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Potential Rare Earth Modified Ceo Catalysts For Soot Oxidation I. Characterisation and Catalytic Activity With O

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Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 75 (2007) 189–200


Potential rare earth modified CeO2 catalysts for soot oxidation

I. Characterisation and catalytic activity with O2
K. Krishna, A. Bueno-López, M. Makkee *, J.A. Moulijn
Catalysis Engineering, DelftChemTech, Delft University of Technology, Julianalaan 136, NL 2628 BL Delft, The Netherlands
Received 2 February 2007; received in revised form 6 April 2007; accepted 13 April 2007
Available online 19 April 2007

Ceria (CeO2) and rare-earth modified ceria (CeReOx with Re = La, Pr, Sm, Y) catalysts are prepared by nitrate precursor calcination and are
characterised by BET surface area, XRD, H2-TPR, and Raman spectroscopy. Potential of the catalysts in the soot oxidation is evaluated in TGA
with a feed gas containing O2. Seven hundred degree Celsius calcination leads to a decrease in the surface area of the rare-earth modified CeO2
compared with CeO2. However, an increase in the meso/macro pore volume, an important parameter for the soot oxidation with O2, is observed.
Rare-earth ion doping led to the stabilisation of the CeO2 surface area when calcined at 1000 8C. XRD, H2-TPR, and Raman characterisation show
a solid solution formation in most of the mixed oxide catalysts. Surface segregation of dopant and even separate phases, in CeSmOx and CeYOx
catalysts, are, however, observed. CePrOx and CeLaOx catalysts show superior soot oxidation activity (100% soot oxidation below 550 8C)
compared with CeSmOx, CeYOx, and CeO2. The improved soot oxidation activity of rare-earth doped CeO2 catalysts with O2 can be correlated
with the increased meso/micro pore volume and stabilisation of external surface area. The segregation of the phases and the enrichment of the
catalyst surface with unreducible dopant decrease the intrinsic soot oxidation activity of the potential CeO2 catalytic sites. Doping CeO2 with a
reducible ion such as Pr4+/3+ shows an increase in the soot oxidation. However, the ease of catalyst reduction and the bulk oxygen-storage capacity
is not a critical parameter in the determination of the soot oxidation activity. During the soot oxidation with O2, the function of the catalyst is to
increase the ‘active oxygen’ transfer to the soot surface, but it does not change the rate-determining step, as evident from the unchanged apparent
activation energy (around 150 kJ mol1), for the catalysed and un-catalysed soot oxidation. Spill over of oxygen on the soot surface and its
subsequent adsorption at the active carbon sites is an important intermediate step in the soot oxidation mechanism.
# 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Diesel soot; Oxidation; Rare earth oxide; Mixed oxides

1. Introduction engine sector will lead a larger amount of soot particulate

matter emission and these emissions are of the concern and,
The emission of the various pollutants from the exhaust therefore, particulate traps or after treatment devices are
gases of the different energy sources leads to a serious necessary [3–5]. The direct oxidation of these soot particulates
atmospheric pollution and climate change [1,2]. Increasingly needs high temperatures (around 600 8C), and when the engine
stringent environmental legislations, on the reduction of NOx is fitted with non-catalytic traps frequent high temperature
and soot from the various sources of exhaust gases require the regenerations are required. These regenerations are inefficient
development of a new devices/technology that can abate these and inconvenient [3–5]. The high temperature regeneration of
pollutants. Compared with the exhaust gases from the gasoline- the un-catalysed filter generally carried out by injecting a diesel
powered engines diesel engine exhaust gases are relatively fuel into the exhaust stream. This strategy leads to an
clean with respect to the unburnt hydrocarbons and carbon uncontrolled exotherm, which can destroy a filter. A catalysed
monoxide. The large volume of the diesel engine market and its soot oxidation is the way to decrease the soot burn-off
ever increasing demand of the diesel engines in the heavy-duty temperature in a controlled fashion, and, thereby, increasing the
overall fuel efficiency of the diesel engine.
One of the major problems in decreasing the catalysed soot
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +31 152 78 13 91; fax: +31 152 78 50 06. oxidation temperature is the contact between the catalyst
E-mail address: m.makkee@tudelft.nl (M. Makkee). surface and the soot particles [6,7]. To overcome the above
0926-3373/$ – see front matter # 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
190 K. Krishna et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 75 (2007) 189–200

major problem catalysts, that work based on different CeO2. However, many of such studies were mainly focussed in
principles, have been developed [3–8]. The use of the fuel- three-way catalysis. In only a few instances it is shown that the
borne catalysts incorporates the catalyst within the soot particle dopants in fact could decrease the activity of particular
and increases the number of contact points and, therefore, reactions [11]. Recently, it is shown that the La3+ modified
decreases the soot oxidation temperature significantly, from CeO2 catalysts can improve the soot oxidation activity through
600 to 400 8C. Similarly, the molten salt catalyst can wet the the participation of the lattice oxygen [12,13]. Though the
soot surface efficiently, increase the number of contact points surface and bulk redox properties of CeO2 are responsible for
between the catalyst and the soot, and, as a result, decrease the the soot oxidation, they are not thoroughly exploited and
soot oxidation temperature with O2. NO2 is a more powerful conclusively related to the soot oxidation reaction. If the
oxidant than O2, and catalysts that convert NO to NO2, properties of the reducible oxide CeO2, and the active sites
efficiently decrease the soot oxidation temperature. Commer- responsibly for the soot oxidation, are well understood then the
cial technologies based on the fuel-borne catalysts or NO2 as an tuning of such materials by the modifications to make them a
oxidant are presently used in the automobile engines. more active catalyst might be possible and, thereby, expand the
CeO2 is one of the extensively used catalytic components in window of operation in the periodical soot abatement
many of the above described after-treatment technologies due technology. In the same way, it has been reported that
to its high activity in the redox reactions. CeO2 is used in a well- Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 presents better catalytic activity for soot oxidation
known three-way catalyst for CO, HC, and NOx abatement, as a than pure CeO2 [14]. On the contrary, cerium–zirconium
fuel-borne catalyst, and in the catalysed soot filters in solid solution doped with rare earth (La, Pr, Sm, Tb) have been
elimination of the soot particulates [5,9]. The fuel-borne ceria studied for soot oxidation by O2, concluding that the
catalyst leads to the formation of the CeO2 nano-particles samples containing La, Pr, Sm or Tb do not achieve lower
trapped within the soot particle. The redox properties of CeO2 temperature of combustion than the parent cerium–zirconium
will generate the active species responsibly for the oxidation solid solution [15].
uniformly throughout the soot precursor and lead to an efficient The present study aims at the determination of the properties
oxidation. Thereby, a decrease of the combustion temperature of the CeO2 catalyst responsibly for the soot oxidation with O2.
will results in an easier and controllable filter regeneration. In this study CeO2 is modified by its doping with the different
CeO2 is also a major component in many catalysed soot filters rare-earth ions (La3+, Pr4+/3+, Sm3+, and Y3+) and its effects on
or pre-filters. However, not many fundamental studies are the soot oxidations are studied with O2 and correlated with the
reported in the open literature using CeO2 or CeO2 containing surface and the structural-properties of the catalysts. Further-
materials in the soot oxidation [10]. more, the tentative mechanistic steps in the catalysed soot
CeO2 alone as a catalyst or as a support in passive oxidation are proposed.
regeneration of particulate filter is probably of little interest
because of its low textural stability for high-temperature 2. Experimental
reactions, usually encountered in the exhaust gases. When
exposed to a high temperature the surface area of CeO2 2.1. Catalyst preparation
decreases drastically and at the same time it could lose its redox
properties and oxygen storage ability. Modification of CeO2 The catalysts are prepared from of the Ce3+, La3+, Pr3+,
with various ions is known to improve the stability towards the Sm3+, and Y3+ nitrate precursors (Aldrich, 99.9%) (Table 1).
sintering and also the oxidation activity of the resulting The required amount of the nitrate precursor of either single or
catalysts. This modification was attributed to the changes in the mixed components (5 g) is dissolved in H2O (3.3 g). This
redox properties and the creation of the oxygen vacancies; both aqueous solution is dried at 100 8C for 5 h, followed by a
improve the oxygen exchange with the catalyst and the oxygen heating to either 700 or 1000 8C in static air, where it is
storage capacity [9]. The modification by doping with a maintained for 2 h. g-Al2O3, calcined at 1000 8C for 5 h is used
transition metal and rare earth oxide will stabilise the surface as an inert material for analysing the un-catalysed soot
area and will improve the redox/oxygen storage properties of oxidation activity. The catalyst is denoted as CeReOx_y, where

Table 1
Materials and catalysts
Precursors used Decomposition temperature (8C)a Calcination (8C/2 h in air) Catalyst
Ce(NO3)36H2O 230 1000 CeO2_1000
Ce(NO3)36H2O + La(NO3)36H2O >375 1000 CeLaOx_1000
Ce(NO3)36H2O + Pr(NO3)36H2O >375 1000 CePrOx_1000
Ce(NO3)36H2O + Sm(NO3)36H2O 1000 CeSmOx_1000
Ce(NO3)36H2O + Y(NO3)36H2O >375 1000 CeYOx_1000
Ce(NO3)36H2O 700 CeO2_700
Ce(NO3)36H2O + La(NO3)36H2O 700 CeLaOx_700
Ce(NO3)36H2O + Pr(NO3)36H2O 700 CePrOx_700
Decomposition measured in TGA in He.
K. Krishna et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 75 (2007) 189–200 191

‘ReOx’ denotes as the 10 wt% doped rare-earth oxide and ‘y’ is the TGA experiments the set-up is optimised to eliminate the
the calcination temperature used to prepare the catalysts. possible heat and mass transfer effects [17].

2.2. Characterisation 3. Results

The BET surface areas and the N2 adsorption isotherms of 3.1. Characterisation
catalysts are measured by the N2 physisorption at 196 8C in
an automatic volumetric system (Autosorb-6, Quantachrome). 3.1.1. Catalyst preparation
The X-ray diffractogrammes are recorded in a Philips X-ray Table 1 shows the catalyst precursors used and their
diffractometer, PW 1840, with Ni-filtered Cu Ka radiation decomposition temperature. Seven hundred or 1000 8C
(l = 0.15418 nm). Data is collected between 2u = 6–708 with a calcinations are applied to make sure all the catalyst precursors
step size of 0.028 (total collection time 4 h). Crystallite size is decompose to the oxides. The decomposition temperature
calculated using the Scherrer equation: values of the respective precursors suggest that CeO2 is formed
first and on top of the CeO2 the dopant nitrates decompose to
Kl form oxides and, subsequently, the high temperature treatment
D¼ (1)
b cos u leads to the solid solutions.

where l is the X-ray wavelength, K the particle shape factor, 3.1.2. N2 adsorption
and the b is the full width at half maximum of peak at an angle The BET surface areas of the various materials prepared are
u. given in Table 2. The surface area of CeO2 decreased from 57 to
The temperature programmed reduction by H2 (H2-TPR) is 2 m2 g1, when calcined at 700 and 1000 8C, respectively. The
carried out in a tubular quartz reactor (5 mm internal diameter), rare-earth ions selected in this study are known to form a solid
coupled to a TCD detector for analysing the H2 consumption. solution, and, as a consequence also stabilise the CeO2
100 mg of the sample, diluted with SiC packed between two crystallites towards sintering resulting in a less severe surface
quartz wool plugs, is reduced from room temperature to area decline [18]. However, the surface areas decreased for the
1000 8C at a heating rate of 10 8C/min, in 30 ml/min flow of CeReOx_700 catalysts compared with CeO2_700. The BJH
7.7 vol.% H2 in Ar. CuO is used as a reference material to analysis of the N2 adsorption isotherms (Fig. 1) of the
quantify the H2 consumption. CeO2_700 catalyst shows a narrow pore size distribution
The Raman spectra of fresh catalysts are recorded in a around 10 nm. Doping with rare-earth ions led to a bimodal
Renishaw Raman Imaging Microscope, system 2000 with a pore size distribution. The pore size also shifted to from 10 to
20 mW Ar laser (514 nm). The Raman spectrometer is around 15 nm (meso-pore range) and above 50 nm (meso/
calibrated using a silicon wafer. macro pore range). The effect of the rare-earth ion dopant on
the increase of surface area is only evident for the catalysts
2.3. Soot oxidation in TGA prepared by a 1000 8C calcination. For the CeReOx_1000
catalysts the surface area is mainly arising from the meso–
The thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) of the soot macro pore range and considered as the external surface area.
oxidation of the various samples with O2 is carried out in a
Mettler Toledo, TGA/SDTA851e instrument. The catalytic 3.1.3. XRD
activity is measured in a loose (mixed with a spatula) and a tight Fig. 2 shows the powder X-ray diffractogrammes of the
contact (grounded in a mortar) mode with catalyst–soot selected catalysts prepared by a 1000 8C calcination.
mixtures in 4:1 (w/w) ratio, respectively [6,12]. Printex-U CeO2_1000 shows the very sharps peaks characteristic for
from Degussa S.A., is used as a model soot whose crystalline cubic phase. Doping with the different rare-earth cat
characterisation is reported elsewhere [6]. Weighed amount
of the sample (having less than 1 mg of soot) is placed in a TGA Table 2
crucible and heated with the different heating rates in 100 ml/ BET surface area of different materials and aT10 and T50 temperature
min air or He to 800 8C.
Catalyst BET surface Temperature (8C)
The apparent activation energy of the soot oxidation is area (m2 g1)
determined by the Ozawa [16] method using the following T10 T50
expression: Al2O3_1000 – 539 618
CeO2_1000 2 499 576
d logðFÞ Ea CeLaOx_1000 16 414 459
¼ 0:4567 (2) CePrOx_1000 11 425 484
dð1=T x Þ R CeSmOx_1000 5 450 520
CeYOx_1000 2 500 572
where F is the heating rate used, Tx the temperature corre- CeO2_700 57 388 450
sponding to x% soot conversion, Ea is the apparent activation CeLaOx_700 48 388 425
energy in kJ mol1. Ea can be estimated from the slope of the CePROx_700 44 378 422
least squares straight line fit of log(F) versus 1/Tx plot. Prior to Temperature at 10 and 50% soot conversion, experimental conditions in Fig. 8.
192 K. Krishna et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 75 (2007) 189–200

for the catalysts prepared by a 700 8C calcination; however, the

intensity of CeO2 and the decrease in intensity on the rare-earth
ion doping are much smaller compared with the CeO2_1000
and CeReOx_1000 catalysts.
In Table 3 the various parameters calculated from the XRD
are given. The lattice constant of CeO2_1000 is estimated as
0.5406 nm, which increased to 0.5441 nm for the La3+ doping.
This is consistent with the incorporation of the larger size La3+
ions (0.116 nm) that will expand the CeO2 lattice. Comparison
of the CeLaOx lattice constant with the materials of a similar
composition, reported in the literature (which follows Vegard’s
law [19]), suggests that most of the La3+ introduced is in fact
forming a solid solution. Praseodymium ions form a solid
solution very efficiently with CeO2, however, only a small
Fig. 1. BJH analysis of N2 adsorption isotherms over selected catalysts as change in the peak positions are observed in XRD (not shown).
indicated. The lattice parameter of CePrOx_1000 (0.5402) was smaller
than that expected for the incorporation of Pr3+ and also smaller
than that observed over the CeO2_1000 (0.5406 nm). Praseo-
dymium doping leads to the solid solution containing both the
Pr4+ and Pr3+ ions into the resulting material. If extensive
amount of Pr3+ (radii 0.113 nm) is incorporated in the lattice of
CeO2 it should lead to a significant increase in the lattice
constant. However, the small decrease observed in the lattice
constant is consistent with the incorporation of the majority of
the praseodymium as Pr4+, having a slightly smaller ionic
radius (0.096 nm) compared with Ce4+ (0.097 nm). The second
possibility which cannot be ruled out is the dispersion of PrOx
on the surface of CeO2 with out forming solid solution. A small
increase in the lattice constant of CeO2 is observed on the Sm3+
doping, though one expected it to be somewhat larger if all the
Sm3+ (with ionic radii of 0.106 nm) is incorporated into the
CeO2 lattice. Therefore, the possible presence of SmOx as a
Fig. 2. XRD of selected catalysts (higher angles is not shown). separate phase cannot be ruled out though it is not observed
from the XRD. A similar comparison of the CeYOx_1000 with
the CeO2_1000 lattice constants also indicates the existence of
ions decreased the intensity of the peaks and shifted them to the the separate phases in the former catalyst.
different 2u values. Only a single phase corresponding to the The crystallite size calculated from the Scherrer equation
cubic fluorite type structure is observed in all CeReOx_1000 and the surface area calculated from the crystallite size
catalysts. In the case of the La3+ and Sm3+ modified catalysts, assuming spherical shape are reported in Table 3. CeO2_1000
the 2u shifted to the lower values, suggesting the incorporation and CeYOx_1000 have crystallites larger than 140 nm. The size
of the relatively larger ions into the CeO2 cubic structure decrease to around 50 nm for the different rare earth cat-ion
forming solid solution [18]. The similar observations are made doping, which is also in agreement with the trend of the

Table 3
Various parameters calculated from XRD
Catalyst Ionic sizea (nm) Phases a0 (nm) CS (nm) Surface areab
(m2 g1)
Re4+ Re3+
CeO2_1000 0.097 0.114 Cubic 0.5406 >140 6
CeLaOx_1000 – 0.116 Cubic 0.5441 44 19
CePrOx_1000 0.096 0.113 Cubic 0.5402 79 11
CeSmOx_1000 – 0.106 Cubic 0.5413 89 9
CeYOx_1000 – 0.102 Cubic 0.5404 >175 5
CeO2_700 – Cubic – 12 70
CeLaOx_700 – Cubic 0.5440 12 70
CePrOx_700 – Cubic 0.5400 14 60
Not calculated from XRD, a0 = lattice constant, CS = crystallite size.
From XRD crystallite size, assuming spherical shape.
K. Krishna et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 75 (2007) 189–200 193

measured BET surface area (Table 2). The extent of the the Pr3+ onto the surface [22]. Therefore, it is fair to assume that
incorporation of the different ions into a solid solution seems to the Pr4+ ions are near to the surface in the CePrOx_1000
influence the crystallite size; for example, more La3+ is crystallites.
incorporated into the lattice of CeO2 (from lattice parameter
estimation). This will result in a larger stabilisation of the CeO2 3.1.5. Raman spectroscopy
particles and, thereby, maintaining a small crystallite size. The Raman spectra of the different catalysts are shown in
Similarly CePrOx_1000 and CeSmOx_1000 resulted in Fig. 4. CeO2_1000 shows a Raman shift at 464 cm1,
relatively smaller crystallites of around 70 nm. The surface corresponding to the oxygen breathing frequency around the
area calculated from the crystallite size measured by the XRD Ce4+ ions [18,23]. The low intensity band observed around
assuming the spherical particles is also in a fair agreement with 570 cm1 is correlated to the oxygen vacancies and around
the measured BET surface area (Tables 2 and 3) over the 1200 cm1 to the surface O22 ions. When CeO2 is doped with
different catalysts indicating most of it is arising from the ReOx, the decrease in the intensity and the small negative shifts
external surface area. For the catalysts prepared by the 700 8C in the Raman bands are observed. It is proposed that with a
calcination, the crystallite size remained around 12 nm, also in decreasing particle size the Raman peak energy decreases and
a fair agreement with the BET surface area of these catalysts. the line width increases due to the increased lattice constant
[18,23]. The influence of the particle size on the broadening of
3.1.4. H2-TPR the Raman bands is not expected to be significant in this study
Fig. 3 shows the H2-TPR profiles of the selected catalysts as the crystallite size of the catalysts studied are quite large. The
used in this study. CeO2_1000 shows a prominent H2- broadening of the peaks can be, therefore, entirely related to the
consumption peak centred on 870 8C corresponding to the oxygen vacancies and dilution of the CeO2 lattice. For the
bulk reduction. In the CeReOx_1000 catalysts, the H2 reduction coloured CePrOx_1000 catalyst the optical absorption is largely
peak broadened and shifted towards low temperatures. The shift responsible for a strong decrease in the intensity of Raman
in the H2-TPR curves towards a lower temperature is due to the bands. CePrOx_1000 showed relatively a large number of
increased number of the surface/subsurface reducible Ce4+ ions oxygen vacancies compared to the other catalysts (Fig. 4, inset).
leading to an increased H2 consumption [20]. The TPR profile The XRD and H2-TPR results did not suggest the formation of
of CePrOx_1000 shows a large H2 consumption peak around such a large number of vacancies due to the Pr3+ in the
490 8C along with the broad peak below 700 8C, corresponding CePrOx_1000 solid solution (lattice constant should increase
to the surface Ce4+ reduction followed by the bulk CeO2 and less H2 consumption around 470 8C). The following
reduction. The H2-consumption peak around 490 8C is due to explanation can be given for the relatively large number of the
the reduction of Pr4+ to Pr3+, confirming the existence of the observed vacancies. The Pr4+/3+ forms a good solid solution
large amounts of Pr4+ in the CePrOx_1000 solid solution. This with the CeO2. There could also be the segregation of the Pr4+
is in an agreement with the XRD. The PrOx containing catalysts ions onto the surface (as suggested by the H2-TPR). Pr4+ loses
can be easily reduced compared with CeO2 as shown before the oxygen easily on heating to around 300 8C and the Ar-laser
[21]. However, from the H2-TPR, it is not obvious whether the power used in the Raman spectrometer could cause such a local
Pr4+ is present on the surface or in the bulk of the CePrOx_1000 heating of the sample, creating the observed vacancies. As the
crystallites. Even in an oxidising atmosphere, exposure to Raman technique is a surface characterisation technique, the
1000 8C, leads to the reduction of the majority of Pr4+ to Pr3+. large number of the oxygen vacancies in the cubic structure of
The presence of a large number of Pr3+ in the lattice is shown to the CePrOx_1000 catalyst shows the surface segregation of the
exert a lattice strain in the solid solution and, thereby, pushing Pr3+/Pr4+ ions. The inset in Fig. 4 shows the Raman shift over

Fig. 3. H2-TPR of selected catalysts. Fig. 4. Raman spectra of catalysts as indicated.

194 K. Krishna et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 75 (2007) 189–200

the different catalysts above 1000 cm1. The bands observed

for CeO2_1000 and CeLaOx_1000 around 1200 cm1 can be
assigned to the O22 groups on the lattice. CeSmOx_1000 and
CeYOx_1000 show, however, a number of bands around these
frequency regions. Though we did not attempt to characterise
the nature of the species responsible for these bands,
considering the XRD analysis we can fairly correlate them
to the separate phases of SmOx and YOx.

3.2. Activity tests

3.2.1. Soot oxidation with O2

Fig. 6 shows the soot conversion during the oxidation in O2
for the catalyst–soot mixtures in the loose contact mode. The
TGA data is normalised by removing the weight loss (below Fig. 6. Soot oxidation with O2 over single component oxide catalysts. Reaction
300 8C) due to H2O and the adsorbed hydrocarbons/very conditions: TGA, catalyst:soot—4:1 (w/w), contact = tight, heating rate =
reactive surface oxygen groups of the soot. The onset 15 8C/min, air flow = 100 ml/min.
temperature T10, the temperature at 10% soot conversion, is
above 530 8C for all the catalysts studied. Using Al2O3, the soot
oxidation (referred to as the un-catalysed soot oxidation) is surface peroxide like species that could participate in the soot
complete between 500 and 670 8C, with T50, the temperature at oxidation [24]. In the present investigation, the surface area of
50% soot conversion, at 605 8C. The presence of the ceria- these materials is not measured and the extent of their
based catalysts decreased T50, by about 5–15 8C. However, the participation compared with the lattice oxygen of CeO2_1000 is
onset temperature of the soot oxidation is not influenced. The not evident.
influence of the catalysts in the loose contact mode is very Using O2 as the oxidising agent generally it is difficult to
limited, in agreement with the previous studies [3,6,7,12]. rank the catalysts under the loose contact conditions, as all of
Among the materials examined in the loose contact mode, the catalysts show a similar temperature region for the soot
CePrOx_1000 is found to have a better activity. The soot oxidation. Therefore, the influence of the rare-earth ion doping
oxidation activity followed the trend CePrOx_1000 > on the intrinsic activity of CeO2 is studied in the tight contact
CeLaOx_1000  CeO2_1000 > Al2O3_1000. mode [25,26]. Fig. 7 shows the TGA results of the catalysts,
Fig. 5 shows the soot oxidation activity on single component prepared by 1000 8C calcination in the tight contact with the
oxides in the tight contact with the soot. Except Al2O3_1000 all soot. With the Al2O3_1000, no appreciable change of an onset
the other oxides showed decrease in the soot oxidation temperature T10 (451 8C) or T50 (618 8C) is observed in the soot
temperature. The soot oxidation temperature followed the trend oxidation compared with the loose contact mode obviously
of SmOx_1000  LaOx_100 > PrOx_1000  CeO2_1000  because Al2O3 does not have the redox or oxygen storage
YOx_1000 > Al2O3_1000. Despite the absence of redox catalytic sites. In the tight contact mode the CeO2_1000 and
sites, Sm3+, La3+ and Y3+ oxides show a decrease in the soot CeReOx_1000 catalysts showed a considerable decrease in the
oxidation temperature. These oxides are shown to have a soot oxidation temperatures at all conversion levels (T10 and T50

Fig. 5. Soot oxidation with O2 over selected catalysts as indicated. Reaction

conditions: TGA, catalyst:soot—4:1 (w/w), contact = loose, heating rate = Fig. 7. Soot oxidation with O2. Reaction conditions: TGA, catalyst:soot—4:1
10 8C/min, air flow = 100 ml/min. (w/w), contact = tight, heating rate = 15 8C/min, air flow = 100 ml/min.
K. Krishna et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 75 (2007) 189–200 195

shifted to lower temperatures by about 40–150 8C). Among all

the catalysts CeLaOx_1000 showed a superior performance
followed by CePrOx_1000, which decreased the T10 and T50
temperatures by more than 100 8C. The soot conversion with
a catalyst in the tight contact mode followed a trend of
CeLaOx_1000 > CePrOx_1000  CeSmOx_1000 > CeYO-
x_1000 > CeO2_1000 > Al2O3_1000. The catalysts prepared by
the 700 8C calcination (Fig. 8) are more active than the catalysts
prepared by the 1000 8C calcination (Fig. 7). The soot conversion
followed the order CePrOx_700  CeLaOx_700 > CeO2_700.
The BET surface areas of the various catalysts studied and
T10 and T50 temperatures of soot oxidation are given in Table 2.
No correlation is observed between the BET surface area and
the soot oxidation in the loose contact mode or in the tight
contact mode for the catalysts prepared by the 700 8C Fig. 9. Comparison of soot oxidation over surface area normalised CeO2 with
calcination. In contrast for the catalysts prepared by the other catalysts. CeO2* represents surface area of CeO2 normalised to that of
1000 8C calcination in the tight contact with the soot, a clear CePrOx. Reaction conditions: TGA, catalyst:soot—4:1 (w/w), contact = tight,
correlation of the decrease in the soot oxidation temperature heating rate = 15 8C/min, air flow = 100 ml/min.
with the increase in the surface area is seen. It is not possible to
correlate the total surface area with the soot conversion in the also shown for a comparison. The soot conversion temperature
tight contact mode if the catalyst has the micro-pores, as the decreased over the surface area of the normalised CeO2_1000
soot particles do not fit in the micro-pores, even under the tight catalyst compared with that of the CePrOx_1000 or even the
contact conditions [25]. The N2 adsorption isotherm suggests CeLaOx_1000, having a higher surface area. This observation
that the surface area of all the catalysts, prepared by the 1000 8C shows that the intrinsic redox behaviour of the unmodified
calcination, is arising from the external surface area, which is CeO2 is more efficient in the oxidation of the soot. Also it can
accessible for the spread of the soot, especially in the tight be expected that over the surface area normalised CeO2 more
contact mode. The CeReOx_700 catalysts have the higher number of the redox sites exist compared with the
external surface area compared with the CeO2_700 and all the CeLaOx_1000 catalyst, where the surface segregation of
other catalysts. The higher external surface area explains the La3+ is expected, which is not reducible and may not directly
superior performance of the CeReOx_700 in spite of having the participate in the soot oxidation. However, La3+ could improve
relatively lower BET surface area compared to the CeO2_700. the rate of the oxidation due to the creation of the oxygen
To evaluate the effect of the rare-earth doped CeO2 and the vacancies, which were not observed in the present study. In the
resulting changes in the redox properties, evident from the catalysts studied the modification of the surface redox
characterisation of the catalysts on the soot oxidation activity, it properties (shown by the TPR) may not be as important as
is necessary to compare the catalysts having a similar external that of the external surface area.
surface area under the tight contact conditions. Fig. 9 shows the In Fig. 10, the ratio of the external surface area of the catalyst
soot conversion over the surface area normalised CeO2_1000 to that of the initial soot surface area is plotted against the
and CePrOx_1000. The soot conversion over CeLaOx_1000 is temperature (Tx) at the different conversion levels (x). The soot

Fig. 8. Soot oxidation with O2 over catalysts as indicated. Reaction conditions: Fig. 10. Effect of surface area ratio of catalyst to initial soot, on Tx, temperature
TGA, catalyst:soot—4:1 (w/w), contact = tight, heating rate = 15 8C/min, air at ‘x%’ soot conversion. Reaction conditions: TGA, catalyst:soot—4:1 (w/w),
flow = 100 ml/min. contact = tight, heating rate = 15 8C/min, air flow = 100 ml/min.
196 K. Krishna et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 75 (2007) 189–200

Fig. 12. Soot oxidation over the catalysts as indicated in He. Reaction con-
Fig. 11. Ozawa plots over CeO2 at different soot conversion levels. F-Different ditions: TGA, catalyst:soot–4:1 (w/w), contact = tight, heating rate = 10 8C/
heating rates applied during soot oxidation, and Tx (temperature at ‘x%’ min, He flow = 100 ml/min.
conversion). Reaction conditions: TGA, catalyst:soot—4:1 (w/w), contact =
tight, F = 15, 20, 25 and 30 8C/min, air flow = 100 ml/min.
even under the tight contact mode, did not influence this
activation energy significantly. The small changes observed in
conversion below 475 8C can be considered entirely arising the activation energy are due to the nature of the TGA technique
from the catalysed oxidation (as the onset of un-catalysed soot used (oxygen diffusion and heat transfer influence). The
oxidation is above 530 8C). Above 475 8C, the resulting soot unchanged activation energy indicates that only the rate of the
conversion is due to the contribution from both the catalysed reaction is increased in the presence of the catalyst, but the soot
and un-catalysed soot oxidation. From the figure it can be oxidation reaction mechanism does not change.
derived that, if the majority of the soot has to be converted by
the catalysed oxidation, the catalyst external surface area to the 3.2.3. Bulk oxygen for soot oxidation
initial soot surface area ratio should be above 0.4 (La3+ and Fig. 12 shows the weight loss due to the soot oxidation in He
Pr3+/4+ modified CeO2). From Fig. 10 we can also conclude that with the catalyst–soot mixtures in the tight contact mode. The
the La3+ and Pr3+/4+ modified CeO2 catalysts are more efficient weight loss is arising from the soot oxidation due to the
in catalysing the soot oxidation (around 75% catalysed soot participation of the surface/bulk lattice oxygen. The soot
conversion at 475 8C). oxidation activity of the PrOx_1000 catalyst is included in
Fig. 12, as it can contribute a significant amount of the bulk
3.2.2. Activation energy oxygen for the soot oxidation compared with the other
By applying the different heating rates during the soot catalysts. If all the reducible bulk oxygen, as observed from the
oxidation in TGA, the Ozawa plots at the various soot H2-TPR, is involved in the soot oxidation it should lead to
conversion levels are constructed (an example for CeO2 is around 6% weight loss. However, no appreciable weight loss is
shown in Fig. 11). The plots of the logarithmic heating rates observed over the CeO2_1000 or CeLaOx_1000 catalysts,
used versus the inverse temperatures at the various soot which indicates that the bulk reduction properties of the
conversion levels showed a good linear fit. Such experiments catalysts, which only show above the 700 8C H2-TPR (Fig. 3),
are carried out for all the catalysts. In Table 4 the soot oxidation is not important in the determination of the soot oxidation
activation energies (Ea) estimated from the slopes of the linear properties. The PrOx_1000 catalyst shows more than two orders
fits are given. The activation energy for the un-catalysed of magnitude soot oxidation in He due to the participation of the
reaction is around 150 kJ mol1. The presence of a catalyst, bulk O2. PrOx_1000 was, however, found to be a poor soot

Table 4
Apparent activation energy (Ea) calculated by Ozawa plot at different soot conversions
Catalyst Apparent activation energy [kJ mol1] at ‘x%’ conversion
5 10 15 20 30 50 75
Al2O3 – 159  5 153  1 183  35 177  34 143  2 142  3
CeO2 168  12 156  10 146  4 139  5 135  7 129  1 133  2
CeLaOx 132  10 139  4 133  4 135  3 133  3 123  2 127  4
CePrOx 155  7 144  7 145  5 140  8 138  10 130  9 133  10
CeSmOx 148  12 153  9 144  11 146  10 145  6 153  12 148  43
CeYOx 134  28 143  20 141  19 139  17 139  16 143  10 140  6
For reaction conditions see Fig. 10.
K. Krishna et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 75 (2007) 189–200 197

Table 5 surface area. The comparison of the BET surface area of all the
Apparent activation energy of soot oxidation over PrOx with oxygen and in He
catalysts to that calculated from the crystallite size measured
Catalyst Apparent activation energy from the XRD (Tables 2 and 3), in the respective catalysts,
[kJ mol1] at T5% suggest that most of it is arising from the external surface of
PrOx–O2 145  38 crystallites. The CeO2_700 had higher BET surface area
PrOx–He 234  9 (58 m2 g1) compared with the CeReOx_700 catalysts
For reaction conditions see Fig. 9 for soot oxidation with O2, and Fig. 12 for soot (<48 m2 g1). There is no significant change in the XRD
oxidation in He. crystallite size of the different catalysts prepared by the 700 8C
calcination (around 12 nm). The BET and XRD results indicate
oxidation catalyst (not shown) compared with the rare-earth ion that the sintering of CeO2 crystallites is not significant during
doped catalysts. The above results rule out the involvement of catalyst preparation by heating to 700 8C. A sharp pore size
the catalyst bulk reduction properties in the soot oxidation. distribution observed around 10 nm in CeO2_700 could be due
Table 5 gives the activation energies of the soot oxidation in to the intra particle voids. Though the pore volume is relatively
O2 and in He over the PrOx_1000 in the tight contact with the more, it is not accessible for the spread of the soot (around
soot. The activation energy of around 150 kJ mol1 (Table 4) 30 nm particles) even in the tight contact mode. Doping with
during the oxygen assisted soot oxidation, which is in La3+ or Pr3+/4+ led to an increase in this intra particle void
agreement with the generally reported values in literature volume (to around 15 nm) and especially led to an important
[3]. When the soot oxidation is carried out in He, where one can increase in the macro-pore volume (>50 nm, Fig. 1), indicating
assume the lattice oxygen, mainly bulk oxygen for PrOx_1000, the more open structure of CeReOx_700 particles. This open
participates in oxidation, the apparent activation energy is structure leads to an increased accessibility of the CeReOx
found to be around 240 kJ mol1. This high activation energy redox sites to the soot and, therefore, increases the soot
indicates that the participation of the bulk oxygen in the soot oxidation rate (Fig. 7).
conversion is rather limited. The sintering CeO2 (CS > 140 nm) seems to be more
important at high catalyst preparation temperature (1000 8C).
4. Discussion XRD analysis (Fig. 2) shows that the dopants in general
decrease the crystallite size, which can be correlated to a
The effect of the rare-earth ion doping on CeO2, which is decreased sintering of CeReOx_1000. This is also reflected in
thought to influence the catalytic properties, in many instances the increased BET surface area of these catalysts (Table 2).
in a positive way, is investigated here in more detail. A very Most of the surface area in the catalysts, prepared by the
simple catalyst preparation method was selected with emphasis 1000 8C calcination, is arising from the macro-pores or external
on the high calcination temperature, though it may not yield to surface area, which is accessible for the spreading of the soot.
the high surface area materials. The surface areas obtained in Under the catalyst preparation and the soot oxidation conditions
this paper are more realistic (Table 2) considering the fact that used a decrease in the crystallite size not only increases the
the high temperatures usually encountered during the soot external surface area but also leads to a good mixing of the
oxidation in the exhaust gases, where there is the frequently catalyst and soot, thereby, decreasing the oxidation tempera-
uncontrolled burning of the soot, leading to the low surface area ture. However, these experiments do not reveal the intrinsic
materials. The soot oxidation over the various catalysts has activity of modified catalytic sites.
been studied using O2 (Figs. 5–10) in the loose and tight contact Fig. 13 depicts how the soot particle could be present under
conditions. The loose contact did not show a significant the tight contact conditions over the catalysts having the
decrease in the soot oxidation temperature irrespective of the different external surface areas. Simple calculations reveal that
nature or the surface area of the catalyst, consistent with a monolayer of soot particles, under the experimental
reported literature [6,7,11,14]. When the soot particle is not in conditions used, can be easily spread, over the catalyst having
close contact with the catalyst surface, the catalyst lattice 8 m2 g1 surface area. Because of the high surface area of
oxygen cannot be transferred to the soot surface [12]. CeLaOx_1000 catalyst it can be assumed that a monolayer of
Therefore, it is adopted to test the catalysts using the tight primary soot particles can be spread over the catalyst, though
contact condition, which is often used in literature to prioritise this may not be easy even under the tight contact conditions
the catalysts especially using the O2 as an oxidant [12,25,26]. used. Considering the low surface area of CeO2_1000, soot
The soot conversion temperature strongly decreased over the
rare-earth modified CeO2 catalysts (Figs. 7 and 10). Rare-earth
ion modification leads to a number of changes in the catalyst
surface properties, which can explain the observed improve-
ment in activity. The possible reasons for the increase in activity
of the rare-earth doped CeO2 catalysts in the soot oxidation
with O2, is thoroughly probed by the different catalyst
characterisation techniques.
One of the parameters that can explain the differences in the Fig. 13. Depiction of primary soot particle in a tight contact with (a) CeO2 and
catalysed soot oxidation temperature with O2 is the catalyst (b) CeLaOx catalysts under ideal spreading.
198 K. Krishna et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 75 (2007) 189–200

particles can only be spread in multi layers under the conditions Table 6
Parameters calculated based on H2-TPR, XRD and BET surface area over
used for the soot oxidation. Though the surface of CeO2_1000
catalysts as indicated
is intrinsically more active due to the restricted accessibility of
the catalyst active sites to the gas phase oxygen and to the soot Catalyst H2/Ce4+ No. of surface No. of reduced
(mole/mole) Re4+ ionsa (g1 cat) layersb
layers lead to the lower soot conversions as observed. The
intrinsic activity of the redox catalysts, therefore, cannot be CeO2_1000 0.25 4.35E+18 8
obtained by the simple tight contact experiments using the fixed CeLaOx_1000 0.24 3.44E+19 3
CePrOx_1000 0.27 2.40E+19 14
weight of catalyst for analysing the effect of the rare-earth ion
CeSmOx_1000 0.27 1.09E+19 3
doping on the soot oxidation, which changes the CeO2 surface/ CeYOx_1000 0.20 4.36E+18 7
bulk redox properties. The external catalyst surface area has to a
Assuming all the surface ions are Re4+.
be normalised (Fig. 9) for studying such a soot oxidation. When b
Calculated from H2 consumption below 475 8C.
the surface area was normalised the intrinsic activity of
CeO2_1000 was found to be higher than the rare-earth ion
doped CeO2 catalysts. supported by the soot oxidation carried out in He (Table 5;
The soot oxidation activity may also depend on the nature Fig. 12). Higher amounts of soot is oxidised over PrOx_1000
and the extent of the incorporation of the dopant into the CeO2 under He (Fig. 12), which is due to the easy bulk reduction.
structure, which influence the surface properties of the catalyst The bulk reduction of CeLaOx_1000 and CeO2_1000 occurs at
to the different extents. Among all the catalysts CeLaOx showed a higher temperature and, therefore, resulted in an insignif-
a decreased of around 150 8C compared to the un-catalysed icant soot oxidation under He. However, in the presence of the
soot oxidation (Fig. 7). The XRD measurements show that the oxygen the CePrOx_1000 and CeLaOx_1000 catalysts are
La3+ forms a solid solution efficiently compared with all the more active compared with the PrOx_1000. This suggests the
other ions used in this study and, therefore, the catalyst involvement of only the surface reducible layers in the soot
CeLaOx_1000 is also relatively more active. With Pr3+/4+, oxidation. Further, the high activation energy for the soot
though it is not possible to fully ascertain the extent of solid oxidation involving bulk oxygen (around 250 kJ mol1)
solution formation with CeO2, looking at the improvement in suggests that the bulk oxygen diffusion to the surface is
the surface area (11 m2 g1), we can assume that it forms a much slower and only the surface lattice oxygen is important
solid solution efficiently. The CePrOx_1000 activity is less than in determining the soot oxidation under the oxidation
that observed for the CeLaOx_1000. However, in spite of its conditions.
lower surface area of the CePrOx_700 (44 m2 g1) showed a Though the nature of the reductant in the H2-TPR and the
slightly better soot conversion compared with CeLaOx_700 soot oxidation (carbon) are different, the trends in the catalyst
(48 m2 g1). The formation of the solid solution does not seem surface reduction temperature in the H2-TPR and the soot
to be an important criterion for the extent of the soot oxidation. oxidation onset temperature are very well coincided, which
Most of the praseodymium ions are present in 4+-oxidation suggests the involvement of the surface reducible layers in the
state in the CePrOx catalyst as evident from the XRD, which soot oxidation. From the H2 consumption below 475 8C (the
leads to a surface enrichment with the oxygen, responsibly for temperature of interest for catalysed soot oxidation over these
the soot oxidation. However, the presence of the non-reducible catalysts), the XRD and BET surface area of the catalysts, it is
ions such as La3+ leads to a surface enrichment with the oxygen estimated that 3–14 surface layers can be reduced in these
vacancies, especially when it is segregated to the surface, which catalysts and they are possibly involved in the soot oxidation
could decrease the overall oxidation function of the catalyst. (Table 6). The smaller the number reducible layers over
For praseodymium this can lose the oxygen relatively easily CeLaOx_1000 (3 layers) compared with the CeOx_1000 (8
thus could oxidise the soot at a relatively lower temperature. layers) indicates the possibility of the surface/subsurface
From the XRD it was also observed, that Sm3+ and Y3+ did not segregation of the non-reducible La3+ in CeLaOx_1000
form efficiently the solid solutions and the presence of separate catalyst. The studies dealing with the migration of the dopant
phases in the CeSmOx_1000 and CeYOx_1000 catalysts can be to the surface are reported in the literature especially when high
expected. This also explains the lower extent of the surface area temperatures are used in the catalyst preparation [19]. The
improvement and its relatively lower soot oxidation activity segregation of the non-reducible ion to the surface leads to an
compared with the CeLaOx_1000 and CePrOx_1000 catalysts. oxygen deficient surface. Thus the intrinsic activity per unit
The improvements in the activity of the various reactions surface area of the catalyst decreases. This indicates that the
observed in the rare-earth ion doped CeO2 based catalysts are rate of the soot oxidation strongly depends on the surface area,
mainly correlated to the changes in the catalyst redox because the CeOx_1000 having a low surface area will lead to a
properties. The catalyst surface and bulk properties calculated smaller contribution of the number of the Ce4+ ions though
based on the XRD, BET surface area, and H2-TPR are given in more surface layers can be reduced. The larger surface area
Table 6. Except CeYOx_1000, all the catalysts consumed materials will, however, contribute to an increased number of
around 0.25 moles of H2 per mole of CeO2. The soot oxidation the Ce4+ ions at the surface and, thereby, to the soot oxidation
has no correlation with the total H2 consumption. H2-TPR also rates. In the case of the CePrOx_1000, 14 layers is probably an
reveals that the catalyst bulk reduction takes place above overestimation as it is not possible to distinguish between the
700 8C and is not involved in the soot oxidation. This is further surface and the bulk reduction of Pr4+ ion. However, the results
K. Krishna et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 75 (2007) 189–200 199

suggest that the surface reducible layers are important and CeO2_700 should be more active compared with the
participate in soot oxidation. CeReOx_700 catalysts. Furthermore, it is impossible to spread
The soot takes the lattice oxygen from the surface of CeO2 the primary soot particles on the catalyst surface and the
creating vacancies, which are quickly filled by the gas phase or significant amount of the soot particles can be expected to be
subsurface oxygen. It is shown that the rate of the gas phase present as clusters (secondary particles). Therefore, the
oxygen reacting with the vacancies on the catalyst surface is spillover oxygen is not only occurring at the primary particle
much faster than the rate of the direct soot oxidation [12]. The level (30 nm), but also to much greater distances (Fig. 14b).
ease of the surface reduction may also influence the soot The activation energy estimation in the tight contact mode
oxidation rate, which is not correlated in our previous studies. using the catalysts will be reasonably better than that calculated
The H2-TPR shows that the CePrOx_1000 surface is more using the loose contact mode. Because of the good contact
easily reducible due to the surface enrichment with Pr4+ ions. between the catalyst and the soot, the heat dissipation will be
However, this catalyst is relatively less active compared with more efficient and its effect will not influence the activation
the CeLaOx_1000, which suggests that the ease of the surface energy calculations. The apparent activation energy (Ea) is
reduction is not that important for soot oxidation with O2. The found to be around 150 kJ mol1 (Table 5), over the various
presence of the oxygen vacancies is often thought to favour catalysts studied under the different contact conditions. The Ea
the oxygen mobility over the catalyst surface and improve the values are also found to be similar at the different soot
rates of oxidation reactions. From the Raman spectra the conversion levels, though the nature of soot could have changed
CePrOx_1000 catalyst (Fig. 4) indicates the possibility of more with the conversion. The unchanged Ea values under the various
number of such species under the soot oxidation conditions. conditions in the present study indicate that the catalyst only
However, this catalyst was less active than CeLaOx_1000, increases the rate of reaction, through the well-known redox
which has relatively less number of such vacancies. The cycle, Ce4+ $ Ce3+. The soot oxidation mechanism involves
mobility of ‘‘O’’ is also, therefore, not an important parameter the following important steps [3]; (1) the adsorption of the
in determining the soot oxidation rate. The Raman spectra oxygen, (2) the spillover of the oxygen to the carbon active
further revealed the presence of the separate phases in sites, (3) the chemisorption of the active oxygen to form the
CeSmOx_1000 and CeYOx_1000 catalysts, which is consistent surface oxygen complexes (SOC) and (4) the desorption of the
with the low BET surface area and also the low soot conversions SOC. The usage of a catalyst will increase the rate of ‘active
found over these catalysts. oxygen’ adsorption onto soot surface [12]. Catalysts having the
From the surface area of the printex-U soot and assuming the various reducible properties are expected to show the
graphite density, the primary soot particle size to be around differences in the rate of the ‘active oxygen’ adsorption and
30 nm is estimated, which is in a good agreement with that the transfer to the soot surface. However, this reaction step did
observed from the TEM [27]. Thus the majority of the soot not influence Ea. Therefore, the ‘active oxygen’ adsorption and
surface area is arising from the external surface. From the the transfer from the catalyst to the soot surface can be ruled out
surface areas (Table 2) and the soot conversion under the tight as the rate-determining step. The spillover of the oxygen on the
contact conditions (Fig. 10), it is estimated that roughly carbon active sites mainly occurs by the surface diffusion and
1900 nm2 catalyst surface area is needed for the catalysed for such a process Ea can be expected to be much lower than the
oxidation of 30 nm soot particle. If the catalyst is assumed to be 150 kJ mole1. Similarly for the desorption of SOC the Ea is
flat surface, 1900 nm2 is a few orders of magnitude higher than found in the range of 50–70 kJ mole1, which is much lower
the real contact area between the soot and the catalyst. The than the Ea observed in the soot oxidation. The observed Ea
following proposal can be drawn on which the active oxygen seems to be due to the chemisorption of the spillover oxygen on
from the catalyst surface is apparently able to reach a height of the carbon active sites to form the SOC. Because the role of the
up to 30 nm in the oxidation of the soot (Fig. 14a). This can only catalyst is not involved in the chemisorption of the active
happen when one considers the transfer of the active oxygen to oxygen to form the SOC, the un-catalysed and catalysed soot
the carbon active sites on the soot by the oxygen spillover oxidation have the similar Ea values. This also explains why
mechanism, but not by gas-phase diffusion. If the active oxygen there was no significant change in the Ea, using catalysts having
could diffuse through the gas phase, the high surface area of the the different surface oxidation properties.

Fig. 14. (a and b) Oxygen spill over mechanism in catalysed soot oxidation [28].
200 K. Krishna et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 75 (2007) 189–200

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