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Brochure TR 7750u.pdf - Jotron

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Jotron 7000 Series TR-7750U Transceiver

Excellent RF performance in congested areas

Advanced digital signal processing (DSP) TA-7650U Transmitter
Remote control over Ethernet /RS232 /RS485
Easy set-up and control
Compact Design
In band signalling for PTT and squelch
Continuous duty cycle RA-7203U Receiver
Offset operation
Start-up time <6 sec
IP - seamless operation on all interfaces (mic, E&M and VoIP)

Excellent RF performance in congested areas ans improved product control, less tuneable parts and im- Easy set-up and control
proved reliability.
Careful analogue design is the key issue to achieve All parameters can be set and adjusted electronically
the best collocation capabilities possible. The 7000 Remote control over Ethernet / RS232 / RS485 from the front panel or from the remote interface.
series of radios is designed with no compromi- The front panel contains a graphical display, menu
ses regarding the synthesizers and analogue front The radio units have alternative ways of being remotely buttons and switches that are used to set up the ra-
end. This together with a linear power amplifier de- controlled, making them easy to fit into an existing infra- dio.
sign, strictly controlled by an ultra fast digital signal structure already available on the site. The radio units are
processor,makes the radio the ultimate choice for controlled using SNMP (Simple Network Management Pro- Compact Design
professional Ground to Air applications. tocol) over UDP (User Datagram Protocol), this together
with interface makes it easy to control the radios. Either by The receiver unit is a complete stand-alone recei-
Advanced digital signal processing (DSP) using Jotron’s dedicated Radio Access and Control System ver with built in power supply weighting only 1.8 kg.
-RACS III or by a standard SNMP management application. The transmitter unit weights only 3.8 kg. A complete
The receiver and transmitter use the most powerful Alternatively, setup and control may be done using either transceiver consists of 3 units (transmitter, receiver
digital signal processors to perform the intermediate TCP/IP on the ethernet, or the RS232/RS485 ports. Built in and power supply) and the total weight is only 7.0 kg.
frequency (IF) and the audio frequency (AF) filtering. web-server for historical and current status of the radios. The modular and compact design makes the radio
In addition, all the modulation and demodulation Radio support DHCP and IPv6. The radios are also fully the perfect choice for distant sites that are hard to
tasks are performed in the signal processor. This me- compliant with the ED-137 standard. reach.
BITE system Continuous duty cycle Squelch options

The BITE system continuously monitors vital points in the The transmitter is designed for continuous duty cycle. The squelch system consist of a level and a noise com-
radio units. An error is instantly detected and reported in This makes the radio the perfect choice for VOLMET and pensated S/N squelch. Levels on both are adjustable
multiple ways. The unique main/standby concept of the ATIS applications requiring continuous transmission. The which is useful in RF congested areas.
Jotron 7000 series can automatically switch the opera- unique cooling concept used on the transmitter, keeps
tion to a standby set upon an error, providing seamless the temperature low, and the operational lifetime of the Squelch options on the receiver are flexible. Relay con-
communication for the user. equipment high. tacts with configurable logic and in-band signals are av-
Keying options Offset operation

Keying options available in the transmitter includes posi- Setting the offset carrier is just as easy as setting the
tive and negative voltages (up to 50V), keying to ground frequency of the transmitter. Up to 4 carriers offset is
and phantom keying on the audio line. In addition the available using the standard temperature controlled os-
keying option includes in-band tone signalling with con- cillator in the transmitter. 5 carrier offset available upon
figurable tones for easy integration with any VCCS sys- request.

General – All units AM 25 kHz AM 12,5 kHz FM Standards

Frequency range 225-400 MHz EN302 617(AM) , ICAO Annex 10
RF Modes 6K80A3EJN 5K00A3EJN
Keying time < 25ms < 25ms < 25ms Environmental
Frequency response 300-3400 Hz 350-2500 Hz 300-3400 Hz Temperature range: -20°C to +55°C (operating)
Frequency stability <1.0 ppm -40°C to +70°C (storage)
Data ports RS232, RS485, Ethernet (100BaseT) Humidity: 90% @ +40°C (non condensing)
Protocol Remote Control: SNMP (UDP/IP), Jotron monitoring (TCP/IP) Shock: Transport: IEC-721-3-2, Class 2M3
Voice over IP: RTP (ED 137) Vibration: Transport: IEC-68-2-32, Class
BITE monitoring VSWR, Voltages, Currents, Levels, Lock detect, Temperature, Output power, 2M3. IEC-68-2-6
Reflected power, a.o. EMC: EN 301 489 – part 22
Supply voltage, AC 115/230VAC +15/-10% / 50-60Hz SAFETY: IEC 60950-1,CSA-C22.2
Supply voltage, DC 21.6 - 31.2VDC negative ground No. 60950
MTBF >10 years / unit
MTTR <30 minutes at lowest replaceable unit

Transmitter (TA-7650U) AM 25 kHz AM 12,5 kHz FM
Output power 1-50W
Adjacent channel power >65 dBc >60 dBc >65 dBc
Modulation level up to 95%
Distortion < 5%
Line input 600Ω, -40 - +10dBm
Intermodulation attenuation >70 dB when interfering signal is decoupled with at least 30 dB
Tx timeout 10s to 5 min in 10s step
Inband keying Configurable tones: 2000-4000Hz
Carrier offset 2,3 or 4
Differential group delay <60µs
VSWR 1 : Infinity
Duty cycle 100% continuous operation@ambient below 40°C
Power consumption <400VA
Dimension Transmitter unit 142mm(28TE)(W) * 330mm(D) * 128mm (H), Weight 3.8 kg
Dimension PSU unit 71mm (14TE)(W) * 303mm(D) * 128mm (H), Weight 1.3 kg
Broadband noise <150dBc/Hz @1% offset
Spurios emissions <-80dBc

Receiver (RA-7203U) AM 25 kHz AM 12,5 kHz FM

Sensitivity analogue @1µV / 30% pd 10dB SINAD (CCITT)
Adjacent channel rejection >75dB >70dB >80dB
Intermodulation >75 dBc
IF bandwidth +/- 11kHz +/- 3.5 kHz +/- 11 kHz
Image and IF frequency response >110 dB
Squelch operation Adjustable -112 dBm to -65 dBm/ 5 dB S/N to 20 dB S/N
Combination of RF level and Signal/Noise (digital coherent squelch)
Activation time <20ms
Hysteresis typical 2 - 3 dB
Audio AGC 30% - 90%, <1dB variation
Signal / Noise >45dB on any output @100µV, 30%
Distortion <5% @ 90% modulation
AGC range -107dBm to +5dBm
AGC attach time <30ms NA
AGC decay time <200ms NA
Differential group delay <60µs
Inband squelch signal Configurable tones: 100 to 5000 Hz
Line output 600Ω, -36 - +10dBm @90% modulation
Harmonic distortion <5% @90% AM (line output)
Cross-modulation >95dB @ 1MHz frequency offset
Blocking >100dB @1MHz offset, >110 dB out of band signals Agent/Distributor:
Dynamic range >120dB
Spurious response rejection >80dB
Dimension Receiver unit 71mm (14TE)(W) * 330mm(D) * 128mm (H), Weight 1.8 kg

Jotron AS reserves the right to change the design and/or speci-

fications at any time without prior notice. Reservations are also
taken towards any general errors that may occur.

Jotron AS Jotron UK Ltd. Jotron Asia Pte. Ltd. Jotron USA, Inc.
P.O.Box 54 Crosland Park 19 Loyang Way 10645 Richmond Avenue, Suite 170
3281 Tjodalyng Cramlington Changi Logistics Centre Houston, TX 77042
Norway NE23 1LA Rear Office Block 04-26 USA
Tel: +47 33 13 97 00 United Kingdom Singapore 508724 Tel: +1 713 268 1061
Fax: +47 33 12 67 80 Tel: +44 (0) 1670 712000 Tel: +65 65426350 Fax: +1 713 268 1062
sales@jotron.com Fax: +44 (0) 1670 590265 Fax: +65 65429415 sales@jotron.com
sales@jotron.com sales@jotron.com

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