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Small Business Enterprise

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The key takeaways are that the unit aims to focus on reviewing and improving the performance of a small business through change management processes. It will require investigating an existing small business, analyzing its performance, proposing justified changes, revising business objectives and plans, and examining the impact of change management.

The aim of this unit is to give learners the opportunity to focus on the processes involved, through change management, of reviewing and improving the performance of a small business enterprise.

There are four learning outcomes that need to be demonstrated: 1) Investigate a small business's performance, 2) Propose changes to improve performance, 3) Revise business objectives and plans, and 4) Examine the impact of change management.

Assignment Brief

Unit Number:

Unit 33 Small Business


Credit Value:

15 credits


I Nawaz

Assignment QA
Approval Date:

Guided Learning
Internal Verifier:

Dr S K

Date Issued to

Draft Submission Date:

Final Submission Date:
Unit Aim
The aim of this unit is to give learners the opportunity to focus on the processes involved, through change management,
of reviewing and improving the performance of a small business enterprise.
Unit introduction
This unit is designed primarily for learners who are interested in small business enterprises and looks at the development
and expansion of these businesses. The unit will be particularly appropriate for learners currently working in a small
business enterprise. The unit is also appropriate for learners who have had work placements or work experience in small
businesses and for learners who wish to pursue careers in the small business sector of the economy.
The governments vision is for more people in the UK to have the opportunity, aspiration and motivation to use their talent
and initiative to be enterprising, and to have an increased proportion of people starting a business. The Department for
Business, Innovation and Skills is responsible for small business and enterprise policy. Statistics from the Federation of
Small Businesses website show that there are almost 5 million small businesses in the UK, almost 14 million people are
employed in small- and medium-sized enterprises and over half a million people start up their own businesses every year.
The small business sector provides employment and career opportunities which may appeal to many learners not
attracted to a career in large organizations.
The unit draws together many of the topics covered in other units and allows learners to practice the business skills
needed in reviewing and managing the performance of a small enterprise.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

In order to pass this unit, the assignment that you present for assessment needs to demonstrate that you can meet all the
learning outcomes listed below.
Learning Outcomes (LO)

Assessment Criteria (AC)

LO1 Be able to investigate the

performance of a selected small
business enterprise

1.1 produce a profile of a selected small business identifying its strengths and
1.2 carry out an analysis of the business using comparative measures of

LO2 Be able to propose changes to

improve management and business

2.1 recommend with justification, appropriate actions to overcome the identified

weaknesses in the business
2.2 analyse ways in which existing performance could be maintained and
2.3 recommend with justification, new areas in which the business could be

LO3 Be able to revise business

objectives and plans to incorporate
proposed changes

3.1 produce an assessment of existing business objectives and plans

3.2 revise business plans to incorporate appropriate changes
3.3 prepare an action plan to implement the changes

LO4 Be able to examine the impact

of change management on the
operations of the business

4.1 report on the impact of the proposed changes on the business and its
4.2 plan how the changes will be managed in the business
4.3 monitor improvements in the performance of the business over a given

Before you get started please read the following information very carefully.
Assignment Format/Style
Produce an informal report/paper that addresses all the tasks in the assignment brief. You are encouraged to use
diagrams or tables to illustrate and reinforce your findings. Any references to academic theory should be correctly cited
and referenced in a bibliography at the end of the report. (please do not copy and paste information)

Fully completed assignment cover page

Title page
Table of contents
Main body of the report clearly identifying the separate outcomes and assessment criteria
Conclusion and recommendations ( if relevant)
References and bibliography
Appendices only if relevant and necessary

Assignment Content
The assignment brief includes headings relevant to the unit outcomes, read and follow the tasks listed under each
heading and this will make certain that you cover all the outcomes and assessment criteria to achieve the unit.
Assessment and Grading
Read the assessment grading criteria before attempting the assignment tasks, as it contains important information about
how you should approach your assignment and how grading is applied in order for you to achieve a pass, merit or
Assignment Submission
All assignments must be submitted by the agreed date, via MOODLE. Assignments submitted late, but with permission,
will be marked as a pass only. Assignments submitted late, without permission, will not be marked until the end of the
year, or the next time the unit is scheduled.
Please ensure that your assignment is attached to the assignment submission receipt and that you read and sign the
statement confirming authenticity. Check that all relevant fields are completed fully before submission.
Assignment Feedback
Once the assessor has marked your assignment, you will receive written feedback, either confirming that you have met
the required standard and grade awarded, or that you have not yet met the standard and what you need to do to make
the necessary improvements. Please note that achieved and confirmation of grades is provisional until signed off by the
Internal Verifier.
Student Guide to Writing an Assignment
This is an assignment guide to help support you while completing your BTEC Assignments.
It includes:
Assignment writing guidance
Referencing guidance
Recommended Reading
A reading list will be given to you at the first session unit session.
You should also read a good quality newspaper and/or use relevant internet sites regularly and identify key influences and
recent and relevant research with regard to your subject area. You should read topical case studies and read about
national campaigns and government initiatives in your area of interest.
Good Luck!

Assessment and Grading Criteria (Tutor guidance will be given)

The grading of Edexcel BTEC Higher National Qualifications is at the unit and the qualification level. Each successfully completed unit
will be graded as a pass, merit or distinction.
Learners will be awarded a merit or distinction grade by the aggregation of points gained through the successful achievement of
individual units. The points will be calculated based on the unit credit size, the points available for each credit is: pass = 0 merit =1
distinction= 2. To achieve a merit grade overall you will need to accumulate a minimum of 75 points and for a distinction a minimum of
150 points.
To achieve a Pass

A pass grade is achievable by meeting all the requirements defined in the assessment
criteria for pass for each unit.

To achieve a Merit a learner


The learners evidence shows, for example:

Identify and apply strategies to

find appropriate solutions

Effective judgments have been made

Complex problems with more than one variable have been explored
An effective approach to study and research has been applied

Select/design and apply

appropriate methods and

Relevant theories and techniques have been applied

A range of methods and techniques have been applied
A range of sources of information has been used
The selection of methods and techniques/sources has been justified
The design of methods/techniques has been justified
Complex information/data has been synthesized and processed.
Appropriate learning methods/techniques have been applied.

Present and communicate

appropriate findings

The appropriate structure and approach has been used

Coherent, logical development of principles/concepts for the intended audience
A range of methods of presentation have been used and technical language has been
accurately used.
Communication has taken place in familiar and unfamiliar contexts
The communication is appropriate for familiar and unfamiliar audiences and appropriate
media have been used.

To achieve a Distinction a
leaner must:

The learners evidence shows, for example:

Use critical reflection to

evaluate own work and justify
valid conclusions

Conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified.
The validity of results has been evaluated using defined criteria.
Self-criticism of approach has taken place
Realistic improvements have been proposed against defined characteristics for success.

Take responsibility for

managing and organising

Autonomy/independence has been demonstrated

Substantial activities, projects or investigations have been planned, managed and
Activities have been managed
The unforeseen has been accommodated
The importance of interdependence has been recognised and achieved.

Ideas have been generated and decisions taken

Self-evaluation has taken place
Convergent and lateral thinking have been applied
Receptiveness to new ideas is evident
Effective thinking has taken place in unfamiliar contexts


Please use the headings shown below when writing up your report

Assessment Criteria

Assignment Title:
Investigating the performance of a selected small business enterprise involves business
profile, comparative measures of performance, and analysis of business information.

Title is provided

Briefly discuss Boltons (1971) definition of Small Business Enterprise.

Context of assignment is

Be able to investigate the performance of a selected small business enterprise.

(Learning Outcome 1)

Task 1: Choose a small business organisation and identify its strengths and weaknesses.

AC 1.1

Task 2: Analyse a small business by comparing it with another small business in similar
industry, covering areas of financial performance, production, marketing information, sales,
human resource and use of technology

AC 1.2

Be able to propose changes to improve management and business performance.

(Learning Outcome 2)
Task 3: From your identification of the weaknesses of a small business (in Task 1),
present a justified recommendation of appropriate actions to overcome these weaknesses.

AC 2.1

Task 4: Analyse ways in which existing performance could be strengthened and


AC 2.2

Task 5: Recommend which new areas the business could be expanded and provide
justification for your suggestions.

AC 2.3

Be able to revise business objectives and plans to incorporate proposed changes

(Learning Outcome 3)
Task 6. Assess existing business plans and objectives

AC 3.1

Task 7: Present the revision of business plans including their changes.

AC 3.2

Task 8: Prepare an action plan for the implementation of the changes.

AC 3.3

Be able to examine the impact of change management on the operations of the

business (Learning Outcome 4)
Task 9: Produce a report for management that outlines the impact of your proposed
changes (in Task 7) on the business and staff.

AC 4.1

Task 10: Present you plan of the way the changes will be managed in the business.

AC 4.2

Task 11: Explain how improvements will be monitored in the performance of business over
a given timescale.

AC 4.3

Grafton College of Management Sciences

BTEC Level 5 HND in Business Unit 33 Small Business Enterprise

Assessment and Grading Criteria

Learning Outcomes
LO.1 Be able to investigate
the performance of a selected
small business enterprise.

To achieve a merit grade the evidence

must show that, in addition to the pass
criteria, the learner is able to:
An effective approach to study and
research has been applied in identifying
right small businesses and their
strengths and weaknesses. (M1)
Detailed analysis with complex problems
with more than one variable has been
explored. (M1)

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence

must show that, in addition to the pass and
merit criteria, the learner is able to:
Ideas have been generated and
decisions taken. (D3)

2.1 recommend with justification,

appropriate actions to overcome the
identified weaknesses in the business
2.2 Analyze ways in which existing
performance could be
maintained and strengthened
2.3 recommend with justification, new
areas in which the
business could be expanded

Effective judgments have been made in

order to make realistic
recommendations. (M1)
A range of methods and techniques have
been applied. Relevant theories and
techniques are applied.(M2)
The selection of methods and
techniques/sources has been justified to
make recommendations for business
growth. (M2)

Realistic improvements have been

proposed against defined characteristics
for success. (D1)
In analysis validity of results has been
evaluated using defined criteria. (D1)

3.1 produce an assessment of existing

business objectives and plans

Complex information/data has been

synthesized and processed. (M2)

3.2 revise business plans to incorporate

appropriate changes

A range of methods of presentation have

been used and technical language has
been accurately used. (M3)

3.3 prepare an action plan to implement

the changes

Appropriate Communication has taken

place in familiar and unfamiliar contexts
for the audience. Appropriate media has
been used. (M3)

While making estimated unforeseen

factors are evaluated and
accommodated. (D2)
Substantial activities, projects or
investigations have been planned,
managed and organized. Autonomy and
independence has been noted. (D2)
Good critical approach has taken place.

4.1 report on the impact of the proposed

changes on the business and its
4.2 plan how the changes will be
managed in the business

Coherent, logical development of

principles/concepts for the intended
audience. (M3)
The appropriate structure and approach
has been used (M3)

4.3 monitor improvements in the

performance of the business over a
given timescale.

Appropriate methods/techniques have

been applied. Chosen methods and
techniques are justified. (M2)

To achieve a pass grade the evidence must

show that the learner is able to:
1.1 Produce a profile of a selected small
business identifying its strengths and
1.2 Carry out an analysis of the business
using comparative measures of

LO.2 Be able to propose

changes to improve
management and business

LO.3 Be able to revise

business objectives and
plans to incorporate
proposed changes

LO4 Be able to examine the

impact of change
management on the
operations of the business

While undertaking various activities have

been managed well. (D2)

Effective thinking has taken place in

unfamiliar contexts. (D3)

Self-evaluation has taken place. (D3)

Convergent and lateral thinking have

been applied. Receptiveness to new
ideas is evident. (D3)
Conclusions have been arrived at
through synthesis of ideas and have
been justified. (D1)

Assessment and Verification Sign Off record


Grafton College of Management Sciences

BTEC Level 5 HND in Business Unit 33 Small Business Enterprise
Final Unit Grade Achieved:

None (refer)

Assessor Signature:

Verification of Assessment Outcomes

Is the evidence?
outcomes been met?

Is feedback given
to the student?

Are the grading

decisions reliable?



Internal Verifier Signature:

(if sampled)
Standards Verifier Signature:
(if sampled)
NB: Please ensure that all student feedback is recorded on the standard GCMS form and attached to the assignment brief before presenting for internal

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