ICM Level 3 Diploma in Credit Management: The Faculty of Business & Law The Insitute of Credit Management
ICM Level 3 Diploma in Credit Management: The Faculty of Business & Law The Insitute of Credit Management
ICM Level 3 Diploma in Credit Management: The Faculty of Business & Law The Insitute of Credit Management
Credit Management
The Insitute of Credit Management The Faculty of Business & Law
The Insitute of Credit Management is The Faculty of Business & Law provides
Europe’s largest credit management Institute of Credit Management (ICM)
organisation and the second largest globally. courses in a variety of different study
It represents the profession across trade, formats; including evening classes
consumer and export credit, and all intensive weekend learning and online
credit-related services. modes. Our teaching staff comprises both
academics with extensive business
ICM professional qualifications are suites of experience and credit management
nationally recognised units which provide a practitioners. We aim to ensure students
benchmark for the credit, collections, money receive a high quality teaching experience
advice and debt management areas of work. and are effectively supported through their
ICM qualifications are internationally Level 3 Diploma programme.
recognised and are accredited on the UK
Qualification and Credit Framework (QCF) The ICM has nominated London
Metropolitan University as a Premier
Teaching Centre for its ICM programmes.
Who is this course for? for their student membership and for each
The ICM courses are designed for anyone assessment undertaken.
wishing to move into or progress in a credit
role. The Level 3 Diploma aims to provide a How am I assessed?
sound understanding of the concepts, The ICM assesses each Level 3 unit by
processes and techniques that underpin examination.
best practice across a range of credit
environments. All the subjects are carefully What will I study?
designed to cover topics that are relevant to To gain the full qualification you are required
the credit manager. to complete all four of the following modules:
Email: j.simmons@londonmet.ac.uk
Telephone: 0207 7320 1554