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Assessment Guide Student: BSBADV507 Develop A Media Plan

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BSBADV507 Develop a media plan

BSBADV507 Develop a media plan
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to develop a media plan within a given
budget, by defining requirements, selecting media vehicles and determining a schedule.
It applies to individuals working in a supervisory or management advertising role within an
advertising team or media organisation. It may also apply to someone working within a direct
marketing role, who is responsible for planning media requirements for direct marketing
campaigns or offers.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of

To achieve competency in this unit students must demonstrate their ability to:
1. Define media requirements
2. Select media vehicles
3. Determine media schedule
4. Produce media plan

Performance Evidence
 produce a media plan for an advertisement which:
 defines media requirements of an advertising brief
 specifies rationales for media vehicles chosen
 ensures media schedule meets requirements of the brief
 contains budgetary allocation for each advertising medium
 develop measures to assess effectiveness of media vehicles selected.

Knowledge Evidence
 outline and explain data analysis and matching techniques
 list organisational products and services offered
 identify organisational budget and resource constraints
 identify principles and characteristics of advertising media, types of media and
advertising strategies
 identify and explain key provisions of relevant legislation, codes of practice and
national standards affecting business operations
 identify and explain ethical principles relating to advertising industry
 define terms for describing media audiences.

General Assessment Information

This information is designed to provide you with a full overview of the tasks you need to
successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit.
You must achieve a satisfactory performance in each of the assessment tasks in order to be
deemed competent in the relevant unit. Where necessary, the assessment tasks are divided
into parts or steps. These are designed to take you through a step by step approach to
completing the activities.

First and foremost, please contact your assessor to discuss any necessary adjustments that
may need to be made prior to completing these tasks. The instructions for each of the
assessment tasks are logically sequenced. If you have any questions, contact your assessor
immediately. If there is a practical component to your assessment, you will need to discuss
the arrangements for its completion with your assessor in advance.

Assessment Cover Sheet

Once you have completed all of the tasks, complete the Assessment Cover Sheet, sign the
declaration and forward along with your documentation to your assessor. It should be
uploaded along with the assessment on to the RTO manager.

Submitting Assessment Tasks

All written assessment tasks must be typed and submitted with the provided cover sheet.
Your trainer/assessor will tell you when assessments are due. It is your responsibility to
ensure that assessment tasks are submitted on or before their due date.
Extensions for individual assessment tasks may be negotiated with your trainer in specific
circumstances. You must request this prior to the due date, and extensions due to illness will
require a medical certificate. Extensions will be confirmed by your trainer/assessor.
Where assessment tasks are submitted following the conclusion of the unit of competency
without a medical certificate or extension, a late submission fee for each assessment task
will be charged.

Assessment Outcomes
There are two outcomes of assessment tasks: S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory
(requires more training and experience).
You will be awarded C = Competent on completion of the unit when you have achieved S for
all completed assessment tasks and by meeting all the performance criteria. If you fail to
meet this requirement, you will receive the result NYC = Not Yet Competent and will be
eligible to be re-assessed according to George Brown College policy.
If you are deemed Not Competent by your assessor and require re-assessment, you will be
informed of the process. A fee may be charged according to George Brown College policy.
If all assessment tasks are not completed for a qualification, a certificate will not be awarded.
A Statement of Attainment for completed units of competency will be provided.
Your Results
Your assessor is committed to providing you with detailed feedback on the outcomes of the
assessment and will provide guidance on areas for improvement. In most instances, you
should only need to complete the sections of the assessment that were deemed not
satisfactory. However, it is important to remember that depending on the task, it may be
necessary to repeat the whole task (for example presentations or the delivery of a training
You are entitled to view your results at any time by asking your trainer/assessor.

Reasonable Adjustment
George Brown College supports individual differences in the learning environment and
provides ‘reasonable adjustment’ in training and assessment activities to support every
learner. If you have any special needs that make it difficult for you to complete your learning
or assessments, you should discuss this with your assessor beforehand and will be provided
with reasonable alternatives to assist you to complete the required tasks such as completing
tests verbally or using an interpreter.

What happens if you do not agree with the assessment result?

If you do not think the assessment process is valid, or disagree with the decision once it is
made, or believe that you have been treated unfairly, you can appeal. The first step is to
discuss the matter with your trainer.
If you still do not agree with the results, refer to the GBC Complaints and Appeals Policy and
speak to the Student Services Team.

While we may not be in a position to assist you with language training or specific LLN
training, our assessors will work with you to ensure that you are supported throughout your
qualification. If you require individual tutoring this may attract an additional fee (see Student
Handbook). Support may be offered by your assessor, or for more specialist support you
may need to contact GBC administration.

A Note on Plagiarism and Referencing

Plagiarism is a form of theft where the work, ideas, inventions etc. of other people are
presented as your own. Information, ideas etc. quoted or paraphrased from another source
such as the Internet, must be acknowledged with “quotation marks” around the relevant
words/sentences or ideas and the source listed in brackets. You must also list the sources at
the end of your assessment.
Sources of information, ideas etc. must be provided in alphabetical order by author’s
surname (including author’s full name, name of document/ book / internet etc. and year and
place of publishing) or may be included in brackets in the text.
As a general rule it is advisable to never copy another person’s work. Should it appear that a
student’s work has been copied or does not appear to be authentic, you will be asked to
speak to your Course Coordinator and required to re-submit it. A fee may be charged
according to George Brown College policy.

Contacting the RTO

If you should need further support or assistance please do not hesitate to contact The
Student Services Team.
BSBADV507 Develop a media plan
There are three (3) assessments for this unit:

1. Written Questions
For this assessment, you are to read the questions and respond in writing with the most
suitable answer. There are six (6) questions, all of which must be completed. Most
questions require short answers although some questions require a more detailed response.
You may use various sources of information including workbooks, internet and other
documents, but must list and reference their sources. Your assessor will advise you when
this is due.

2. Project
For this assessment you are to create a media plan.
There are three (3) parts in this assessment. You must complete them all. This assessment
relates to the scenario and business documents in Appendices A and B.
 Part A: Market Analysis – requires you to analyse the information in Appendices A
and B and determine products and audience for your plan.
 Part B: Media Mix – requires you to evaluate different media and select appropriate
media for the products and audience.
 Part C: Media Schedule – requires you to create two (2) schedules to determine the
frequency of advertising to ensure coverage throughout the year while maintaining
Your assessor will advise when this is due.

3. Presentation
For this assessment you are to present your media plan to the class in a 5 – 10-minute
presentation. It is based on the same industry scenario as for Assessment 2.
You will be required to use PowerPoint presentations and suitable software for the
Your assessor will advise when this is due.

Assessment Schedule
Assessment Due Date

1. Written Questions

2. Project

3. Presentation

Student Name:

Student ID:

Contact Number:


Trainer / Assessor Name:


Unit of Competency: BSBADV507 Develop a media plan

☐ Written Questions
Assessment: ☐ Project
☐ Presentation

Due Date: Date Submitted:

If your assessment is being submitted after the due date, please attach a copy of the written
confirmation of extension received from your assessor.

Declaration: I have read and understood the following information at the

beginning of this assessment guide (please tick):

☐ Assessment information
☐ Submitting assessments
☐ Plagiarism and referencing

I declare this assessment is my own work and where the work is

of others, I have fully referenced that material.

Name (please print) Signature Date

Question 1

Briefly explain what data matching is. (30-150 words).

It is the effort of comparing two sets of collected data through algorithms, programmed
loops and more processes. Finding records that relate to the same item is known as data
matching. These records typically come from multiple data sets with no common entity
identifiers, but data matching techniques can also be used to find duplicate records within
a single database. computers conduct sequential analysis of each individual piece of a
data set, comparing it to each individual piece of another data set, or comparing complex
variables like strings for specific similarities. The purpose can be used to identify key links
between two data sets for marketing, security and other applications.

Question 2.
Briefly explain how to analyse data collected from the following means: (30-150 words each)
 Quantitative questions on a survey
 Qualitative questions on a survey

Data analysis means Explanation

Quantitative questions on a Objective questions to ask the audience of the survey.

survey The questions can include options, Likert scales and
other survey question types are frequently used to keep
respondents engaged throughout the questionnaire.
Quantitative survey questions are used to collect data on
frequency, probability, ratings, price, and other variables.
Quantitative survey questions are used in initial
research, defining a research project for the right target

Qualitative questions on a These are open ended-questions, where the survey

survey does not provide options of answers to the audience to
choose from. Qualitative research questions are
generally more generic and loosely worded since they
attempt to investigate or explain occurrences rather than
give a tidy nomothetic explanation. They may simply
include one notion, although many do contain many
concepts. Qualitative questions are often open-ended
and help answer "why” and gain context about
quantifiable data and understand hard-to-quantify

Question 3.
Identify the principles and key characteristics of each of the following media types /
advertising rstrategies.
Media / advertising Why use it? What is the Key Characteristics / features
Type purpose?
(pros & cons)

Print to provide information via a Pros: Credibility, Loyal Readership,

textual interface to a highly High Ad Recall, Pass Along
(newspapers &
focused audience for whom Exposure
the information or data was
Cons: Hard to measure
really intended.
effectiveness, appears together with
other brands might create more
competition, no interaction, time
delay, require reading skills,

Radio Using radio advertisement will Pros: Low production cost, low
allow advertisers to broadcast running cost, repeated exposure,
their commercial to listeners. It consistency, international audience,
is used when frequency and easy transition to podcast, timely
repetition is aimed message delivery
Cons: Poor attentiveness and
fragmentation, lack of visual appeal,
complex buying process, limited
listeners’ attention, clutter.

T.V. Used when a large audience is Pros: Full screen and not fighting
needed in a short period of screen space, Vast audience, results
time can be tracked, second-screen
benefits, builds trusts

Cons: Expensive, people might be

numb to brand message, reaching
core demographic might be
uncertain, incurs other cost like
production on ads videos, people
might change channel when ads
come on

Website When want to reach out to Pros: can target easily based on the
consumers over the world, and personal details, can closely monitor
no time frame control spending, can track results easily,
goes beyond many regions,
convenient and accessible to many
Cons: might be complicated, costly,
not everyone on the internet wants
to share their data, limited space,
consumers can decline ad-clicks, not
everyone is on the internet.

Social Media When want to incorporate b Pros: Many users, low cost, big
the brand more to the users audience, fast. Improve brand
and consumers. Making it recognition, loyalty, higher
more near to their daily lives conversion rates, better search
through customer relationship engine rankings
Cons: Risk of negativity publicity,
loss of control, might dilute brand
voice. Time consuming, need
constant update and fast paced

Direct Mail when want to deliver the Pros: target niche market, can
message directly and provide very detailed information,
personally to the consumer, or can easily track response rate, helps
when a very targeted market. with brand loyalty, reactivating
normally alongside with other dormant accounts.
marketing campaigns. direct
Cons: requires address data, time
mail is more likely to get read.
consuming if without a specify
automated software, fixed cost when
need to send through postal.

Question 4.
For each of the below legislation, standards and codes of practice relating to advertising
activities, briefly summarise the key points. (30-100 words for each)

Legislation, standards Summary of key points

and codes of practice
Australian Consumer Law: A national unfair contract terms legislation encompassing
standard form consumer and small company contracts; a
national law protecting consumer rights when buying goods
and services, fines, enforcement powers, and consumer
redress alternatives are all part of the Australian Consumer
Law (ACL). Its mission is to improve Australians' well-being
by encouraging fair dealing and competition, as well as
providing consumer safeguards. It entails, in general,
product safety and labeling. unethical business practices

Competition and Consumer Most aspects of the market are covered by the Competition
Act (Trades Practices Act): and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA), including connections
between suppliers, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers.
Its mission is to improve Australians' well-being by
encouraging fair dealing and competition, as well as
providing consumer safeguards. The legislation is intended
to allow all firms to compete on their own merits in a free
and open market while also guaranteeing that customers
are treated fairly. The ACL regulates how businesses
advertise and interact with customers. It also establishes a
variety of consumer rights, such as particular guarantee
Privacy Act: The Privacy Act of 1988 (Privacy Act) is the primary piece
of Australian legislation governing the processing of
personal information. This covers both the federal
government and the commercial sector's acquisition, use,
storage, and disclosure of personal information. The
Privacy Act governs how personal information about
persons is handled. The Privacy Act provides you more
control over how your personal information is treated as an
individual. The Privacy Act of 1988 (Privacy Act) is the
primary piece of Australian legislation governing the
processing of personal information. This covers the
gathering, use, storage, and disclosure of personal

Anti-Spam law (Spam Act The Australian Parliament passed the Spam Act 2003 in
2003): 2003 to control commercial e-mail and other commercial
electronic messaging. The Spam Act of 2003 establishes a
regulatory framework for commercial email and other
commercial electronic messaging. It is forbidden to send
unsolicited commercial electronic messages. Information
about the person or organization who authorized the
message's transmission must be included in commercial
electronic messaging. Spam, particularly e-mail spam and
various forms of phone spam, as well as e-mail address
harvesting, are prohibited under the Act.

Advertising Standards The Bureau is in charge of the advertising self-regulation

Bureau: system's complaint resolution component. The Advertising
Standards Board (Standards Board) and the Advertising
Claims Board both have a secretariat within the Bureau
(Claims Board). The Bureau's mission is to ensure that the
public, business, and government have faith in and respect
for the advertising self-regulatory system, and that
advertising standards are consistent with community

Question 5.
Read through the AANA’s Code of Ethics http://aana.com.au/self-regulation/codes/
(a) Summarise the ethical principles found in sections 1 and 2.

Section 1 Competitor Complaints

1.1 Advertising or Marketing Communication 1.1 This reflects the prinicples in the
have to comply with Commonwealth law Australian Consumer Law
and relevant law in State of Territory

1.2 Section 1.2 reflects concepts in the

1.2 Advertising and Marketing ACL in relation to misleading and deceptive
Communication should not be misleading or conduct. To establish that advertising or
deceptive marketing communication is not misleading
or deceptive an advertiser may be required
to provide substantiation of any claims
made. This means they must have a
1.3 Misrepresentation which is likely to
reasonable basis for their claims.
cause damage to the business or goodwill
of competitors is prohibited.
1.4. It must not imply a benefit to the
environment which the product or services
1.4 Community concerns should not be
do not have if it implies a benefit that does
exploited for the benefit of the
not exist.
advertisement. Advertising may not be used
in a misleading way or in a way which
implies a benefit to the environment which
the product does have.

1.5 Advertising shall not make claims about

the Australian origin or content of products
advertised in misleading manners

Section 2 Consumer Complaints

2.1 The marketing advertisements should 2.1 Discriminates = unfair or less

not portray people or depict materials in a favourable treatment. Vilification =
way which discriminates or vilifies on race,
Humiliates, intimidates, incites hatred,
ethnicity, nationality, gender, age, sexual
contempt or ridicule. Negative deception of
orientation, religion, disability, mental illness
people even with humour used will also
or political belief.
breach this section of the code.

2.2 Sexual appeal should not be used It with

2.2 Exploitative = (a) taking advantage of
images of Minors or person who appear to
the sexual appeal of a person, or group of
be Minors and in a manner which is
people, by depicting them as objects or
exploitative or degrading of any individual or
commodities; Or (b) focusing on their body
group of people.
parts where this bears no direct relevance
to the product or service being advertised.
Degrading = treated as sexual objects or
2.3 Advertising shall not present or portray
commodities for sale
violence unless it is justifiable in the context
of the product or service advertised.
2.4 Advertising shall treat sex, sexuality and 2.3 The Community Panel may consider
nudity with sensitivity to the relevant whether the violence or menace depicted in
audience. an advertisement is justifiable. Graphic
depictions of violence or a strong
2.5 Advertising shall only use language
suggestion of menace have been found to
which is appropriate in the circumstances
present violence in an unacceptable
(including appropriate for the relevant
audience and medium). Strong or obscene
language shall be avoided. 2.4 Overtly sexual depictions where the
depiction is not relevant to the product or
service being advertised are likely to offend
2.6 Advertising shall not depict material Prevailing Community Standards and be
contrary to Prevailing Community Standards unacceptable
on health and safety. 2.5 Australian vernacular are permitted
provided they are used in a manner consistent
with their colloquial usage, for example with
2.7 Advertising shall be clearly gentle humour, and not used in a demeaning or
distinguishable as such. aggressive manner. Vulgar words should with
beeps, using acronyms, rhyming words.
2.6 Advertisers should take care not to depict
behaviour that children may imitate. Unsafe
practices, bullying, body image, unrealistic
body image, body size alteration of images
should all be taken note on.
2.7 Advertising or marketing communication
not be disguised as, for example, news, current
affairs, independent market research, user-
generated content, private blogs or independent

(b) Briefly summarise and explain the key ethical principles described above which relate to
the advertising industry. (15- 20 words)

Advertising should not be deceptive, misleading, or exploit community safety and

concerns. It should also not break any laws or violate community norms.

Question 6.
Define the following terms used for media audience and provide an example of a media
source for each. (20 – 50 words each)
 Fragmented:
 Mass:
 Niche:
Use the table below for your answer.

Data analysis method Explanation

Fragmented: Fragmented audience means the amount to which

viewers are dispersed among media providers. Is it the
movement of a population from a few big audiences for
a single media product to a larger number of smaller
audiences for the same media product. Example: the
audience that prefers using social medias, and some
others who prefers watching TV.

Mass: The Mass Audience represents the dominant majority in

a society. They are relatively average people. Mass
audience represents almost all segments of the society.
The technique of appealing to the whole market rather
than a single target group is known as mass marketing.
To reach the largest potential audience, the marketing
approach employs mass distribution and mass media.
This is the mass media audience. For example: Colgate
using the billboard advertisement for their toothpaste on
the highway.

Niche: A niche audience is a more focused subset of the target

audience for a larger market. A niche audience has a
specialized set of demands that a tailored product or
service may meet. Example: Lefty’s products that are
dedicated for left handers, advertised using Search
Engine Optimisation and Keywords like “Left-handed

For this assessment you are to demonstrate that you have the skills and knowledge to:
 Define media requirements
 Select media vehicles
 Determine media schedule
 Produce media plan

For this project you will create a media plan. Your plan will have the following sections:
 Market Analysis
 Media Mix
 Media Schedule

This assessment is based on a simulated business scenario of a T shirt manufacturer.

There are three (3) parts to this assessment corresponding with the above sections of the
media plan. You must complete them all.

You are the Advertising Manager for Hot Shot T-shirts, a retail company that sells trendy
T-shirts. You are part of the Marketing Department and your Supervisor is the Head of
The target market is fashionable teenagers and young people up to age 24. Your T-shirts
are trendy, so you need to continually produce new T-shirts in order to keep your
customers coming back. This means that the company must spend a lot of money on
research and production, but it also means that they will have steady, loyal, repeat
After 3 years, the company would like to expand the business into new markets. As
Advertising Manager, you have been asked to create a media plan as part of this planned

Details of the scenario are in in Appendix A and the related business documents in Appendix
B. You should read through all of these documents before beginning this assessment.

Part A: Market Analysis

For this part of the assessment, you will read through the scenario and documents in
Appendices A and B, then complete each of the below tasks.
1. Create a consumer profile for Hot Shot T-shirts including:
(a) An explanation of who the target audience is
(b) An explanation of whether it is a fractured, mass or niche audience
2. Analyse the product and the creative requirements and:
(a) List and describe the products being offered
(b) Determine the reach
(c) Determine the frequency of the advertising needed in general (specific media
schedule will be created later)

Part B: Media Mix

For this part of the assessment, you will read through the scenario and documents in
Appendices A and B, then complete each of the below tasks.

1. Explain whether you will continue with the same advertising media that Hot Shot T-shirts
used last year or if you will change it and why. (100 – 150 words).

2. Identify new media that competitors use and discuss whether Hot Shot T-shirts should
consider using this media as well. (50-150 words)

3. Discuss whether you think there are any media-embedded merchandising (MEM)
opportunities that could be considered. (100-150 words) Discuss a range of possible

4. Identify the following:

(a) Budget for advertising

(b) Any legal or voluntary constraints (refer to at least three (3) legislative
requirements and one (1) ethical consideration)

(c) Any resource constraints – e.g. do you have enough people, time, money,
technology to do it?

5. Consider various media vehicles and then complete the table below. This will form your
plan. You must identify and consider a range of media vehicles. Ensure that your selected
media targets the required audience, meets the media requirements, the advertising brief
and legal and ethical requirements.

Media Why Reach Frequency Budget Expected How will

Selected Selected Impact you

E.g. Twitter Targets Broad – Weekly $10,000 Brand Survey

youth good for awarenes on brand
branding s and data
and increased on
linking to and website
website website visits
by 50%

Part C: Media Schedule

For this part of the assessment you will create a media schedule to align with the table you
created above in Part B.

1. Create a media schedule for your media plan. You may use the template in Appendix C
or you can you any scheduling industry software such as those found in Appendix D. Your
schedule must:
 Ensure that the frequency and timing meet the advertising brief
 Ensure that the advertising message is distributed over the whole year in
accordance with the brief

2. Create a second, alternative media schedule so that your supervisor at Hot Shot T-shirts
has a choice as to which schedule to choose. In this schedule, you can vary the media
used, the frequency, the budget, etc.

3. Create a testing schedule for the media plan. This can be a simple schedule where you
write down what month you will do a pilot test on the media you are planning to use next.
For example, if you are planning on running a newspaper ad in September, you may want
to run a test on the ad in August. You need to allow for enough time to be able to modify
your plan based on the results of your test.

What media you will test When you will test it (e.g. what month or
Answer Assessment 2
Part A: Market Analysis
Consumer Profile:
(a) An explanation of who the target audience is
- Target Audience: Teenagers of 12 – 24, mostly women, goth and gay men,
wealthy and trendy youths. Audience would be mostly located in the region
near Bondi and Manly Beach.
(b) An explanation of whether it is a fractured, mass or niche audience
- 1,304,286 young people aged 12–25 years live in NSW making up 17.7% of
the state’s population. The target audience is niche as the target audience are
teenagers, and also those who look for a specific style of trendy, colourful tee-
shirts that is high-end and good materials. Another that make it niche is
because of the gender of the audience are mostly girls, and most men are
more to gay and goth style. Another is because of the location as well, which
makes them come to the shop. The market could also be fragmented within
the niche, as some customers shop on Hotshot by seeing the physical shop,
some are being recommended.
Product Analysis:
(a) List and describe the products being offered
- Hot Shot T-shirt provides trendy T-shirts with high quality catered for wear and
tear resistance
- Colours include plain to bright, resistance to wash and sunlight.
- T-shirts designs include graphics and plain.
- different cuttings
- mostly unisex tee
- Fashionable, lifestyle and trendy t-shirts for youths
- High end product
(b) Determine the reach
- Out of the 1,304,286 young people aged 12–25 years live in NSW. We aim to reach
40% of the population from our marketing medias, and ROI of 10% of the reach.
(c) Determine the frequency of the advertising needed in general (specific media
schedule will be created later)
- To begin in two (2) weeks and continue for 12 months

Part B: Media Mix

1. I will plan to change the advertising media plan that Hot Shot T-shirt used last year.
We will remain the magazine marketing and Twitter but I will remove the radio
advertisement as the ROI was too low. I will replace it with more social media, and
digital marketing as it is the 5G era and teens are more likely to use social medias
than listening to the radio. It is also easier to target the niche that we want through
the data from social media and search engine. Another way is to increase brand
signage near the pestle and mortar shop.
2. Competitors are utilising e-commerce and online shops to expand their business and
marketing methods, such as using their own domain with online shop, social medias,
Instagram shop. The popularity of online shopping has soared and recent statistics
show that 51 percent of consumers not only prefer to shop online but 80 percent
have made a purchase online in the past month alone. Quicksilver and Billabong also
utilise SEO, google ads, and onboarding different online fashion platforms that
features many brands such as Surfstitch. Their social media presence is also very
strong, with Billabong having 2.1 million followers and Quiksilver having 2.2 million
followers worldwide. They post life style related photos on their social medias and
use influencer similar to their target market as well. Hot Shot should follow such
efforts as it showed good results for our competitors.
3. Media-embedded merchandising opportunities are possible for Hot-Shots. We can
sponsor gamers to wear our t-shirts when they do live stream. A more straight
forward way is similar to how brand uses influencers to tag brands on social medias
in their life-style post. Besides, it could also be possible to sponsor youth events or
events related to our niche, such as LGBTQ groups as our target audience also
include gay men. Other possible ways include sponsoring youtubers to wear our t-
shirts in their videos as well. Such MEM opportunities can sip through internet and
social medias, where teens frequent on.
4. Identify the following:
(a) Budget for advertising

(b) Any legal or voluntary constraints (refer to at least three (3) legislative
requirements and one (1) ethical consideration)
Legislative requirements include complying to the Australian Consumer Law to
protect consumer rights and no deception in the advertisement, follow Privacy Act
when handling customer data and personal information for marketing, Competition
and Consumer Act to comply with trading with customers fairly in the market space.
Ethical considerations include the AANA’s Code of Ethics, both section 1 and section
2 on competitor complaints and consumer complaints. The marketing media and
communications should not be deceptive, misleading, or exploit community safety
and concerns. It should also not break any laws or violate community norms.

(c) Any resource constraints – e.g. do you have enough people, time, money,
technology to do it?
To adopt to e-commerce and digital marketing, we will have to put effort on media
creation and copywriting. Hot shot can shoose to hire internal copywriter/ social
media specialist, or outsource to agencies.

Media Why Reach Frequenc Budget Expected How will

Selected Selected y Impact you

E.g. Targets Broad – Weekly $12,00 Brand Survey on

Twitter youth good for 0 awarenes brand and
branding and s data on
linking to increased website
website and visits
by 50%

SEO Key Target Broad – Every 6 $5,000 Website Pay-per

words Keywords good for months traffic click ads.
optimizatio people who increase RReview
n on search by 20% traffic of the
search online website
engine. through the

Influencer Use the Niche – Monthly $48,00 Increase Use special

s on social power of Reaches to 0 brand codes to
media influencers, the traffic of awarenes identify the
(Instagram as teens the views s by 50%, influencer
, like to and followers Traffic to for the
Snapchat) admire and of the our social customer to
follow influencer. media by key in when
many. Can Can review 35% and checking
bring out what type of increase out. Review
the “high followers the sales by the insights
end” influencer 15% of the
branding has. content
when posted.
wear our

Live Target Niche – Bi-monthly $15,00 Increase Use special

Streamers Teens Users who 0 brand codes to
– Gamers through watch live awarenes identify the
on Twitch, MEM streams and s by 30%, influencer
games. They and for the
will buy increase customer to
merchandise sales by key in when
s 10% checking
out. Review
the insights
of the

Postings Create Broad – To Every 2 $96,00 Traffic to Followers,

on Social high online gain more days 0 our social content
medias – presence, followers, media by reach,
IG, TIK better existing and 55%, engagemen
TOK, customer new. traffic to t on
Facebook. relationship Throughout website contents,
, explore the world online shares,
new store by comments.
markets 35%,
without the increase
restriction brand Sales
of physical awarenes numbers
distance s by 30%

Teen Credibility Niche – Every $50,00 Brand Survey

Magazine and past Teenagers Quarter 0 awarenes forms.
on who read the s by 20%,
exposure. magazine. Sales by

Billboard Immediate Broad – 12 months $ Brand Survey

Ad near exposure Many people 100,00 awarenes forms,
Manly and near to our who passes 0 s by 40%, Numbers of
Bondi store by near the Sales by new walk in
beach fronts. location 20% customers.

Part C: Media Schedule

Test Schedule

What media you will test When you will test it (e.g. what month or

BillBoard Signage Preview Showing from Jan 2nd week. Launch on Jan 4th week if no
Agency changes.

Social Media Production viewing and One day before actual posting. Proof
preview (Tik tok, IG, FB, Twitter) reading and checking

Influencers Postings – Review before post 1 week before due, so can check the
Media Plan 1
Media Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct N
Twitter 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

Shooting for 5,000           5,000        

10,000     10,000     10,000     10,000  
IG posting 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000

Live Stream
  2,500   2,500   2,500   2,500   2,500  
on gamers

2,500           2,500        

Signage 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167
Signage 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167
TOTAL 38,834 23,834 21,334 33,834 21,334 23,834 38,834 23,834 21,334 33,834

Media Plan 2
Media Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct N
Twitter 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000

Shooting for 5,000           5,000        

10,000     10,000     10,000     10,000  
IG posting 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000
BSBADV507 Develop a media plan
2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
    12,000     12,000     12,000  

Live Stream
  2,500   2,500   2,500   2,500   2,500  
on gamers

2,500           2,500        

Signage 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167
Signage 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167 4167
TOTAL 34,834 19,834 29,334 29,834 17,334 31,834 34,834 19,834 29,334 29,834

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BSBADV507 Develop a media plan

Assessment Criteria
Your assessor will be assessing you against the criteria in the attached Marking Guide.

Submission Requirements
You will need to submit the following for this assessment:
 Your media plan which includes all three sections as stated above with each task
completed and clearly numbered.


Student’s name:

Student ID:

Assessor’s name:

Date of assessment:

Unit of competency: BSBADV507 Develop a media plan

Did the student satisfactorily: Yes No Comments

Part A: Market Analysis

Create a consumer profile for Hot Shot T-shirts

 An explanation of who the target audience
 An explanation of whether it is a fractured,
mass or niche audience?

Analyse the product and the creative requirements

 List and describe the products being
 Determine the reach
 Determine the frequency of the advertising
needed in general?

Part B: Media Mix

Evaluate new/alternative and existing media to

select options to suit business requirements and
advertising brief?

Identify and discuss a range of merchandising


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BSBADV507 Develop a media plan
Did the student satisfactorily: Yes No Comments

Identify the correct media budget for advertising?

Identify legal, ethical and resource constraints (at

least three (3) legislative requirements and one (1)
ethical consideration)?

Complete the table and identify for each selected

 Why Selected
 Reach
 Frequency
 Budget
 Expected Impact
 How to measure success?

Select media that:

 target the required audience
 meet the brief requirements
 meet the reach and frequency requirements
 fulfils merchandising requirements
 is within budget
 adhere to legal and ethical requirements?

Part C: Media Schedule

Create a media schedule that:

 Ensures frequency and timing meets the
advertising brief
 Distributes advertising throughout the year?

Create an alternative media schedule varying at

least one of: budget, frequency, media?

Create a testing schedule for the plan with enough

time to modify the media plan and update in
accordance with testing results?

Feedback to student:

Student’s overall performance is: ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory

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BSBADV507 Develop a media plan
Is re-assessment required? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Assessor’s signature: Date:

Student’s signature: Date:

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BSBADV507 Develop a media plan


For this assessment you are to demonstrate you have the skills and knowledge to:
 Present your plan
 Use effective communication to convey and explain your plan
 Use active listening and questioning skills

For this assessment you will deliver presentation to explain your media plan that you developed in
Assessment 2.

In your role of Advertising Manager for Hot Shot T-shirts, you have developed a media plan and
two alternative media schedules for rollout of the plan. You now need to present them to your
supervisor at Hot Shot T-shirts.
You will deliver the presentation to your supervisor and other managers or marketing personnel
at Hot Shot T-shirts.

You are to develop and deliver a 5-10 minutes presentation.
The presentation will be delivered to your class who will act in the role of the supervisor, other
managers and marketing personnel.
You must use presentation software to create your presentation slides. There should be at least
one (1) slide for each of the three sections of your plan (Market Analysis, Media Mix and Media
Schedule). Note that you should include both media schedules and explain the difference between
You should provide a brief summary of your plan for each section in your presentation.
During the presentation, you must:
 ask at least two (2) questions to the audience
 use active listening to clarify the question to ensure you understand it before answering it
 enter data into a table or graph and include this in the presentation
Your assessor will observe you, and will advise you when this is to take place.

Assessment Criteria
Your assessor will be assessing you against the criteria in the attached Presentation Record.

Submission Requirements
You will need to submit the following for this assessment:
 Presentation slides

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BSBADV507 Develop a media plan


Student’s name:

Student ID

Assessor’s name:

Date of observation:

Unit of competency: BSBADV507 Develop a media plan

Did the student satisfactorily: Yes No Comments

Clearly convey and explain their media plan and

their two media schedules?

Demonstrate effective communication skills to a

professional level, including:
 clear speech
 vocabulary suitable for the audience
 appropriate non-verbal language e.g. eye
contact with audience?

Present information clearly and in logical order.

During the presentation:

 ask at least two (2) questions to the
 answer questions from the audience
 use active listening to clarify the question to
ensure they understand it before answering

Use technology to enter data, organise and

present information, including production of at least
one slide for each of the three sections of the
medial plan?

Use clear written words on the slides that are easy

to read and understand?

Enter data into a table or graph and include this in

the presentation?

Feedback to student:

Student Assessment Guide v 1 April 2019 Page 28 of 36

BSBADV507 Develop a media plan

Student’s overall performance is: ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Satisfactory

Is re-assessment required? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Assessor’s signature: Date:

Student’s signature: Date:

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BSBADV507 Develop a media plan

Appendix A - Sample Business Scenario

Hot Shot T-Shirts

1. Overview
Hot Shot T-shirts is a retail company that sells trendy T-shirts. The target market is fashionable
teenagers and young people up to age 24. The T-shirts are made of high-quality material and as a
result are relatively expensively priced in the market. The company plans to advertise mostly
through teen magazines, teen websites and social media. The company has 2 small boutique
stores located in Bondi and Manly. The T-shirts are manufactured in China and they are stored in
a warehouse in western Sydney for easy distribution to the stores.
The T-shirts are imported by boat, and the company owns one truck to distribute the T-shirts to the
stores. As the T-shirts are trendy, Hot Shot T-shirts needs to continually produce new T-shirts in
order to keep their customers coming back as they probably only wear the T-shirts for a couple of
months before they go out of fashion. This means that the company must spend a lot of money on
research and production, but it also means that they will have steady, loyal, repeat customers.
After 3 years, the company would like to expand the business into new markets.

2. Marketing
2.1 Product
The product is high quality very trendy T-shirts. Although it is expected that customers will only
wear the T-shirts for a couple of months before they go out of fashion, it is important that the
material is strong and that the colours will last. The material must be strong as our target market is
very active and it is presumed that they will put a lot of “wear and tear” on the T-shirts. It is
important that the colours will last through several washes and sunlight as the strong colour is one
of the features that makes the T-shirts trendy.

2.2 Target Market

The target market for these T-shirts are ages 12 – 24. We believe that the T-shirts will appeal
mostly to women, but also to “goth” and gay men.

2.3 Market Analysis

The expensive T-shirt market is very competitive in Sydney with surfing shops dominating the
market. This is a large and very profitable marketplace. However, on the popular beaches (Bondi
and Manly), there are very few non-surfing T-shirts boutiques that cater to the market.

2.4 Price & Placement

Our trendy T-shirts will be priced at the high end of the market with T-shirts selling at $50 per T-
shirt. The T-shirts are sold out of boutique stores in Manly and Bondi where there are several
wealthy and trendy youths.

2.5 Distribution
Once the T-shirts arrive from China, our truck picks up the T-shirts and puts them into a
warehouse in western Sydney. The truck then distributes the T-shirts from the warehouse to the
stores twice weekly.

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2.6 Budget
The overall marketing budget for this year is $500,000. $400,000 of which is earmarked for

3. Customer analysis
Customer analysis for the previous year after three years of operations found:
 Market is 80% girls
 Market age is 17-24
 Purple, Pink, and Blue T-shirts seem to be the most popular
 Shirts with graphics sell more than plain shirts
 ROI for magazine marketing is 5%
 ROI on Sydney radio is 1%
 A recent customer survey found the following:
o 95% of customers were happy with the quality of the T-shirts
o 90% of customers like the colours and graphics
o 60% of customers saw the shop and walked in
o 30% of customers received a recommendation to come to the shop
 Rents in both Manly and Bondi are increasing each year

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Appendix B – Business documents

Communication and Marketing Policies and Procedures
Hot Shot T-shirts is committed to producing consistent external messages that build the brand and
clarify communication between all internal and external stakeholders.

This policy is intended to:

- Help enhance the brand visibility
- Ensure all communication and information follows the branding guidelines and style guide
- Help improve information flow both internally and externally
- Help reduce miscommunication

Consistent strategies are essential to implement across all forms of communication: advertising,
social media, brochures, printed publications, web pages, direct mail/marketing, etc.
The Marketing Department is responsible for overseeing the creation and maintenance of all
marketing and communication strategies.

This policy applies to all divisions of Hot Shot T-shirts and includes all marketing and
communication activities such as: publications (print and electronic), merchandise, logos,
advertising, media relations, videos, web pages, events, sponsorships, social media and market

Use of Logo:
The Hot Shot logo is a registered trademark and may only be used for authorized purposes. The
Marketing Department must approve all uses of the logo.

Social Media:
Hot Shot T-shirts encourages and supports the use of social media for marketing purposes,
engaging with customers, and event promotion. The purpose of using social media as a
communication strategy is to promote Hot Shot’s brand, and promote its products and events. The
Social Media Manager must approve any use of social media by others and is also responsible for
social media campaigns and strategies.
All social media posts must link back to Hot Shot’s website.
All social media posts must be inclusive, responsive, respectful and friendly, and encourage the
reader to visit the website or engage in an activity.

Website Content:
Website content must adhere to the branding guidelines and style guide. It must contain the logo,
footer and contact information.
Website content must adhere to high levels of quality and reflect the company’s mission and vision
statements. All content should be checked for spelling and punctuation.
The Website Manager is responsible for all content on the web pages, monitoring the website, and
reporting on analytics and the user experience of the website.

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BSBADV507 Develop a media plan
The Website Manager is also responsible for SEO and ensuring that the website is easily found on
standard search engines (e.g. Google) and remains in the top 10 on agreed word searches.

E-News and Direct Marketing:

Content must be inclusive, responsive, respectful and friendly. It should link back to the website.
All content must adhere to high levels of quality and reflect the company’s mission and vision
statements. All content should be checked for spelling and punctuation.
Do not publish customer details or unapproved images. All data must be collected and handled in
accordance with the Privacy Act.
The Advertising Manager is responsible for all e-news and direct marketing strategies and content.

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BSBADV507 Develop a media plan
Hot Shot T-shirt’s Advertising Brief

Brand Statement
Hot Shot is a lifestyle brand that provides trendy T-shirts to youths.

Target Audience
The target market for these T-shirts are ages 12 – 24, females and gay men.
Advertising Objective
New campaign to increase brand awareness and demand for Hot Shot’s T-shirts.
Consumer Message
Trendy T-shirts to make you hip and stylish – your friends will be envious.
Key Consumer Benefit
Looking good, being a trend setter.
Product information
Bright colours, stylish cuts, good quality material, fashionable
Other surf brands (e.g. Billabong, Quicksilver, Rip Curl etc.), boutique clothing shops in Bondi and
Advertising Tone
Trendy, innovative, enviable
Advertising Media
Magazines, social media, shop signage, merchandising opportunities on other trendy websites,
games or virtual worlds
Mandatory Requirements
Logo, website link
To begin in two (2) weeks and continue for 12 months

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Appendix C – Media Schedule

Media Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Twitter 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 12,000
X 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000

TOTAL 6,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 27,000
Appendix D - Recommended Reading

Legislation / Codes / Industry Information:






Retail Market information:





Industry software:



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