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BSBCRT401 Task 1 1

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Assessment Cover Sheet

Assessment Task-1

BSBCRT401 Articulate, present and debate

BSB42415 Certificate IV in Marketing & Communication

Student Name:
(Please write in block letters)

Student ID Number:
(Please write in block letters)

Assessors Name:
Assessment Due: Submission
Week 5 Date:
Assessment Tasks
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory Did Not Submit
Assessment –
Case Study / Knowledge Test / □ □ □
Feedback to Students:

I hereby certify that the above student has been assessed by myself and all assessments are carried out as
per the Academy’s Assessment Policy & Procedure.
I declare that the student’s work evidence is current, authentic, valid and sufficient

ASSESSOR SIGNATURE ____________________________ Date: ______________

Student’s signature

Assessment Submission rules and conditions
Read all the instructions below before attempting the assessment task. Assessment tasks are tools used to
determine if you have the knowledge and skills to complete tasks to industry standards within the workplace.
Your trainer/assessor will help you throughout this task and it is your responsibility to provide enough evidence
to justify a competent decision by the trainer/assessor. If you do not understand the questions or what is
required, ask your trainer/assessor for assistance.

 For group assessments, all students are to contribute to the assessment tasks. You must work in
groups when the assessment is required and when that is the case you will be allocated in to groups
by your trainer in the class; hence your active presence is necessary
 Role play/presentation if part of the assessment must be done by all students. Photos or video may be
taken as part of the evidence.

You are to complete all tasks by the due date and assessments must have a coversheet attached. Online
submission opens one week prior to the due week and cut-off date is set on Saturday at 11:55pm in the week
of due date. If you think you do not have enough time to complete the tasks by the due date, discuss with the
trainer/assessor the reasons of why you cannot submit on time. Assessment tasks submitted late may not be
accepted by your trainer/assessor, leaving the learner with a Did Not Submit (DNS) result.

Writing your responses

When answering questions, ensure that your answers are detailed enough so the assessor can draw a
conclusion that you have the knowledge and/or skills to demonstrate competency. When producing reports,
please make sure that your project has the following complete information:

A Title Page, Table of Contents, Page Numbers, Reference List, ensuring that your answers thoroughly match
the questions asked.

Answer all questions in your own words to avoid plagiarism.

Plagiarism/ Academic Misconduct

Plagiarism by a student will result in an automatic ‘NYS’, and as well as being recorded, may result in further
disciplinary action such as a student’s exclusion from a course. Plagiarism is presenting and using someone
else’s work, writings or ideas as your own with or without their consent.

Some examples of plagiarism as follows

 Presenting work by another individual as one’s own unintentionally

 Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another student
 Handing in assessments without the sufficient acknowledgement of sources used, including
assessments taken totally or in part from the Internet

Academic misconduct is a serious matter and any breach of misconduct will be treated seriously as per the
Policy of the organisation. Impersonating or allowing another individual to impersonate you, for the purpose of
completing an assessment or presentation is considered a fraud.

Marking of Assessments

On submission of your assessment it will be marked for a result of either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory
(NYS). If you receive a NYS result, you will be asked to redo the tasks again. To achieve a competent result with
this unit, all tasks need to be completed and marked as satisfactory. Your trainer/assessor will provide feedback
to you on each task, outlining where you must improve to achieve a Satisfactory (S) result. When all tasks are
marked as Satisfactory (S), you will receive a result of Competent (C) for this unit otherwise, you will be marked
Not Yet Competent (NYC). Assessments submitted to the trainer/assessor after the due date may not be
accepted, and you may have to a resubmission fee.

Assessment appeals

Appeal process - If you feel the decision made by your assessor was incorrect please refer to your Student
Handbook for information on assessment appeals for the required steps to appeal this decision. Download the
assessment you want to appeal and complete the appeal box in Feedback Evaluation Sheet by signing as to
whether you wish to appeal. You are required to hand the hard copy in to student services.

Submission requirements

If an assessment is not submitted in accordance with the submission requirements, then it will be deemed as
being non-compliant. Non-compliant submissions result in pending on being marked and /or recorded NYS.

 All submissions must be done by PDF file. The Student is required to convert word file assessments,
PowerPoint presentation and other attachments to PDF before submitting unless the evidence is
required to submit its original format (eg. word or excel).
 The first page in the file must be cover page. Both the cover page must contain student name and
student number.
 The Student is allowed by default to upload up to five documents on each submission. You must
upload each file separately. You must not upload zip file.
 Submissions from overseas are not allowed as students are required to be in Australia to attend their
regular classes.

Name……………………………………………… Student ID...............................................

Signed ……………………………………………. Date …………………………………….


I would like to appeal the outcome of this assessment as per the appeals procedure in the Student

Student’s signature: _______________________ Date: __________________

Task Description

You are required to answer various questions to demonstrate your underpinning knowledge in this unit
– articulate, present and debate ideas.

1. Read all the questions.
2. Conduct necessary research. Your lecture notes, online resources and workbook can also
assist you to complete this assessment.
3. Provide responses to all questions in the space provided.
4. Submit your assessment by the due week.

Read the following case studies carefully and write down your answers in the space

Case Study 1

Case study: Communicating an idea

Linda is a marketing assistant in a medium sized pharmaceutical company. Recently she attended a professional
development workshop – digital media marketing.

The company is still using old fashioned marketing techniques, not yet shifted to more modern way by using
digital media to market the company. At the workshop, she saw an opportunity to promote the company’s
products in new and effective way with minimal spending by using digital media.

Linda is excited by this because she thinks it will be a huge potential to boost brand awareness in the target
market. She decided to share that with her manager.

1. To ensure you are getting your message across, you need to define your theme before you
communicate your idea to your audience.
What are the themes and messages Linda wants to communicate?

Digital media marketing, inexpensive forms of digital media product promotion, ability to
raise brand recognition in target market.

2. Name and describe one tool Linda can use to clarify her thoughts and presentation ideas.

Brainstorm her thoughts and map them. She should be carefully brainstorming her ideas
and thoughts step by step. Good mapping is essential in order to give a clear and
interesting speech.

3. There are different ways of communicating ideas for different purposes and to different

a. What is synchronous communication?

Synchronous communication is defined as a real-time communication between

two or more people.

b. List three synchronous tools. What occasions are suitable to use the tool?
(Ex. Teleconferencing can be used when it is required discussion and to have some
dialogues between participants.)

Communications via phone, computer facilitated video calls or audio conferencing

between parties are examples of tools for synchronous communication.
c. What is asynchronous communication?

Asynchronous communication can be sent anytime. The sender and receiver do not
need to be synchronized or available real-time.

d. List three asynchronous tools. What occasions are suitable to use these tools?

E-mail is an example of asynchronous communication. Offline voice messages or

text messages are asynchronous as the received does not necessarily need to be
reading it real-time.

e. Communication skills are imperative to be able to help people focus or expand our
What communication skills and attributes should Linda demonstrate and look for
when collaborating?

In order to successfully collaborate with her manager she should directly present
details about digital marketing and its advantages.

Case Study 2

Case study: Selling an idea

You are a part of marketing team in your organisation and recently you have come up with a new product idea.
You think this product will generate another level of profit for the organisation. You sent a brief e-mail to the
marketing manager about this new product.

Marketing manager has replied and wrote that you would be given 10 mins in the next marketing meeting to
pitch your idea.

1. Describe different techniques you can use to engage, fascinate and involve others in the
process of communicating your idea.

Asking questions from the audience, give them figures and statistics based on interesting
facts. Asking the ideas of others and would involve the audience during presentations or

2. How do you deal with the following two main communication challenges?
 Fear of public speaking
 Speaking to an unfamiliar audience
In order to overcome fear of public speaking, first of all, we need to prepare well. If we
you what we are going to say perfectly then we would not be as nervous and prepare our
speech in front of a mirror would help us to deal with fear in front of public.

In order to successfully give a speech to an unfamiliar audience you need to imagine that
they are expecting new information from you and imagine that the people are your old
friends that you know them well. Focus on certain people in the audience.

3. How do you deal with the following communication challenges? Is there any innovative
approach you could use?
(Hint: Research online and find out how others have dealt with these communication

a. Forgetting what to say

In order not to forget the things that you are going to say, you can use some
techniques. For example, imagine your speech as a human body and plan the
important details or structure from head to toes. Imagine the first part of your
speech is your head. You need to talk starting from your hair to your shoulders.
Each of your parts of your head is your details that you would not want to miss

b. Afraid of negative feedback

If you afraid of negative feedback, practice the art of reacting in a professional

manner. Prepare well for your speech, learn and know the details that the audience
might be interested to hear and ask. Imagine the questions you might be asked and
prepare the answers for such questions. Do not show your emotions even though
you get negative feedback form your audience.

Knowledge Test

1. Storytelling has been used for centuries to convey ideas and information. Conduct
research and answer the following questions:

a. What are the six structures of storytelling, as given by Annette Simmons in her book,
‘Whoever tells the best story’?

Who-I-am stories, Why-I-Am-Here stories, Educational or Teaching stories, Vision

stories, Value-In-Action stories, I-Know-What-You-Are-Thinking stories.

b. What are three essential elements all great stories have as given by Paul Smith in his
book ‘Lead with a Story’? Explain briefly each.

1. A hero we care about, a relatable hero. (Have a relatable main character in your
story) It will be the main subject of your story.
2. A villain we are afraid of, a relevant challenge. Talk about challenges and how to
overcome those challenges.
3. An epic battle (an honest struggle). Struggles you faced and dealt with.

2. Every day we face uncertainty, because risk is a natural part of our physical, social,
financial and competitive environments. When debating or presenting ideas, there are
always risks but it is easier to take those risks if we are informed or concerned before

What are possible positive and negative consequences for the following risks?

a. Negotiating for a pay rise, telling your manager that you need higher pay or you will

Positive consequence would be you get a pay rise or at least a promise for a pay rise.
Negative consequence would be to hear you are free to go or quit. As a result of such
risk you might get what you want or you might lose your job. Or you might give an
idea to your manager that you care more about money.

b. Making a confronting or controversial statement in a presentation. (eg. topic such as

‘Death penalty’)

Death penalty is inhumane, barbarous and does not respect sanctity of life. There is a
higher risk of giving death penalty for those who did not do the crime. Therefore,
death penalty is not a right solution.

3. Explain different ways in which individuals receive and respond to ideas and information,
and what influences their response.

People receive and respond to ideas in a different way. Information can be visual,
auditory, emotional, smell and taste. People might show emotions, might be hesitant or
against, happy or sad. Depending on how they received the idea, they show response. If
they got good emotion they might say thank you and smile. It can be seen in their face. If
they got it in a negative way, they would not smile or show happy face.

4. Describe common techniques to tailor comments to particular audiences.

Tailoring your presentation makes it great and will show your audience that you have
respect for them and their time. Get to know your audience, learn what they expect, look
at topics given to them before and know the size of the audience. Try to tailor from the
perspectives of the audience.

5. You may have an opinion on something but to be able to argue effectively you need to be
able to back it up with facts. What are the key way to be adequately prepared to debate
and discuss your ideas?

Read and research more information on that topic. Look at latest statistics, read the latest
findings and talk to people who are experts of that field. Imagine the questions and
confrontations you might receive from others. Brainstorm, map and list your ideas

systematically. Find out as much information as possible from reliable sources. Read,
understand and try to find out more.

6. The process of giving and receiving feedback can be illustrated through a model called the
Johari Window.

a. According to the model, how can we reduce our Blind Spot?

Information about yourself that others know in a group but you do not know or
unaware of it is called Blind Spot. Others may interpret us differently than we
expect. We can reduce blind spot through efficient communication and seeking
feedback from others.

b. How can we reduce our Façade?

Hidden area or Façade is the information that we know but others do not know.
Unknown to others. It can be any personal information, feelings, past experiences,
fears or secrets. In order to reduce our Façade we need to move the information to
open areas. Open communication is vital in this regard.

7. It is important to use active listening skills to participate in conversations that challenge

and explore different concepts and approaches and generate new ideas.
Describe what an active listener does versus a non-active listener.

An active listener engages with the speaker while a passive listener simply receives
the message without giving any external indications. Active listener retains
information more effectively and makes the speaker feel more comfortable. Passive
listener act passively by receiving the message only without giving further external

8. When you have been through the process of refining your idea and you have sought
feedback and input from others, you will be better prepared to respond clearly and
confidently to questions.
What are the key techniques to respond to questions confidently?

Read and search through resources and materials before you answer the questions. Then,
have your first answers read by at least two people. Get their feedback and rewrite your
answers again.
If you give a speech, be prepared for potential questions that might be asked by the
audience. Try to imagine as much questions as possible and prepare your answers in
advance or imagine how you would answer those questions.


You are given an opportunity to present your idea in the next company meeting to the people who are relevant to
your idea. For example, if you have pitched about new marketing campaign idea, you are now given the
opportunity to present your idea in a marketing team meeting.

Your manager told you that you will be given 20 minutes to present your idea and continue with discussion.
Your manager also told you that the company will implement your idea if you can convince the audience and
you will be leading the project.

You are required to present your idea to the class.
First, you will be preparing a presentation, then presenting it to the class and trainer. Class
members will need to come up with at least five questions. Some questions should be
opposing your idea. Lastly, you will need to answer to those questions and debate effectively
your idea. Your trainer will act as an opposition and debate with you.
1. Prepare for your presentation and discussion (See Appendix 4).

When you prepare your presentation you must:

a. Choose a theme and develop a message you want to communicate
b. Consider the best communication method to use. Use different techniques to
engage in communication.
c. Gather facts and examples to back up your information. Create any presentation
aids you will need as part of the presentation. You may use a combination of aides
as follows:
o PowerPoint presentation
o diagrams, charts and posters
o models
o data projector
o handouts
o video and audio recording
o whiteboard
o flip charts.
d. Identify your skills and attributes that help to participate in discussions about ideas
e. Reflect on different ways of communicating ideas for different purposes and to
different people

f. Consider any risk that you may need to take into account when delivering your
g. Consider questions that may be asked during discussion.

2. Develop a written note for your presentation. You may use the planning template provided
(See Appendix 5), create your own template or write a short script and attach to this

3. Deliver your presentation.

4. Debate: Ask class to provide at least five questions about your idea including questions
that indicate disagreement with your idea.

5. Debate the ideas. Trainer will act as opposition.

6. Complete a self-evaluation of your debate performance using a template provided (See

Appendix 6).

Appendix 1-A: Template for presenting an idea

No Element Explanation Contents

1. Point State the point you Increase the public awareness of Pizza Rush by running a
want to make about the social media campaign.

2. Reason Explain why you made

the point/ how your Digital media usage has become a way of life in today’s
idea benefits your people’s routine and using digital media campaign would
organisation have significant benefits according to latest study.

3. Example/Fact Back it up with a story,

incident or experience, Instagram and Facebook campaigns similar to this gained
illustration, statistic, really good popularity.
comparison or

4. Engage Ask an open question What do you think about this idea and what else should be
to engage include or consider?

Appendix 1-B: Template for presenting problem solving idea

No Element Explanation Contents

1. objective State the problem. We do not use digital media or social media campaigns for
our products and traditional way of marketing has been
proved to be less popular in today’s digitalized era.

2. solution Explain what the Social media campaign would introduce our product to more
solution is. audience and increase help us to increase sales.

3. Benefit Explain how it benefits Attract more buyers, increase sales and profit. Become active
your organisation. in social media marketing and use the latest trends for our
Back it up with a story, marketing.
incident or experience,
illustration, statistic,
comparison or

4. (optional) Explain why you (or

your team) can solve
this best.

5. Engage Ask an open question to Ask the opinion of others and discuss more options.


Appendix 2: – Comments and Observation

Write your comments and observations after the short speech role-play.
 Whose short speech was the best?

 What was the key theme of the short speech?

 What was the key messages

 What did you find most engaging or interesting about the short speech?

 Any additional comments about effectiveness of the short speech.

Appendix 3: Self reflection

1. Were you able to finish your short speech within the 5-8 minutes? How did you feel
about the time?

2. List the aspects of the short speech that were effective and give what made you think so.

3. List the aspects of the short speech that were not effective and share what made you think

4. To improve the effectiveness of future short speech, what can you do?

Appendix 4: Preparation

 What are the themes and messages you want to communicate?

Digital marketing and social media campaign and its benefits

 What are the best communication methods to use?

Engage the audience and get feedback.

 Describe desired outcome and purpose of the presentation

Let the audience know about social media campaign and what we can reach through
social media campaign.

 List facts and examples to back up your information.

Same campaign results and success stories. Budget allocation.

 What presentation aids will you use?

Now we have a online classes so I present in Zoom application.
 Outline your skills and attributes that help you to participate in discussions about
ideas effectively
Prepare well for the presentation and imagine potential questions.
 What is the best way to communicate your idea to your audience including your

Give presentation and communicate with my audience and manager.

 What can you do to provoke and encourage response from your audience during your

Ask their ideas and let them ask questions from me.

 Think of, and outline, a few risks that need to be considered when you present and
debate your ideas.

Negative feedback, confronting ideas and unprepared questions.

 List questions that may be asked during the discussion.

Do you have evidence that this campaign can attract more buyers?
Can our company benefit from the campaign?
How would you organize and run the campaign?

Appendix 5: Presentation planning template

Time Content/ note Resources


Body – point 1

Body – point 2

Body – point 3


Appendix 6: Self reflection – debate exercise

 How did you present and argue your positions on ideas?

 Were you open to critical feedback of your ideas from others, and to the ideas of
others? Describe.
I was open to critical feedback of my ideas from the classmates and my teacher.

 Have you responded to questions about your ideas with confidence and responded
with relevant information? Reflect and comment.

Yes i have responded all the questions with the confidence and relevant facts. Because
i have done a so many work on research.

 Have you appraised the views of others, and used these views to refine or embrace
new ideas? Reflect and comments.

I have assessed the quality of the opinions of other people and I used some of the
opinions to promote the pizza rush more effectively.

Individual Activity – Case Study & Knowledge Test
Feedback Evaluation Sheet – Lecture Assessment


UNIT NAME: BSBCRT401 Articulate, present and debate ideas

Has the student in this assessment demonstrated: YES NO

the understanding what is central idea  

the understanding of how to distil key themes, messages and positions to aid in clarity of
thought and presentation  
the understanding of different ways of communicating ideas for different purposes and to
different people  
the understanding of skills and attributes of individuals who can effectively participate in
discussions about ideas  
the understanding of different techniques to engage, fascinate and involve others in the
process of communication and exchange  
the understanding of how to use storytelling in order to communicate ideas  
the understanding of innovative approaches to different communication challenges  
the understanding of risks when presenting ideas  
the understanding of substantiated positions  
the understanding of giving and receiving feedbacks in effective way and being open to the
ideas of others  
the understanding of role of active listening when participating in conversations that
challenge and explore different concepts and approaches and generate new ideas  
the understanding of how to answers questions with confidence  
the ability to explain different ways in which individuals receive and respond to ideas and
information, and what influences their response  
the ability to identify the enabling skills and attributes of people needed to effectively
discuss ideas  
the ability to describe the nature and role of risk taking in the presentation and debate of
ideas  
the ability to explain the role of storytelling in communicating ideas and key storytelling
techniques  
the ability to describe common techniques to tailor comments to particular audiences  

Observation and Demonstration Checklist “Short Speech”



Item Description of what the assessor expects to see the student doing in the S NYS
course of the project
Theme of the short speech was clear
Messages were clear and easy to understand
Purpose of the short speech was clear

Structure of the short speech was suitable

The short speech provokes an engaged response

The short speech was delivered in 5-8 minutes or less



Trainer’s feedback on evidence of knowledge and skills demonstrated through this project.
Include recommendation on how to address gaps in competency.

*Trainer is required to describe what else was observed

Trainer’s name: ___________________ __

Signature:_______________ Date:_____________

Observation and Demonstration Checklist “Debate and Discuss”



Item Description of what the assessor expects to see the student doing in the S NYS
course of the project
1 Was able to respond to questions calmly and unemotionally
2 Was able to justify why he or she were given that position
3 Was actively listening and was respectful of opposing viewpoints

4 Responded to questions confidently

Was able to provide supportive facts/examples/evidence to backup his/her

Was able to articulate, be positive, be respectful and constructive during
discussion and debate
Demonstrates sophisticated control over oral, visual and/or written formats,
7 drawing on a range of communication practices to achieve goals


Trainer’s feedback on evidence of knowledge and skills demonstrated through this project.
Include recommendation on how to address gaps in competency.

*Trainer is required to describe what else was observed

Trainer’s name: ___________________ __

Signature:_______________ Date:_____________


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