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Study of Physio Chemical Properties of Black Water

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Sci (2015) 4(1): 533-536

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 4 Number 1 (2015) pp. 533-536


Original Research Article

Study of physico-chemical characteristics of domestic
wastewater in Vishnupuri, Nanded, India

Sonune NA*, Mungal NA and Kamble SP

School of Life Sciences, SRTM University, Nanded (M.S.), India

*Corresponding author


Water plays an important role in the life of human beings. In the last few decades,
Keywords limitless urbanization has caused a serious pollution problem due to the disposal of
sewage to the water bodies. The present study focussed on the physico-chemical
COD, parameters of wastewater in Vishnupuri, Nanded. All parameter were analyzed as
BOD, per the standard methods given in American Public Health Association (APHA,
TSS, 1989). Water quality parameters such as pH, Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), Total
TDS and Suspended Solid (TSS), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen
Domestic Demand (COD), Ammonical Nitrogen, Nitrate and Phosphate were analyzed. In
wastewater our study, it was found that BOD, COD, Ammonical Nitrogen and Nitrate value
were above permissible limit whereas TSS, TDS, pH, Phosphate were within the
permissible limit.

have access to safe drinking water. Naturally
Water is one of the most valuable natural Ground water recharged through rain water.
resource for all living creatures on the earth Ground water areas that are recharged at
and essential for the sustenance of life as higher rate are generally more vulnerable to
exemplified by its diversified uses such as pollution (Dubey, 2013). Rapid increase in
drinking, cooking, washing, irrigation, population and change in life style in India
farming, industrial activities etc. Water may have resulted in a dramatic increase in the
contaminated by various means that may be generation of municipal waste (Dhere et al.,
chemically or biologically and may become 2008).
unfit for drinking and other uses. Domestic
wastewater contains a large amount of Studies of water quality in various effluents
organic matter, nitrate, phosphate, revealed that man made activities have an
detergents, inorganic salt, oil etc. (Rathore et important negative impact on water quality
al., 2014). Such organic matter is the rich in the downstream sections of the major
source of starch, protein and lipids etc. rivers. This is a result of cumulative effects
(Garode and Sonune, 2014). from upstream development but also from
inadequate wastewater treatment facilities
Most of the Indian towns and cities do not (Chang, 2008).

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(1): 533-536

Almost 70% of the water in India has were pH, TSS, TDS, BOD, COD,
become polluted due to the discharge of Ammonical Nitrogen, Nitrate, and
domestic sewage and industrial effluents Phosphate. Each experiment was performed
into natural water source, such as rivers, in triplicates sets. The data were shown in
streams as well as lakes (Sangu and Sharma, Table No.1.
1987). About 95% of rural population living
in India depends on ground water for pH: pH is the hydrogen ion activity and a
domestic use (Moharir et al., 2002). measure of acidity and alkalinity in aquatic
According to WHO about 80% of water bodies. The variations were recorded in the
pollution in developing country like India is pH level. The values of pH were ranges
carried by domestic waste. The improper from 7.0 to 8.0. The lowest pH value was
management of water systems may cause 7.0 and highest pH value was 8.0. If pH is
serious problems in availability and quality above 7, this will indicate that water is
of water (Subba Rao and Subba Rao, 1995). probably hard and contains calcium and
The aim of present study is to analyze the magnesium (David, 2004).
quality of domestic wastewater.
The values of pH were within the accepted
Materials and Methods range. Similar result was obtained by Paula
Popa et al in 2012, while working on study
Sample site and sample collection: The of physico-chemical characteristics of
domestic wastewater samples were collected wastewater in an urban agglomeration in
from drainage at Vishnupuri, Nanded. Romania.
Samples were collected in the month of
April to June 2014 according to standard Biochemical Oxygen Demand: The BOD
procedures from American Public Health is an indication of the organic load of
Association (APHA, 1989). domestic wastewater. The lowest value of
BOD recorded as 56±2.4mg/L and highest
Domestic wastewater sample were collected value of 96±2.9 mg/L. The values were
from about 40-50 cm below the surface, to found to be beyond the permissible limit.
avoid the collection of surface impurities. Higher contents of organic load are the
Before sampling, 5L polythene bottles were causative factors for maximum BOD levels.
rinsed with 0.1N chromic acid, than washed
twice with distilled water. During sample The high value of BOD may be due to
collection hand gloves were used for safety. extensive use of organic nutrients. Increase
The water samples were analyzed to in BOD which is a reflection of microbial
determine their physicochemical oxygen demand leads to depletion of DO
characteristics. This analysis was done which may cause hypoxia conditions with
according to APHA. consequent adverse effects on aquatic biota
(Sukumaran et al, 2008).
Result and Discussion
Chemical Oxygen Demand: The COD is
In the present study, comparative analyses another parameter used to characterize the
of physicochemical parameter of wastewater organic strength of domestic wastewater.
in Vishnupuri, Nanded were carried out The minimum COD value was recorded as
during April to June 2014. The 180±1.82 mg/L and the maximum of
physicochemical parameters under study 300±2.5 mg/L was observed. The present

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(1): 533-536

data showed high levels of COD. This higher than permissible limit i.e. 50 mg/L.
indicates that the effluent is unsuitable for High levels of nitrate and phosphate can
the existence of aquatic organisms due to the lead to eutrophication, which increases algal
reduction in DO content (Goel, 1997). growth and ultimately reduces dissolved
oxygen in the water.
Ammonical Nitrogen: The minimum
concentration of Ammonical Nitrogen was Phosphate: Phosphate comes from
found to be 13±0.006 mg/L and maximum fertilizers, pesticides, industry and cleaning
concentration was 146±1.6 mg/L. In water, compounds. Natural sources include
Ammonia exists in two forms ammonium phosphate containing rocks and solid or
ion (NH4+) and free ammonia (NH3) liquid wastes. The lowest value of phosphate
depending on the pH of water. At higher pH, was recorded as 0.4±0.04 mg/L and highest
ammonia is toxic to aquatic organisms and value was 2.1±0.05mg/L. These values were
also for terrestrial organisms (Princic et al., less than the permissible limit.
Total Dissolved Solid: Total dissolved
Nitrate: The concentration of nitrate was solids are a measure of total inorganic
recorded in the range of 48±1.02 mg/L to substances dissolved in water. During the
182±1.5 mg/L. The concentration of study, lowest TDS value was 200±1.5 mg/L
different forms of nitrogen gives a useful and highest value was 1440±1.8 mg/L. The
indication of the level of Micronutrients in TDS concentration was less than the
the wastewater and hence their ability to permissible limit.
support plant growth. These values were

Table.1 Analysis of physicochemical parameters of Domestic wastewater

Sample pH BOD COD Ammonical Nitrate Phosphate TDS TSS

No. Nitrogen
1 7.5 56±2.4 300±2.5 50±0.23 181±1.03 1.4±0.02 260±1.3 65.43±1.02
2 7.5 73±3.6 200±4.3 13±0.006 181±1.1 0.4±0.04 200±1.5 57.37±1.21
3 8.0 62±2.8 200±3.9 17±0.002 48±1.02 1.0±0.01 1440±1.8 43±1.35
4 8.0 80±1.06 214±2.7 146±1.6 83.81±1.2 1.9±0.04 1228±1.04 43.14±1.06
5 7.0 96±2.9 276±4.8 138±1.9 76.90±1.4 1.6±0.02 1327±1.97 55.3±0.96
6 7.5 63.43±3.2 211±2.02 129±1.04 182±1.5 2.1±0.05 268±1.09 89±1.16
7 7.5 66±1.4 180±1.82 93±2.1 74±1.9 1.05±0.02 483±1.25 70.45±1.07
± Standard Deviation

Total Suspended Solid: In sample the Similar work was done by Dubey Savita in
minimum value of TSS recorded as 2013 while studying on analysis of
43±1.35mg/L and maximum value was physico-chemical parameters of Kshipra
89±1.16 mg/L. The total suspended solids river water at Ujjain, India. Similar work
are composed of carbonates, bicarbonates, was also done by Lokhande et al in 2011,
chlorides, phosphates and nitrates of Ca, while studying on physico-chemical
Mg, Na, K, Mn organic matter, salt and parameters of waste water effluents from
other particles. The values of TSS were Taloja industrial area of Mumbai, India.
within permissible limit.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(1): 533-536

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standards values prescribed by WHO, of Ecosystem, 1(1): 1-9.
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