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National Diploma in Sales Management (NDSM)

Individual Integrated Assignment
Intake II 2018 - Stage II
Program National Diploma in Sales Management (NDSM)
Stage Stage II (TWO)
Nature of the Assignment Integrated Assignment (Individual) with
Examination 17 November 2019
Assignment Submission Period 13 Oct. 2019 – 20 Oct. 2019
Late Submission Period 21 Oct. 2019 – 23 Oct. 2019
Assignment Acceptance time period Weekday and Weekend – 8.30am to 3.00pm
Presentation Date Notify after Assignment Submission
Email address to send soft copy ndsm@slim.lk


 Assignment should be submitted to SLIM within the Assignment Submission Periods

as indicated above.

 Assignment will not be accepted after the late submission under any circumstances.

 The Assignment should be confronted to the assignment guidelines presented as

per the NDSM Student Handbook (please refer Section Six (06) of the Student

 Do NOT insert any pictures on the cover page of the assignment

 Submit the assignment with the spiral bound hard copy.

 Soft copy of your assignment should be sent to above mentioned email address and
you will be receiving an automated reply of receipt of the assignment. If you have not
received the automated reply, please verify with course coordinator. Soft copy is only
a reference document that will not be considered as an assignment submission.

 SLIM will issue an acknowledgement slip upon the submission of your assignment and it
must be retained by the student as proof of submitting the assignment.
 If you have NOT submitted the assignment your results for the respective subject
will appear as “FAIL” in the final grading.

 In case of ABSENT at the examination, relevant student has to re-do the assignment
and presentation in order to complete the relevant stage in the next examination

Assignment with Presentations

 Presentation date and time will be published in website after the assignment
submission by the student.

 Presentation time will be 10 mins and additional 10 mins will be given for question
and answers.

Presentation should be compatible in MS Office 2007 version in a Pen Drive which does
not content Viruses. (Only the relevant presentation should be saved in the pen drive)

 Students should bring two copies of the presentations printed one slide per page.

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Assignment Topic: Lanka Natural Products Limited.


Lanka Natural Products Limited (LNPL) was established by Mr. A. K Appuhami, a businessman in
the 1930’s during the 2nd world war where many troops were stationed in Sri Lanka, then known
as Ceylon. A food shortage due to the war led the government to supply processed food to the
troops which included fresh fruit jam. After the 2 nd world war, the company progressively
improved it’s fruit processing facility in Padukka, by importing machinery from Europe. From the
inception all products were manufactured under stringent quality controls and have been sold
under the brand name “FN” (Fresh Naturals). The range of products since then has grown in
variety from jams to sauces, canned fruits, canned vegetables, cordials, pickles and chutneys.

Due to the growing demand for FN products, a second factory was built in 1976 in a Colombo
suburb with the latest machinery from Europe. Both these factories enabled LNPL to meet the
growing demand for their nature based foods. Selection of fruits come under close inspection,
ensuring that the manufacturing process extracts the most from the pure fruits and vegetable.

The heritage of 80 years in creating exotic products from fresh fruit make LNPL, Sri Lanka’s
leading manufacturer, distributor and exporter of natural foods. FN commenced exporting
products in 1992 and as of today export to over 32 countries including USA, Canada, Japan,
Australia and the Middle East.

Following a current trend in the Sri Lankan market, the present Managing Director and the board
of directors have decided to launch a new range of healthy beverages as a separate line of
products under the brand name of FN. The FN - RTD (ready to drink) range (Many SKUs and many
flavours) of beverages are made with herbs and ingredients used on ancient local medication.
The MD revealed his idea at a meeting “These ancient natural healing systems are still carefully
practiced today by skilled physicians. The vast herbal knowledge having been precisely
documented and passed down the ages through the writing on ancient documents, shows our
ancestors' reliance on nature. This was however not only limited to health, but also used for
beauty culture as evident in the frescos that still adorn the rock walls of the ancient Sigiriya Rock

Assume that you are the sales manager of LNPL and you are responsible for the sales and
distribution of FN RTD range of products.

(You are free to assume any additional information. However, clearly mention your assumption
when required)

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Describe the “sales management” role in this context with planning initiatives, implementations,
evaluation and control perspective along with recommended productivity ratios. How is it
different from the role of a sales person?


In line with your sales and distribution plan, develop a sales organization structure with
justifications for recommendations. Recommend the size of the sales force for the new
operation, recruitment and selection process.


Submit a proposal for sales training for the new recruits, justifying the benefits of training,
training process with more emphasis on content for the training programme.


Word Count will be based on the content weightage and the word count for this
assignment should be 3000 – 4000 words, excluding cover sheet, content page, references,
appendix & illustrations (please refer page no 17 of Student Handbook)

Task Content Weightage Word allocation for each task

Task One 35% 1000 -1300 words
Task Two 40% 1200 -1500 words
Task Three 25% 800 - 1200 words
Total 100% 3000 – 4000 words

NOTE – Please note the given (below) Assignment Marking Scheme for Marks Allocation

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Assignment Checklist & Declaration

This document is intended as a guide to check and improve your assignment. Review your
Assignment together with the specific guidelines and criteria (marking schedule) that are
mentioned in the program handbook given to you.

You are expected to confirm that your assignment fulfills the below requirements, tick (√) in the

Student Name

Registration No

Cover page

Assignment checklist & declaration form ( This sheet)

Assignment marking scheme


Table of contents

Body of the assignment


Assignment emailed to relevant email address

(You will be receiving an automated reply of receipt of the assignment, if

you have not received the automated reply, please verify with course
coordinator. Soft copy is only a reference document that will not be
considered as an assignment submission)

I’m fully aware that any misleading information provided in above checklist will lead to rejection
of my assignment.
I, the undersigned, confirm that I have read and understood the statement about plagiarism
which is outlined in the student’s handbook. I confirm that the work that I have submitted
accompanying this report is wholly my own, and that any quotations or sections of text taken
from the published or unpublished work of any other person is duly and fully acknowledged

Signature: Date:

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Individual Integrated Assignment (IIA)

Student Name
Reg. No.

Stage II – (Month – Year) Examination

National Diploma in Sales Management (NDSM)

Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM)

(Study Center)

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Assignment Marking Scheme
Program National Diploma in Sales Management (NDSM)
Student Registration No

Allocated Awarded
Aligning to the purpose of the assignment 20
Some of the answer addresses to the purpose of the question 1-5
This has addressed the purpose of the assignment 6-10
Has addressed the purpose of the assignment coherently 11-15
This has addressed the purpose of assignment comprehensively 16-20
Clarity of expression 20
An attempt to organize in a logical manner 1-5
Satisfactory showing of logical manner and organization 6-10
Shows higher level of Carefully and logically organized 11-15
Shows coherent structure with clearly expressed ideas 16-20
Using examples/evidences 20
Shows a little use of examples 1-5
Some use of examples. Some evaluation attempted 6-10
Some use of examples. Well evaluated 11-15
Shows appropriate examples are fully and reliably evaluated 16-20
Critical analysis of concepts, theories, conclusions 20
Demonstrates limited evidence of critical analysis 1-5
Demonstrates some critical analysis of relevant theory 6-10
Demonstrates application of theory through critical analysis 11-15
Demonstrates application of critical analysis well integrated 16-20
Following assignment guidelines 20
Limited follow-up of assignment guidelines 1-5
Some level of follow-up of assignment guidelines 6-10
Good display of adherence to assignment guidelines 11-15
Excellent adherence to assignment guidelines 16-20

Total 100
Special Remarks

Signature of the Examiner

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