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Cambridge Assessment International Education

Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level

PHYSICS 9702/13
Paper 1 Multiple Choice May/June 2019
1 hour 15 minutes
Additional Materials: Multiple Choice Answer Sheet
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Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended)


Write in soft pencil.

Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.
Write your name, centre number and candidate number on the Answer Sheet in the spaces provided
unless this has been done for you.

There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible
answers A, B, C and D.
Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate Answer Sheet.

Read the instructions on the Answer Sheet very carefully.

Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer.
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Electronic calculators may be used.

This document consists of 17 printed pages and 3 blank pages.

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speed of light in free space c = 3.00 × 108 m s–1

permeability of free space µ0 = 4π × 10–7 H m–1

permittivity of free space ε0 = 8.85 × 10–12 F m–1

( = 8.99 × 109 m F–1)
4πε 0

elementary charge e = 1.60 × 10–19 C

the Planck constant h = 6.63 × 10–34 J s

unified atomic mass unit 1 u = 1.66 × 10–27 kg

rest mass of electron me = 9.11 × 10–31 kg

rest mass of proton mp = 1.67 × 10–27 kg

molar gas constant R = 8.31 J K–1 mol–1

the Avogadro constant NA = 6.02 × 1023 mol–1

the Boltzmann constant k = 1.38 × 10–23 J K–1

gravitational constant G = 6.67 × 10–11 N m2 kg–2

acceleration of free fall g = 9.81 m s–2

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uniformly accelerated motion s = ut + 2
at 2
v 2 = u 2 + 2as

work done on/by a gas W = p∆V

gravitational potential φ = – Gm
hydrostatic pressure p = ρ gh

pressure of an ideal gas p= 1 Nm <c 2>

3 V

simple harmonic motion a = – ω 2x

velocity of particle in s.h.m. v = v0 cos ω t

v = ±ω ( x 02 − x 2 )

Doppler effect fo =
v ± vs

electric potential V= Q
4 πε 0r

capacitors in series 1 / C = 1 / C1 + 1 / C2 + . . .

capacitors in parallel C = C1 + C2 + . . .

energy of charged capacitor W= 2

electric current I = Anvq

resistors in series R = R1 + R2 + . . .

resistors in parallel 1 / R = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2 + . . .
Hall voltage VH =
alternating current/voltage x = x0 sin ω t

radioactive decay x = x0 exp(–λt)

decay constant λ = 0.693


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1 Which is an SI base unit?

A current
B gram
C kelvin
D volt

2 Osmium, a naturally occurring element, has a density of 23 000 kg m–3.

What is also a value of the density of osmium?

A 2.3 × 104 µg cm–3

B 2.3 × 104 g cm–3

C 2.3 kg cm–3

D 2.3 × 10–2 kg cm–3

3 Two tugs are towing an oil rig as shown.


4.0 kN

oil rig east


5.0 kN


The tensions in the towing cables are 4.0 kN and 5.0 kN.

What is the total force acting on the rig due to the cables, in the direction to the east?

A 3.1 kN B 5.2 kN C 7.0 kN D 7.3 kN

4 What is the approximate kinetic energy of an Olympic athlete when running at maximum speed
during a 100 m race?

A 400 J B 4000 J C 40 000 J D 400 000 J

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5 The diagram shows the reading on an analogue ammeter.

5 10

milliamperes (mA)

0 15

Which digital ammeter reading is the same as the reading on the analogue ammeter?

display units display reading

A µA 1600
B µA 160
C mA 16.0
D A 1.60

6 A micrometer screw gauge is used to measure the diameter of a small uniform steel sphere. The
micrometer reading is 5.00 mm ± 0.01 mm.

What will be the percentage uncertainty in a calculation of the volume of the sphere, using these

A 0.2% B 0.4% C 0.6% D 1.2%

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7 The graph shows the variation of velocity v with time t for an object.

v / m s–1
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

The object passes a fixed point at time t = 0.

What is the displacement of the object from the fixed point at time t = 5.0 s and what is the
acceleration of the object?

displacement acceleration
/m / m s–2

A 60 4.0
B 70 4.0
C 60 4.8
D 70 4.8

8 A skydiver jumps from an aeroplane and falls vertically through the air.

Which graph shows the variation with time t of the skydiver’s vertical velocity v?


v v v v

0 0 0 0
0 t 0 t 0 t 0 t

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9 A nucleus collides with a stationary nucleus in a vacuum. The diagrams show the paths of the
nuclei before and after the collision.

No other particles are involved in the collision.

Which diagram is not possible?



10 A uniform electric field is created by two parallel vertical plates. A positively charged particle is in
the vacuum between the plates, as shown.

– +
– positively +
– particle +
– +
– +
– +
– +
– +

Which statement is correct?

A The electric field makes the particle move towards the negative plate with a constant speed.
B The electric field makes the particle move towards the negative plate with a constant
C The electric field produces a uniform rate of decrease in the particle’s acceleration.
D The electric field produces a uniform rate of increase in the particle’s acceleration.

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11 A picture is suspended from a nail by a single cord connected to two points X and Y on the
picture. There is negligible friction between the cord and the nail so that the tension in both sides
of the cord is the same. The picture hangs symmetrically, as shown.

cord nail

θ θ


The tension in the cord is T. The angle between the cord and the vertical is θ on both sides.

Which statement is correct?

A Increasing the length of the cord, with points X and Y in the same place on the picture, would
reduce the tension in the cord.
B Moving points X and Y further apart on the picture while keeping the length of the cord
constant would reduce the tension in the cord.
C Moving points X and Y to the top edge of the picture while keeping their distance apart
constant and the length of the cord constant would reduce the tension in the cord.

D The weight of the picture is equal to T cosθ.

12 A shop sign weighing 75 N hangs from a frame attached to a vertical wall.

0.50 m
weight 75 N

The frame consists of a horizontal rod XY and a rod YZ that is at an angle of 30° to the horizontal.
Rod XY is attached to the wall by a hinge at X and has length 0.50 m. Assume that the weights of
the rods are negligible.

What is the horizontal force exerted by the wall on rod XY?

A 0N B 43 N C 130 N D 150 N

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13 What is the torque of the couple shown?

15 N

15.0 cm 5.0 cm

15 N

A 0.75 N m B 1.50 N m C 3.00 N m D 5.25 N m

14 Water has a density of 1.0 g cm–3.

Glycerine has a density of 1.3 g cm–3.

A student measures out a volume of 40 cm3 of glycerine into a container.

The student adds water to the container to make a mixture of water and glycerine. Assume that
the total volume of water and glycerine does not change when the two liquids are mixed.

Which volume of water needs to be added to make a mixture of density 1.1 g cm–3?

A 4.0 cm3 B 8.0 cm3 C 34 cm3 D 80 cm3

15 Which statement about the principle of conservation of energy is correct?

A Energy conversion helps to conserve energy sources.

B Energy is conserved only in systems with an efficiency of 100%.
C The supply of energy is limited so energy should be conserved.
D The total amount of energy in a closed system is constant.

16 A student can run or walk up the stairs to her classroom.

Which statement describes the power required and the gravitational potential energy gained while
running up the stairs compared to walking up them?

A Running provides more gravitational potential energy and uses more power.
B Running provides more gravitational potential energy and uses the same power.
C Running provides the same gravitational potential energy and uses more power.
D Running provides the same gravitational potential energy and uses the same power.

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17 A lead pellet is shot vertically upwards into a clay block that is stationary at the moment of impact
but is able to rise freely after impact.

stationary clay
mass 95 g

impact velocity
200 m s–1

lead pellet
mass 5.0 g

The mass of the pellet is 5.0 g and the mass of the clay block is 95 g.

The pellet hits the block with an initial vertical velocity of 200 m s–1. It embeds itself in the block
and does not emerge.

How high above its initial position will the block rise?

A 5.1 m B 5.6 m C 10 m D 100 m

18 On the surface of a planet, 30 J of work is done against gravity to raise a mass of 1.0 kg through a
height of 10 m.

How much work must be done to raise a mass of 4.0 kg through a height of 5.0 m on this planet?

A 15 J B 60 J C 120 J D 200 J

19 Four solid steel rods, each of length 2.0 m and cross-sectional area 250 mm2, equally support an
object weighing 10 kN. The weight of the object causes the rods to contract by 0.10 mm. The rods
obey Hooke’s law.

What is the Young modulus of steel?

A 2.0 × 108 N m–2

B 2.0 × 1011 N m–2

C 8.0 × 108 N m–2

D 8.0 × 1011 N m–2

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20 A wire is attached at one end to a fixed point. A tensile force F is applied to the other end of the
wire, causing it to extend. This is shown on the graph by the line OSP.

The force F is then gradually reduced to zero and the wire contracts. This is shown on the graph
by the line PQ.


O Q T R extension

Which area on the graph represents the work done by the wire as it contracts?


21 The graph shows the variation of displacement y with distance x along a progressive wave at one
instant in time.

y Q

0 x

What is the phase difference between points P and Q on the wave?

A 90° B 270° C 540° D 630°

22 Wave-power generators take advantage of the energy that is transferred by the motion of waves
across the surface of the oceans. The energy of a wave depends on its amplitude.

What is the correct definition of amplitude?

A the average amount of energy possessed by a wave

B the difference in displacement between a peak and a trough
C the maximum displacement of a point on the wave from equilibrium
D the number of oscillations of a wave that occur per second

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23 A sound wave of frequency 270 Hz is recorded by a cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO).

The waveform on the CRO is shown.

1 cm

What is the time-base setting on the CRO?

A 0.1 ms cm–1 B 1 ms cm–1 C 10 ms cm–1 D 100 ms cm–1

24 A motor boat vibrates in the water so that it produces water waves of frequency 0.20 Hz. The
speed of these waves in the water is 20 m s–1. The motor boat moves with a speed of 5.0 m s–1
directly towards a stationary sailing boat.

The Doppler effect equation for sound waves also applies to water waves.

What is the frequency with which the waves hit the stationary sailing boat?

A 0.15 Hz B 0.16 Hz C 0.25 Hz D 0.27 Hz

25 Infrared laser light is used for the transmission of data along optic fibres.

What is a typical wavelength of infrared radiation?

A 5 × 10–5 m B 5 × 10–7 m C 2 × 10–9 m D 2 × 10–11 m

26 An elastic string is attached to an oscillator at one end and clamped at the other end so that the
string is horizontal and in tension.

The oscillator is made to oscillate vertically. The frequency of oscillation is gradually increased
from zero until a stationary wave is set up in the string. The frequency is then increased further to
frequency f, when a second stationary wave is set up in the string.

The frequency is then increased further.

At which frequency does a third stationary wave occur?

A 1.2f B 1.5f C 2.0f D 3.0f

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27 In an experiment, water waves in a ripple tank are incident on a gap, as shown.

Some diffraction of the water waves is observed.

Which change to the experiment would provide a better demonstration of diffraction?

A Increase the amplitude of the waves.

B Increase the frequency of the waves.
C Increase the wavelength of the waves.
D Increase the width of the gap.

28 Light of wavelength λ is emitted from two point sources R and S and falls onto a distant screen.



(not to scale)

At point P on the screen, the light intensity is zero.

What could explain the zero intensity at P?

A Light from the two sources is emitted 180° out of phase and the path difference to P is 21 λ .

B Light from the two sources is emitted in phase and the path difference to P is λ.

C Light from the two sources is emitted 90° out of phase and the path difference to P is λ.

D Light from the two sources is emitted in phase and the path difference to P is 1

29 Apparatus is arranged to show double-slit interference using monochromatic light. The slit
separation is 0.10 mm. The distance from the double slit to the screen where the interference
pattern is observed is 2.4 m and the fringe width is 12 mm.

The distance to the screen is now changed to 1.8 m and the slit separation is doubled.

What is the new fringe width?

A 1.5 mm B 4.5 mm C 6.0 mm D 9.0 mm

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30 Monochromatic light of wavelength 690 nm passes through a diffraction grating with

300 lines per mm, producing a series of maxima (bright spots) on a screen.



What is the greatest number of maxima that can be observed?

A 4 B 5 C 8 D 9

31 Which diagram represents the electric field line pattern due to a combination of two positive



32 Which two units are used to define the volt?

A ampere and ohm

B coulomb and joule
C coulomb and ohm
D coulomb and second

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33 The graph shows the variation with length of the resistance of a uniform metal wire.


0 length

The gradient of the graph is G.

The wire has cross-sectional area A.

Which expression could be used to calculate the resistivity of the metal of the wire?

A G×A B G C A D G × A2

34 Diagram 1 shows a lamp connected to a supply through two switches.

During repairs, an electrician mistakenly reverses the connections X1 and Z1, so that Z1 is
connected to the supply and X1 to the other switch at Z2, as shown in diagram 2.

Y1 Y2
X1 X2

Z1 Z2
diagram 1 supply

Y1 Y2
diagram 2 supply

Which switch positions will now light the lamp?

A X1 to Y1 X2 to Y2
B X1 to Y1 X2 to Z2
C X1 to Z1 X2 to Y2
D X1 to Z1 X2 to Z2

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35 A wire supplying a shower heater with a current of 35 A has a resistance of 25 mΩ.

What is the power dissipated in the wire?

A 31 W B 49 W C 31 kW D 49 kW

36 A student has a set of identical cells and identical lamps. The cells have negligible internal

A lamp connected to a cell lights with normal brightness.

What happens when the student connects the lamps and the cells as shown?

1 3

A All three lamps light with normal brightness.

B Only lamp 2 lights with normal brightness.
C Only lamps 1 and 3 light with normal brightness.
D None of the lamps light with normal brightness.

37 A potential divider circuit is shown.

150 Ω

12.0 V

R 5.00 V

What is the resistance of resistor R in the potential divider circuit?

A 62.5 Ω B 107 Ω C 210 Ω D 360 Ω

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38 Two cells of electromotive force (e.m.f.) 3.0 V and 1.2 V and negligible internal resistance are
connected to resistors of resistance 9.0 Ω and 18 Ω as shown.

3.0 V 1.2 V

I 9.0 Ω

18 Ω

What is the current I in the 9.0 Ω resistor?

A 0.10 A B 0.20 A C 0.30 A D 0.47 A

39 What is a correct estimate of the order of magnitude of the diameter of a typical atomic nucleus?

A 10–14 m B 10–18 m C 10–22 m D 10–26 m

40 Which statement describes β– decay in terms of a simple quark model?

A A down quark changes to an up quark, and an electron and an electron antineutrino

are emitted.
B A down quark changes to an up quark, and a positron and an electron neutrino are emitted.
C An up quark changes to a down quark, and an electron and an electron antineutrino
are emitted.
D An up quark changes to a down quark, and a positron and an electron neutrino are emitted.

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