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International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition

ISSN: 2455-4898
Volume 1; Issue 1; January 2016; Page No. 05-11

Effect of pre-curding on nutritional and anti-nutritional composition of taro (Colocasia esculenta L.)
Melese Temesgen, 2 Negussie Retta, 3 Etalem Tesfaye
Department of Food Science, Haramaya University, P.O. Box 138 Ethiopia.
College of Natural Sciences, Addis Ababa University, P.O. Box 1176 Ethiopia.
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center, P.O. Box 32 Ethiopia.

The objective of this study was designed to investigate the nutritive and non- nutritive constituents of taro leaf powder and leaf curd
extracts through improved processing methods. The study was conducted using factorial combination of two independent variables
(taro leaf varieties and processing methods) with three replications in a completely randomized design (CRD). The analysis
undertaken in this study was leaf proximate composition, mineral concentration and anti-nutritional factors of samples processed as
leaf powder and curd concentrates between local taro and boloso-1 taro varieties. The moisture content in the study ranged from
3.444 ± 0.192 to 3.733 ± 0.693, crude protein from 25.061 ± 1.297 to 26.252 ± 1.530, crude fat from 5.835 ± 0.169 to 6.436 ± 0.889,
fiber from 3.192 ± 1.988 to 4.597 ± 1.396, total ash from 2.706 ± 0.074 to 2.876 ± 0.230, total carbohydrate from 56.221 ± 2.743 to
59.383 ± 2.942, amylose contents from 5.319 ± 1.159 to 6.276 ± 0.987, beta- carotene (mg/100 g) 2.703 ± 0.225 to 2.480 ± 0.205
and phenolic compound(mg/100 g) from 0.957 ± 0.087 to 1.113 ± 0.188. The five macro minerals, mg/100 g of Na, K, Mg, P and
Ca in the study differ significantly (p<0.05) and ranged from lowest (6.607 ± 1.055, 14.333 ± 1.470, 8.293 ± 1.899, 1.179 ± 0.81
and 15.265 ± 6.211 respectively) to highest (7.826 ± 1.827, 17.017 ± 3.4, 9.744 ± 1.908, 1.904 ± 0.995 and 19.547 ± 6.69) value,
respectively. Concerning micro minerals like Zn, Fe, and Cu contents, mg/100 g were significantly (p<0.05); varied from minimum
(9.647 ± 4.550, 40.374 ± 9.831 and 0.415 ± 0.194) to maximum (12.750 ± 1.811, 51.868 ± 17.025 and 0.580 ± 0.221) values, for
boloso-1 taro variety, respectively. From the general trend observed in this study, most of the analyzed samples that boloso-1 taro
variety subjected to curd processing provided better proximate, mineral, functional and lower anti-nutritional contents than that of
the local taro leaf.

Keywords: Boloso-1 taro, curd extract, leaf powder and composition

1. Introduction associated with stunting of children (Walker, 1990) [38]. While

Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) a family of Aracea is cultivated taro has many nutritional, economic and health attributes, it has
for its edible corms used as a subsistence food by millions of some anti-nutritional compounds such as oxalic acid, cyanide,
people in developing countries (FAO, 1999) [18]. The corm of alpha-amylase inhibitors, lectins, and tannins that are harmful to
taro contains more than twice the carbohydrate content of health and which can be eliminate through appropriate
potatoes and yield 135 kcals per 100 g and 11% crude protein on processing (Savage and Catherwood, 2007; Ramanatha et al.,
a dry matter (DM) basis (Patrick et al., 1999). However, the rich 2010).
protein content (23% DM) found in the leaf of taro (Annan and In Ethiopia, root crops are widely grown in the southern part of
Plahar, 1995) [6] might be favorably complements the high the country (CSA, 2005). Among the root crops, taro is one of
carbohydrate contents (87% DM) found in the tuber part of the the most important food crops as well as income source to the
plant as a source of human food. In Asia, the leaves of taro have farmers (CSA, 2005). It has a great potential to supply high
been reported to be rich in minerals like Ca, P, Fe, and vitamins: quality food and one of the cheapest source of energy (Patrick et
vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. The high level of al., 1999) and the most underutilized root crop (Adane et al.,
dietary fiber found in the taro leaf are also advantageous for their 2013 and Umeta, 2000) [2]. People are eating taro corm as boiled,
active role in the regulation intestinal transit, increasing dietary but there is no awareness about the quality the leaf has. Njintang
bulk and faeces consistency due to their ability to absorb water et al. (2006) stated that taro leaf has not gained sufficient
(Saldanha, 1995) [31]. research attention with regards to its potential having nutritional,
Most rural peoples suffer from malnutrition not because of the industrial and health importance. Previous researches done in
economic status but because of inability to utilize the available Ethiopia are mainly on taro corm products and no research was
nutritious raw materials to meet their daily requirements (Annan conducted on taro leaf as human food. So that there is no
and Plahar, 1995) [6]. Currently, zinc deficiency is widespread awareness among eople about the quality the leaf has. In this
and affects the health and well-being of populations of the context, taro leaf was evaluated for its nutritional and anti-
developing countries worldwide. Since taro leaf, is one of the nutritional components. Therefore, this study was designed to
few non-animal sources of zinc, its utilization should therefore analyze and evaluate the nutritional and anti-nutritional
be pursued to help in the alleviation of zinc deficiency which is components of taro leaf to recommend as a sustainable approach

for the alleviation of malnutrition through transforming to edible nutritional content i.e, mucilage was determined according to
products with central to two research questions: Do these two methods noted by (Yamazaki et. al., 2008). Phytic acid was
cultivars of taro leaf differ in nutritional and anti-nutritional determined through phytate phosphorus (Ph-P) analysis
contents? And do these two processing methods eliminate most according to (Plaami and Kumpulainen, 1991). The AOAC
of the anti-nutritional contents of taro leaf? Generally, this (1990) method was used to determine the oxalate content of taro
research brought extensive outputs on how to use taro leaves sample. Tannins were determined using the method of (Burns,
accompanied with improved processing methods for human 1972). Lectins, Alpha-amylase inhibitors and protease (trypsin)
consumption at high level of nutrient sources which have direct inhibitors were determined according to Peumans, et al., (1995).
impact on improvement of human nutrition. Therefore the crude
protein (CP), crude fat, ash, crude fiber (CF), carbohydrate, 2.4. Statistical analysis
energy, minerals, phytate, oxalate, tannin and total phenols The statistical analysis was conducted to examine the interaction
constituents of taro leaf were determined and the results obtained effects of two independent variables (taro leaf varieties and
were discussed in discussion part and some works not carried processing methods). All data were analyzed using the general
out in the study are recommended for further study. linear model procedures of Statistical Analysis Systems
software (version 9.4 SAS Institute Inc., Cary, USA). P values ≤
2. Materials and Methods 0.05 were considered significant. The differences between the
2.1. Sample Source and Study Sites treatments were determined by analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Two varieties of taro (Colocasia esculenta L.) leaf: Local and The statistical equation was: Y= V +M+V*M Where: Y=
boloso-1, were harvested in December2014 at 6 - 7 months of response, V=verities and M=methods
age from Areka Agricultural Research Center (AARC) and
brought to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The leafs were analyzed at 3. Results and Discussions
the Centre for Food Science and Nutrition Laboratory (CFSNL), 3.1. Moisture Content
Addis Ababa University and the anti-nutritional components The moisture content (%) of different samples ranged from
analysis was done at the Ethiopian Public Health Institute central 3.444 ± 0.192 to 3.733 ± 0.693 (Table 1). Moisture content in
laboratory. food sample is an index of stability and determines the
appearance, keeping quality and yield of the product (Ejoh et al.,
2.2. Experimental Samples Preparation 2006). The moisture content of B o l o s o - 1 taro leaf was the
Fresh leaves were divided in two equal portions. The first sub- highest (3.777 ± 0.693) of all, while the lowest (3.444 ± 0.192)
divided fresh leaves were twigged the veins and dried in shade moisture content was obtained from local taro leaf curd. In the
room by spreading the leaflets thinly on mesh tied on wood beds case of fresh taro leaf the moisture content composed 85%,
for 4 days. The dried samples were powdered using stainless indicating that leaf could not be stored favorably for a long
steel hammer mill to powder particle size of 1.6 mm, packaged period of time due to deterioration and microbial attack.
in polythene bags and stored in cool dry place until used for Regarding to the dried sample, the moisture content is very low
various chemical analyses. For the second leaves were made into and add quality and shelf life stability for longer time
curd concentrates, fresh leaves were washed using tape water, (Emmanuel-Ikpeme et al., 2007). This might be due to all
graded based on green color, then cut in to small pieces using samples were dried at adequate temperature and time to insure
leaf cutter, then were heated to 65 OC for 12 minutes using big the lowest moisture that preserve for longer time (Ghosho and
metal pan to coagulate and separate the protein. Following this, Hasan, 1999) [19].
the upper part of the boiled leaf was discarded to reduce nutrient
inhibitory components and the extract retained was pressed 3.2. Crude Protein Content
using mechanical force presser to produce green curd. The curd As presented in (Table 1), the crude protein content in the study
was dried at standard dehydrating temperatures of 54 OC (Zhu was varied from 25.061 ± 1.297 to26.252 ± 1.530. In the present
et al., 2007), was powdered and packaged in polythene bags and study, the crude protein contents in different samples differ
stored in cool dry place until used for various chemical analyses significantly (p<0.05). From the result, the crude protein
(Duckworth and Wood ham 2001). These methods were chosen contents of Boloso-1 leaf curd contained the highest (26.252 ±
because of potential to eliminate the anti-nutritional factors in 1.530 followed by leaf powder of the same variety. However,
taro leaf and could solve the anti-nutritional problems. the lowest (25.061 ± 1.297) protein contents were obtained from
local leaf powder samples.
2.3. Experimental Analysis This implies that, curd samples exhibited better crude protein
The leaf powder samples and curd extracts were analyzed for content than powder samples. This might be due to the curd
moisture, crude fiber, total ash, crude fat and crude protein using processing method that would have increased the solubility of
the (AOAC, 2000, and AACC, 2000) reference methods. The proteins and increase protein content (Ezeocha et al., 2012 and
total carbohydrate content was determined by nutrient difference Hang and Preston, 2009) [17, 20]. The result observed from the
(100 – % moisture + % protein + %fat +% fibre + % ash] study is consistent with the report of (Nip et al., 1998; Agbor-
according to (Egan et al., 1981). The energy density (ED) of taro Egbe and Rickard 1990 and Shanthakumari et al., 2008). Taro
leaf samples was calculated using standard food energy leaf contains about 23% CP on a DM basis (Ezeocha et al., 2012)
conversion factors: 4 kcal/g for carbohydrates;, 4 kcal/g for . The notable findings from this study were the crude protein
proteins; 9 kcal/g for crude fat; and 2 kcal/g for dietary fiber values were higher than the reported value might be due to
according to Livesey (1995). The five macro minerals, of Na, K, variety difference, age at which the leaf harvested and
Mg, P and Ca and three micro minerals Zn, Fe and Cu were processing method applied that increase protein solubility and
analyzed by using atomic absorption spectrophotometer deactivation of protease enzyme by boiling and therefore curd
(AACC, 2000). Βeta-carotene and total phenolic compounds processing applied in the study shows better protein supply.
were determined according to Biswas et al., (2011).The anti-

3.3. Fat Content taro varieties obtained high energy content than that of leaf
As summarized in (Table 1), the crude fat content in different powder samples. The highest energy content was existed in local
samples ranging from 5.835 ± 0.169 to6.436 ± 0.889%. The taro leaf curd followed by Boloso-1 taro leaf curd. Energy
crude fat content from the study in percentage (%) differ content is associated with carbohydrate content and leaf samples
significantly (P <0.05). The crude fat content (%) of Boloso-1 with highest carbohydrate maintained highest energy content
leaf curd composed the highest and the least value was obtained (Bradbury and Holloway, 2002) [12].
in the local taro leaf powder. The curd samples in taro varieties
provided the highest fat content than that of powder samples. 3.8. Leaf amylose content
Little reduction of fat content was observed in powder samples As shown in (Table 3), the highest value of taro leaf amylose
might be because drying leaf in to powder form would decrease percentage is (6.276 ± 0.987) and the lowest was (5.319 ± 1.159)
due to drying treatment induced dehydration and oxidation of in dry weight basis. The amylose content in different samples
the samples the decrease fat content (Adeyeye and Fagbohon, differ significantly at (p<0.05). Taro leaf powder samples in
2005). Therefore, the results from the study suggest that drying both varieties showed greater amylose values than that of curd
methods affects the fat content. However, curd processing in this samples. In the other words, taro starch amylose decreased in
study is controlled thermal process and found to be better way curd processing and this may be due to leaf become de-starched
to decrease fat degradation (Ndabikunze et al., 2011). Also, the during heat processing (Lewis, 1990 and Gordon, 2000) [26].
result of the study is similar with the reports of (Albihn and Such small reduction of amylose may be associated with
Savage, 2001; Ndabikunze, et al., 2011) reported about, the hydrolysis of leaf starch by heat (Ekwe et al., 2009). Therefore,
effects of the drying methods fat contents. leaf powder samples kept good amylose than that of curd
samples and boloso-1 taro was good sources of leaf amylose
3.4. Total Ash according to the result provided from this study.
As results presented in (Table 2), the total ash content in The result showed in (Table 3) also summarizes the β-carotene
percentage (%) ranged from lowest (2.706 ±0.074) to highest and phenolic compounds (mg/100 g) of the analyzed taro leaf
(2.876 ± 0.230) values and differ significantly (p<0.05). The samples. The first higher β-carotene (mg/100 g) 2.703 ± 0.225
result from this study revealed that highest ash content was was detected in taro Boloso-1 powder and followed by least β-
existed in boloso-1 leaf curd while the lowest ash content was carotene 2.480 ± 0.205 mg/100 g in taro local curd. The β-
detected in local leaf curd (Table2). The ash contents from the carotene content from this study differ significantly at (p<0.05).
study were within the range of 2.354 to 3.128 % reported by Taro leaf powder samples in both varieties showed greater β-
(Njoku and Ohia, 2007) [29]. carotene content than that of curd samples. In other words, β-
carotene content decreased slightly during curd processing and
3.5. Crude Fiber Content this might be due to leaf de-pigmentation during heat processing
As it can be seen from (Table 2), crude fiber content of in leaf (Dewanto et al., 2002, and Horvathova et al., 2007). Taro leaves
curd and powder samples from two taro varieties differ contain a moderate amount of β-carotene and is a good source
significant (p<0.05). The crude fiber contents decreased in leaf of Vitamin C which keeps the body tissues strong, helps the
curd samples than powder samples and local taro had lowest body use iron and chemical actions in the body (Dumnnt and
values than that of taro Boloso-1 variety. As the result the Vernier, 1997) [14]. Therefore, this study indicated that leaf
present study indicated that reduction of fiber content was powder samples held good β-carotene content than that of curd
observed in curd samples than powder samples (Table 2). This samples and boloso- 1 taro was good sources of leaf β-carotene
might be due to effect of thermal processing break down the content.
fiber components in to smaller and soluble forms (Adane et al., When it comes to phenolic compound composition (mg/100 g),
2013) [2]. in this study was ranged from 0.957 ± 0.087 to 1.113 ± 0.188.
The total phenolic content in different samples differ
3.6. Total carbohydrate significantly at (p<0.05). Taro leaf curd samples in both varieties
The total carbohydrate content (%) in different samples ranged provided greater phenolic compound values than that of powder
from the (56.221 ± 2.743) to the (59.383 ± 2.942) (Table 2). The samples. The highest phenolic compound concentration was
carbohydrate content from the study differ significantly prevailed from local taro leaf curd followed by Boloso-1 leaf
(p<0.05). The result from this study revealed that the curd while the lowest phenolic compound was recorded in
carbohydrate content was high in local taro leaf than Boloso-1 Boloso-1 taro leaf powder. This might be due to phenolic
taro leaf in both curd and powder samples. The highest compound extraction was increased during curd processing and
carbohydrate value was comprised in local taro leaf curd and the increased the level of phenolic compound in the final analyzed
lowest carbohydrate values were observed in boloso-1 taro leaf samples (Jayasinghe et al., 2003) [22].
curd. According to the results reported by (Jane et al., 1992,
USDA, 2002, and Benesi et al., 2004) [21, 35, 9] taro is a good 3.9. Macro and micro minerals
source of starch and could supply high carbohydrates. Taro leaf The mg/100 g values in DM basis of five major minerals were
has been reported to have 40-50% starch on dry weight basis presented in (Table 4). The mg/100 g of Na in different samples
(Jane et al., 1992) [21]. ranged from (6.607 ± 1.055) to (7.826 ± 1.827) and differ
significantly (p<0.05). Greater Na 7.826 ± 1.827 mg/100 g value
3.7. Energy value was obtained from taro Boloso-1 leaf powder and the smaller
As indicated in (Table 2), the total energy value (%) in the study value, 6.607 ± 1.055 mg/100 g from taro local leaf curd samples.
was ranged from (386.692 ± 11.592) to (394.695 ± 9.869). The The present result from this study states that the Na
total energy value in different samples differ significantly concentration differ significantly due to taro varieties at
(p<0.05). The result from the study examined leaf curds of both (p<0.05) and Bloso-1 has higher concentration in comparison

with the local taro variety. The present result was in agreement methods as good ways of reducing the most dominant anti-
with the work of (Umar et al., 2005) [34]. Thus, this study nutritionals in leaf samples and most of taro leaf samples
promoted that curd processing is good way of reducing the Na contained low anti-nutritional substances when subjected with
level from food samples and recommended for human curd processing.
consumption (Baruah, 2002) [8].
Table 4 and 5 also presents the mg/100 g of K, Mg, P and Ca 3.11. Level of lectin, α-amylase and protease inhibitors
(14.333 ± 1.470), (8.293 ± 1.899), (1.179± 0.81) and (15.265 ± As demonstrated in (Table 7), lectin, α-amylase and protease
6.211) value, respectively and micro minerals like Zn, Fe and Cu inhibitors in leaf curd and powder samples from two taro
contents mg/100 g were significantly (p<0.05), varied from varieties with and without peel did not differ significantly
(9.647 ± 4.550), (40.374 ± 9.831) and (0.415 ± 0.194) to (12.750 (p>0.05). The protease inhibitor in taro local leaf curd had the
± 1.811, (51.868 ± 17.025) and 0.580 ± 0.221) values, for greater (0.025 ± .008 mg/100 g) while the smaller (0.016 ± 0.009
Boloso-1 taro variety. The result obtained from this study mg/100 g) protease inhibitor level was found in taro Boloso-1
predicted that curd concentrate samples had high K, Mg, P, Ca, variety. However; protease inhibitor in different samples did not
Zn and Fe mg/100 g concentration than powder samples. This significantly differ. The dominant protease inhibitor found in
indicates the mineral concentration was elevated during curd taro leaf is trypsin inhibitor and is a type of serine protease
processing and increased the available mineral contents in the inhibitor that reduces the biological activity of trypsin. As a
final curd concentrate samples (Siddhuraju and Becker, 2001 result, protease inhibitors that interfere with trypsin activity can
and Adejumo and Bamidele, 2012) [32, 3]. In addition, during curd have an anti-nutritional effect (Kiran and Padmaja, 2003) [23]. It
processing, there was simultaneous reduction in anti-nutritional is noted that the lectin and protease inhibitor effect can be reduce
contents that bind with mineral and reduce their bioavailability using different processing methods which are processing by
(Lima GPP et al., 2009 and Kordylas, 1990) [24]. Previous studies heat, for increasing the eating quality and safety of taro leaves
also provided evidence that thermal processing would reduce (Ravindarn et al., 2006 and Sumathi and Pattabiraman, 2007) [30,
anti-nutritional factors in different food samples (Kordylas, .
1990, Bothwell and Chalton, 2002) [24, 11]. Therefore, the present
study is consistent with reviewed literatures and notable finding 4. Conclusions and Recommendations
from the study suggests processing with heat can be appropriate In conclusion, this study highlighted the proximate composition,
method for reducing toxic compound from leaf samples. the major and minor mineral contents and anti-nutritional
contents of taro leaf processed as leaf powder and leaf curd. The
3.10. Tannin, phytate, mucilage and oxalate contents study shows good nutritional values and taro can be good food
The greater (mg/100 g) of tannin content 504.241 ± 292.061 sources for rural peoples if processed in the way that anti-
exhibited in taro local leaf powder and while the smaller content nutritional components can be reduced. Therefore, the study
301.314 ± 138.480 was found from Boloso-1 variety subjected shows taro has much importance in terms of nutritional and
with curd method. The mg/100 g of phytate in different samples phytochemical sources. So that, the leaves, can be used as
varied from (8.525 ± 2.319) to (9.880 ± 2.458) and differ dietary ingredients, but it must be cooked. While taro has many
significantly (p<0.05). The mg/100 g m of mucilage in the study nutritional, economic and health attributes, it has some anti-
was ranged from (0.128 ± 0.057) to (0.165 ± 0.060) and differ nutritional compounds that are harmful to health. Taro leaf has
significantly (p<0.05). The mg/100 g of oxalate in the study was good nutritional and functional properties. The phytochemical
ranged from lowest (152.301 ± 9.646) to highest (257.921 ± such as β-carotene and phenols of taro leaf from this study
13.344) and differ significantly (p<0.05). From this study obtained in good amount and could be serving as disease
boloso-1 taro leaf curd had lowest tannin, phytate, mucilage and protective effect and enhance health promoting response in the
oxalate (mg/100 g) content and local leaf powder had highest. body. Regarding to anti-nutritional factors, application of
This indicates that curd concentrate processing has effect on various domestic processing methods has good reduction effect
reduction of tannin, phytate, mucilage and oxalate (Ndimantang on anti-nutrients and enhanced the bioavailability of essential
et al., 2006) [27]. More reduction of tannin, phytate, mucilage and nutrients mainly minerals. Therefore, the utilization of
oxalate mg/100 g content in curd samples were exhibited and underutilized and neglected crops like taro is important and it
this might be due curd processing would reduce the can be promoted through introduction of different effective
concentration of anti-nutritionals according to previous work methods that reduce huge post-harvest lose and anti-nutritional
(Onayemi and Nwigwe, 2007). Condensed tannin and other anti- substance. Therefore, Boloso-1 taro and curd processing were
nutritional factors in food samples can be reduced during the best research out puts of the study that maximize the
thermal processing and boiled with water in leaf (Prajapati et al., utilization of taro leaf as food sources.
2011) [29]. Not all taros are edible and it should not be eaten raw The following recommendations have been drawn from the
because wild varieties are usually contains high anti- nutritionals results of this study:
and that increase the loss of essential nutrients from the body,  Efforts need to investigate and domesticate different
interfering with the metabolism of absorbed essential nutrients, varieties of taro leaf for food sources in rural areas of
decreasing the digestion of food, or decreasing food intake southern and other areas of the country for alternative food
(Bothwell and Chalton, 2002) [11]. Phytate is the main inhibitors diets.
of many nutrients and mainly inhibits the absorption of iron and,  Taro leaf processing need to be promoted to reduce the anti-
to some extent, zinc (Kordylas, 1990) [24]. Therefore, it is nutritional substances that limits the potential utilization
important to apply different methods of preparation and cooking  Characterization and domestication of underutilized food
that could reduce the risk of absorbing excess anti- nutritional crops need to be continued mainly taro in wider regions of
compound when consumed as part of the diet. Therefore, the Ethiopia.
present study provided an over view of improved processing

 The findings obtained from this study need to be assisted underutilized food crops for food sources and as a key
with other relevant works to maximize the utilization of solution for food insecurity problems

Table 1: Content of moisture, crude protein and crude fat (% DM basis) in leaf powder and curd samples from two taro varieties
Crude Taro varieties Processing methods Moisture Protein Crude Fat
Boloso-1 Leaf powder 3.733 ± 0.693a 26.069 ± 1.829bb 6.369 ± 0.959ab
Curd concentrate 3.733 ± 0.693a 26.252 ± 1.530a 6.436 ± 0.889a
Leaf powder 3.733 ± 0.693a 25.061 ± 1.297cd 5.835 ± 0.169cd
Local Curd concentrate 3.444 ± 0.192a 25.428 ± 1.923c 6.324 ± 0.988c
CV (%) 2.004 5.585 4.009
Significance level (A x B) ns * *
a-d Means ± SD within a column with different superscripts differ significantly (p<0.05); SD: standard deviation; CV: coefficient of variation; ns:
non-significant; A:Variety and B: Processing method.

Table 2: Content of crude fiber, total ash, total carbohydrate and energy value (% DM basis) in leaf powder and curd samples from two taro varieties
Taro varieties Processing methods Crude Fiber Carbohydrate Total ash Energy value Carbohydrate
Boloso-1 Leaf powder 4.597 ± 1.396a 2.826 ± 56.221 ± 387.213 ± 12.465c
Curd concentrate 3.277 ± 2.122c 2.876 ± 0.230a 57.607 ± 4.774c 392.633 ± 13.432b
Leaf powder 4.037 ± 2.363b 2.849 ± 58.116 ± 386.692 ± 11.592d
Local Curd concentrate 3.192 ± 1.988c 2.706 ± 0.07d 59.383b ± 2.942a 394.695 ± 9.869
CV (%) 9.851 5.713 4.022 1.502
Significance level (A x B) * * * *
a-d Means ± SD within a column with different superscripts differ significantly (p<0.05); SD: standard deviation; CV: coefficient of variation; ns:
non-significant; A:Variety and B: Processing method.

Table 3: Content of amylose (% DM basis), β-carotene and total phenols (mg/100 g) in leaf powder and curd samples from two taro varieties
Taro varieties Processing methods Amylose content β-carotene Phenols
Leaf powder 6.276 ± 0.987a 2.703 ± 0.225a 0.957 ± 0.087bd
Boloso-1 Curd concentrate 5.507 ± 1.462c 2.566 ± 0.341ac 1.073 ± 0.237b
Leaf powder 5.959 ± 1.520ab 2.630 ± 0.337bd 1.057 ± 0.244ac
Local Curd concentrate 5.319 ± 1.159cd 2.480 ± 0.205d 1.113 ± 0.188a
CV (%) 7.306 3.229 8.131
Significance level (A x B) * * *
a-d Means ± SD within a column with different superscripts differ significantly (p<0.05); SD: standard deviation; CV: coefficient of variation; ns:
non-significant; A:Variety and B: Processing method.

Table 4: Concentration of Na, K, Mg, P and Ca (mg/100 g) in leaf powder and curd samples from two taro varieties
Taro varieties Processing methods Na K Mg P Ca
Leaf powder 7.826 ± 16.03 ± 8.293 ± 1.179 ± 15.26 ±
Boloso-1 Curd concentrate 7.216 ± 2.110c 17.017± 3.400a 9.744 ± 1.908a 1.904 ± 0.995a 19.54 ± 6.610a
Leaf powder 7.825 ± 1.820ab 14.333 ± 1.400d 8.546 ± 2.330c 1.399 ± 1.190cd 15.89 ± 7.240c
Local Curd 6.607 ± 16.480 ± 9.499 ± 1.831 ± 19.40 ±
CV (%) 9.830 10.449 7.680 5.739 5.682
Significance level (A x B) * * * * *
a-d Means ± SD within a column with different superscripts differ significantly (p<0.05); SD: standard deviation; CV: coefficient of variation; ns:
non-significant; A:Variety and B: Processing method.

Table 5: Concentration of Zn, Fe and Cu (mg/100 g) in leaf powder and curd samples from two taro varieties
Taro varieties Processing methods Zn Fe Cu
Leaf powder 10.751 ± 5.267b 51.724 ± 17.241ab 0.559 ± 0.256ab
Boloso-1 Curd concentrate 12.750 ± 1.811a 51.868 ± 17.025a 0.415 ± 0.194cd
Leaf powder 9.775 ± 4.718c 40.374 ± 9.831d 0.580 ± 0.221a
Local Curd concentrate 9.647 ± 4.550cd 46.121 ± 19.784c 0.459 ± 0.270c
CV (%) 35.868 29.048 36.743
Significance level (A x B) * * *
a-d Means ± SD within a column with different superscripts differ significantly (p<0.05); SD: standard deviation; CV: coefficient of variation; ns:
non-significant; A:Variety and B: Processing method.

Table 6: Content of tannin, phytate, mucilage, and oxalate (mg/100 g) in leaf powder and curd samples from two taro varieties
Taro varieties Processing methods Tannin Phytate Mucilage Oxalate
Leaf powder 419.80 ± 343.45c 8.592 ± 2.44b 0.128 ± 0.05b 198.610 ±171.61c
Boloso-1 Curd concentrate 301.314 ±138.40d 8.525 ± 2.319b 0.132 ±0.064b 152.301 ± 9.646d
Leaf powder 504.241 ± 292.061a 9.880 ± 2.291a 0.165 ±0.060a 257.921 ± 13.34a
Local Curd concentrate 494.362 ± 305.81b 9.880 ± 2.458a 0.165 ± 0.061a 243.192 ± 158.80b
CV (%) 56.328 27.454 41.941 72.3765
Significance level (A x B) * * * *
a-d Means ± SD within a column with different superscripts differ significantly (p<0.05); SD: standard deviation; CV: coefficient of variation; ns:
non-significant; A:Variety and B: Processing method.

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