TECHSYS 2017 Proceedings
TECHSYS 2017 Proceedings
TECHSYS 2017 Proceedings
18-20 May, Plovdiv
18 -20 май, Пловдив
Prof. Dr. Grisha Spasov Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pepo Yordanov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Krum Kutryansky, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hrisitan Panayotov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolai Kakanakov Assoc. Prof. Dr. Toni Mihova
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ivan Kostov Assoc. Prof. Dr. Angel Lengerov
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anton Lechkov Prof. Dr. Dobrin Seizinski
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Borislav Penev Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valentina Proycheva
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikola Georgiev Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikolaj Petrishki
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dechko Ruschev Assoc. Prof. Dr. Valentin Vladimirov
Acad. Prof. DSc Yuri Kuznetsov, Ukraine Prof. DSc Radi Romanski, Bulgaria
Acad. Prof. DSc Nikolaj Mishkin, Belarus Prof. DSc Todor Stoilov, Bulgaria
Prof. Dr., Dr.h.c. Nikolai Ganev, Czech Republic Prof. DSc Marin Nenchev, Bulgaria
Prof. Dr. Marsel Popa, Romania Prof. DSc. Vesko Panov, Bulgaria
Prof. Dr. Ernst Wintner, Austria Prof. Dr. Ognyan Nakov, Bulgaria
Prof. DSc Mark Himbert, France Prof. Dr. Vladimir Pulkov, Bulgaraia
Prof. DSc Okyay Kaynak, Turkey Prof. Dr. Petar Gecov, Bulgaria
Prof. DSc Andre Barraco, France Prof. Dr. Georgi Todorov, Bulgaria
Prof. DSc Edmunds Teirumnieks, Latvia Prof. Dr. Lubomir Dimitrov, Bulgaria
Prof. Dr. Frantisek Zezulka, Czech Republic Prof. Dr. Mladen Velev, Bulgaria
Prof. Dr. Petr Louda, Czech Republic Prof. Dr. Boncho Bonev, Bulgaria
Prof. Dr. Nikola Kasabov, New Zealand Prof. Dr. Ilia Iliev, Bulgaria
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hafaifa, Algeria Prof. Dr. Daniela Goceva, Bulgaria
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdellah Kouzou, Algeria Prof. Dr. Ivan Kralov, Bulgaria
Prof. DSc Ivan Jachev, Bulgaria Prof. Dr. Valeri Mladenov, Bulgaria
Prof. DSc Emil Nikolov, Bulgaria Prof. Dr. Andon Topalov, Bulgaria
Организационен комитет:
Почетен председател: проф. дтн. Георги Михов
Председател: проф. д-р Въльо Николов
Зам. Председател: проф. д-р Михаил Петров
проф. д-р Гриша Спасов доц. д-р Пепо Йорданов
доц. д-р Крум Кутрянски доц. д-р Христиaн Панайотов
доц. д-р Никола Георгиев доц. д-р Николай Каканаков
доц. д-р Иван Костов доц. д-р Ангел Ленгеров
доц. д-р Антон Лечков проф. д-р Добрин Сеизински
доц. д-р Борислав Пенев доц. д-р Валентина Пройчева
доц. д-р Тони Михова доц. д-р Николай Петришки
доц. д-р Дечко Русчев доц. д-р Валентин Владимиров
Програмен комитет:
Председатели: проф. д-р Галидия Петрова
акад. проф. дтн. Юрий Кузнецов, Украйна проф. дтн. Тодор Стоилов, БАН, България
акад. проф. дтн. Николай Мишкин, Беларус проф. дтн. Марин Ненчев, ТУ – София, филиал
проф. д-р, д-р х.к. Николай Ганев, Чехия Пловдив
проф. д-р Марсел Попа, Румъния проф. дтн. Веско Панов, ТУ – София, България
проф. дтн. Ернст Винтнер, Австрия проф. д-р Бончо Бонев, ТУ – София, България
проф. дтн. Марк Химберт, Франция проф. д-р Илия Илиев, ТУ – София, България
проф. д-р Окияй Кайнак, Турция проф. д-р Даниела Гоцева, ТУ – София, България
проф. дтн. Андре Барако, Франция проф. д-р Владимир Пулков, ТУ – София, България
проф. дтн. Едмундс Теирумниекс, Латвия проф. д-р Огнян Наков, ТУ – София , България
проф. д-р Франтишек Зезулка, Чехия проф. д-р Петър Гецов, ИКИ, БАН, България
проф. д-р Петр Лоуда, Чехия проф. д-р Георги Тодоров, ТУ – София, България
проф. д-р Никола Касабов, Нова Зеландия проф. д-р Любомир Димитров, ТУ – София,
проф. д-р Ахмед Хафайфа, Алжир България
доц. д-р Абделлах Кузу , Алжир проф. д-р Младен Велев, ТУ – София, България
проф. дтн. Иван Ячев, ФНТС, ТУ – София, България проф. д-р Иван Кралов, ТУ – София, България
проф. дтн. Емил Николов, ТУ – София, България проф. д-р Валери Младенов, ТУ – София, България
проф. дтн. Ради Романски, ТУ – София, България проф. д-р Андон Топалов, ТУ – София, ф-л
Пловдив, България
1. Smart Grid and Power Electronics Integration Challenges
Abdellah Kouzou, PhD
The Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostics Laboratory LAADI University
of DJELFA, Algeria
2. Control Theory and Its Application in Informatics and Communication Systems
Prof. DSc Todor Stoilov
Institute of Information and Communication Technologies - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
3. SMC - INDUSTRY 4.0 - Reality and Education
Rosen Kosturkov
Sales Manager, SMC Industrial Automation Bulgaria
Автоматика и системи за управление
Electrical Engineering and Energetics Electronics;
Electronic Technologies and Optoelectronics
Електротехника и електроенергетика; Електроника и оптоелектроника
12. IVAN KOSTOV, BOJIL MIHAYLOV, VASIL SPASOV....................................................................II-111
13. YANKA IVANOVA, SVETOSLAV IVANOV, ROSSEN BOJILOV...................................................II-115
14. SVETOSLAV IVANOV, YANKA IVANOVA, ROSSEN BOJILOV...................................................II-119
15. VANIA RANGELOVA, VENCESLAV PEEV, NIKOLAI PAUNKOV................................................II-125
16. MARGARITA DENEVA, MARIN NENCHEV................................................................................II-129
17. VALKO KAZAKOV ......................................................................................................................II-134
18. METIN SALTIK.............................................................................................................................II-139
Информатика и компютърни системи и технологии
7. DIMITRE KORMICHEV................................................................................................................II-167
8. DIMITRE KORMICHEV................................................................................................................II-171
9. KOLYO RAYCHINOV, HRISTO VALCHANOV..............................................................................II-177
10. VENETA ALEKSIEVA, AYDAN HAKA..........................................................................................II-181
11. IBRYAM AHMEDOV, EBRU ADEM, NIKOLINKA YАNKOVA ....................................................II-186
12. SVETOSLAV ENKOV, TONY KARAVASILEV...............................................................................II-190
13. MILENA ANGELOVA...................................................................................................................II-196
14. T. HRISTEVA, M. MARINOVA.....................................................................................................II-202
15. JORDAN KYRPAROV, DILYANA BUDAKOVA, LYUDMIL DAKOVSKI ....................................II-206
Mechanical, Transport and Aviation Engineering
Mашиностроителна техника и технологии; Машиностроене и уредостроене;
Транспортна и авиационна техника
INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT • Индустриален мениджмънт
NATURAL SCIENCES • Природни науки
Abdellah Kouzou
PhD, HDR, Assoc. Prof
Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostic Laboratory,
University of Djelfa 17000 DZ, Algeria.
Mr Kouzou Abdellah (IEEE Senior memebr & IACSIT Senior member, IFAC,IAENG & IISRO member,
IEEE-HKN Alumni Member) was born in Djelfa, Algeria in 1964. He is a collaborator researcher at
Texas A&M University at Qatar. He has been the president of the Scientific council of the faculty
since June 2014. He has participated in several research projects and has led several research
projects. He is the founder of the Power Electronics and Power Quality research group at the Applied
Automation and Industrial Diagnostic Laboratory, University of Djelfa in Algeria. He is the supervisor
of many PhD Students in Algeria. He is a member of the Smart Grid Center at Qatar SGC-Q . He is a
member of many editorial boards for several scientific journals and a member of the scientific and
steering committees in several national and international conferences. He is the Editor-In-Chief of
two journals. He is the coordinator of the Algerian IEEE Power Electronics Chapter and the chair of
the sub-committee on FACTs and HVDC under the international committee PETC/IEEE-IES. He was a
plenary and an invited keynote speaker and session chair in several national and international
conferences and an experts in several national and international scientific activities and project
He has published more than 160 papers, his main research interests include Active Power Filtering
techniques, Power Quality issues, Power Electronics Devices, Application of Power electronics in
Renewable Energies and Application of meta-heuristics optimization algorithms, Smart Grid and
Smart Buildings, reliability and diagnostics in power electronics converters.
© International Scientific Conference
I-14 on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Nowadays the idea of smart grid is becoming of great interest for the researchers, designers, industrial partners,
the electrical energy producer, the electrical energy transporters and distributors, the consumer and the
governments. Where the main objective is to provide within the existing structures of urban, electrical network
and power sources, new improved quality of electrical power that can ensure several performance indicators
such as the reliability, the comfort of use, the security, the safety, the privacy, the accuracy of the used
technologies, the self controlling, the friendly environment interaction, the energy efficiency, the sharing of
energy information within the city and the network power system for the people inside and a precise interaction
among the energy producer, transporter and consumer of all levels.
Indeed, it is actually well known that the existing grid structures that are considered to be smart grid are
estimated to be a complex concatenations of structures, systems and technology. Whereas; the different
components used inside the considered grid have been designed, developed and improved to fulfill the
requirement of the modern-day grid control. However the level reached of the grid smartness with the ensured
aforementioned systems, the smart grid owners today are still having their aims passing beyond the contour of
their own region and grid, indeed they want that their grid will share and interact smartly and positively with
the surrounding systems, such as; the electrical power system network, the renewable energy sources, the other
distributed energy systems, the communication network, the group of the buildings in the neighbor region, the
city or even more, the global environment consideration etc. It can be said that to ensure the approach of
interoperability between the inside systems and the outside systems many different parties are required to
collaborate dynamically, accurately and seamlessly under some primordial aspects that would be achieved by
smart grids, such as; the energy efficiency, the energy minimizing cost, and the energy management. On the
other side, it is well obvious that the smart grids are designed initially to support many tasks based on new and
advanced technologies of several domains, starting from the construction materials that can be called smart
materials such as : Self-Shape-Shifting metals and Self-Healing-Materials, and other domains, especially the
smart communication systems, smart meters and smart sensors.
In this context the present plenary will focus mainly on the presentation of an overview on smart grids from the
traditional grid to the modernized grid, the integration of renewable energy sources and the integration of the
power electronics systems, and finally the different challenges and future perspectives. The overall idea of the
integration of different smart systems in smart grid will be presented in this plenary from point of view of the
general research perspectives for the next generation of the smart grids based on some future perspectives,
especially based on the used technologies such as smart metering, smart energy monitoring, smart power
electronics devices for energy conversion and interfaces. where the main aim to give an idea to the practical
researchers to go ahead for different parts of research that are giving a promising ways to obtain significant
results, experimental achievement, industrial implementation and more theoretical basis.
Keywords: Smart Grid, Renewable energy, Smart meters, Smart Materials, Smart Sensors, Power electronics
I-15 on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
© International Scientific Conference
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Todor Stoilov
Institute of information and communication technologies
1113 Sofia, Acad.G.Bonchev str, Bl.2,
Control Theory
Optimization calculations
in information services
Automatic control
in communication systems
SMC International Training is the educational division of SMC Corporation, the world leader in innovation
and the sales of pneumatic and electro-pneumatic components for industrial automation.
SMC International Training has a clear commitment to offer Training adapted to the needs of industry;
training orientated to the development of the professional expertise required for the most diverse sectors
(automotive, pharmaceutical, semi-conductors, foodstuffs, etc.)
With a global market share of 33% we are worldwide leading experts in pneumatics.
We are a strong partner to the industry and develop state-of-the-art automation solutions
- customized solutions
- innovative products
- tailor-made services
Being the world leader in pneumatics, we take pride in offering an extensive range of high quality pneumatic
products; however, automation requires non-pneumatic solutions as well.
This has resulted in the development of products such as electric actuators, thermo-chillers, ionizers, ultra
high purity gas and fluid control equipment, allowing SMC to offer a total solutions package
Our overall objective is to offer the highest level of support to our customers and become their sole
automation supplier
When it occurs, Malfunctions should be quickly forwarded. The system reports automatically to these
responsible. The components affected are displayed in real time.
The software assists diagnoses and provides more detailed information including details of
malfunction and relevant CAD drawings, so it becomes easy to find exact faulty element and to be
replaced as quick as possible
One of the components of Industry 4.0 is predictive maintenance with which unscheduled production
stoppages can be avoided or even entirely excluded. The predictive maintenance system is capable
for seeing expensive repairs or serious component failure and initiating preventive activities before
greater damage occurs
In flexible production facilities product changeover is a rapid process. Flexible product changeover of
a machine affected without setup delays by means of higher level control system such a MES or
This means that the machine can produce various products in batches of any size.
In the domain of Industry 4.0, SMC consistently expends its portfolio in the direction of distributed
intelligence and Rapid networking. The goal here is to connect the system horizontally or vertically.
We’re thereby enable users to optimize their production processes constantly
And there is a BIG Question – How the education system should be adapted to modern requirements of the
Can we create Creative People in high schools and universities?
The direct answer of this question is “NO” as the people a creative as they are by origin. But what the
education can do with no doubt is to create an appropriate environment to develop student’s creativity.
Of course, first basic knowledge of technologies and particular skills should be created and developed
200 offers a total of 13 courses based on the automation pyramid, covering technologies in
automated systems.
Fully modular systems designed for the development of professional
Everything is providing by
The Connected Enterprise Reality makes all this possible. It converges plant-level and enterprise
networks, and securely connects people, processes, and technologies
SiF400 has been designed to emulate Industry 4.0’s automated smart factory
that includes technologies, advanced manufacturing concepts and connected
enterprise reality. The training system is optimized to unpack Industry 4.0,
enabling organizations to – with minimal disruption – amend their factory
Industry 4.0’s smart factory includes cyber-physical systems that control the
physical processes of the factory and make decentralized decisions.
Essentially, these physical systems become Internet of Things (IoT),
communicating and cooperating both with each other and with humans in real time via the wireless web
The modular features of all training equipments enable the introduction of variations in its stations so that
they adapt to the different requirements of companies and training centers.
From a simple configuration of one station only (working fully autonomously) to a complex configuration with
eight, ten or more stations, the possibilities are endless.
In addition, it facilitates a staggered investment, i.e. starting with an initial simple configuration which can be
easily enhanced by adding workstations.
All the components in the systems are used in industry, so that the students can work with real elements at
all times making the learning process more meaningful.
The system includes a whole series of feeding, handling, verification and loading operations etc. carried out
using components from different technologies (pneumatics, hydraulics, sensors, robotics,
communications, control and HMI).They includes the breakdown simulation system which generates up to
16 different breakdowns to be diagnosed by the students.
The combination of all these possibilities means that a lot of different assemblies can be obtained enabling
the use of production management strategies.
The control panels are completely modular and can be rapidly disassembled so the students can design and
integrate a new control.
Aspects such as aesthetics, user motivation and the development of transversal skills (such as teamwork
etc.) have also been taken into account in the conception and design process.
At university level, these systems represent a powerful development platform for research projects.
Every Training System includes complete documentation, oriented to the development of the professional
skills. The documentation includes:
The acquired skills in different technologies when students use the SMC training equipments are
represented in SKILLS/TECHNOLOGIES table.
Abstract: Gas turbines are one of the major parts of modern industry. They have played very
important role in aeronautical industry, power generation and main mechanical drivers for large
pumps and compressors. This study addressed the modeling and the simulation of the Industrial
Gas Turbine GE ms5001P, located in the electrcal production station of M'sila in Algeria. The
used method for modeling of this gas turbine is based on fuzzy inference system with the use of
Gustafson-Kessel clustering (GK) algorithm.
Key words: Gas turbine modeling; fuzzy modeling; fuzzyinference system; GK clustering
Copyright © 2017 by Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
combustion chamber and the turbine. There is a
variable inlet guide vane (IGV) in the inlet of the
axial compressor and a variable nozzle guide vane Table 1. Examined gas turbine specifications
(NGV) in the turbine section [3]. In other part, two parameters
valves are used as the main controlling devices of Quantity Value
the gas turbine located on the inlet fuel line of the
combustion chamber, the first one is for the control Compressor stage 16
of the inlet fuel pressure which called the stop ratio Firing temperature 1.730 (F°)
valve (SRV) and the second, the most important
one, is used for governing the speed of the load Exhaust
898 (F°)
shaft this one called the gas control valve (GCV). temperature
The figure (figure.1) represents the schematic of the Air flow 928.5 ( Lb/hr)
gas turbine system.
Output 24,700 (kw)
12,950 (kJ/kW-
Heat rate
B. Gustafson-Kessel algorithm
The GK algorithm constitutes a reference among
the different among different methods of fuzzy
classification based on minimizing the objective
function of the form:
i 1
c N
J FCM (Z ;U ;V ) (ik )m DikA
K 1
K 1 ( ik ) m ( z k vi )( z k vi ) T
3 Cluster 2
Cluster 3
K 1 ( ik ) m 2 Centre
corresponding to the Z k data vector, the value of the
measure of the total variance of Z k with respect to Fig. 3. Gustafson Kessel clustering algorithm
the i centers. The minimization of the objective
function (1) is given as flows:
C. Construction of Takagi-Sugeno models
Consider a system described by the equation (7) :
y k f NL ( x k )
Then y i ai x d i i 1,...,r
is the vector of parameters and d i is scalar .
The determination of fNL is done in two steps:
Step1. It starts first of all by apply the
clustering algorithm Gk, in order to calculate the 30
matrix of fuzzy partition U.
Step 2. We then estimate the parameters a and b 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Speed Rotor
Degree of membership
Speed [rpm]
5110 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 GCV
Degree of membership
Time [S] 4
x 10
Exhausted Temperature
Temperature [F°]
500 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108
Degree of membership
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time [S] 4
x 10 0.5
The obtained result of this simulation is shown Fig. 9. Membership functions used in fuzzy models
in Figures 7 and 8 representing respectively the two inputs
main outputs of the fuzzy models ; speed turbine
and exhausted temperature. Figure 9 and 10 shown
the membership functions used in fuzzy models. 1
Degree of membership
vitesse de rotor [RPM]
Degree of membership
5120 0.2
440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620
Exhausted Temperature
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time[S] 4
x 10
Fig. 10. Membership functions used in fuzzy models
Fig. 7. Variation of obtenied model of speed rotor
The parameter used for the numeric validation is
the root-mean-square error (RMSE). and is shown in
Table II.
difference between values predicted by a model and
the values observed from the environment that is
being modeled. These individual differences are
also called residuals.The RMSE of a model
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 prediction with respect to the estimated variable X
Time [s]
model is defined as the square root of the mean
x 10
16. Gustafson D.E. and Kessel W.C., Fuzzy ASME J. Eng. Power, 1983, vol. 105, pp. 865–
clustering with a fuzzy covariance matrix. 869.
Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision 22. Ruano, A. E., Fleming, P. J., Teixeira, C., Rodrı
and Control including the 17th Symposium on Guez-V azquez, K., and Fonseca, C. M.,
Adaptive Processes, 1978, vol. 17, Part 1, pp. Nonlinear identification of aircraft gas turbine
761 – 766. dynamics. Neurocomputing, 2003, vol. 55, no.
17. Kulikov G.G. and Thompson H.A., Dynamic 3–4, pp. 551–579.
modeling of gas turbines. Book, 1st edition 23. Setnes M., Babuška R., Verbruggen
2004, London, Springer. H.B.,Complexity reduction in fuzzy modeling.
18. Mohamed Ben Rahmoune, Ahmed Hafaifa, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,
Mouloud Guemana, Fault Diagnosis in Gas 1998, vol. 46, no. 5–6, pp. 507-516.
Turbine Based on Neural Networks: Vibrations 24. Takagi T. and Sugeno M., Fuzzy identification
Speed Application. Book Chapter in Advances of systems and its applications to modelling
in Acoustics and Vibration, Volume 5 of the and control. IEEE Transactions on Systems
series Applied Condition Monitoring pp 1-11, Man and Cybernetics, 1985, vol. SMC-15, no.
on line. 02 September 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319- 1, pp. 116 – 132.
41458-4, 2017.
19. Nadji Hadroug, Ahmed Hafaifa, Abdellah
Kouzou and Ahmed Chaibet, Faults detection Authors’ contacts
in gas turbine using hybrid adaptive network Abdelhafid Benyounes is with the Applied
based fuzzy inference systems to controlling Automation and Industrial Diagnostics
there dynamic behavior. DIAGNOSTYKA the Laboratory, Djelfa University, Algeria (Email:
Journal of Polish Society of Technical
Diagnostics (PSTD), 2016, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 3- Abdellah Kouzou is with the Applied
17. Automation and Industrial Diagnostics
20. Nadji Hadroug, Ahmed Hafaifa, Kouzou Laboratory, Djelfa University, Algeria (e-mail:
Abdellah and Ahmed Chaibet, Dynamic model
linearization of two shafts gas turbine via their
input / output data around the equilibrium Mouloud Guemana is with the Science and
points. Energy Elsevier Journal, 2016, DOI: Technology Faculty, Médéa University, Algeria. (e-mail:
21. Rowen W.I., Simplified mathematical Ahmed Hafaifa is with the Applied Automation
representations of heavy duty gas turbines. and Industrial Diagnostics Laboratory, Djelfa
University, Algeria. (e-mail:
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract—This paper focuses on finding an approximate Mul- chamber and power turbine , and alternator drived by this gas
tivariable Output-Error (MIMO OE) model of energy process turbine (GE MS 5001P).
(power plant) based on experimental information acquired on
site. In order to obtain the parametric model, the Extended MANY results have been published about the modelling
Least Square with the help of the Kronecker Operator (ELSK) of gas turbine and energetic plant using largely the artificial
and the Left Matrix Fraction Description (LMFD) theory were intelligence theory (ANFIS, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network
used. There are many validations criteria to select the best
model order, but under restriction, only two criteria were used
models), for the following grounds easy to apply and un-
(AIC, RMSE and VAF), while taking into account that the conditioned constraints in the quality and the characterisation
model must be left coprime (no (pole/zero) cancellation). With of the data (the convergence, the smoothing and the number
the objective to prove the reliability of this model and the of samples is not required), but there are disadvantages on
estimator, a comparative study with recent estimation algorithm these models, the difficulty of controlling, and the problem
was conducted, such as: Multivariable Output Error State Space
(MOESP) and with artificial intelligent model, Adaptive Neuro-
of instability, also the limitations of applying the theory of
fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). advanced control for the reason of the lack of the mathematical
model, majority of the researches they have been done in
Index Terms—Multivariable model, Output-error, ELSK, LMFD, recent years in this area : Gas turbine modeling based on
Validations criteria, MOESP, ANFIS, energy process, power
plant. fuzzy clustering algorithm [1], Fuzzy Modeling of Centrifugal
Compressor [2], Gas turbine modelling using fuzzy logic and
artificial neural networks[3], and others.
Therefore, the parametric system identification theory is
The implementation of a strategy of control and regulation
used to solve the problem of approximate mathematical model
of an industrial engineering systems requires the use of reliable
which has the same characterization of the empirical model,
models of it which can more exploitable in control. The main
this paper dealing with the implement the theory of left
aime in this work is the modelling of the dynamics behavior of
matrix fraction description (MFD) to identify the behavior
a energetic plant, based on system identification theory using
of the turbo-alternator plant multivariable output-error model.
experimental data. Due to the increasing complexity of this
In the literature many paper have been done in field of the
equipment and their severe operating constraints increase with
(MFD) system identification in the left and the right among
their use of added values on these supervisory strategies.
them : Identification of Turbo-compressor using (LMFD) [4],
In this framework, the examined system is a Turbo- instrumental variable identification and extending the SRIV
alternator (gas turbine+alternator) power plant installed in unit algorithm methods for LMFD models[5],[6] , ARMAX models
of production of electricity in Msila Algeria, this plant is an identification using MFD [7], and MIMO least squares using
internal combustion engine that uses the gaseous energy of the MFD [8], and others [9],[10].
air, converting the chemical energy of the fuel into mechanical
In our study, the MIMO OE model is considered to
energy, it is designed to extract, as far as possible, the energy
represent the dynamic behaviour of energetic plant (Turbo-
of the fuel. Indeed, gas turbines are also called combustion
alternator) by the extended least square kronecker operator
turbines, are used in a wide range of applications, including
estimator based on LMFD theory, using inputs/outputs real
power generation, natural gas transmission, as well as various
data, the inputs signals, GCV: gas control valve, PCD: Pressure
process applications..etc. However, a gas turbine is an internal
compressor discharge and TCD: Temperature compressor dis-
combustion engine, which operates with rotary motion and
charge, and the outputs signals, ET: Exhaust Temperature, RS:
reciprocation. These gas turbines are essentially composed of
Rotor Speed, and PG: Power Generation, the experimental data
three main elements: the axial compressor, the combustion
Copyright © 2017 by Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
used in this identification acquired on site of length=10000 Om Im ··· Om
Om ··· Om
samples in time of 167 minutes, the selection of the final
.. ..
Ac = Tc ATc = Om
model needed to the validations criteria decision, we have . . ...
using three criteria (AICs, RMSE, and VAF) [11], in order Om Om ... Im
−Al −Al−1 ··· −A1
to test the ratability of the obtained model and implemented
estimator a comparative study has been done with intelligent
Bc = Tc B = Om Om · · · Im
artificial model ANFIS and MOESP algorithm introduced by Cc = CTc −1 = Cl Cl−1 · · · C1
Katayama [12].
The paper is organized as follow: first an introduction Xc ∈ Rn , Ai ∈ Rm×m , Ci ∈ Rp×m , i = 1, ..., l, Im and Om
discussed the historical and the recent development of system are m × m identity and null matrices respectively, and the
identification, then it is followed by some preliminaries of superscript T denotes the transpose.
MFD transformation and the third section the main procedure c) Definition: The system (1) is Block observable of
of ELSK with application on energetic plant and a discussion index l if the
matrix T
of the obtained results. Finally comments, perspectives and a l−1
has full rank
• Ωo = C T AT C T · · · (AT ) C T
conclusion will finish the paper. n
• l= is an integer
d) Theorem: The multivariable control system described
Matrix Faction Description (MFD) is a representation of in (10) can be transformed into a Block observable form if
a matrix transfer function of a multivariable system as a two conditions are satisfied [13],[14],[15]:
ratio of two polynomial matrices. An introduction to matrix • l =
is an integer.
polynomials and MFD properties are given in this papers, but p
• The system is Block observable of index l .
restricted in this research to show the important properties
which needed to clarify the contribution [13],[14],[15]. If the system is block observable then it can be transformed
in a block observer form. So if n/p = l is an integer, and
A. Transformation To Block Canonical Forms if the block observability matrix Ωo is full rank, then we can
Consider a linear time-invariant system described by a state convert the state equation into block observer form using the
equation in general coordinates: following similarity transformation xo = To x
X(k + 1) = AX(k) + Bu(k) Xo (k + 1) = Ao Xo (k) + Bo u(k)
(1) (3)
Y (k) = CX(k) + Du(k) Y (k) = Co Xo (k) + Do u(k)
where: To = Tol ATol ... Al−1 Tol , Tol = Ω−1o Co
Speed (rpm)
O O O −A4 B4 O 4000
I O O −A3 O 4905
A= , B = B3 , C T = 3500
O I O −A2 B2 O
O O I −A1 B1 I
3000 4895
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
D = 0 0 0 , I = 0 1 0 , O = 0 0 0 2500
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 7950 7975 8000
Where, 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Time (s)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −0.3216 0.0066 −0.0000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −4.6996 −0.0321 −0.0014
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.3228 −0.2936 −0.1102
Fig. 4: Rotor Speed signal
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0207 −0.0097 0.0004
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −5.3544 −0.1124 −0.0007
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 33.057 0.9956 0.0379
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.5639 0.0028 −0.0006 REAL
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3.3842 0.1703 −0.0063
9500 ELSK
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 −10.600 0.4401 −0.0453
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0.7361 0.0003 0.0003 ANFIS
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6.7027 0.9739 0.0052 MOESP
Power (KW)
Exhausted Temperature (F°)
560 0
540 616 −1
520 615.5
500 614.5 −3
7020 7030 7040
480 −4
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Time (s)
Time (s)
Fig. 3: Exhausted Temperature signal Fig. 6: Error validation of Exhausted Temperature signal
GCV y3
Fuel Gas Combustor Power
u1 Exhaust Generation
Air Inlet
PCD Turb/Alter
Axial Compressor
Coupling Rotor Speed
Lner/Comp y2
Valve Position (%)
60 40
20 36 39.92
34 39.9
6220 6240 6260
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Time (s) Time(s)
Fig. 7: Error validation of Rotor Speed signal Fig. 9: Gas Control Valve signal
60 110
Pressure (Psia)
104 107.8
−20 107.75
−40 ELSK 107.7
ANFIS 107.65
−60 MOESP 107.6
6800 6850
−80 98
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Time (s) Time(s)
Fig. 8: Error validation of Power Generation Fig. 10: Axial Compressor Discharge Pressure signal
is off-line, but in our case in this work for more precision.
595 As further works, can make this EKLS estimator in on-line
system identification (recursive loop) and done a comparative
590 study, also can applied many advanced control theory on this
Temperature (F°)
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 R EFERENCES
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bine modelling based on fuzzy clustering algorithm using experimental
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vol. no., pp.
[2] Ahmed Hafaifa, Guemana Mouloud, and Belhadef Rachid, Fuzzy Mod-
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and due to the values numbers of the validations criteria in pp.379-389.
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hand by compared ELSK model with MOESP and ANFIS sociation Algrienne de lIndustrie du Gaz AIG Sonatrach, 16-17 Fvrier
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through the figures of the outputs signals, the figures 3-5, Matrix Fraction Description. J. Automation & Systems Engineering ,
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© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract: This paper presents the application of the computer program GelJ with additional
bilateral filter implementation in the context of DNA analyses of lactic acid bacteria
recombinants. The results show that GelJ could be applied for lactic acid bacteria
recombinants study.
Key words: open source software, GelJ, DNA analyses, bilateral filter, lactic acid bacteria
bilateral filter takes into consideration the difference fairing and e.t.c. Denoising of an image is the
in value with the neighbors to preserve edges while primary goal of the bilateral filter and it is used in
smoothing. The bilateral filter is defined by the applications for medical image processing, tracking,
following formula: movie restoration and so on [7].
𝑩𝑩𝑩𝑩[𝑰𝑰]𝒑𝒑 =
∑𝒒𝒒𝒒𝒒𝒒𝒒 𝑮𝑮𝝈𝝈𝒔𝒔 (‖𝒑𝒑 − 𝒒𝒒‖) 𝑮𝑮𝝈𝝈𝒓𝒓 (|𝑰𝑰𝒑𝒑 − 𝑰𝑰𝒒𝒒 |)𝑰𝑰𝒒𝒒 (1) 3. GelJ structure and bilateral filter
where 𝑰𝑰𝒑𝒑 is notation for the gray-scale image GelJ is a software product for analyzing
DNA fingerprint gel images. It is developed using
value at pixel position p; the weight of pixel q is
the objected oriented language Java. GelJ is platform
defined by the Gaussian 𝐺𝐺𝜎𝜎 (‖𝑝𝑝 − 𝑞𝑞‖) where σ is a
independent program because Java is platform
parameter defining the neighborhood size; s is the set
independent language. The product provides
of all possible image locations; r is the set of all
different features for image processing using the
possible pixel values. Normalization factor 𝑊𝑊𝑝𝑝
ImageJ library [8]. On the other hand a library called
ensures pixel weights sum to 1.0 [7]: Weka [9] provides variety of machine learning
algorithms for data mining tasks [9, 10]. GelJ
𝑾𝑾𝒑𝒑 = ∑𝒒𝒒𝒒𝒒𝒒𝒒 𝑮𝑮𝝈𝝈𝒔𝒔 (‖𝒑𝒑 − 𝒒𝒒‖) 𝑮𝑮𝝈𝝈𝒓𝒓 (|𝑰𝑰𝒑𝒑 − 𝑰𝑰𝒒𝒒 |) (2)
contains a special embedded database that is
integrated using a library called JavaDB. GelJ has
where the parameters 𝜎𝜎𝑠𝑠 and 𝜎𝜎𝑟𝑟 specify the
three common concepts – experiment, comparison
level of filtering for the image I [7].
and research. The process of making an experiment
Median and bilateral filter are applied to an
refers to analyzing the DNA fingerprints gel image
image in figure 1 (A) to yield the image in figure 1
provided from the biological experiment. Than the
process of comparison evaluates the similarities
between the samples from one or more experiments.
At the end researching process collect all data from
the experiments and comparisons. The main window
of the GelJ program is shown in figure 2.
The original image has salt-and-pepper The process of making experiments consists
noise. It can be seen that the most of the fine texture of several steps that the user have to go through –
has been filtered away, and yet all contours are as preprocessing of the DNA fingerprint gel image, lane
crisp as in the original image. Figure 1 (d) shows a detection, normalization and bands detection.
detail of figures 1 (a), 1 (b), and 1 (c). Figure 3 illustrates all steps needed for gel
The bilateral filter can be applied to either image processing in details. On the first step the user
grayscale images and to colored images. can crop the image to cut out a specific important
There are variety of applications that the region. On the other hand the user can adjust
bilateral filter can be used. According to the specific brightness and contrast of the image; invert the colors
needs this type of filter is used for image denoising, and so on. The second step is lanes detection. The
texture and illumination separation, data fusion, 3D user have two options- automatically or manual
Abstract: The automated system for control and management is intended to assemble
curtain brackets and hooks by a predefined movement sequence, registering each of the
details “roll” or “bracket” with their subsequent assembly. In the work is pointed out the
way of choosing of a technological scheme for control and management of the executive
devices for a real automated system built and integrated in the production. The invention is
implemented by "KMS Engineering" LTD - Plovdiv in "UYUT" LTD - Sankt Petersburg.
Key Words: fiber optic converters, logic controller, pneumatic distributors, ejector nozzle.
Copyright © 2017 by Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
5. Experimental analysis
5.1. Experimental analysis on the
productivity of the vibratory bowl
feeder for hooks
The vibratory bowl feeder for hooks is a 5.3. Experimental analysis on the PLC scan
critical part of the whole system. Depending on cycle - a "scan cycle" by PLCs is the time
the number of arriving and properly oriented needed to execute the following sequence
parts, the machine will either have minimal of operations:
presence of parts for normal work cycles, or check of states on every input - logic "0"
will need to wait until this quantity is attained. or logic "1"
The following statistical information was program execution
acquired based on 10 trials. update of output signals based on the
(table 1): changes in the current PLC cycle.
The PLCs from the XINJE XC3 series process, a detailed research activity related
have a scan cycle from 1 ms to 10 ms, to industrial sensors used in industrial
depending on the program complexity and the environment, automation components and
number of additional expansion modules, innovations in IT and communication
connected to the base PLC. During the phase of technologies is to be done. Additionally,
PLC program creation, the following statistical analysis on the application of programmable
information was acquired: logic controllers for industrial automation
(table 3): projects and other areas, based on the end
user's inquiry are to be researched;
2. The design of the electrical and pneumatic
diagrams is connected with the necessary
Table 3
number of input/output signals and
Number of steps PLC scan cycle (ms) parameters of the assembly process;
inside the PLC
program 3. Economical parameters are to be taken into
100 0 account when making decisions on the
200 1 choice of automation components.
300 1
400 1
600 2 1. Гановски В., Нешков Т., Бояджиев И.,
700 2 Ликов Ц., Механизация и автоматизация на
800 3 монтажнитепроцеси в машиностроенето“,
900 4 изд. „Техника“, София, 1986 год.
2. KrauseWerner, Geratekonstrution, VEB
The following additional research on the scan VerlagTechnik, Berlin, 1986.
cycle has been conducted independently from 3. Лебедовский М.С., А.И. Федотов,
the system with a resulting scan cycle of 20 ms: Автоматизация сборочныхработ, Л.,
Base PLC XC3-60PRT-C with 36 inputs Лениздат, 1970.
Таблица 2 and 24 outputs 4. Замятин В.К., Технология и автоматиза-
7 additional expansion modules (a total of циясборки, Москва, Машиностроение, 1993.
140 inputs / 100 outputs)
5000 program steps inside the program 8. About the authors
Penko Valkov Mitev: engineer, Msc,
6. Conslusion: "Machine building" (2017), TU-Sofia, branch
1. The experience gathered from the project for Georgi Panayotov Shterev: electrical
automatic assembly of hooks and rollers engineer, Msc „Electrical measurement
could be applied in many other projects equipment” (1978), Ph.D (2007), Assoc. Prof.
having similar parts. During the (2009), TU-Sofia, branch Plovdiv
development of a specific manufacturing
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract: In this paper, applied design methodology of robust analog I/O (input and
output) module of industrial controller is explained. Analog I/O modules are one of the
essential part of the controller. Main aspects of the design methodology are reducing
microprocessor processing complexity, selecting proper ICs (Integrated Circuits), analog
signal correlation, transducer reading performance improvements, ADC (analog to digital
converter) and DAC (digital to analog converter) implementation techniques. Additionally,
test results and serial communication protocols also mentioned.
Key words: Analog module design, transducer performance improvements, noise filtering,
IC selection, signal converter, signal generator.
Voltage [V]
values stored at micro controller. After each 2
8 18
250 ms Period
6 16
Voltage Test over 100 samples 250 ms Period Ampere
Test over 100 samples
4 14
Current [mA]
Voltage [V]
0 5
0 10
0 15
0 20
0 25
0 30
0 5
0 10
0 15
0 20
0 25
0 30
0 Time [sec.]
Time [sec.]
Fig. 5. Accuracy test 4-20 mA level 250 ms Period
Fig. 2. Accuracy test +-10V level 250 ms Period for for 100 samples
100 samples As seen in figure 4 we obtained a nonlinear
10 graph in our first 30 trial we observed almost
8 correct output however when the current level
500 ms Period Voltage increases the chip cannot reach the level of
Test over 100 samples
microcontroller and some additional delays
occurred. Second test has been made with 250 ms
0 10
0 20
0 30
0 40
0 50
0 60
0 that for the optimum result the time interval must be
Time [sec.]
higher than 250 in order to compere between two
Fig. 3. Accuracy test +-10V level 500 ms Period for
test sets the level adjusted to 500 ms time interval.
100 samples As seen in figure 6 after adjusting the right time
After linearization of voltage test the second interval the current level become completely linear.
phase began. In second phase the level of current 24
18 8
Temperature over 16 bit Code
Temperature [C]
1. Hosny, A.A., Mohammed, H.A. (2015). On the
Adoption of Multi-Agent Systems for the
0 10
00 20
00 30
00 40
00 50
00 60
00 70
00 Development of Industrial Control Networks:
Code value[Hex.]
A Case Study, ICAS 2015, Rome, Italy.
2. Balasubramanian, S., Brennan, R.W., Douglas,
Fig. 7. Temperature test 20 samples with the range
H., Norrie, H. (2001) An architecture for
of 16 bit data from 0 to 65535
metamorphic control of holonic manufacturing
systems, Computers in Industry, vol.46, no.1.
3. Al-Zobi, Q., Al-Tawil, I., Gharaibeh, K., Al-
Kofahi, I.S. (2008). Design of Power-Line
Communication System (PLC) Using a PIC
Microcontroller, Journal of Active and Passive
Electronic Devices, vol. 3, pp. 331–340.
4. Almeida, E.E., Luntz, J.E., Tilbury, D.M.
(2007). Event-Condition-Action Systems for
Reconfigurable Logic Control, IEEE
Transactions on Automation Science and
Engineering, vol.4, no. 2. Pp.167-180.
5. Myers, G.J., Yu, A.Y.C. House, D.L. (1987).
Microprocessor Technology Trends”
Fig. 8. the DAC on PCB frontal seen Microelectronics Reliability, Proceedings of
the IEEE, vol.74, no.12, pp.1605-1622.
5. Conclusion 6. Walden, R.H. (1999). Analog-to-digital
In this paper an industrial sensor peripheral converter survey and analysis, IEEE Journal
reader controller has been explained. The device on Selected Areas in Communication, vol.17,
currently in is working on with several different no.4, pp.539-550.
applications in throughout several different places 7. Inoue, S., Akagi, H. (2007). A Bidirectional
and facilities. The combination between Isolated DC–DC Converter as a Core Circuit of
DAC&ADC enhanced the device usage thus several the Next-Generation Medium-Voltage Power
industrial processes has speeded up and get some Conversion System, IEEE Transactions on
extra qualifications such as combinations of analog Power Electronics, vol.22, no.2, pp.535-542.
input outputs, smart control over the process thanks 8. Ching-Wen Hsue, Chih-Jen Lin (1993). Built-
to microprocessor etc. Improvement of smart in Current Sensor for IDDQ Test in CMOS,
devices will increase the process speed and reduce IEEE International Test Conference, pp.635-
the errors. 641.
The IC chip has capability of producing 9. Leens F. (2009). An Introduction to I2C and
vide range of voltage and currents. The IC can also SPI Protocols, IEEE Instrumentation &
be programmed by designer in order to change the Measurement Magazine, pp. 8-13.
level of voltage and current. The general design of 10. Machacek, J., Drapela, J. (2008). Control of
device can be seen in Figure 9. Serial Port (RS-232) Communications in
LabVIEV, Modern Technique and
Cagri Candan,
Istanbul Technical University, Department
of Electrical Engineering, Istanbul-Turkey.
Serhat Seker,
Istanbul Technical University, Department
of Electrical Engineering, Istanbul-Turkey.
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
data-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) [8] characteristics. Process product quality testing is
system that provides decision support. achieved by testing products’ quality feature in the
machining processes or machining process interval.
Process quality control system is a novel Common processing measurement parameters for
computer-aided process quality control system, example could include cutting force, temperature,
which integrates hardware and software. The spindle motor current changes, vibration and noise
system could realize quality data collection, signals. Process quality control should establish the
transmission, storage, quality monitoring and correlation between process parameters and the
quality statistical analysis for spare parts production final product quality characteristics, and ensure the
process. It could accomplish the collection and quality of the final product by the adjustment to
monitoring of quality data automatically in field. parameters.
Once the production process has problems, it can
give an alarm and begin to analyze, providing a
basis for process quality control. Furthermore, it can
Role of SCADA in Quality Management
also carry out offline quality statistical analysis of
the quality data derived from the machining field, A production process includes the quality
guaranteeing after-process control of processing assurance testing of samples from each product lot.
quality. The test data is used to produce a certificate of
conformance report for such a lot. The data is
collected from test equipment, then sometimes
manually entered into a customized database form,
Quality Control System and then formatted to produce the certificate of
conformance. Manual data entry is time-consuming,
error-prone, and repetitive. Here is the challenge to
The complete system block diagram in
introduce a supervisory control system to automate
Figure 1 presents the role of the SCADA system;
that process and integrate data collection with its
the quality measurement data is collected from the
other manufacturing systems. With the automation
final product and stored in special registers inside
of the quality assurance process by electronically
the controller/ Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) which
collecting data from the measurement tools, the
in this case is a programmable logic controller
operator does not need to write test measurements
(PLC). This data is transferred to the SCADA node
into a form and then into a computerized
using industrial network which could be a local or
spreadsheet. Dozens of samples with up to hundreds
remote network, this data is analyzed and a control
of measurements are displayed; with manual work,
decision to tune the controller if necessary to ensure
the system can only handle a limited number of
that the product is within the bounds of required
measurements. In being automated, it can be
upgraded to manage much more. After data
collection, a system can retrieve the expected
measurement values from database for the samples
of that lot.
A summary screen might he immediately
displayed to the operator indicating, for each
sample, whether all measurements were within
control limits, within specification limits, or outside
specification limits. The operator can also view
details about each sample and adjust the data
manually. Any data modifications are stored in an
Quality control system block diagram audit trail, and the initial raw data is kept for
historical records. When the operator is satisfied
Process quality data acquisition and
that the data is correct, the system sends this
controlling contents include the monitoring of
validated data to its database, and it is possible to
parameters process product quality testing. Process
produce the certificate of conformance. Time saving
parameters monitoring is realized by measuring the
for these procedures is significant: it could easily
relevant parameters on product quality
Copyright by Technical University - Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria
take an operator longer to record the measurement protectors with another trigger temperature. In
data than it takes the tool to create it. A supervisory addition, there are thermo-protectors with missing
control system brings the time for the whole or incomplete alphanumeric codes. The task of
process, from measurement to a report, down to a identifying and separating the inappropriate
matter of seconds. incoming product from the incoming good one is
accomplished by the machine vision system shown
in Fig. 3.
Description of an application system.
The smart camera model FQ [4] of the intervention to be processed, which means it can not
manufacturer for industrial automation company be included in the enterprise's SCADA system.
Omron was used. The equipment includes a visual
inspection camera, a setup controller with This problem is solved in the new
predefined different quality parameters, a light generation of intelligent camera model FQ2. This
source, a parallel interface for direct digital output camera already has had an EtherNet/IPTM interface.
control. A machine vision system with camera model FQ2 is
shown on Fig.5.
The controller of the visual inspection
camera allows operation in 5 different recognition
modes: in case of difference in form, difference in
position, difference in width, difference in size, and
color difference. For inspection of thermo-
protectors, the difference in form recognition mode
is used. The embedded digital outputs of the
intelligent camera are used to send signal to the
programmable logic controller PLC of the thermal
protection module manufacturing machine. When
an unsecured thermal protector is detected, the cycle
stops and the actuator removes the product.
Besides the described techniques for analysis The presented machine vision system has
of defects and measures for their removal, a quick purpose to replace a human vision quality controller
analysis of the condition of a defect also gives Time in the manufacture of modules for temperature
series plots. Time series plot can be used to protection of electric motors of compressors in
visualise things that vary over time to also present refrigerators and freezers. The presented system
in which order they occurred. A time series plot consists of at least two cameras for image
diagram can be constructed without advanced registration and one computer. After the image
statistical software. Another advantage is that it is acquisition and trimming basic optic parameters, the
easy to interpret without deeper statistic knowledge geometric and surface analysis is performed.
and gives the possibility to see trends and process Geometric analysis relies on contour tracing method
variation. A graph of the development over time of where several geometric inspection methods are
the most pronounced defect of a Pareto diagram of united into one. Using this method, the complete
Fig. 7 is shown on Fig.9. time for analysis is reduced to acceptable limits
suited for real time operations.
[1] Batchelor B.G., Whealan P.F. (2002). Intelligent
vision systems for industry.
[2] Forsyth D.A., Ponce J. (2003)., Computer
vision. A modern approach. Whiliams
publishing house.
[3] Gonzalez R., Woods R. (2002)., Digital image
processing. Whiliams publishing house
Time series plots [5] Said Ibrahim Abu Al-Roos SCADA Online
Product Quality Control.(2013)
Thus, the accumulated and evaluated data
from the quality control of the thermoprotection [6] OMRON Corporation, Technology overview
component can be used not only to enhance and Pattern Matching Algorithm Shape search Ⅲ
permanently stabilize the quality. They are also to [7] Jürgen Kletti (Ed.) Manufacturing Execution
take preventative measures in servicing the Systems – MES. Springer-Verlag Berlin
machinery and equipment, involved in the Heidelberg 2007. p.271
production of the materials and elements involved n [8] Monk, Ellen; Wagner, Bret (2006). Concepts in
the final product. Enterprise Resource Planning (Second ed.).
Boston: Thomson Course Technology.
An intelligent system for automated quality Authors’ contacts
control of manufacturing process applications based
on machine vision is presented in this paper. The
quality of many produced parts in manufacturing
Technical University Sofia, Plovdiv branch
processes depends on dimensions and surface
features. The presented automated machine vision Address: 25, Tsanko Dyustabanov Str.,
system analyzes those geometric and surface 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
features and decides about tile quality by utilizing
statistical analysis. Refined methods for geometric
and surface features extraction are presented also.
The efficiency of processing algorithms and the
usage of an advanced analysis as a substitution of
human visual quality control are investigated and
Таблица 1. Резултати от
Io Io1 Io2
Фиг. 7. Зависимост на i*o=f(t) при ПВШИМ A A A
СШИМ 2,182 1,061 3,17
Анализът на работата на ПВШИМ 2,217 1,073 3,172
преобразувателя за първия интервал при Tи=Tpwm
се прави на базата на графиките, представени на
фиг. 8 за синосуидална ШИМ и на фиг. 9 за 4. Заключение
пространствено-векторна ШИМ. Разработен е изчислителен алгоритъм за
проектиране на асинхронно електрозадвижване
с квазирезонансен преобразувател и управление
с широчинно-импулсна модулация. Разгледана е
работата на схемата по интервали и са
определени напрежението и тока в
постояннотоковото звено. Представените
сумулационни резултати потвърждават
работоспособността на предложената методика.
Фиг. 9. Работа на преобразувателя за първия Технически данни на асинхронен
интервал при ПВШИМ електродвигател тип 4AO-80B-4D: PN=0,75kW;
UN=380V; IN=2,25A; nN=1390min-1; ηN=72%;
Ефективната стойност на тока за x-тия cosφN=0,72; Jm=0,0013kgm2.
интервал Iox от работата на схемата може да бъде
определен с израза:
Димитър Спиров
t1 x Университет по хранителни технологии
i t dt . Адрес: гр. Пловдив, бул. Марица 26
I ox o (7)
t1x t0 x t0 x Телефон: 032/ 603 738
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract: A parallel quasi resonant DC link converter for induction motor drive
application is analyzed and designed. The analytical equations and operating modes of the
presented inverter are explained in details. The proposed drive system is modeled and its
performance is simulated in PSpice. The design considerations are presented and the
simulation results verify the theoretical analysis.
Key words: induction motor drive, quasi-resonant converter
1 2 1 2
Wем Lr I Lr C r U Cr (1)
2 2
2 2
IW s I o1 I o 2 s I o1 , (3)
Zr Zr
където λ1 и λ2 са коефициенти.
Условията на Kuhn-Tucker се поучават с
8.31 8.315 8.32 8.325 8.33 8.335 8.34 8.345 8.35 8.355 8.36
x 10
10 4. Заключение
8.31 8.315 8.32 8.325 8.33 8.335 8.34 8.345 8.35 8.355 8.36
Разработен е алгоритъм за определяне на
x 10
параметрите на квазирезонансен преобразувател
10 с една бобина и два паралелни ключа за
8.31 8.315 8.32 8.325 8.33 8.335 8.34 8.345 8.35 8.355 8.36
захранване на асинхронна машина.
x 10
Симулационно е изследвана работата на
10 алгоритъма с асинхронно електрозадвижване,
8.31 8.315 8.32 8.325 8.33 8.335 8.34 8.345 8.35 8.355 8.36 моделирано в средата на PSpice. От получените
t, s
резултати потвърждават достоверността и
x 10
3. Dochev M., G. Rashev (2013). Method and
device for coil spring characteristics
8.31 8.315 8.32 8.325 8.33 8.335 8.34 8.345 8.35 8.355 8.36 measurement, RaDMI 2013, pp. 777 – 782.
t, s
x 10
4. Bose B. (2001). Modern Power Electronics and
AC Drives. Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle
Фиг. 6. Зависимости uCr, iLr =f(t) River, NJ.
При генерирането на сигнал за
превключване на основните ключове, Димитър Спиров
допълнителните вериги трябва да се включат, Университет по хранителни технологии
така че да предизвикат резонансен преходен Адрес: гр. Пловдив, бул. Марица 26
процес. Превключването на ключовете на Телефон: 032/ 603 738
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract: Access control systems allow physical access to buildings and premises by
allowing access to authorized persons only by means of a full range of electronic
identification methods and electronic locking mechanisms. Their operation is based on
three identifying features – “What do I know?”, Something we know as a PIN, “What do I
have?”, Something we own as a smart card, “What am I?” , Which we are, like biometric
marks or a combination of them.
Key words: access control, biometrics
Фиг. 4. F702
Електротехника И Електроника
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract: In this paper, regression analysis of the experimental results for different gas
mixtures at different pressures is done by a general purpose statistical software package
called STATA. Experimental results contain breakdown times of varied gas mixtures under
several pressures as nanosecond depends applied different voltage magnitudes at different
polarities. Through the statistical software regression analysis done between three
parameters, these are breakdown time as nanosecond, voltage magnitude as kilovolt and
gas pressure as bar. After several regression analyses, gas pressure and voltage magnitude
dependent breakdown time equations are obtained.
Key words: Impulse voltage measurement, breakdown, regression, statistics.
U (kV)
impulse generator. The voltages are measured by 150
U (kV)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Fig. 5. Regression analysis results of relationship
t (ns)
between applied voltage magnitude U(kV) and
Fig. 3. Experimental results of relationship breakdown time t (ns) for %1 SF6+% 99 N2 gas
between applied voltage magnitude U(kV) and mixture at the pressure of 1 bar
breakdown time t(ns) for %50SF6+%50 N2 gas
mixture at the pressure of 1 bar
Table 2. Regression analysis of different percentage
Regression equation for %50SF6+%50 N2 of SF6 and SF6 mixtures
gas mixture is shown at equation (2). Test Standard Skewness Kurtosis
environment deviation
t (ns)=3328.191-10.59744*U (kV)+4.73382*bar (2) %100 SF6 gas at 684.7446 0.1774 1.6092
pressure of 1 bar
2.3. Analysis of %1 SF6 +%99 N2 Under
%50 SF6+%50 839.2957 0.8939 2.6595
Pressured Positive Polarity Lightning
N2 gas mixture
Impulse Voltage at pressure of 1
Experimental result is shown at Fig. 4 bar
for %1 SF6+%99 N2 gas mixture. %1 SF6+%50 N2 426.1696 0.3600 2.1473
gas mixture at
160 pressure of 1 bar
U (kV)
3. Conclusion
The volt-time curves predicted by
20 regression method with stata. The third case is
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
presented in Fig. 5, together with the experimental
t (ns)
Fig. 4. Experimental results of relationship It can be seen that, for the three impulse
waveshapes considered, the method that best fits the
between applied voltage magnitude U(kV) and
experimental data, which leads to a very good
Copyright by Technical University - Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria
agreement between predicted and observed results. 6. Lawless, J.F., (2003), Statistical Models and
The greatest difference between measured and Methods for Lifetime Data, University of
calculated times to breakdown is at %50 SF6+%50 Waterloo, Wiley Interscience a john wiley &
N2, this case is seen at table 2 clearly. This values Sons Inc publication.
are insufficient to reach a definite result. It is 7. Wilson, M.P., Given, M.J., Timoshkin, V.I.,
needed to obtain more data for exact result. MacGregor, S.J., Wang, T., Sinclair, M.A.,
Thomas, K.J., Lehr J.M, (2011), Weibull
For tail chopped impulses with the same statistical analysis of impulse driven surface
time to breakdown, in principle the voltage value on breakdown data, 2011 IEEE Pulsed Power
the volt-time curve should be higher for waves with Conference, Pages: 218 - 222
shorter tails. As such impulses have faster decays, 8. Wang, Y., Wen, H., Jian, Z., Wu, Z, (2014).
higher voltage levels should be required for the Steganalysis on positive and negative echo
breakdown to occur. The longer the time to hiding based on skewness and kurtosis, 9th
breakdown in relation to the time to crest, the more IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and
pronounced should the differences between the Applications, pages: 1235–1238.
curves be. As seen in fig. 5, breakdown values of 9. Hayakawa, N., Yoshitake, Y., Koshino, N.,
experimental values are lower than that of predicted Ueda, T., Okubo, H. (2005). Impulse partial
values. Because predict values are more results. discharge characteristics and their mechanisms
It is carried out experiments and simulation under non-uniform electric field in N2/SF6 gas
to investigate the relationship between breakdown mixtures, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics
characteristics and time parameter of applied and Electrical Insulation, Vol.(12), Issue:5,
lightning impulse voltage in this paper. pages:1035-1042.
These relationships are also evident from 10. Ushakov, V.Y.(2007). Statistical Investigations
Tables 1, 2 and fig.5. Since the tables depict that of the Electrical Breakdown, Springer Berlin
regression model among the three variables are very Heidelberg, pages: 239-262.
good fit for the considered analysis. 11. Yuan, Z., Yu, L., Chun, D., Yi-chao, Y., Jin-
liang, H., Xi, W. (2014). Experimental Study
and Analysis of Insulator Breakdown
REFERENCES Characteristics with Short-tail Lightning
Impulse, Journal of International Council on
1. Sima, W., Sun, P., Yang, M., Wu, J., Hua, J. Electrical Engineering, pages:199-203.
Smith, S.E. (2016). Impact of time parameters 12. Kadir, M., Cotton, I. (2010).Application of the
of lightning impulse on the breakdown Insulator Coordination Gap Models and Effect
characteristics of oil paper insulation. IET High of Line Design to Back flashover Studies,
Voltage, Vol. (1), pages: 18–24. Journal of Electrical Power and Energy
2. Mazzetti, C., Pompili, M., (1990). Study of the Systems, Vol. (32), no. 5, pages: 443-449.
Time to Breakdown in Transformer Oil under 13. Carrus, A., Funes, L.E. (1984). Very Short
Impulse Conditions. Transactions on Electrical Tailed Lightning Double Exponential Wave
Insulation, Vol. (25), No. 6, pages: 12-26. Generation Techniques Based on Marx Circuit
3. Joshi, V., Solanki, J., Solanki, S.K. (2013). Standard Configurations, IEEE Transactions
Statistical method to improve voltage profile on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. (103),
under incomplete distribution system no. 4, pages: 782-787.
information. 2013 North American Power
Symposium (NAPS), pages:1-5.
4. Maluckov, C.A., Mladenovic, (2016), S.A. AUTHOR: EMEL ONAL
Brakdown in low pressure Ne gas: mechanism
and statistical analysis of time delay, IEEE
Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Istanbul Technical University, Electrical
Insulations, Volume (23), Issue: 1, pages: 202- Electronics Engineering Department,
210. Maslak, Istanbul, 34469, Turkey.
5. Nyanteh, Y., Srivastava, S., Edrington, S., E-mail:
Cartes, D., Rodrigo, H. (2015), A novel
approach towards the determination of the time
to breakdown of electrical machine insulating
materials, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics
and Electrical Insulation, Vol. (22), Issue:1,
pages: 232 – 240.
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract: Energy need has been increasing day by day, and this situation makes energy
management is requirement. That’s why, significant rise can be seen about tending to
energy management applications and different modelling in last years. This concept has a
wide definition and also many subtitle. This study focus on consumption side, demand side
management is explained by detail. Demand side management is the reaction of electricity
price change given by consumers ranged from industrial to home. Demand switch occurs
when the reaction effects the market. Demand response is entegrated via programs to
market. This research is analyzed through consumption. Also demand management is
defined by some resources as a whole applications for longer process. Demand response is
kind of subtitle of demand management, which both of them aim the increasing of energy
efficiency. At this study, the prediction is done by using daily peak electric consumption
values for June 2016. The results are compared with the results of Turkey Electric
Transmission Corporation. Data of Turkey Electric Transmission Corporation at maximum
is % 5.94 bigger than that of found prediction values.
Key words: Demand side management, Energy management, Electric consumption
2016 1.43
2017 2.25
2018 3.42
2019 4.67
2020 5.94
Abstract: The document reviews the work of the hybrid networks using dense wavelength
division multiplexing (DWDM) technology. The potential problems in using the dense
wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) technology are considered. A review of their
present and future usage in the fast changing technology world in the field of computer
communications or data communications is given.
Key words: optics, networks, dense, multiplexing, channels, light, wavelength, capacity,
velocity, coherent
Copyright © 2017 by Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
електромагнитната вълна чрез тяхната промяна за точката, където има разположено DWDM оборудване
пренасянето на информация, като информацията се е прието и наименованието точка на присъствие PoP
смята за отделна трета съставка зависима от (Point of Presence). Кръговите мрежи изградени на
пространствено-времевия контур, което възприемане принципна за плътно уплътнение на каналите чрез
и анализ допълва знанието/незнанието на човешки разделяне на дължината на вълната се налагат поради
индивид за конкретно събитие в пространствено- огромното количество от трафик, което мрежата
времевия контур, като всичко случило се до момента трябва да поеме. Също така с тяхното използване се
на предаване на информация се счита за такова. След изпълнява едно от важните за клиентите изискване, а
доказателството на Хайнрих Херц на труда на именно резервираността на услугата. Т.к.
Джеймс Кларк Максуел динамична теория на топологията е кръгова, ако възникне повреда между
електромагнитното поле, започва и нейното по- две точки на присъствие от мрежата е възможно
нататашно развитие, като от една страна параметрите пренасочване на трафика в обратна посока, така че
на теорията на модерната електродинамика са той отново да стигне до дестинацията. Това
преобразувани в по-прости дименсиални такива за неименуемо води до повишаване на трафика, който
улеснение на инженерни цели и се съсдава науката се носи от кръговата топология, като реално трафика
електротехника. Тя придобива широк интерес и който е пренасочен се наслагва сумира с трафика в
масовост поради леснотата си и връзката с обратна посока т.к. техните посоки съвпадат след
практическите си приложения, като измервания, пренасочването. По този начин общият сумарен
изследвания, анализ и др. От друга страна теорията за капацитет на мрежата нарастра драстично и е важно
електромагнитното поле продължава да се развива с тя да е така проектирана да няма възможност за
непроменени параметри и така се създават науките, надхвърляне на нейния капацитет. Мрежи по
като микровълнова техника още позната и като технологията DWDM се използват още и за връзка
свръхвисокочестотна техника, поради познатата между държави, а именно между две точки на
връзка между дължината на вълната и честотата, присъствие разположени в две страни, почти винаги
както и науки свързани с теоретични познания за управлявани от два различни доставчика на услуга.
разпространението на електромагнитните вълни в
различни веществени материални среди и ефектите, 3. Симулации и експериментални
които настъпват в тях. Тази наука поражда резултати
теоретичния анализ на предавателните линии, като Развитието на мрежите изградени по DWDM
различни видове вълноводи, обемни резонатори и технологията отива още по-далеч, като започва
микровълнови елементи и устройства, но добива изпозлването на хибридни мрежи изградени от
приложение една след 1940 г.. Теорията на DWDM оборудване, включвайки кръгови
връзковите уравнения в предавателните линии, като топологични мрежи, мрежи от точка до точка, както
телеграфните уравнения, коаксиалния кабел и други и смесени мрежи. Една такава хибридна мрежа е
видове проводници се основава на комплексни показана на Фиг. 1, като същата може да обхваща
принципи между електродинамиката и територии на цели континенти. Важен аспект е да се
електротехниката. Използването на тази теоретична отбележи, че такива мрежи имат възможност за
база, както и на множество експериментални тестове свръзване на информационни центрове познати под
на редица учени в периода от 1920-1970 г. води и до английското наименование, като Data Centers.
създаването на модерното оптичното влакно познато
днес. Информацията е основен градивен елемент
подържащ общуването или комуникацията, като
обменен процес в съвремените комуникации между
индивиди с разнообразни цели.
4. Заключение Контакти
Хибридните мрежи изградени по технология за Александър Сарафов
плътно уплътнение на каналите чрез деление на Адрес: България, гр. София, Връбница-
дължината на вълната са бъдещето за свързване на
1 526 вх.Б ет. 4 ап.33
най-големите доставчици на интернет в света (Tier-1)
с мрежите на техните корпоративни клиенти, а
именно по-малки разпространители на услугата E-mail:,
интернет (Tier-2) и т.н. по топологията до достигане
на крайните потребители с информационни центрове
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract—This paper examines the possibility of designing a low profile antenna with
high gain for RFID identification in the frequency range 865 to 868MHz. The advantages
of the suggested structure are high gain and low profile compared to traditional
Key Words: EBG, antenna, dipole, gain, RFID
Abstract—This paper examines the possibility of designing a low profile antenna with
high gain for RFID identification in the frequency range 865 to 868MHz. The advantages
of the suggested structure are high gain and low profile compared to traditional
Key Words: EBG, antenna, dipole, gain, RFID
L 0 r h (1)
important for the RFID communications if
both dipoles are used. Here only one dipole is used
0 (1 r ) g
as radiator, for the sake of construction C cosh 1 ( ) (2)
simplification. g
The paper focuses on mushroom-like EBG
structures in- vented by Sievenpiper et al. [4]. The The fractional bandwidth (BW) ±90 ◦ of
structure studied here has a feature of compactness the reflection phase is received by the following
and can be integrated into printed circuit boards, formulas [5].
which is very critical in handheld devices. To prove
that it is necessary to be used the vector dipole 1
antenna, the conventional ground plane and the 0 (1)
EBG structure. Consequently three comparisons on
antenna gain are presented: the vector dipole
antenna, the dipole antenna with metal reflector and 1 L
BW (2)
the dipole antenna with EBG structure. 0 Z0 C
2. The EBG Structure
3. Results
The mushroom-like EBG structure
displayed here consisted of four elements: metal
patches, a substrate, a ground plane and vias, which 3.1. EBG Structure
connected metal patches and the ground plane. This
For the RFID frequency range 865 MHz to
is illustrated in Fig. 1.
868 MHz the EBG structure is made with finite
dimensions 300×300mm. The substrate material is
FR-4 with thickness 2, 4mm. Accord- ing to
formulas 1, 2 and 3 patch width is approximately w
= 70 mm. Consequently the structure consists of 16
patches - 4×4. To simulate radiation structure
described above commercial software CST
Microwave Studio is used. The final dimensions
after fine tuning are: patch width - 74, 24 mm; gap
width - 0, 76 mm and via radius - 0, 25 mm. The
Фиг. 1. Schematic diagram of the EBG structure EBG surface is shown in Fig. 3.
The reflection phase of the structure is
The parameters in Fig. 1 are: w - width of determined by CST and presented in Fig. 4. As one
the patch; g - patch distance; h - substrate height; r - can see from Fig. 4 the surface has reflection phase
radius via; r = 4, 3. The functionality of the EBG 0 ◦ at 866 MHz which is in desire bandwidth
structure can be explained by a LC equivalent between 865 -868 MHz. In ±90 ◦ the construction
circuit model [1], shown in Fig. 2. has 30 MHz bandwidth from 850 to 880 MHz.
4. Conclusion
This paper introduced possible design of
dipole antenna with EBG surface. EBG surfaces
are used to increase antenna gain and decrease the
antenna thickness compared with tra- ditional air
Фиг. 9. The Real model of the antenna gap antennas. All this features give the antenna
possibility for mass production. It is intended
mainly for RFID communications.
Abstract: All devices from electronics category must meet EMC requirement. In this
article presents a review summary of various antenna structure designed for EM signal
radiated emission and susceptibility measurements currently used for evaluating the
electromagnetic compatibility/interference (EMC/EMI) characteristics of electronics
systems and devices. For accurate EMC/EMI test require to capture of unknown
electromagnetic radiation from an equipment using suitably calibrated EMI sensor. The
response of sensors is analyzed in terms of the antenna factor-which is the ratio of the
incident electric field on the antenna surface to the detected voltage at load. At the end
comparison is done of all antennas specifications and new idea is proposed for
improvement in EMC measurement
Key words: Antenna Factor, Electromagnetic compatibility, Electromagnetic Interference
sensor, Immunity.
Ref.10 915MHz 2.10GHz HFSS 13.0 30mm*100mm 1mV/m 50 dB/m SAR Measurement
33.06mm ×
2.5 to 5.3 to -
Ref.11 HFSS 13.0 25mm ×1. EMI sensor
2.68 ,3.1 6GHz -
to 4.1
EMC,EMI Testing of
W=0.3m, GSM cell phones,
Ref.12 9KHz 30MHz - - -
H=0.4m radio and TV
-1.8930 to 41.7375 to
Ref.13 2.45GHz 3GHz Microwave 130*130mm EMI sensor
2.4728V/m 19.6dB/m
Ref.17 0.14GHz 6.3GHz HFSS 220*111mm - -
Copyright © 2017 by Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
където R е броят на анкетираните хора, а m е
броят на оценяваните критерии.
Получените резултати за сумата на
оценките, тегловните коефициенти и
коефициента Vj , които също са разделени на две
групи от критерия възраст, са дадени в Таблица
4. Анализ на резултатите
Фиг. 2. Ефективност на преносимите
Фиг. 2-5 показват зависимостта между
компютри: „‟ – възраст до 36 г.; „o‟ – възраст
удовлетвореноста във проценти и тегловните
над 36 г.
коефициенти на всеки от основните четири
критерии. Всяка от тях е разделена на четири
квадранта, в които са групирани въпросите.
Квадраните са означение с латинските букви: A,
B, C, D:
- А – висока удовлетвореност и тегловни
- B – висока удовлетвореност и ниски
тегловни коефициенти;
- C – ниска удовлетвореност и ниски
тегловни коефициенти;
- D – ниска удовлетвореност и високи
тегловни коефициенти.
Според ефективноста, за потребителите
с най-голямо значение е продуктът да има Фиг. 3. Използваемост на преносимите
инсталирана операционна система, въпрос № 7, компютри: „‟ – възраст до 36 г.; „o‟ – възраст
над 36 г.
Кристиан Цветков1, Владислав
Герасимов1, Елена Колева1,2, Лиляна
Химико-Технологичен и Металургичен
Университет – София 1756, бул.
“Климент Охридски” № 8
Институт по Електроника - БАН -
София 1784, бул. “Цариградско шоссе”
Фиг. 5. Ефикасност на преносимите №72
компютри: триъгълник – възраст до 36 г.; кръг E-mails:,
– възраст над 36 г.,,
Според критерия ефикасност въпрос №
39 е с най-голямо тегло и най-малка
удовлетвореност, а въпрос № 41 е негова
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract: Experimental tests and numerical study of the influence of both skin and
experimental installation, specially developed for the purpose. The numerical study has
been performed with the help of computer models, developed in the software product
Comsol. A comparison has been made between the obtained experimental and numerical
1.Introduction magneticfieldintheconductorshasbeencalculated
It is known that when alternative current bythefiniteelementmethod.Thenumericalresults
flowsthroughcurrentcarryingelements,additional have been presented in a graphical format and
losses occur due to skin and proximity effects [1]. comparedwithanalyticalones.Paper[7]presentsa
These losses depend in a complex way on the study of the skin and proximity effects in case of
dimensionsofthecurrentcarryingelements,onthe using Ushaped busbars in terms of their
frequency of the current, on the properties of the dimensions and location, as well as vs. the
material,etc.Itmakestheirdirectcalculationquite frequency.
difficult.Theskineffectisdescribedbydifferential Thispaperdescribesbothexperimentaltests
equations [2], [3], [4]. Analytical solution is only and a numerical study of the coefficient of
possible for simpler cases, such as the ones, additional losses between currentcarrying busbars.
presentedin[5].Papers[3]and[4]considertheskin A comparison between the obtained experimental
effectinamassivebusbarandgiveanapproximate andnumericalresultshasbeenmade.
analytical solution. An electric device has been
shown in [2] for measuring the flux density, while
in [6] the skin effect has been discussed and the
© 2017 by Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
the busbars, for whichthe coefficient of additional
3.Studyingthecoefficientofadditional Electriccircuitoftheexperimental
lossesbetweencurrentcarryingbusbars installationforstudyingofthecoefficientof
experimentally additionallossesat:а)–currentsinthesame
Aspecialexperimentalinstallationhasbeen direction;b)–currentsinoppositedirections;
developed for the purpose of studying the Qs–circuitbreaker;АТ–autotransformer;LT–
coefficient of additional losses experimentally, as loadtransformer;A–ammeter;V–voltmeter.
The coefficient of additional losses is
P∼ I 2 .R∼ R∼
= = 2 = , (1)
=P I= .R =R
where: P~ are the losses per unit of length at
alternating current with r.m.s. value I; P= are the
losses per unit of length at direct current I of the
same magnitude; R~ and R= are the resistances of
the busbars at alternating and direct current
Experimentalinstallationforstudyingthe definedaccordingtothefollowingformulae:
movablepart;aluminiumbusbarswith U
dimensions[60x6]mm;terminalsformeasuring R∼ = ; (2)
defined by means of the experimental installation
described above. Fig.3 and Fig.4 illustrate the
dependence of the coefficient of additional losses
case of currents in the same direction and in
The mathematical model of a quasi
Dependenceofthecoefficientofadditional stationaryelectromagneticfieldisdescribedbythe
lossesonthedistancebetweenthebusbarsfor Helmholtzequationinacomplextype[8]:
variant1andcurrentsinoppositedirections. . . .
∇ 2 A jωσ A =
− Je , (4)
Fig.5 and Fig.6 show the dependence of
the coefficient of additional losses on the distance where: A isthemagneticvectorpotential; ω isthe
angular frequency; is the magnetic permeability;
σ is the specific electrical conductivity; Je is the
current density of external sources. The second
The solution of the electromagnetic
problem is given at a predetermined boundary
nxA = 0. (5)
P= = , (7)
where I is the current through the busbar; S is the Distributionofthemagneticfluxdensity
crosssectionofthebusbar. B[T]forvariant1andcurrentsinopposite
The coefficient of additional losses is directions.
k= . (8)
Numerical models for defining the
characteristics of the electromagnetic field for the
have been created by the software product
Meshoffiniteelements. Distributionofthemagneticfluxdensity
Fig.8, Fig.9, Fig.10 and Fig.11 illustrate directions.
the distribution of the magnetic flux density for
variant1andvariant2atdimensionsx=60mm,y= The obtained distribution of the current
6mmandz=20mm. densityinthebusbarsforvariant1andvariant2at
dimensionsx=60mm,y =6mmandz=20mmis
a) b)
b) forvariant2at:a)currentsinthesamedirection;
variant1at:a)currentsinthesamedirection;b) 5.Comparisonbetweentheobtained
currentsinoppositedirections. numericalandexperimentalresults
Fig.16, Fig.17, Fig.18, and Fig.19 show
the graphic dependencies of the coefficient of
additional losses on the distance between the
busbars obtained from both the experimental tests
a) b)
for studying the coefficient of additional losses
1. Alexandrov,A.(2002).Electricalapparatuses
part I (Electromagnetic and thermal
2. Kosek, M., Truhlar, M., Richter, A. (2011).
Skineffect in massive conductors at technical
frequencies,Przeglad Elektrotechniczny
(Electrical Review), ISSN 00332097, R. 87
Dependenceofthecoefficientofadditional NR5.
lossesonthedistancebetweenthebusbarsfor 3. Kosek, M., Truhlar, M., Richter, A. (2012).
variant2andcurrentsinthesamedirection. Skineffect in conductor of rectangular cross
section – approximate solution, Przeglad
Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), ISSN
4. Gerling, D., Approximate analytical
calculation of the skin effect in rectangular
wires, University of Federal Defense Munich,
5. Hanka, L. (1975). Theory of electromagnetic
6. Greconici, M., Madescu, G., Mot, M. (2010).
Skin effect analysisina free space conductor,
Elec. Energ. vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 207215,
7. Lažetic, К., Prša, M., Ðuric, N. (2009).
Proximity effect against skin effect in two
Dependenceofthecoefficientofadditional coupled U–shaped busbars, Elec. Energ. vol.
lossesonthedistancebetweenthebusbarsfor 22,no.3,pp.293303,Serbia.
variant2andcurrentsinoppositedirections. 8. Yatchev I., Marinova, I. (2011). Numerical
methods and modeling of circuits and fields,
Based on the results from the numerical 9. COMSOLVersion4.2User’guide.(2011).
study and the experimental tests carried out, the
thepatternofchangeofthecoefficientof AssistantProf.IvanHadzhiev,Ph.D.
additional losses considerably depends on the DepartmentofElectricalEngineering
the coefficient of additional losses for
variant1decreaseswiththeincreaseinthedistance Assoc.Prof.DianMalamov,Ph.D.
between the busbars, regardless of the direction of DepartmentofElectricalEngineering
the coefficient of additional losses for
variant2decreaseswiththeincreaseinthedistance Assoc.Prof.VasilSpasov,Ph.D.
between the busbars at currents in the same DepartmentofElectricalEngineering
direction, while at currents in different directions
thecoefficientofadditionallosseshasthe TechnicalUniversitySofia,
highestvaluewhenthebusbarsarepositionedasin BranchPlovdiv
variant 1 and in case of currents in opposite 25TsankoDyustabanovStr.
directions. 4000Plovdiv,Bulgaria
The difference between the obtained Telephonenumber:+35932659686
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract: The present paper studies a piezoelectric sensor (PS) and a combined
piezoelectric elastomer sensor (CPES), consisting of a piezoelectric sensor and an electro-
conductive elastomer sensor, both sensors measuring static and slowly changing forces.
The piezoelectric sensor works in a resonance mode, since higher level of sensitivity is thus
achieved. Both sensors have been modeled and the influence of the measured static force
on the mechanical resistance of the piezoelectric sensor has been defined, as well as on its
output voltage. Thence the influence of the measured static force on the resistance of the
electro-conductive elastomer sensor has also been determined. Models have been obtained
for both sensors in Simulink in MATLAB environment. The models have been
experimentally tested.
Key words: combined sensors, piezoelectric, elastomer, Matlab, Simulink model, static
VG t V1 t F
. (1) M
. (6)
Thus the input voltage V1(t) is also sinusoidal Thus the density of the metal rod m1 can be
and, due to the reverse piezoelectric effect, expressed by the measured concentrated force
expressed by the coefficient of electro-mechanical
transformation n1, it is converted into a sinusoidally F
m1 m 1
changing mechanical force F1(t) in the simplified gG (7)
equivalent circuit of the CPES, fig. 3
After substituting (7) into (4) for the mechanical
F1 t n1 V1 t resistance, presenting the losses in the metal rod, it
. (2)
is obtained
Rp Lp Cp Rm Lm Cm n2:1 io(t) F
TmWm Y1Em m 1
R gG
im(t) i2(t) Rm
Tr2 Ce2 Vpt(t) 4QM 0
Fi(t) (8)
ic(t) Vo(t) V
By means of the derived expression the
influence of the measured static force on the
mechanical loss resistance is taken into account for
Fig. 3. Simplified equivalent electro-mechanical the PS.
circuit of the CPES The mechanical quality factor QM of the metal
rod of the PS can be obtained from the damping
The mechanical resistances and coefficients of
ratio of the mechanical waves in α, and the circular
ideal transformations for the piezoelectric ceramic
resonant frequency ω0 of the РS
plates are equal to [3]
TpW p p Y1Ep QM
1 n
2 W p d31 Y1Ep , R
p , 2 . (9)
The dependence between the volume resistance
TpW p L p p , C p
L p 2 . of the electro-conductive elastomer and the meas-
2 TpW pY1Ep ured force Rr =f(F) is non-linear. The theory of the
(3) elastic properties of bodies [5] is used for its analyt-
The mechanical resistances of the metal rod are ical derivation.
found in the same way With the help of the Hooke’s law the measured
force can be presented as follows
TmWm m1 Y1Em F S Yr S Yr S
Rm , Lm TmWm Lm m , h , (10)
Cm . where:
2TmWmY1Em S is the cross-section of the electro-conductive
Metal rod density m1 can be expressed by means Yr - Young’s modulus of the electrically
of the concentrated mass М, as well as by the mass conductive elastomer;
G and the density m of the brass metal rod ε - relative deformation ;
M h - thickness of the electrically conductive
m1 m 1
. (5) From (10) for the relative deformation of the
electro-conductive elastomer it is obtained
The concentrated mass can be presented by the
concentrated force F and the acceleration of gravity
, (11)Yr S
Taking into account the relative deformation ε
and introducing a corrective coefficient β for the
resistance of the electro-conductive elastomer it is
Yr S
Rr Rro e , (12)
By Rro the resistance of the electro-conductive
elastomer is denoted at zero static force F.
With the help of the second law of Kirchhoff for Fig. 4.
the mechanical part of the PS, fig.3, the following
expression is obtained Fig. 5 presents the change of the simulated r.m.s.
dim t 1 1 output voltage Vpt of the piezoelectric sensor in case
F1 t R p Rm im t Lp Lm im t dt
dt Cp Cm of changing the measured concentrated force F
(13) within the range from 0 to 10N.
The output electric current through the capacitor
can be obtained from the mechanical current and the
electro-mechanical transformation for the output of
the PS
1 F, N
ic t im t
n2 Fig. 5.
. (15)
Thus the output voltage of the PS can be found With the help of the expressions (8), (14), (16)
and (17) a model of the combined piezoelectric
1 elastomer sensor can be developed in Simulink
t V
V pt c t
. Cе 2
i t dt
c (MATLAB environment), fig. 6.
This output voltage is supplied to the resistive
divider, consisting of R and Rr, whereas for the
output voltage of the combined piezoelectric
elastomer sensor it is obtained
V pt t
Vo t
. (17)
With the help of the expressions (8), (14) and
(16) a Simulink model of the piezoelectric sensor in
MATLAB environment is developed, fig. 4.
Fig. 6.
0,9 0,6
Vo, Vmоd 0,4
V Vmeas
0,7 0,2
0,6 0
0,5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0,4 F, N
Fig. 9.
0 The model in Simulink of the combined piezoe-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 lectric elastomer sensor is also experimentally test-
F, N ed by means of the circuit in fig. 1. The change of
the effective values of the output voltages Vо ob-
Fig. 7. tained both by the model and from experiments as a
function of the measured concentrated force F is
shown in fig. 9.
The voltages obtained in the simulation are
higher both for the piezoelectric sensor and for the
V0, combined piezoelectric elastomer sensor, since the
V sinusoidal generator is assumed ideal, fig. 1.
The maximum relative error for the piezoelectric
sensor is δmax=8,53%, and this shows that the Sim-
ulink model well describes the behavior of the stud-
ied sensor for static forces.
For the combined piezoelectric elastomer sensor
the maximum relative error is δmax=9,33%, which
means that the Simulink model well describes its
behavior as well.
The relative levels of sensitivity measured
within the studied range of the concentrated force F,
F, N are: SF=51% for the piezoelectric sensor; SF=77%
for the piezoelectric elastomer sensor.
Fig. 8. Consequently the relative level of sensitivity of the
combined piezoelectric elastomer sensor
The presented model of the piezoelectric sensor considerably exceeds the one, of the standard
in Simulink is experimentally tested by means of piezoelectric sensor. This is due to the fact that the
the circuit in fig. 1. The change of the effective measured force acts on both parts of this sensor –
values of the output voltages Vpt obtained by the the piezoelectric and the elastomer.
model and from the experiment in function from the
measured concentrated force F is shown in fig. 8. 5.Conclusion
Two types of sensors have been studied: a pie-
zoelectric sensor and a combined piezoelectric elas-
tomer sensor, consisting of a piezoelectric sensor
and an electro-conductive elastomer sensor, both
Copyright by Technical University - Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria
piezoelectric transformers of current (PTC). L
energy is converted into mechanical oscillations. Consequently, the total mechanical resistance
They propagate into the piezoelectric ceramic plate of the PTC is equal to the mechanical loss
and when they reach the generator section, they are resistance
converted into an electrical signal, which, after Z M RM . (2)
being rectified, charges the super-capacitor CS.
Since the input and the output electrical parts
If the sinusoidal generator is set at some of the
of the PTC have two parallel resonance circles, then
resonant frequencies of the PTC, then standing
the two equivalent reactive conductivities are equal
mechanical waves arise in it and the output electric
voltage has a maximum value.
Inductances L1 and L2 are connected in parallel 1 1
B1 C1 0 B2 C2 0
both to the input and the output with values, L L
, 2
. (3)
allowing for obtaining two parallel (current)
resonance circles with the electrical capacitances Се After reducing the mechanical part of the
of the excitation and the generator sections – fig. 2. circuit to the electric part for a three-resonance
These parallel resonance circles are with frequency, mode [3] it has the form (fig.3):
coinciding with the resonant frequency of the I cs
mechanical part of the PTC. Thus three resonance
circles are obtained: two parallel electrical and one Rm
in series (mechanical), with the same resonant 2n 2 CS
frequency – fig. 2. Е
Both sections – the excitation and the generator
one – are expressed by their electrical capacitances
Се, while the electro-mechanical conversion is
expressed by the ideal transformers Тr.1 and Тr.2. Fig.3. Reduced electrical circuit of the PTC for three-
The mechanical part of the PTC is shown by its resonance mode
connected in parallel concentrated mechanical
The mechanical loss resistance RM can be
parameters: active resistance RM – taking into
expressed in the following way:
account the losses in the PTC; inductance LM –
defining the mass; and capacitance CM - taking into RM , Z0 T W Y
consideration the elasticity of the PTC [3]. 4QM
, (4)
Before the switch S1 is turned on, the PTC
works in idle-run mode; when it is turned on, the n n1 n2 Wd31Y
PTC works in a mode, close to a short-circuit mode, ,
since the super-capacitor is not charged. where:
W, T are the width and the thickness of the PTC;
1:n1 Rm Lm Cm n2:1 I
2 S I SC d 31 ,Y, - the piezoelectric module, Young’s
D3 modulus and density of the PTC;
V1 L1
CS QM - the mechanical quality factor;
Tr1 Tr2
Е Ce2 D2 V3 Z0 - the mechanical characteristic
Ce1 L2
- resistance of the PTC;
n1 , n2 - the coefficients of ideal
Fig.2. Equivalent electro-mechanical circuit of
the PTC transformation.
When the excitation and generator sections are By using the reduced electric circuit of the
with the same length, the coefficients of ideal PTC for three-resonance mode (fig. 3), for the r.m.s.
transformation are the same n1= n2=n. value of the output short-circuit current of the PTC
Because of the resonance mode in the it is obtained
mechanical part of the PTC 2 n2 E
1 RM
LM 0 . (5)
C M . (1)
Abstract: A series resonant DC-DC converter operating at frequency higher than the
resonant one is examined. A symmetrical controlled rectifier is used, which allows a phase
shift control. On the base of a first harmonic analysis, the processes in the converter are
studied. As a result, expressions for basic parameters are obtained and the load
characteristics are built.
Key words: series resonant dc-dc converter, controlled rectifier, ZVS, phase-shift control
Copyright 2016byby Technical
Technical University
University - Sofia,
of Sofia, Plovdiv
Plovdiv branch,
branch, Bulgaria
Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
REVERCE MODE. In the first mode, it is assumed Q5, Q7 (Q6, Q8) conduct longer than its diodes D5,
that energy flows from the “inverter” to the D7 (D6, D8).
“rectifier” (from the source of voltage Ud to the one
of voltage U0). In the second mode (which is 3. Results of the Converter Operation
possible because of the converter is reversible) – the Analysis
energy flows from the “rectifier” to the “inverter” The examination of the converter is carried
(from U0 to Ud). out with harmonic analysis. The impact of an only
the first harmonic is taken into account.
For the purposes of the analysis, the
following assumptions are made: the matching
transformer is ideal with a transformation ratio k, all
the circuit elements are ideal, the influence of the
snubber capacitors and the pulsation of the supply
voltage Ud and the output voltage U0 are neglected,
i.e. the voltages ua and ub have rectangular shape.
On the basis of the assumptions made, the
resonant frequency, the characteristic impedance
and frequency detuning of the resonant circuit are:
0 1 / LC
; 0 L / C ; S / 0
For the normalized average values of the /5 /10 1 /10 /5
currents through the “inverter” diodes is derived
= =0
I 0
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 I'0
2 cos
I DI (7)
2 1 cos( )
0 2
I'QI =1,15 C /5
2 0
A 7/2 /10
4 = /5
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 I'0
“rectifier” transistors - IQR
1 5
C /
7/10 13/20 = Fig. 7 presents the normalized dependencies
/10 B of the peak value of the capacitor voltage U'CM
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 I'0 (based on (10)) from the output current I'0. Like the
output characteristics, these are also symmetrical
with respect to the ordinate. Therefore,
independently from the energy flow direction, the
resonant tank elements are similarly loaded for the
Fig. 5. Normalized average current through the same energy quantity. Moreover, it can be observed
“inverter” transistors - IQI that for a random characteristic the capacitor
voltage is always greater than the output one.
On this figure the boundary B falls with the
Here, like in Fig. 5, the variations of I'0 and
abscise axis and other boundary C is parallel to that.
U'CM about the limit values are not noticeable on the
The conducted analyses show that the
characteristics of the average value of the “inverter”
The dependencies of the effective value of
reverse diodes current I'DI (built on the basis of (7))
the current through the inductor I'EFF (drawn on the
have the same form as those from Fig. 5, but they
basis of (11)) from the output current are shown in
are mirrored with respect to the ordinate. This
Fig. 8. It is easy to be seen that the characteristics With increase of the value of the load
are symmetrical with respect to the ordinate and resistor the range of change of the control parameter
again, independently from the energy flow direction, decreases. As a result the characteristics become
the resonant tank elements are similarly loaded for largely nonlinear.
the same energy quantity. When the output current
I'0 = 0 (for α=π/2) the RMS current can reach very
high values. Here, again, the variations of I'0 and 25
U'CM about the limit values are not noticeable on the I'EFF =1,15
characteristics. 20
It could be seen, that the characteristic in
Fig. 7 are similar to these in Fig. 8.
3 10 /5
/5 2
B U'CM =1,15 A 7/1 13/ 20
k=1 0 20 7/ 3/10
/5 5
= C =0
10 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 I'0 3
/1 20 /
7 /10
0 5 3 4
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 I'0
π/4 π/2 3π/2 π α
1. Introduction
The trend of increasing the share of green
energy is remains stable [1]. Therefore, the issues
related to the conversion and accumulation of this
energy gain popularity.
For this purpose, bidirectional resonant DC-
DC converters are used, which can operate at zero
voltage switching (ZVS) [2, 3, 4].
In [5], a bidirectional series resonant DC-
DC converter operating above the resonant
frequency is presented with a phase-shift control.
An examination is carried out with harmonic
analysis. Expressions for the basic parameters of the
converter are obtained.
This paper presents sequel of the theoretical
examinations achieved in [5]. Its purpose is load
and control characteristics of the bidirectional series
resonant DC-DC converter to be obtained with
phase-shift control and operation at constant
frequency above the resonant one. Fig. 1. Circuit of the Bidirectional Resonant
DC/DC Converter
2. Principle of the Converter Operation
The circuit of the examined converter is The operation of the converter is illustrated
presented in Fig. 1. It consists of two identical by the waveforms, presented in Fig. 2. Two
bridge inverter stages, resonant tank circuit (L, С), operating modes are possible. The first of them is
matching transformer Tr, capacitive input and DIRECT MODE. In this mode, it is assumed that
output filters (Cd и C0). Fig. 1 also presents the energy is transferred from the source of voltage Ud
snubber capacitors C1÷C8 by which a zero voltage to the one of voltage U0 (from the “inverter” to the
switching is obtained. “rectifier”). In the second mode – REVERCE
A voltage Ud is applied to the DC terminals MODE, (which is possible because of the converter
of the „input” inverter stage (transistors Q1÷Q4 with is reversible), the energy flows in reverse direction
freewheeling diodes D1÷D4), and a voltage U0 – to – from U0 to Ud.
those of the „output” stage (transistors Q5÷Q8 with The “input” stage generates a voltage ua.
freewheeling diodes D5÷D8). The converter operates at constant frequency ωS,
which is higher than the resonant one ω0. For that
reason, the current iL falls behind the voltage ua at
an angle φ.
Copyright 2016 by Technical University - Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria
Copyright © 2017 by Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
snubber capacitors and the pulsation of the supply
voltage Ud and the output voltage U0 are neglected,
i.e. the voltages ua and ub have rectangular shape.
On the basis of the assumptions made, the
resonant frequency, the characteristic impedance
and frequency detuning of the resonant circuit are:
0 1 / LC
; 0 L / C ; S / 0
= /10
current through the “rectifier” transistors is:
- /5
- /10
9 /20
-3 /10
3 /10
2 /5
I 0
2 cos = - =
I QR (6) 0
2 1 cos
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 I'0 3
The normalized current through the
“rectifier” diodes is:
Fig. 4. Normalized output characteristics at
–π/2 ≤ δ ≤ +π/2
I 0
2 cos
I DR (7) Fig. 5 presents the normalized output
2 1 cos
characteristics of the converter for value of the
control parameter in the range π/2 ≤ δ ≤ 3π/2. The
The expression for the normalized capacitor
ones situated in the first quadrant for π/2 ≤ δ ≤ π
peak voltage is:
correspond to the energy transfer to the load, and
the others in the second quadrant for π ≤ δ ≤ 3π/2 –
I 0
U ' CM (8) to the mode of energy return back to the power
2 cos source respectively. The ordinate appears to be the
boundary between the two modes. Referring to it,
The normalized values of the RMS current the characteristics for the equally distanced from π
through the inductor are: control angles are situated symmetrically.
Obviously, limitations for the converter operation at
I 0 ZVS are not observed.
I ' EFF (9)
2 2 cos The output characteristics (Fig. 4 and Fig 5)
show that, independently from the range of
4. Load and Control Characteristics variation of the control parameter, the output
Detailed information of the examined series voltage does not depend on the output current, i. e.
resonant DC-DC converter design can be obtained the examined converter behaves as an ideal current
from its load characteristics. source. Moreover, the output voltage does not
On the basis of (2), the normalized change its polarity and, independently from the
dependencies of the output voltage U'0 from the energy transfer direction, can significantly exceed
output current I'0 are obtained (Fig. 4) when the the input one.
converter operates at a constant frequency (ν =
2 27/20
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 I'0 3
0 1 2 U'0 3
/20 /20
17 13 10 /10, 13/10
1 /2 =1,15
= U'CM /5, 6/5 2 k=1
5 /
8 /10, 11/10 / /2, 3
=1,15 3
0 6
0 1 2 U'0 3
/2 4
/10 /20 2
9 k=1
27 3
1 = U'0
0 1 2 3
I'0 1. Kramer, W. et al. (2008) Advanced Power
4 Electronic Interfaces for Distributed Energy
1,2 Systems. Colorado: National Renewable
2 1,3 Energy Laboratory
5/4 3/2 7/4 2 2. Alhaddad, K., Cheron, Y., Foch, H. and
Rajagopalan, V. (1986) Static and Dynamic
/4 /2 3/4
Analysis of a Series-Resonant Converter
Operating above its Resonant Frequency, PCI
-4 Proceedings, Boston, October 1986, pp. 55-68
3. Cheron, Y., Foch, H. and Roux, J. (1986) Power
-6 Transfer Control Methods in High Frequency
Resonant Converters. In: PCI Proceedings, June
1986, Munich, pp. 92-103.
4. Sivachandran, P., Gomathy, D. and
Fig. 12. Normalized control characteristics Priyadarshini, G. (2016) A Reviw of
Bidirectional Resonant Converter, Middle-East
5. Conclusion Journal of Scientific Research, 24 (3), pp. 877-
The presented output and control 886
characteristics show that the bidirectional series 5. Bankov, N., Vuchev, A. and Vuchev, S. (2015)
resonant DC-DC converter can operate without An Analysis of a Bidirectional Series Resonant
violation of the ZVS conditions in wide range of DC/DC Converter, Annual journal of
variation of the control parameter. It is proven that electronics, Sofia, pp. 228-231
the converter behaves such as an ideal current
source. The converter output voltage can exceed the Authors: Angel Lichev,
input one independently from the energy transfer Aleksandar Vuchev,
direction. It is found that the converter power Nikolay Bankov,
devices stress grows up with the output power Yasen Madankov
increase. Organization: University of Food
With regard to the “inverter”, this is not Technologies
valid. For some values of the control parameter – Address: 26 Maritsa Blvd,4000 Plovdiv,
with the increase of the output voltage, the BULGARIA
converter power devices stress decreases. E-mail:
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract: This paper presents an experimental analysis of the harmonic content of the
supply voltage in induction motor electric drives. The drives are fed by voltage and
frequency converters with autonomous voltage inverters with sinusoidal Pulse Width
Modulation. For the purpose of analysis a laboratory stand is developed for measuring
non-sinusoidal periodic signals. The stand consists of an induction motor, frequency
converter, digital storage osciloscope and harmonics analyzer. The quantitative integral
evaluations of non-sinusoidal periodic voltages are obtained based on the V/f=const and
V=var; f=const control law. The analysis is carried out in Simulink environment by the fast
Fourier transform Analysis Tool in SimPowerSystems Toolbox for Matlab. Conclusions are
drawn about the supply voltage quality and the possible application of converters for the
supply of induction motors in operation modes.
Key words: electromagnetic compatibility, induction motor electric drives, harmonic
spectrum, fast Fourier transform
3. Mathematical analysis of modulated A full wave bridge rectifier and DC-link are
periodic signals used. The power inverter operates with sinusoidal
The output voltage formed by the PWM is PWM and carrier frequency fc=5(2.5) kHz. The DC
given by [8, 9]: voltage maximum value is VDC= 220 2 V. The
induction motor model has the folowing rated
ua 0,5mUd sint F Mc N . (3) parameters: active power Pr=180 W; speed
nr=1366 rpm; line voltage Vr=380 V; frequency
Here m is the index of modulation; ω=2πf is fr=50 Hz; number of pole pairs zp=2;
the angular frequency of the modulated signal; ψ is efficiency =64 % and power factor cosφ=0.64.
its phase angle; ωc=2πfc is the carrier angular The T-shaped equivalent circuit parameters
frequency; Ud is the rectified voltage by the DC-link are: stator resistance Rs=55.8 Ω; stator leakage
unit and the residual function F(Mωc ±Nω) equals reactance Ls=0.089 H; rotor resistance Rr=46.6 Ω;
the sum of all high-frequency harmonics. rotor leakage reactance Lr=0.157 H and
Expression (3) contains harmonics that magnetizing reactance Lm=1.367 H.
depend on the carrier frequency. They are The FFT Analysis Tool from the
concentrated around the multiples of M (both even SimPowerSystems ToolBox in Simulink uses
and odd) of the carrier frequency. As shown in Structure with Time format for the measured values
Table 1, the sum M+N is a positive odd integer. of the voltage V(t). The values are stored in the
The most commonly used techniques for Workspace. The discretization time tk is between
evaluating the measured signals include Fast 2µs and 20µs depending on the modulated signal
Fourier Transform (FFT) and specialized software. frequency. The induction motor operates at no-load.
The supply voltage is varied based on the V/f=const
Table 1. Harmonic spectrum control law for the VFC mode and V=var;
of sinusoidal PWM voltage f=50 Hz=const for the VVC mode. A Siglent 1810
digital oscilloscope with 2GB memory is used.
N(M) М
Odd Even 5. Results from the experimental analysis
1 2 ....
Fig. 2 shows the induction motor phase
0 ±1 1ωc 2ωc ±1ω .....
voltage at 30 Hz when supplied by VFC. The values
±2 ±3 1ωc±2ω 2ωc ±3ω .....
±4 ±5 1ωc ±4ω 2ωc ±5ω .....
of the first 33 harmonics are also displayed as a
±6 ±7 1ωc ±6ω 2ωc ±7ω ..... percentage of the first hamonic peak value (V1max).
±8 ±9 1ωc ±8ω 2ωc ±9ω ..... Here V1max=124.2 V and kTHD=91.22 %.
...... ...... ..... ..... .....
Fundamental (30Hz) = 124.2 , THD= 91.22% 5 kHz) are analyzed for the VVC mode. Tables 4
FFT window: 1 of 4.915 cycles of selected signal
and 5 show the obtained results for the harmonic
spectrum indicators of the voltage at no-load.
Mag (% of Fundamental)
6 Fundamental (30Hz) = 124.4 , THD= 91.07%
Mag (% of Fundamental)
2 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 0.055
Time (s)
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 2. VFC output voltage form and values of
the first 33 voltage harmonics at fc=2500 Hz, 0
f=30 Hz 0 5000 10000 15000
Frequency (Hz)
The shape of the motor phase voltage at Fig. 4. VFC output voltage harmonic spectrum at
50 Hz, minimum voltage amplitude V1max = 27.83 V fc=2500 Hz, f=30 Hz
and VVC converter mode is shown in Fig. 3. The
values of the first 20 harmonics expressed as a Fundamental (50Hz) = 27.92 , THD= 265.90%
percentage of the first harmonic peak value are also 100
displayed. Here kTHD = 266.45%.
Mag (% of Fundamental)
Fundamental (50Hz) = 27.83 , THD= 266.45%
25 100
20 0 20
-200 0
10 0 5000 10000 15000
0.0240.0260.028 0.03 0.0320.0340.0360.038 0.04 0.042 Frequency (Hz)
Time (s)
5 Fig. 5. VVC output voltage harmonic spectrum
0 at fc=2500 Hz, f=50 Hz
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Frequency (Hz)
Table 2. VFC output voltage harmonic
Fig. 3. VVC output voltage shape and values of the spectrum indicators at fc=2500 Hz, no-load
first 20 voltage harmonics at fc=2500 Hz, f=50 Hz
f U U1 kf kTHD kd tk
The phase voltage harmonic spectrum at [Hz] [V] [V] [μs]
30 Hz and VFC mode is shown in Fig. 4. The 10 71 30 1.92 2.11 0.43 20
analysis is carried out up to fmax=15 kHz. It can be 20 96 58 1.51 1.33 0.60 8
seen that that harmonics tend to group around the 30 118 88 1.32 0.91 0.74 8
multiples of M of the carrier frequency. 40 139 118 1.19 0.62 0.85 8
The phase voltage harmonic spectrum at 50 150 136 1.12 0.46 0.91 8
50 Hz, V1max= 27.92 V and VVC mode is shown in 100 153 140 1.11 0.45 0.91 8
Fig. 5. The analysis is also carried out up to
fmax=15 kHz. There is again grouping of harmonics Table 3. VFC output voltage harmonic
around the carrier frequency multiples of M. spectrum indicators at fc=5000 Hz, no-load
To determine the quantitative indicators by
f U U1 kf kTHD kd tk
means of formulae (1) to (2), a set of experiments is
[Hz] [V] [V] [μs ]
carried out. Six modulated frequencies (10, 20, 30, 10 73 30 1.97 2.18 0.42 20
40, 50 and 100 Hz) are analyzed for the VFC mode.
20 96 58 1.51 1.33 0.60 8
Tables 2 and 3 show the obtained results for the 30 118 88 1.32 0.91 0.74 8
harmonics spectrum indicators of the voltage when 40 139 118 1.19 0.62 0.85 4
the motor follows the V/f=const control law. 50 150 136 1.12 0.46 0.91 4
Five voltages (20, 48, 77, 106 and 133 V) at 100 153 139 1.13 0.46 0.91 2
f=50 Hz and two carrier frequencies (2.5 kHz and
Abstract: This article provides a transient analysis in discharge flash lamp operated by
one-loop high-voltage electric circuit. Lamp is designed to emit a strong non- coherent
exciting radiation for management of Solid Nd: YAG, ruby, or Er: YAG lasers. It is
designed a scheme for impulse control of Xenon flash lamp. For simulation research in
program environment is proposed replacement scheme. The results of simulation studies
are presented.
Key words: impulse control, xenon gas discharge lamp, one-loop electric circuit
Fig. 1. Electrical scheme for control of flash lamp Fig. 2. Substitution scheme for the study of
transients in the programming environment NI
The electrical schematic diagram of an Multisim
ignition device includes the following elements: a
transformer T1, capacitor C3, a resistor R3, thyristor It is established that the variation of current as a
D1, DC power source V3 and a generator of control function of applied voltage on the lamp can be
pulses V4. The source of DC voltage V3 = 400 V is experimentally received from the equivalent electric
charging capacitor C3. Upon receipt of a control circuit including a parallel combination of a
pulse from the control system thyristor D1 turns ona capacitor and an active resistance and inductance in
result of which the capacitor C3 discharges through series included, figure 3. The active resistance R is
the primary winding of the transformer. Thus arises defined as the real part of the total resistance of the
the initial ionization of the gas in the lamp and it is lamp.
ready to be incorporated into the basic power supply The established value of the current in the
from the capacitor C1, charged with a voltage V1 = switching power supply of the lamp has been
5kV. In the scheme in question generator pulses V4 expressed by the inclusion of a consistent
generates pulses with TTL - levels. Duration of inductance L.
generated pulse is 26μs. The repetition period is During the arc discharge in the lamp
2ms, which duration corresponds to the frequency positive and negative electric charges are generated.
500 Hz. Because the scheme under consideration Their amount related to a the applied voltage on the
comprising a gas discharge flash lamp, the lamp determines the value of the capacity C in the
inductance of the discharge circuit L1 and the equivalent circuit of the lamp. This replacement
accumulation capacitor C1 is one-loop, ignoring all scheme can be used for a maximum duration of
active losses, excluding the lamp the transients control pulses 40μs.
processes can be described with the following
integro-differential equation:
diL1 1
U C1 (0) L1 K 0 iL1 iL1dt , (1)
dt C1
iL1 is the current in the lamp as a function of
UC1(0) is the voltage to which the capacitor C1
is charged in the initial moment t = 0;
K0 is the impedance of the lamp, which depends
on the geometry of the lamp, as well as the gas Fig.3. Equivalent substituting scheme of the
pressure in it. lamp
2.2. Replacement circuit for simulation For the present research of transient
research processes in one-loop power control scheme of the
For the study of transients the control flash lamp is sufficiently the lamp to be furnished
scheme of the flash lamp it is made a replacement by the included resistor R2 (Fig. 2)
circuit for simulations in programming environment It is known that the active resistance of the
NI Multisim. Constructed scheme is presented in lamp according to the duration of the control pulses
Figure 2. In the scheme the trigger device is can be determined from the formula:
represented by the impulse generator V4 and switch t . l
S2.With the aim of producing a replacement circuit R2 t (2)
diagram for carrying out simulation research a A
passive components in the control circuit, is shown
where: A is the cross-section of the lamp (cm2); in Figure 4. The current through the lamp is
l is length of the lamp (cm); variable, reaching a maximum value of 956A for
t is 1/3 of the pulse duration (ms); 7μs. The change of the current represents a fading
ρ(t) is the impedance of the plasma (Ω.cm), transition process.
which depends on the impulse duration in time. Figure 5 shows the shape of the voltage on
With R1 is referred to the internal resistance the capacitor C1, switched in parallel to the power
of the voltage source V1. Pulse duration of the source UC1. The supply voltage V1 is 5kV.
source V4, indispensable to ignite the lamp is 26μs. Figure 6 illustrates the transient process of charge
Key used (relay) S2 is a controlled by voltage the capacitor C1 with the high voltage of the power
switching level 4V, making it possible to control of source, after the excitation of the lamp.
the circuitry of source signals with TTL levels. From the graph of the transient processes in
the one-loop electric circuit it is established that the
process charge has a duration of 2ms, like this time
3. Results interval affixes restriction on the maximum
Simulation researches have been done in the frequency of the control impulses.
Multisim environment. The graph of change of a
current IL2 through the flash lamp obtained by
simulation researches with the set values of the
Fig. 4. Graph of change of the current IL2 through the flash lamp
Abstract: In the proposed article, an ultrasonic receiver and an ultrasonic transmitter are
designed and tested to measure the rate of water flow in a cylindrical tube. A device
running on time - impulse method of speed measurement, has been investigated. An
analysis of the frequency and selectivity of the receiver has been made. A methodology has
been developed to select the pulse frequency and the frequency of the low frequency
modulation signal. The proposed schematics of the transmitter and the receiver were
Key words: Ultrasonic flowmetering, signal processing, transit-time flowmeter
1. Introduction
The phenomena arising from ultrasound
propagation in a moving environment are used in
sensors to measure velocity and fluid flow. The
sound velocity c which is a material property value
is the propagation velocity of a sound wave in a
medium. It changes with the density of the
measuring medium. Therefore it is temperature
dependent in liquids and pressure and temperature
dependent in gases [1, 2]. The time changes when
the sound carrier is also in motion, in fact, it is the
Fig.1. One-channel ultrasonic sensor
sum of the sound velocity in the measuring medium
and the measuring medium velocity. This effect is According to the character of the acoustic channel,
utilized in an ultrasonic flowmeter. The advantages the sensors are without refraction of the ultrasound
of ultrasonic sensors are high performance, beam and by refraction by means of special
allowing determining short-term speed fluctuations, elements. In some ultrasonic sensors, the emitters
and lack of additional impedances along the way of and receivers are located in the stream, and other
supplying the liquid with external placement of ultrasonic sensors are located outside the flow. The
transmitters and receivers of ultrasonic waves, acoustic channels of these sensors may be parallel
possibility of control of reversal streams. The to each other but may also be crossed. Virtually all
disadvantage that makes it difficult to use ultrasonic ultrasonic sensors can operate in time-pulse,
sensors to measure velocity and cost is the frequency-pulse and phase mode [1].
significant difference in ultrasound speed (1000-
2000m/s) and medium (1-10m/s). Differences in
velocity and flow rate sensors are based on
measuring the velocity of the ultrasound wave
going upstream and downstream. The main
attributes for which they are classified are: the
number of channels, the nature of the acoustic
channel, the location of the emitters and the
receivers, the mode of operation, the method of
processing the signals. According to the number of
channels, acoustic sensors can be single channel
Fig. 2. Two-channel ultrasonic sensor
(fig.1) and multichannel (fig. 2) [3].
Copyright by Technical University - Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria
Copyright © 2017 by Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
When working in time-impulse mode, the
principle of operation of ultrasonic sensors is based
on measuring the propagation time of the ultrasound
pulses along the flow and against the flow in the
pipe (fig. 1). The time for passing the ultrasound
pulse from the transmitter A to the receiver B is
given by the expression:
t AB (1)
C V .cos Fig. 3. Construction of the ultrasonic sensor
R1 8.2pF
Fig. 5. Graphs of the generated high frequency ultrasound pulses (a) and the reference pulse defining the
duration of radiation (b).
15 V R5
U2 20kΩ
C1 C3
4 5
R4 U1 C4 D2
2 82pF R6
4 5
3 OPA640H 2kΩ 6
U5 7 8
OPA640H C5 R10
R2 7 8 D1 10kΩ
20kΩ R1 1N916 82pF
R3 R8
20kΩ V1
C2 5V 8 U3A RX1
R9 3
100nF 47kΩ 2
MAX907EPA 74HC00D_4V
In Fig. 7b shows the reference frequency pulses Frep that start the emission of ultrasound pulses from
the transmitter, as well as inputs to the logic element of the receiver U4A, which allows switching of the
trigger to the output of the receiver.
In Fig. 7c shows the graph of the output impulses of the receiver RX1, which allow for the
calculation of the delay time TAB.
These calculations can be made from a microprocessor control system. Another fundamental task of
the ultrasound sensor management system is to generate pulses with the reference frequency determining the
start and end of the ultrasound pulses.
Fig. 7. Graphics of the amplitude detector output signals (a), the reference pulses entering the
receiver (b) and the output pulses of the receiver (c).
Fig. 9. Graphs of the spectral density of the noise input at the input of the amplifier and the output
after amplification of the signal
3.1.Документиране и изчисляване на
съставляващите на неопределеността.
U1-неопределеност, свързана с
Проверка на вида на разпределението се разсейването на резултатите от многократните
прави с програмата SPSS. За целта се въвеждат наблюдения ( Оценяване тип А ).При N>100
измерените стойности и се построява може да се приеме, че:
хистограмата дадена на Фиг. 1.
U2- неопределеност, свързана с избора
на броя отчети Nотч от предния панел на
виртуалния инструмент ( Оценяване тип Б ).
Изчислява се чрез израза за абсолютна
грешка:грешка от дискретизация. Стойността на
големината на кванта на преобразуване се
определя от измерената честота разделена на
броя на избраните отчети:
= =0,577. Hz
При ниво на достоверност р = 0,95,
коефициентът на припокриване к е 2 и
U4-неопределеност, свързана с разширената неопределеност е равна на:
нестабилността на честотата на опорния
генератор в АЦП.Границите на абсолютната
грешка не надхвърлят 122 ppm [4], тогава при k=2
прието правоъгълно разпределение ще бъде
равен на: Обобщение на бюджета на
неопределеността [2] е даден в Табл. 1.
= =0,71. Hz
Таблица 1.Бюджет на неопределеността
Съста- Тип Тип Брой Коефициент Стойност на
влява- оценя разпределе- измервания на съставляващата на
ща i -ване ние N разпределе- неопределеността
нието b ui , Hz
u2 Б Правоъгълно - 0, 6 0,577
u3 Б Правоъгълно - 0, 6 0,577.
u4 Б Правоъгълно - 0, 6 0,71.
Abstract: The principle of the proposal is to use laser with long (25 m and more)
resonator, composed by series of short free space parts, coupled by long optical fibers. We
combine the laser with such resonator construction with spectral characteristics of the
generation, which are appropriate for intra-cavity laser spectroscopy registration of
expected atoms and molecules (including atmospheric non-desired pollutions – SO2, NO2,
Na etc.). The registration on the base of the intra-cavity laser spectroscopy (ILS) method
makes the laser developed extremely sensitive for atoms or molecules presence in the
investigated spaces of the resonator free-space region, in principle down to single atoms.
The laser spectral control includes also original solution for producing suitable controlled
multi-bands spectrum for simultaneous monitoring in different spectral bands. The laser
system proposed is very convenient for controlling the air purity in number of rooms in
given laboratory, enterprises, where the presences of the non-desired pollutants are
expected. We treat theoretically the system action and present the experimental laboratory
test on the example of registration of Sodium atoms presence in the air.
Key words: intra-cavity spectroscopy, special laser system, long resonator, multi
registration parts, theoretical treatment, experiment with Sodium atoms
emission cross-sections for the given wavelength in Fig.2. The calculated output laser spectrum for the
the laser spectrum; Va is the working volume case of registration by single passage through the
(0.05 cm3); c = 3x1010 cm/s is the light velocity; Sodium D-lines. In the inset is shown the formed
L' L (n 1) l - the optical length of resonator, hole by the absorption at D2 - line (the figure is
where l=10 cm is the length of the active medium,
n is the refractive index and L is 25 m. The time The calculations for the intra-cavity case of
term of 3 ns is the lifetime of the upper laser emission spectrum with the same volume of Sodium
level for the Rh6G WAM. The dumping time of a atoms, gives the picture, shown in Fig.3. The
photon in the resonator is c L' c i , where drastically increasing of the holes at the D-
i absorption lines can be seen. This confirms our
i [5] describes the loss into the resonator for the expectations for the possibility for high sensitive
wavelength in the considered laser gain spectrum registration of desired atoms presence by
(depending on the reflectivity of the combined end application of the proposed laser system and for
resonator mirror OM, IW1 and Lo). The system was monitoring of such presence in few rooms.
solved numerically by Runge-Kutta-4 method.
From the solution we obtain qi (t) and the
respective output power for each wavelength in the
spectrum; 1 characterises the output of the laser
resonator. The calculations are prepared for the
spectral range (588 – 591) nm, in which the Sodium
D-lines are also comprised.
In the example considered we will compare
the extra-cavity and intra-cavity registration of
presence of Sodium vapors outside and inside of the
described special resonator. We will study the Fig.3. The calculated output laser spectrum for the
behavior of the formed by the Sodium atoms case of intra-cavity registration by single passage
absorption holes in the spectrum at the Sodium D- through the Sodium D-lines.
lines (doublet D2 =589.0 nm and D1=589.6 nm).
Let’s we accept that the same volume of Sodium Let us evaluate the concentration of the
atoms with the same concentration and length – Sodium atoms that leads to 1% decreasing of the
path of the laser beam through the volumes, is transmission – i.e. the case considered above.
disposed one time outside the resonator and after Following Ref. [9] we can write:
this - inside the resonator. Let’s the Sodium atom
Copyright by Technical University - Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria
3. Experimental test
In the given in the work practical test- Fig.5. The corresponding trace-curves for the two
realization (example) that clarifies the system spectrograms in Fig.4 – left for case (a) – Sodium
action, we use only two structures - BR1 and BR4, atoms are outside the cavity (practically the
excluding BR2 and BR3. Both optical fibers OF1 and absorption D-lines are not observed ) and right for
OF4 were with length of 1 m each and damping the case (b)– the atoms are inside the cavity (real
factor β = 300 dB/km and four connections with the observation of the D-lines). The scale is given by
lenses (equivalent mirror with reflection ~ 60 %). the holes of D2 and D1 lines marked on the figure.
The other used characteristics of the elements and
of the construction are the given above. The volume
of Sodium atoms is formed by burning of three Following the theoretical considerations,
standard matches with the flame outside the cavity given above, and the obtained spectrograms, we can
near the output mirror OM (extra-cavity conclude that practical laboratory model of the
spectroscopy) or inside the cavity - in the space system proposed is able for real registration of
between the cell output and lens Lc. Sodium atoms with concentration 107 cm-3. This
The typical real spectra of the emission of concentration can be accepted to correspond to the
laser system with spectrum of generation tuned at obtained one in the matches flame.
Sodium D-lines are given in Fig.4. The top
spectrogram (Fig.4a) is for the case when the
Sodium atoms are formed outside the cavity and the 4. Discussions
laser light passes through the space with the Sodium Following the results from the theoretical
atoms (absorption outside the cavity). The bottom analysis and from the carried out experiment we
spectrogram (Fig.4b) is for the case of presence of make in evidence the feasibility of the proposed
the Sodium atoms inside the complex laser cavity. system and its advantages for specific ecologic
monitoring and survey for dangerous pollutions,
accompanied the industrial production. The
sensibility of such intra-cavity spectroscopy based
technique is more than of order of magnitude higher
than the standard extra-cavity laser technique. Very
(a) suitable laser sources are these one that avoid the
flat parallel reflected (as well as partially) surfaces,
what in high degree is natural property of the
waveguide laser sources. With application of
modern low-losses optical fibers and suitably
treated elements (without parallel surfaces, there is
(b) no parallel passage of the light rays) the proposed
system can be organized as very suitable technical
Fig.4. Typical real spectrums of the laser system instrumentation for extremely sensible detection of
emission with spectrum of generation tuned at desired pollutant atoms. Note that in particular case
Sodium D-lines. The top spectrogram is for the of many rooms disposed at both sides of building
absorption outside the cavity and the bottom - for corridor, the optical fiber part of the resonator can
the Sodium atoms inside the complex laser cavity. be adapted to form a ring type laser resonator. This
The strong increasing of the sensitivity is evident. will permit to use more effectively fiber parts of the
5. Conclusion Tech. Eksperimena, (1994) Improvement
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special laser system with an optical fiber based long E.Krasteva. P.Bakardjiev, M.Nenchev (2001).
(20 m and more) resonator, composed by series of Tunable laser devices with inverted spectrum
short free space parts, coupled by long optical for application in intracavity spectroscopy and
fibers. We combine the laser with such resonator spectral selective excitation of atoms, Proc. of
construction with spectral characteristics of the LTL Plovdiv'2001, International Symposium
generation that are appropriate for intra-cavity laser (2001) 153-156.
spectroscopy registration of expected atoms and 5. O.Svelto. Principles of lasers, 5th ed. Springer
molecules. As it is shown, the registration on the Science-Business Media, 2008.
base of the intra-cavity laser spectroscopy (ILS)
method makes the developed laser extremely 6. M.Deneva, P.Uzunova, M.Nenchev, Tunable
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investigated spaces of the resonator free-space active mirror concept", Opt. and Quant.
region. The laser spectral control includes also the Electronics, 39 (2007) 193-212, USA
original solution with Interference Wedge for 7. M.Nenchev, V.Stefanov, A. Gizbrekht, Study of
producing suitable controlled multi-bands tunable Self frequency locking in dye laser at the
spectrum (for monitoring in different spectral Sodium D-lines. 3rd Confer. on Luminescence,
bands). The theoretical treatment of the system Szeged, Hungary,1979, Confer. Digest,. Vol.1,
action and the experimental laboratory test for 135-139 (in Russian); M.Nenchev, V.Stefanov,
registration of very low concentration presence of A.Gizbrekht, A.Bokhanov, Self frequency
Sodium atoms in the air confirm the feasibility of locking in lasers at lines of intracavity gases,
the system and its expected advantages. The laser Bulg. J. Phys. 7, (1981) 521-524
system proposed is very convenient for controlling
the air purity in number rooms of given laboratory, 8. E.Stoykova, M. Nenchev, Gaussian Beam
enterprises, where the presence of the non-desired Interaction with Air-gap Fizeau Interferential
pollutants is expected. wedge, J. Opt. Soc. America A, 27 (1), 58-68
Acknowledgement: The work is supported by 9. Y.H.Meyer, M.N.Nenchev, On intracavity
DN 08/13 (2016) Contract with NSF-BG. absorption and self-frequency locking in
pulsed dye laser. Opt. Communs., vol.4, No5,
REFERENCES (1982) 292-294 and the literature therein.
1. W. Demtröder Laser spectroscopy: basic
concept and instrumentation, (2003) 3rd ed.
Springer, Germany and the literature therein.
2. P. Sudhakar, P. Kalavathi, D. Ramakrishna M. Deneva, M. Nenchev
Rao, M. Satyanarayana (2014). Design of Technical University-Sofia, Branch Plovdiv
Laser Based Monitoring Systems for Address:
Compliance Management of Odorous and Dept. Optoelectronics & Lasers
Hazardous Air Pollutants in Selected Chemical and Scientific Laboratory QOEL
Industrial Estates at Hyderabad, India. Remote 25 Tsanko Diustabanov St,
Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 4000 Plovdiv
volume XL-8, and the literature therein . Bulgaria
3. E. D. Hinkley, P. L. Kelley. Detection of Air E-mail:
Pollutants with Tunable Diode Lasers,
Science 19 Feb 1971: Vol. 171, Issue 3972, pp.
635-639, DOI: 10.1126/science.171.3972.635
4. Бураков В.С., Исаевич А. В., Мисаков,
П.Я., Ненчев М.Н., Патриков Т.В., Пашов
А.Е., Пешев З.И., Разширение аналитических
возможностей внутрирезонаторных лазер-
ных спектрометров, Приб. и техн.
Эксперимента - ПТЭ, No 5, 1994, 150-156,
(RUSSIA, trad. and parallel ed. in USA – Prib.
Abstract: Recently, we have developed, as a new technique for laser spot profile
investigation, a combined spot registration on appropriately chosen thermo-paper with
convenient computer treatment [3]. Such technique presents some essential advantages:
spectral insensitivity in very large range (from UV to IR); the registration is not affected by
electromagnetic noise; as addition, it is extremely cheap and accessible. Here, on the base
of our previous experience, obtained mainly with free lasing Nd:YAG laser pulses, we
present results of application for Q-switched pulses of this laser. Some specific behavior of
the registration under condition of more than thousand times shorter pulse influence than
in free lasing are shown and the condition – power density and energy density limits of
correct registration are carried out. The technique under carefully laser illumination
control can give acceptable results also in the considered case.
Key words: laser spot study, thermo-sensitive paper, Q-switching.
1. Introduction. General aim of the work. Taken into account the essential difference between
The aim of the work is extension of our the characteristics of the free lasing and Q-switched
previous results, related with development of the laser pulses, especially temporal (ms against ns) and
practical application of Thermo-Sensitive Paper power (kW against hundreds kW for comparable
Registration Technique (TeSPeRT) for laser spot energies), the application of the developed by us
imaging. This old technique [1, 2] is used in the technique for the Q-switching case needs particular
literature and in the laboratory practice only for treatment of the Q-pulses registration, which is the
visual illustration (including also successfully - for aim of the presented work. Here, we present the
the interesting cases) of the laser spot. The base of results of noted above study and namely concerning
the technique, as a rule, is the whitening in the laser the energetic aspects and conditions for correct
beam incident area on the black thermo-sensitive applications of the TeSPeRT for Q-switched laser
paper. In previously reported applications [1, 2] are pulses treatment. Note that such technique presents
used accidentally taken sensitive materials and some essential advantages in comparison with
without conclusion about energetic characteristics electronic based techniques of this type: spectral
of the spot. As we have shown in Ref. [3], in insensitivity in very large range (from UV to IR);
condition of combining the convenient chosen the registration is not affected by electromagnetic
thermo-sensitive paper for registration and noise; and as addition, it is extremely cheap and
convenient computer treatment, and with correctly accessible. The beam-profile knowledge is of
defined illumination, this technique can be essential importance in the laser manufacturing and
successfully used for laser beam energetic in the scientific and practical application of the
parameter study. In the noted work we demonstrate lasers [1 - 5].
the correct determination of the energy density
2. Experimental investigations and results.
distribution in the beam cross-section, as well as
evaluation of the beam energy. Our previous We start the proposed study using the
investigation is by the use of the free lasing results, given in our previous work [3], about the
Nd:YAG laser light (pulse length 0.1 – 3 ms; power free laser pulse light treatment applying TeSPeRT.
~ 10 - 40 kW). The obtained results confirm the In the work [3] we have presented and discussed the
usefulness and the expected potential of the principle and the convenient condition to obtain
technique developed by us, especially for the correct energy density distribution in the laser beam
condition of typical free lasing light emission. cross section. The given there results are for pulse
Abstract: In this study, using high-precision JFET sensor, the impact of lightning
and electrical changes in the atmosphere have been observed. Observations made
24 hours, electrical changes in the atmosphere was recorded. As a result of the
observations, in the case of the rise and fall of the sun was observed to vary the
electrical load in the atmosphere. On the other hand, is the electrical changes in the
atmosphere has been observed that the maximum level of the lightning event. This
study also showed that the most important changes are lightning current parameters
of atmospheric electricity. Another feature of this study also, taking advantage of the
electrical changes in the atmosphere before the earthquake, is to predict
Abstract: Fast and easy usable internet services are one of the gaining of Century.
Online shopping, online messaging even online bank services are most popular ones. Also
new attacking techniques have been evolved. To prevent attack to similar services, we have
to strengthen our encryption systems. One of them is RSA Algorithm. In this paper we try to
increase complexity RSA Algorithm to make it more secure.
Key words: RSA, Encryption, Decryption
Copyright © 2017 by Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
Proposed algorithm is written as a c#
application. Results can easily verified by the
application. Prime numbers can be added as
Input Prime Numbers requested. Then the numbers can processed. n and
p[l] Q(n) values are displayed. After that, e value must
be selected to process private and public keys. Then
message can be encrypted.
n = p[1]*p[2]*…*p[l]
Input e Number
1 < e < Q(n)
gcd (e, Q(n)) = 1
e*d= 1 mod Q(n)
1. D. R. Stinson, Cryptography, Theory and
Practice, 3rd Ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton,FL
2. R. Rivest, A. Shamir and L. Adleman, A
Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and
Public-Key Cryptosystems, Communications
of ACM, 21(2), 120-126 (1978).
3. B. P. U. Ivy, P. Mandiwa and M. Kumar, A
Modified RSA Cryptosystem Based on ‘n’
Prime Numbers, Int. J. Engg. Comput. Sci.,
1(2), 62-66 (2012).
4. S. Pund and C. Desai, Implementation of RSA
Algorithm using Mersenne Prime, Int. J.
Networking & Parallel Computing, 1(2), 33-41
5. Ch. J. L. Padmaja, V. S. Bhagavan and B.
Srinivas, RSA Encryption Using Three
Fig. 1. Example 1.5 in program Mersenne Primes 14(4), 2273-2278, (2016)
2. Conclusion M. K., ÇANKAYA, M., & BULUŞ, E. RSA
Using more than two prime numbers ŞİFRELEME ALGORİTMASI VE
increase n value which can increase algorithm ARİTMETİK MODÜL UYGULAMASI.
complexity and security. Especially if small prime 7. Yerlikaya, T., Buluş, E., & Buluş, N. (2006).
numbers must be used, it gives n and Q(n) value ASİMETRİK ŞİFRELEME
that is higher than existing RSA algorithm. Also ALGORİTMALARINDA ANAHTAR
designed RSA algorithm can easily implement in DEĞİŞİM SİSTEMLERİ.
existing RSA algorithm because they share same
formulas. However, all those big prime numbers
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract: Today, password cracking attacks are one of the most dangerous attacks. We use
passwords to login information systems like our computers, social accounts, etc. Password
is the biggest and mostly only barrier between a hacker and an information system. The
only thing that can be the weakest link in the security chain of information security is weak
passwords. The reason for this is the human factor. To create passwords with the names of
our hobbies or beloved ones that everyone knows are main mistakes which people usually
make. Even the most secured institutions can be exposed to these kind of attacks because
they are too lazy or they ignore. From the expert user, using the most powerful security
tools, to the end user connecting via home computer to internet, the first thing to be learned
is how to create secure and robust passwords. A password cracking example has been
given in this study, by explaining how password attacks are carry out and the popular main
tools used in these attacks. Also things to create a strong password has been explained at
the last part of our study.
Key words: password cracking, password attack
2. Color Filtering
In color filtering method, determining the
correct threshold value is the most important fact on
accuracy. In order to get consistent results,
appropriate color space must be selected before
processing images.
Original image
Converted Image
6. Performance Testing
Application performance was tested
with an Intel® Atom™ Z2560 1.6 GHz CPU
equipped mobile device on Android Studio.
The results of CPU usage, Memory usage and
FPS(Frame Per Second) are shown in Figure 7.
Abstract: Wi-Fi is widely used wireless technology but not secure if it is not configured
properly. This paper discusses Wi-Fi networks’ weaknesses and possible attack vectors.
Penetration testing methods and tools to measure security of certain wireless networks are
also discussed.
Key words: Wi-Fi, wireless, networks, penetration testing, network security
Abstract: In this paper, Altera and Xilinx tools used in Technical University - Sofia,
Plovdiv branch are presented. Initially, Altera (now the Intel Programmable Solutions
Group) tools are applied in Reconfigurable Logic and VLSI (Very-large-scale integration)
design courses. Recently, it has been received donation from Xilinx university program
(XUP) in the form of FPGA (Field-programmable gate array) design kits and Vivado
Design Suite: System Edition. Now tools from both reconfigurable logic market leaders are
used as themes in bachelor's and master's degree syllabuses.
Key words: Altera and Xilinx tools, Xilinx university program, Vivado Design Suite:
System Edition, Nexys4 DDR
Abstract: A study of the processes in the nearest star - the Sun is important because of its
influence on space weather and life of the planet as a whole. As in any scientific fields
research in the solar corona require specialized software for processing the received data.
This publication will investigate aspects of the architecture and the way of implementation
of software for processing and analyzing images of the solar corona and in particular data
retrieval for CME (Coronal Mass Ejection).
Key words: image processing, filters, parallel computing, solar corona, OpenCL, file
formats, meta-data
Copyright © 2017 by Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
gradient magnitude and direction, non-maximum should optimally commence computations with
suppression, hysteresis thresholding. Labelling an integer arithmetic which takes exactly one clock
algorithm should reflect its essential computational cycle to execute, whatever the width of input
characteristics, and rely upon definite criteria, the values. Fulfillment of that requirement is well
latter in the FPGA-based Canny being as follows. manifested for the Pythagoras, the FPGA
1) Satisfying the peremptory demand for a hundred implementation of the algorithm peremptorily
per cent mathematical accuracy of results. This is starting with multiplication.
the solid guarantee for veracity and reliability of
detected contours. In this respect, gradient magnitde
is of tremendous importance for the overall 3. The proposed algorithm
plausibility of Canny computations in terms of
procuring the values to be compared in the non- Mathematically, gradient magnitude GM is
maximum suppression module, thus directly and computed using
immediately impacting one of the few most
significant and applicabale qualities of contour – its
precise localization. , (2)
2) Serving as a tangible tool for optimally where
enhancing the speed parameter of Canny Gx and Gy are the x- and y-gradients.
computations on FPGA. This criterion has a
quantitatvely measured characteristic presented by Altera provides a specialized integer square
the smallest possible amount of clock cycles root function – ALTSQRT [5]. Although the 8-bit
requred for executing the surveyed algorithm. Two gray scale image values are definitely advantageous
particular aspects are to be taken into account here. to the speed parameter, the maximum clock rate the
Speed is a function of the appropriate and expedient function can be executed at [5] is not campatible
organization of calculations in the algorithm being with the accomplishment of the speed optimization
analyzed. On the other hand, fast and goal – calculating the correct result requires nine
computationally sofisticated as it can seem, any clock cycles. Thus, an optimized approach is
algorithm should comply with the integer arithmetic needed.
peculiarities and benefit from the advantageous
functionalities of the FPGA hardware 3.1. Input data
implementation. Thus, the more mathematically
complicated the algorithm (such as Pythagoras), the Gx and Gy are computed in the Canny
heavier the speed dependence on the programmable orthogonal gradients module by employing two
logic’s computation accelerating capabilities. approaches:
3) Boosting the efficiency of pipelining, the latter 1) Exact mathematics. The equations used to
being indispensable to the FPGA–based Canny accurately calculate the x gradient and the y
edge detection implementation focused on gradient are:
speed. This criterion proves to be of particular
importance in case of algorithms being
executed in parallel within the main flow of
computations on FPGA, gradient magnitude and
gradient direction algorithms being
indispensable here. Taking into account that
calculating the local maximum requires a square , (4)
neighbourhood of pixels, the calculated gradient
magnitude values have to be ready for use at a rate where
that allows for a comparison of the central pixel N1..N8 are the neighboring pixels
with the adjacent pixels along the axis of gradient in a 3x3 neighborhood.
direction without any delays.
4) Minimizing the impact of input data width. The values calculated here are within the
Confining the input data to 8 bits is of significant intetval [-255,255].
importance in the Canny modules as a tool for 2) Approximation.
diminishing delays. On Altera FPGAs, the fastest
integer arithmetic execution in terms of clock cycles Gх = [(N3 + 2N4 + N5) – (N1 + 2N8 + N7)] (5)
is guaranteed for 8-bit values [1][2][3][4][5]. In Gу = [(N7 + 2N6 + N5) – (N1+ 2N2 + N3)] , (6)
respect to this criterion, an advanced algorithm
On FPGA, computing Pythagoras starts with The paper focuses on presenting and
multiplying |GX| by |GX|, and |GY| by |GY| . The analyzing a new gradient magnitude algorithm
largesr positive pixel value being 255, the results of addressing the goal of speed enhanced and
both multiplications are within the interval [0, mathematically exact Canny edge detection
65025]. computations intended to be implememted on
In the next step, the multiplication results are FPGA. Essential criteria to be satisfied for an
added, and consequently the numbers to be square algorithm to be labelled as advanced are defined. A
rooted are within [0, 130050]. thorough description of the algorithm’s peculiarities
Thus, all the possible values at the input of the is set forth. The algorithm is scrutinized in terms of
square root function are 130051, And all the its applicability, computational reliability and speed
possible values at its output are , taking into characteristics. The technological capabilities of
account that only numbers in the interval [0, 255] efficiently avoiding speed eroding computational
are relevant for pixels in the gray scale matrix. approaches and satisfying the peremptory demand
Consequently, the exact mathematical results of the for mathematical accuracy and plausibility of results
square root function can be determined by 256 pinpoints the feasibility of the proposed algorithm
closed intervals, each of them representing a single as a tangible tool for enhancing Canny’s
integer from the interval [0,255]. These intervals performance on FPGA.
contain all the 130051 values calculated by adding
the squared gradients.
Defining the smallest and the largest in each REFERENCES
interval is based on the fact that the difference
between squares of two consecutive integers is 1. Altera Corporation. Cyclone IV Device
equal to the smaller integer multiplied by 2, and Handbook. 2014, Volume 1
then 1 is added to the result. Thus, the smallest of 2. Altera Corporation. Cyclone V Device
all the consecutive values contained in an interval is Handbook. 2014, Volume 1
determined through: 3. Altera Corporation. Stratix III Device
1) squaring the gray scale image pixel value Handbook. 2014, Volume 1
represented by this particular interval; 4. Altera Corporation. Stratix IV Device
2) the gray scale image pixel value represented by Handbook. 2014, Volume 1
this particular interval is decremented, and the result 5. Altera Corporation. Integer Arithmetic IP
is subtracted from the result computed in 1) . Cores User Guide, 2014
The largest of all the consecutive values 1. Altera Corporation. Cyclone II Device
contained in an interval is determined through: Handbook, Volume 1, 2014
1) squaring the gray scale image pixel value 7. Chandrashekar N.S., K. R. Nataraj. Design
represented by this particular interval; and Implementation of a Modified Canny
2) the gray scale image pixel value represented by Edge Detector based on FPGA,
this particular interval is subtracted from the result International Journal of Advanced
computed in 1) . The only exception is the value in Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
the interval representing 255 – here the largest (IJAEEE). 2013, Vol.2, (1), pp. 17-21
possible number is 130050. 8. Chandrashekar N.S., K. R. Nataraj. NMS and
The comparisons of all values for computing Thresholding Architecture used for FPGA
the gradient magnitude are executed simultaneously based Canny Edge Detector for Area
on FPGA, utilizing one of the most significant Optimization, Proceeding of International
Conference on Control, Communication and Science and Research (IJSR). 2014, Vol. 3,
Power Engineering. 2013, pp. 80-84 pp. 1198 -1205
9. Divya. D., P. S.. Sushma. FPGA
Implementation of a Distributed Canny
Edge Detector, International Journal of
Advanced Computational Engineering and Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski
Networking. 2013, Vol. 1, (5), pp. 46-51 Plovdiv 4000
10. Shamlee V., Jeyamani.. A Split Canny Edge 24 Tzar Asen Street
Detection: Algorithm and its FPGA e-mail:
Implementation. International Journal of
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract: The paper deals with the technology of approximation and its impact on the
computational results in the FPGA based Canny edge detection modules. Presented are
four general types of approximation and their essential functions and characteristics are
exposed. The impact of approximation on the mathematical exactness of calculations in the
Canny algorithm is scrutinized with respect to the peculiarities of hardware
implementation and the targeted veracity of the mapped contours. Analyzed is the
relevance of approximation in terms of speed vs. accuracy.
Key words: Canny, FPGA, approximation, type, algorithm, accuracy, speed
2. 2. Targeted approximation
, (1)
where Precise and reliable, Canny is
G is the Gaussian mask weight with computationally complicated, extensively
coordinates x and y, demanding in terms of hardware implementation,
ơ is the standard deviation of Gaussian and relatively slow algorithm. Thus, approximation
distribution; it determines the filter’s is deliberately employed to address different aspects
size, of performance being optimized.
is normalization constant.
2.2.1. Speed enhancing approximation
On FPGA, the filter performs a ZxZ
neighborhood operation (Z is an odd number and Z
Accomplishing the goal of a fast FPGA based
Canny is favoured by a set of approaches related to
1) Reducing and exploiting only the fastest integer
arithmetic needed to fulfil a particular
computational task. With respect to both the highest
frequency and clock cycles taken for execution, the
most speed advanced on FPGA are multiplication,
u(m,n) is the input image,
addition and subtraction [1] [2]. In terms of speed,
v(m,n) is the filtered image,
division is definitely a weak point. Using a divider
by employing the Altera LPM_DIVIDE function [2]
, w = {1,2,..},
will immensely erode the speed parameter of
g(k,l) is the Gaussian filter ,
Canny’s algorithm execution. Consequently, the
s is the sum of all
conventional integer division is typically omitted.
coefficients in the
Thus, in computing the orthogonal gradients the
mask; the coefficients
normalization division is dropped out, the gradient
are integers based on
magnitude calculation is modified to rely on a
the binominal series.
single addition, and the gradient direction value is
The Sobel approach for computing the
the result of utilizing only the signs of the vertical
orthogonal gradients is actually the result of a two
and horizontal gradients.
stage approximation:
2) Avoiding those Altera LPM functions [1] [2]
1) the central difference approximation
which, despite being handy, take more than two
∆f(х) = [ f(x+1) - f (x-1) ]*0.5 (3)
clock cycles to output a correct result and lead to
to the derivative of a continuous function
speed eroding delays. The focus here is on omitting
the square root function for the gradient magnitude
(4) and the division in the gradient direction
for ∆х = 1 as the smallest possible value of ∆х in computations.
the discrete domain of digital image pixels;
3) Keeping the sequential logic input data width
optimally within 8 bits for executing the FPGA |GM| = |GX| + |GY| . (6)
integer arithmetic at the highest frequencies [1] [2].
The impacted values are those of the vertical and The accurate calculation of gradient direction
horizontal gradients which need to be confined to GD is
the interval [-255, 255].
4) Replacing a slow computational procedure with
values determined in advance. To this point, fixed
values for the high and low thresholds tend to be
used instead of assessing the entire image statistics
Gx and Gy are the x- and y-
in the non-maximum suppression module.
gradients; ;
2.2.2. FPGA hardware sparing
approximation Calculating the gradient direction by applying
expression (7) has the following inauspicious
Typically, the less the utilized FPGA area, the 1) The FPGA implementation is computationally
more efficient the Canny implementation. This expensive, and therefore leads to substantial delays.
aspect of approximation in the FPGA based Canny, 2) The divisor GX can be equal to 0. In that case
despite sometimes being colateral and far from calculating the gradient direction is practically
particularly intended, is important in two ways. It is irrelevant, and, consequently, additional
an implicit indicator of the efficiency of a computational conditions should be introduced to
computational mechanism, thus presenting tangible ensure the correctness of results.
measurement for the practical applicability of any For hardware implementation, (7) is typically
technique or algorithm aimed at optimizing the replaced with the sign relations of the gradients.
organization of Canny calculations to be
implemented on FPGA. The hardware sparing Gy > 0 & Gx > 0
approximation can also serve as guidelines for Gy < 0 & Gx < 0
assessing the extent a proposed computational Gy > 0 & Gx < 0
approach is functionally advanced. Gy < 0 & Gx > 0 . (8)
This approximation type is present mainly in
the calculations of the gradient magnitude and
direction wherein, instead of the very expensive 2. 4. Partial approximation
hardware realization of exact mathematical
algorithms, the results are achieved through relying This approximation type deals with a limited
on addition and comparison. It is also appropriate portion of the algorithm’s computations and has its
for sparing the limited in quantity on-chip memory indispensible application in the calculations for
in terms of using predefined low and high threshold determining the angular values 0, 45, 90, 135 which
values to avoid computations involving the entire define the four axes of gradient direction. Two
image statistics after executing the non-maximum values are utilized to optimally approximate the two
suppression. angles of crucial importance to the mathematical
accuracy of gradient direction calculation.
2.3. Complete approximation Taking into account that four intervals are
needed to contain all results of computing the Gy
and Gx ratio, two referece points are employed. One
This approximation type is focused on of them should represent an angle of 22.5°, and the
replacing a whole computational algorithm and its other - 67.5°. In the integer domain of FPGA
territory is the gradient magnitude and direction based Canny, the most appropriate approximation
module. Mathematically, gradient magnitude GM is to angle 22.5° is the fraction
calculated using
( = 21.8014094°) (9)
(5) and to angle 67.5° - the fraction
Gx and Gy are the x- and y-gradients.
In the FPGA based Canny, Pythagoras is ( = 68.1985905) . (10)
generally replaced with
Gх = [(N3 + 2N4 + N5) – (N1 + 2N8 + N7)]
Gу = [(N7 + 2N6 + N5) – (N1+ 2N2 + N3)] .
3. Assessment of approximation (14)
This approach presents two flaws. On the one
3.1. Approximation in terms of impact on hand, omitting division leads to lack of additional
computational results averaging, thus impeding a certain extra noise
suppression to be applied to the image. On the other
Inasmuch as the weighted average filter hand, taking into account that computing the
approximation has steadily defined its presence in gradient magnitude refers to the Pythagorean
the Gaussian smoothing, the appropriate selection theorem, and magnitude values larger than 255 are
of the fiter’s size is of significant importance as a irrelevant to the calculations of local maxima in the
tool to compensate for the omission of not to be next Canny module, all the results equal or
underestimated subtleties imposed by the discrete exceeding are scaled down to the appropriate
domain of digital image processing. Thus, taking 255. Consequently, the division’s being omitted
into account the numerical characteristics of the bell requires that all the results larger than 255 should be
shaped curve, the most suitable variants prove to be cut down to fit the maximum value of a gray scale
sizes 5x5 and 7x7. With respect to the fact that the image pixel, and this entails serious
larger the size the worse the localization, and taking disproportionality among this module's output
into account the amount of computations required results.
for the hardware implementation, the optimal option The gradient magnitude and direction module
is filter of size 5x5. is of capital importance for the quality of detected
As gradient filters, the two Sobel matrices contours. In computing the gradient magnitude,
have positive and negative coefficients. If in a 3x3 replacing (5) with (6) leads to calculated numbers
neighborhood C(x,y) is the central pixel, and the which differ from the exact mathematical results in
numbers of neighboring pixels are as shown (Fig. the range of 0.2-30 per cent. In terms of quantity,
2.) , this lack of precision is irregularly distributed
across the calculated gradient magnitudes, and any
x computational mechanism aimed at offsetting the
inaccuracy is practically irrelevant. The largest
N1 N2 N3
differences are calculated for pixel values that are
С among the most frequently to be met in a gray scale
N8 (х.y) N4 image. In view of the fact that it is the gradient
magnitude results that are compared in the non-
N7 N6 N5 maximum suppression module to perform edge
y thinning, the overall effect is poor localization and
lack of plausibility, thus resulting in detected
Fig. 2. 3x3 neighborhood pixels contour’s getting unreliable for production line
applications wherein taking correct measurements is
the exact equations to calculate the x gradient and of crucial importance. Depending only on (8) to
the y gradient for C(x,y) are: compute gradient direction instead of (7) halves
down the accuracy by reducing the required
intervals from 8 to 4. The consequence is decreased
correctness in the results of the algorithm involved
(11) in determining the local maxima, with eroded
precision and gaps in the mapped contours.
The values calculated for the gradient
magnitude and direction are straightforwardly used
. (12) in the non-maximum suppression module. Utilizing
(13), (14), and (6) can result in computing values
On FPGA, the approximation in computing
the orthogonal gradients practically reduces the exceeding As long as only comparison of values
necessary integer arithmetic to addition and limited of up to 255 is relevanly employed, keeping
subtraction with division by the power of 2 being within 8 bits has no alternative.
dropped out: Convenient as it is, utilizing two static values
instead of a costly algorithm employing the entire
image statistics to compute the high and low
thresholds results in both omitting real edges and imposed by the requirements of the discrete domain
defining noise as contours, the latter being capable in digital image processing. In that respect,
of considerably compromising the output of Canny Gaussian smoothing and orthogonal gradients are
in terms of veracity, particuarly with respect to uses entirely based on approximation. Accomplishing the
orientated towards machine-to-machine interface. goal of a fast FPGA based Canny is favoured by a
Inasmuch as every pixel in the processed set of approaches related to approximation.
image is surrounded by 8 other pixels, the Complete approximation is focused on replacing a
approximation in (9) and (10) is actually whole computational algorithm and its territory is
characterized by accuracy that is enough to provide the gradient magnitude and direction module.
computational results commensurable to those Partial approximation deals with a limited portion
achieved through utilizing the conventional of the algorithm’s computations and has its
mathematical expression in (7). indispensible application in the calculations for
determining the gradient direction. Two values are
utilized to optimally approximate the two angles of
3.2. Approximation in terms of crucial importance to the mathematical accuracy of
speed vs. accuracy gradient direction Each approximation type is
analyzed and assessed in terms of: Canny’s module
Overtly or in the background, the analysis of it is used in, characteristics, expediency, departure
approximation and its impact on the FPGA based from the mathematical exactness of results, impact
Canny calculations eventually comes down to the on the reliability of calculations, relevance to the
speed vs. accuracy model. In this respect, there are quality of detected contours. The attitude of
two important facts. approximation towards speed and accuracy relation
Computationally expensive and slow as Canny with respect to FPGA’s advanced functionalities is
is, addressing the accomplishment of speed scrutinized.
optimization goal should peremptorily focus the
proposed approaches on the framework of detected REFERENCES
contours’ being optimally plausible. Achieving
reliability of the edge detected image especially for 1. Altera Corporation. Cyclone II Device
more demanding production line applications is Handbook, Volume 1, 2014
feasible on the basis of using mathematically 2. Altera Corporation. Integer Arithmetic IP Cores
accurate algorithms to realize the calculations in the User Guide, 2014
Canny modules. This being taken into account, 3. Aravindh G., C. S. Manikandababu, Algorithm
approximation is a tangible technique as long as it and Implementation of Distributed Canny Edge
does not violate the pattern of exactness and Detector on FPGA, ARPN Journal of
veracity at each successive stage in the flow of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 10 (7),
computations. Approximation for speed 2015, pp. 3208-3216
enhancement purposes which functions as a hurdle 4. Chandrashekar N .S. and Nataraj K. R., Design
to the accuracy of results is unacceptable. And Implementation of a Modified Canny Edge
Even though being hard to implement on Detector based on FPGA, International Journal
FPGA, Canny can afford avoiding approximation of Advanced Electrical and Electronics
that compromises accuracy through utilizing the Engineering, (IJAEEE), Vol.2, (1), pp. 17-21
programmable logic’s typical characteristic - 5. Chandrashekar N.S. and Nataraj K.R., NMS and
executing computations in parallel. Whatever the Thresholding Architecture used for FPGA based
complexity of an algorithm in a Canny’s module, Canny Edge Detector for Area Optimization,
the simultaneity of calculations is quite an efficient Proceeding of International Conference on
tool to accelerate calculations without having to rely Control, Communication and Power
on accuracy decresing approximation. The Engineering, 2013, pp. 80-84
additional requirement to be satisfied here is for the 6. Divya. D. and Sushma P. S., FPGA
parallel computations to utilize the fastest integer Implementation of a Distributed Canny
arithmetic on FPGA. Edge Detector, International Journal of
Advanced Computational Engineering and
Networking, Vol. 1, (5), 2013, pp. 46-51
4. Conclusions 7. Ramgundewar, Pallavi, S. P. Hingway,
Presented in this paper are four general types K. Mankar. Design of Modified Canny Edge
of approximation used in the FPGA based Canny Detector based on FPGA for Portable
edge detection computations: mandatory, targeted, Device, Journal of The International
complete, and partial. Mandatory approximation is Association of Advanced Technology and
Science. Vol. 16 (2), 2015, pp. 210-214 Research Based on Canny Operator,
8. Shamlee V. and Jeyamani, A Split Canny International Conference on Computer
Edge Detection: Algorithm and its FPGA Science and Service System, 10-13 Aug.
Implementation, International Journal of 2012, pp. 602-610
Science and Research (IJSR), Vol. 3 (12),
2015, pp. 1198-1205
9. Veeranagoudapatil, Chitra Prabhu.
Distributed Canny Edge Detector:
Algorithm & FPGA Implementation, Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski
Internationa Journal for Research in Plovdiv 4000
Applied Science & Engineering Technology 24 Tzar Asen Street
(IJRASET), Vol. 3 (5), 2015, pp. 586-588 e-mail:
10. Xianghua Hou, Honghai Liu, Welding
Image Edge Detection and Identification
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract: The attacks against computer and network security are a real threat in the
modern Internet world. Detection of attacks is a process of monitoring of computer systems
or networks and analyzing them for signs of possible events that are violations or threats.
Developing of intrusion detecting and preventing systems (IDPS) requires the availability
of resources that are needed to be integrated within the protected network infrastructure.
This paper presents the architecture and functionality of IDPS, which offers affordable,
flexible and efficient solution for building such as systems in different fields.
Key words: Network Attacks, Intrusion Detecting and Preventing System, Raspberry Pi
Abstract: The LTE Technology provides simultaneously voice, data and video with
different priority on networks. LTE applies the QoS bearers technique that provides high
performance in packet delivery based on prioritization of the traffic. In this paper is
proposed a simulation framework for LTE technology, which realized a priority based
algorithm for LTE Scheduler, which reorders packets, based on classification mechanism.
Key words: LTE, Scheduler, prioritization, QoS
Copyright © 2017 by Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
AMBR-general maximum speed permitted for the into Resource Blocks (RBs) in the frequency
entire non-GBR throughput for specific APN domain. The Data is transmitted in the Transport
(Access Point Name) and UE -AMBR- overall Blocks (TB) in one transmission time interval (TTI)
maximum speed permitted for the entire non-GBR for 1ms. Each RB consists from 12 subcarriers
throughput for all of APN particularly UE. (each of them is 15kHz). The frame is 10ms and
divides into 10 equal subframes. Each subframe
Table 1. LTE QoS contains 2 slots*0.5ms. Each RB is related to one
Dedicated Bearer Default Bearer
slot in time. One TB is related to 1 subframe and it
is the minimum unit to schedule. The serve rule is
QCI 5-9 QCI 1-4 QCI 5-9
to find first space that can fit the TB. If there are not
enough RBs in the current TTI, the scheduler tries
UE-AMBR MBR UE-AMBR to find resources in the next TTI. This strategy
TFT TFT APN minimizes the response latency, which is the best
ARP ARP IP Address
L-EBI L-EBI ARP practice for delay sensitive traffic.
But in 1 Timeslot number of RB depends
In LTE networks for differentiation of QoS
from frequency. It is presented in the Table 3.
same as in WiMAX are applicable classes which
here are called QoS Class of Identifier (QCI). They Table 3. Number of RB in
define the basic characteristics of the IP packet LTE
level, as presented in Table 2.
frequency RBs for users traffic RB for overhead
Table 2. QCI classes in LTE 25MHz 4 RB 2 RB
2. 5MHz 10 RB 2 RB
QCI Bearer Priori Delay of Packets Example of 5MHz 23 RB 2 RB
Type ty the Packet Loss Traffic Type 10 MHz 48 RB 2 RB
1 GBR 2 100ms 10-2 VoIP 15MHz 73 RB 2 RB
2 4 150ms 10-3 Video call 20 MHz 98 RB 2 RB
3 3 50ms 10-3 Real time But this procedure is not applicable for
4 5 300ms 10-6 Video stream
beacon transmissions (it is sent among devices each
5 Non- 1 100ms 10-6 IMS Signaling 100ms), because of emergency information it
6, 8, GBR 6, 300ms 10-6 TCP based conveys, therefore the reserved resource blocks
9 8, services – chat,
9 ftp...
exist to accommodate the temporary overload.
7 7 100ms 10-3 Voice, video, The present paper offers an algorithm for
interactive UEs service in the distribution of resources in the
uplink of LTE network as composed of two
Then in the base station (eNodeB) is modules - by a control mechanism for admission
applied a preemption algorithm, which allows high (admission control) and Scheduler.
priority requesting bearers to displace low priority
connected bearers in order to reduce the cell load.
This algorithm coupled with a priority-based
admission control can achieve low dropping and
blocking probabilities.
3. Proposed algorithm for prioritization of
UEs in the LTE
The aim of the proposed algorithm is to
achieve keeping the network throughput as high as
possible at a small price of only a bit more
handovers. The functions for management of QoS
in access networks are responsible for the efficient
allocation of resources in a wireless interface. They
are generally defined as the control algorithms of
radio resources and incorporate power
management, control of the transfer connection,
access control , load control and the management Fig. 1. Traffic Prioritization in the Scheduler
packet , but directly related to QoS level cell are the
last three. They are used to ensure a maximum According to the network load, the
throughput for individual services. admission control for the reception of orders
LTE uses multiple access technology manages the number of UEs, which can enter into
(OFDMA), where the total bandwidth is divided
the Scheduler, in order to avoid overloading the The module "resource Allocation
system with too many UEs. Generator", based on class "eNodeBdata", realizes
The Scheduler allocates RBs among UEs the proposed algorithm for priority. The class
according to UEs needs. Resource allocation in the contains methods for sorting UEs, adding it's data in
Scheduler is based on the priority, which is array and arranging them.
presented on the Figure 1. Thus, the input of data for each device starts
from initial parameters for the eNodeB. This is
4. Simulation Framework of LTE Scheduler represented in the example of Figure 4. Another
In this approach a simulation environment eNodeB (the next in the order) receives serial
was established for implementation and exploration number. After that the user must type the number
of the proposed algorithm. Used software tool is of UEs that will participate in the network of this
Visual Basic 2010. The architecture of the simulator base station, according to the limits imposed by the
is presented on the Figure 2. standard. The choice of bandwidth sets limits in the
cell radius of the eNodeB and the transmission
speed (bandwidth).
5. Experimental Results
The data from different experiments are
send in .xls format to the next estimation.
7. Заключение:
Полезността на софтуера е особено
голяма в използването му при всички
съвременни леки и товарни автомобили.
Проследяването на текущите параметри и
сравняването им с желателните много бързо
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract: This paper presents the most effective use cases of hash functions. The purpose
of the developed practical tests is evaluating hash functions by speed and security. They
show how the different cryptographic algorithms, application level hashing, database layer
hashing and even disk encryption can impact both the overall performance of a system and
are crucial for the security of the data implied in it. The results of this experimental
research are presented in this paper.
Key words: hash functions, cryptographic algorithms, security, performance, encryption
Abstract: Constant advance in science and technology makes collection of data and storage
much easier and very inexpensive than before. This led to the information of enormous
datasets in science, government and industry, which should be processed or sorted to get
useful information. The goal of this survey is to provide a comprehensive review of different
techniques in data mining and how they can deal with large data sets.
Keywords: traditional clustering techniques, data stream clustering, incremental clustering
Copyright by Technical University
by Technical University-of
Sofia,Plovdiv branch,Bulgaria
Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
hierarchical, model-based, density based methods sensitive to outliers. For example, an object with
and grid-based methods. In this section we have some extremely large value may substantially distort
described partitioning, hierarchical and density the distribution of data by k-means method.
based methods and how they can deal with large data Therefore, instead of taking the mean value of
sets. objects in a cluster as a reference point, an object that
is most centrally located in the cluster can be taken
2.1. Partitioning clustering as a representative object, called as medoid. Thus the
Let a database containing n data objects is partitioning method can be performed by minimizing
given, then a partitioning method constructs k the sum of dissimilarities between each object and
clusters of the data where k <= n and k is the input with its corresponding reference point.
parameter provided by the user. That is, it classifies The algorithm creates k partitions for n given
the data into k groups (clusters) which should satisfy objects. Initially k-medoids are selected which are
the following conditions: (1) each group must located more centrally in each cluster. Then the
contain at least one data object and (2) each data algorithm repeatedly tries to make a better choice of
object should belong to only one group. The most medoids by analyzing all the possible pairs of
well-known and commonly used partitioning objects.
methods are k-means proposed by Mac Queen [1] The k-medoids method is more robust than
and k-medoids proposed by Kaufman and k-means because it is less influenced by outliers or
Rousseeuw [2]. other extreme values than mean. But its processing is
very costly than k-means method and it also has the
2.1.1. The k-means method drawback of user providing the input parameter k.
The k-means algorithm takes input k from The main advantage of k-means and k-
the user and partitions n data objects into k clusters medoids is that their complexity is linear. Therefore,
so that the resulting intra-cluster similarity is very their execution time is proportional to the number n
high and inter-cluster similarity is very low. The of data objects, so that they can be used with large
cluster similarity is calculated based on the mean volumes of data. The second advantage is that it is
value of the objects in the cluster. First, it randomly possible to detect outliers, which appear in the form
picks k data objects as the mean or centroid points. of singleton clusters. There is also a third advantage.
For each of the remaining objects, an object assigned Unlike hierarchical methods, in which the clusters
to the centroid to which it is most similar based on are not altered once they have been constructed, the
distance between the object and the cluster. This reassignment algorithms constantly improve the
process iterates till good clusters are formed. quality of the clusters, which can thus reach a high
Typically, squared root function is used for this level when the form of the data is suitable.
which can be defined as The first disadvantage is that the final
partition depends greatly on the more or less arbitrary
initial choice of the centers ci. Consequently, we do
𝑬𝑬 = ∑ ∑ |𝒙𝒙 − 𝒎𝒎𝒊𝒊 |𝟐𝟐 , (1) not have a global optimum, but simply the best
𝒊𝒊=𝟏𝟏 𝒙𝒙 ∈ 𝑪𝑪𝒊𝒊
possible partition based on the starting partition. The
where x is the point in space representing the given second drawback of partitioning methods is that the
object, and mi is the mean of cluster Ci. This function number of clusters, k, is fixed in these methods, and
tries to make the clusters as separate as possible. it is not less than k unless certain clusters are empty.
If this number does not correspond to the actual
The method is relatively scalable and configuration of the cloud of data objects, the quality
efficient in handling large data sets because the of the clustering may be adversely affected. The third
computational complexity of the method is O(nkt), drawback of these methods is that they are only good
where n is the total number of iterations, k is the at detecting spherical forms. Even convex forms such
number of clusters and t is the number of iterations. as ellipses cannot be detected well if they are not
Normally k<<n and t<<n so, the method often ends sufficiently separated.
up at local optimum. However, this method has some
drawbacks: 1) it can be applied only when mean of a 2.2. Hierarchical clustering algorithms
cluster is defined, but when data with categorical Hierarchical clustering, also known as
attributes is involved it cannot be the case; 2) the user connectivity based clustering, is based on the core
should specify the number of clusters k in advance idea of objects being more related to nearby objects
and 3) it is sensible to noise and outlier data points. that to objects farther away. These algorithms
2.1.2. The k-medoids method connect “objects” to form “clusters” based on their
K-medoids algorithm was developed to distance. A cluster can be described largely by the
overcome the drawbacks of k-means which is very maximum distance needed to connect parts of the
cluster. Strategies for hierarchical clustering clusters. If n is the number of data objects (elements)
generally fall into two types: to be clustered, the complexity of the basic algorithm
is of the order of n3, and it will soon exceed the
Agglomerative clustering is a “bottom-up” capacity of even a powerful computer. The
approach: each observation starts in its own difference from the moving centers method is that we
cluster, and pairs of clusters are merged as one are comparing individuals with each other instead of
moves up the hierarchy. comparing them with the centers of the clusters only.
Divisible clustering is a “top-down” approach: The situation can be improved to a certain extent by
all observations start in one cluster, and splits are the nearest-neighbor algorithm, which reduces a
performed recursively as one moves down the complexity of n3 to n2, by a judicious combination of
hierarchy. more than two observations on each iteration. It can
be used with the Ward, average linkage, single
linkage and complete linkage methods. A second
drawback is that, at each step, the partitioning
criterion is not global, but depends on the clusters
obtained so far: two individuals placed in different
clusters will no longer be compared. In other words,
this type of clustering into n clusters in not
necessarily the best possible outcome, but only the
best of those obtained by combining the clusters of a
clustering procedure into n + 1 clusters. Thus some
natural clusters may be hidden by an earlier
Fig. 1. Examples of agglomerative “Bottom-up” branching.
and divisive “Top-down” clustering
2.3. Density based clustering algorithms
In general, the merges and splits are Density-based clustering [7] methods are
determined in a greedy manner. The results of based on a local cluster criterion. Clusters are
hierarchical clustering are usually presented in a assumed as regions in the data space in which the
dendrogram. The complexity of agglomerative objects are dense and the clusters are separated by
clustering is O(n2log(n)) [3], which makes them too regions of low object density. These regions have an
slow for large data sets. Divisible clustering with an arbitrary shape and the data points inside a cluster
exhaustive search is O(2n), which is even worse. may be arbitrarily distributed.
However, for some special cases, optimal efficient
The most popular [8] density based
agglomerative methods (of complexity O(n2)) are
clustering method is DBSCAN [9]. In contrast to
known: SLINK [4] for single-linkage and CLINK [5]
many newer methods, it features a well-defined
for complete-linkage clustering.
cluster model called “density-reachability”. Similar
The agglomerative clustering does not suffer
to linkage based clustering, it is based on connecting
from the two major drawbacks of the moving centers
points within certain distance thresholds. However,
method, namely its dependence on the choice of
it only connects points that satisfy a density criterion,
initial centers and the fixed number of clusters
in the original variant defined as a minimum number
chosen in advance. The second advantage is that it
of other objects within this radius. A cluster consists
can detect clusters of different shapes, according to
of all density-connected objects (which can form a
the distance chosen. The best possible distance can
cluster of an arbitrary shape, in contrast to many
be chosen according to previous knowledge of the
other methods) plus all objects that are within these
shape of the clusters to be detected, but the choice is
objects’ range. Another interesting property of
mainly made by carrying out a number of trials and
observing the results. It is possible to use a given
distance because the resulting clusters are more
easily described or because the number of clusters
appears more natural with respect to the graphic
indicators. The third advantage is that it enables us to
cluster data elements, variables or centers of clusters Fig. 2. Examples of (a) directly density-reachable,
obtained by using a moving centers algorithm. (b) density-reachable, (c) density-connected in
The main disadvantage is its algorithmic density-based clustering.
complexity, which is non-linear: in order to move
from k + 1 clusters to k clusters, we must calculate (k DBSCAN is that its complexity is fairly low – it
+ 1)k/2 distances and combine the two closest requires a linear number of range queries on database
Abstract: Deep Learning is a software tool for learning in neural networks that
utilizes multiple layers of abstraction. Today it has impact on many research areas.
There are two broad types of machine learning – supervised learning and
unsupervised learning. The supervised learning uses labeled datasets to produce
the desired results. The supervised learning is useful for the classification and the
regression. In the unsupervised learning the main purpose is to find out hidden
models of data. The unsupervised learning is used for clustering and associative
Key words: deep learning, algorithm, neural network
Supervised Learning
In supervised learning we have input
variables (x) and an output variable (Y) and you use
an algorithm to learn the mapping function from the
input to the output(Y = f(X))
The goal is to approximate the mapping
Deep learning is impacting everything from function so well that when you have new input data
healthcare to transportation to manufacturing, and (x) that you can predict the output variables (Y) for
more. Companies are turning to deep learning to that data.
solve hard problems, like speech recognition, object
recognition, and machine translation. It might seem It is called supervised learning because the
like this technology is still years away, but we are process of an algorithm learning from the training
beginning to see its commercial use. Such is the dataset can be thought of as a teacher supervising
case with self-driving cars. Companies like Google, the learning process. We know the correct answers,
Tesla, and Uber are already testing autonomous cars the algorithm iteratively makes predictions on the
on the streets. training data and is corrected by the teacher.
Learning stops when the algorithm achieves an
acceptable level of performance. Supervised
learning problems can be further grouped into
Copyright © 2017 by Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
regression and classification problems. correct decision, most of the time. As a method, it
Classification: A classification problem is when the allows you to approach the problem in a structured
output variable is a category, such as “red” or and systematic way to arrive at a logical conclusion.
“blue” or “animal” and “human”
Decision trees have many advantages.They
Regression: A regression problem is when are simple to understand and interpret. People are
the output variable is a real value, such as “dollars” able to understand decision tree models after a brief
or “weight”. Some common types of problems built explanation, allow the addition of new possible
on top of classification and regression include scenarios easily.Help determine worst, best and
recommendation and time series prediction expected values for different scenarios, can be
respectively. combined with other decision techniques.As a
disadvantages can be given that the calculations can
A popular example of supervised machine get very complex if many values are uncertain or if
learning algorithms is support vector machines for many outcomes are linked.
classification problems
Neural networks.
Connectivity-based algorithms
Connectivity based clustering, also known
as hierarchical clustering, is based on the core idea
of objects being more related to nearby objects than
to objects farther away. These algorithms connect
"objects" to form "clusters" based on their distance.
A cluster can be described largely by the maximum Credit: Michael A. Nielsen, “Neural Networks and
distance needed to connect parts of the cluster. Deep Learning”
Density-based algorithms
In density-based clustering, clusters are Deep learning can be described
defined as areas of higher density than the as the technique for learning in neural networks that
remainder of the data set. Objects in these sparse utilizes multiple layers of abstraction to solve
areas - that are required to separate clusters - are pattern recognition problems.It is a specific
approach used for building and training neural address the data analysis and learning problems
networks, which are considered highly promising found in massive volumes of input data. More
decision-making nodes. An algorithm is considered specifically, it aids in automatically extracting
to be deep if the input data is passed through a complex data representations from large volumes of
series of nonlinearities or nonlinear transformations unsupervised data. This makes it a valuable tool for
before it becomes output. In contrast, most modern Big Data Analytics, which involves data analysis
machine learning algorithms are considered from very large collections of raw data.
"shallow" because the input can only go only a few
levels of subroutine calling. BIBLIOGRAPHY
Abstract: The present paper describes a Bayesian network model for prediction of football
games outcomes. It can be seen from the experiments made, that predictions with more than
50 % accuracy are achieved using the proposed model. The programming system is
realized in Visual Studio.NET environment and the programming language C#. The
database is realized via MS SQL.
Key words: Bayesian networks, football games, causal connections, directed acyclic
Copyright © 2017 by Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
dispatching center should have high computing 1. RTU – remote terminal units are connected
capacity, and powerful information acquisition, to sensors. They have telemetry hardware
integration, and analysis functions especially with capable of sending digital data to the
the advancement of Smart Grid applications. supervisory system, as well as receiving
Existing centralized computing platforms of digital commands from the supervisory
electric power systems can hardly meet the above system.
requirements, which have become one of the major 2. PLCs – programmable logic controllers are
bottlenecks in the Smart Grid. Some of the major also connected to sensors. PLCs have more
disadvantages of these platforms are as follows[3]: sophisticated embedded control capabilities
• Low basic resource utilization and poor than RTUs. PLCs do not have telemetry
scalability. A large amount of basic hardware, although this functionality is
computing resources to meet the demands in typically installed alongside them. PLCs are
peak hours are idle during off peak hours. sometimes used in place of RTUs as field
To ensure reliability, lots of resources are devices because they are more economical,
redundant, and cannot be fully utilized. versatile, flexible, and configurable
Contradictions are growing between energy 3. Telemetry system is used to connect RTUs
demands and conservation policies. Due to and PLCs to control center or data
the upgrade of business, the existing IT warehouse systems.
infrastructure cannot be reused. Currently, 4. A data acquisition server is a software
analysis and computing in the electric power service which uses industrial protocols to
system rely on the centralized computing connect software services, via telemetry,
platform in the dispatching center. Due to with field devices such as RTUs and PLCs.
limited computing capacity, poor scalability, It allows clients to access data from these
and high upgrade costs, large scale power field devices using standard protocols.
systems suffer from insufficient data storage 5. HMI is the apparatus or device which
and analysis capabilities. presents processed data to a human operator,
• Poor system interoperability leading to and through this, the human operator
information islands. Parallel application monitors and interacts with the process.6. A
systems have their own architectural Historian is a software service which
features, and therefore resources cannot be accumulates time-stamped data in a database
exchanged or reused. which can be queried or used to populate
• Increasing management costs and risks, and graphic trends in the HMI. The historian is a
decreasing equipment utilization. client that requests data from a data
• acquisition server.
II. SCADA SYSTEM COMPONENTS 6. A Historian is a software service which
accumulates time-stamped data in a database
The traditional components of SCADA systems which can be queried or used to populate
are shown on figure 1. graphic trends in the HMI. The historian is a
client that requests data from a data
acquisition server.
7. A supervisory (computer) system, gathering
(acquiring) data on the process and sending
commands (control) to the SCADA system.
8. Communication infrastructure.
In metal forming world, open die forging is the some of the cold-forging features of composite steel
most important and fundamental technique. Over preforms of varying titanium carbide contents
decades, about open die forging of single materials, during cold upsetting under triaxial stress state
such as steel, copper, aluminum, lots of works were conditions.
studied both theoretically and experimentally. Nowadays, compared to single components,
Vilotic et al.[1] have given particular attention to especially in marine industry, chemical industry and
process of upsetting of cylindrical billets. K. electrical equipment, bimetallic components are
Baskaran and R. Narayanasamy investigated study mostly preferred in industry due to their some better
the bulging characteristics of preformed irregularly properties. For example, bimetallic parts especially
shaped aluminium billets (Elliptical billets) during provide corrosion resistance and better conductivity.
cold upset forging using lubricanton both sides of Bimetallic components have an advantage due to
elliptical billets of pure commercial aluminium each two materials consist of different chemical
under different stress state conditions namely compositions. For example, impurities and different
uniaxial, plane and triaxial stress states [2]. S. grain size in materials show different plastic
Malayappan et al. studied experimentally the deformation characteristics. But bimetallic
bulging effect of aluminium solid cylinders by components are not composite materials, because in
introducing an extrusion die at one end [3]. Aksakal composite materials reinforcing elements spread
et al. investigated upsetting of polygonal samples by uniformly in matrix materials.
using dual stream functions theoretically and In recent years, plastic forming of bimetallic parts
experimentally [4]. Thaheer and Narayanasamy[5] have studied by a lot of researchers. Jingcai Wang
studied barrelling effect of truncated cone billets of et al.[11] investigated hot forging of multi-material
various materials. Also Thaheer and Narayanasamy cladded work pieces using upsetting tests, Yang et
explained barrelling effect of truncated cone billets al. [12] studied by using upper bound method.
of various materials [6]. Chang and Bramley[7] Eivani and Tahiri [13] used equal channel angular
investigate the determination of the heat transfer extrusion process to produce bimetallic rods and
coeffcient at the workpiece-die interface for the compared to one produced by general extrusion
forging process. Dyja et al. [8] worked theoretical process. Plancak et al. [14] studied experimental
and experimental analysis of rolling of bimetallic analysis of joining of two bimetallic axisymmetric
Cu-Al and Cu- Steel rods. Kocanda et al.[9] components from various materials by upsetting
examined contact pressure distribution in upsetting bimetallic components in a closed die. Plancak et al.
of compound cylindrical and cubic metals. [15] examined the behaviour of bimetallic
Senthilkumar and Narayanasamy[10] evaluates components which consist of an outer ring of mild
Copyright © 2017 by Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
steel C45 and inner core of softer C15 steel during
the cold upsetting process. Plancak et al. [16] then After prepared all the metals in lathe machine with
extended to this research and compared all the appropriate dimensions, inner solid cylinder was
experimental data to one obtained by using finite pressed by low pressure into outer ring material in
element method. order to produce these bimetallic components.
Produced bimetallic components are shown in Fig.
Fig. 4 shows the 150 tons’ hydraulic press that the
experiments were carried out. It has a constant
speed of 5 mm/s. The hydraulic press was equipped
with a pressure current transducer in order to
measure and record the experimental load. The
pressure or load value was read by an I/O card of
Fig.1. Plancak Bi-metallic Model [16] the personal computer during the experiment.
This value was converted into a resistance value,
In this work, the open die forging of bimetallic then this resistance value, consequently the pressure
cylindrical components producing using different value was provided as an input value to the
materials designed as two models was examined software.
both experimentally and analytically. This process
may provide many parameters for metal forming
operations, such as formability and barreling. The
aim of this study was to examine and compare the
metal flow and load requirement for these two
models when upsetting of bimetallic cylindrical
The authors would like to thank to Trakya
Fig.7. Comparison of FE simulation and
experimental work after %40 reduction, (a) Model 1 (b)
University-Turkey (TUBAP-2011-193) for their
Model 2 help in experimental part of the study.
Abstract: The present article reviews the basic classification of a rotor crusher of an
eccentric type as well as its usage in the field of mining industry. The analytical active
forces of the eccentric shaft have been determined as well as the reactions in the bearing
supports have been calculated. A 3D model of the crusher has been made as it has been
used for the purpose of computer aided simulation research of one of the most stressed
details, namely, the eccentric shaft. The obtained results have been analyzed as well as
some recommendations have been given as they concern the possibilities for prolongation
of the durability of the researched unit.
Key words: mine transport, rotor eccentric crusher, finite element method
1. Basic classification fixed on axes 5 that are fixed within the frame of
According to their pattern of action, the the crusher. Each jaw has hinged connection with
rotor crushers of eccentric origin are classified the hydraulic cylinders 1 in its lower part as the
somewhere between the conic types and the jaw jaws are fixed within the frame of the crusher by the
types of crushers. The process of grinding for this use of special cylindrical pins.
type of crushers is conducted by the use of two
steep working chambers that shrink up and down as
they are placed symmetrically in accordance with
the vertical plane (fig 1). The vertical plane is the
symmetrical plane of the machine itself. The
operation of that type of a crusher is driven by an
eccentric type of mechanism. There are four basic
cinematic groups: grinding jaws, a rotor, an
eccentric type of a shaft and a support protection
system. Fig. 2 and fig.3 show cinematic sketches of
an eccentric type of a rotor crusher along with a
hydraulic type of a support protection system and an
outlet that is hydraulically controlled.
The grinding chambers [1, 4, 16, 17] are
placed between the curved operational surfaces (fig.
1) of the immobile jaws 1 and the cylindrical
mobile rotor 3 that is mounted between them along
with the shaft that is placed horizontally. Rotor 3 is
located into the eccentric part of shaft 2 which is
Fig.1 Common look of a rotor crusher of an
located in accordance with the basic pins. The shaft
eccentric type
is fixed within the frame of the crusher in
accordance with the pins. The crushing jaws 4 are
located next to the both sides of the rotor as they are
symmetrical to the basic pins of the eccentric shaft.
They are mounted on the upper part as they hang
∑ 𝑀𝑀А = 0; (4)
𝐵𝐵𝑦𝑦 . (2. 𝑎𝑎 + 2. 𝑏𝑏) − 0,5. 𝑃𝑃𝑒𝑒 . 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐. 𝑏𝑏
−0,5. 𝑃𝑃𝑒𝑒 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐(2𝑎𝑎 + 𝑏𝑏) + 𝑄𝑄. 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐(2. 𝑎𝑎 + 2. 𝑏𝑏 + 𝑐𝑐)
𝐵𝐵𝑦𝑦 = 206 637, 𝑁𝑁
∑ 𝑀𝑀𝐵𝐵 = 0; (5)
Fig.8 Loading applied upon the eccentric shaft
𝐴𝐴𝑦𝑦 . (2. 𝑎𝑎 + 2. 𝑏𝑏) − 0,5. 𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃. 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐. (2. 𝑎𝑎 + 𝑏𝑏) +
+0,5. 𝑃𝑃𝑒𝑒 . 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐. 𝑏𝑏 + 𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄𝑄. 𝑐𝑐 = 0 The capabilities for MKE investigation of the
𝐴𝐴𝑦𝑦 = 105 997, 𝑁𝑁 software product will be applied throughout the
process of researching by simulation. These are as
- Equivalent stress according to the Theory of
von Mises [5, 6, 18, 19, 20];
- Reliability (Safety) coefficient according to the
Theory of Mises-Henky
Fig.7 A drawing of the eccentric shaft According to the Theory of von Mises-Henky,
the limit of protraction is to be defined by the
correspondence between the amount of equivalent
2.1. Methodology of researching
stress according to von Mises VON and the
In order to increase the values of the amount of allowable stress [ AL ] [7]
exploitation indexes throughout the process of
designing of the machine elements, one can use the
VON [ AL ]
capabilities of contemporary software products. The stress types, according to von Mises,
The first stage of execution of the research can be defined by the three main types of stress in
is creation of a 3D CAD model of the eccentric correspondence with dependency [6, 11, 12, 13].
shaft of the rotor crusher (fig. 7). The instance
applies to a detail that is shown on fig. 8. which has ( 1 2 ) 2 ( 2 3 ) 2 ( 1 3 ) 2 (6)
been drawn by usage of Solid Works. Limitation 2
with zero displacements has been imposed using the
option of 'fixed' as it is required for the purpose of
execution of the computer aided simulation. The
consequent reactions within the bearing supports
will affect the stress upon the shaft significantly.
Concerning that fact, one has to assume the greater
values, namely the results from plane X-Y, as they
represent a more serious case of operation of the
A computer aided simulative and structural
analysis has been conducted in order to determine Fig. 9 Distribution of the equivalent types of stress
size and distribution of the equivalent stresses. within the eccentric shaft
1. Cakan, A., Ozkaner V. and Yildirim M. M.
(2008). Quantifying Cutting and Wearing
Behaviors of TiN- and CrN Coated AISI
Fig. 6. Dependence of the nanohardness and 1070 Steel. Sensors, volume(8), 6984-
elastic modulus of the Ti- and Cr-based coatings: 6998.
1- Nanohardness of Ti/TiN/TiCrAlN coating, 2. Chauhan, K. V. and Rawal, S. K. (2014). A
2- Nanohardness of Cr/CrN/CrTiAlN coating, review paper on tribological and mechanical
3- Module of elasticity of Ti/TiN/TiCrAlN coating, properties of ternary nitride based coatings,
4- Module of elasticity of Cr/CrN/CrTiAlN coating. Procedia Technology, volume (14), 430-
The scratch parameters for both coatings 3. Chim Y.C., Ding X. Z., Zeng X. T. and Zhang
S. (2009). Oxidation resistance of TiN, CrN,
are presented in Table 2. It can be seen that the
Cr-based coating has a better coefficient of TiAlN and CrAlN coatings deposited by
lateral rotating cathode arc, Thin Solid Films, 10. Wu W., (2010) Development and
volume (517), 4845–4849. characterization of novel low-friction wear-
4. Zhanga, G.A., Yana, P.X., Wangb P., resitant multilayer nanocomposite CrAlTiCN
Chenb, Y.M. and Zhang J.Y. (2007). The coatings. Ph.D. thesis, University of
structure and tribological behaviors of CrN Birmingham, 2010.
and Cr–Ti–N coatings. Applied Surface 11. Zhou Z., Tam P., Shum P., Li K., (2009)
Science, volume (517), 7353–7359. High temperature oxidation of CrTiAlN hard
5. Lee, J.K., Oh, M.H. and Wee D.M. (2001). coatings prepared by unbalanced magnetron
Long-term oxidation properties of Al–Ti–Cr sputtering, This Solid Films, volume (517),
two-phase alloys as coating materials for 5243-5247.
TiAl alloys. Intermetallics, volume (10), 12. Kim Y., Lee H., Kim S.and Han J., (2007)
347-352. Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of
6. Bai L., Zhu X., Xiao J. and He J. (2007). CrTiAlN Nanocomposite Thin Films
Study on thermal stability of CrTiAlN Synthesized by Closed Field Unbalanced
coating for dry drilling. Surface & Coatings Magnetron Sputtering, Journal of the Korean
Technology, volume (201), 5257–5260. Physical Society, volume (51), 1183-1186.
7. Kabir, M.S., Munroe, P., Zhou, Z. and Xie
Z.(2016), Structure and mechanical
properties of graded Cr/CrN/CrTiN coatings
synthesized by close field unbalanced
magnetron sputtering, Surface & Organization:
Coatings Technology, volume (309), 779- Central Laboratory of Applied Physics,
789. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
8. Danek M., Fernandes F., Cavaleiro, A., Address: Bulgaria, Plovdiv, 4000,
Polcar T., (2017) Influence of Cr additions 61, Sankt Petersburg Bld.
on the structure and oxidation resistance of Phone: 00359(0) 893611035
multilayered TiAlCrN films, Surface & 00359 (0) 32 265515
Coatings Technology, volume (313), 158- E-mails:,
9. Saleem H., (2014) Thermal stability of cubic,
and nanocrystalline arc evaporated TiCrAlN
coatings, Master’s Thesis, Department of
Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, Linköpings
Abstract: The highly doped constructive aluminum alloys are from crucial importance for
the aircraft, automobile and marine transport. These alloys, however, are very susceptible
to localized corrosion, due to occurrence of various intermetallic inclusions, which form
galvanic elements with the basic Al matrix. That is the reason for the necessity for reliable
corrosion protective systems development. In this sense, the present brief research
represents the results of the finishing phosphate sealing of cerium oxide coated aircraft
Key words: aircraft alloy, anodizing, cerium oxide coating, phosphatation, SEM, EDX
Abstract: The influence of relation between the sensor mass and the beam mass to the
natural frequencies of a cantilever beam is investigated theoretically. This influence is not
simple, because it depends from the mode number, and a three dimensional plot is used to
present the results.
Key words: natural frequency, cantilever beam, modal analysis, Fourier transform,
Copyright 2016byby Technical
Technical University
University - Sofia,
of Sofia, Plovdiv
Plovdiv branch,
branch, Bulgaria
Bulgaria ISSN 1310
ISSN Online: - 8271
a, m/s2
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
t, s
Fig. 2. Time-diagram of the experimentally obtained acceleration of the end point of the beam
Bending oscillations around z axis - 26.2451Hz, 167.8467Hz, 463.2568Hz
a, m/s2
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
f, Hz
Fig. 3. The experimentally obtained acceleration (red line) and the theoretically predicted natural
frequencies without sensor mass accounting (blue marker lines)
The peak points of the red line on Fig. 3 frequencies are shown in the second row of Table 1.
indicate the frequencies fexp of the harmonics The third table row presents the relative difference.
contained in the measured acceleration. These Similarly, Fig. 4 and Table 2 show the
frequencies are shown in the first row of Table 1. corresponding frequencies for the case with sensor
The blue straight lines marks frequencies ft, this is mass accounting, according to Eq. 3. One can
theoretically calculated without sensor mass observe significant better results in this case. This
accounting, according to Eq. 1 and Eq. 2. These justifies the need for a detailed investigation.
Table 1. Numerical comparison of the case without Table 2. Numerical comparison of the case with
sensor mass accounting sensor mass accounting
fexp, Hz 26.25 167.85 463.26 Fexp, Hz 26.25 167.85 463.26
ft 32.173 201.85 564.562 ft 27.55 178.64 510.89
(fexp-ft)/fexp, % -22.6 -20.1 -21.9 (fexp-ft)/fexp, % -5.0 -6.4 -10.3
Bending oscillations around z axis - 26.2451Hz, 167.8467Hz, 463.2568Hz
a, m/s2
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
f, Hz
Fig. 4. The experimentally obtained acceleration (red line) and the theoretically predicted natural
frequencies with sensor mass accounting (blue marker lines)
4. An investigation of sensor mass influence Fig. 6 presents the influence of the mode
To evaluate the influence of sensor mass on shape number to the frequency relation factor for
natural frequencies, two quantities are defined as six values of the mass relation factor. One can
follows: observe that the influence grows with sensor mass
- mass relation factor
The relations from Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 are
combined together in a three dimensional plot – Fig.
(8), 7.
5. Conclusion
- frequency relation factor An experimental evidence of significant
sensor mass influence on the cantilever beam
f1 natural frequencies is presented. This justifies the
f necessary to investigate theoretically this influence.
The investigation is done through the frequency
where f1 is the natural frequency for the case of equation describing the eigenvalue problem.
sensor mass accounting (according to Eq. 3) and f The frequency equation and the equation of
is the natural frequency for the case without sensor the forced vibrations of the beam are solved
mass accounting (according to Eq. 1 and Eq. 2) numerically by the help of the software system
Fig. 5 presents the influence of the mass Matlab. The results obtained are presented and
relation factor to the frequency relation factor for discussed. The influence of the sensor mass is not
the first three natural frequencies. As can be seen simple, because it depends from the mode number,
from this figure, the influence is the greatest for the and a three dimensional plot is used to present the
first mode (red line). For the second mode and for results. It was found that the influence is the
the third mode, when the mass relation factor is greatest for the first mode. Furthermore, it is of
greater than about one, the relation is close to a interest to obtain theoretically and experimentally
straight line, i.e. the change of the frequency the natural frequencies of a truss structure.
relation factor can be neglected.
Copyright 2016 by Technical University - Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria ISSN 1310 - 8271
1 1
m1 = 0.05m
0.8 0.8
m1 = 0.1m
m1 = 0.5m
0.6 0.6
Mode 1 m1 = 1m
Mode 2 m1 = 2m
0.4 Mode 3 0.4 m1 = 3m
0.2 0.2
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Mode number
Fig. 5. Dependences of the frequency relation Fig. 6. Dependences of the frequency relation
factor on the mass relation factor factor on the mode number
6 3
4 2
2 1
0 0
Mode mumber
Abstract: This article presents the quantitative values of the dynamic modulus of elasticity
(Young's modulus) of gamma polymer-concrete composites. Experimental studies are based
on the experimental modal analysis method. Using the similarity and comparison methods,
the results of the experimental determination of the dynamic modulus of elasticity of
samples of gray cast iron GF20 and C45 steel with the same dimensions as PC samples are
5 2165 2268 13596 2,33E+10
4044 25396 2,12E+10 9
761,7 4783 2,11E+10 8
6 2027 2181 12730 1,97E+10 7
3792 23814 1,79E+10 6
767 4817 2,22E+10 5
7 2129 2258 13370 2,25E+10 4
3398 21339 1,49E+10 3
799 5018 2,36E+10 2
8 2137 2216 13420 2,22E+10
3958 24856 1,98E+10 1,00E+00 5,00E+10 1,00E+11 1,50E+11 2,00E+11
839 5269 2,70E+10 dynamic modulus
9 2184 2300 13716 2,41E+10
4090 25685 2,20E+10 Fig.1.4.. Experimental results for Ed
864 5426 2,92E+10
10 2319 2348 14563 2,77E+10 We obtain the values, in which we are
4344 27280 2,53E+10 interested, of the sampling frequencies of the
815 5118 2,49E+10 experimental PC composites from the auto-spectral
11 2184 2252 13716 2,36E+10 characterization, fig.1.5 and 1.6.
4068 25547 2,13E+10
785 4930 2,34E+10
12 2114 2280 13276 2,24E+10
3980 24994 2,06E+10
858 5388 2,88E+10
13 2281 2342 14325 2,67E+10
4250 26690 2,42E+10
939 5897 3,51E+10
14 2504 2387 15725 3,29E+10
4688 29441 3,00E+10 Fig.1.5. Autospectrum of sample 1
788 4949 2,33E+10
15 2105 2245 13219 2,18E+10
3937 24724 1,99E+10
1001 6286 1,20E+11
FG20 2643 7203 16598 1,10E+11
4891 30715 9,84E+10
1262 7925 2,07E+11
С 45 3342 7803 20988 1,91E+11
6225 39093 1,73E+11
Fig.1.6. Autospectrum of sample С45
The theoretical verification of the first three 5. Conclusion
forms (own frequencies) of the lateral oscillations
of the 15 composites was performed using the The results of this work are limited to:
dynamic simulation analysis module of SolidWorks • Quantitative values for the dynamic elastic
2014, fig.1.7. The results are shown in Table 2. modulus of 15 different PC composites were
obtained experimentally.
• By increasing the sequence of the sample's
own resonance frequency, the module decreases.
• The method of experimental modal analysis
is used with priority in the quantitative
determination of the dynamic modulus of elasticity
of the range of PC composites.
• The dynamic elasticity modulus of PC
composites is determined on the basis of the
dynamic response (response) of the free damping
oscillations of the impulse excited dynamic system
of the experimental samples.
• Opportunity to obtain reliable and realistic
information about simulation shapes and own
oscillation frequencies of each PC composites
through SolidWork Simulation Module has been
• By a comparative analysis of the conducted
tests and the results obtained for the elastic
characteristics of the samples of gray cast iron
BS20, the steel C45 and the PC composites it was
found that the modulus of linear deformations is
one level lower.
Fig. 1.7 Graphics of the first three own forms of 1. S. Timoshenko, D. H. Young, and W. Weaver,
vibration for the transverse vibrations of sample 1. Jr., Vibration Problems in Engineering (4th
ed.), Wiley, New York, 1974.
Table 2 Modal frequencies
2. Singiresu S. Rao, Mechanical Vibrations 5th
Measured values Simulated values Ratio to Percentage
Abstract: Finite element model of calibrated double layered roll for testing of automobile’s
transmission is created. The change of roll’s external diameter in the tire’s area is
calculating using contact algorithm. The nonlinear behavior of covering ebonite layer is
assumed. The parametrical analysis for influence of ebonite’s and steel’s thickness is made.
Key words: calibrated double layered roll, finite element analysis
2 4 0,33
3 10 5
Фиг. 2. Геометрия на ролката (Dg – външен
диаметър на ролката, Dc – диаметър между 2.3. Гранични условия
ебонита и стоманата, Dm – вътрешен
Ролката е закрепена като са ограничени
диаметър на ролката)
всички степени на свобода по челото на шийката
Тъй като оебктът на изследване е ролката, на вала и са зададени равнините на симетрия –
геометричният модел на гумата е построен силно Фиг. 3. Гумата е закрепена като са ограничени
идеализирано, с цел да се минимизира степените на свобода в равнините на симетрия и
изчилсителният обем на задачата. По степените на свобода в нормално напрвление за
съществените допускания са следните: прието е, външната равнина на гумата.
че контактната повърхнина на гумата с ролката е В гумата е зададен разпределен товар в
равнина, не се отчитани наичието на грайфери по напречно направление с интензитет 0,3871 МРа,
гумата, дебелината на гумата е значително по- еквивалентен на приетата съсредоточена сила с
голяма от съществуващите в практиката
2.5. Контакт
Отместено на
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60 mm
5. Иванов, И. Компютърно моделиране на
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ролката, mm
0,4 6. Davies, B. The Stress-Strain Relationship in
0,2 Ebonite. Transactions of the Institution of the
0 Rubber Industry. Vol. 9 No. 2, pages 130-140,
1 2 3 4 5 6 1933.
Дебелина на ебонитовия слой, mm 7. Wriggers, P. Computational Contact
dc=2 mm dc=4 mm dc=6 mm Mechanics. Springer, 2006.
dc=8 mm dc=10 mm 8. ABAQUS. Analysis User’s Manual. ver. 6.12,
Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp., Providence,
Фиг. 6. Параметричен анализ RI, USA.
9. БДС EN 10025-2:2005. Горещовалцувани
4. Анализ на резултатите и изводи продукти от конструкционни стомани.
Извършената проверка за сходимост на Част 2: Технически условия на доставка за
резултатите от задачата за определяне на нелегирани конструкционни стомани.
напрегнатото и деформирано състояние на 10. Ангелов, Ю., И. Борисов. Моделиране
калиброваща двуслойна ролка, показва изследване и оптимизация на ролков стенд
удовлетворяваща, за практическите нужди, за измерване на спирачна ефективност. Част
резултати. I. Моделиране и изследване. Научни трудове
Извършеният параметричен анализ на Русенски университет, том 52, серия 2,
показва, че изменението на периметъра на стр. 118-121, 2013.
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Получените резултати могат да се на спирачна ефективност. Част II.
използват както за качествена оценка, така и Параметрична оптимизация. Научни
непосредствено за избора на дебелина на трудове на Русенски университет, том 52,
ебонитовия слой в калибровъчна ролка за серия 2, стр. 122-125 , 2013.
автомобилни стендове с различно 12. Драганов, И., Ю. Ангелов. Моделиране на
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В настоящата работа не е разгледано ефективност по метода на крайните
увличането, породено от триенето между елементи. Научни трудове на Русенски
автомобилната гума и ебонитовия слой. университет, том 53, серия 4, стр. 183-187,
5. Благодарности
Авторите на доклада изказват
благодарност на Фонд „Научни изследвания“ за гл. ас. д-р инж. Иво Драганов,
предоставените средства по договор № 2017- доц. д-р инж. Юлиян Ангелов
МТФ-02. Русенски университет „Ангел Кънчев“
Адрес: гр. Русе, ул. „Студентска“, №8
ЛИТЕРАТУРА Телефони: 082/888 572, 082/888 224
1. Министър на транспорта, информационните E-mail:,
технологии и съобщенията. Наредба № H-32
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
( )
( ) ( ) ( ) , (4)
( )
∫ [ ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )( )] (3) ( ) ( ) ( )
За да се определи масовия инерционен ( ) ( ) ( ) , (6)
момент на агрегата е необходимо да се извърши
където:mi – маса на i-то звено (i=2, 4, 6, 7); JSi – масов инерционен момент на i-то
JSi – масов инерционен момент на i-то звено (i=1, 2, 3);
звено (i=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); wi – ъглова скорост на i-то звено (i=1, 2,
wi – ъглова скорост на i-то звено (i=1, 2, 3, 3);
4, 5, 6); vS2 – скорост на масовия център на звено
vS2 – скорост на масовия център на i-то 2;
звено (i=2, 4, 6); а приведеният момент:
vH - скорост на т.H от звено 7.
а приведеният момент: ( )
( )
(7) където: Mpl - необходим момент за подаване на
ламарината в зоната на рязане.
където: Fso- сила за структурно оформяне. С оглед частично уравновесяване на
С оглед частично уравновесяване на механизма е необходимо масовите центри Si
механизма е необходимо масовите центри Si (i=1, 3) на звена 1 и 3 да се доведат до
(i=1,3, 5) на звена 1, 3 и 5 да се доведат до съответната неподвижна т.О и т.C.
съответната неподвижна т.О, т.D и т.F.
2.4. Задвижване (Фиг.5)
Приведеният масов инерционен момент
към началното звено 1 ( главния вал на
машината) се определя от:
( )
( ) ( ) , (10)
( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 3.Заключение.
, (13)
На база на разработения динамичен
където: – предавателно отношение на модел на механизмите на електромеханична
верижната предавка. преса за производството на метална
След извършване на голям обем от просечена мрежа е определен необходимия
изчисления е определен маховик с J=……. и е масов инерционен момент на маховик с
разработен маховик оформен като втора оглед постигане на нужната степен на
ремъчна шайба (фиг.1). неравномерност.
2.6.Проектиране на маховика Авторът изказва своята благодарност
Избираме принципна конструкция на на НИС при Технически университет -
маховика (фиг.6). Разделяме маховика на
София (проект №162ПД0018-24), с чиято
следните части: главина средна част и венец.
Определяме инерционните моменти [4] спрямо
финансова помощ са проведени настоящите
оста на въртене за така определените отделни изследванията.
Copyright © 2017 by Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
Copyright 2017 by Technical University - Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria
излизането му от употреба), към разходите за
създаването, поддържането, експлоатацията,
ремонта и утилизацията на този модул.
Основната класификация на сложните
системи, към които можем да отнесем и
системите за защита на критичната
инфраструктура, по отношение на целите и
ресурсите е [6]:
a. По отношението на системата
към обкръжаващата среда:
Фиг. 1 Основни стандарти от Системата - отворена – системата има обмен на
за управление на качеството ресурси с обкръжаващата среда;
- затворена - системата няма обмен на
2. Изложение ресурси с обкръжаващата среда.
b. По произход на системата
Показателят за качество е количествен
(елементи, връзки, подсистеми):
израз на едно или на няколко свойства, а
- изкуствени – оръжия, механизми,
критериите за качеството са изисквания за това роботи, транспортни срдства и т.н.;
даден показател, или съвкупност от показатели - естествени – живи, неживи,
да имат определени стойности. В зависимост от екологични, социални и т.н.;
природата на свойствата, които количествено - виртуални – въображаеми и
характеризират, критериите и показателите за независимо че в действителност те
качеството биват физични, химични, реално не съществуват,но
функционират така, все едно че
механични, и т.н., а в зависимост от техния
съществуват реално;
характер - показатели за надеждност, за - смесени – икономически,
ергономичност, за функционалност и др. Освен биотехнически, организационни и др.
това всички критерии и показатели за качество c. По описанието на неизвестните
се разделят на единични, комплексни и (променливите) в системата:
интегрални[4,5]. - с качествени променливи – имащи
Единичният показател за качество само съдържателно описание;
характеризира само едно от свойствата на - с количествени променливи – имащи
продукта. Комплексният показател за качество дискретно или непрекъснато
количествено описание;
характеризира определена съвкупност от - смесено описание – количествено-
свойства, влизащи в структурата на качеството. качествено.
Той може да бъде групов и обобщаващ. d. По типа на законите, който
Груповият показател за качество характеризира описват функционирането на системата:
няколко прости свойства или сложно - тип „черна кутия” – напълно
(комплексно) свойство. Обобщаващият неизвестни закони по който
показател за качество характеризира в функционита системата, известни са
количествено отношение цялата съвкупност от само входните и изходните данни;
- непараметизиран – законите не са
свойства, по които е прието да се оценява
описани, а са известни само някои
дадено изделие или действие. Най-често априорни негови свойства;
интегралният показател за качество отразява - параметризиран – законуте са
отношението между общия полезен ефект на известни с точност до параметрите му
дадено изделие или действие и сумата от и техните зависимости;
разходите по неговото създаване и - тип „прозрачна кутия” – напълно
експлоатация или провеждане. Например известни закони за функциониране на
интегрален показател за качеството на дадена
e. По способа на управление на
система за защита може да бъде обемът на
системата (в системата):
„защитаваната” зона с определена ефективност
за определен период от време (напр. до
Abstract: In constructing the modern sea bottom mines usually seek a compromise between
tactical requirements for this type of weapon and requirements for high resistance against
possible mine-action e.g. make it a cylindrical shape when you need to put an item on the
torpedo apparatus submarines, their shell is constructed in the so-called "stealth"
technology and is made of non-metallic materials, increasing the quantity of the explosive
when the depth of the region is greater, etc. The article proposes an approach that provides
a common solution to all these requirements and allows the construction of a highly
functional, versatile, high anti-mining resistance sea bottom mine that has no analogue in
the naval practice.
Key words: sea bottom mine, hydro acoustic shadow, fragmentation, defragmentation,
underwater jet engine, airbag, anti mining sonar.
Copyright 2017byby Technical
Technical University
University - Sofia,
of Sofia, Plovdiv
Plovdiv branch,
branch, Bulgaria
Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
обстановка и създаване на детайлна хидроакустични вълни в диапазоните
хидролокационна картина на участъци от на работа на съвременни минотърсещи
морското дъно с подробно обследване за всяка сонари – 30 kHz ÷ 600 kHz;
подозрителна цел и фиксиране на всички - профилът на тялото на мината да
локални изменения. отговаря на изискванията на “стелт”
Най-новите тенденции при технологията за разсейване на
конструирането на корабните подкилни звуковата енергия в направление,
противоминни сонари и тези от състава на различно от ъгъла на падане;
буксируемите или автономни подводни апарати - да има голяма отразяваща повърхост,
и роботи, свързани с обработването на която да води до маскиране на
отразените от целта хидроакустични сигнали, сянката, при което филтрите за
използват следните основни показателите за големина на целта (относно габарити
класификация, заложени в алгоритмите за на известни мини) няма да я
откриване на дънна мина [4,5]: класифицират като миноподобна цел;
1. Хидроакустична сянка на целта - да има симетричност на формата
върху морското дъно - основно при използване поради това, че обикновенно се
на буксируеми сонари или на монтирани на извършва двукратен поиск на
автономни самоходни подводни апарати перпендикулярни галсове и се
(Autonomous Underwater Vehicle – AUV); оценяват (изваждат) сигналите от
2. Сила на целта – съотношение целите;
между падналата върху целта и отразената в - да има ниска отразаваща енергетична
направление към антената хидроакустична способност, защото се извършва
енергия (основно за подкилни сонари); оценка на центъра на тежестта, т.е. ако
3. Оптическа забелижимост една маса е с по-голяма площ тя е по-
(контраст) върху морското дъно – при слабо контрастна.
използване на оптико-електронни (оптически) Влиянието на вертикалния профил на
средства за поиск и на сонари с много висока тялото на мината върху големината на
честота (над 600 kHz), които правят хидроакустичната сянка е показано на Фиг.1,
хидроакустична снимка на целта; където:
4. Пространствени размери на
- H [m] – отстояние на буксируемия
целта, които са заложени във филтрите за
сонар със страничен обзор (AUV) от
автоматична класификация на миноподобни
- h [m] – височина на дъната от дъното;
Отчитайки изложеното, подходите за
- D [m] – разстояние между сонара и
повишаване на противоминната устойчивост на
морските дънни мини, наричани още „защитно
- S [m] – дължина на хидроакустичната
оръжие на бедните държави” са свързани с
намирането на технически решения, които да
намаляват значително признаците за тяхната H D h S H D h S
класификация като цел на фона на морското 2 10 0.2 1.1 4 20 1.0 6.67
дъно. 2 10 0.3 1.8 4 40 0.2 2.13
2 10 0.5 3.3 4 40 1.0 13.34
3. Заключение
Фиг. 3 Хидроакустичен контакт с ФДМ и с
Проведените експерименти с прототип, 50 литров метален варел
изготвен под ръководството на доктор Стоян
Делиев от ИМСТЦХ-БАН, за оценяване на - след пускане (изстрелване) на мината
на вода бойните тела се разтварят като
новите технически решения при
образуват звездообразно тяло, което
конструирането и функционирането на ФДМ осигурява плавно потъване на ФДМ и
Copyright 2017 by Technical University - Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria
заемане на стабилно положение на 4. J. A. Fawcett (2001) Image-based
дъното. Процесът на групиране на classification of sidescan sonar detections,
заряда и придвижването на мината Proceedings of CAD/CAC 2001, Halifax,
към повърхността, съответно към Nov. 12-14,.
целта, което е показано на Фиг.4, 5. S.Reed, Y.Petillot, J.Bell (2004) A model
значително повишава нейната бойна based approach to the detection and
ефективност. classification of mines in sidescan sonar,
Applied Optics, Vol. 43, Issue 2, p237-246.
6. G.J.Dobeck (2001) Algorithm fusion for
automated sea mine detection and
classification, Proc. MTS/IEEE Oceans
Conf. and Exhibition, pp.130-134.
7. R. J. Urick (1983) Principles of underwater
sound, McGraw-Hill, 3rd ed. Pp.401-412
ФДМ на позиция Стартиране
8. Tyce, R., Coelho, E., Bovio, E. MREP
(2003) Maritime reconnaissance for NATO
recognized environmental picture,
�⃗ . 𝑑𝑑𝑆𝑆⃗ = 0
∬𝑆𝑆 𝜌𝜌𝑉𝑉 (1)
�⃗ . 𝑑𝑑𝑆𝑆⃗)𝑉𝑉
𝐹𝐹⃗ = ∬𝑆𝑆 𝑝𝑝𝑑𝑑𝑆𝑆⃗ + ∬𝑆𝑆 (𝜌𝜌 𝑉𝑉 �⃗ , (2)
𝑇𝑇 𝑇𝑇 3/2
𝑃𝑃 = 𝑇𝑇𝑉𝑉𝑖𝑖 = 𝑇𝑇� = . (6)
2𝜌𝜌𝜌𝜌 �2𝜌𝜌𝜌𝜌
𝑇𝑇 = 2𝜌𝜌𝜌𝜌𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑉𝑖𝑖 . (7)
𝑉𝑉𝑖𝑖 = �2𝜌𝜌𝜌𝜌. (8) Fig. 5. Propeller APC 10x4.5
Hristian Panayotov
TU - Sofia, Plovdiv Branch
Address: 25 Tsanko Dyustabanov Str,
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Tel.:+359 32 659 518
Stanimir Penchev
TU - Sofia, Plovdiv Branch
Address: 25 Tsanko Dyustabanov Str,
Fig. 8. Propeller thrust at V=10 m/s & A=-25 deg Plovdiv, Bulgaria
5. Conclusion Tel.:+359 32 659 632
Abstract: This article describes the system for indicating of diesel engine by measuring the
pressure in its operation and computing the results obtained with the created software in
the MATLAB environment. The basic technical data of each of the components of the
system are presented and the connections between them are given. Diesel engine pressure
measurements have been made and indicator diagrams are obtained.
Key words: diesel engines, pressure measurement, indicator diagrams
SID (Идентификация
на сензора) не
Аналогови входове
(ел. заряд/напрежение) 1 брой
Фиг. 5. Общ вид на NI 6343
Диапазон на
измерване на 0 ... 14,400 pC Основни данни от техническата
електрически заряд спецификация на NI 6343 са представени в
таблица 3.
„Low-pass“ филтър 2 kHz, 5 kHz,
10 kHz, 20 kHz, Таблица 3. Спецификация на NI 6343
50 kHz или 100 kHz
Диапазон на Аналогови входа 32 еденични
измерване на -10 ... +10 V (16 броя диференциални)
напрежение Резолюция на
АЦП 16 bits
Резолюция на АЦП 12 bits
Скорост на
Drift компенсация постоянна или измерване 500 kS/s
Цифрово-аналогови Резолюция на
изхода 1 брой измерване 10 ns
Таблица 4. Техническа
спецификация на индуктивния сензор
Производител Автоприбор
Модел 191.3847
Минимална амплитуда на
променливото напрежение при
честота на въртене на вала ≤ 0,28 V
30±5 min-1 и разстояние от
диска 1,4±0,05 mm Фиг. 8. Визуализиране на налягането на
Максимална амплитуда на работното вещество за работен цикъл на
променливото напрежение при цифров осцилоскоп
честота на въртене на вала ≤ 250 V
7000±30 min-1 и разстояние от 3. Работа на системата
диска 1,4±0,05 mm За проверка на работоспособността,
системата за индициране е монтирана на
Създадената програма в приложението експериментална уредба [1], състояща се от
Simulink в средата MATLAB [6] позволява дизелов двигател и натоварващо устройство -
визуализиране в реално време и възможност за генератор за променлив ток (фиг. 9). Стендът е
съхраняване на данните от измерванията във разработен на базата на дизелов агрегат за
променлив ток, производство на фирмата KIPOR Сензорът за налягане AVL QC43D е
(Китай) - модел „KDE 6500T“ [5]. монтиран на цилиндровата глава на двигателя в
специално изработен за целта отвор (фиг. 11).
За натоварване на електрическия
генератор и свързания с него дизелов двигател
се използва външен електрически товар, показан
на фиг. 10. Електрическият товар представлява
седем на брой нагреватели, свързани успоредно
в две електрически вериги.
Фиг. 12. Разположение на отвора в
цилиндровата глава към сензора за налягане
компютър, възможност за запис на резултатите
от измерванията и последваща тяхна обработка.
50 Системата позволява изследване на бутални
двигатели с вътрешно горене чрез снемане на
индикаторна диаграма и автоматизирана
обработка на резултатите от измерването.
p, bar
Представената система може да се използва,
20 както за научни изследвания, така и при
обучението на докторанти и студенти.
0 720 1440 2160 2880 3600
, deg
University of Waterloo, May 10-12.
20 4.
0 7.
0 180 360 540 720
, deg
Фиг. 14. Индикаторна диаграма на двигателя Красимир Амбарев, Въльо Николов
при пълно натоварване за един работен цикъл Технически университет-София,
филиал Пловдив
Създадените програми позволяват избор Адрес: гр. Пловдив
на броя работни цикли при работа на двигателя ул. Цанко Дюстабанов, 25
на установен режим, за които се извършва Телефони: 032/659 518, 032/659 555
измерването, записването и усредняване на E-mail:
стойностите на налягането в работното,
пространство и построяване на индикаторната
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract: The article analyzes the main physical principles and indicator of gaseous
exchange processes and leads to the improvement of the gas exchanges in the combustion
engines turbocharged.
Key words: combustion engines, gas exchange, turbocharged
; (3)
= . (4)
. (10)
Abstract: In this article have been analyzed, the design and operational factors of the gas
exchange in the engine with turbocharging, which appear crucial for increasing the
capacity and economical performance in the combustion engines turbocharged.
Key words: combustion engines, gas exchange, turbocharged
, (1)
Редуването на изпускателния: 1-3-4-2 или 1-2-4-3
Фиг. 1. Схема на разпределение на изпускателен където: е изменение на налягането,
колектор при импулсно пълнене съответстващо на местните съпротивления,
, (2)
– коефициент на местни
съпротивления за отделните участъци от
– скорост в (m/s) на i-я участък;
– плътност на газа, kg/m3;
Фиг. 2. Изпускателни колектори при импулсно – изменение на налягането на i-я
пълнене [5, 6] участък на тръбопровода, МРа:
Abstract: Civic-military procedures and coordination are presented as part of air traffic
services in military aviation activities to provide air sovereignty for various types of likely
terrorist threats. The process of assessing the hazard and the mechanism of flow of the
information flow is considered.
Key words: Civil-military procedures and coordination, air traffic services, air traffic management.
possible terrorist threats, air sovereignty.
Abstract: Civic-military procedures and coordination are presented as part of air traffic
services in military aviation activities to provide air sovereignty for various types of likely
terrorist threats. The process of assessing the hazard and the mechanism of flow of the
information flow is considered.
Key words: Civil-military procedures and coordination, air traffic services, air traffic management.
possible terrorist threats, air sovereignty.
Abstract: The various technical solutions to control the thrust of electric vehicles, largely
determine the behavior and driving style of the driver. The report will be discussing some
highlights in the training for optimal, smooth controlling of the thrust for constant
Key words: optimal control of smooth acceleration, simulator training
Резюме: В доклада е разгледано рекуперативното спиране и възможностите за
подобряване на коефициента за ефективност на този вид електродинамично
спиране чрез промени в графика за движение на влаковете.
Abstarcts: In the report the recuperative stopping and the possibilities of increasing the
efficiency of this kind of electrodynamic braking, by changing the train schedules are
и товаропотока на спускане е по-голям от този
на изкачване.
400000 Това се установява от израза (3):
Vн2 Vк2
К рк рк л Ки , (3)
Abstract: Extinguishing fires in forest and mountainous areas by means of a fire fighting
system attached to a helicopter is a complex task. This report focuses on this problem and
presents the current, mainly practical aspects of the methodology applied in the research.
The aim of this report is to use the described below algorithmics so as to develop
methodology for conducting numerical experiments which will determine the most
significant factors that affect flight safety and the effectiveness of the firefighting method in
Key words: helicopter, fire, firefighting systems
Добрин Сейзински
1. Борисов, И.В., Паршенцев, С.А., и Ципенко, ТУ – София, филиал Пловдив
А.В. (2008). Моделирование слива Адрес: гр. Пловдив,
жидкости из контейнера ВОП-3 на внешней ул. Цанко Дюстабанов – 25
подвеске вертолета с учетом потока от Телефон: 0895 587 410
несущего винта. Материалы VII E-mail:
международной конференции по
Индустриален мениджмънт
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract: The report is an attempt to analyze the problems associated with finding suitable
human resources by industrial enterprises in Bulgaria. For this purpose, the authors were
based on two national surveys conducted by ManpowerGroup and Bulgarian Industrial
Association, as well as its own investigation on the causes of this problem. Have been
formulated conclusions and guidelines for improving the activity of selection of human
resources in Bulgarian industrial enterprises.
Keywords: human resources, recruitment, motivation, remuneration, training and
On question of job satisfaction, the results are as - 5% did not answer the poll question.
- 78% of engineering professionals are largely What are the specific findings of the present
motivated for the most effective job performance. studies?
They are satisfied with the remuneration, training - major problem for industrial companies is
opportunities and career development and working finding quality and skilled human resources;
conditions; - for the most part, employees are motivated the
- 16% are not motivated due to stress at work, most effective job performance and are satisfied
poorly constructed teams and ineffective commu- with the remuneration, opportunities for training
nication; and career development and working conditions in
- 6% of respondents did not answer the question. industrial enterprises;
Highly skilled workers meet the same issues as - the majority of potential job applicants
follows: (students from vocational schools and students of
- 67% are highly motivated to work effectively. universities) are not sufficiently confident in their
Satisfied are from the salary, benefits, training professional employability in the industrial
opportunities and working conditions. enterprises, and they lack the necessary information
- 24% have expectations for higher about.
remuneration; The findings are reason enough to formulate
- 9% did not answer the questions in the survey. some guidelines to solve the problem - the difficulty
Study analysis of the results conducted with of finding the most appropriate human resources.
students enables to point out the following: Above all, it is necessary to build
- 17% would apply for a job at the declared mechanisms for extremely strong connection
vacancy into industrial enterprises from "Trakia between business on the one hand and vocational
economic zone"; schools and universities - on the other. The training
- 53% do not believe they will apply for jobs in of engineers and technical specialists creates a
these companies (do not feel sufficiently prepared;
have other plans for their development; do not like
serious potential for recruitment for industrial economic cluster and educational board between
enterprises in the Plovdiv region. Plovdiv Municipality, Ministry of Education,
The problem with insecurity of the students in "Trakia Economic Zone" and "Industry Watch".
their preparation is solvable also with the direct
This will create conditions for young people
involvement of business representatives who can
to see alternative for its development as a highly
actively participate in updating curricula, visits
qualified human resources in Bulgarian industrial
enterprises to conduct practices, offering training
programs, organizing various joint events to
increase the practical orientation of the training.
Moreover, this relationship between the two
parties will produce information for industrial
1. Shopov, D. and co., How to manage human
enterprises will construct attitude and willingness to
work in them. resources in the enterprise, Sofia, 2013
The other direction is the activities of HR 2. Seven tool selection that you need,
specialists who can use more advanced and modern
techniques to attract staff as discussed in the 3. Firms increasingly difficult to find qualified
previous section of this report. staff, https: //
The use of social networks is also an 94426.html
important factor in relation to students and students
4. Businesses seeking employees with hybrid
who had been thoroughly studied in contemporary
publications [5]. skills,
Last but not least is the use of various
motivational techniques by the management of 5. Tepavicharova, M., Boykova, L., Social
industrial enterprises detained successful staff – networking in the context of increasing
more attractive payment, flexible system of bonuses student motivation in Modern Education,
for stimulation, opportunities for training and career Scientific Works of the Union of Scientists
development. The analysis of the relationship
in Bulgaria - Plovdiv, Serie A: Social
between motivation of human resources and
commitment to the business organization is Sciences, Arts and Culture, Volume II,
thoroughly investigated problems in modern 2015
scientific works. [6] 6. Tepavicharova, M., Analysis of correlation
This is a summary of some of the basic between the motivation of human resources
guidelines for dealing with problems with finding and their commitment to business
the most appropriate human resources that the
organizations: Scientific papers of the
effective functioning of industrial enterprises will
depend on. Union Scientists, Volume II, Serie A,
Plovdiv, 2016
5. Conclusion Contacts
The report is an attempt to explain the Name of the authors:
essence of one of the major problems of industrial Toni Bogdanova Mihova
Valentina Nikolova-Alexieva
enterprises, the difficulty in finding qualified and
quality human resources. Technical University – Sofia, branch
The dynamic development of these Plovdiv
enterprises will make this problem even more acute University of Food Technologies -
and limiting the activity in the event it does not Plovdiv
prepare adequate strategies, policies and tactics of Address:
human resources management. 4000 Plovdiv, ul. "Tcanko Dyustabanov"25
4000 Plovdiv, bul. "Maritsa" № 29
The analysis of publications shows that the
Phones:0893 69 06 55 и 0885 696 696
management of these companies is making effective E-mail:
efforts in the right direction. Proof of this are the
meetings at universities and vocational schools, as
well as the formation of a joint partnership with the
Abstract: The small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the
economic processes and in this sense the optimization of their functioning is extremely
important for raising the competiveness of the Bulgarian economy as a whole. The purpose
of this study is to analyze, generalize and systematize challenges and opportunities for
flexible financing of SMEs by European funds. A particular focuses of the study are
challenges related to political instability and opportunities coming from European Union
(EU) funding. Тhe major goal of this study is subordinate to a major project, namely to
create a useful model of an information platform that enables SMEs to get information
about the best options for European funding in a quick and accurate manner.
Key words: business financing, credit instruments, small and medium-sized enterprises,
smart information platform, human resources, European financial programs, political
Finding customers
Access to finance
Availability of skilled staff
or experienced managers
Abstract: The purpose of the report is to demonstrate the use of imitation modeling in the
study a lender's debt.
Key words: lender's debt, imitative modeling, accounting records, Benford's Law
Abstract: This work deals with the problem of choice of suppliers. Aim of the work is to
develop a very simple and practicable approach to selecting suppliers taking into account
the variable performance of their activity. Based on contacts with managers indicators to
assess the performance of providers are selected. Models for assessing the maximum and
minimum performance of suppliers are developed. There has been committed approbation
of the models based on real data previously supplied from furniture company in Libya and
six of its supplier in Italy, Turkey, Spain and Portugal.
Key words: Supplier selection; Performance measures; Max-min approach.
s 1 r rp
производителността. Моделът отчита
s 1 s sp тегловните коефициенти на отношенията
„входни параметри / изходни параметри”, което
ar y r* 1
min a y
( N 1)
( )
r rp R ij N
r 1 N 1 allranks 4
Модел (3) определя тегловните
R( X ij ) е рангът, присвоен на
коефициенти на отношенията „входни
параметри / изходни параметри”, което не само наблюдението j в i-тата група; стойността t е
спомага за поддържане на максимална (1 / 2) квантилът на t разпределение с N — k
ефикасност по отношение на дефинираните от степени на свобода. Стойността се използва
купувача група от целеви стойности, но и както при теста на Кросъл-Уолис.
минимизира ефикасността на доставчика, който
се оценява. Накратко, този модел спомага за
идентифициране на слабите страни на 4. Апробиране на модела
доставчиците. По този начин доставчици, които
постигат високи стойности за ефикасност се Извършва се оценяване на доставчиците на
считат за добри контрагенти. либийско мебелно предприятие. Това са шест
За пълно решаване на проблема е доставчици на метален обков за мебели от
необходимо прилагането на статистически Италия, Испания, Португалия и Турция.
метод за идентифициране на групи от Данните за доставчиците са взети чрез
показатели на база на двете групи резултати за непосредствени контакти с мениджъри от
ефикасност. мебелното предприятие. Мениджърите на
В настоящата работа се използва мебелното предприятие са счели за ключови
непараметрична статистическа процедура, фактори при избора на доставчици цените на
позната като „Тест на Кросъл-Уолис” за компонентите; качество на компонентите;
тестване на хипотезата, че поне един доставчик коректността на доставките. Цените на
е в състояние да постигне по-високи резултати компонентите са изразени като единична цена за
за ефикасност от поне един друг доставчик. всеки компонент. Качеството на компонентите
Тестът на Кросъл-Уолис, който е базиран на се изразява чрез процент на върнатите
рангове, се използва за анализиране на компоненти при доставката. Коректността на
различията в две или повече независими извадки доставките се оценява чрез процент на
[9]. Базовите единична и нулева хипотези са: закъснелите доставки на компоненти.
H0: Функциите на разпределение на Първичните данни са представени на Таблица 1
всички к съвкупности са идентични. В извършените анализи цената се използва
Ha: Поне една от съвкупностите проявява за входен параметър, а качеството на
склонност за по-високи стойности на компонентите и коректността на доставките –
наблюденията от поне една друга съвкупност. като изходни параметри. Цената се взема за
Статистическа проверка: входящ параметър, защото изразява разходите,
12 k
Ri 3( N 1)
които прави купувача. Качеството на
N ( N 1) i 1 ni компонентите и коректността на доставките се
считат за изходни параметри защото изразяват
Където: N е пълният брой на наблюденията; ползите за купувача. Изхождайки от тези
k е броят на групите; ni е броят на наблюденията постановки на модела, по-високите стойности на
в i-тата група, където i = 1 до k; а Ri е сумата от изходящите параметри и по-ниските стойности
ранговете на наблюденията във всяка група на входящите параметри са индикатори за
Правило за вземане на решение: желаните характеристики.
Ако T 2 (k 1, 1 ) тогава се отхвърля
нулевата хипотеза H0, в противен случай се Таблица 1. . Данни за доставчиците
елиминира отхвърлянето на H0, където е
вероятността за допускане на грешка от първи
За идентифициране на за различията между
групите се извършват множество сравнения.
Групите i и j са различни ако е удовлетворено За да се спази този принцип е извършено
неравенството: линейно трансформиране на двата изходни
показателя в изследването. Вместо да се
1/ 2
1 1
1/ 2
, използват процент на върнатите доставки и
R R t 2 N 1T процент на закъснелите доставки се използват
i j
n n 1( / 2 )
N k ni n j
i j
разликите от 100%. Така трансформираните
Където: показатели изразяват процент на приетите
доставки и процент на навременните доставки. на ред „Min. еф.”. на база на тези резултати
Тъй като по-високите стойности на тези може да се направи извода, че доставчик 2
производни показатели изразяват по-високи отново се представя най-добре с резултат 0.930
нива на резултатност, така се постига следван от доставчици 1, 4, 6, 5 и 3 с резултати
съгласуваност с дефинирания модел. Таблица 2 0.913, 0.885, 0.862, 0.861, и 0.853, съответно. В
представя данните за доставчиците след контраст на Модел (2), Модел (3) може да се
извършената трансформация на показателите. определи като модел, който идентифицира
тегловните коефициенти, които правят всеки от
Таблица 2. Трансформирани данни за шестте доставчика да изглежда най-слабо при
доставчиците поддържане на целевата ефикасност 1. Така този
модел акцентира върху слабите страни на всеки
от доставчиците. Фигура 1 изобразява графично
резултатите от двата модела. На фигурата е взет
за пример доставчик 1.
Двойките резултати за ефикасност за всеки
В таблица 2, като е използван модел (2), са доставчик се използват за извършване на теста
изчислени стойности за максимална за на Кросъл-Уолис. Тъй като тестът се базира на
ефикасност. Целевите стойности използвани в рангове резултатите в таблица 3 се преобразуват
модела се получават чрез избиране на най- в рангове, както е показано на таблица 4.
добрите стойности за всеки от трите показателя
за резултатност между всички доставчици. В Таблица 4. Рангове за ефикасност
таблица 2 целевите стойности са 0.1881 $/брой
за цена; и 100% за показателите за качество и
навременност. След шесткратно проиграване на
Модел (2) се получават резултатите за
Присвояването на рангове се извършва като
максималната ефикасност, които са представени
се започне с ранг 1 за най-ниския резултат, ранг
в Таблица 3.
2 за следващия по големина и т.н. Осреднен ранг
Таблица 3. Резултати от max-min се присвоява при наличието на връзки. При
оценяването стойност на теста 0.1 нулевата хипотеза се
отхвърля, което показва, че поне един от
доставчиците е склонен да постига ефикасност
по-висока на поне един от останалите
От таблица 3 се вижда, че доставчик 2
постига най-високи резултати за ефикасност
0.992 следван от доставчици 1, 4, 6, 5 и 3 с
резултати 0.949, 0.904, 0.887, 0.868, и 0.853,
съответно. Тези резултати изразяват
максималните ефикасности, които се постигат
от всеки доставчик, когато се сравняват с
целевите стойности, дефинирани от купувача.
При оценяване на тези стойности модел (2)
избира тегловни коефициенти, които правят
всеки от шестте доставчици да изглежда
възможно най-добре при поддържане на
целевата стойност за ефикасност 1. Така в
Фиг. 1. Резултати от моделите
определен смисъл модел (2) представлява
средство за акцентиране върху силните страни Извършени са множество сравнения и
на всеки от шестте доставчици. Следващият резултатите са представени графично на фиг. 2.
етап от процеса за вземане на решение включва От фигура 2 е видно, че доставчиците от
оценяване на стойностите за минимална група 1 (доставчици 1 и 2) се представят най-
ефикасност. добре, следвани от групи 2, 3 и 4. Въз основа на
С цел да се получат стойностите за извършения тест на Кросъл-Уолис се
минимална ефикасност за всеки доставчик, констатира, че не съществуват значими
модел (3) се прилага за данните от таблица 2. различия на резултатността на доставчиците в
резултатите от анализа са показани в таблица 3 групите. Купувачите могат да използват тази
Резюме: This paper aims to examine whether the classic concept of marketing mix used in
transactional marketing is relevant to relationship marketing in the services sector and
especially in banking. Besides the main concept (4P) two more variants of the marketing
mix are presented – 7P and 4C. They in some aspects are close to relationship marketing.
Ключови думи: marketing mix, concept 4P, concept 7P, concept 4C, relationship
marketing, services sector, banking sector
Abstract: The article examines the state of the labor market by analyzing the main
indicators of the labor market.
Key words: labor market, employment, unemployed, labor force
Заети лица на 15-64г., бр. ( хил.) 3010,4 2927,5 2894,9 2889,4 2927,4 2973,5 2954,3
Коеф. на заетост 15-64г., % 59,7 58,4 58,8 59,5 61,0 62,9 63,4
Безработни лица – общо, бр.
(хил.) 348 376,2 410,3 436,3 384,5 305,5 247,2
Безработни регистрирани в
бюрата по труда, бр. 350944 332601 364537 371380 366470 330816 284707
Равнище на регистрирана
безработица, % 9,5 101,1 11,1 11,3 11,2 10,1 8,7
Abstract: The article explores the main logical constructs, on which basis is developed the
methodology of research – development of representative sample, design of questionnaires
and creating a tool for gathering information. Some of the obtained results from the
empirical online study of the consumer behavior of children and adolescents in relation to
food are presented. The statistically proven relations between the observed aspects of
eating behavior of children and adolescents and the type of populated place they study are
Key words: consumer behavior, child-consumer, food preferences
Име на автора: Елена Златанова-Пъжева
1. Шадрина, С.В. (2009). Потребительское Организация: ТУ-София, Филиал
поведение подростоков: основные факторы Пловдив
влияния. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского Адрес:Пловдив, ул. „Цанко Дюстабанов”
Университета, Сер. 8, Вып. 2, стр.53-91. № 25
2. McNeal, J.U. (2007). On becoming a Телефон: +359898 943 956
consumer: Development of consumer behavior E-mail:
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Copyright © 2017 by Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
където R е броят на анкетираните хора, а m е
броят на оценяваните критерии.
Получените резултати за сумата на
оценките, тегловните коефициенти и
коефициента Vj , които също са разделени на две
групи от критерия възраст, са дадени в Таблица
4. Анализ на резултатите
Фиг. 2. Ефективност на преносимите
Фиг. 2-5 показват зависимостта между
компютри: „‟ – възраст до 36 г.; „o‟ – възраст
удовлетвореноста във проценти и тегловните
над 36 г.
коефициенти на всеки от основните четири
критерии. Всяка от тях е разделена на четири
квадранта, в които са групирани въпросите.
Квадраните са означение с латинските букви: A,
B, C, D:
- А – висока удовлетвореност и тегловни
- B – висока удовлетвореност и ниски
тегловни коефициенти;
- C – ниска удовлетвореност и ниски
тегловни коефициенти;
- D – ниска удовлетвореност и високи
тегловни коефициенти.
Според ефективноста, за потребителите
с най-голямо значение е продуктът да има Фиг. 3. Използваемост на преносимите
инсталирана операционна система, въпрос № 7, компютри: „‟ – възраст до 36 г.; „o‟ – възраст
над 36 г.
Кристиан Цветков1, Владислав
Герасимов1, Елена Колева1,2, Лиляна
Химико-Технологичен и Металургичен
Университет – София 1756, бул.
“Климент Охридски” № 8
Институт по Електроника - БАН -
София 1784, бул. “Цариградско шоссе”
Фиг. 5. Ефикасност на преносимите №72
компютри: триъгълник – възраст до 36 г.; кръг E-mails:,
– възраст над 36 г.,,
Според критерия ефикасност въпрос №
39 е с най-голямо тегло и най-малка
удовлетвореност, а въпрос № 41 е негова
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract: The products with a complex hierarchical structure are generally produced in
discrete manufacturing enterprises. These products are usually multivariate at all levels of
the production. The opportunities and criteria for optimization of automated lines are
examined in this paper. This project, which led to the creation of an object, the best of the
actual set of specific conditions, is considered to be the optimal one.
Key words: Automatic lines, functional schemes, target function, control variables
Abstract: The current report aims to provide insight into the problems and solutions of
waste management in global and national aspect. First, the paper discusses the problems
related to waste management worldwide. It is stated that the volume of waste is largely
determined by two factors – the size of the population and the structure of consumption, but
the increased volume of waste will not have such disastrous effects if it was not for the
change in waste composition. Next, the policies and initiatives in the sphere of waste
management in Bulgaria are outlined. The separate collection and recycling of MSW,
however, is still not very popular in the country. Their transformation into useful raw
materials is not a widespread practice and requires an increasing number of innovative
management and technological solutions. At the end of the report, it is highlighted that
Bulgaria offers very good conditions for introduction of innovative methods for waste
recycling like good infrastructure and favorable legal framework for waste management.
Key words: waste, waste management, recycling, environment
NumberOfRoomnights (1)
Occupancy roomnights * 100%
Abstract: Increased consumer demand for high quality food products with a long shelf life
is a fundamental prerequisite for the development of innovative technologies in the food
industry. Edible coatings are thin layer composed of biopolymer components that can
consume the goods to which they apply. This reduces the loss of moisture, selectively
controls the exchange of gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide and ethylene). Edible coating to
prolong the storage, maintenance of freshness, inhibit microbial spoilage of the product,
reducing the loss of aromatic substances and other essential components. The aim of this
study was to investigate the scientific literature on the use of pectin coatings for fresh fruits
and vegetables.
Key words: fresh fruits and vegetables, pectin coatings, edible coatings
Abstract: Lipid coatings are flexible and resistant to breakage. They possess good barrier
properties against water vapor permeability and oxygen. These are the main factors
influencing changes in the organoleptic properties, of the physicochemical properties and
microbiological spoilage of food during storage. The main purpose of this study was to
investigate the scientific literature about the use of the lipid coatings in food technology.
Based on the research literature found that a significant majority of research on lipid
coatings are focused on their application for fresh fruit and vegetables. In conclusion are
set future directions for research on lipid coatings.
Key words: edible coatings, lipid coatings, food
Природни науки
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract: In this paper, we obtain error estimation of the iterative method using a fuzzy
trapezoidal quadrature formula to solve nonlinear Hammerstein fuzzy functional integral
equations. Error estimation of the proposed method is given in terms of uniform and partial
modulus of continuity. Finally, an illustrative numerical experiment confirms the
theoretical results and demonstrates the accuracy of the method.
Key words: Hammerstein fuzzy functional integral equations, approximation solution,
fuzzy trapezoidal quadrature formula, modulus of continuity.
1. Introduction
The study of fuzzy integral equations begins with the investigations of Kaleva [1] and Seikkala [2].
The numerical methods for solving fuzzy integral equations involve various techniques. The method of
successive approximations and iterative methods are applied in [3,4].
In this paper, we investigate the nonlinear Hammerstein fuzzy functional integral equation
where k (t, s ) is a positive kernel function for s, t a, b . The fuzzy-number-valued functions g , f , H such
that g : a, b E1 and f , H : a, b E1 E1 are supposed to be continuous.
The convergence of the iterative numerical method proposed in [5] is based on error estimation in
approximation of the solution of (1) that was derived using supplementary Lipschitz continuous for g , f , k
and H .
The error estimate obtained in this paper is expressed in terms of the modulus of continuity for g
and k .
2. Preliminaries
Definition 1. [6] A fuzzy number is a function u : [0,1] satisfying the following properties
1. u is upper semicontinuouson ,
2. u ( x ) 0 outside of some interval c, d ,
3. there are the real numbers a and b with c a b d , such that u is increasing on c, a ,
decreasing on and for each b, d , and u(x ) 1 for each x [a, b ] ,
4. u is fuzzy convex set ( that is ( x (1 ) y ) min{u ( x), u ( y)} , for all x, y , [0,1] ).
The set of all fuzzy numbers is denoted by E1 . The neutral element with respect to in E1 is denoted
by 0 {0} . For any 0 r 1 an arbitrary fuzzy number is represented, in parametric form, by an ordered
pair of functions (u (r ), u ( r )) , which satisfies the following properties
1. u ( r ) is bounded left continuous non-decreasing function over [0,1] ,
2. u ( r ) is bounded left continuous non-increasing function over [0,1] ,
3. u ( r ) u ( r ) .
properties hold
1. ( E1 , D) is a complete metric space,
2. D(u w, v w) D(u , v) , for all u , v , w E1 ,
3. D(u v, w e) D (u, w) D (v, e) , for all u , v, w, e E 1 ,
D(u ,0)
4. D(u v,0) D(v,0) , for all u , v E1 ,
5. D( k u , k v ) | k | D (u, v) , for all u , v E1 , for all k ,
6. D( k1 u, k2 u ) | k1 k2 | D(u ,0) , for all k , k with k k 0 and u E1 .
1 2 1 2
(iii) there exist H , H 0 such that D H (t1 , u ), H (t2 , v) H t1 t 2 H D(u , v ) for all
t1 , t2 a, b , u , v E1 ;
(iv) B f N K H 1 , where b a .
Theorem 1. [5] Let the conditions (i)-(iv) are fulfilled. Then the integral equation (1) has unique
solution x C (a, b , E1 ) and the sequence of successive approximations xm m C ( a, b , E 1 )
convergences to x in C ( a, b, E1 ) for any choice of x0 C (a, b, E1 ) . In addition, the following error
estimates hold
D( x (t ), xm (t )) D( x1 (t ), x0 (t )) for all t a, b , m (3)
1 B
D( x (t ), xm (t )) D( xm (t ), xm1 (t )) for all t a, b , m . (4)
1 B
Choosing x0 C (a, b, E1 ) , x0 g the inequality (3) becomes
M 0 N0 N K (b a ) for all t a, b , m ,
D( x (t ), xm (t )) (5)
1 B
M and D( H (t , g (t )),0)
where D( f (t , g (t )),0) N .
0 0
1 f H B m g H M
b) a ,b ( xm ( s), h) a ,b ( g , h) h
H 1 ,
1 f 1 f 1 f B f (1 B )(1 f )
where M g f N K H and 1 a ,b ( k , ) sup {| k (t1 , s) k (t2 , s ) |:| t1 t 2 | }
t1 , t2 a ,b
for all 0 .
Copyright by Technical University - Sofia, Plovdiv branch, Bulgaria
a ,b ( g , h) f h f D( xm1 (t1 ), xm1 (t2 )) | k (t1 , s) k (t2 , s ) | D H ( s, xm1 ( s )),0 ds
a ,b ( g , h) f h f D( xm1 (t1 ), xm1 (t2 )) 1 D H ( s, xm1 ( s)), H ( s,0)
D H ( s,0),0
1 f H Bm M
D( xm (t1 ), xm (t2 )) mf a ,b ( g , h) h 1 1H g .
1 f 1 f 1 f B f (1 B )(1 f )
1 f H B m g H M
a ,b ( xm ( s), h) a ,b ( g , h) h
H 1 . □
1 f 1 f 1 f B f (1 B )(1 f )
h n1 h n1
D k (t , t j ) H t , xm1 (t j ),0 D k (t , t j 1 ) H t j 1 , xm1 (t j 1 ),0
2 j 0 2 j 0
g f f xm1 N K H xm1 N K H B xm1 M . □
Theorem 3. Under conditions (i)-(iv) the iterative method (7) converges to a unique solution x of
(1), and its error estimate is as follows
D ( x , xm ) B g f N K H
1 B
3N K H 3N K
a ,b ( g , h) H H f h
4(1 B)(1 f ) 4(1 B ) 1 f
H B M (1 B) H mB m1 g H M (1 B ) H ,
32 N K H
1 H
(1 B)(1 f )
4(1 B) B f (1 B) 2
where M g f N K H , 2 a ,b (k , ) sup {| k (t , s1 ) k (t , s2 ) |:| s1 s2 | } .
s1 , s2 a ,b
k (t , s ) H t , xm1 (t j ) k (t , s) H t j 1 , xm1 (t j 1 )
D k (t , s ) H t , xm1 (t j ) k (t , s ) H t j 1 , xm1 (t j1 ) ,
k (t , t j ) H t , xm1 (t j ) k (t , t j 1 ) H t j 1 , xm1 (t j 1 )
1. Kaleva, O. (1987). Fuzzy differential equations. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 24, pp.301-317.
2. Seikkala, S.(1987). On the fuzzy initial value problem. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 24, pp. 319-330.
3. Bica, A. M. (2008). Error estimation in the approximation of the solution of nonlinear fuzzy Fredholm
integral equations. Inf. Sci.178, pp. 1279-1292.
4. Bede, B. and Gal, S. G. (2004).Quadrature rules for integrals of fuzzy-number-valued functions. Fuzzy
Sets and Systems, vol. 145, pp.359-380.
5. Enkov, S.,Georgieva, A. and Nikolla, R. (2016).Numerical solution of nonlinear Hammerstein fuzzy
functional integral equations. AIP Conference Proceedings 1789, 030006,, pp. 1551-7616.
6. Goetschel, R. and Voxman W. (1986).Elementary fuzzy calculus. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 18,
7. Wu, C.and Gong, Z.(2001). On Henstock integral of fuzzy-number-valued functions. Fuzzy Sets and
Systems, vol. 120 , pp. 523-532 .
8. Congxin Wu and Gong Wu (1997). The supremum and infimum of these to fuzzy-numbers and its
applications. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 210, pp. 499-511.
Albena Pavlova
Department of MPC
Technical University-Sofia, Plovdiv Branch
25 Tzanko Djustabanov Str., 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
© International Scientific Conference on Engineering, Technologies and Systems
TECHSYS 2017, Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv branch
18 – 20 May 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2 2 F ( x, y, Q 3 z ) F ( x, Qy , z )
i.e. F ( x, y, z ) g ( x Q y Q x y, z ). (3.1)
Then F ( x, z, Q 3 y ) F ( x, Qz , y ),
F ( x, y, Qz ) g ( x Q 2 y, Qz ) g (Q 2 x y, Qz ), F ( x, y, z ) F ( x, Qy , Qz )
from which, because of (1.2) we have F ( x, Q 2 y, Q 2 z ) F ( x, Q 3 y, Q 3 z ) 0,
F ( x, y, Qz ) g ( x Q 2 y, Qz ) F ( x, y, Qz ) F ( x, z, Qy ), (3.3)
g (Q x y, z ),
F ( x, y, Q 3 z ) F ( x, Q 2 z , Qy ). (3.4)
From (1.8) and (2.1) we obtain
Proof. It is known that the tensor F
F ( x, y, z ) g ( x Qy , z ) determined by (1.3) has the properties:
g (Q x y, z ), F ( x, y, z ) F ( x, z, y), (3.5)
Abstract. For considered mixed problem for a higher order hyperbolic equation a
Shalov-type symmetrizing operator[4] is build. Equivalence of the problem to the problem
of minimization of quadratic functional is proved. Existence and uniqueness of the
generalized solution are obtained.
Key words: higher order equation, mixed problem, variatonal method, Seeley’s extension
formula, anisotropic space.
1. Introduction ~
(2). Define the space H 2 n 1, n (GT ) as a closure of
Let D R m , m 1 be a bounded domain C (GT ) with respect to the norm
with a boundaryD and x ( x1 ,..., xm ),
( D
u j
Dx u ) 2 dtdx. (3)
0 D {0}, D (0, T ), GT D (0, T ), 2 n 1, n ,T
GT j
T 0, n 2 , ' (1 ,..., n ). 2 n 1 n
D x u 0, n 1; Dtl u closure of C (G2T ) by the L2 norm and by F
0 0, l 0,2n 1. (2)
n 1
x j j t n 1 )
i( which means that L also is K positive.
KV (2 ) 2
B ( ).
e j 1
Vˆ ( )d ,
R n 1 Definition: The function u H 2 n1,n (GT ) is called
a generalized solution to the problem (1),(2) if there
(i) j
( ' )
( n 1 ) 2 j
2 n 1, n ~
1 exists an element U H (G2T ), U u,
B( ) 2 n 1 n
, (4) GT
a ( ) ( ) C iA
' '
n 1 such that
~ ( F , KV ) 0, 2T [U ,V ]2n1,n, 2T V H 2n1,n (G2T ).
where V C0 ( R n1 ), V G2T
C (G2T ),
Dt2 nU AU CU ) KVdtdx
~ function F in Lref
2 (G2T ) corresponds a small
( LU , KV ) 0, 2T [U , V ]2n1,n, 2T U , V C (G2T ). ~
variance of the solution in H 2 n1,n (G2T ).
For elliptic equations the variational variational method. (Russ.), Diff. Uravnenia,
approach is well known but for hyperbolic equation Minsk, V.28, no.9, P.1640-1641.
(string equation) for the first time variational
method for boundary value problem is constructed 4. Shalov, V.M.(1963) A solving of non
in [5]. For multidimensional parabolic and selfadjoint equations by the use the variational
ultraparabolic equations the considered variational method. (Russ.), Dokl. A. N. SSSR, V.151,
method is presented in [2,3].The present paper no.3, P.511-512.
generalizes the results, obtained in [1]. 5. Shalov, V.M. (1965) A principle of the
minimum of quadratic functional. (Russ.),Diff.
REFERENCES Uravnenia, Minsk, V.1,no.10,P.1338-1365.
1. Paskalev, G.P. (2013) Shalov’s variational
method for the multidimensional wave 6. Seeley, R.T. (1964) Extension of C
equation. Journal of the Technical University functions, defined in a half space. , Proc.
at Plovdiv, “Fundamental Sciences and Amer. Math. Soc. 15, P.625-626.
Applications”, V.19, P.141-145. 7. Taylor, M. (1985) Pseudodifferential
2. Paskalev, G. P. (1999) Variational method for operators, (Russ.), Mir, Moskva.
the multidimensional heat equation. Journal
of the Technical University at Plovdiv,
“Fundamental Sciences and Applications”, Department of Mathematics,Physics and Chemistry
V.8, P.69-78 Technical University-Sofia, Plovdiv Branch
25,Tsanko Dyustabanov Str.
3. Paskalev, G.P. (1992)On the investigation of 4000 Plovdiv
boundary value problem for ultraparabolic BULGARIA
type equation with constant coeficients using a e-mail:
Abstract: This study made mathematical evaluation of the yield of spinach for the period
1961-2014 in all member states of the European Union. It was found that the Netherlands
(25,73 t/ha) and Belgium (20,8 t/ha) are the countries with the highest yield of this crop.
Bulgaria (8,64 t/ha) and Romania (7,53 t/ha) are the countries where the yield of spinach is
the lowest. The means to achieve the set goal is generating a mathematical model for
analyzing the statistical data and evaluating the yield of spinach in each country. There is a
classification and grouping of the EU countries through hierarchical cluster analysis based
on the average yield of the examined crop. There is an assessment of the yield for the
relevant period by a single-factor analysis of variance.
Key words: average yield, spinach, mathematical model, hierarchical cluster analysis,
single-factor analysis ANOVA
nA nB
D( A, B)
n A nB
d ( x , x )
i 1 j 1
i j (1)
d ( xi , x j ) (x im x jm ) 2
m 1
3. Резултати и обсъждане
Клъстери 5 и 6 включват страните с
След направения клъстерен анализ става най-висок среден добив от спанак – Белгия и
ясно, че според показателя „среден добив на Холандия. Тези два клъстера могат да бъдат
спанак“ разглежданите държави от Европейския обобщени в по-голям клъстер на евклидово
съюз могат да бъдат групирани в шест клъстера, разстояние 4 единици.
Клъстер 2 включва следващите по обем от най-големите в сравнение с тези на
на производство със среден добив, останалите държави (5,67). Това означава, че
статистически различен от средния добив на получените добиви не са устойчиви във времето.
страните от клъстери 5 и 6. Това са Испания, Същевременно Литва е държавата с най-нисък
Франция и Португалия. среден добив, но има сравнително устойчиви
С най-нисък добив на спанак са страните добиви във времето.
от клъстери 1 и 4. На Фигура 2 са отразени действителните
линии и трендовете за добива от спанак на
България, Гърция и Кипър. За България се
Номер Станд. очертават четири периода, отличаващи се един
Среден откло- от друг по посока на изменение на
на Държава
добив нение производството на спанак. Първият период
обхваща 1961-1979 г. Характеризира се с
Дания 10,12 hij 2,44 неособено големи пикове и падове, но с лека
тенденция на нарастване. Вторият период е
Кипър 8,73 jk 3,78 1980-1990 г., в който се наблюдават резки
пикове и падове, но отново тенденцията е към
България 8,64 jk 2,91 задържане на производството.
Словакия 9,02 jk 2,9 В началото на третия период (1991-2000
г.) се наблюдава рязко спадане на
Чешка реп. 9,61 ij 2,69 производството и стабилизирането му до края на
Румъния 7,53 k 1,08 периода. Последният период обхваща 2001-2014
Испания 16,7 c 2,01 Целият период се характеризира с резки
спадове и пикове. Трендът за производството на
2 Франция 16,67 c 2,68 спанак в България се описва с полином от втора
Португалия 16,41 cde
1,49 степен:
Гърция 11,52 3,17 и показва намаляваща тенденция. Коефициентът
на детерминация (23%) показва слабо изменение
Унгария 11,62 ghi 5,68
на добива във времето.
Словения 11,3 ghi 2,01 Производството на спанак в Гърция
може да бъде разделено на три периода.
Италия 12,54 fg 1,1 Първият обхваща времето от 1961 до 1991 г.
3 Малта 12,01 gh 0,68 Началото на периода се характеризира с
нарастваща тенденция на производството на
Финландия 13,17 efg 3,41 спанак, със слабо изразени пикове и спадове.
Втората половина на този период е със
Швеция 13,21 efg 3,42
силно изразени пикове и спадове, но отново с
Австрия 14,77 cde 6,59 нарастваща тенденция на производството.
Вторият период е 1992-2009 г. Той е с изразена
Германия 14,46 2,67 намаляваща тенденция, със слаби пикове и
4 Литва 3,68 l 1,84 спадове. Последният период е 2010-2014 г. Тук
имаме силно изразена намаляваща тенденция.
5 Белгия 20,8 b 2,96 Трендът за производството на спанак в Гърция е
описан с полином от втора степен:
6 Холандия 25,73 a 5,67 . (4)
Изменението в добива на спанак е в
Таблица 1. Оценка на средните добиви силна зависимост от периода. Основание за това
на страни от ЕС по метода на Duncan, дава коефициентът на детерминация, който е
a,b,c,… – степен на доказаност при ниво 69%.
на значимост α = 0,05 На представения тренд за
производството на спанак в Кипър ясно се
открояват три периода. Първият е от 1961 г. до
Страната с най-висок добив на спанак е 1972 г., когато количествата произведена
Холандия, но от Таблица 1 е видно, че
статистическият показател за варирането е един
ЗА ПЕРИОДА 2000-2014 Г.
Abstract: The main objective of this work is to assess and analyze statistical data in the
stock-breeding sector. They refer to the number of farmed livestock /cattle, buffaloes, pigs,
sheep and goats/ in Bulgaria for the period 2000 to 2014. During the data processing a
hierarchical cluster analysis is made and mathematical models are built, reflecting the link
between the researched objects. There is a tendency to a substantial fall in the number of
all animals. The sector related to the breeding of buffalos is an exception, with a tendency
towards slightly increased interest of farmers.
Key words: hierarchical cluster analysis, mathematical models, livestoc
2. Материали методи
Настоящото изследване е разработено с
данни за брой отглеждани селскостопански
животни (говеда, биволи, свине, овце и кози) в
България за периода 2000-2014 г.
Статистическите данни в изследването са взети
от базата данни FAOSTAT.
Построени са математически модели
върху получените данни. За целта са използвани
подходящи регресионни уравнения. Определени
са коефициентите на корелация и детерминация.
Чрез тях са направени изводи за степента на
влияние на годината върху брой отглеждани
селскостопански животни. Дадена е графика, Фиг. 1. Йерархичен клъстерен анализ по брой
представяща изменението на количеството на отглеждани говеда в България
всеки вид животни във времето.
Обработката е извършена чрез а вторият – 2012 и 2014 г. Те се обединяват на
статистическата програма IBM Statistics SPSS разстояние 3 евклидови единици. Вторият
23 [1]. основен клъстер също се състои от два
подклъстера: 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006 и 2007 г. от
3. Резултати и обсъждане една страна и като самостоятелен подклъстер –
2003 г. Третият клъстер съдържа само 2002 г. и
В настоящата работа се моделират и
той е най-отдалечен от останалите два клъстера
анализират данни, свързани с брой отглеждани
– на разстояние 25 евклидови единици.
селскостопански животни в България от 2000 г.
до 2014 г. За оценка на статистическите данни е
използван йерархичен клъстерен анализ.
Направено е групиране на годините в
зависимост от броя на съответните животни,
като се използва методът на междугруповото
свързване и за мярка е използвано евклидовото
разстояние. На Фигури 1-5 са поместени
дендрограмите, представящи графично
организирането на данните в клъстери.
Според резултата за брой говеда в
България се открояват три основни клъстера
(Фигура 1). Първият се разделя на два
подклъстера: единият включва 2009, 2010, 2012
и 2014 г., а вторият – 2011 и 2013 г. Те се
обединяват на евклидово разстояние 3 единици.
Вторият основен клъстер включва 2001, 2002,
2006 и 2007 г., като към тях на разстояние 2 Фиг. 2. Йерархичен клъстерен анализ по брой
евклидови единици се присъединява 2008 г. отглеждани биволи в България
Третият клъстер се състои от два подклъстера:
първият се образува от 2000, 2003 и 2005 г, а в Резултатът от йерархичния клъстер анализ
самостоятелен подклъстер е 2004 г. Тези два за брой отглеждани овце е даден на Фигура 3.
подклъстера формират един обобщен клъстер на Очертават се четири клъстера: първият включва
разстояние 5 евклидови единици. 2002, 2009 и 2010 г., вторият – 2011, 2012, 2013
На Фигура 2 се открояват три основни и 2014 г., които се присъединяват към първия
клъстера. Първият включва два подклъстера: клъстер на разстояние 2,5 евклидови единици.
единият се състои от 2000, 2009, 2011 и 2013 г.,
Фиг. 3. Йерархичен клъстерен анализ по брой Фиг. 4. Йерархичен клъстерен анализ по брой
отглеждани свине в България отглеждани овце в България
Copyright 2016byby Technical
Technical University
University - Sofia,
of Sofia, Plovdiv
Plovdiv branch,
branch, Bulgaria
Bulgaria ISSN Online: 2535-0048
y b , the supporting in a general case is arbitrary A function Ym y from elastic surfасе of the
(fig. 2). plate
An introduced coordinate system xOy is From condition Ym y to satisfy the differential
according with the supporting and the loading of the equation from equilibrium of the plate, after
plate. substituing (4) and (5) in (1), is receives the
y following unhomogeneous arbitrary differential
equation about function Ym y
qm y
YmIV y 2 m2 YmII y m4 Ym y Bm y , where Bm y .(6)
b D
The characteristic equation, corresponding to (6)
and its roots has a kind
a r 4 2 m2 r 2 m4 0 (7)
Fig.2 r1, 2 m , r3,4 m (8)
Analytical expression for a function of external load
q x, y q f x f ( y ) ,
General integral of arbitrary unhomogeneous
differential equation about function Ym y accepts a
where q is an intesity of external load;
f x , f y are a functions of load in
Ym y C1m e m y C2m e m y C3m ye m y C4m ye m y Y m y (9)
directions of axes x и y at q 1 ;
A function of the normal displacement of the where Y m y is a partial integral of unhomogeneous
points of the plate’s middle surface differential equation about function Ym y ;
m C1m , C2m , C3m и C4m are an integration
w x, y Ym y sin( m x) , m , m 1,2,... (4)
m constants in an expressions for Ym y .
The choice of the function of elastic surface of the
A determination of an integration constants C1m ,
plate must be to satisfy the boundaries conditions
into his simply supported ends in this case parallels C2m , C3m и C4m are make from the boundaries
of the axi’s y . conditions at arbitrary supported ends of the plate –
A development of the external load in the single in this case parallel of axi’s x .
trigonometric series at sin into axi’s x , m -
Furrier’s coefficient
q x, y
qm y sin( m x) qm y
q x, y sin m x dx (5)
A derivations of functions Ym y
YmI y C1m me m y C2mme m y C3m 1m y e m y C4m 1m y e m y Y m
YmII y C1m m2 e m y C2m m2 e m y C3m m 2 m y e m y C4m m 2 m y e m y Y m (10)
YmIII y C1m m3 e m y C2m m3 e m y C3m m2 3 m y e m y C4m m2 e m y 3 m y Y m
YmIV y C1m m4 e m y C2m m4 e m y C3m m3 4 m y e m y C4m m3 e m y 4 m y Y m
Displacements and forces in the plate, A final normal displacements, forces and
presented in single trigonometric series reactions in the plate accept a kind
The coefficients of the trigonometric series
w x, y Ym y sin( m x) ,
M xm y m2 Ym y YmII y , M ym y YmIi y m2 Ym y m
sin( m x) sin( m x)
M xy y m2 YmI y
(11) S x, y
Sm y
cos m x
, r x, y r y cos x .(12)
1 m2 1 m 1 m
2 2
m 1 2 m 2 1m e m m e
e m m em m e m
2 1 m 1
2m2 e m 1 2m 2 m 1m e m m e m
1 m em m e m (15)
M 1
2 1 m
1 1 1 2 m m 1 2 m
4m m2 2 e 2 2m 1 m 2m 2 1 e m m m e m
e e m em e e
1 2m e m 2m e 1 2m 1e 1 m (2m 1)e m
m 1
Cm M Vm .
(16) It follows a determination the coefficients of
trigonometric series and the functions of
displacement, forces and reactions in the plate.
The load is nonsimmetyrical distributed into m2
axi’s y . m - Furrier’s coefficient in development of
The geometry, the supporting and the loading of external load in sin series on the axi’s x
the plate are shown in fig. 3. 2
qm y q x, y sin m x dx (18)
y kN
q 20 2 x y
m q cos при m 1
x or qm y 2b (19)
a b 0при m 1
A right part of unhomogenous differential
equation accepts a kind
q y
Bm y cos (20)
a D 2b
A partial integral Y m y of unhomogeneous
Fig. 3
differential equation
A characteristics of a plate
A lengths of the side of the plate Y m y K m cos y (21)
a 6m ; b 6m ; After substitution in (8)
A thicknes of the plate t 0,12 m .
K m 4 2 m2 2 m4 cos y cos ,
Module of elasticity E 2.107 2 ; from where on the method of undetermined
A Poisson’s coefficient 0,17 . coefficients, at
A function of external load has a kind, q 1
Km 4 2 2 4
, (23)
y x D 2 m m 2b
q x, y q cos sin for 0 x a and 0 y b , (17)
2b a It follows
Table 1.4.
M x x, y
m x0 x 0.1675a x 0.333a x 0.5a
y0 y 0.5b yb y0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b yb
1 0 0 0 -2.8116 4.6695 -1.8691 -4.8698 8.0879 -3.2374 -5.6232 9.3391 -3.7382
x 0,667 a x 0.833a xa
y 0 y 0.5b y b y 0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b yb
1 -4.8698 8.0879 -3.2374 -2.8116 4.6695 -1.8691 0 1.1437E-15 0
M y x, y
m x0 x 0.1675a x 0.333a x 0.5a
y0 y 0.5b yb y 0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b yb
1 0 0 0 -16.5388 6.2494 -10.9948 -28.6460 10.8242 -19.0435 -33.0776 12.4987 -21.9896
x 0,667 a x 0.833a xa
y0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b yb
1 -28.6460 10.8242 -19.0435 -16.5388 6.2494 -10.9948 -4.0507e-15 1.5306e-15-2.6929e-15
M xy x, y
m x0 x 0.1675a x 0.333a x 0.5a
y0 y 0.5b yb y 0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b yb
1 0 0.8184 -3.0879e-14 0 0.7088 -2.6742e-14 0 0.4092 -1.5440e-13 0 0 0
x 0,667 a x 0.833a xa
y 0 y 0.5b y b y 0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b yb
1 0 -0.4092 1.5440e-14 0 -0.7088 2.6742e-14 0 -0.8184 3.0879e-14
Qx x, y
m x0 x 0.1675a x 0.333a x 0.5a
y0 y 0.5b yb y0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b yb
1 -17.3194 9.7729 -11.5137 -14.9990 8.4636 -9.9712 -8.6597 4.8864 -5.7569 -1.0605e-15 0 0
x 0,667 a x 0.833a xa
y 0 y 0.5b y b y 0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b yb
1 8.6597 -4.8864 5.7569 14.9990 -8.4636 9.9712 17.3194 -9.7729 11.5137
Q y x, y
x0 x 0.1675a x 0.333a x 0.5a
y0 y 0.5b yb y 0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b yb
1 0 0 0 23.5297 -1.4516 -11.3450 40.7546 -2.5142 -19.6501 47.0593 -2.9032 -22.6900
x 0,667 a x 0.833a xa
y0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b yb
1 40.7546 -2.51420 -19.6501 23.5297 -1.4516 -11.3450 5.7629e-15 0 -2.7786e-15
Qx* x, y
m x0 x 0.1675a x 0.333a x 0.5a
y0 y 0.5b yb y0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b y b y0 y 0.5b yb
1 -31.6945 14.6558 -21.0701 -27.4482 12.6923 -18.2472 -15.8472 7.3279 -10.5350-1.9407e-15 0 -1.2901e-15
x 0,667 a x 0.833a xa
y 0 y 0.5b y b y 0 y 0.5b y b y 0 y 0.5b y b
1 15.8472 -7.3279 10.5350 27.4482 -12.6923 18.2472 31.6945 -14.6558 21.0701
Q*y x, y
x0 x 0.1675a x 0.333a x 0.5a
y0y 0.5b y b y 0 y 0.5b y b y 0 y 0.5b y b y 0 y 0.5b y b
1 0 0 0 23.5297 -1.6658 -11.3450 40.7546 -2.8853 -19.6501 47.0593 -3.3317 -22.6900
x 0,667 a x 0.833a xa
y 0 y 0.5b y b y 0 y 0.5b y b y 0 y 0.5b y b
1 40.7546 -2.8853 -19.6501 23.5297 -1.6658 -11.3450 5.7629e-15 0 -2.7786e-15
Table 1.5.
rx x, y
x0 xa
y0 y 0.5b yb y0 y 0.5b yb
-31.6945 14.6558 -21.0701 -31.6945 14.6558 -21.0701
1 ry x, y
x0 x 0.167a x 0.333a x 0.5a x 0.667a x 0.833a xa
y 0 0 -23.5297 -40.7546 -47.0593 -40.7546 -23.5297 -5.7629E-15
yb 0 11.345 19.6501 22.69 19.6501 11.345 2.7786E-15
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