Forensic5 - Full
Forensic5 - Full
Forensic5 - Full
c. Control Questions
- questions that either relevant or irrelevant
designed to established response from an
innocent subject.
- further classified into primary based on a known
lie and secondary control question.
Types of Test
1. General Question Test
- consist of series of relevant and irrelevant
questions in a planned order.
2. Peak of Tension test
- consist of only one relevant and a series of
irrelevant questions.
- resemble, in every general way, the card test,
for it consist essentially of the asking of a series
of question in which only one has any bearing
upon the matter under investigation.
- padding questions before the after the relevant
3. Card test
- the subject is presented with seven (7)
previously numbered cards face down.
- he will be instructed to take one, look at it and
return it with the rest of the cards.
- the examiner will shuffle the cards and each
card will be shown to him, with the instruction
that he will answer “NO” to all cards , even if the
one being shown to him is the one he has seen