) operations classed as continuing in 19X2, and
(b) operations which were acquired in 19X2 and are continuing in 19X3.
The 19X2 comparative for discontinued operations includes
(a) operations classed as discontinued in 19X2, and
(b) operations classed as continuing or that were acquired in 19X2 but which
are classed as discontinued in 19X3.
There will be no 19X2 comparative for acquisitions.
Set out below are two items forming part of a set of financial statements.
As each of the new statements is considered the example is extended and cross
referenced to show how the new statement links in to existing ones.
Profit and loss account for the year ended 31 December 19X3 (extract)
4.2.1 Purpose
To show all gains and losses attributable to shareholders recognised in FS in STRGL shows all gains
and losses attributable to
period. shareholders.
4.2.2 Position
STRGL is a primary statement → equal prominence with BS, P&L a/c, CFS. STRGL is a primary
Where there are no recognised gains and losses other than the profit or loss for the
year, a statement to this effect on the face of the P&L a/c will satisfy the
requirement for a STRGL.
New share capital issued and dividends to shareholders are not gains and losses New sh cap and divs are
not gains and losses.
attributable to shareholders → not shown in STRGL.
GW w/o on acq is not
Immediate write off of goodwill is not a recognised loss → not included in STRGL. recognised loss
Statement of total recognised gains and losses for the year ended 31 December 19X3
19X3 Ref to
running example
set up in 4.1
From Item no
Profits for the financial year 27
P&L a/c (2)
Unrealised surplus on revaluation of fixed assets 7
Res movement (7)
Total recognised gains and losses relating to the year 34
Needed where result as disclosed and result on an unmodified historical cost (HC) (26,54)
basis are materially different.
Note reconciles reported
Note reconciles reported profit before tax in P&L a/c to pure HC equivalent and profit to pure HC
identifies retained profit for year on HC basis. equivalent.
4.3.2 Position
Present the note of historical cost profits and losses immediately following P&L or Note immediately
follows P&L a/c or
Show profit before tax per P&L a/c and differences from the historical cost equivalent
due to
Note of historical cost profits and losses for the year ended 31
December 19X3
19X3 Ref to
running example
set up in 4.1
From Item no
Example 3
Show how the above information will be reflected in the statement of total
recognised gains and losses, note of historical cost profits and losses and statement
of movements on reserves.
Solution 3
Shareholders’ funds comprise all capital and reserves other than minority interests.
They represent the shareholders’ interest in the net assets.
4.4.2 Purpose
To summarise all changes in net assets between the opening and closing BS so that Reconciliation
summarises all changes
the user can distinguish those changes arising due to the company’s financial in NA between opening
performance from other changes in net assets. and closing BS.
4.4.3 Position
Include the reconciliation of movements in shareholders’ funds in the notes to the Include reconciliation in
notes to a/cs
Some companies present the reconciliation together with the STRGL and note of
historical cost P&L although this is not strictly required.
Other gains and losses
Other recognised gains and losses relating to the year, ie overall effect of recognised are shown in
revaluations* STRGL.
19X3 Ref to
running example
set up in 4.1
From Item no
Example 4
Western Enterprise plc wholesales and distributes toys and models. The following
information has been extracted from the first draft of the accounts for the year to 31
December 19X3.
Share capital (including new issue in year of £100,000) 1,300.0
Share premium account (including £200,000 on new issue in
year) 2,600.0
Revaluation reserve 415.0
Profit and loss account at 1 January 19X3 8,569.0
Sales 10,750.0
Purchases and production costs 8,935.0
Stocks at 1 January 19X3 974.0
Staff costs
Distribution 269.5
Other (administration) 351.3
Vehicles 115.5
Other (administration) 171.5
General expenses 233.2
Interest receivable 25.5
Interest payable 33.8
Taxation payable 335.8
Dividends (interim paid) 100.0
Provisions for losses (at 1 January 19X3) 150.0
Additional information
(1) During the year, the company acquired Pioneer Ltd, a distribution
company. Its results since acquisition are already included in the
amounts given. Goodwill arising of £153,800 is to be written off to
(2) In May 19X3, the company closed its manufacturing division. The
closure had been announced in 19X2 and a progressive rundown of the
operation had commenced. At 31 December 19X2, losses of £150,000
had been provided for. The final loss on the actual closure was £65,000.
(4) General expenses include a bad debt of £100,000 due to the liquidation of
a major customer. This is considered material.
Example 4 cont
% of year’s total
Acquisitions Discontinued
Turnover 25 10
Cost of sales 20 15
Distribution costs 30 10
Administrative expenses 25 20
Insofar as the information given permits, prepare the following for the year ending
31 December 19X3 using the proformas below.
(a) Consolidated profit and loss account and notes relating to exceptional
items required by FRS3 Reporting financial performance.
Note Earnings per share and remaining notes are not required. Make all
calculations to the nearest £100.
Solution 4
(a) Consolidated profit and loss account for the year ended 31 December 19X3
Cost of sales
——— ——— ——— ———
Gross profit/(loss)
Distribution costs
Administrative expenses
——— ——— ——— ———
Operating profit/(loss) (note 1)
Loss on disposal of
discontinued operations
Less 19X2 provision
——— ——— ——— ———
Profit on ordinary activities
before interest
——— ——— ———
6.1 Definition
Prior period adjustments (also called “prior year adjustments”) are material PPA only due to
changes in accg policy
adjustments applicable to prior periods arising only due to or correction of
fundamental errors
changes in accg policy, or
6.1.1 Consistency
Permitted only if new one gives fairer presentation. Change in accg policy
permitted only if new
policy gives fairer
This usually arises when a new accounting standard is issued or where an existing
standard allows a choice and the company switches from one option to the other, eg
SSAP13 in relation to development costs.
These are extremely rare and are so large that they destroy the true and fair view. Fundamental errors
extremely rare
(1) Restate opening balances for current year and apply new
basis in preparing current year’s a/cs.
Calculate what amounts would have been in opening BS for current year on new PPA appears in
statement of reserves,
basis. Difference in opening net assets for current year compared to the old basis STRGL, and
gives the prior period adjustment to reconciliation of
shareholders’ funds.
opening reserves for current year, shown in the statement of reserves and
in the STRGL
Calculate the adjustment to restate P&L a/c comparative figures for previous year
and show adjusted figures as comparatives in current year’s a/cs.
Also restate P&L a/c
Also need a note to the accounts to explain the adjustment and its effect on profits in comparatives.
the current year. Note to explain
Example 5
Freehold property – cost 100,000
Other net assets 60,000
Share capital 40,000
Retained profits
Brought forward 110,000
Retained for the year 10,000
At the end of 19Y2 Conglom Ltd changed its accounting policy so that depreciation
is provided on freehold property at 1% per annum on cost. The above property was
purchased at the beginning of 19X1.
Solution 5
Share capital
Retained profits
Brought forward
Prior period adjustment
As restated
Revaluation of
fixed asset In total of
other gains
and losses
Extra depreciation
due to revaluation
revaluation surplus
on asset now sold
Immediate write-
off of goodwill
Issue of shares
Premium Proceeds
Prior period
adjustment Adjust
opening s/h
The statement of total recognised gains and losses, note of historical cost profits and
losses and reconciliation of movements in shareholders’ funds do not form part of the
double-entry. They all summarise or re-present information which is also shown in the
profit and loss account or statement of reserves.
The only changes in equity that are excluded from comprehensive income are
distributions to, and investments by owners.
Illustration 2
$ $
Revenue 2,000
Expenses (1,750)
Profit before tax 250
Tax (100)
Profit after tax 150
Other comprehensive income – net of tax
- unrealised holding gains 30
- foreign currency translation losses (5) 25
Explain the contents and purpose of the statement of total recognised gains
and losses, linking it to the statement of principles and the concept of
comprehensive income;
Solution 1
Provision for loss = Direct costs of closure + Operating losses up,to date of closure
£5.2m = 3 + (0.2 + 2)
Note Loss on sale of fixed assets would be provided for separately within operating
Solution 2
Solution 3
Surplus on property revaluations 34,000
Note of historical cost profits and losses
(y/es 31 December 19X4, 19X5 and 19X6)
Difference between historical cost depreciation and the actual
charge calculated on the revalued amount 2,000
Note of historical cost profits and losses (y/e 31 December 19X7)
Realisation of property revaluation gains of earlier years 28,000
Statement of movement on reserves (y/es 31 December 19X4, 19X5 and 19X6)
Solution 4
(a) Consolidated profit and loss account for the year ended 31 December 19X3
Continuing operations
Discontinued Total
£000 £000 £000 £000
Cost of sales (974 + 8,935 – 1,304) split 65:20:15 8,605
Distribution costs ( 269.5 + 115.5) split 60:30:10 385
Administrative expenses (351.3 + 171.5 + 233.2) split 55:25:20 756
Solution 5
Conglom Ltd
Share capital 40,000
Retained profits
Brought forward 110,000
Prior period adjustment (11,000)
As restated 99,000