Assessemnt 1 1. Read The Scenario: Topic 1: Solving Problem 1 - Filling Shift
Assessemnt 1 1. Read The Scenario: Topic 1: Solving Problem 1 - Filling Shift
Assessemnt 1 1. Read The Scenario: Topic 1: Solving Problem 1 - Filling Shift
2. Form a team
5. PEST analysis
Political Economic
CoffeeVille, as a business operating in the However, growth in the economy reflects the
coffee industry, needs to pay attention to fair- growing demand for food products such as
trade issues. One of the core of policies tea, coffee and other beverages. Improving
related to fair trade is the issue of human staff quality as well as service quality is
resources. CoffeeVille needs to stick to essential to compete and attract customers
employment policies in recruitment to ensure from CoffeeVille's perspective.
employees have an effective working
environment and fully enjoy welfare.
Some policy issues that CoffeeVille also
needs to focus on include: health and safety,
food safety, traineeship and funding, etc. This
could become a marketing element for
CoffeeVille. CoffeeVille builds an image of a
socially responsible business, constantly
improving the service provided to customers.
Social Technical
Consumers are becoming increasingly aware Enterprise technology is increasingly
of their responsibility to contribute to better developing, creating benefits as well as risks
social and economic outcomes. for organizations. CoffeeVille needs to update
Environmental issues are also becoming one itself; otherwise, it will be inaccessible to
of the factors that motivate consumers to customers and will face competition-related
choose environmentally friendly products and problems. Increasing technological progress
businesses. CoffeeVille will need to make means increased investment in research and
sure to position itself as a leader and bring the development, which in turn increases
best value to consumers. organizational spending.
In addition, when remuneration in the labor Adopting technological advances will be
system is improved, CoffeeVille will face imperative if CoffeeVille wants to increase
competition in recruiting the best employees. productivity and better serve customers in the
CoffeeVille must offer high incentives and age of technology.
benefits to employees.
A potential solution that CoffeeVille can apply is the implementation of employee-focused
policies. This means that CoffeeVille needs to ensure a productive working environment
including safety as well as an environment for professional development. Leaders need to show
interest in employee policies to ensure that employees know they are the target audience.
CoffeeVille needs to take proactive and decisive measures to ensure labor safety (resolving
mobility issues, occupational accidents with new and skilled workers) and improving the
environment. work (improve employee expertise, improve welfare)
ILO, Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Employees who are required to work early morning shifts will not be satisfied with other
employees because they do not need to work these shifts regardless of their choice. This creates
psychological and unequal treatment for some employees. The use of Equal Opportunity and
anti-discrimination provisions would be helpful in this regard to raise the morale of all these
8. Observation Checklist
Meeting title: Meeting to solve urgent current employment issues of CoffeeVille
Meeting summary: The meeting was conducted to outline how to solve 4 main
issues including: Filling shifts, Quality recruitment, Health and safety risks, Staff
morale. Each issue mentioned is analyzed by cause and solution and is taken care of
by a team member.
Action items for follow-up and to take to presentation to management:
Part 1: Solving Problem 1_Filling shift
Part 2: Solving Problem 2_Quality recruitment
Part 3: Solving Problem 3_ Health and safety risks
Part 4: Solving Problem 4_ Staff morale
Description of work team member’s contribution to meeting:
Name: Team leader
Name: Secretary of the meeting
Name: Attendee and Presenters
Did the team member:
Adhere to organisation’s social, ethical and business standards?
Adjust their interpersonal style to match the social and cultural environment?
Give support to colleagues, leading and encouraging them to follow examples set in
Team member name: Signature: Date:
name Oct 25, 2021
Observer name: Signature: Date:
name Oct 25, 2021
Meeting summary:
Meetings to come up with solutions to problems: Filling shifts, Quality recruitment,
Health and safety risks, Staff morale
Adjust their interpersonal style to match the social and cultural environment?
Give support to colleagues, leading and encouraging them to follow examples set in
Team member name: Signature: Date:
name Oct 25, 2021
Observer name: Signature: Date:
name Oct 25, 2021
Question 1. Give three examples of how work relationships and the cultural and social
environment can support or hinder achieving planned outcomes
Example 1. To respect time and effort of co-workers will support achieving planned outcomes
Employees in many firms are required to do a variety of tasks. There are a number of
tasks that must be completed at a specified rate and within a certain amount of time. There may
be a sequence to how actions and processes are carried out so that the next process in the series
can be carried out. Some procedures need a specific member of the team to take a specific action
before the other members can carry out the next steps in the sequence. The ultimate goal of this
planning is to ensure that the work is done on time and that the deadlines established for the
project are met without fail. Therefore, when the employees are placed in positions where others
are affected by their actions or performance, it is critical that they respect others’ time and effort,
and ensure that work is not pending.
Question 2. Explain three techniques for developing positive work relationships and
building trust and confidence in a team, including interpersonal styles, communications,
consultation, cultural and social sensitivity, and networking.
Question 3. Describe three methods and techniques for communicating information and
ideas to three different kinds of stakeholders.
Example 1.
In many hospitals, doctors are prohibited from operating on patients they know
personally. This is due to the possibility that their emotions will cloud their judgment during the
procedure. Furthermore, doctors and nurses should wash their hands on a regular basis. This
prevents infections from spreading from one patient to the next. Although certain health and
safety procedures may appear unnecessary and time-consuming, they must be followed in order
to avoid trouble and maintain a pleasant working environment.
Example 2.
Some companies create policies that allow for office romances while also protecting the
company from sexual harassment liability and ensuring a professional work environment. They
include the following key points:
(1) Specify what is unacceptable: Define what types of relationships will and will not be
tolerated, as well as why. Dating someone you report to or who reports to you, for example,
creates a direct conflict of interest for both of you – and the company.
(2) State the consequences clearly: State what will happen if the policies are broken. For
instance, a written reprimand, a transfer, a demotion, or a termination.
(3) Address sexual harassment: State unequivocally that any allegations of sexual
harassment will be dealt with legally and that the company has a zero-tolerance policy. Make it
clear that sexual remarks or public displays of affection, even if desired, can be considered
sexual harassment.
(4) Encourage open communication: Require employees to disclose their romantic
relationships to HR if they become romantic. If the company is willing to work with the couple,
the lovebirds are more likely to communicate their issues effectively. Employees, on the other
hand, may have good reason to keep their relationship a secret. A same-sex couple, for example,
may be reluctant to disclose their relationship for fear of being scrutinized by their employer or
other employees.
Method 2. List and evaluate possible options and select the best
Once you've determined the true cause of the problem, it's time to consider solutions.
Brainstorming, surveys, discussion groups, and other methods can be used to generate
alternatives. Because you'll be considering all potential options and scenarios, brainstorming as
many solutions as possible will help you arrive at the best answer. When you're brainstorming
these ideas, you should consider everyone's ideas, as well as any insights you've gained from
your data analysis. It's also a good idea to solicit feedback from others at this stage, as they may
come up with solutions you haven't considered. Depending on the nature of the problem, it may
be beneficial to consider both short-term and long-term solutions, as some of your options may
require some time to implement.
Each option will have advantages and disadvantages, and it is critical that you list all of
them, as well as how each solution may affect key stakeholders. Once you've narrowed your
choices down to three or four, it's a good idea to seek feedback from other employees in case
you've overlooked something. You should also consider how each option fits into the overall
goals of the company.
Then, you should make a decision on which solution to pursue. What you decide should
be whatever solves the problem the most effectively while also taking into account the interests
of everyone involved. There may be a way to combine two options to satisfy more people.
Question 8. Explain how to monitor, analyse and introduce two ways to improve work
Collect feedback
Schedule one-on-one meetings with your team members and hold regular team meetings.
Inquire about specific employees' interactions with customers, vendors, coworkers, and other
managers. Always inquire about the employee's work, never about the individual. Request
descriptions rather than evaluations. Don't ask for first impressions, but rather for specifics. And
don't believe everything you hear; third-party unverified statements are simply hearsay. Consider
putting a suggestion box in the office so that your employees can give you feedback
anonymously. Encourage them to express any concerns they may have and to share their ideas.
Decisions on actions
As a manager, when I receive a report of bullying in my team, I would first investigate the
accuracy of the allegations on both sides by asking Jas and Ed, asking other employees in the
group and finding Ed's posts on facebook.
In this case, I assume the allegations from both sides are correct. Ed abused words and
social media to give sarcastic remarks about Jas, which is bullying (listed in the company's
bullying and harassment policy). At the same time, recently, Jas has performed poorly and has
been often absent from meetings after the events for various reasons.
I realize that the conflict between these two people affects the working environment, other
employees and work efficiency, so this conflict needs to be resolved as soon as possible.
I will meet Jas and Ed one-on-one to listen to their problems, come up with solutions to the
conflict, and make sure they agree with my solutions. I will also show the company's policies
and regulations so that they know what they are breaking and how they will be punished. After
that, there will be a meeting between the 3 people to agree on the solution and behavior in the
About Jas, employee training on how to improve performance is conducted. Besides, I will
be a mentor who can assist her with any issues that may be impeding her productivity at work.
About Ed, he will have to send an official apology to Jas and delete the comments and
posts that are sarcastic about Jas within 1 day. From now on, if he has anything unsatisfied with
Jas at work, he should discuss it directly with the manager and Jas.
If the misconduct continues, both people will be subject to a higher penalty based on the
seriousness of the incident and the company's regulations.
After the meeting comes to an end, the results will be clearly informed to the employees in
the company.
A dispute resolution report on your findings for the human resources manager, including
recommendations and outcomes.
take reasonably practicable steps to ensure that their workplace is free from bullying and
providing training or advice to staffs to be aware of the legislative requirements and
eliminate bullying and harassment and develop cross-cultural awareness and sensitivity
among professional;
inform staffs who experience bullying and harassment of their rights and provide them
with the appropriate policy and procedures to resolve their concerns;
ensure that staffs who make a complaint are not victimised for doing so and respect their
privacy and confidentiality at all times;
maintain a confidential database of complaints.
If a staff member who believes that she/he is being harassed, and is unable to resolve the
matter herself/himself, or is of the belief that it is unsafe to do so, he or she may approach the
managers in the first, and then follow the process.
When the manager receives complaints about bullying and harassment from employees
Step 1. All claims of bullying and harassment are taken seriously and will be treated
confidentially, documented, and promptly and constructively addressed by the manager;
Step 2. Once all the information is gathered, the manager, acting as the internal
investigator will determine whether, 'on the balance of probabilities', the complaint can be
substantiated. If the complaint is substantiated, appropriate discipline needs to be applied. All
forms of bullying and harassment are not tolerated.
Step 3. Irrespective of the findings of an internal investigation, the decision needs to be
communicated to the relevant parties, together with an appropriate explanation. The manager is
responsible for addressing the behaviour of the alleged perpetrator and to provide support
services for the victim.