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Assessment Cover Sheet: BSB52415 Diploma of Marketing and Communication Student Name

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The key takeaways are the assessment submission rules and conditions, consequences of plagiarism or academic misconduct, and steps involved in marking assessments.

Assessments must be submitted online by the due date and time, late submissions may not be accepted, and students must work in allocated groups for group assessments.

Plagiarism or academic misconduct will result in a 'Not Yet Satisfactory' grade and may lead to further disciplinary action such as exclusion from the course.

Assessment Cover Sheet

Assessment Task-2
BSBMKG609-Develop a marketing plan
BSB52415 Diploma of Marketing and Communication
Student Name:

Student ID Number:

Assessors Name:
Assessment Due: Submission
Week 7 Date:
Assessment Tasks Not Yet
Satisfactory Did Not Submit
Assessment 2 - Project □ □ □
Feedback to Students:

I hereby certify that the above student has been assessed by myself and all assessments are carried out as
per the Academy’s Assessment Policy & Procedure.
I declare that the student’s work evidence is current, authentic, valid and sufficient

ASSESSOR SIGNATURE ____________________________ Date: ______________

Student’s signature

Assessment Submission rules and conditions

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Read all the instructions below before attempting the assessment task. Assessment tasks are tools used to
determine if you have the knowledge and skills to complete tasks to industry standards within the workplace.
Your trainer/assessor will help you throughout this task and it is your responsibility to provide enough
evidence to justify a competent decision by the trainer/assessor. If you do not understand the questions or
what is required, ask your trainer/assessor for assistance.

 For group assessments, all students are to contribute to the assessment tasks. You must work in
groups when the assessment is required and when that is the case you will be allocated in to groups
by your trainer in the class; hence your active presence is necessary
 Role play/presentation if part of the assessment must be done by all students. Photos or video may
be taken as part of the evidence.

You are to complete all tasks by the due date and assessments must have a coversheet attached. Online
submission opens one week prior to the due week and cut-off date is set on Saturday at 11:55pm in the week
of due date. If you think you do not have enough time to complete the tasks by the due date, discuss with the
trainer/assessor the reasons of why you cannot submit on time. Assessment tasks submitted late may not be
accepted by your trainer/assessor, leaving the learner with a Did Not Submit (DNS) result.

Writing your responses

When answering questions, ensure that your answers are detailed enough so the assessor can draw a
conclusion that you have the knowledge and/or skills to demonstrate competency. When producing reports,
please make sure that your project has the following complete information:

A Title Page, Table of Contents, Page Numbers, Reference List, ensuring that your answers thoroughly match
the questions asked.

Answer all questions in your own words to avoid plagiarism.

Plagiarism/ Academic Misconduct

Plagiarism by a student will result in an automatic ‘NYS’, and as well as being recorded, may result in further
disciplinary action such as a student’s exclusion from a course. Plagiarism is presenting and using someone
else’s work, writings or ideas as your own with or without their consent.

Some examples of plagiarism as follows

 Presenting work by another individual as one’s own unintentionally

 Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another student
 Handing in assessments without the sufficient acknowledgement of sources used, including
assessments taken totally or in part from the Internet

Academic misconduct is a serious matter and any breach of misconduct will be treated seriously as per the
Policy of the organisation. Impersonating or allowing another individual to impersonate you, for the purpose of
completing an assessment or presentation is considered a fraud.

Marking of Assessments

On submission of your assessment it will be marked for a result of either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory
(NYS). If you receive a NYS result, you will be asked to redo the tasks again. To achieve a competent result with
this unit, all tasks need to be completed and marked as satisfactory. Your trainer/assessor will provide
feedback to you on each task, outlining where you must improve to achieve a Satisfactory (S) result. When all
tasks are marked as Satisfactory (S), you will receive a result of Competent (C) for this unit otherwise, you will
be marked Not Yet Competent (NYC). Assessments submitted to the trainer/assessor after the due date may
not be accepted, and you may have to a resubmission fee.

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Assessment appeals

Appeal process - If you feel the decision made by your assessor was incorrect please refer to your Student
Handbook for information on assessment appeals for the required steps to appeal this decision. Download the
assessment you want to appeal and complete the appeal box in Feedback Evaluation Sheet by signing as to
whether you wish to appeal. You are required to hand the hard copy in to student services.

Submission requirements

If an assessment is not submitted in accordance with the submission requirements, then it will be deemed as
being non-compliant. Non-compliant submissions result in pending on being marked and /or recorded NYS.

 All submissions must be done by PDF file. The Student is required to convert word file assessments,
PowerPoint presentation and other attachments to PDF before submitting unless the evidence is
required to submit its original format (eg. word or excel).
 The first page in the file must be cover page. Both the cover page must contain student name and
student number.
 The Student is allowed by default to upload up to five documents on each submission. You must
upload each file separately. You must not upload zip file.
 Submissions from overseas are not allowed as students are required to be in Australia to attend their
regular classes.

Name……………………………………………… Student ID...............................................

Signed ……………………………………………. Date …………………………………….


I would like to appeal the outcome of this assessment as per the appeals procedure in the Student

Student’s signature: _______________________ Date: __________________

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This case study addresses the elements of competency for the unit BSBMGT609. Your task is to
develop a Marketing Plan. For this assessment form groups of no more than four students then create
and present a marketing plan to the stakeholders on the basis of the information provided in the
case study. Your marketing plan should demonstrate the required knowledge to satisfy the elements
which are outlined below.

 Devise marketing strategies

 Plan marketing tactics
 Prepare and present a marketing plan

Case Study Guidelines:

Read the following case study guidelines carefully

 Produce a report outlining the solutions that could be provided for the situation highlighted in
the case study below and present the key information of your marketing plan in power point
slides to the potential investor.
 You may use your student notes, magazines, travel booklets, brochures, periodicals, books,
scholarly publications, etc to obtain information. Make sure that you keep accurate records
on all sources of information so that you can document your sources with in-text citations and
in the reference section at the end of your report.

Instructions on Writing the Marketing Plan

You should submit your report for the case study and present it in the following format:

 Identify the type of product/demographic/business that the marketing plan is to be

written for: Describe the selected business, its market and demographics along with
marketing strategies.
 Justification of Selection: Here you should explain why you selected this
product/demographic/business and explain what makes this product/demographic/business
unique, and incorporate it in your report. Justify and explain each of your choice.
 Address each section of the business: Refer to the information provided within the case
study and address each area of the marketing plan. You will get NYS for explanations directly
copied from existing materials.
 Citing sources of information: Identify all sources of information. List all references
alphabetically (by author's name) in a Reference section at the end of the paper. Your assessor
will be marking you against the criteria for achieving competency outlined in assessment
evaluation sheet to ensure you have met the requirements of this assessment.
 Regulatory and legislative Requirements: Identify and briefly explain the different
regulatory and legislative requirements which you must consider as a part of your marketing

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Case Study

Previously you were given the task of creating a business plan for Richard’s restaurant in the
Kangaroo Valley for potential investors. Richard has now opened the restaurant due partially to your
efforts in the creation of the solid business plan.

Richard has now asked for your assistance to produce the marketing plan for his restaurant for
the upcoming Summer Holiday Season with potential investors in the Kangaroo Valley.

Richard’s Restaurant is called “Australia Fare” and is located in Branxton on the road to
Cessnock. The restaurant is sandstone and glass building which features lush indoor gardens
intermingled with white clothed tables and a huge welcoming fireplace in the centre and it has a seating
capacity of over 120 people. 

There are large windows to three sides offering views of surrounding vineyards and gardens,
framed by the majestic Brokenback Ranges in the distance.  The ambience is sophisticated yet relaxed
with welcoming staff and country-friendly service.  The restaurant is fully air conditioned during the
warmer months, and in winter the cozy open fire and flickering candles impart warmth and elegance.

The courtyard area seats around 70 people and has large freestanding umbrellas for shade in the
hot summer months. Enjoy your favorite lunch al fresco style while taking in the views of the new
Kangaroo Valley Gardens and further on to the Brokenback Ranges.

You will need to ensure that when creating this marketing plan you have addressed the following:

 Evaluate marketing opportunity options available to the company, possible risks and returns
associated with their implementation.
 Develop marketing strategies that address the strengths and opportunities of the restaurants
capabilities. This must include:
a. Comparative analysis
b. Competitive analysis
c. Product portfolio analysis
d. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT) analysis
e. Value chain analysis
 Develop feasible marketing strategies and communicate reasons that justifies their selection
 Ensure strategies align with restaurant’s strategic direction and business plan
 Develop a marketing performance review strategy that incorporates appropriate marketing
metrics to review the restaurants’ performance against the marketing objectives
 Detail tactics to implement each marketing strategy in terms of scheduling, costing,
accountabilities and persons responsible.
 Identify coordination and monitoring mechanisms for scheduled activities.
 Ensure tactics provide for ongoing review of performance against objectives and budgets, and
allow marketing targets to be adjusted if necessary
 Ensure that the marketing plan meets the industry needs, as well as marketing objectives and
incorporates marketing approaches and a strategic marketing mix. The marketing mix must
a. Different product or service variables such as:

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i. Design
ii. Quality
iii. Range
b. Pricing
c. Promotion
d. Level of service
 Ensure marketing plan contains a rationale for objectives and information that supports the
choice of strategies and tactics.
 Present marketing plan to the key stakeholder (your trainer and assessor) and get feedback
from them. On the basis of their feedback adjust the marketing plan to enhance its effective
and efficiency to make it more results driven.
 Attach presentation handouts as well as any adjustments required to marketing plan to this
assessment tool upon submission.

Additional Information to support Project work

To assist you putting together an appropriate marketing plan to match the context of the outlined
business carry out research on the following websites on marketing plans and market planning.

 https://www.knowthis.com/how-to-write-a-marketing-plan/marketing-plan-intro/
 https://www.morebusiness.com/marketing-plan-example/
 https://www.business.gov.au/info/plan-and-start/develop-your-business-
 https://www.business.gov.au/info/plan-and-start/templates-and-tools/marketing-plan-
 http://www.quickmba.com/marketing/plan/
 www.websitemarketingplan.com
 http://businessplans.org/guide/market/

Information on marketing opportunity options may include the following:

 Cooperative ventures
 Exports
 Extending, expanding or otherwise changing an existing business
 Franchising
 Joint ventures
 New businesses
 New products or services for existing markets
 New products or services for new markets
 Potential for greater penetration of existing markets with existing products or services
 Strategic alliances

Information on marketing strategies may include the following:

 Achieving lower costs of production and distribution than competitors
 Creating a very different product line or service so that the business becomes a class leader in
the industry
 Distribution
 Pricing, presentation and display of products or services
 Product design and packaging
 Product range and mix
 Promotion and advertising
 Pursuing cost leadership or product differentiation within a specialist market segment

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Observation and Demonstration Checklist
Fill in the table below before giving it to your trainer

UNIT CODE: BSBMKG609 ASSESSMENT: Lecture Assessment 1

This Form is to be completed by your Trainer. You should

scan or take a photo of the completed form and upload it to
your E-Learning platform. Due date is Week 7.
Description of what the assessor expects to see the student doing in the
Item course of the project S NYS
1 Evaluation of marketing opportunity options
Marketing strategies that utilise existing strengths and opportunities and develop
resources and expertise as needed to meet objectives
3 Marketing tactics that are legal, ethical, achievable and can be reviewed

4 Costs, scheduling, responsibilities and accountabilities for tactics

5 Strategic use of marketing approaches and marketing mix
6 Rationale for objectives and chosen strategies and tactics

Adjust marketing plan in response to feedback from key stakeholders and

7 disseminate for implementation.
8 Use active listening and questioning to elicit feedback
Demonstrates sophisticated control over oral, visual and /or written formats, drawing
9 on a range of communication practices to achieve goals



Trainer’s feedback on evidence of knowledge and skills demonstrated through this project.
Include recommendation on how to address gaps in competency.

*Trainer is required to describe what else was observed

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Trainer’s name: ___________________ __Signature:______________ Date:__________

Oral Presentation Evaluation Criteria Checklist

Fill in the table below before giving it to your trainer

UNIT CODE: BSBMKG609 ASSESSMENT: Lecture Assessment 1


This Form is to be completed by your Trainer. You should scan or take a photo of the completed form
and upload it to your E-Learning platform. Due date is Week 8.

1 – Outstanding 2 – Satisfactory 3 – Fair 4 – Needs

Criteria 1 2 3 4
Presentation was well prepared and the topic was clearly stated
Useful information was presented, reflecting good choices of how many details to include
Speaker was in control of subject matter and displayed knowledge of the topic by referring to other
Speaker summed up main points in conclusion
Speaker used appropriate body language and established and maintained good eye contact
Speech: volume was appropriate, intonation varied, pronunciation and articulation clear
Slides and other visuals: professional and attractive, limited amount of text on a slide, good use of
graphics, content visible at a distance
Talk was well-timed
After the presentation speaker initiate a discussion

Trainer’s feedback on evidence of knowledge and skills demonstrated through this project. Include
recommendation on how to address gaps in competency.

Trainer’s name: ________________ _____ Signature:_______________ Date:_____________

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This document is to verify that the Students listed below completed the work in a group as
outlined in the Group Activity Assessment.

Unit Name: BSBMKG609 Develop a Marketing Plan

Assessment: Lecture Assessment 1



Student Name Student ID

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Lecture Assessment 1
Case Study and Project Presentation - Group Activities
Feedback Evaluation Sheet

UNIT NAME: BSBMKG609 Develop a Marketing Plan

Did the learner in this assessment demonstrated that they can: YES NO
Evaluate marketing opportunity options that address organisational objectives and
evaluate their risks and returns in the selection process
Develop strategies which increase resources or organisational expertise where gaps
exist between current capability and well aligned marketing objectives
Develop a marketing performance review strategy, incorporating appropriate
marketing metrics to review the organisational performance against marketing
Detail tactics to implement each marketing strategy in terms of scheduling, costing,
accountabilities and persons responsible
Identify coordination and monitoring mechanisms for scheduled activities

Ensure tactics are achievable within organization’s projected capabilities and budget

Ensure tactics provide for ongoing review of performance against objectives and
budgets and allow marketing targets to be adjusted if necessary
Ensure marketing plan meets organisational, as well as marketing, objectives and
incorporates marketing approaches and a strategic marketing mix
Ensure marketing plan contains a rationale for objectives and information that
supports the choice of strategies and tactics
Present marketing plan for approval in the required format and timeframe
Adjust marketing plan in response to feedback from key stakeholders and
disseminate for implementation within the required timeframe

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Assessment  Re-assessment
Satisfactory  Not yet Satisfactory
Outcome required
I hereby certify that the above student has been assessed by me and all assessments are
Assessor carried out as per the Academy’s Assessment Policy & Procedure.
____________________________ Date: ______________


I would like to appeal the outcome of this assessment as per the appeals procedure in the
Student Handbook

Student’s signature: _______________________ Date: __________________

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