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PE q2, Week 1

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Teaching Dates and Time OCTOBER 7-11, 2019 Quarter SECOND QUARTER

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


A. Content Standards demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design to achieve fitness

B. Performance Standards modifies physical activity program for the family/school peers to achieve fitness

C. Learning conducts physical activity and physical fitness assessments of family/school describes the nature and background of the sport
Competencies/ Objectives peers PE8GS-Iic-1
Write the LC code for each PE8PF-Iia-36 executes the skills involved in the sport
sets goals based on assessment results PE8GS-IId-h-4

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Physical Education Curriculum Guide page 45 of 67 Physical Education Curriculum Guide page 45 of 67
2. Learner’s Material pages OHSP PE 1 Q1 – module 1 OHSP PE 1 Q1 – module 1

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous A. Preliminaries
lesson or presenting B. Presentation of the lesson:
the new lesson This learning material was made or you! For sure you are now thinking o
another textbook or a ton of quizzes to do, right? This module is different. It
introduces you to the world of team sports. As you go along, you will
encounter activities that allow you to demonstrate understanding of the
benefits derived from your engagement and participation in basketball
together with your family, which eventually promote family fitness, health,
and wellness.

B. Establishing a purpose for Pre-Assessment:

the lesson
Before you proceed any further, consider answering the pre-assessment
items below. This may help determine whether you already have prior
knowledge on the terms, skills and understandings in team sports. Read the
directions carefully and write your answers in your activity notebook.

C. Presenting 1. Below is a table indicating the basic skills in playing basketball, baseball and
examples/instances of the softball. Your task is to identify which sport is appropriate for each of the
new lesson skills indicated in the table below.

2. Write the corresponding team sport in the space provided at the right side
of the column for basic skills.
D. Discussing new concepts 3. After accomplishing this, meet with your group, friends or relatives and share your answers. Consolidate all your
and practicing new skills #1 answers in another sheet.

4. Identify three most frequent components of physical fitness based on your group’s, relatives’ or friends’ responses
and come up with an exercise of four repetitions each. Make sure that it promotes any of the identified fitness
components. Do this in five minutes.

5. Let your group present your work to the class

E. Discussing new concepts 3. Let’s find out whether your answers are correct or not. (refer to the answer
and practicing new skills #2 key to be given by your teacher).

4. Group yourselves into three, then choose one team sport to describe
creatively (e. g. demonstration of the basic skills, dramatization of a certain
team sport scene, performing the selected team sport skills with an action
song, etc.) You will be given five minutes to do that. Here are your tasks:
5. Present your work to the class.
1. Below is a K-W-L chart. Under K column, write three things that you already know about your chosen team
6. Below are three critical questions prepared for you to answer. Express
sport. Under W column, write three things that you want to know more about. Don’t write anything yet on
your answer in your activity notebook.
the L column. Do this in your activity notebook.
a. What do team sports mean to you? b. What values or virtues can team
sports develop in you? c. What benefits can you derive from participating in
team sports?
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)

G. Finding practical 2. After accomplishing this task, share the things you KNOW and the things you WANT to KNOW to the class, friends,
applications of concepts relatives and members of your family.
and skills in daily living
3. After sharing the things you KNOW and WANT to KNOW, submit your paper to the teacher and execute the following

a. Do four jumping jacks. b. Catch a passed ball in the 3-point line. c. Dribble the ball in a zigzag pattern as you approach
the ring. d. Do a lay-up or jump shot.
4. In case you have a whole court, form two groups. Designate groups to do the activity on one half of the court, the
other group will do the same on the other half court.

H. Making generalizations and

abstractions about the

I. Evaluating learning

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching _____ Group Collaboration _____ Group Collaboration _____ Group Collaboration _____ Group Collaboration _____ Group Collaboration
strategies worked well? Why _____ Games _____ Games _____ Games _____ Games _____ Games
did these work? _____ Power point presentation _____ Power point presentation _____ Power point presentation _____ Power point presentation _____ Power point presentation
_____ Answering preliminary activities _____ Answering preliminary activities _____ Answering preliminary activities _____ Answering preliminary activities _____ Answering preliminary activities
_____ Discussion _____ Discussion _____ Discussion _____ Discussion _____ Discussion
_____ Case Method _____ Case Method _____ Case Method _____ Case Method _____ Case Method
_____ Think Pair Share (TPS) _____ Think Pair Share (TPS) _____ Think Pair Share (TPS) _____ Think Pair Share (TPS) _____ Think Pair Share (TPS)
_____ Group Activity _____ Group Activity _____ Group Activity _____ Group Activity _____ Group Activity
_____ Experiential Learning _____ Experiential Learning _____ Experiential Learning _____ Experiential Learning _____ Experiential Learning
F. What difficulties did I ____ Attitude of the pupils ____ Attitude of the pupils ____ Attitude of the pupils ____ Attitude of the pupils ____ Attitude of the pupils
encounter which my principal _____ Readiness of the pupils _____ Readiness of the pupils _____ Readiness of the pupils _____ Readiness of the pupils _____ Readiness of the pupils
or supervisor can help me _____ Lack of teacher’s knowledge of _____ Lack of teacher’s knowledge of the _____ Lack of teacher’s knowledge of the _____ Lack of teacher’s knowledge of the _____ Lack of teacher’s knowledge of the
solve? the new technology new technology new technology new technology new technology
G. What innovation or localized ____ Video presentation ____ Video presentation ____ Video presentation ____ Video presentation ____ Video presentation
materials did I use/discover ____ Use of Big Book ____ Use of Big Book ____ Use of Big Book ____ Use of Big Book ____ Use of Big Book
which I wish to share with ____ Task Based Learning ____ Task Based Learning ____ Task Based Learning ____ Task Based Learning ____ Task Based Learning
other teachers? ____ Instructional Materials ____ Instructional Materials ____ Instructional Materials ____ Instructional Materials ____ Instructional Materials

Prepared by:


Teacher 1

Checked by:

School Principal 1

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