The strategic HRM is targeting to select the right person in right field,
human resource systems and organisational culture are to be finding the
right candidate to implement corporate strategies and give the best to the
organisation. Based on the organisations strategic plan, you can develop
a strategic human resources management plan that will enable the
organisation to make decisions to support its future direction.
2. 2
Recruitment and selection: This tool is helpful to find and hire the
right candidate for the right job.
Induction, training and development: It makes obedient, punctual,
socialise staff and update their skills and careers in every step of
their life.
Australia newsletters and emails, industry bodies and unions for their
regular updates.
7. Explain how you will consult with relevant managers to identify their
human resource needs and preferences.
Consult could be via feedback, complain form a survey or questionnaire,
focus groups, team meetings and individual meetings focused on
discussion of requirements.
8. How will you gain agreement from managers for the strategic human
resources plan?
The best way to gain agreement form mangers is Communication and
consultation, with the objectives for the strategic human resource plan
being clearly expressed.
9. What potential costs and benefits are associated with the provision of
an internet – based recruitment system?
10. How can you ensure the strategic plan’s style of writing matchers its
purpose and audience?
11. Organisations need to have a ready supply of labour to ensure it can meet its
objectives –outline three possible options for sourcing labour.
12. Describe at least two systems, devices or applications of technology that may
affect job roles in an organisation. Explain the possible impact.
b. What potential issues and/or problems might the company face in the
near future?
Company B’s main problem will be finding suitable staff in their new
location- many staff may not want to relocate, and the cost of
redundancies and relocations could be prohibitive. Closingits
manufacturing locations may lead to a lack of product and therefore
sales, rumours about what is doing ay mean of loses its best staff to
other organisations.
Explain how you will identify appropriate people to work with you on the strategic HR plan’s
By doing the interviewing among the candidates and consult with senior management to identify the right
people to work on the implementation, such as managers directly affected by the changes to be
implemented, specialist HR people, consultants and those with expertise in HR service delivery and plan
1. Identify four types of data needed to develop a new HR budget. Why is it necessary to collect this
2. Identify and explain one of the hurdles to effective monitoring and review.
One hurdle could be a lack of resources, such as mangers being unable to get the expert help needed at the
right tie, relevanttool is not available when needed, technology is out of date, and less team members to
deal with risks or communication.
Changes to competition legislation may affect business and reduce opportunities, which
reduce access to funds to complete a project.
Changes to taxation and superannuation may impact payroll costs, thus increasing overall
costs for the organisation.
4. What changes to internal and external factors could result in the need to modify or refine an HR
plan? Provide an example of each.
Lack of skilled people to resource a new project may require HR to redirect resources
away from the project to recruit new employees.
5. Develop a process for evaluating the overall effectiveness of HR strategies and services.
Gather data (use a survey of managers and employees, focus groups, request feedback
from managers, etc.)
Review the implementation plan to identify time lines for the introduction of strategies.
6. Explain how you will monitor the progress of the strategic HR plan’s implementation.
Feedback from those involved in the implementation, asking questions like; Are the plan
and its HR strategies accepted? Is there resistance to the change and what does this look
like? Are employees unsure of what to do?
Costs associated with delivering the HR strategies/services.
7. Identify and explain two reasons why you might need to adapt the strategic HR plan.
A new strategy: such as a merger, may mean new HR strategies must be developed to
accommodate the organisational strategy.
8. Identify at least three pieces of legislation relevant to the operations of an organisation you are
familiar with. Explain the relevance of the legislation to human resources.
Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (cth) or existing state./territory WHS legislative
All legislation is relevance to HR because they bounded by those Rules and legislation.
9. Identify the steps required to undertake a cost-benefit analysis of these options. Explain the
concept of a cost-benefit analysis as part of the effective provision or HR services.
Identify costs.
Identify benefits.
A cost – benefit analysis is required to begin the evaluation of HR service provision requirements
or opportunities.
10. Consider an organisation you are familiar with. Assume you are the HR manager and you have
been asked by one of the organisation’s manages to provide advice on how to evaluate the
performance of a plan against the plan’s stated objectives. Develop a checklist of action the
manager can use to effectively undertake this task.
Identify who will use the evaluation and review of the plan.
Collect the data you need including interviews, surveys, reports and focus groups.
Clearly articulate the plan you will evaluate, including its outcomes and deliverables.
Seek clarification from the project manager as to what stage/phase the project is up to.
Identify the reports and other information you will need for your evaluation.
Consider how you will maintain the integrity of the data you gather.
Successful strategic planning implementation requires a large commitment from
executives and senior managers, whether the strategic planning is occurring in a
department or in a complete organization.
Executives must lead, support, follow-up, and live the results of the strategic planning
implementation process. Or, the strategic planning implementation process will fail. It’s
as simple as that.
Without the full commitment of the organization’s senior executives, don’t even start
strategic planning. Participants will feel fooled and misled. A vision statement and a
mission statement, along with this year’s goals, filed, unimplemented in a cabinet or
computer, is a serious source of negativity and poor employee morale
Question 2: identify four types of data needed to develop a new HR budget. Why is it
necessary to collect this data?
Question 3: identify and explain one of the hurdles to effective monitoring and
- Wage and Hour: The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes the amount of
the federal minimum wage, which is revised on a periodic basis. Because several
states have legislation establishing a minimum wage higher than the federal
minimum, HR professionals should continuously verify the accuracy of the
amount paid to employees. In addition to extensive child labor regulations, FLSA
regulations also require all covered employees to be paid overtime for any hours
worked over 40 in a workweek. Several exemptions to the FLSA exist, and HR
managers should ensure employees are classified appropriately for their job
duties. Failure to comply with the FLSA can lead to penalties and back pay for up
to two years or three, if the violation is deemed to be willful. Don't assume that
your business is too small to be covered the FLSA does not specify a minimum
number of employees.
- Medical and Disability: Various federal laws dictate how the employer must treat
an employee with a disability or medical condition. The Americans with
Disabilities Act prohibits an employer from discriminating against employees on
the basis of a disability or perceived disability. The Act also requires employers to
make reasonable accommodations to allow employees to perform their job duties
and provide accommodations like interpreters to enable disabled customers to
access the goods or services the company provides. The Act also requires
companies to modify the premises to allow customers to access the facility. Other
medical legislation includes the Genetic Information and Nondiscrimination Act
which prohibits discrimination on the basis of genetic information, such as a
family history of a disorder. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act protects an employee's privacy regarding medical information and means HR
must train managers on what information they should, or should not, require
regarding an employee's medical situation.
Question 5: What changes to internal and external factors could result in the need
to modify or refine an HR plan? Provide an example of each.
- Skilled workers: for example, Workforce planning can assist TAFE Institutes
anticipate the staffing and skill requirements of the changing VET environment.
This is essential if the TAFE sector is to adequately meet the changing demands
of its operating environment and specific markets. Some Institutes are already
taking action to shape their future workforces, thus ensuring their continued
ability to deal with business challenges in the medium to longer-term.
- Environmental issues and trends: Factors that may impact the organization and the
way it conducts business. Internal issues include staff, services, skills, resources,
and needs. External factors include such things as threats of outsourcing. A
strategic planning committee compiles an environmental scan, a body of
information about the environment. Broad issues, singled out as potentially
having significant effect on the facilities planning and management industry, are
referred to as mega issues.
- Economic downfall: it could strongly affect the business. Business will hardly
have benefit and run the company well such as it could lead to the decrease of the
supply and demand or reduce incomes and increase costs.
- New legislations: Government provides legislations to protect workers and
businesses. However, there is much legislation that could only benefits employees
and brings more difficulty to business. It will influence the development of
Evaluation approaches and many of the associated tools may be broadly placed in
two groups, quantitative or qualitative evaluation.
- Quantitative evaluation: These allow you to objectively measure HR activities
using numbers. HRMIS may often be used to collect and analyse this information.
- Qualitative evaluation: This allows you to measure HR activities using
judgement or opinion such as:
• Focus groups
• Records of performance appraisal
• Questionnaires that allow open-ended responses (eg to gather information on
values or attitudes)
• Consultative groups.
Question 7: Explain how you will monitor the process of the strategic HR plan’s
- Documents review
- Surveys
- Discussions with individuals, groups.
- Interviews
- Informal conversations
- Observations
- Problem tree
- Listening to people
Question 8: Identify and explain two reasons why you might need to adapt the strategic
HR plan.
information. And educating your staff about privacy issues will also ensure a
culture of security throughout your business.
- Work Health and Safety Act 2011: a duty of care to the health and safety of your
staff, customers and the general public as per the Work Health and Safety Act
- Anti-Discrimination Act 1991: which aims to protect people from unfair
discrimination, sexual harassment and other objectionable conduct and provides a
means to bring a complaint and have it resolved.
Question 10: Identify the steps required to undertake a cost-benefit analysis of these
options. Explain the concept of a cost- benefit analysis as part of the effective provision
of HR services.
Question 11: Explain three changes in circumstances that might prompt you to adapt
your human resources strategic plan.
- Recruiting could be greatly simplified, the major obstacle being the current focus
on “fit”, even for regular process type positions. This may have less relevance in
the future in a more adult environment and a different style of supervision. Our
new age efficient organization should be structured to accommodate all
employees and focus more on job commitment than job engagement.
- We must be supremely flexible and structure our various HR functions as simply
as possible, almost like modules that holistically are integrated but separable for
any necessary updating and adaptation to changing circumstances
- Our data source and measurable activity data should flow from and into the main
companywide system and be manipulated in conjunction with other data to
provide consolidated intelligence on many aspects of the business, for example
product costs and costs of sales.
Question 12:
A HR manager needs to measures the progress being made towards the achievement of
the organisation's business objectives. It does so by planning, establishing, monitoring,
reviewing and evaluating organisational, functional, team and individual performance.
The components of the performance management system provide the framework within
which managers and employees operate. A successful performance management system
- Know and understand what is expected of them in their job role (such as
performance objectives and performance standards)
- Have the skills and knowledge required to deliver on these expectations through
implementing development plans and learning and development activities
- Are given feedback and an opportunity to discuss their work performance
- Are rewarded for their performance through a reward and remuneration strategy
- Are counseled for underperformance and/or behaviour which is out of alignment
with organisational values and/or inconsistent with achievement of organisational
- Are supported by the organisation to achieve optimum performance.
The report would look into the Human Resource strategic planning of the BizOp's from various angle. The
first part will identify the organizational structure of the firm to create a communication plan. The
researcher would act as an external HR consultant for the firm where the management structure is
elaborating the issues of communication of values, objectives, philosophies and policies of the business.
The support gained for such a plan is also elaborated in the study. Using the structures provided for the
plans and its implementation the support system needed is also elaborated. Further, in the second part, with
ten different subheads of assessment, the strategic direction, its objectives and purpose are elaborated. The
risk management plan is elaborated using the format provided. Nevertheless, the need for training and
development along with its needs for better operations are also justified in here.
All issues about the training and development are done along with three strategic guidelines to monitor and
review the process so that the needed changes can be accommodated in the plan for training for best results.
The performance evaluation against the set objectives would give space for improvements, which is being
discussed in this part.
Considering the stakeholders as in the provided the chart a communication plan is being laid down to build
their HR preferences and reach an agreement on policies, values, and philosophies of the business.
Manager Message
Director Communication Method to obtain
Financial (what requirement method support for plan
Operations of support)
The managing The best mode of All the managing A system runs
directors need the communication is directors are with the
Purpose: information via electronic mail giving their field coordination and
relevant to stir the methods which may of business involvement of all
business towards a have context along operations. Each the other
better direction. with pictures to change in the departments. The
Hence, current support the process makes operational
· Identify business reports evidence of their way for new changes affect the
their HR with competitor’s findings. This is a adaptations for budget, manpower
preferences policies and reports fast and real-time all as and how requirements,
are given to have method that helps needed. To keep retails operations.
clarity upon the in getting prompt each of the Thus on an overall
operations. Hence results to counter stakeholders view, the team as
they would need any external threat (here the under the CEO
the relevant of business. managing gets the plan
information. directors) such is which the further
needed. The implement with
support plan is their departmental
also drawn out hierarchy and may
by them and if give responsible
needed be one managers to look
may take the into their area of
assistance of operations and
others like the make necessary
operations for amendments as
some change per the need of the
may request the business
MD of HR to operations. The
make suitable changes made for
changes in the the new operation
operations of style is
manpower. Such communicated
way the support back to the needed
system works personnel to
explain it to their
team in regards to
the new job
The agreement
responsibility and
on a plan or
process which is
new or needs to
be implemented
for better
outcome needs
all departmental
support. The
agreement needs
to be reached The responsibility
where all knows of each of the
what their role is managers is being
in the manner discussed where
and who are the each one has to
closest that agree and access if
needs to be kept the manpower is
informed and the efficient enough to
steps needed to carry out the given
be carried out. task. The values
An agreement of and philosophies
operating of the business
Each of the
procedure is being prime for
stakeholders in
The Information being met with execution of the
decision making
technology has to keep the rest steps, so the
may put forth their
been of great use in
business where all
point in such HODs gives the
the needed Head of
communication for right man with the
the departments
the group. The right skill the job
can assemble for a
brand's growth to commence.
group chat without
story kept in mind They can make a
moving from their
where the green and plan to standardize
office via Video
unique product is it in among the
Callings. The CEO
the source of its others with special
is the one who may
differentiating training and
monitor the
attribute has to be learning classes to
conversations and
kept intact where bring the people
the style of
the future goals nearer to the
operations to be as per the plan.
have to be kept in targeted changes
adopted which
mind. Keeping this and virtues for
have adherence to
in mind the best outcomes3.
the company's
stakeholders are to All are given
overall goal of
be made the responsibility in
achievement accordance which
leaders where their makes the job
impact study, etc.
say is also much more shared
communicated back and the team come
in real time via such togethe in
communication performing it with
· Reach
platform2. ease.
agreement on
Values and
Manager Message
Director Communication Method to obtain
Business (what requirement method support for plan
Operations of support)
changes and
reporting back the
success of extent
of the changes
made back to the
The agreement of
reaching the five
years plan from All from top to the
2015 to 2020 down line staffs
suggests an has to part of this
increment of 15% project else it
of revenue to its won’t succeed.
The method of previous year's The business gets
communication as figure. This simple 75% of its profit
suggested above target based to business and
Reaching an diverts the rest for
can be direct or via achievements are
agreement is as employee growth
group conference key to making
aspect which the development for
where the long term plans
CEO is best sustainable
direction gets the and guides where
responsible for efforts which
final seal for the the ethics serve as
being given the include
process ahead. the guide in each
direct role to do so technological
This gives the step.
by the board of innovations and
team a shared
directors. The use of it for the
intent to do what is
message of best results. The
needed to be done
support to be way the business
as per the firm’s
· Reach received from each drives its
rules and needs.
agreement on department is manpower is the
philosophies. made clear which key to it.
Values and are the targets they
policies. are expected to
achieve is.
Communication Method to obtain
Human Responsibility
(what requirement method support for plan
of support)
The requirement The HRD may call The people have to The responsibility
of support is in the up the supervisor’s be very closely of the division of
Purpose: recruitment of the meet or get this associated with the the task is an HR
best talents as well announcement in business which the activity which
as develops the in- informal get HR may develop encompasses all
house talents in the together where the through an the departmental
process of people who have integrated chiefs for such
· Identify expansion. questions may be communication activity. The
their HR Training and asked to get in network and supervisors are
preferences development touch with the grievance best suited to
issues along with respective management suggest who is
reward and supervisors or objective which good at what and
recognition would managers. would let the what can be done
be primary process get easier. with a particular
message of the A simple talent. HR too
HRD. management Once the keeps a file of
agreement won’t agreement is success and skill
The department as help the cause as it reached the records for the
to take up the job needs to be process of people working.
of making people communicated implementation
aware of the downwards. The becomes easy. But
needed changes managers are to get people on
and the benefits it given a proper the same platform The people in the
would give to the briefing to let the is difficult where a business are the
business. The people know what lot of ground work key as on this age
people should find is expected out of needs to be done. as they are key to
a space in such them as well as the The business the excellence of
growth and reward schemes should build up a the business along
development plan and growth related situation where all with its expansion
to give their best issues5. expects to see the plans.
· Reach to achieve the change and be a
agreement on CEO expressed part of it.
philosophies. desires.
Values and
Communication Method to obtain
Retail Responsibility
(what requirement of method support for plan
The business with to grow at a pace of 15% increase in revenue in the coming years from the previous year
and also get 75% of that into the business for further development. The business has planned well where
the strategic plan for the HR should be to communicate the intent of the management so that the planning
of manpower is done with suitable efficiency. The training and development step those needs to be obtained
also have to be made clear. The objective of getting new people in, growing larger, the career path for good
performers are all part of the strategic HR policy. Therefore, once this process is concluded the gaps of
manpower are clear, and thus the training or recruitment issues become prominent.
B. The HR needs to provide the best of technologies that are available or is planned to be used in the line
production training for the business targets. Once that is achieved, the strategic objective has to be made
clear to all so that they not only participate but also give feedbacks for better inputs and improvement.
The cost incurred for the training (Suppose x) is meant to generate the business the needed 15% revenue
growth each year which should be a figure much greater than the cost X incurred for training. Thus the cost
of training is more compared to the benefits received.
D. The training those can be given in-house has to be done in-house where the supervisors with a good deal
of experience may come in to develop the new joiners on the job training to develop and grow fast. The
new additions like technology needs external consultants who would give an hands-on experience of using
such a technology to the users and for them who are not in the room or are in various other branches may
have a direct video session which would be interactive and each may get a hands-on operational ability to
make the session fruitful and objective
Safety and The risk may be Post training the The impact would Depends on the
security while to the likelihood is be great as the new usage
instrument and technology may
handling new the personnel give itself a bad
lesser. which may vary
technology too if not used mane among the
from high to low.
properly users.
To make the
accident or usage The likelihood
manuals available of the
The risk levels
to all in occurrence
need to be Should be less if
operations and should be Depends on how
clearly proper training if
also keep people minimal as the it is handled.
mentioned to imparted
not adequately precautions are
handle it.
trained from part of buying a
handling them new product.
Should be low if
Signboards of Has to be there
proper care is
what to done case No risk in such as part of
taking while Lesser.
of accident should a step operational
installing and given
be visible policy
proper training.
Risk Control
Risks: May is risky to the machinery as well as the personnel.
Task / Activity Priority Action Timelines
A good training To keep people Training with The first few The
activity that aware of dangers and hands-on weeks or till then departmental
gives the pros avoid them and experience till up till when the supervisor, the
they are affluent management HR, and the
and cons of adopt the best safe
enough with the finds it safe and Operations
operations process.
technology suitable. Chief
Make a good
working manual Get it to the workers Circulate through Before and after
which describes for their reading and the mail and keep the process starts HR should be
all aspects and understanding as a hard copy on the as well as all the responsible
get them to the well as referencing supervisor's desk along for the new department
users or from time to time. at all times. joiners
Project Name : Introduction of Painted T-shirts for Specific Festivals via Online
AUD 1,80,000 AUD 1,80,000 AUD 1,60,000
Signature: Date
Specific ? Who leads?
hen When
General and activity (who is For whom?
activity reported?
Specific (what is responsible
activity assessed or for (report to.)
(schedule) (schedule)
being done) (data reporting?)
HR joining
Induction At the supervisor For the
New joiners inducted before
training joining and the joiners
trainers getting into
new joiner
the job
Supervision As and
All For best
and The when the
Old workers through The trainers output from
developmen workers supervisors
the career workers
t of skills needs
The names
The joiners
department and job
The and their For the
and their roles are During the
induction is supervisors business
activities, described The trainer time of
completed meant to and the
his job role along leads joining for
with supervise fresher
and with the freshers
efficiency their both
supervisor, regulation
etc s of the
The new
y training The When the
The new For the
is employees technology
technology better
The conducted who are The trainer is decided
inputs to performanc
workers by the already in leads to be
current e of the
trainer the fold are implemente
workers business
who is into it. d
in nature
Making a guess with the number of clicks the brand is obtaining from its markets and its consumers
The sales to visit ratio which gives an idea of how many visits makes a sale via online shopping.
The HR process would undertake planned steps to evaluate the performance which can be linked with the
productivity to cost ratio or performance improved regarding quality and quantity of production after
training was given. These are two most prominent facet of performance measurement and based on it the
next level of performance for improvements.
Political Economical
These are all approximately how and to what Economic elements have a considerable
diploma a government intervenes inside the impact on how an corporation does business
financial system. This can include - and also how profitable they are. Factors
government policy, political stability or include - financial growth, interest fees,
instability in foreign places markets, foreign alternate charges, inflation, disposable
change policy, tax coverage, labour regulation, earnings of purchasers and corporations and
environmental regulation, trade restrictions so forth.
and so forth.
These elements can be in addition damaged
It is obvious from the listing above that down into macro-in your price range and
political elements frequently have an impact micro-not pricey elements. Macro-economic
on establishments and the way they do elements address the management of demand
enterprise. Organisations need so that you can in any given economic system. Governments
respond to the contemporary and anticipated use interest rate manage, taxation coverage
destiny legislation, and regulate their and government expenditure as their essential
advertising and marketing coverage as a mechanisms for handling macro-monetary
consequence. factors.
This has a large effect on B2C businesses
Social Technological
Also known as socio-cultural elements, social We all know how fast the technological
factors are the regions that contain the panorama modifications and the way this
shared belief and attitudes of the populace. affects the manner we market our products.
These elements consist of - population Technological factors affect advertising and
growth, age distribution, fitness focus, the control thereof in 3 distinct methods:
profession attitudes and so on. These factors
New ways of producing items and services
are of precise interest as they have got a right
away impact on how marketers understand New methods of distributing items and
customers and what drives them. offerings