6 Slide-: When Is It OK To Lie?
6 Slide-: When Is It OK To Lie?
6 Slide-: When Is It OK To Lie?
A white lie is a lie that is not come to blur the boundary between
intended to harm the person being white lies and more blameworthy lies
lied to - indeed it's often intended to White lies weaken the general
benefit them by making them feel presumption that lying is wrong and
good, or preventing their feelings may make it easier for a person to tell
being hurt. lies that are intended to harm someone,
or may make it easier to avoid telling
For example, I go to a dinner party and truths that need to be told - for
my hostess asks how I like the dish example, when giving a performance
she's prepared. The true answer evaluation it is more comfortable not to
happens to be 'I think it tastes horrible' tell someone that their work is sub-
but if I say 'it's delicious' that's a white standard.
lie. Most people would approve of that
white lie and would regard telling the 7th slide- Business Practices involving
truth as a bad thing to do. (But this lie Misrepresentation and Lying
does do some harm - the hostess may
Direct misrepresentation
feel encouraged to make that dish
Indirect Misrepresentation
again, and so future guests will have to
suffer from it.)
What harm do lies do?
White lies usually include most of
these features: He has to remember the lies he's
they are not intended to harm the
person lied to His long-term credibility is at risk
His own view of his integrity is
they are not intended to harm
anyone else
He may find it easier to lie again
they don't actually harm anyone or to do other wrongs
(or only do trivial harm)
NOTE: Those who tell 'good lies' don't
the lie is about something morally generally suffer these consequences -
trivial although they may do so on some
they aren't told so often that they occasions.