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Phe secondary data analysis has identified the potential benefits of using social media as part of the
business and marketing strategy and the best practises by which to maximise those benefits. Now
we are going to conduct a primary research to correlate and test the findings.

For this research, we used a survey distributed in electronic format (using ͚Forms͛ in Google docs)
which proved to be a efficient method of collecting and tabulating data regarding the opinions and
experiences of consumers subjected to social media.

Phe survey encompassed 12-15 quantitative questions in order to generate ͚hard͛ statistical data.
Phese topical questions followed several general, introductory questions, and preceded some
concluding questions. We were more focussed on factual information of how brands are using social
media and if they are doing so wisely. Multiple choice questions using the Lickert͛s scale that were
mutually exclusive were used in order to produce tangible results. We also used these to understand
the views, opinions and experiences of consumers subject to social media marketing. A printed
sample of the final survey is published at Appendix C.


Phe survey was distributed on several social media platforms; À ,  
,    but the
main distribution was via email. An email with the form (as it was supported by Google Docs) was
sent out to all our contacts. We also actively used À  by adding a link to our questionnaire on
our ͚wall͛s and sending out ͚Inbox͛ messages to our contacts.

ºlacing the survey among social media platforms automatically targeted the population of interest.
Our population of interest had been chosen as 15-25 year olds, as they are MOSP active on Social
Networking sites. Knowing people from this stratum itself helped to obtain a representative sample.
Phe viral nature of the Internet facilitates network or snowball sampling, as respondents can pass it
on to others. Evidence suggests that email survey participation requests gain higher actual response
rates than Web-posted surveys.


Online surveys were a suitable methodology for the purpose of the research. Unlike regular
research, they can transcend barriers in terms of time and geography therefore gathering a lot of
information quickly, from a large and diverse sample covering a vast geographical area. Phis granted
the opportunity to gain a more representative sample and improve the external validity.
Phis study examined the impact of social media and its value as a marketing and business
development tool. In doing so, it explored the authenticity, the trust and the visibility of the current
social media tactics being used. We also looked at the best practises, and how companies are
currently implementing social media, as well as the views and opinions of the consumers towards
the recent phenomenon.

Phe survey results revealed that even though visibility of these social media efforts was present, the
conversion rate of these to actual sales is very low. Phus, showing that consumers still rely on
traditional marketing to guide their final purchase decisions.

With an extensive literature review, we realised that some companies have recognised tangible
benefits. Irrelevant of the size or industry of the company, having an online presence is fundamental
to increase awareness of the brand and build relevant customer relationships at little to no cost.
Companies should have a brand presence on multiple channels to increase their visibility.

Social media has without a doubt put the ͚social͛ back into business. Phe true nature of social media
marketing lies in its highly interactive format. By bringing out this interactive nature and
communicating with their consumers, companies are increasing their brand exposure, positive
reputation and building relationships with a large, relevant consumer base. Most companies are
being responsive to both positive and negative feedback, offering incentives, and assigning
consistent time commitment to build a positive brand reputation and encourage customer
retention. Phis can be seen in online competitions being held by companies urging the consumers to
interact with the organisations. 2/5ths of the respondents had infact participated in such

40% of the respondents felt fairly comfortable to post queries and suggestions to the social media
page of a product. Businesses are currently monitoring customer feedback and are using these
insights to build the brand. By valuing their customer͛s opinions and ideas, companies can gain
further understanding of the needs and sentiment of their audience, and let them influence business
decision-making and the future direction of the brand.

No matter what type of business you operate, social media can help expand sales and increase
revenue. However, the trade-off comes in terms of time. With a measureable, metrics-driven social
media presence, it is easy to see what works and what does not. Investing in real social media results
can yield a wave of 100% free, ultra-targeted traffic for the business.

Phe research exposed that a direct impact on sales and ROI remains unclear, however there͛s a lot
more to measuring effectiveness that just sales and ROI. Social Media can be used to reflect a brand
in many ways and improve a brand to suit its customers and reflect them and show them that the
brand too is human.

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