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BSBHRM506 - Assessment 3

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Manage recruitment selection

and induction processes
Unit Assessment Student Pack

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Instructions to Student
Assessment instructions
Prior to commencing the assessments, your trainer/assessor will explain each assessment task and
the terms and conditions relating to the submission of your assessment task. Please consult with
your trainer/assessor if you are unsure of any questions. It is important that you understand and
adhere to the terms and conditions, and address fully each assessment task. If any assessment task
is not fully addressed, then your assessment task will be returned to you for resubmission. Your
trainer/assessor will remain available to support you throughout the assessment process.

Written work
Assessment tasks are used to measure your understanding and underpinning skills and knowledge of
the overall unit of competency. When undertaking any written assessment tasks, please ensure that
you address the following criteria:

 Address each question including any sub-points

 Demonstrate that you have researched the topic thoroughly

 Cover the topic in a logical, structured manner

 Your assessment tasks are well presented, well referenced and word processed

 Your assessment tasks include your full legal name on each and every page.

Active participation
It is a condition of enrolment that you actively participate in your studies. Active participation is
completing all the assessment tasks on time.

Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them
as your own. Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a student’s exclusion from a course. When
you have any doubts about including the work of other authors in your assessment, please consult
your trainer/assessor. The following list outlines some of the activities for which a student can be
accused of plagiarism:

 Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally

 Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another student

 Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work

 Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used, including

assessments taken totally or in part from the internet.

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If it is identified that you have plagiarised within your assessment, then a meeting will be organised
to discuss this with you, and further action may be taken accordingly.

Collusion is the presentation by a student of an assignment as their own that is, in fact, the result in
whole or in part of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons. Collusion involves
the cooperation of two or more students in plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct and,
as such, both parties are subject to disciplinary action. Collusion or copying from other students is
not permitted and will result in a “0” grade and NYC.

Assessments must be typed using document software such as (or similar to) MS Office. Handwritten
assessments will not be accepted (unless, prior written confirmation is provided by the
trainer/assessor to confirm).

Competency outcome
There are two outcomes of assessments: S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory (requires more
training and experience).

Once the student has satisfactorily completed all the tasks for this module the student will be
awarded “Competent” (C) or “Not yet Competent” (NYC) for the relevant unit of competency.

If you are deemed “Not Yet Competent” you will be provided with feedback from your assessor and
will be given another chance to resubmit your assessment task(s). If you are still deemed as “Not Yet
Competent” you will be required to re-enrol in the unit of competency.

NOTE – Re-assessment:

Students will have a maximum of two (2) reassessment attempts if competency is not achieved in
the first instance.

Additional evidence
If we, at our sole discretion, determine that we require additional or alternative
information/evidence in order to determine competency, you must provide us with such
information/evidence, subject to privacy and confidentiality issues. We retain this right at any time,
including after submission of your assessments.

We will treat anything, including information about your job, workplace, employer, with strict
confidence, in accordance with the law. However, you are responsible for ensuring that you do not
provide us with anything regarding any third party including your employer, colleagues and others,
that they do not consent to the disclosure of. While we may ask you to provide information or
details about aspects of your employer and workplace, you are responsible for obtaining necessary
consents and ensuring that privacy rights and confidentiality obligations are not breached by you in
supplying us with such information.

Assessment appeals process

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If you feel that you have been unfairly treated during your assessment, and you are not happy with
your assessment and/or the outcome as a result of that treatment, you have the right to lodge an
appeal. You must first discuss the issue with your trainer/assessor. If you would like to proceed
further with the request after discussions with your trainer/assessor, you need to lodge your appeal
to the course coordinator, in writing, outlining the reason(s) for the appeal.

Recognised prior learning

Candidates will be able to have their previous experience or expertise recognised on request.

Special needs
Candidates with special needs should notify their trainer/assessor to request any required
adjustments as soon as possible. This will enable the trainer/assessor to address the identified needs

Assessment requirements

Assessment can either be:

 Direct observation

 Product-based methods e.g. reports, role plays, work samples

 Portfolios – annotated and validated

 Questioning

 Third party evidence.

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Unit Assessment 3
Assessment type:
Written Questions

Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this

The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:

 Describe recruitment and selection methods, including assessment centres

 Explain the concept of outsourcing
 Describe the purpose of employee contracts and industrial relations
 Summarise relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes of practice that may affect
recruitment, selection and induction
 Explain why terms and conditions of employment are an important aspect of recruitment
 Explain the relevance of psychometric and skills testing programs to recruitment.

Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements
for each one.

A. Describe in detail your organisation’s recruitment methods. Mention:

 What information is included in job descriptions

 Where jobs are advertised
 What types of interview and screening processes are used.

Job description are used to ensure that everyone is clear and consistent on the job

Job description include of sittanos restaurant job advertisement are:

 Duties

 Salary

 Hours

 Department

 Terms and condition of employment

Job advertising conducted through in my organization

 Internal channels

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 Internet

 Newspaper

I work in sittanos. They normally advertise job through sittanos, indeed , seek website and
newspaper and store notice board.

In sittanos method of interviewing and screening are as follows:

 Preliminary screening:

Once we have got a enough number of application till the deadline. Department or the
line manager determine which one is good for hiring based on their application, work
experience, availability, education sector, age and so on.

 Telephone interview:

After the preliminary screening department manager called the person phone and ask
them for what time interview would be best for him or her. And ask him basic question of

 In person interview:

So when the person will called for interview we will ask him for himself and give him
certain situation and react on it. After that we will give him basic information of job and
ask him is that okay for you. If both the parties are happy the we go to another process. In
person interview are held either one by one or group interview.

 Vetting candidates:

After interview we will send the selective candidate in head office located in Tasmania.
From where they will send offer letter and ask candidate to submit their ID, passport, visa
and COE.

B. What are the benefits of outsourcing recruitment?

Some of the benefits of outsourcing recruitment are as follows:

 Stronger Quality of hires.

 Cost Reduction.

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 Scalable Model.

 Reduced Time to Hire.

 Talent Pooling.

 Recruitment Process and Assessment Design.

 Analytics and Reporting.

 Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement.

C. What is the purpose of employee contracts?

An employment contract is an agreement between an employer and employee that sets

out terms and conditions of employment

The purpose of an employee contracts is to ensure that both you and employer have a
clear understanding of what is expected during the term of employment. This document
can also serve to eliminate any disputes which may arise at a later date.it also helps you
to understand what your rights are under the law.

Both you and your employer are bound to the employment contract until such time that it
ends due to notice given or a change in terms by either party.

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D. What legislation affects your organization’s recruitment processes?

Following are the some legislation which affect my organization processes:

 The age discrimination Act (2004)

 The Sex Discrimination Act (1984)

 The Disability Discrimination Act (1992)

 The Australian Human Rights commission Act (1984)

E. Why are terms and conditions of employment an important aspect of recruitment?

The following are the some reason which can show the terms and conditions of

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employment an important aspect of recruitment:

 Regulating the taking of leave entitlements.

 Inclusion of enforceable non-compete, restraint of trade and non-solicitation clauses

to protect an employer’s legitimate commercial interest, other employees as well as
business customers

 Inclusion of pay, overtime and benefits clauses- for award and non- award

 Requiring a minimum period of notice of resignation of staff

Assisting the recovering of over payments to an employee in the event of termination.

F. Explain the relevance of psychometric and skills testing programs to recruitment.

Psychometric tests are used by employers during the recruitment process to better evaluate
candidates by accessing the abilities of their minds. Psychometric tests are used to measure the
personality and ability of a candidate. Their relevance includes their ability to give a correct
picture of the applicant(Armstrong and Taylor,2014). They are also time and cost saving and can
be used at any stage of the recruitment process. Skill testing, on the other hand, is important in
gauging the applicant’s skills such as data entry skills, typing skills, spelling and numeracy skills.

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End of Assessment

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