Symbols PDF
Symbols PDF
Symbols PDF
Editor’s Note: This compilation is adapted from the recommendations of the American Physiological Society and the
ACCP-ATS Committee on Pulmonary Nomenclature. Some additions have been made.
Primary symbols are denoted by upper case, or capital letters. Lung Volumes
C Compliance S Saturation in the blood TLC Total lung capacity: the volume in the lungs at
D Diffusing capacity phase maximal inflation
F Fractional concentration t Time RV Residual volume: the volume of air remaining
of a gas T Temperature in the lungs after a maximal exhalation
P Pressure V Gas volume ERV Expiratory reserve volume: the maximal
q Blood flow X Any variable volume of air that can be exhaled from the
Q Blood volume X Mean value end-expiratory position
IRV Inspiratory reserve volume: the maximal vol-
A bar over a primary symbol denotes a mean or averaged value; ume that can be inhaled from the end-inspira-
for example, x is a mean pressure. A dot over a primary sym- tory level
bol denotes a time derivative, for example, y is dV/dt, or flow. IC Inspiratory capacity: the sum of IRV and TV
The second derivative, with respect to time, is denoted by two IVC Inspiratory vital capacity: the maximum
dots above the primary symbol, for example, V̈is d2V/dt2, or volume of air inhaled from the point of maxi-
acceleration. mum expiration
VC Vital capacity: the volume equal to TLC − RV
Qualifying Symbols
VT Tidal volume: that volume of air moved into
or out of the lungs during quiet breathing
Qualifying symbols may be denoted by characters of regu-
(VT indicates a subdivision of the lung;
lar size following the primary symbol or by subscripted char-
when tidal volume is precisely measured, as
acters—depending on printing capabilities.
in gas exchange calculation, the symbol VT
A Alveolar I Inspired or VT is used.)
B Barometric L Lung FRC Functional residual capacity: the volume in
D Dead space; wasted ventilation T Tidal the lungs at the end-expiratory position
E Expired RV/TLC% Residual volume expressed as percent of TLC
VA Alveolar gas volume
ATPD Ambient temperature and pressure, dry VL Actual volume of the lung including the
ATPS Ambient temperature and pressure, saturated volume of the conducting airways
with water vapor at these conditions
BTPS Body temperature and pressure, saturated with Forced Spirometry
water vapor at these conditions
STPD Standard conditions: temperature 0 dC (273 dK), FVC Forced vital capacity: the determination of the
pressure 760 torr and dry vital capacity from a maximally forced expira-
tory effort
a Arterial est Estimated FEVt Forced expiratory volume (time): a generic
an Anatomic max Maximal term indicating the volume of air exhaled
b Blood, in general rb Rebreathing under forced conditions in the first t seconds
c Capillary v Venous FEV1 Volume that has been exhaled at the end of
ć Pulmonary end-capillary f Mixed venous the first second of forced expiration
Système International:
Examples of Conversions Commonly Used in Respiratory Physiology and Respiratory Care
1 lb
kg lb 68 kg M 0.4536 kg = 150 lb
0.1333 kPa
Pressure torr kPa 35 torr M 1 torr = 4.7 kPa
1 torr
kPa torr 4.7 kPa M 0.1333 kPa = 35 torr
1 cm H2O 1 psi
torr psi 51.72 torr M 0.7355 torr M 70.31 cm H2O = 1.0 psi
0.09806 J 1 kg t m
Work L t cm H2O kg t m 20 L t cm H2O M 1 L t cm H O M = 0.2 Kg t m
2 9.807 J
1 kg t m 1 L t cm H2O
J L t cm H2O 2 J M 9.807 J M 0.01 kg t m = 20 L t cm H2O
0.1634 W
Power kg t m t min−1 W 2.5 kg t m t min−1 M 1 kg t m t min−1 = 0.41 W
1L 10.20 L t kPa−1
Compliance mL/cm H2O L/kPa 100 mL t cm H2O M 1000 mL M 1 L t cm H O−1 = 1.02 L t kPa−1
Note: Retain all digits during computation to avoid roundoff error. However, the least precise measurement used in a calculation determines the number of significant digits
in the answer. Thus, the final product or quotient should be written with the same number of significant figures as the term with the fewest significant figures, as shown in the
examples above. The least ambiguous method of indicating the number of significant figures is to write the number in scientific notation. For example, the number 30 may
have either one or two significant figures, but written as 3.0 M 101, it is understood that there are two significant figures. For more information about scientific notation,
significant figures, and rounding off, see Lough MD, Chatburn RL, Shrock WA, Handbook of respiratory care. Chicago: Yearbook Medical Publishers, 1985:170-173.
Système International:
Conversion Factors for Units Commonly Used in Medicine
Gas transport (ideal gas, STPD) mL t s−1 t cm H2O−1 mmol t s−1 t kPa−1 0.455 0
Temperature dC dK dK = dC + 273.15
dF dC dC = (dF − 32)/1.8
dC dF dF = (1.8 t dC) + 32
*To convert from conventional to SI unit, multiply conventional unit by conversion factor. To convert in the opposite direction, divide by conversion factor. Examples:
10 torr = 10 M 0.133, 3 kPa = 1.333 kPa, 1 L = 1 L/0.10 = 10 dL
RCP respiratory care practitioners (professionals) SfO2 mixed venous oxygen saturation
RDS respiratory distress syndrome (of infants) tcPO2 transcutaneous oxygen tension
RICU respiratory intensive care unit T-E tracheoesophageal (fistula)
RIP respiratory inductive plethysmography TGV thoracic gas volume
RQ respiratory quotient TLC total lung capacity
SaO2 arterial oxygen saturation USP United States Pharmacopeia
SCCM Society for Critical Care Medicine VA Veterans Administration
SI Systèmé International d’Unités (a system of VC vital capacity
units of measure) VCO2 carbon dioxide production
SIDS sudden infant death syndrome VDR volumetric diffusion respiration
SIMV synchronized intermittent mandatory ventila- V/Q ventilation-perfusion ratio
tion VT tidal volume
SpO2 saturation measured via pulse oximetry WOB work of breathing