Tugas B.Inggris Fisika: Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret
Tugas B.Inggris Fisika: Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret
Tugas B.Inggris Fisika: Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret
NIM: K2312005
There are many similarities between sun and stars. First we can see from size and
mass, the astronomers classify stars as either "dwarfs" or "giants," based on their sizes. The
sun is a dwarf star with more than 1 million Earths could fit within the sun. Most of the
matter in the solar system more than 99.9 percent is contained within the sun, weighing more
than 333,000 times the weight of Earth. Second from temperature and luminosity, from the
observation the sun's temperature place in the lower-mid-range compared to other stars.
Hotter stars appear more blue, and cooler stars more red, but the sun's surface temperature of
around 6,000 degrees Kelvin gives its light a yellow color. Although the sun's luminosity is
not very great compared to other stars, from Earth it appears more than 300,000 times
brighter than a full moon. Then we look from the life cycle, stars are formed from clouds of
dust and gas in space. Scientists estimate that the sun was formed 4.5 billion to 5 billion years
ago, and is about halfway through its life cycle. In the last 2 billion years of the sun's life
cycle, astrophysicists believe that the sun will expand into a red giant. Then, at the very end
of its life, the sun will disperse, leaving only its core to burn as a small white dwarf.
From this information we can find the similarity between the sun and the stars and I
know that the sun and the stars have the function to light our earth.
Mouse is a small rodent of the Family, Muridae. It is different species of mice belong
to this family. They are common house pests, and common prey items of snakes, cats, and
foxes. They also a social animal, but they usually damage and eating the crops. Mouse is an
energized, active, and difficult animal to handle. That makes farmer difficult to catch it.
Mice can reproduce rapidly as they are poly oestrus, which means breeding is possible
throughout the year. These long and skinny tailed, herbivorous, and ever-gnawing rodents
have a small lifespan of only three months.
Hamster is one of the 25 species of the rodent family, Cricetidae. They are nocturnal
and burrowing animals. During the day time, hamsters hide in their underground burrows, so
that they can prevent from the predators. Hamsters are solitary animals so they don’t live in
groups, and also do not show much social behaviour. They have a short tail with short stocky
legs and small furry ears. Hamsters are omnivorous in their food habits. They are not much
active animals and can be easily bred in captivity, but in wild, they are seasonal breeders. The
lifespan of hamsters in wild could be about two years, and more in captivity.
We can know many differences between mouse and hamster, but I think they are
small animal which life around us.
Most people have a phase of their life when their skin doesn't look its best. Not
everybody can afford a dermatologist, and commercial products may take too long to soften
your skin. If you want clear skin cheaply, these tips can help you to get clear skin.
First run a wash cloth under hot water and immediately press it into your face. The
water and steam will really help clean out the dirt from your pores. Second wash your hands
well with an antibacterial soap. You can't wash your face effectively with dirty hands. You’re
just putting all the germs on your hands into your face If you have a cleanser, wash your face
with it. Just rinse your face in warm water and pat dry. If you don't have cleanser, then just
use plain water. Next get 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of water. Stir so its like a
thin paste, and add one more tablespoon of sugar. Stir again and drain out some of the water.
Then get your hands wet and then rub them on your face so you have a little bit of water on
your face. Then scoop up the sugar and water and put if on one of your cheeks. Scoop again
and put it on the same cheek. Then rub the sugar in circular motions on your cheek for 60
seconds. Then rinse off and repeat for the other cheek and forehead. Then after you wash
your face, get about 10 drops of lemon juice on your hands. Smear on your face for 10
seconds, but be careful, lemon juice is strong and if it burns only keep it on for 3 seconds. It
breaks down the dirt in your pores that the cleanser missed. Finally, splash cold water on your
face. The reason is because if you weren't following the directions earlier and splashed cold
water on your face, your pores will have closed. The water is like a key to your pores; hot
water unlocks, cold water locks.
Doing all of these steps with open pores will get almost all of the dirt and bacteria out,
thus keeping your skin clear. You can do this everyday will bring you bright, healthy and also
get pretty skin.