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Lie Detection Midterm David 2

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POLYGRAPHY - It is an instrument for recording several pulsations

→Scientific method of detecting deception done (as physiological variables) simultaneously.
with the aid of a polygraph machine. LIE- (PREVIRIPICATION OR FALSEHOOD) - a
Also referred to as instrumental Interrogation The type of deception in the form of an untruthful
new name for Lie Detection... statements.

POLYGRAPH- Cannot detect lie, only defect LYING- an act of uttering or conveying Falsehood
deception or Physiological changes or creating a False or misleading impression
POLYGRAPH - A combination of medical device LIAR- Person who is lying
used by physician in monitoring and checking the
DECEPTION- the act of deceiving or misleading
physical conditions of their parents. Records and
Usually accompanied by lying
monitors the relative changes in the examinee's
heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate and TRUTH- The body of real things, events and facts.
electro dermal activities
Forensic Psychophysiologist / Forensic Examiner
Subject - Person under lie detection 1. FABRICATION - A lie told someone submit a
statement as truth (Marites)
Polygraphy -lie detection
2. BOLD-FACE LIE - is one which is told when it
(KINDS OF LIE) is obvious to all concerned.
3. LYING BY OMISSIÓN - omitting an important
-Gawa-gawa lang na kwento fact deliberately leaving another person with
misconception. Partially telling the story / not whole
Bold pace lie
4. LIE TO CHILDREN- often platitude which may
- Already knows the fact but still denying.
use euphemism which is told to make an adult
Lying by omission. subject acceptable to children.
-Partially stating the fact not all / whole story 5. NOBLE LIE One which would normally cause.
PRIMITIVE BASIS OF LYING discord if it were uncovered

AYUR VIDA A hindu book of science and health • IS POLYGRAPH A LIE DETECTOR?
around 500 B.C Considered as an earliest known • Lie detector is the popular but misleading name of
reference to a method of detecting deception. the polygraph
TWO OTHER HINDU BOOKS • Polygraph records the persons responses and
1. DHARMASASTRA OF GAUTAMA (Nature of interpreted by polygraph examiner to determine
lying)- No guilt is incurred in giving false evidence whether the subject has been lying or not.
in the care the life of man depends thereon. Polygraph in some instances is also called “Truth
2.VASISTHA OF DHARMASASTRA Verifier" for in vast majority of the instances the
(JUSTIFYING LYING)- Men many speak on instrument verifies a person's truthfulness.
untruth when life are in danger or the loses of their
whole property imminent.

POLYGRAPH EXAMINATION CONFESSION Direct acknowledgement of guilt or
a statement of guilt.
It is used to test an individual for the purpose of
detecting deception or verifying the truthfulness of SYSTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE - The upward
his statement. blood pressure caused by the contraction of heart
Polygraph examination in conducted in order to; DIASTOLIC BLOOD PRESSURE - Refers to the
downward blood pressure,
 Obtain additional investigative leads to the
pacts of the care offenses. DICROTIC NOTCH - a short horizontal notch in a
 Ascertain if a person is telling the truth. cardio-tracing located at the middle of the diastolic
 Locate the fruits or tools of the crime and stem
whereabouts of wanted persons.
EMOTION - emotional response to specific danger
 Identify other persons involved accomplices
that appears to a person beyond defensive power.
of crime.
 obtain valuable information prom reluctant ENVIRONMENT Sum of total of the dissimulation
witnesses. that a person acquired from the time he was
Eliminate the innocent suspects. conceived and exposure to surroundings.
PRINCIPLE USES OF THE POLYGRAPH HEREDITY - transmission of physical and mental
EXAMINATION traits of the parents to their offspring through the
Criminal Investigation
INTERVIEW - Simple questioning willing to
 Optional
 May refuse to take the test
Is the simple questioning of a person who
cooperates with the investigator. There witnesses
 Job screening of applicants who voluntarily give their accounts about the
 Mandatory commission of the crime.
What is the significance of lie detection in criminal INTERROGATION-Forceful questioning of a
investigation? person who is reluctant to divulge information.
•In criminal investigation, the truth Must be It is the questioning of hostile person suspecting off
established to ensure proper prosecution of having committed an offense or a person who is
Offender criminal investigators must exert all effort reluctant to make a full disclosure of information in
to determine lying not only to the part of suspect as his possession which is pertinent to the investigation
well as to everyone involved. brownies and of
THOMAS JEFFERSON ORDEAL -refers to the oldest form of crime
detection done by subjecting a subject to an obstacle
The first man to use the word "polygraph"
or trial.
 Polygraph machine is a sensitive machine
which is likened or compared to an X-ray
 Fear of detection and possible exclusion
ADMISSION is a statement of facts partial
 Feeling of embarrassment
acknowledgements of guilt and usually given with
 fear of penalty and punishment
some justification or exemplifications in admitting.
 Defense mechanism

1 LYING • A lie which attempts to trick the victim into
believing come thing major which will likely be
can be devastating, it does not only hurt the one
construed by some information that victim already
who is being lied to, but it also hurts the one who
possessed or by their common sense.
tells it.
An exaggerated claim is typically found in
This are lie committed to preserve, protect or
advertising and publicity announcements.
maintain the harmony of friendship or relationship
False reassurance a lie intended to please others.
A strategic lie told when the truth may not be told
A deceit for the purpose of humor
•Are those who lie continously to get their own way,
without care or concern for others.
This is made by persons who cannot distinguish
•They are goal-oriented (sa pag-aaply ng trabaho)
right from wrong.
PROFESSIONAL LIAR (Politician, Doctors)
• Creating a false history
• Saying they achieved something A person who is able to make up history and tell it
• Yelling lies to impress others. in such way with false supporting details to make
listener believe it true.
COMPULSIVE LIARS (Normal na sa kanya)
• This prevalent in communist countries or
communist infected nations -Someone who continually lies as their habit

•This involved political interest and motives -It tends to be their normal manner of responding to
because this is a part of communist propaganda questions of others regardless of how small or large
strategy the question.

7 BLACK LIE -They are feeling discomfort of being truthful

because lying makes them feel right.
• LIE which accompanies pretensions and
hypocrisies, intriguing to cause dishonor or dis OCCASIONAL LIARS
credit one's good image.
- Are those who seldom tell a lie.
- They are quick to ask forgiveness from their
• This is very pure and unjustifiable kind of lie that individual, that they lied to and are often respected
is intended purely to mislead or obstruct justice by for their attempts of being truthful and humility to
the guilty accused person admit when they commit lies. (Inaamin agad ang

-Those who lie in order to avoid the consequences • An ORDEAL is a severe test of character or
or confession. endurance, trying course of experience, and a
medieval form of judicial trial in which the accused
-They are afraid of embarrassment and they believe
was subjected to physical tests, the result being
that confession will just make the matter most.
considered a divine Judgment of guilt or innocence.
OCCUPATIONAL LIARS (for promotion)
• Medieval Latin "Dei Indicum" meaning
-They are considered to be practical liars for they lie "Miraculous decision"
when it has a higher
Was the earliest method of determining truthfulness
-Are those who loves to lie and are excited by the and deception of a person or persons suspected tor
challenge of not being detected. the commission of an offense.
PSYCHOPATHIC LIARS • It is the resolving of an issue through strength of
-These are the most difficult type; these persons
have no conscience and shown no regret for • The knight representing the truth would be
dishonestly and manifestation of guilt. victorious due to "Divine intervention" that is, that a
just God would not allow injustice to prevail.
Fighting skills not for truthfulness
- Are those who are taught not to be a squealer
(Ayaw magsalita, Tahimik lang) "TRIAL BY ORDEAL"

PATHOLOGICAL LIARS • God would intervene on behalf of the innocent,

that is, God would not allow any innocent
- Are person who cannot distinguish right from individual to be harmed.
wrong due to their sick mind.
Related to ancient religious beliefs, based upon on
BLACK LIARS the observation of psychological and physiological
- Are person who always pretends what he is and phenomena which play an important role in the
what he thinks of himself truth finding processes.

WHITE LIARS AYUR-VIDA "Hindu book of health and science"

-These are those who don't usually think of • The earliest known reference of the methods for
themselves are true "liar” detecting deception.

-They justify their lies as harmless and beneficial • Come before lie detection (seen through outside
-They sometimes fell only part of the truth and not
suspected of lying at all. • Basis of the invention of polygraph machine.

Miraculous -Divine intervention • Traditional way not scientific.

India - Introduce the ordeal

1. RED HOT IRON ORDEAL • An ordeal practiced by the West African region
where the accused first fasted for 12 hours and the
• Practiced on the hill tribe of Rajnmal in the North
given small amount of rice to eat followed by large
amount of black colored water.
• The accused placed his tongue to a red-hot iron
• If the concoction was vomited, the accused was
nine times (9) unless burned sooner.
pronounced innocent, otherwise, guilty.
An ordeal practiced in the Vishnu, India.
• A fight between the accuser and the accused,
The scale of balance is used If he were found to be whoever lost the battle will be the adjudged guilty.
lighter than before then he will be acquitted.
• Originated in India where an accuser could hire
3. BOILING WATER ORDEAL somebody or bigger one to fight the accused.

• Common in Africa. 8. TRIAL BY TORTURE

• plunging their right arms into the boiling water to • The accused was put into a severe physical test.
the elbow and step into the other side of the fire.
• You endure! you live!
• The one who showed blisters would prove the
thief (Point out who is the one who steal among his
tribe mates). •The accused was given a decoction to drink by a
• if innocent; no harm befalls him, but it guilty, will
• An ordeal practiced by the Indians.
• A kind of rice called sathee. prepared with
•Practiced in Nigeria and India.
incantations. various
• The person on trial eats the rice then spits upon an
eyeful leaf. -This trial is reserved for the clergy, and
administered with pomp and ceremony.
• Practiced in the European countries.
• Used in a wide region of Eastern Africa.
• "Sassy bark" or red water was used where the
accused is made to fast for twelve hours then The accused was compelled to walk bare footed
swallows a small amount of rice until he is imbibed through a fire, if he remains unhurt then he is
in dark colored water. innocent.
• This water is actually emetic and if the suspect Practiced in East Germany, early Scandinavian
ejects all the rice, he is considered innocent; countries and early England
otherwise, the accused is guilty.

- A red hot needle was drawn through the lips of the
accused, if innocent, no blood will be seen flowing 1. Hypnotism
out. *Practiced in East Africa, 2. The Word Association Test
3. The Truth Serum Method
13. ORDEAL OF THE TIGER 4. Narco-Analysis or Narco-Synthesis
5. Intoxication
• Accuser and accused were placed together in the
same and a tiger set loose upon them. HYPNOTISM
• If both were spared, further elimination followed. • This method was introduced by an Austrian
• Practiced in Thailand. Physician Franz (Friedrich) Anton Mesmer in 1778.

14. TEST OF THE CROSS ORDEAL • He believed in animal magnetism, by which in his
own personal electro magnetism, therapeutic effect
Accused each were made to stand with arms crossed influenced other persons.
on their breast.
What are the effects of hypnotism to the state of
• The one who endured the longest was deemed to mind of the subject?
have told the truth, the other, is the liar.
Hypnotizer- person who conduct hypnotism
• Practiced in Europe Subject- a person who undergo hypnotism
15. DONKEY'S TAIL ORDEAL Irrelevant question- san ka nakatira, ilang taon ka
na, sinong magulang mo.
• A donkey was placed in one room alone and was

• If the donkey cried as a judge of the guilty of • This method was introduced in 1879 by Sir
crimes, then the accused is guilty. *Known Francis Galton (1822-1911 Anthropometrist. an
countries that practiced ordeal English Scientist
• His experiment was later developed by Dr. Carl
Gustav Jung (1875 -1961) a Swiss psychologist and
psychiatrist and the founder of Analytical
• This method was introduced in 1879 by Sir
Francis Galton (1822-1911 Anthropometrist. an
English Scientist
*BURMA *BORNEO *GREECE • His experiment was later developed by Dr. Carl
*NIGERIA *MADAGASCAR *TANGENA Gustav Jung (1875 -1961) a Swiss psychologist and
psychiatrist and the founder of Analytical
Word association test- in 5 secs dapat nakasagot ka
na, kapag di nakasagot agad it means pinag iisipan
mo pa yung sagot mo (nagsisinungaling)

•words (yes or no)
• The same method of administration for "truth
This method was introduced by Dr. Edward Mandel serum". The drug Sodium Amytal or Sodium
House (1858-1938), a U.S. Physicist and diplomat Pentothal is administered to the subject.
and a confidential adviser to former President
When the effects appear, questioning starts. It was
Woodrow Wilson. The term "truth serum a
claimed that the drug causes depression of the
inhibitory mechanism of the brain and the subject
• The procedure does not make some tell the truth talks freely. The administration of the drug and
and the thing administered is not a serum but is subsequent interrogation must be done by a
actually a drug. psychiatrist. Like the administration of truth serum,
the result of the test was
Truth Serum Method
*not admissible in court.
• This method is based on the theory that
"intervention through interrogation is made possible 5. INTOXICATION
after dosage of drugs has been appropriately
administered, which depresses the cerebral activity
to a point of unconsciousness, an influence called as
the "House Receptive Stage" or the "Twilight
Conducting the Truth Serum Test
• The test must be performed by skilled
experimenter, operator, technician, or physician
The subject expresses his consent to undergo the
test. The dosage of drugs injected or administered is *Admissible in evidence
sufficient for acquiring desired results. ALCOHOL
Stage 1- slight inebriation (namumula)
• There is sufficient time during the test. Assurance
Stage 2- moderate inebriation (argumentative) stage
of result is acquired to determine truth or deception. where police officer will conduct interrogation
*not admissible as evidence court because its nature Stage 3- drunk (slow motion)
Stage 4- very drunk
is involuntary
Stage 5- comatose (tulog)
• its application to criminal investigation is very ARTICLE 15
useful because of its psychological effect, before, INTENTIONAL, VOLUNTARY, HABITUAL (aggravating)
during, and after. The subject might tell the truth, to 95% perspiration 3% inspiration 2% luck
avoid the pain of the needle and destruction of the PERSONALITIES IN POLYGRAPHY
1. DR. HANS GROSS- He is an Australian
Serum (colloquial term) > psychoactive drug magistrate (judge) regarded as the earliest advocate
•Byiosine Hydro Bromide (Thru injection) of criminal investigation as a science, published his
*inadmissible in court book entitled Criminal Investigation. In his book,
Gross defined search for truth as "the basis and goal
of all criminal investigation. In his earlier book -became the first person to use science as a method
System der Kriminalistiks, Gross emphasized that a of detecting deception.
large part of the criminalist's work involves battle
6. B. STICKER believed that the origin of the
against lies. The criminalist has to discover the truth
galvanic skin phenomenon was under the influence
and must fight the opposite, which is lies and deceit.
of the exciting mental impressions and that the will
The criminalist encounters the opposite at every
has no effect upon it.
step of his investigation.
- he made the earliest application of
2. DR. PEDRO SOLIS in his book Legal Medicine
psychogalvanometer to forensic problems. -
provided a more elaborated classification of lie
developed a method of measuring the amount of
detection methods available today.
sweat a suspect produced during interrogation. This
1. Methods involving the use of scientific devices was determined by the electrical conductibility of
that record psychophysical response: the suspect's skin.
A. Word Association Techniques (WAT) 7. JAMES MACKENZIE- an English clinician and
B. Psychological Stress Evaluation cardiologist, constructed the Clinical Polygraph in
C. Polygraph Method (or polygraphy) 1892, an instrument to be used for medical
examinations with the capability to simultaneously
2. Methods involving the use of substances that record undulated line tracings of the vascular pulses
"inhibit the inhibitor" (radial, venous and arterial), by way of a stylus onto
A. Administration of "truth serum" a revolving drum of smoked paper.
B. Narcoanalysis or Narcosynthesis
C. Intoxication with Alcohol
- In 1906, Sir James Mackenzie refined his clinical
3. Hypnosis polygraph of 1892 when he devised the Clinical Ink
4. Scientific Observation Polygraph with the help of Lancashire watchmaker.
5. Scientific Interrogation Sebastian Shaw
3. DANIEL DEFEO- wrote an essay entitled, "An
This instrument used a clockwork mechanism for
Effectual Scheme for the Preventing of Street
the paper rolling and time-marker movements and it
Robberies and Suppressing all other Disorders of
produced ink recordings of physiological functions
the Night" was the first to move away from torture
that were easier to acquire and to interpret.
by suggesting that deception could be evaluated by
monitoring the heart rate -Invented what he called the "ink polygraph". This
was used to monitor cardiovascular responses by
4. CESARE BECCARIA- wrote of torture, "By this
measuring pulse and blood pressure.
method, the robust will escape, and the feeble be
condemned 8. VITORRIO BENUSSI- in March 1913, he
presented a paper before the second meeting of the
5. CESARE LOMBROSO In 1895, Cesare
Italian Society for Psychology in Rome where he
Lombroso, an Italian Criminologist and tutor of
described how he record the subject's breathing
Angelo Mosso, published the second edition of his
patter using a Marey Pneumograph which he noted
book entitled "L'Homme Criminel" which he relates
the changes in inspiration-expiration ratio during
the used of Hydrosphygmograph during
interrogation of suspects. He called it blood
pressure pulse test. - he also included recording of heart rate and blood
pressure curve in detection of deception and
-he is considered as the first person to conceive the
probably the first person to record more than one
idea of lie detection and the first to apply the
physiological response used pneumatic tubing to
technique in actual criminal suspects
study an individual's breathing rates. The device pressure cuff and Stethescope, requiring repeated
wrapped around the person's chest and measured inflation of the pressure cuff to obtain readings at
depth and rate of breath. intervals during examination. This was called
Discontinuous Technique.
9. LEONARDE KEELER- The First Full Time
professional polygraph examiner. in 1926, he made 16.HAROLD E. BURTT- In 1918, Burtt suggested
a modification of Larson's instrument. He that the changes in respiration were an indication of
developed that metal bellows and kymograph that deception. He was able to determine that the
pulled a chart paper at a constant speed under changes in respiration were of less value in the
recording pens from a roll of chart located inside the detection of deception than the changes in blood
instrument. in 1938, 1938, Keeler included the pressure
Psychogalvanometer (PGR), a third measuring
17.LUIGI GALVANI- AN Italian Physician and
component of his instrument which was also known
Physiologist who in 1791, accidentally discovered
as Galvanic Skin Reflex (GSR) invented by Italian
that a dissected frog leg would twitch and contract
Physiologist Galvani in 1791. credited as the creator
at the touch of a scalpel charged with electricity. He
on Relevant-Irrelevant Technique. Today, Keeler is
discovered that current or galvanic electricity
known as the Father of Modern Polygraphy.
flowed through animal tissue
10.JOHN LARSON- He invented the modern
18.S. VERAGUTH- He is said to be the first person
polygraphy machine in 1921. encouraged by August
to use the term Psychogalvanic Reflex. Veraguth
Vollmer of the Berkeley Police Department to
was the first scientist to use the word association
conduct research on deception.. today he is known
test with galvanometer. in 1907, he described his
as the Father of Scientific Lie Detection and at the
observation on galvanic phenomena and emotions
same time the Father of Polygraph
that there was an ascending galvanometer curve
11. MARIE GABRIEL VIGOROUX- The first to during the presentation of relevant stimuli versus
discover the phenomenon we now know as the rest curve on non-crucial stimuli.
electrodermal response.
12.JOHN LARSON- He invented the modern
polygraphy machine in 1921.
13. THOMAS JEFFERSON- first person known
who used the term Polygraph to described one of his
14. ANGELO MOSSO- In 1878, science came to
the aid of the truth seeker through the research of an
Italian psychologist Angelo Mosso. He made used
of an instrument called plethysmograph in his
research on emotion and fear and its influence on
the heart and respiration.
- developed a scientific cradle
was credited as the creator of the systolic blood-
pressure test used in an attempt to detect deception
during questioning, and using a standard blood

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